def __init__(self, parent): self.parent = parent globalvars.asdf = 0 ##some key vars, the works self.lagcount = 0 #a little hack so that the background works nicer self.background = globalvars.screen #make the rectlist to handle dirty updating self.updaterects = [] #background object self.bgstars = BackgroundManager() ##make the lists to handle various sprites self.list_enemys = EnemyManager() self.player_list = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() self.list_allie_shots = pygame.sprite.OrderedUpdates() self.enemy_shots = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() self.token_list = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() ##make a new stage object self.stage = Stage(self, self.list_enemys, self.player_list, self.enemy_shots, self.list_allie_shots) #self.setup_events() self.new_display()
def __init__(self,parent): self.parent=parent globalvars.asdf = 0 ##some key vars, the works self.lagcount=0 #a little hack so that the background works nicer self.background=globalvars.screen #make the rectlist to handle dirty updating self.updaterects=[] #background object self.bgstars=BackgroundManager() ##make the lists to handle various sprites self.list_enemys=EnemyManager() self.player_list=pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() self.list_allie_shots=pygame.sprite.OrderedUpdates() self.enemy_shots=pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() self.token_list=pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() ##make a new stage object self.stage=Stage(self,self.list_enemys,self.player_list,self.enemy_shots,self.list_allie_shots) #self.setup_events() self.new_display()
def runGame(): # Initialize game and create a window pg.init() # create a new object using the settings class setting = Settings() # creaete a new object from pygame display screen = pg.display.set_mode((setting.screenWidth, setting.screenHeight)) # intro intro.introimages() # set window caption using settings obj pg.display.set_caption(setting.windowCaption) bMenu = ButtonMenu(screen) bMenu.addButton("play", "PLAY") bMenu.addButton("menu", "MENU") bMenu.addButton("twoPlay", "2PVS") bMenu.addButton("settings", "SETTINGS") bMenu.addButton("invert", "INVERT") bMenu.addButton("about", "ABOUT") bMenu.addButton("quit", "QUIT") bMenu.addButton("grey", "GREY") bMenu.addButton("red", "RED") bMenu.addButton("blue", "BLUE") bMenu.addButton("retry", "RETRY") bMenu.addButton("hard", "HARD") bMenu.addButton("normal", "NORMAL") mainMenuButtons = ["play", "about", "settings", "quit"] # delete "twoPlay" playMenuButtons = ["grey", "red", "blue", "menu", "quit"] levelMenuButtons = ["hard", "normal", "quit"] mainGameButtons = ["play", "menu", "quit"] aboutButtons = ["menu", "quit"] settingsMenuButtons = ["menu", "invert", "quit"] bgManager = BackgroundManager(screen) bgManager.setFillColor((0, 0, 0)) bgManager.addBackground( "universe_1", "gfx/backgrounds/stars_back.png", 0, 1) bgManager.addBackground( "universe_1", "gfx/backgrounds/stars_front.png", 0, 1.5) bgManager.selectBackground("universe_1") # Create an instance to stor game stats stats = GameStats(setting) sb = Scoreboard(setting, screen, stats) # Make a ship ship = Ship(setting, screen) # Ships for two player ship1 = Ship(setting, screen) ship2 = Ship(setting, screen) # make a group of items to store items = Group() # make a group of bullets to store bullets = Group() charged_bullets = Group() eBullets = Group() setting.explosions = Explosions() # Make an alien aliens = Group() gf.createFleet(setting, stats, screen, ship, aliens) pg.display.set_icon(pg.transform.scale(ship.image, (32, 32))) bgImage = pg.image.load('gfx/title_c.png') bgImage = pg.transform.scale( bgImage, (setting.screenWidth, setting.screenHeight)) bgImageRect = bgImage.get_rect() aboutImage = pg.image.load('gfx/About_modify2.png') aboutImage = pg.transform.scale( aboutImage, (setting.screenWidth, setting.screenHeight)) aboutImageRect = aboutImage.get_rect() # plays bgm'sound_bgms/galtron.mp3') rungame = True # Set the two while loops to start mainMenu first while rungame: # Set to true to run main game loop bMenu.setMenuButtons(mainMenuButtons) while stats.mainMenu: if not stats.gameActive and stats.paused: setting.initDynamicSettings() stats.resetStats() ##stats.gameActive = True # Reset the alien and the bullets aliens.empty() bullets.empty() eBullets.empty() # Create a new fleet and center the ship gf.createFleet(setting, stats, screen, ship, aliens) ship.centerShip() mm.checkEvents(setting, screen, stats, sb, bMenu, ship, aliens, bullets, eBullets) mm.drawMenu(setting, screen, sb, bMenu, bgImage, bgImageRect) bMenu.setMenuButtons(levelMenuButtons) while stats.levelMenu: lm.checkEvents(setting, screen, stats, sb, bMenu, ship, aliens, bullets, eBullets) lm.drawMenu(setting, screen, sb, bMenu, bgImage, bgImageRect) bMenu.setMenuButtons(playMenuButtons) while stats.playMenu: pm.checkEvents(setting, screen, stats, sb, bMenu, ship, aliens, bullets, eBullets) pm.drawMenu(setting, screen, sb, bMenu) bMenu.setMenuButtons(mainGameButtons) while stats.mainGame: # Game functions gf.checkEvents(setting, screen, stats, sb, bMenu, ship, aliens, bullets, eBullets, charged_bullets) # Check for events # Reset