Exemple #1
def feedback(name, needs_text, **kwargs):
    f = FF.AudStim()
    # audio stim name already updated with '_aud' if text-based study
    # remove it for now for consistency (gets returned later)
    name = name.replace('_aud', '')
    f.name = name + '_feedback'
    f.content = name + '.mp3'
    f.delay = 2
    # assign any kwargs (special params that deviate from the norm)
    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        setattr(f, key, value)

    # are text forms required?
    if needs_text == True:
        t = FF.TextStim()
        t.name = name + '_feedback_text'
        # use spaces to separate words
        t.content = name.replace('_', ' ')
        t.size = '2em'
        t.alignment = 'center'
        t.delay = 2
        # rename audio stim for clarity
        f.name = name + '_feedback_aud'
        # assign any kwargs (special params that deviate from the norm)
        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            setattr(t, key, value)
        stimulus_objects[t.name] = t

    stimulus_objects[f.name] = f
    return f.name
Exemple #2
def audio(name, needs_text, **kwargs):
    aud = FF.AudStim()
    aud.name = name + '_aud'
    aud.content = name + '.mp3'
    aud.barrier = False
    # assign any kwargs (special params that deviate from the norm)
    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        setattr(aud, key, value)

    # If this study requires text version of audio stims...
    if needs_text == True:
        txt = FF.TextStim()
        txt.name = name + '_text'
        #txt.content = name.replace('_',' ')
        txt.content = name.replace('_', ' ')
        txt.size = '2em'
        txt.alignment = 'center'
        # rename the audio stim for clarity
        #    aud.name = name + '_aud'
        # assign any kwargs (special params that deviate from the norm)
        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            setattr(txt, key, value)
        stimulus_objects[name] = txt

    stimulus_objects[aud.name] = aud
    return aud.name
Exemple #3
def exposure(name, stimuli, needs_text, **kwargs):
    # exposure templates can handle multiple trials
    if name not in template_objects.keys():  # only create if first occurrence
        tt = FF.ExpTemplate()
        tt.name = name
        tt.stimuli = []
        tt.responses = []
        if 'Sent' in name: tt.delay = 1
        tt.force_response_delay = "passive"
        tt = template_objects[name]

    # whether or not the template is new, handle text as needed
    new_stims = []
    if needs_text == True:
        au = stimuli.pop()
        tx = au.replace('aud', 'text')
        stimuli.extend([au, tx])
        new_stims.append({'which': stimuli, 'location': [2, 1, 5]})
        new_stims = stimuli
    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        setattr(tt, key, value)
    template_objects[name] = tt
Exemple #4
def production(name, stimuli, response, needs_text, **kwargs):
    # production templates can handle multiple trials
    if name not in template_objects.keys():  # only create if first occurrence
        tt = FF.ProdTemplate()
        tt.name = name
        tt.stimuli = []
        tt.responses = [response]
        if name.startswith('Sent'): tt.replayable = True

        if 'Noun' in name: tt.order = 'fixed'
        else: tt.order = 'random'

        tt.force_response_delay = "passive"

        tt = template_objects[name]
    # whether or not the template is new, handle text as needed
    new_stims = []

    if len(stimuli) > 1:  # sentences provide audio for verb
        if needs_text == True:
            au = stimuli.pop()
            tx = au.replace('aud', 'text')
            stimuli.extend([au, tx])
            new_stims.append({'which': stimuli, 'location': [5, 1, 2]})
            new_stims = stimuli
    else:  # not a list, so append rather than extend
        new_stims = stimuli

    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        setattr(tt, key, value)
    template_objects[name] = tt
Exemple #5
def create_final_comments_response():
    # we only need one comment object...
    if 'comment' in response_objects.keys(): return
    comment_box = FF.TextResponse()
    comment_box.name = 'comment'
    comment_box.instruction = 'If you have any comments you would like to leave about this HIT, please enter them below (limit {:d} characters).'.format(
    comment_box.required = False
    response_objects['comment'] = comment_box
Exemple #6
def voice():
    # we only need one voice object...
    if 'voice' in response_objects.keys(): return 'voice'
    # create an audio response object
    voice = FF.AudResponse()
    voice.name = 'voice'
    response_objects['voice'] = voice

    return 'voice'
Exemple #7
def image(name, **kwargs):
    img = FF.ImgStim()
    img.name = name + '_img'
    img.content = name.replace('_img', '') + '.png'
    # assign any kwargs (special params that deviate from the norm)
    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        setattr(img, key, value)

    stimulus_objects[img.name] = img
    return img.name
Exemple #8
def video(target, **kwargs):
    vid = FF.VidStim()
    vid.name = target + '_vid'
    vid.content = target + '.mp4'
    # assign any kwargs (special params that deviate from the norm)
    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        setattr(vid, key, value)

    stimulus_objects[vid.name] = vid
    return vid.name
Exemple #9
def instruction(name, content, **kwargs):
    tt = FF.InstrTemplate()  # all instructions require unique objects
    tt.name = name
        tt.stimuli = content
        tt.stimuli = [['Alien', content]]
    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        setattr(tt, key, value)
    template_objects[name] = tt
Exemple #10
def text(name, content, **kwargs):
    text = FF.TextStim()
    text.name = name + '_text'
    text.content = content
    text.alignment = 'center'
    # assign any kwargs (special params that deviate from the norm)
    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        setattr(text, key, value)
    stimulus_objects[text.name] = text

    return text.name
Exemple #11
def create_AFC(choices, stimuli_nature, instruction, **kwargs):
    afc = FF.ChoiceResponse()
    afc.name = '_'.join(choices)
    afc.target = '%s:' + choices[0]
    afc.instruction = instruction
    afc.choices = ['%s:' + choice for choice in choices]

