class JobManager(object):

    """ Manages jobs """

    def __init__(self, docker_instances, containers_names, tasks_directory, callback_manager_count=1, slow_pool_size=None, fast_pool_size=None, containers_hard=[], hook_manager=None):
            Starts a job manager.


                A list of dictionaries containing information about a distant docker daemon:

                        server_url: "the url to the docker daemon. May be a UNIX socket. Mandatory",
                        max_concurrent_jobs: 100

                A dict containing, as key, a simple name for each container image, and as value the urls to get the docker container images.

                The local directory path containing the courses and the tasks

            *slow_pool_size* and *fast_pool_size*
                Size of the process pool which runs respectively actions that are slow or fast. Default: number of processors
                Slow actions includes:

                -    waiting for containers

                -    deleting containers

                -    building container images

                Fast actions are:

                -    creating and launching a container

                -    retrieving results from a container

                Number of thread to launch to handle the callbacks

                An instance of HookManager. If no instance is given, a new one will be created.

            A job manager launches in fact a process called a pool manager.

            A pool manager runs two pools of processes, one for actions that are slow, the other for fast actions.

            The job manager also launch a number of thread to handle the callbacks (the number is given by callback_manager_count)
        self._containers_names = containers_names
        self._tasks_directory = tasks_directory
        self._docker_config = docker_instances

        self._hook_manager = HookManager() if hook_manager is None else hook_manager

        self._memory_manager = multiprocessing.managers.SyncManager()

        self._operations_queue = self._memory_manager.Queue()
        self._done_queue = self._memory_manager.Queue()

        self._running_job_data = {}

        # Correct the size of the slow pool size, which will contain all waiters
        if (multiprocessing.cpu_count() if slow_pool_size is None else slow_pool_size) < len(self._docker_config) + 1:
            slow_pool_size = len(self._docker_config) + 1

        # Start the pool manager
        self._pool_manager = backend._pool_manager.PoolManager(self._operations_queue, self._done_queue,
                                                               docker_instances, containers_names, tasks_directory, fast_pool_size, slow_pool_size, containers_hard)

        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.cleanup)

        # Start callback managers
        print "Starting callback managers"
        self._callback_manager = []
        for _ in range(callback_manager_count):
            process = CallbackManager(self._done_queue, self._docker_config, self._running_job_data, self._hook_manager)

        print "Job Manager initialization done"
        self._hook_manager.call_hook("job_manager_init_done", job_manager=self)

    def cleanup(self, dummy1=None, dummy2=None):
        """ Close the pool manager """
        print "Received exit signal"
        print "Calling job_manager_exit hook"
        self._hook_manager.call_hook("job_manager_exit", job_manager=self)
        print "Tell the pool manager to close itself"
        self._operations_queue.put((CLOSE, []))
        print "Waiting five seconds for the pool manager to close"
        if self._pool_manager.is_alive():
            print "Pool manager did not exit. Killing it."
        print "Stopping the process sync manager"
        print "Exiting"

    def get_waiting_jobs_count(self):
        """Returns the total number of waiting jobs in the Job Manager"""
        return len(self._running_job_data)

    def new_job_id(self):
        """ Returns a new job id. The job id is unique and should be passed to the new_job function """
        return uuid.uuid4()

    def new_job(self, task, inputdata, callback, launcher_name="Unknown", jobid=None, debug=False):
        """ Add a new job. callback is a function that will be called asynchronously in the job manager's process. """
        if jobid is None:
            jobid = self.new_job_id()

        # Base dictionary with output
        basedict = {"task": task, "input": inputdata}

        # Check task answer that do not need emulation
        first_result, need_emul, first_text, first_problems, multiple_choice_error_count = task.check_answer(inputdata)
        basedict.update({"result": ("success" if first_result else "failed")})
        if first_text is not None:
            basedict["text"] = first_text
        if first_problems:
            basedict["problems"] = first_problems
        if multiple_choice_error_count != 0:
            basedict["text"].append("You have {} errors in the multiple choice questions".format(multiple_choice_error_count))

        # Compute some informations that will be useful for statistics
        statinfo = {"launched": time.time(), "launcher_name": launcher_name}

        if need_emul:
            # Go through the whole process: sent everything to docker
            self._running_job_data[jobid] = (task, callback, basedict, statinfo)
            self._hook_manager.call_hook("new_job", jobid=jobid, task=task, statinfo=statinfo, inputdata=inputdata)
            self._operations_queue.put((RUN_JOB, [jobid, inputdata, os.path.join(self._tasks_directory, task.get_course_id(), task.get_id()), task.get_limits(), task.get_environment(), debug]))
            # Only send data to a CallbackManager
            basedict["text"] = "\n".join(basedict["text"])
            self._running_job_data[jobid] = (task, callback, basedict, statinfo)
            self._hook_manager.call_hook("new_job", jobid=jobid, task=task, statinfo=statinfo, inputdata=inputdata)
            self._done_queue.put((jobid, None))

        return jobid
Exemple #2
class AbstractJobManager(object):
    """ Manages jobs """

    def __init__(self, image_aliases, hook_manager=None, is_testing=False):
        Creates a job manager.
        :param image_aliases: a dict of image aliases, like {"default": "ingi/inginious-c-default"}.
        :param hook_manager: An instance of HookManager. If no instance is given(None), a new one will be created.

