Exemple #1
class VLANRouter:
    def __init__(self, local_address, local_network):
        if _debug:
            VLANRouter._debug("__init__ %r %r", local_address, local_network)

        # a network service access point will be needed
        self.nsap = NetworkServiceAccessPoint()

        # give the NSAP a generic network layer service element
        self.nse = NetworkServiceElement()
        bind(self.nse, self.nsap)

        # create a BBMD, bound to the Annex J server
        # on the UDP multiplexer
        # self.bip = BIPBBMD(local_address)
        # self.annexj = AnnexJCodec()
        # self.mux = UDPMultiplexer(local_address)

        #from WhoIsIAmForeign ForeignApplication
        # create a generic BIP stack, bound to the Annex J server
        # on the UDP multiplexer
        self.bip = BIPForeign(Address('BBMD_ADDR'), 30)
        self.annexj = AnnexJCodec()
        self.mux = UDPMultiplexer(local_address, noBroadcast=True)
        # self.bip.add_peer(Address(BBMD_ADDR))

        # bind the bottom layers
        bind(self.bip, self.annexj, self.mux.annexJ)

        # bind the BIP stack to the local network
        self.nsap.bind(self.bip, local_network, local_address)
Exemple #2
class _VLANRouter(Logable):
    def __init__(self, local_address: Address, local_network: int):
        if _debug:
            # pylint: disable=no-member
            # type: ignore
            _VLANRouter._debug("__init__ %r %r", local_address, local_network)

        # a network service access point will be needed
        self.nsap = NetworkServiceAccessPoint()

        # give the NSAP a generic network layer service element
        self.nse = NetworkServiceElement()
        bind(self.nse, self.nsap)

        # create a BIPSimple, bound to the Annex J server
        # on the UDP multiplexer
        self.bip = BIPSimple(local_address)
        self.annexj = AnnexJCodec()
        self.mux = UDPMultiplexer(local_address)

        # bind the bottom layers
        bind(self.bip, self.annexj, self.mux.annexJ)

        # bind the BIP stack to the local network
        self.nsap.bind(self.bip, local_network, local_address)

    def bind(self, node: Node, address: int) -> None:
        self.nsap.bind(node, address)

    def start(self) -> None:
        # send network topology
Exemple #3
class ApplicationNode(Application, StateMachine):
    def __init__(self, localDevice, vlan):
        if _debug: ApplicationNode._debug("__init__ %r %r", localDevice, vlan)

        # build an address and save it
        self.address = Address(localDevice.objectIdentifier[1])
        if _debug: ApplicationNode._debug("    - address: %r", self.address)

        # continue with initialization
        Application.__init__(self, localDevice, self.address)
        StateMachine.__init__(self, name=localDevice.objectName)

        # include a application decoder
        self.asap = ApplicationServiceAccessPoint()

        # pass the device object to the state machine access point so it
        # can know if it should support segmentation
        self.smap = StateMachineAccessPoint(localDevice)

        # the segmentation state machines need access to the same device
        # information cache as the application
        self.smap.deviceInfoCache = self.deviceInfoCache

        # a network service access point will be needed
        self.nsap = NetworkServiceAccessPoint()

        # give the NSAP a generic network layer service element
        self.nse = NetworkServiceElement()
        bind(self.nse, self.nsap)

        # bind the top layers
        bind(self, self.asap, self.smap, self.nsap)

        # create a node, added to the network
        self.node = Node(self.address, vlan)

        # bind the network service to the node, no network number

    def send(self, apdu):
        if _debug: ApplicationNode._debug("send(%s) %r", self.name, apdu)

        # send the apdu down the stack

    def indication(self, apdu):
        if _debug: ApplicationNode._debug("indication(%s) %r", self.name, apdu)

        # let the state machine know the request was received

        # allow the application to process it
        super(ApplicationNode, self).indication(apdu)

    def confirmation(self, apdu):
        if _debug:
            ApplicationNode._debug("confirmation(%s) %r", self.name, apdu)

        # forward the confirmation to the state machine
Exemple #4
class VLANRouter:
    def __init__(self):
        if _debug:

        # a network service access point will be needed
        self.nsap = NetworkServiceAccessPoint()

        # give the NSAP a generic network layer service element
        self.nse = NetworkServiceElement()
        bind(self.nse, self.nsap)

    def bind(self, vlan, address, net):
        if _debug:
            VLANRouter._debug("bind %r %r %r", vlan, address, net)

        # create a VLAN node for the router with the given address
        vlan_node = Node(Address(address))

        # add it to the VLAN

        # bind the router stack to the vlan network through this node
        self.nsap.bind(vlan_node, net)
        if _debug:
            _log.debug("    - bound to vlan")
Exemple #5
class ApplicationLayerStateMachine(ClientStateMachine):
    def __init__(self, address, vlan):
        if _debug:
            ApplicationLayerStateMachine._debug("__init__ %r %r", address,

        # build a name, save the address
        self.name = "app @ %s" % (address, )
        self.address = Address(address)

        # a network service access point will be needed
        self.nsap = NetworkServiceAccessPoint()
        if _debug:
            ApplicationLayerStateMachine._debug("    - nsap: %r", self.nsap)

        # bind this as a client of the network service access point
        bind(self, self.nsap)

        # create a node, added to the network
        self.node = Node(self.address, vlan)
        if _debug:
            ApplicationLayerStateMachine._debug("    - node: %r", self.node)