Game if gf.reset == 1: gf.reset = 0 pg.register_quit(runGame()) if stats.gameActive: gf.updateAliens(setting, stats, sb, screen, ship, aliens, bullets, eBullets) # Update aliens gf.updateBullets(setting, screen, stats, sb, ship, aliens, bullets, eBullets, charged_bullets, items) # Update collisions gf.updateItems(setting, screen, stats, sb, ship, aliens, bullets, eBullets, items) ship.update(bullets, aliens) # update the ship # Update the screen gf.updateScreen(setting, screen, stats, sb, ship, aliens, bullets, eBullets, charged_bullets, bMenu, bgManager, items) bMenu.setMenuButtons(aboutButtons) bMenu.setPos(None, 500) while stats.mainAbout: About.checkEvents(setting, screen, stats, sb, bMenu, ship, aliens, bullets, eBullets) About.drawMenu(setting, screen, sb, bMenu, aboutImage, aboutImageRect) while stats.twoPlayer: tp.checkEvents(setting, screen, stats, sb, bMenu, bullets, aliens, eBullets, ship1, ship2) if stats.gameActive: ship1.update(bullets, aliens) ship2.update(bullets, aliens) tp.updateBullets(setting, screen, stats, sb, ship1, ship2, aliens, bullets, eBullets, items) tp.updateScreen(setting, screen, stats, sb, ship1, ship2, aliens, bullets, eBullets, bMenu, items) bMenu.setMenuButtons(settingsMenuButtons) while stats.settingsMenu: sm.checkEvents1(setting, screen, stats, sb, bMenu, ship, aliens, bullets, eBullets) sm.drawMenu(setting, screen, sb, bMenu) while stats.mainGame: if rungame == True: print("test")
class Gamelolz: #This is the __init__ #its important. def __init__(self, parent): self.parent = parent globalvars.asdf = 0 ##some key vars, the works self.lagcount = 0 #a little hack so that the background works nicer self.background = globalvars.screen #make the rectlist to handle dirty updating self.updaterects = [] #background object self.bgstars = BackgroundManager() ##make the lists to handle various sprites self.list_enemys = EnemyManager() self.player_list = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() self.list_allie_shots = pygame.sprite.OrderedUpdates() self.enemy_shots = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() self.token_list = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() ##make a new stage object self.stage = Stage(self, self.list_enemys, self.player_list, self.enemy_shots, self.list_allie_shots) #self.setup_events() self.new_display() def new_display(self): self.side_panel = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() self.points = Points() self.side_panel.add(self.points) = Health() self.healthbar = HealthBar( self.livesbar = LivesBar(, self.healthbar) self.side_panel.add(self.healthbar) self.side_panel.add( self.side_panel.add(self.livesbar) #clears all the variables def clear_vars(self): self.leftkeydown = 0 self.rightkeydown = 0 self.points.set_points(0) globalvars.x = 400 globalvars.y = globalvars.WIN_RESY - 60 self.stage.set_stage(0) self.list_enemys.empty() self.list_allie_shots.empty() self.player_list.empty() self.enemy_shots.empty() print "Game Restarted" def register_inputs(self): import defaultinputs defaultinputs.setup(self.inputmanager, self) #define function to draw player ship on X, Y plane def pship(self): self.player_list.clear(globalvars.surface, self.background) self.updaterects += self.player_list.draw(globalvars.surface) #Define function to move the enemy ship def emove(self): self.list_enemys.clear(globalvars.surface, self.background) self.updaterects += self.list_enemys.draw(globalvars.surface) #So i'm trying out having the program check for collisions, instead of the enemy objects #i think i might switch to the objects, but still keep this function just hand the computing to the object #seems most efficient def test_collision(self): todie = ecollision.groupcollide(self.list_enemys, self.list_allie_shots, 0, 0, ecollision.BOTTOM) #todie=pygame.sprite.groupcollide(self.list_enemys, self.list_allie_shots,0,0) #print todie for enemy, bullet in todie.iteritems(): bullet.set_hit(1) enemy.hit(bullet.damage) self.points.add_points(1) for q in pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self.player, self.enemy_shots, 0): #for q in ecollision.spritecollide(self.player, self.enemy_shots,0,ecollision.TOP): #print "ZOMFG SHOTZORZ" self.player.set_hit(q.damage) self.enemy_shots.remove(q) #if self.token_list: # for token in ecollision.spritecollide(self.player, self.token_list,0, ecollision.TOP): # print token #if there are no enemys left, go to the next stage def check_done(self): if not globalvars.asdf % 20 and not self.list_enemys: #the %20 lets it wait a fraction of a second self.stage.next_stage() #checks to see if we can expand the ranges of the bots so its nice and.... umm... nice. def check_rows(self): if globalvars.asdf % 20 == 0: self.list_enemys.check_enemy_rows() #major hack just to get this thing playable..... sorry def again(self): if <= 0: return False return True #this is called if the player shoots... to be honest i dont know why this is a function def pshoot(self, **args): self.player.shoot() #draws the bullet.... duh. come on dude. def drawbullets(self): #for x in self.list_allie_shots: #x.draw() self.list_allie_shots.clear(globalvars.surface, self.background) self.enemy_shots.clear(globalvars.surface, self.background) self.updaterects += self.list_allie_shots.draw(globalvars.surface) self.updaterects += self.enemy_shots.draw(globalvars.surface) #... def drawsidepanel(self): if globalvars.asdf % 5 == 0: self.side_panel.update() self.side_panel.clear(globalvars.surface, self.background) self.updaterects += self.side_panel.draw(globalvars.surface) #dont ask why i made this a function, i made draw<asdf> for everythign else #so figured id make this too def drawtokens(self): if self.token_list: self.token_list.clear(globalvars.surface, self.background) self.updaterects += self.token_list.draw(globalvars.surface) #goes through all the arrays and makes each of them move 1 space, simple and easy yet it deserves a comment... def tick(self): self.bgstars.update() self.list_allie_shots.update() self.list_enemys.update() self.enemy_shots.update() self.token_list.update() self.player.update() ###################### #heres a bunch of metafunctions #i break it up so its really easy to add new features #like if we ant a counter? add something to check() and draw() #all of these are called once per frame def check(self): self.check_done() self.test_collision() self.check_rows() self.list_enemys.shoot(self.stage.enemyodds) def draw(self): self.updaterects += self.bgstars.draw() self.updaterects += self.bgstars.clear() self.drawbullets() self.pship() self.emove() self.drawsidepanel() self.drawtokens() #does just what it sounds like..... def clear_screen(self): globalvars.surface.fill(globalvars.bgcolor) pygame.display.flip() #for debugging info mostly... No entirely def dispvars(self): print "The Enemy Array size is:", len(self.list_enemys.sprites()) print "The Player Shot Array size is:", len( self.list_allie_shots.sprites()) print "The Enemy Shot Array size is:", len(self.enemy_shots.sprites()) #does lots and lots of stuff, it really needs to be cleaned up def input(self, events): self.inputmanager.check(events) def mousemove(self, parent, event): tempx = pygame.mouse.get_pos()[0] - parent.player.rect.width / 2 ## Just to make sure we don't get the ship way out there: if tempx > globalvars.xmax: #if its outside the globalvars.window, just stick it as far as possible parent.player.move(globalvars.xmax, globalvars.y) elif tempx < globalvars.xmin: parent.player.move(globalvars.xmin, globalvars.y) elif abs( tempx - globalvars.x ) > globalvars.smooth_scroll_var1: #smooth scrolling if the mouse gets far from the ship parent.player.move( parent.player.get_pos().left + (tempx - parent.player.get_pos().left) / globalvars.smooth_scroll_var2, globalvars.y) else: #if it gets down to this point, #we've passed all sanity checks so just move it parent.player.move(tempx, globalvars.y) ################################################################################################################## #pretty simple def start(self): self.clear_vars() self.player = Player(self.player_list, self.token_list, Gun(self.list_allie_shots, Bullet)) self.player_list.add(self.player) self.player.set_pos(globalvars.x, globalvars.y) self.inputmanager = self.parent.inputmanager self.register_inputs() self.loop() #Yeah see this one does all of the work def loop(self): #start loop while self.again(): #refresh self.background...needs to be done once in a while if globalvars.asdf >= globalvars.REFRESH_TIME: #self.clear_screen() globalvars.asdf = 0 globalvars.asdf += 1 #check everythign and see if changes need to be made self.check() #move everything 1 self.tick() #initiate input function self.input(pygame.event.get()) #draw everything self.draw() #applies the smart screen updating #globalvars.surface.set_alpha(150,pygame.RLEACCEL) ......dont ask why #globalvars.surface2.blit(globalvars.surface,globalvars.surfacerect) pygame.display.update(self.updaterects) self.updaterects = [] #pauses and waits self.time = globalvars.clock.get_time() if self.time > globalvars.FPS: timeittook = globalvars.clock.tick(globalvars.FPS - (self.time - globalvars.FPS)) print "Lag at frame %s\t%sms" % (globalvars.asdf, self.time) else: timeittook = globalvars.clock.tick(globalvars.FPS)
def __init__(self, app, screen): # tock started out random, but now is an important variable. # It is a frames count, used for periodic updates on certain # frames. self.p_max_health = 5 self.won = False self.won_msg = "WINNER!" self.particle_ban = False self.wait_stop_count = -1 # -1 means do not count self.wait_stop_max = 120 # wait this many frames after decay # before showing menu self.tock = 0 self.stage_e_bullet_odds = 15 self.mouse_rect = None self.temp_rect = None = app self.screen = screen = "intro.ogg" # if['music']: # = # # self.music_name)) # # plays once PLUS repeats param pass left_border = 50 right_border = 50 w, h = screen.get_size() self.world_rect = pygame.Rect(left_border, 0, w-right_border-left_border, h) = BackgroundManager(self.world_rect) # Yay spritegroups! They make the world go round, and iterate. # Basically each visible game object resides in its own special # spritegroup & then all one needs to do is go through these & # call functions & stuff. # It makes sense in here *points to brain* self.p_swarm = Swarm(self.world_rect) self.particles = Swarm(self.world_rect) self.explosion_images ='ex-medium') self.shield_hit_images ='shield_hit-tiny') self.damage_images ='ex-tiny') # Load player sprite as image list. self.p_unit_images ='pship') # self.p_unit_images = [] # self.p_unit_images.append(self.load_file('pship.png')) # self.p_unit_images.append(self.load_file('pship1.png')) # self.p_unit_images.append(self.load_file('pship2.png')) # self.p_unit_images.append(self.load_file('pship3.png')) # Load enemy ship image. self.e_ship_image = self.load_file('eship.png') if['sounds']: self.p_shoot_sound ='p-weapon0.wav', file_type='sound') self.p_shoot_sound.set_volume(.3) self.e_ex_sound ='e-ex.wav', file_type='sound') self.p_ex_sound ='p-ex.wav', file_type='sound') self.e_damage_sound ='e-damage.wav', file_type='sound') self.e_shield_sound ='e-shield.wav', file_type='sound') self.p_shield_sound ='p-shield.wav', file_type='sound') self.p_damage_sound ='p-damage.wav', file_type='sound') print("loaded sounds...") self.menus = None self.tock = 0 self.lagcount = 0 self.leftkeydown = 0 self.rightkeydown = 0 # self.enemylist = [] # list of dirty rects self.swarm = Swarm(self.world_rect, shoot_odds=self.stage_e_bullet_odds) self.stage = Stage(self.swarm, self.p_swarm) self.p_shot_image = self.load_file('p-laser.png') self.e_shot_image = self.load_file('e-laser.png') self.p_bullet_swarm = Swarm(self.world_rect) self.e_bullet_swarm = Swarm(self.world_rect) # self.bullet_width = 10 self.hud_rect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, 5, 150) self.hud = Hud() self.hud.generate_blip('player.score', 100, fg_color=(255,243,207), text_color=(192,180,180), caption="SCORE") self.hud.generate_blip('', self.p_max_health, fg_color=(0,255,42), text_color=(192,180,180), caption="SHIELD") self.statcounter = self.hud.get_blip('player.score')
class World: # This is the __init__ # its important. def __init__(self, app, screen): # tock started out random, but now is an important variable. # It is a frames count, used for periodic updates on certain # frames. self.p_max_health = 5 self.won = False self.won_msg = "WINNER!" self.particle_ban = False self.wait_stop_count = -1 # -1 means do not count self.wait_stop_max = 120 # wait this many frames after decay # before showing menu self.tock = 0 self.stage_e_bullet_odds = 15 self.mouse_rect = None self.temp_rect = None = app self.screen = screen = "intro.ogg" # if['music']: # = # # self.music_name)) # # plays once PLUS repeats param pass left_border = 50 right_border = 50 w, h = screen.get_size() self.world_rect = pygame.Rect(left_border, 0, w-right_border-left_border, h) = BackgroundManager(self.world_rect) # Yay spritegroups! They make the world go round, and iterate. # Basically each visible game object resides in its own special # spritegroup & then all one needs to do is go through these & # call functions & stuff. # It makes sense in here *points to brain* self.p_swarm = Swarm(self.world_rect) self.particles = Swarm(self.world_rect) self.explosion_images ='ex-medium') self.shield_hit_images ='shield_hit-tiny') self.damage_images ='ex-tiny') # Load player sprite as image list. self.p_unit_images ='pship') # self.p_unit_images = [] # self.p_unit_images.append(self.load_file('pship.png')) # self.p_unit_images.append(self.load_file('pship1.png')) # self.p_unit_images.append(self.load_file('pship2.png')) # self.p_unit_images.append(self.load_file('pship3.png')) # Load enemy ship image. self.e_ship_image = self.load_file('eship.png') if['sounds']: self.p_shoot_sound ='p-weapon0.wav', file_type='sound') self.p_shoot_sound.set_volume(.3) self.e_ex_sound ='e-ex.wav', file_type='sound') self.p_ex_sound ='p-ex.wav', file_type='sound') self.e_damage_sound ='e-damage.wav', file_type='sound') self.e_shield_sound ='e-shield.wav', file_type='sound') self.p_shield_sound ='p-shield.wav', file_type='sound') self.p_damage_sound ='p-damage.wav', file_type='sound') print("loaded sounds...") self.menus = None self.tock = 0 self.lagcount = 0 self.leftkeydown = 0 self.rightkeydown = 0 # self.enemylist = [] # list of dirty rects self.swarm = Swarm(self.world_rect, shoot_odds=self.stage_e_bullet_odds) self.stage = Stage(self.swarm, self.p_swarm) self.p_shot_image = self.load_file('p-laser.png') self.e_shot_image = self.load_file('e-laser.png') self.p_bullet_swarm = Swarm(self.world_rect) self.e_bullet_swarm = Swarm(self.world_rect) # self.bullet_width = 10 self.hud_rect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, 5, 150) self.hud = Hud() self.hud.generate_blip('player.score', 100, fg_color=(255,243,207), text_color=(192,180,180), caption="SCORE") self.hud.generate_blip('', self.p_max_health, fg_color=(0,255,42), text_color=(192,180,180), caption="SHIELD") self.statcounter = self.hud.get_blip('player.score') def load_file(self, name): return def on_exit(self): print("on_exit...") # Clears all the variables def clear_vars(self): # print("clear_vars: world_rect: " + str(self.world_rect)) self.p_start_x = self.world_rect.width / 2 self.p_start_y = self.world_rect.height - 60 self.bend_y = float(self.p_start_y) # print("clear_vars: p_start_y: " + str(self.p_start_y)) self.bend_rate = 0.02 self.leftkeydown = 0 self.rightkeydown = 0 if self.p_unit is not None: self.hud.set_blip_value('', else: print("WARNING: clear_vars failed to set