Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, console, host, password):
        Object constructor.
        :param console: The console implementation
        :param host: The host where to send RCON commands
        :param password: The RCON password
        self.console = console
        self.host, self.port = host
        self.password = password
        self.timeout = 1.0
        self.queue = Queue()
        self.stop_event = Event()
        self.server = SourceRcon(self.host, self.port, self.password,

        self.console.info("RCON: connecting to Source game server")

        except timeout, err:
                "RCON: timeout error while trying to connect to game server at %s:%s. "
                "Make sure the rcon_ip and port are correct and that the game server is "
                "running" % (self.host, self.port))
class Rcon(object):
    Facade to expose the SourceRcon class with an API as expected by B3 parsers
    lock = Lock()

    def __init__(self, console, host, password):
        Object constructor.
        :param console: The console implementation
        :param host: The host where to send RCON commands
        :param password: The RCON password
        self.console = console
        self.host, self.port = host
        self.password = password
        self.timeout = 1.0
        self.queue = Queue()
        self.stop_event = Event()
        self.server = SourceRcon(self.host, self.port, self.password, self.timeout)

        self.console.info("RCON: connecting to Source game server")

        except timeout, err:
            self.console.error("RCON: timeout error while trying to connect to game server at %s:%s. "
                               "Make sure the rcon_ip and port are correct and that the game server is "
                               "running" % (self.host, self.port))
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, console, host, password):
        self.console = console
        self.host, self.port = host
        self.password = password
        self.timeout = 1.0
        self.queue = Queue()
        self.stop_event = Event()
        self.server = SourceRcon(self.host, self.port, self.password, self.timeout)

        self.console.info("RCON: connecting to Source game server")
        except timeout, err:
            self.console.error("RCON: timeout error while trying to connect to game server at %s:%s. "
                               "Make sure the rcon_ip and port are correct and that the game server is "
                               "running" % (self.host, self.port))
Exemple #4
class Rcon(object):
    Facade to expose the SourceRcon class with an API as expected by B3 parsers
    lock = Lock()

    def __init__(self, console, host, password):
        self.console = console
        self.host, self.port = host
        self.password = password
        self.timeout = 1.0
        self.queue = Queue()
        self.stop_event = Event()
        self.server = SourceRcon(self.host, self.port, self.password, self.timeout)

        self.console.info("RCON: connecting to Source game server")
        except timeout, err:
            self.console.error("RCON: timeout error while trying to connect to game server at %s:%s. "
                               "Make sure the rcon_ip and port are correct and that the game server is "
                               "running" % (self.host, self.port))
Exemple #5
class Rcon(object):
    Facade to expose the SourceRcon class with an API as expected by B3 parsers
    lock = Lock()

    def __init__(self, console, host, password):
        Object constructor.
        :param console: The console implementation
        :param host: The host where to send RCON commands
        :param password: The RCON password
        self.console = console
        self.host, self.port = host
        self.password = password
        self.timeout = 1.0
        self.queue = Queue()
        self.stop_event = Event()
        self.server = SourceRcon(self.host, self.port, self.password,

        self.console.info("RCON: connecting to Source game server")

        except timeout as err:
                "RCON: timeout error while trying to connect to game server at %s:%s. "
                "Make sure the rcon_ip and port are correct and that the game server is "
                "running" % (self.host, self.port))

    #                                                                                                                  #
    #   EXPECTED B3 RCON API                                                                                           #
    #                                                                                                                  #

    def writelines(self, lines):
        Sends multiple rcon commands and do not wait for responses (non blocking).

    def write(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs):
        Sends a rcon command and return the response (blocking until timeout).
        with Rcon.lock:
                self.console.info("RCON SEND: %s" % cmd)
                raw_data = self.server.rcon(self.encode_data(cmd))
                if raw_data:
                    data = raw_data.decode('UTF-8', 'replace')
                    self.console.info("RCON RECEIVED: %s" % data)
                    return data
            except timeout:
                    "RCON: timeout error while trying to connect to game server at %s:%s. "
                    "Make sure the rcon_ip and port are correct and that the game server is "
                    "running" % (self.host, self.port))

    def flush(self):

    def close(self):
        Disconnects from the source game server.
        if self.server:
                self.console.info("RCON disconnecting from Source game server")
                    "RCON disconnected from Source game server")
                self.server = None
                del self.server

    #                                                                                                                  #
    #   OTHER METHODS                                                                                                  #
    #                                                                                                                  #

    def _writelines(self):
        while not self.stop_event.isSet():
            lines = self.queue.get(True)
            for cmd in lines:
                if not cmd:
                with self.lock:

    def rconNoWait(self, cmd):
        Send a single command, do not wait for any response.
        Connect and auth if necessary.
            self.console.info("RCON SEND: %s" % cmd)
            self.server.send(SERVERDATA_EXECCOMMAND, self.encode_data(cmd))
        except Exception:
            # timeout? invalid? we don't care. try one more time.
            self.server.send(SERVERDATA_AUTH, self.password)

            auth = self.server.receive()
            # the first packet may be a "you have been banned" or empty string.
            # in the latter case, fetch the second packet
            if auth == '':
                auth = self.server.receive()

            if auth is not True:
                raise SourceRconError('RCON authentication failure: %s' %
                                      (repr(auth), ))

            self.server.send(SERVERDATA_EXECCOMMAND, self.encode_data(cmd))

    def encode_data(self, data):
        Encode data.
        if not data:
            return data
        if type(data) is str:
            return data.encode('UTF-8')
            return data

## EXAMPLE PROGRAM                                                                                                     #
## if __name__ == '__main__':
##    """
##    To run tests : python b3/parsers/source/rcon.py <rcon_ip> <rcon_port> <rcon_password>
##    """
##    import sys, os, time
##    host = port = pw = None
##    from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
##    test_config_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test_rcon.ini')
##    if os.path.isfile(test_config_file):
##        try:
##            conf = SafeConfigParser()
##            conf.read(test_config_file)
##            host = conf.get("server", "host")
##            port = int(conf.get("server", "port"))
##            pw = conf.get("server", "password")
##        except:
##            pass
##    if not host and not port and not pw:
##        if len(sys.argv) != 4:
##            host = raw_input('Enter game server host IP/name: ')
##            port = int(raw_input('Enter host port: '))
##            pw = raw_input('Enter password: '******'server')
##        conf.set("server", "host", host)
##        conf.set("server", "port", str(port))
##        conf.set("server", "password", pw)
##        conf.write(f)
##    from b3.fake import fakeconsole
##    r = Rcon(fakeconsole, (host, port), pw)
##    r.write('sm_say %s' % u"hello ÄÖtest")