Exemple #1
    def test_raw_input(self):
        inputs = {"key1": "value1"}

        outputs = utils.flatten_to_dict(inputs)

        self.assertIn("key1", outputs)
        self.assertEqual(outputs["key1"], "value1")

        inputs = "value1"

        outputs = utils.flatten_to_dict(inputs)

        self.assertIn("value1", outputs)
        self.assertEqual(outputs["value1"], "value1")
Exemple #2
    def test_list_input(self):
        inputs = [{"key1": "value1"}, {"key2": "value2"}]

        outputs = utils.flatten_to_dict(inputs)

        self.assertIn("key1", outputs)
        self.assertEqual(outputs["key1"], "value1")
        self.assertIn("key2", outputs)
        self.assertEqual(outputs["key2"], "value2")

        inputs = [{"key1": "value1"}, {"key2": "value2"}, {"key1": "repeated"}]

        outputs = utils.flatten_to_dict(inputs)

        self.assertIn("key1", outputs)
        self.assertEqual(outputs["key1"], "repeated")
        self.assertIn("key2", outputs)
        self.assertEqual(outputs["key2"], "value2")

        inputs = []

        outputs = utils.flatten_to_dict(inputs)


        inputs = [{"key1": "value1"}, "value2"]

        outputs = utils.flatten_to_dict(inputs)

        self.assertIn("key1", outputs)
        self.assertEqual(outputs["key1"], "value1")
        self.assertIn("value2", outputs)
        self.assertEqual(outputs["value2"], "value2")

        inputs = ["value1", "value2"]

        outputs = utils.flatten_to_dict(inputs)

        self.assertIn("value1", outputs)
        self.assertEqual(outputs["value1"], "value1")
        self.assertIn("value2", outputs)
        self.assertEqual(outputs["value2"], "value2")
Exemple #3
    def _download_dataset(self):
        Download the task outputs from the gbasf2 project dataset.

        For each task output defined via ``self.add_to_output(<name>.root)`` a
        directory will be created, into which all files named ``name_*.root`` on
        the grid dataset corresponding to the project name will be downloaded.
        The download is ensured to be automatic by first downloading into
        temporary directories.
        if not check_dataset_exists_on_grid(self.gbasf2_project_name,
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"Not dataset to download under project name {self.gbasf2_project_name}"
        task_output_dict = flatten_to_dict(self.task.output())
        for output_file_name, output_target in task_output_dict.items():
            output_dir_path = output_target.path
            assert output_file_name == os.path.basename(
                output_file_name)  # not sure I need this
            output_file_stem, output_file_ext = os.path.splitext(
            assert output_file_ext == ".root", "gbasf2 batch only supports root outputs"

            # Get list of files that we want to download from the grid via ``gb2_ds_list`` so that we can
            # then compare this list with the results of the download to see if it was successful
            dataset_query_string = f"--user {self.dirac_user} {self.gbasf2_project_name}/{output_file_stem}_*{output_file_ext}"
            ds_list_command = shlex.split(
                f"gb2_ds_list {dataset_query_string}")
            output_dataset_grid_filepaths = run_with_gbasf2(
                ds_list_command, capture_output=True).stdout.splitlines()
            output_dataset_basenames = {
                for grid_path in output_dataset_grid_filepaths
            # check if dataset had been already downloaded and if so, skip downloading
            if os.path.isdir(output_dir_path) and os.listdir(
                    output_dir_path) == output_dataset_basenames:
                    f"Dataset already exists in {output_dir_path}, skipping download."

            # To prevent from task being accidentally marked as complete when the gbasf2 dataset download failed,
            # we create a temporary directory in the parent of ``output_dir_path`` and first download the dataset there.
            # The download command will download it into a subdirectory with the same name as the project.
            # If the download had been successful and the local files are identical to the list of files on the grid,
            # we move the downloaded dataset to the location specified by ``output_dir_path``
            output_dir_parent = os.path.dirname(output_dir_path)
            os.makedirs(output_dir_parent, exist_ok=True)
            with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(
                    dir=output_dir_parent) as tmpdir_path:
                ds_get_command = shlex.split(
                    f"gb2_ds_get --force {dataset_query_string}")
                print("Downloading dataset with command ",
                      " ".join(ds_get_command))
                stdout = run_with_gbasf2(ds_get_command,
                if "No file found" in stdout:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        f"No output data for gbasf2 project {self.gbasf2_project_name} found."
                tmp_output_dir = os.path.join(tmpdir_path,
                downloaded_dataset_basenames = set(os.listdir(tmp_output_dir))
                if output_dataset_basenames == downloaded_dataset_basenames:
                        f"Download of {self.gbasf2_project_name} files successful.\n"
                        f"Moving output files to directory: {output_dir_path}")
                    if os.path.exists(output_dir_path):
                    shutil.move(src=tmp_output_dir, dst=output_dir_path)
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        f"The downloaded of files in {tmp_output_dir} is not equal to the "
                        f"dataset files for the grid project {self.gbasf2_project_name}"
Exemple #4
 def _get_output_target(self, key):
     """Shortcut to get the output target for a given key. Will return a luigi target."""
     output_dict = utils.flatten_to_dict(self.output())
     return output_dict[key]