        self._closed = False
        self._is_testing = is_testing
        self._image_aliases = image_aliases
        self._hook_manager = HookManager() if hook_manager is None else hook_manager
        self._running_job_data = {}
        self._running_batch_job_data = {}
        self._batch_container_args = {}

        print "Job Manager initialization done"
        self._hook_manager.call_hook("job_manager_init_done", job_manager=self)

    def start(self):
        """ Starts the Job Manager. Should be done after a complete initialisation of the hook manager. """

    def _execute_job(self, jobid, task, inputdata, debug):
        """ Executes a job in a Docker container, then calls self._job_ended with the result.
        :param jobid: The job id
        :param task:  The Task instance linked to the job to run
        :param inputdata: Input given by the student
        :param debug: Boolean indicating if the job should be run with the debug status

    def _execute_batch_job(self, jobid, container_name, inputdata):
        """ Executes a batch job in the specified Docker container, then calls self._batch_job_ended with the result.
        :param jobid: The job id
        :param container_name:  The name of the container to run
        :param inputdata: tgz file

    def _get_batch_container_metadata_from_agent(self, container_name):
            Returns the arguments needed by a particular batch container.
            :returns: a dict in the form
                ("container title",
                 "container description in restructuredtext",
                     "type:" "file", #or "text",
                     "path": "path/to/file/inside/input/dir", #not mandatory in file, by default "key"
                     "name": "name of the field", #not mandatory in file, default "key"
                     "description": "a short description of what this field is used for" #not mandatory, default ""

    def get_batch_container_metadata(self, container_name):
            Returns the arguments needed by a particular batch container (cached version)
            :returns: a dict in the form
                ("container title",
                 "container description in restructuredtext",
                     "type:" "file", #or "text",
                     "path": "path/to/file/inside/input/dir", #not mandatory in file, by default "key"
                     "name": "name of the field", #not mandatory in file, default "key"
                     "description": "a short description of what this field is used for" #not mandatory, default ""
        if container_name not in self._batch_container_args:
            ret = self._get_batch_container_metadata_from_agent(container_name)
            if ret == (None, None, None):
                return ret
            self._batch_container_args[container_name] = ret
        return self._batch_container_args[container_name]

    def close(self):
        """ Close the Job Manager """

    def _job_ended(self, jobid, result):
        """ Called when a job is done. results is a dictionary containing the results of the execution of the task on a remote Agent """
        task, callback, base_dict, statinfo = self._running_job_data[jobid]

        # Deletes from data structures
        del self._running_job_data[jobid]

        # Merge the results with the one of the multiple-choice questions
        final_result = self._merge_results(base_dict, result)

        # Call the callback
        except Exception as e:
            print "JobManager failed to call the callback function for jobid {}: {}".format(jobid, repr(e))

        self._hook_manager.call_hook("job_ended", jobid=jobid, task=task, statinfo=statinfo, result=final_result)

    def _batch_job_ended(self, jobid, result):
        """ Called when a batch job is done. results is a dictionnary, containing:

            - {"retval":0, "stdout": "...", "stderr":"...", "file":"..."}
                if everything went well. (where file is a tgz file containing the content of the /output folder from the container)
            - {"retval":"...", "stdout": "...", "stderr":"..."}
                if the container crashed (retval is an int != 0)
            - {"retval":-1, "stderr": "the error message"}
                if the container failed to start
        container_name, callback, _, statinfo = self._running_batch_job_data[jobid]

        # Deletes from data structures
        del self._running_batch_job_data[jobid]

        # Call the callback
        except Exception as e:
            print "JobManager failed to call the callback function for jobid {}: {}".format(jobid, repr(e))

        self._hook_manager.call_hook("batch_job_ended", jobid=jobid, statinfo=statinfo, result=result)

    def _merge_results(cls, origin_dict, emul_result):
        """ Merge the results of the multiple-choice (and other special problem types) questions with the returned results of the containers """

        # If no docker job was run, returns directly the original response dict, but without lists
        if emul_result is None:
            if "text" in origin_dict and isinstance(origin_dict["text"], list):
                origin_dict["text"] = "\n".join(origin_dict["text"])
            if "problems" in origin_dict:
                for problem in origin_dict["problems"]:
                    if isinstance(origin_dict["problems"][problem], list):
                        origin_dict["problems"][problem] = "\n".join(origin_dict["problems"][problem])
            final_dict = origin_dict
            # Include stderr and stdout (for debug)
            if "stderr" in emul_result:
                origin_dict["stderr"] = emul_result["stderr"]
            if "stdout" in emul_result:
                origin_dict["stdout"] = emul_result["stdout"]

