Exemple #1
def taper(mesh, taper_ratio, symmetry):
    """ Alter the spanwise chord to produce a tapered wing.

    mesh : array_like
        Nodal mesh defining the initial aerodynamic surface.
    taper_ratio : float
        Taper ratio for the wing; 1 is untapered, 0 goes to a point.
    symmetry : boolean
        Flag set to true if surface is reflected about y=0 plane.

    mesh : array_like
        Nodal mesh defining the tapered aerodynamic surface.


    le = mesh[0]
    te = mesh[-1]
    num_x, num_y, _ = mesh.shape
    center_chord = .5 * te + .5 * le

    if symmetry:
        taper = numpy.linspace(1, taper_ratio, num_y)[::-1]

        jac = get_bspline_mtx(num_y, num_y, order=2)
        taper = jac.dot(taper)

        for i in xrange(num_x):
            for ind in xrange(3):
                mesh[i, :, ind] = (mesh[i, :, ind] - center_chord[:, ind]) * \
                    taper + center_chord[:, ind]

        ny2 = int((num_y + 1) / 2)
        taper = numpy.linspace(1, taper_ratio, ny2)[::-1]

        jac = get_bspline_mtx(ny2, ny2, order=2)
        taper = jac.dot(taper)

        dx = numpy.hstack((taper, taper[::-1][1:]))

        for i in xrange(num_x):
            for ind in xrange(3):
                mesh[i, :, ind] = (mesh[i, :, ind] - center_chord[:, ind]) * \
                    dx + center_chord[:, ind]

    return mesh
Exemple #2
 def __init__(self, cpname, ptname, n_input, n_output):
     super(Bspline, self).__init__()
     self.cpname = cpname
     self.ptname = ptname
     self.jac = get_bspline_mtx(n_input, n_output, order=min(n_input, 4))
     self.add_param(cpname, val=np.zeros(n_input))
     self.add_output(ptname, val=np.zeros(n_output))
Exemple #3
 def __init__(self, cpname, ptname, n_input, n_output):
     super(Bspline, self).__init__()
     self.cpname = cpname
     self.ptname = ptname
     self.jac = get_bspline_mtx(n_input, n_output, order=min(n_input, 4))
     self.add_param(cpname, val=np.zeros(n_input))
     self.add_output(ptname, val=np.zeros(n_output))
Exemple #4
    def solve_nonlinear(self, params, unknowns, resids):
        jac = get_bspline_mtx(self.num_twist, self.n, self.mesh)
        h_cp = params['twist']
        h = jac.dot(h_cp)

        self.new_mesh[:] = self.mesh
        stretch(self.new_mesh, params['span'])
        sweep(self.new_mesh, params['sweep'])
        rotate(self.new_mesh, h)
        dihedral(self.new_mesh, params['dihedral'])
        taper(self.new_mesh, params['taper'])
        unknowns['mesh'] = self.new_mesh[:, :self.half + 1, :]
Exemple #5
def taper(mesh, taper_ratio):
    """ Change the spanwise chord to produce a tapered wing. """

    le = mesh[0]
    te = mesh[-1]
    num_x, num_y, _ = mesh.shape
    ny2 = int((num_y + 1) / 2)

    center_chord = .5 * te + .5 * le
    span = le[-1, 1] - le[0, 1]
    taper = numpy.linspace(1, taper_ratio, ny2)[::-1]

    jac = get_bspline_mtx(ny2, ny2, mesh, order=2)
    taper = jac.dot(taper)

    dx = numpy.hstack((taper, taper[::-1][1:]))

    for i in xrange(num_x):
        for ind in xrange(3):
            mesh[i, :, ind] = (mesh[i, :, ind] - center_chord[:, ind]) * \
                dx + center_chord[:, ind]

    return mesh
Exemple #6
def setup(num_inboard=2, num_outboard=3, check=False, out_stream=sys.stdout):
    ''' Setup the aerostruct mesh using OpenMDAO'''

    # Define the aircraft properties
    from CRM import span, v, alpha, rho

    # Define spatialbeam properties
    from aluminum import E, G, stress, mrho

    # Create the mesh with 2 inboard points and 3 outboard points.
    # This will be mirrored to produce a mesh with 7 spanwise points,
    # or 6 spanwise panels
    # print(type(num_inboard))
    mesh = gen_crm_mesh(int(num_inboard), int(num_outboard), num_x=2)
    num_x, num_y = mesh.shape[:2]
    num_twist = np.max([int((num_y - 1) / 5), 5])
    r = radii(mesh)

    # Set the number of thickness control points and the initial thicknesses
    num_thickness = num_twist
    t = r / 10

    mesh = mesh.reshape(-1, mesh.shape[-1])
    aero_ind = np.atleast_2d(np.array([num_x, num_y]))
    fem_ind = [num_y]
    aero_ind, fem_ind = get_inds(aero_ind, fem_ind)