bar since no" + " player unit exists") self.statcounter.set_val(0) self.stage.set_stage_number(-1) # hax self.stage_e_bullet_odds = 100 self.swarm.empty() self.p_bullet_swarm.empty() self.p_swarm.empty() self.particles.empty() self.e_bullet_swarm.empty() # Define function to draw player ship on X, Y plane def draw_player_units(self): self.p_swarm.draw(self.screen) # Define function to move the enemy ship def emove(self): self.swarm.draw(self.screen) # use spritegroup draw method # Draws all the enemys you ask it def generate_enemies(self): print("generating enemies...") # Some recursive loops: xmin = self.world_rect.left xmax = self.world_rect.right ymin = stage_data = self.stage.get_data() self.e_ship_image =['e']+".png") enemy_width, enemy_height = self.e_ship_image.get_size() enemy_spacing_x = 15 enemy_spacing_y = 10 init_enemy_speed = 3 angle = -90 # cartesian = stage_data['music'] # if == 'intro.ogg': # # force song change e_max_health = stage_data['e_h'] for enemycol in range(stage_data['x_e_count']): # Now for the rows for enemyrow in range(stage_data['y_e_count']): # Make a new enemy object: new_enemy = Entity(, 'eship', [self.e_ship_image], init_enemy_speed, angle, self.swarm, e_max_health, self.explosion_images, self.particles, ai_enable=True, value=stage_data['e_h'], ex_sound=self.e_ex_sound) new_enemy.set_xy( xmin + enemycol * (enemy_width + enemy_spacing_x), ymin + enemyrow * (enemy_height + enemy_spacing_y) - 150 ) new_enemy.set_range( xmin + enemycol * (enemy_width + enemy_spacing_x), xmax - (stage_data['x_e_count'] - enemycol) * (enemy_height + enemy_spacing_x) ) # Now add the temp enemy to the array and we're good to # go self.swarm.add(new_enemy) # So I'm trying out having the program check for collisions, instead # of the enemy objects i think i might switch to the objects, but # still keep this function just hand the computing to the object def test_collision(self): part_speed = 1 part_angle = -90 part_health = 1 e_hit = pygame.sprite.groupcollide(self.swarm, self.p_bullet_swarm, 0, 0) for sprite, bullets in e_hit.items(): # print("removed " + str(bullet) for bullet in bullets: was_alive = sprite.get_is_alive() prev_health = if sprite.get_is_alive(): sprite.set_hit(1) damage = prev_health - poof = self.shield_hit_images temper_sound = self.e_shield_sound if damage > 0: poof = self.damage_images temper_sound = self.e_damage_sound if not was_alive: break point = pygame.sprite.collide_mask(sprite, bullet) if ((point is not None) and (not self.particle_ban)): particle = Entity(, 'particle', poof, part_speed, part_angle, self.particles, part_health, None, None, anim_done_remove=True, temper_sound=temper_sound) particle.temper = 1 # start particle death x1, y1 = sprite.get_pos() # top left x = x1 + point[0] - particle.rect.width / 2 y = y1 + point[1] - particle.rect.height / 2 particle.set_xy(x, y) self.particles.add(particle) if not sprite.get_is_alive(): points = sprite.take_value() # only once & if health 0 if points > 0: self.statcounter.add_value(points) self.p_bullet_swarm.remove(bullets) p_hit = pygame.sprite.groupcollide(self.p_swarm, self.e_bullet_swarm, 0, 0) for sprite, bullets in p_hit.items(): for bullet in bullets: was_alive = sprite.get_is_alive() prev_health = if sprite.get_is_alive(): sprite.set_hit(1) damage = prev_health - poof = self.shield_hit_images temper_sound = self.p_shield_sound if damage > 0: poof = self.damage_images temper_sound = self.p_damage_sound self.hud.set_blip_value('', # New in pygame 1.8.0: point = pygame.sprite.collide_mask(sprite, bullet) if not was_alive: break if (point is not None) and (not self.particle_ban): particle = Entity(, 'particle', poof, part_speed, part_angle, self.particles, part_health, None, None, anim_done_remove=True, temper_sound=temper_sound) particle.temper = 1 # start particle death x1, y1 = sprite.get_pos() # top left x = x1 + point[0] - particle.rect.width / 2 y = y1 + point[1] - particle.rect.height / 2 particle.set_xy(x, y) self.particles.add(particle) # if pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(self.p_unit, # self.e_bullet_swarm): # self.p_unit.set_hit(1) # self.hud.set_blip_value('', # # if there are no enemys left, go to the next stage def check_done(self): if not self.swarm: if self.stage.is_last_stage(): if not self.won: self.won = True # TODO: make ending screen # = 'victory.ogg' # if == 'intro.ogg': # # force song change = None # stop repeating # apply None to loop'victory.ogg', 1) if not self.won: self.stage.next_stage() if self.stage_e_bullet_odds > 15: self.stage_e_bullet_odds -= 15 self.generate_enemies() # checks to see if we can expand the ranges of the bots so its nice # and.... umm... nice. def check_rows(self): if self.tock % 20 == 0: # simple sorting algorithm to find the highest values xmin = self.world_rect.left xmax = self.world_rect.right highest = xmin lowest = xmax for enemy in self.swarm: if enemy.get_range()[1] > highest: highest = enemy.get_range()[1] if enemy.get_range()[0] < lowest: lowest = enemy.get_range()[0] highest = xmax - highest lowest = lowest - xmin if highest != 0 or lowest != 0: # makes things |--| this much more efficient for enemy in self.swarm: erange = enemy.get_range() enemy.set_range(erange[0]-lowest, erange[1]+highest) # major hack just to get this thing playable..... sorry def again(self): if self.hud.get_blip_value('') <= 0: self.particle_ban = True if self.p_unit.get_is_decayed(): self.particle_ban = True # also wait for particles to finish for prettier ending if len(self.particles) < 1: if self.wait_stop_count < 0: print("player unit decayed, counting down to menu") self.wait_stop_count = 0 # return False if self.wait_stop_count >= 0: self.wait_stop_count += 1 if self.wait_stop_count > self.wait_stop_max: return False if self.won: if self.wait_stop_count < 0: print("won game, counting down to menu") self.wait_stop_count = 0 return True # this is called if the player initiates shooting def pshoot(self): # sx = self.p_unit.rect.centerx - # self.p_shot_image.rect.width / 2 # sy = + # self.p_shot_image.rect.height * .75 if self.p_unit.get_is_alive(): self.p_unit.shoot(self.p_shot_image, self.p_bullet_swarm) # self.p_unit.shoot_from(self.p_shot_image, # self.p_bullet_swarm, # sx, sy, self.p_unit.angle) def draw_bullets(self): self.p_bullet_swarm.draw(self.screen) self.e_bullet_swarm.draw(self.screen) def draw_hud(self): if self.tock % 5 == 0: self.hud.update() self.hud.draw(self.screen) # Goes through all the objects and makes each of them move as # necessary def tick(self): self.bend_y += self.bend_rate bend_max = 5.0 if self.bend_rate < 0.0: self.bend_rate -= .02 else: self.bend_rate += .02 if ((self.bend_y > self.p_start_y + bend_max) or (self.bend_y < self.p_start_y)): if self.bend_rate < 0.0: self.bend_rate = .02 self.bend_y = float(self.p_start_y) else: self.bend_rate = -.02 self.bend_y = float(self.p_start_y) + bend_max self.p_unit.set_xy(self.p_unit.get_pos()[0], int(self.bend_y+.5)) self.p_bullet_swarm.update() self.swarm.update() self.e_bullet_swarm.update() ###################### # Here are a bunch of metafunctions. # I break it up so its really easy to add new features, # like if we ant a counter? add something to check() and draw(). # All of these are called once per frame. def check(self): self.check_done() self.test_collision() self.check_rows() if self.p_unit.get_is_alive(): self.swarm.shoot(self.e_shot_image, self.e_bullet_swarm) self.p_unit.update() for particle in self.particles: particle.update() def draw(self): self.screen.fill( # if self.world_rect is not None: # self.screen.fill((64, 64, 64), self.world_rect) self.draw_bullets() self.draw_player_units() self.emove() self.particles.draw(self.screen) self.draw_hud() # if self.p_unit is not None: # if self.p_unit.rect is not None: # self.screen.fill((128, 128, 128), self.p_unit.rect) # if self.mouse_rect is not None: # self.screen.fill((255, 255, 255), self.mouse_rect) # if self.temp_rect is not None: # self.screen.fill((128, 0, 0), self.temp_rect) # does just what it sounds like..... def clear_screen(self): self.screen.fill( # pygame.display.flip() # for debugging info mostly def dispvars(self): print("The Enemy SpriteGroup size is:" + str(len(self.swarm.sprites()))) print("The Player Bullet Array size is:" + str(len(self.p_bullet_swarm.sprites()))) print("The Enemy Bullet Array size is:" + str(len(self.e_bullet_swarm.sprites()))) # does lots and lots of stuff, it really needs to be cleaned up def process_events(self, events): # print("input: self.p_unit.rect: " + str(self.p_unit.rect)) xmin = self.world_rect.left xmax = self.world_rect.right smooth_scroll_var1 = 10 smooth_scroll_var2 = 2 pygame.event.pump() # redraw Window so OS knows not frozen pause_menu_strings = ["RESUME", "ABOUT", "HELP", "EXIT"] if self.won: pause_menu_strings.insert(0, self.won_msg) for event in events: if event.type == QUIT: self.on_exit() sys.exit(0) if event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION: pygame.event.get() prev_pos = self.p_unit.get_pos() tempx = (pygame.mouse.get_pos()[0] - self.p_unit.rect.width / 2) # *Just to make sure we don't get the ship way out: if tempx + self.p_unit.rect.width > xmax: # if its outside the world, # just stick it as far as possible self.p_unit.set_xy(xmax - self.p_unit.rect.width, prev_pos[1]) elif tempx < xmin: self.p_unit.set_xy(xmin, prev_pos[1]) elif abs(tempx-self.p_start_x) > \ smooth_scroll_var1: # smooth scrolling if the mouse gets far # from the ship self.p_unit.set_xy( prev_pos[0] + (tempx-prev_pos[0]) / smooth_scroll_var2, prev_pos[1]) else: # if it gets down to this point, # we've passed all sanity checks so just move it self.p_unit.set_xy(tempx, prev_pos[1]) elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: self.pshoot() elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_q: self.menus.show_dialog(pause_menu_strings) if event.key == pygame.K_p: self.menus.show_dialog(pause_menu_strings) if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: self.menus.show_dialog(pause_menu_strings) # keyboard controls if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: self.leftkeydown = 1 if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: self.rightkeydown = 1 if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: self.pshoot() elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP: if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: self.leftkeydown = 0 if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: self.rightkeydown = 0 elif event.type == pygame.USEREVENT: if event.code == pygame.USEREVENT_DROPFILE: print("Tried to open file on MacOS (this should" + " never happen:") print(" " + str(event)) else: # should be event.code 0 print("music queue ended in game:") if event.code != 0: print("unknown USEREVENT event.code: " + str(event.code)) if self.leftkeydown: self.p_unit.move_one(-1, self.world_rect) if self.rightkeydown: self.p_unit.move_one(1, self.world_rect) pygame.event.clear() #################################################################### def start(self, menus): self.won = False self.particle_ban = False self.wait_stop_count = -1 # -1 means do not count down to menu self.menus = menus p_speed = 10 self.p_unit = Entity(, 'pship', self.p_unit_images, p_speed, 90.0, self.p_swarm, self.p_max_health, self.explosion_images, self.particles, ex_sound = self.p_ex_sound) self.p_unit.shoot_sound = self.p_shoot_sound print("Clearing vars...") self.clear_vars() # does reset player unit (p_unit) position self.p_swarm.add(self.p_unit) self.p_unit.set_xy(self.p_start_x, self.p_start_y) print("Starting main event loop...") self.loop() # Yeah see this one does all of the work def loop(self): # Start loop REFRESH_TIME = * 3 while (not self.menus.get_bool('exit')) and (self.again()): # Refresh screen periodically if self.tock >= REFRESH_TIME: # self.clear_screen() self.tock = 0 self.tock += 1 # Check everythign and see if changes need to be made self.check() # Draw bullets self.draw() # Move everything self.tick() # Initiate input function self.process_events(pygame.event.get()) # applies the smart screen updating pygame.display.update() # TODO: ? pygame.display.update(self.enemylist) # self.enemylist = [] # Pauses and waits timeittook =
speedButtons = ["fast","middle","slow"] <<<<<<< HEAD <<<<<<< HEAD >>>>>>> 78ecfa2143bfd3ecfc66c1265fc3edf149138738 ======= settingsMenuButtons = ["menu", "invert","speed setting","quit"] speedButtons = ["fast","middle","slow","menu"] >>>>>>> f85a50e374a3ee9445353e8a5660e311f34dfb26 ======= settingsMenuButtons = ["menu", "invert","speed setting","quit"] speedButtons = ["fast","middle","slow","menu"] >>>>>>> 1846737c17430f275f0bb7158e3868892f9209d5 bgManager = BackgroundManager(screen) bgManager.setFillColor((0, 0, 0)) bgManager.addBackground("universe_1", "gfx/backgrounds/stars_back.png", 0, 1) bgManager.addBackground("universe_1", "gfx/backgrounds/stars_front.png", 0, 1.5) bgManager.selectBackground("universe_1") # Create an instance to stor game stats stats = GameStats(setting) sb = Scoreboard(setting, screen, stats) # Make a ship ship = Ship(setting, screen) # Ships for two player ship1 = Ship(setting, screen) ship2 = Ship(setting, screen)
class Gamelolz: #This is the __init__ #its important. def __init__(self,parent): self.parent=parent globalvars.asdf = 0 ##some key vars, the works self.lagcount=0 #a little hack so that the background works nicer self.background=globalvars.screen #make the rectlist to handle dirty updating self.updaterects=[] #background object self.bgstars=BackgroundManager() ##make the lists to handle various sprites self.list_enemys=EnemyManager() self.player_list=pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() self.list_allie_shots=pygame.sprite.OrderedUpdates() self.enemy_shots=pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() self.token_list=pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() ##make a new stage object self.stage=Stage(self,self.list_enemys,self.player_list,self.enemy_shots,self.list_allie_shots) #self.setup_events() self.new_display() def new_display(self): self.side_panel= pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() self.points=Points() self.side_panel.add(self.points) self.healthbar=HealthBar( self.livesbar=LivesBar(,self.healthbar) self.side_panel.add(self.healthbar) self.side_panel.add( self.side_panel.add(self.livesbar) #clears all the variables def clear_vars(self): self.leftkeydown=0 self.rightkeydown=0 self.points.set_points(0) globalvars.x=400 globalvars.y=globalvars.WIN_RESY-60 self.stage.set_stage(0) self.list_enemys.empty() self.list_allie_shots.empty() self.player_list.empty() self.enemy_shots.empty() print "Game Restarted" def register_inputs(self): import defaultinputs defaultinputs.setup(self.inputmanager,self) #define function to draw player ship on X, Y plane def pship(self): self.player_list.clear(globalvars.surface,self.background) self.updaterects+=self.player_list.draw(globalvars.surface) #Define function to move the enemy ship def emove(self): self.list_enemys.clear(globalvars.surface, self.background) self.updaterects+=self.list_enemys.draw(globalvars.surface) #So i'm trying out having the program check for collisions, instead of the enemy objects #i think i might switch to the objects, but still keep this function just hand the computing to the object #seems most efficient def test_collision(self): todie=ecollision.groupcollide(self.list_enemys, self.list_allie_shots,0,0,ecollision.BOTTOM) #todie=pygame.sprite.groupcollide(self.list_enemys, self.list_allie_shots,0,0) #print todie for enemy,bullet in todie.iteritems(): bullet.set_hit(1) enemy.hit(bullet.damage) self.points.add_points(1) for