            # Else merge everything
            if emul_result['result'] not in ["error", "failed", "success", "timeout", "overflow", "crash"]:
                emul_result['result'] = "error"

            if emul_result["result"] not in ["error", "timeout", "overflow", "crash"]:
                final_dict = emul_result

                final_dict["result"] = "success" if origin_dict["result"] == "success" and final_dict["result"] == "success" else "failed"
                if "text" in final_dict and "text" in origin_dict:
                    final_dict["text"] = final_dict["text"] + "\n" + "\n".join(origin_dict["text"])
                elif "text" not in final_dict and "text" in origin_dict:
                    final_dict["text"] = "\n".join(origin_dict["text"])

                if "problems" in final_dict and "problems" in origin_dict:
                    for pid in origin_dict["problems"]:
                        if pid in final_dict["problems"]:
                            final_dict["problems"][pid] = final_dict["problems"][pid] + "\n" + origin_dict["problems"][pid]
                            final_dict["problems"][pid] = origin_dict["problems"][pid]
                elif "problems" not in final_dict and "problems" in origin_dict:
                    final_dict["problems"] = origin_dict["problems"]
            elif emul_result["result"] in ["error", "timeout", "overflow", "crash"] and "text" in emul_result:
                final_dict = origin_dict.copy()
                final_dict.update({"result": emul_result["result"], "text": emul_result["text"]})
                final_dict = origin_dict.copy()
                error_messages = {
                    "error": "An unknown internal error occured",
                    "timeout": "Your code took too much time to execute",
                    "overflow": "Your code took too much memory or disk"
                other_message = "There was an internal error while running the tests"
                final_dict.update({"result": emul_result["result"], "text": error_messages.get(emul_result["result"], other_message)})

        # Verify that the grade is present
        if final_dict["result"] in ["success", "failed"]:
            if "grade" not in final_dict:
                final_dict["grade"] = 100.0 if final_dict["result"] == "success" else 0.0
            final_dict["grade"] = 0.0

            final_dict["grade"] = float(final_dict["grade"])
            final_dict["grade"] = 0.0

        if final_dict["grade"] < 0:
            final_dict["grade"] = 0.0
        elif final_dict["grade"] > 200:  # allow bonuses
            final_dict["grade"] = 200.0

        return final_dict

    def get_waiting_jobs_count(self):
        """Returns the total number of waiting jobs in the Job Manager"""
        return len(self._running_job_data)

    def get_waiting_batch_jobs_count(self):
        """Returns the total number of waiting jobs in the Job Manager"""
        return len(self._running_batch_job_data)

    def _new_job_id(self):
        """ Returns a new job id. The job id is unique and should be passed to the new_job function """
        return uuid.uuid4()

    def new_job(self, task, inputdata, callback, launcher_name="Unknown", debug=False):
        """ Add a new job. callback is a function that will be called asynchronously in the job manager's process. """
        jobid = self._new_job_id()

        # Base dictionary with output
        basedict = {"task": task, "input": inputdata}

        # Check task answers that do not need that we launch a container
        first_result, need_emul, first_text, first_problems, multiple_choice_error_count = task.check_answer(inputdata)
        basedict.update({"result": ("success" if first_result else "failed")})
        if first_text is not None:
            basedict["text"] = first_text
        if first_problems:
            basedict["problems"] = first_problems
        if multiple_choice_error_count != 0:
            basedict["text"].append("You have {} errors in the multiple choice questions".format(multiple_choice_error_count))

        # Compute some informations that will be useful for statistics
        statinfo = {"launched": time.time(), "launcher_name": launcher_name}
        self._running_job_data[jobid] = (task, callback, basedict, statinfo)
        self._hook_manager.call_hook("new_job", jobid=jobid, task=task, statinfo=statinfo, inputdata=inputdata)

        if need_emul:  # Go through the whole process: send everything to Agent
            self._execute_job(jobid, task, inputdata, debug)
        else:  # If we only have questions that do not need to be "runned", simply directly return the answer
            self._job_ended(jobid, None)

        return jobid

    def new_batch_job(self, container_name, inputdata, callback, launcher_name="Unknown"):
        """ Add a new batch job. callback is a function that will be called asynchronously in the job manager's process.
            inputdata is a dict containing all the keys of get_batch_container_metadata(container_name)[2].
            The values associated are file-like objects for "file" types and  strings for "text" types.
        jobid = self._new_job_id()

        # Verify inputdata
        batch_args = self.get_batch_container_metadata(container_name)[2]
        if set(inputdata.keys()) != set(batch_args.keys()):
            raise Exception("Invalid keys for inputdata")
        for key in batch_args:
            if batch_args[key]["type"] == "text" and not isinstance(inputdata[key],basestring):
                raise Exception("Invalid value for inputdata: the value for key {} should be a string".format(key))
            elif batch_args[key]["type"] == "file" and isinstance(inputdata[key], basestring):
                raise Exception("Invalid value for inputdata: the value for key {} should be a file object".format(key))

        # Compute some informations that will be useful for statistics
        statinfo = {"launched": time.time(), "launcher_name": launcher_name}
        self._running_batch_job_data[jobid] = (container_name, callback, inputdata, statinfo)

        self._hook_manager.call_hook("new_batch_job", jobid=jobid, statinfo=statinfo, inputdata=inputdata)

        self._execute_batch_job(jobid, container_name, inputdata)

        return jobid