    # Set additional mesh parameters
    dihedral = 0.  # dihedral angle in degrees
    sweep = 0.  # shearing sweep angle in degrees
    taper = 1.  # taper ratio

    # Initial displacements of zero
    tot_n_fem = np.sum(fem_ind[:, 0])
    disp = np.zeros((tot_n_fem, 6))

    # Define Jacobians for b-spline controls
    tot_n_fem = np.sum(fem_ind[:, 0])
    num_surf = fem_ind.shape[0]
    jac_twist = get_bspline_mtx(num_twist, num_y)
    jac_thickness = get_bspline_mtx(num_thickness, tot_n_fem-num_surf)

    # Define ...
    twist_cp = np.zeros(num_twist)
    thickness_cp = np.ones(num_thickness)*np.max(t)

    # Define the design variables
    des_vars = [
        ('twist_cp', twist_cp),
        ('dihedral', dihedral),
        ('sweep', sweep),
        ('span', span),
        ('taper', taper),
        ('v', v),
        ('alpha', alpha),
        ('rho', rho),
        ('disp', disp),
        ('aero_ind', aero_ind),
        ('fem_ind', fem_ind)

    root = Group()

    root.add('mesh',  # This component is needed, otherwise resulting loads matrix is NaN
         GeometryMesh(mesh, aero_ind), # changes mesh given span, sweep, twist, and des_vars
         TransferDisplacements(aero_ind, fem_ind),

    prob = Problem()
    prob.root = root
    prob.setup(check=check, out_stream=out_stream)

    # Output the def_mesh for the aero modules
    def_mesh = prob['def_mesh']

    # Other variables needed for aero and struct modules
    params = {
        'mesh': mesh,
        'num_x': num_x,
        'num_y': num_y,
        'span': span,
        'twist_cp': twist_cp,
        'thickness_cp': thickness_cp,
        'v': v,
        'alpha': alpha,
        'rho': rho,
        'r': r,
        't': t,
        'aero_ind': aero_ind,
        'fem_ind': fem_ind,
        'num_thickness': num_thickness,
        'num_twist': num_twist,
        'sweep': sweep,
        'taper': taper,
        'dihedral': dihedral,
        'E': E,
        'G': G,
        'stress': stress,
        'mrho': mrho,
        'tot_n_fem': tot_n_fem,
        'num_surf': num_surf,
        'jac_twist': jac_twist,
        'jac_thickness': jac_thickness,
        'out_stream': out_stream,
        'check': check

    return (def_mesh, params)
Exemple #7
def aero(def_mesh=None, params=None):

    if (params is None) or (def_mesh is None):
        tmpmesh, params = setup()
        if not def_mesh:
            def_mesh = tmpmesh

    # Unpack variables
    mesh = params.get('mesh')
    num_x = params.get('num_x')
    num_y = params.get('num_y')
    span = params.get('span')
    twist_cp = params.get('twist_cp')
    thickness_cp = params.get('thickness_cp')
    v = params.get('v')
    alpha = params.get('alpha')
    rho = params.get('rho')
    r = params.get('r')
    t = params.get('t')
    aero_ind = params.get('aero_ind')
    fem_ind = params.get('fem_ind')
    num_thickness = params.get('num_thickness')
    num_twist = params.get('num_twist')
    sweep = params.get('sweep')
    taper = params.get('taper')
    disp = params.get('disp')
    dihedral = params.get('dihedral')
    check = params.get('check')
    out_stream = params.get('out_stream')

    # Define Jacobians for b-spline controls
    tot_n_fem = np.sum(fem_ind[:, 0])
    num_surf = fem_ind.shape[0]
    jac_twist = get_bspline_mtx(num_twist, num_y)
    jac_thickness = get_bspline_mtx(num_thickness, tot_n_fem-num_surf)

    disp = np.zeros((num_y, 6))  # for display?

    # Define the design variables
    des_vars = [
        ('twist_cp', np.zeros(num_twist)),
        ('dihedral', dihedral),
        ('sweep', sweep),
        ('span', span),
        ('taper', taper),
        ('v', v),
        ('alpha', alpha),
        ('rho', rho),
        ('disp', np.zeros((tot_n_fem, 6))),
        ('def_mesh', def_mesh)

    root = Group()

    # root.add('twist_bsp',  # What is this doing?
    #          Bspline('twist_cp', 'twist', jac_twist),
    #          promotes=['*'])
    # root.add('thickness_bsp',    # What is this doing?
    #          Bspline('thickness_cp', 'thickness', jac_thickness),
    #          promotes=['*'])
    # root.add('tube',
    #          MaterialsTube(fem_ind),
    #          promotes=['*'])

                'def_mesh','b_pts','mid_b','c_pts','widths','normals','S_ref', # VLMGeometry
                'alpha','circulations','v',  # VLMCirculations
                'rho','sec_forces'           # VLMForces
             TransferLoads(aero_ind, fem_ind),

    prob = Problem()
    prob.root = root
    prob.setup(check=check, out_stream=out_stream)

    return prob['loads']  # Output the Loads matrix
Exemple #8
    def setup_aerostruct(self):
        Specific method to add the necessary components to the problem for an
        aerostructural problem.