q in pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self.player, self.enemy_shots,0): #for q in ecollision.spritecollide(self.player, self.enemy_shots,0,ecollision.TOP): #print "ZOMFG SHOTZORZ" self.player.set_hit(q.damage) self.enemy_shots.remove(q) #if self.token_list: # for token in ecollision.spritecollide(self.player, self.token_list,0, ecollision.TOP): # print token #if there are no enemys left, go to the next stage def check_done(self): if not globalvars.asdf%20 and not self.list_enemys: #the %20 lets it wait a fraction of a second self.stage.next_stage() #checks to see if we can expand the ranges of the bots so its nice and.... umm... nice. def check_rows(self): if globalvars.asdf % 20==0: self.list_enemys.check_enemy_rows() #major hack just to get this thing playable..... sorry def again(self): if <= 0: return False return True #this is called if the player shoots... to be honest i dont know why this is a function def pshoot(self,**args): self.player.shoot() #draws the bullet.... duh. come on dude. def drawbullets(self): #for x in self.list_allie_shots: #x.draw() self.list_allie_shots.clear(globalvars.surface,self.background) self.enemy_shots.clear(globalvars.surface,self.background) self.updaterects+=self.list_allie_shots.draw(globalvars.surface) self.updaterects+=self.enemy_shots.draw(globalvars.surface) #... def drawsidepanel(self): if globalvars.asdf%5==0: self.side_panel.update() self.side_panel.clear(globalvars.surface,self.background) self.updaterects+=self.side_panel.draw(globalvars.surface) #dont ask why i made this a function, i made draw<asdf> for everythign else #so figured id make this too def drawtokens(self): if self.token_list: self.token_list.clear(globalvars.surface,self.background) self.updaterects+=self.token_list.draw(globalvars.surface) #goes through all the arrays and makes each of them move 1 space, simple and easy yet it deserves a comment... def tick(self): self.bgstars.update() self.list_allie_shots.update() self.list_enemys.update() self.enemy_shots.update() self.token_list.update() self.player.update() ###################### #heres a bunch of metafunctions #i break it up so its really easy to add new features #like if we ant a counter? add something to check() and draw() #all of these are called once per frame def check(self): self.check_done() self.test_collision() self.check_rows() self.list_enemys.shoot(self.stage.enemyodds) def draw(self): self.updaterects+=self.bgstars.draw() self.updaterects+=self.bgstars.clear() self.drawbullets() self.pship() self.emove() self.drawsidepanel() self.drawtokens() #does just what it sounds like..... def clear_screen(self): globalvars.surface.fill(globalvars.bgcolor) pygame.display.flip() #for debugging info mostly... No entirely def dispvars(self): print "The Enemy Array size is:",len(self.list_enemys.sprites()) print "The Player Shot Array size is:",len(self.list_allie_shots.sprites()) print "The Enemy Shot Array size is:",len(self.enemy_shots.sprites()) #does lots and lots of stuff, it really needs to be cleaned up def input(self, events): self.inputmanager.check(events) def mousemove(self,parent,event): tempx=pygame.mouse.get_pos()[0]-parent.player.rect.width/2 ## Just to make sure we don't get the ship way out there: if tempx > globalvars.xmax: #if its outside the globalvars.window, just stick it as far as possible parent.player.move(globalvars.xmax,globalvars.y) elif tempx < globalvars.xmin: parent.player.move(globalvars.xmin,globalvars.y) elif abs(tempx-globalvars.x) > globalvars.smooth_scroll_var1: #smooth scrolling if the mouse gets far from the ship parent.player.move(parent.player.get_pos().left+(tempx-parent.player.get_pos().left)/globalvars.smooth_scroll_var2,globalvars.y) else: #if it gets down to this point, #we've passed all sanity checks so just move it parent.player.move(tempx,globalvars.y) ################################################################################################################## #pretty simple def start(self): self.clear_vars() self.player=Player(self.player_list,self.token_list,Gun(self.list_allie_shots,Bullet)) self.player_list.add(self.player) self.player.set_pos(globalvars.x,globalvars.y) self.inputmanager=self.parent.inputmanager self.register_inputs() self.loop() #Yeah see this one does all of the work def loop(self): #start loop while self.again(): #refresh self.background...needs to be done once in a while if globalvars.asdf>=globalvars.REFRESH_TIME: #self.clear_screen() globalvars.asdf=0 globalvars.asdf+=1 #check everythign and see if changes need to be made self.check() #move everything 1 self.tick() #initiate input function self.input(pygame.event.get()) #draw everything self.draw() #applies the smart screen updating #globalvars.surface.set_alpha(150,pygame.RLEACCEL) ......dont ask why #globalvars.surface2.blit(globalvars.surface,globalvars.surfacerect) pygame.display.update(self.updaterects) self.updaterects=[] #pauses and waits self.time= globalvars.clock.get_time() if self.time > globalvars.FPS: timeittook=globalvars.clock.tick(globalvars.FPS-(self.time-globalvars.FPS)) print "Lag at frame %s\t%sms"%(globalvars.asdf,self.time) else: timeittook=globalvars.clock.tick(globalvars.FPS)