Exemple #1
class BabelIDE_HTML5_Plugin(BabelIDE_Plugin):
    """This class implements HTML5 functionality"""

    name = 'HTML5'

    def __init__(self, manager):
        """@todo: to be defined1 """
        super(BabelIDE_HTML5_Plugin, self).__init__(manager)

        # remote chrome attributes
        self.__remote_chrome_inst = None
        self.__chrome_bin = '/usr/bin/google-chrome'
        self.__chrome_userdir = \
        self.__chrome_userdir = osp.expanduser(self.__chrome_userdir)

        self._chrome_remote_port = 9222

        self._chrome_debugger = None

        self._nullfile = open('/dev/null', 'w');

        self._project_definition = None

    def get_actions(self):
        """Get the list of all filetypes actions that can be performed

        @returns Dictionary of filetype to action mappings
        class MyAction(object):

            def __init__(self, name):
                :returns: @todo

                self.name = name

        actions = {}
        for i in range(10):
            if 'python' not in actions:
                actions['python'] = []
            actions['python'].append(MyAction('Action {}'.format(i)))
        return actions

    def get_mappings(self):
        """Return the global key mappings defined by this plugin
        :returns: @todo

        mappings = []

        return mappings

    def load_project_definition(self):
        """Load a project definition if one exists
        :returns: @todo

        if not self._project_definition:
            projectfile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'vimhtml5project.json')
            if os.path.exists(projectfile):
                with open(projectfile, 'r') as f:
                    self._project_definition = json.load(f)

    def save_project_definition(self):
        """Save project definition to file
        :returns: @todo


    # Chrome Debugger entry points

    def debug_open_remote_debug_session(self):
        """ Open a remote debug session"""

        if not self._project_definition:
            print 'HTML5 project definition needs to be created'

        # Clear the buffer and open a new session
        buf = vim.current.buffer
        buf[:] = ['']
        writebuf(buf, '-> opening remote session')

        if not self.__remote_chrome_inst:
            self.__remote_chrome_inst = subprocess.Popen([self.__chrome_bin,

        writebuf(buf, '-> waiting for chrome debug port to open...')
        if not wait_net_service('localhost', self._chrome_remote_port, 30):
            print 'Error waiting from chrome debug port to open'

        # create a debug controller object
        writebuf(buf, '-> creating remote debugger')
        self._chrome_debugger = ChromeRemoteDebugger('localhost',
                self._chrome_remote_port, self)

        # show list of tab to select from

    @autocommand('VimLeavePre', ['*'])
    def debug_close_remote_debug_session(self):
        """Close the open session
        :returns: @todo

        if self.__remote_chrome_inst:

            if osp.exists(self.__chrome_userdir):

    def debug_chrome_tab_selected(self):
        """A chrome tab was selected for debugging
        :returns: @todo


    @autocommand('BufWritePost', ['*.js'])
    def debug_save_buffer(self):
        """Insert the autocommands to link the buffer to the debugger objects in
        the chrome debugger
        :returns: @todo

        buf = vim.current.buffer

        if self._chrome_debugger:
            if buf.name.endswith('js'):
            elif buf.name.endswith('css'):

    # These methods were for testing purposes

    #@autocommand('CursorMovedI', ['*.vim', '*.py', '*.html'])
    def cursor_moved(self):
        '''Move cursor'''
        print "cursor has moved"

    #@autocommand('InsertLeave', ['*.vim', '*.js'])
    def insert_leave(self):
        '''Leave insert mode'''
        print 'insert leave'

    @autocommand('FileType', ['html'])
    def file_type(self):
        '''Run after setting filetype'''
        print 'set the filetype to html :-)'