        # Set the problem name if the user doesn't
        if 'prob_name' not in self.prob_dict.keys():
            self.prob_dict['prob_name'] = 'aerostruct'

        # Create the base root-level group
        root = Group()
        coupled = Group()

        # Create the problem and assign the root group
        self.prob = Problem()
        self.prob.root = root

        # Loop over each surface in the surfaces list
        for surface in self.surfaces:

            # Get the surface name and create a group to contain components
            # only for this surface
            name = surface['name']
            tmp_group = Group()

            # Add independent variables that do not belong to a specific component
            indep_vars = [
                ('twist_cp', numpy.zeros(surface['num_twist'])),
                ('thickness_cp', numpy.ones(surface['num_thickness']) *
                 numpy.max(surface['t'])), ('r', surface['r']),
                ('dihedral', surface['dihedral']), ('sweep', surface['sweep']),
                ('span', surface['span']), ('taper', surface['taper'])

            # Obtain the Jacobians to interpolate the data from the b-spline
            # control points
            jac_twist = get_bspline_mtx(surface['num_twist'], surface['num_y'])
            jac_thickness = get_bspline_mtx(surface['num_thickness'],
                                            surface['num_y'] - 1)

            # Add components to include in the surface's group
                          Bspline('twist_cp', 'twist', jac_twist),
                          Bspline('thickness_cp', 'thickness', jac_thickness),
            tmp_group.add('tube', MaterialsTube(surface), promotes=['*'])

            # Add tmp_group to the problem with the name of the surface.
            name_orig = name
            name = name[:-1]
            exec(name + ' = tmp_group')
            exec('root.add("' + name + '", ' + name + ', promotes=[])')

            # Add components to the 'coupled' group for each surface.
            # The 'coupled' group must contain all components and parameters
            # needed to converge the aerostructural system.
            tmp_group = Group()
            tmp_group.add('mesh', GeometryMesh(surface), promotes=['*'])
            tmp_group.add('aero_geom', VLMGeometry(surface), promotes=['*'])
            tmp_group.struct_states.ln_solver = LinearGaussSeidel()

            name = name_orig
            exec(name + ' = tmp_group')
            exec('coupled.add("' + name[:-1] + '", ' + name + ', promotes=[])')

            # Add a loads component to the coupled group
            exec('coupled.add("' + name_orig + 'loads' + '", ' +
                 'TransferLoads(surface)' + ', promotes=[])')

            # Add a performance group which evaluates the data after solving
            # the coupled system
            tmp_group = Group()


            name = name_orig + 'perf'
            exec(name + ' = tmp_group')
            exec('root.add("' + name + '", ' + name +
                 ', promotes=["rho", "v", "alpha", "Re", "M"])')

        # Add a single 'aero_states' component for the whole system within the
        # coupled group.
                    VLMStates(self.surfaces, self.prob_dict),
                    promotes=['v', 'alpha', 'rho'])

        # Explicitly connect parameters from each surface's group and the common
        # 'aero_states' group.
        for surface in self.surfaces:
            name = surface['name']

            # Perform the connections with the modified names within the
            # 'aero_states' group.
            root.connect('coupled.' + name[:-1] + '.def_mesh',
                         'coupled.aero_states.' + name + 'def_mesh')
            root.connect('coupled.' + name[:-1] + '.b_pts',
                         'coupled.aero_states.' + name + 'b_pts')
            root.connect('coupled.' + name[:-1] + '.c_pts',
                         'coupled.aero_states.' + name + 'c_pts')
            root.connect('coupled.' + name[:-1] + '.normals',
                         'coupled.aero_states.' + name + 'normals')

            # Connect the results from 'aero_states' to the performance groups
            root.connect('coupled.aero_states.' + name + 'sec_forces',
                         name + 'perf' + '.sec_forces')

            # Connect the results from 'coupled' to the performance groups
            root.connect('coupled.' + name[:-1] + '.def_mesh',
                         'coupled.' + name + 'loads.def_mesh')
            root.connect('coupled.aero_states.' + name + 'sec_forces',
                         'coupled.' + name + 'loads.sec_forces')
            root.connect('coupled.' + name + 'loads.loads',
                         name + 'perf.loads')