    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        setattr(afc, key, value)
    #response_objects[target] = afc
    response_objects[afc.name] = afc

    return afc.name
Exemple #12
def textbox(name='textbox', **kwargs):
    # usually only need one textbox object, but allow for others
    if name == 'textbox' and 'textbox' in response_objects.keys():
        return 'textbox'
    # create a textbox response object
    textbox = FF.TextResponse()
    textbox.name = name
    # assign any kwargs (special params that deviate from the norm)
    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        setattr(textbox, key, value)
    response_objects[name] = textbox

    return name
Exemple #13
def create_2AFC(target, foil, **kwargs):
    afc = FF.ChoiceResponse()
    afc.name = target
    t = re.sub(r'\d+$', '', target)  # remove digits at end of target
    afc.target = target.replace('2x', '%s:')
    afc.choices = [afc.target, '%s:' + foil]
    afc.instruction = 'Click on the video that matches the sentence I say:'
    # assign any kwargs (special params that deviate from the norm)
    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        setattr(afc, key, value)
    response_objects[target] = afc

    return target
Exemple #14
def lumi():
    a = FF.ImgStim()
    a.name = 'Alien'
    a.content = 'alien_new.png'
    a.width = '70%'
    stimulus_objects[a.name] = a

    fb = FF.TextStim()
    fb.name = 'Lumi_says'
    fb.content = '<b>Now listen to how Lumi would say it</b>'
    fb.size = '1.25em'
    fb.alignment = 'center'
    fb.delay = 0.7
    stimulus_objects[fb.name] = fb

    e = FF.ImgStim()
    e.name = 'empty'
    e.content = 'whitespace.png'
    e.width = '5%'
    stimulus_objects[e.name] = e

    return [a.name, fb.name, e.name]
Exemple #15
def comprehension(name, stimuli, response, needs_text, **kwargs):
    tt = FF.CompTemplate()
    tt.name = name
    tt.stimuli = stimuli
    tt.responses = [response]
    tt.force_response_delay = "passive"
    if needs_text == True:
        au = stimuli.pop()
        tx = au.replace('aud', 'text')
        tt.stimuli = []
        tt.stimuli.append({'which': [au, tx], 'location': [1, 2]})
    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        setattr(tt, key, value)
    template_objects[name] = tt
Exemple #16
def create_4AFC(target, foils, **kwargs):
    afc = FF.ChoiceResponse()
    afc.name = target
    t = re.sub(r'\d+$', '', target)  # remove digits at end of target
    afc.target = t.replace(
        '4x', '%s:')  # replace '4x' with '%s' (clickable stim format)
    afc.instruction = 'Click on the image below that matches the word I say:'
    afc.choices = [afc.target]
    for foil in foils:
        foil = '%s:' + foil
    # assign any kwargs (special params that deviate from the norm)
    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        setattr(afc, key, value)
    response_objects[target] = afc

    return target
Exemple #17
def create_survey_trial(name, stimuli, response, **kwargs):
    if name not in template_objects.keys():  # only create if first occurrence
        tt = FF.ProdTemplate()
        tt.name = name
        tt.stimuli = []
        tt.responses = [response]
        tt.order = 'fixed'
        tt.force_response_delay = "passive"
        tt = template_objects[name]

    # stimuli
    tt.stimuli = stimuli

    # other settings
    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        setattr(tt, key, value)
    template_objects[name] = tt
Exemple #18
def block(info, covers, templates, ends, **kwargs):
    #name, repeat, label_info, feedback, needs_text = info
    name, repeat, ling_unit, feedback, needs_text = info
    b = FF.Block()
    b.name = name
    if repeat and int(repeat) > 1: b.repeat = int(repeat)
    b.cover_trials = covers
    b.trial_templates = templates
    b.end_trials = ends
    #if 'prod' in label_info and feedback == True:
    if name.lower().startswith("speak") and feedback == "FB":

        b.order = 'alternate'
        b.order = 'random'

    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        setattr(b, key, value)

    block_objects[name] = b
    return b
Exemple #19
def feedback(name, stimuli, needs_text, **kwargs):
    # feedback templates can handle multiple trials
    if name not in template_objects.keys():  # only create if first occurrence
        tt = FF.FeedBackTemplate()
        tt.name = name
        tt.stimuli = []
        tt.responses = []
        tt = template_objects[name]
    # whether or not the template is new...
    # [img,aud] --> [img,'Lumi_says',aud]
    stimuli.insert(1, 'Lumi_says')
    # handle text as needed
    if needs_text == True:
        au = stimuli.pop()
        tx = au.replace('aud', 'text')
        stimuli.extend([tx, au])
    # [img,'Lumi_says',aud] --> [img,'empty','Lumi_says',aud]
        stimuli.insert(1, 'empty')
    tt.stimuli.append({'which': stimuli, 'location': [2, 5, 8, 1]})
    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        setattr(tt, key, value)
    template_objects[name] = tt
Exemple #20
def create_final_comments_trial():
    tt = FF.TextRespTemplate()
    tt.name = 'Comments'
    tt.stimuli = []
    tt.responses = ['comment']
    template_objects[tt.name] = tt
Exemple #21
def create_final_comments_block():
    b = FF.Block()
    b.name = 'Comments'
    b.trial_templates = ['Comments']
    block_objects[b.name] = b
    return b