            # Connect the output of the loads component with the FEM
            # displacement parameter. This links the coupling within the coupled
            # group that necessitates the subgroup solver.
            root.connect('coupled.' + name + 'loads.loads',
                         'coupled.' + name[:-1] + '.loads')

            # Connect aerodyamic design variables
            root.connect(name[:-1] + '.dihedral',
                         'coupled.' + name[:-1] + '.dihedral')
            root.connect(name[:-1] + '.span', 'coupled.' + name[:-1] + '.span')
            root.connect(name[:-1] + '.sweep',
                         'coupled.' + name[:-1] + '.sweep')
            root.connect(name[:-1] + '.taper',
                         'coupled.' + name[:-1] + '.taper')
            root.connect(name[:-1] + '.twist',
                         'coupled.' + name[:-1] + '.twist')

            # Connect structural design variables
            root.connect(name[:-1] + '.A', 'coupled.' + name[:-1] + '.A')
            root.connect(name[:-1] + '.Iy', 'coupled.' + name[:-1] + '.Iy')
            root.connect(name[:-1] + '.Iz', 'coupled.' + name[:-1] + '.Iz')
            root.connect(name[:-1] + '.J', 'coupled.' + name[:-1] + '.J')

            # Connect performance calculation variables
            root.connect(name[:-1] + '.r', name + 'perf.r')
            root.connect(name[:-1] + '.A', name + 'perf.A')

            # Connection performance functional variables
            root.connect(name + 'perf.weight', 'fuelburn.' + name + 'weight')
            root.connect(name + 'perf.weight', 'eq_con.' + name + 'weight')
            root.connect(name + 'perf.L', 'eq_con.' + name + 'L')
            root.connect(name + 'perf.CL', 'fuelburn.' + name + 'CL')
            root.connect(name + 'perf.CD', 'fuelburn.' + name + 'CD')

            # Connect paramters from the 'coupled' group to the performance
            # group.
            root.connect('coupled.' + name[:-1] + '.nodes',
                         name + 'perf.nodes')
            root.connect('coupled.' + name[:-1] + '.disp', name + 'perf.disp')
            root.connect('coupled.' + name[:-1] + '.S_ref',
                         name + 'perf.S_ref')

        # Set solver properties for the coupled group
        coupled.ln_solver = ScipyGMRES()
        coupled.ln_solver.options['iprint'] = 1
        coupled.ln_solver.preconditioner = LinearGaussSeidel()
        coupled.aero_states.ln_solver = LinearGaussSeidel()

        coupled.nl_solver = NLGaussSeidel()
        coupled.nl_solver.options['iprint'] = 1

        # Ensure that the groups are ordered correctly within the coupled group
        # so that a system with multiple surfaces is solved corretly.
        order_list = []
        for surface in self.surfaces:
        for surface in self.surfaces:
            order_list.append(surface['name'] + 'loads')

        # Add the coupled group to the root problem
        root.add('coupled', coupled, promotes=['v', 'alpha', 'rho'])

        # Add problem information as an independent variables component
        prob_vars = [('v', self.prob_dict['v']),
                     ('alpha', self.prob_dict['alpha']),
                     ('M', self.prob_dict['M']), ('Re', self.prob_dict['Re']),
                     ('rho', self.prob_dict['rho'])]
        root.add('prob_vars', IndepVarComp(prob_vars), promotes=['*'])

        # Add functionals to evaluate performance of the system.
        # Note that only the interesting results are promoted here; not all
        # of the parameters.
                 FunctionalBreguetRange(self.surfaces, self.prob_dict),
                 FunctionalEquilibrium(self.surfaces, self.prob_dict),
                 promotes=['eq_con', 'fuelburn'])

        # Actually set up the system
Exemple #9
    def setup_aero(self):
        Specific method to add the necessary components to the problem for an
        aerodynamic problem.

        # Set the problem name if the user doesn't
        if 'prob_name' not in self.prob_dict.keys():
            self.prob_dict['prob_name'] = 'aero'

        # Create the base root-level group
        root = Group()

        # Create the problem and assign the root group
        self.prob = Problem()
        self.prob.root = root

        # Loop over each surface in the surfaces list
        for surface in self.surfaces:

            # Get the surface name and create a group to contain components
            # only for this surface
            name = surface['name']
            tmp_group = Group()

            # Add independent variables that do not belong to a specific component
            indep_vars = [('twist_cp', numpy.zeros(surface['num_twist'])),
                          ('dihedral', surface['dihedral']),
                          ('sweep', surface['sweep']),
                          ('span', surface['span']),
                          ('taper', surface['taper']),
                          ('disp', numpy.zeros((surface['num_y'], 6)))]

            # Obtain the Jacobian to interpolate the data from the b-spline
            # control points
            jac_twist = get_bspline_mtx(surface['num_twist'], surface['num_y'])

            # Add aero components to the surface-specific group
                          Bspline('twist_cp', 'twist', jac_twist),
            tmp_group.add('mesh', GeometryMesh(surface), promotes=['*'])
            tmp_group.add('vlmgeom', VLMGeometry(surface), promotes=['*'])

            # Add tmp_group to the problem as the name of the surface.
            # Note that is a group and performance group for each
            # individual surface.
            name_orig = name.strip('_')
            name = name_orig
            exec(name + ' = tmp_group')
            exec('root.add("' + name + '", ' + name + ', promotes=[])')

            # Add a performance group for each surface
            name = name_orig + '_perf'
            exec('root.add("' + name + '", ' + 'VLMFunctionals(surface)' +
                 ', promotes=["v", "alpha", "M", "Re", "rho"])')

        # Add problem information as an independent variables component
        prob_vars = [('v', self.prob_dict['v']),
                     ('alpha', self.prob_dict['alpha']),
                     ('M', self.prob_dict['M']), ('Re', self.prob_dict['Re']),
                     ('rho', self.prob_dict['rho'])]
        root.add('prob_vars', IndepVarComp(prob_vars), promotes=['*'])

        # Add a single 'aero_states' component that solves for the circulations
        # and forces from all the surfaces.
        # While other components only depends on a single surface,
        # this component requires information from all surfaces because
        # each surface interacts with the others.
                 VLMStates(self.surfaces, self.prob_dict),
                 promotes=['circulations', 'v', 'alpha', 'rho'])

        # Explicitly connect parameters from each surface's group and the common
        # 'aero_states' group.
        # This is necessary because the VLMStates component requires information
        # from each surface, but this information is stored within each
        # surface's group.
        for surface in self.surfaces:
            name = surface['name']

            # Perform the connections with the modified names within the
            # 'aero_states' group.
            root.connect(name[:-1] + '.def_mesh',
                         'aero_states.' + name + 'def_mesh')
            root.connect(name[:-1] + '.b_pts', 'aero_states.' + name + 'b_pts')
            root.connect(name[:-1] + '.c_pts', 'aero_states.' + name + 'c_pts')
            root.connect(name[:-1] + '.normals',
                         'aero_states.' + name + 'normals')

            # Connect the results from 'aero_states' to the performance groups
            root.connect('aero_states.' + name + 'sec_forces',
                         name + 'perf' + '.sec_forces')

            # Connect S_ref for performance calcs
            root.connect(name[:-1] + '.S_ref', name + 'perf' + '.S_ref')

        # Actually set up the problem
Exemple #10
    def setup_struct(self):
        Specific method to add the necessary components to the problem for a
        structural problem.

        # Set the problem name if the user doesn't
        if 'prob_name' not in self.prob_dict.keys():
            self.prob_dict['prob_name'] = 'struct'

        # Create the base root-level group
        root = Group()

        # Create the problem and assign the root group
        self.prob = Problem()
        self.prob.root = root

        # Loop over each surface in the surfaces list
        for surface in self.surfaces:

            # Get the surface name and create a group to contain components
            # only for this surface.
            # This group's name is whatever the surface's name is.
            # The default is 'wing'.
            name = surface['name']
            tmp_group = Group()

            surface['r'] = surface['r'] / 5
            surface['t'] = surface['r'] / 20

            # Add independent variables that do not belong to a specific component.
            # Note that these are the only ones necessary for structual-only
            # analysis and optimization.
            indep_vars = [
                ('thickness_cp', numpy.ones(surface['num_thickness']) *
                 numpy.max(surface['t'])), ('r', surface['r']),
                ('loads', surface['loads'])

            # Obtain the Jacobians to interpolate the data from the b-spline
            # control points
            jac_twist = get_bspline_mtx(surface['num_twist'], surface['num_y'])
            jac_thickness = get_bspline_mtx(surface['num_thickness'],
                                            surface['num_y'] - 1)

            # Add structural components to the surface-specific group
                          Bspline('twist_cp', 'twist', jac_twist),
                          Bspline('thickness_cp', 'thickness', jac_thickness),
            tmp_group.add('mesh', GeometryMesh(surface), promotes=['*'])
            tmp_group.add('tube', MaterialsTube(surface), promotes=['*'])

            # Add tmp_group to the problem with the name of the surface.
            # The default is 'wing'.
            nm = name
            name = name[:-1]
            exec(name + ' = tmp_group')
            exec('root.add("' + name + '", ' + name + ', promotes=[])')

        # Actually set up the problem
def setup(num_inboard=2, num_outboard=3, check=False, out_stream=sys.stdout):
    ''' Setup the aerostruct mesh using OpenMDAO'''

    # Define the aircraft properties
    from CRM import span, v, alpha, rho

    # Define spatialbeam properties
    from aluminum import E, G, stress, mrho

    # Create the mesh with 2 inboard points and 3 outboard points.
    # This will be mirrored to produce a mesh with 7 spanwise points,
    # or 6 spanwise panels
    # print(type(num_inboard))
    mesh = gen_crm_mesh(int(num_inboard), int(num_outboard), num_x=2)
    num_x, num_y = mesh.shape[:2]
    num_twist = np.max([int((num_y - 1) / 5), 5])
    r = radii(mesh)

    # Set the number of thickness control points and the initial thicknesses
    num_thickness = num_twist
    t = r / 10

    mesh = mesh.reshape(-1, mesh.shape[-1])
    aero_ind = np.atleast_2d(np.array([num_x, num_y]))
    fem_ind = [num_y]
    aero_ind, fem_ind = get_inds(aero_ind, fem_ind)

    # Set additional mesh parameters
    dihedral = 0.  # dihedral angle in degrees
    sweep = 0.  # shearing sweep angle in degrees
    taper = 1.  # taper ratio

    # Initial displacements of zero
    tot_n_fem = np.sum(fem_ind[:, 0])
    disp = np.zeros((tot_n_fem, 6))

    # Define Jacobians for b-spline controls
    tot_n_fem = np.sum(fem_ind[:, 0])
    num_surf = fem_ind.shape[0]
    jac_twist = get_bspline_mtx(num_twist, num_y)
    jac_thickness = get_bspline_mtx(num_thickness, tot_n_fem - num_surf)

    # Define ...
    twist_cp = np.zeros(num_twist)
    thickness_cp = np.ones(num_thickness) * np.max(t)

    # Define the design variables
    des_vars = [('twist_cp', twist_cp), ('dihedral', dihedral),
                ('sweep', sweep), ('span', span), ('taper', taper), ('v', v),
                ('alpha', alpha), ('rho', rho), ('disp', disp),
                ('aero_ind', aero_ind), ('fem_ind', fem_ind)]

    root = Group()

        promotes=['twist_cp', 'span', 'v', 'alpha', 'rho', 'disp', 'dihedral'])
        'mesh',  # This component is needed, otherwise resulting loads matrix is NaN
            aero_ind),  # changes mesh given span, sweep, twist, and des_vars
        promotes=['span', 'sweep', 'dihedral', 'twist', 'taper', 'mesh'])
             TransferDisplacements(aero_ind, fem_ind),
             promotes=['mesh', 'disp', 'def_mesh'])

    prob = Problem()
    prob.root = root
    prob.setup(check=check, out_stream=out_stream)

    # Output the def_mesh for the aero modules
    def_mesh = prob['def_mesh']

    # Other variables needed for aero and struct modules
    params = {
        'mesh': mesh,
        'num_x': num_x,
        'num_y': num_y,
        'span': span,
        'twist_cp': twist_cp,
        'thickness_cp': thickness_cp,
        'v': v,
        'alpha': alpha,
        'rho': rho,
        'r': r,
        't': t,
        'aero_ind': aero_ind,
        'fem_ind': fem_ind,
        'num_thickness': num_thickness,
        'num_twist': num_twist,
        'sweep': sweep,
        'taper': taper,
        'dihedral': dihedral,
        'E': E,
        'G': G,
        'stress': stress,
        'mrho': mrho,
        'tot_n_fem': tot_n_fem,
        'num_surf': num_surf,
        'jac_twist': jac_twist,
        'jac_thickness': jac_thickness,
        'out_stream': out_stream,
        'check': check

    return (def_mesh, params)
def aero(def_mesh=None, params=None):

    if (params is None) or (def_mesh is None):
        tmpmesh, params = setup()
        if not def_mesh:
            def_mesh = tmpmesh

    # Unpack variables
    mesh = params.get('mesh')
    num_x = params.get('num_x')
    num_y = params.get('num_y')
    span = params.get('span')
    twist_cp = params.get('twist_cp')
    thickness_cp = params.get('thickness_cp')
    v = params.get('v')
    alpha = params.get('alpha')
    rho = params.get('rho')
    r = params.get('r')
    t = params.get('t')
    aero_ind = params.get('aero_ind')
    fem_ind = params.get('fem_ind')
    num_thickness = params.get('num_thickness')
    num_twist = params.get('num_twist')
    sweep = params.get('sweep')
    taper = params.get('taper')
    disp = params.get('disp')
    dihedral = params.get('dihedral')
    check = params.get('check')
    out_stream = params.get('out_stream')

    # Define Jacobians for b-spline controls
    tot_n_fem = np.sum(fem_ind[:, 0])
    num_surf = fem_ind.shape[0]
    jac_twist = get_bspline_mtx(num_twist, num_y)
    jac_thickness = get_bspline_mtx(num_thickness, tot_n_fem - num_surf)

    disp = np.zeros((num_y, 6))  # for display?

    # Define the design variables
    des_vars = [('twist_cp', np.zeros(num_twist)), ('dihedral', dihedral),
                ('sweep', sweep), ('span', span), ('taper', taper), ('v', v),
                ('alpha', alpha), ('rho', rho),
                ('disp', np.zeros((tot_n_fem, 6))), ('def_mesh', def_mesh)]

    root = Group()

                 'twist_cp', 'span', 'v', 'alpha', 'rho', 'disp', 'dihedral',
    # root.add('twist_bsp',  # What is this doing?
    #          Bspline('twist_cp', 'twist', jac_twist),
    #          promotes=['*'])
    # root.add('thickness_bsp',    # What is this doing?
    #          Bspline('thickness_cp', 'thickness', jac_thickness),
    #          promotes=['*'])
    # root.add('tube',
    #          MaterialsTube(fem_ind),
    #          promotes=['*'])

            'S_ref',  # VLMGeometry
            'v',  # VLMCirculations
            'sec_forces'  # VLMForces
             TransferLoads(aero_ind, fem_ind),
             promotes=['def_mesh', 'sec_forces', 'loads'])

    prob = Problem()
    prob.root = root
    prob.setup(check=check, out_stream=out_stream)

    return prob['loads']  # Output the Loads matrix
fem_ind = [num_y]
aero_ind, fem_ind = get_inds(aero_ind, fem_ind)
num_thickness = num_twist
t = r/10

# Define the aircraft properties

# Define the material properties

# Create the top-level system
root = Group()
tot_n_fem = numpy.sum(fem_ind[:, 0])
num_surf = fem_ind.shape[0]
jac_twist = get_bspline_mtx(num_twist, num_y)
jac_thickness = get_bspline_mtx(num_thickness, tot_n_fem-num_surf)

# Define the independent variables
indep_vars = [
    ('span', span),
    ('twist_cp', numpy.zeros(num_twist)),
    ('thickness_cp', numpy.ones(num_thickness)*numpy.max(t)),
    ('v', v),
    ('alpha', alpha),
    ('rho', rho),
    ('r', r),
    ('t', t),
    ('aero_ind', aero_ind)
Exemple #14
    def setup_aerostruct(self):
        Specific method to add the necessary components to the problem for an
        aerostructural problem.

        # Set the problem name if the user doesn't
        if 'prob_name' not in self.prob_dict.keys():
            self.prob_dict['prob_name'] = 'aerostruct'

        # Create the base root-level group
        root = Group()
        coupled = Group()

        # Create the problem and assign the root group
        self.prob = Problem()
        self.prob.root = root

        # Loop over each surface in the surfaces list
        for surface in self.surfaces:

            # Get the surface name and create a group to contain components
            # only for this surface
            name = surface['name']
            tmp_group = Group()

            # Add independent variables that do not belong to a specific component
            indep_vars = [
                (name + 'twist_cp', numpy.zeros(surface['num_twist'])),
                (name + 'thickness_cp', numpy.ones(surface['num_thickness']) *
                 numpy.max(surface['t'])), (name + 'r', surface['r']),
                (name + 'dihedral', surface['dihedral']),
                (name + 'sweep', surface['sweep']),
                (name + 'span', surface['span']),
                (name + 'taper', surface['taper'])

            # Obtain the Jacobians to interpolate the data from the b-spline
            # control points
            jac_twist = get_bspline_mtx(surface['num_twist'], surface['num_y'])
            jac_thickness = get_bspline_mtx(surface['num_thickness'],
                                            surface['num_y'] - 1)

            # Add components to include in the '_pre_solve' group
                          Bspline(name + 'twist_cp', name + 'twist',
                          Bspline(name + 'thickness_cp', name + 'thickness',
            tmp_group.add('tube', MaterialsTube(surface), promotes=['*'])

            # Add tmp_group to the problem with the name of the surface and
            # '_pre_solve' appended.
            name_orig = name  #.strip('_')
            name = name + 'pre_solve'
            exec(name + ' = tmp_group')
            exec('root.add("' + name + '", ' + name + ', promotes=["*"])')

            # Add components to the 'coupled' group for each surface
            tmp_group = Group()
            tmp_group.add('mesh', GeometryMesh(surface), promotes=['*'])
            tmp_group.add('vlmgeom', VLMGeometry(surface), promotes=['*'])
            tmp_group.spatialbeamstates.ln_solver = LinearGaussSeidel()

            name = name_orig + 'group'
            exec(name + ' = tmp_group')
            exec('coupled.add("' + name + '", ' + name + ', promotes=["*"])')

            # Add a loads component to the coupled group
            exec('coupled.add("' + name_orig + 'loads' + '", ' +
                 'TransferLoads(surface)' + ', promotes=["*"])')

            # Add a '_post_solve' group which evaluates the data after solving
            # the coupled system
            tmp_group = Group()

            tmp_group.add('vlmfuncs', VLMFunctionals(surface), promotes=['*'])

            name = name_orig + 'post_solve'
            exec(name + ' = tmp_group')
            exec('root.add("' + name + '", ' + name + ', promotes=["*"])')

        # Add a single 'VLMStates' component for the whole system
                    VLMStates(self.surfaces, self.prob_dict),

        # Set solver properties for the coupled group
        coupled.ln_solver = ScipyGMRES()
        coupled.ln_solver.options['iprint'] = 1
        coupled.ln_solver.preconditioner = LinearGaussSeidel()
        coupled.vlmstates.ln_solver = LinearGaussSeidel()

        coupled.nl_solver = NLGaussSeidel()
        coupled.nl_solver.options['iprint'] = 1

        # Ensure that the groups are ordered correctly within the coupled group
        order_list = []
        for surface in self.surfaces:
            order_list.append(surface['name'] + 'group')
        for surface in self.surfaces:
            order_list.append(surface['name'] + 'loads')

        # Add the coupled group to the root problem
        root.add('coupled', coupled, promotes=['*'])

        # Add problem information as an independent variables component
        prob_vars = [('v', self.prob_dict['v']),
                     ('alpha', self.prob_dict['alpha']),
                     ('M', self.prob_dict['M']), ('Re', self.prob_dict['Re']),
                     ('rho', self.prob_dict['rho'])]
        root.add('prob_vars', IndepVarComp(prob_vars), promotes=['*'])

        # Add functionals to evaluate performance of the system
                 FunctionalBreguetRange(self.surfaces, self.prob_dict),
                 FunctionalEquilibrium(self.surfaces, self.prob_dict),

Exemple #15
    def setup_aero(self):
        Specific method to add the necessary components to the problem for an
        aerodynamic problem.

        # Set the problem name if the user doesn't
        if 'prob_name' not in self.prob_dict.keys():
            self.prob_dict['prob_name'] = 'aero'

        # Create the base root-level group
        root = Group()

        # Create the problem and assign the root group
        self.prob = Problem()
        self.prob.root = root

        # Loop over each surface in the surfaces list
        for surface in self.surfaces:

            # Get the surface name and create a group to contain components
            # only for this surface
            name = surface['name']
            tmp_group = Group()

            # Add independent variables that do not belong to a specific component
            indep_vars = [(name + 'twist_cp',
                          (name + 'dihedral', surface['dihedral']),
                          (name + 'sweep', surface['sweep']),
                          (name + 'span', surface['span']),
                          (name + 'taper', surface['taper']),
                          (name + 'disp', numpy.zeros((surface['num_y'], 6)))]

            # Obtain the Jacobian to interpolate the data from the b-spline
            # control points
            jac_twist = get_bspline_mtx(surface['num_twist'], surface['num_y'])

            # Add aero components to the surface-specific group
                          Bspline(name + 'twist_cp', name + 'twist',
            tmp_group.add('mesh', GeometryMesh(surface), promotes=['*'])
            tmp_group.add('vlmgeom', VLMGeometry(surface), promotes=['*'])

            # Add tmp_group to the problem with the name of the surface and
            # '_pre_solve' appended.
            # Note that is a '_pre_solve' and '_post_solve' group for each
            # individual surface.
            name_orig = name.strip('_')
            name = name_orig + '_pre_solve'
            exec(name + ' = tmp_group')
            exec('root.add("' + name + '", ' + name + ', promotes=["*"])')

            # Add a '_post_solve' group
            name = name_orig + '_post_solve'
            exec('root.add("' + name + '", ' + 'VLMFunctionals(surface)' +
                 ', promotes=["*"])')

        # Add problem information as an independent variables component
        prob_vars = [('v', self.prob_dict['v']),
                     ('alpha', self.prob_dict['alpha']),
                     ('M', self.prob_dict['M']), ('Re', self.prob_dict['Re']),
                     ('rho', self.prob_dict['rho'])]
        root.add('prob_vars', IndepVarComp(prob_vars), promotes=['*'])

        # Add a single 'VLMStates' component that solves for the circulations
        # and forces from all the surfaces.
        # While other components only depends on a single surface,
        # this component requires information from all surfaces because
        # each surface interacts with the others.
                 VLMStates(self.surfaces, self.prob_dict),