        # bind the stack to the local network
Exemple #6
class TestRouter(Logging):
    def __init__(self, localNetwork, localAddress):
        if _debug: TestRouter._debug("__init__ %r", localAddress)

        # a network service access point will be needed
        self.nsap = NetworkServiceAccessPoint()

        # give the NSAP a generic network layer service element
        self.nse = NetworkServiceElement()
        bind(self.nse, self.nsap)

        # create a generic BIP stack, bound to the Annex J server
        # on the UDP multiplexer
        self.bip = BIPSimple()
        self.annexj = AnnexJCodec()
        self.mux = UDPMultiplexer(localAddress)

        # bind the bottom layers
        bind(self.bip, self.annexj, self.mux.annexJ)

        # bind the BIP stack to localNetwork
        self.nsap.bind(self.bip, localNetwork, localAddress)

        # create a multiplexer for the service
        self.mux = TCPClientMultiplexer()

        # create the service, use 90 as the "hidden" network
        self.r2rService = RouterToRouterService(self.mux, self.nsap, 90)
class VLANRouter:

    def __init__(self, local_address, local_network, vlan_address, vlan_network):
        if _debug: VLANRouter._debug("__init__ %r %r %r %r", local_address, local_network, vlan_address, vlan_network)

        # a network service access point will be needed
        self.nsap = NetworkServiceAccessPoint()

        # give the NSAP a generic network layer service element
        self.nse = NetworkServiceElement()
        bind(self.nse, self.nsap)

        # create a generic BIP stack, bound to the Annex J server 
        # on the UDP multiplexer
        self.bip = BIPSimple()
        self.annexj = AnnexJCodec()
        self.mux = UDPMultiplexer(local_address)

        # bind the bottom layers
        bind(self.bip, self.annexj, self.mux.annexJ)

        # bind the BIP stack to the local network
        self.nsap.bind(self.bip, local_network, local_address)

        # create a vlan node
        self.vlan_node = Node(vlan_address)

        # bind the stack to the vlan network
        self.nsap.bind(self.vlan_node, vlan_network)
Exemple #8
class BIPBBMDApplication(Application, WhoIsIAmServices, ReadWritePropertyServices):

    def __init__(self, address, vlan):
        if _debug: BIPBBMDApplication._debug("__init__ %r %r", address, vlan)

        # build a name, save the address
        self.name = "app @ %s" % (address,)
        self.address = Address(address)
        if _debug: BIPBBMDApplication._debug("    - address: %r", self.address)

        # build a local device object
        local_device = TestDeviceObject(
            objectIdentifier=('device', 999),

        # continue with initialization
        Application.__init__(self, local_device, self.address)

        # include a application decoder
        self.asap = ApplicationServiceAccessPoint()

        # pass the device object to the state machine access point so it
        # can know if it should support segmentation
        self.smap = StateMachineAccessPoint(local_device)

        # the segmentation state machines need access to the same device
        # information cache as the application
        self.smap.deviceInfoCache = self.deviceInfoCache

        # a network service access point will be needed
        self.nsap = NetworkServiceAccessPoint()

        # give the NSAP a generic network layer service element
        self.nse = NetworkServiceElement()
        bind(self.nse, self.nsap)

        # bind the top layers
        bind(self, self.asap, self.smap, self.nsap)

        # BACnet/IP interpreter
        self.bip = BIPBBMD(self.address)
        self.annexj = AnnexJCodec()

        # build an address, full mask
        bdt_address = "%s/32:%d" % self.address.addrTuple
        if _debug: BIPBBMDNode._debug("    - bdt_address: %r", bdt_address)

        # add itself as the first entry in the BDT

        # fake multiplexer has a VLAN node in it
        self.mux = FauxMultiplexer(self.address, vlan)

        # bind the stack together
        bind(self.bip, self.annexj, self.mux)

        # bind the stack to the local network
Exemple #9
class ApplicationLayerNode(ApplicationServiceElement, ClientStateMachine):

    def __init__(self, address, vlan):
        if _debug: ApplicationLayerNode._debug("__init__ %r %r", address, vlan)

        # build a name, save the address
        self.name = "app @ %s" % (address,)
        self.address = Address(address)

        # build a local device object
        local_device = TestDeviceObject(
            objectIdentifier=('device', int(address)),

        # build an address and save it
        self.address = Address(address)
        if _debug: ApplicationLayerNode._debug("    - address: %r", self.address)

        # continue with initialization
        ClientStateMachine.__init__(self, name=local_device.objectName)

        # include a application decoder
        self.asap = ApplicationServiceAccessPoint()

        # pass the device object to the state machine access point so it
        # can know if it should support segmentation
        self.smap = StateMachineAccessPoint(local_device)

        # the segmentation state machines need access to some device
        # information cache, usually shared with the application
        self.smap.deviceInfoCache = DeviceInfoCache()

        # a network service access point will be needed
        self.nsap = NetworkServiceAccessPoint()

        # give the NSAP a generic network layer service element
        self.nse = NetworkServiceElement()
        bind(self.nse, self.nsap)

        # bind the top layers
        bind(self, self.asap, self.smap, self.nsap)

        # create a node, added to the network
        self.node = Node(self.address, vlan)
        if _debug: ApplicationLayerNode._debug("    - node: %r", self.node)

        # bind the stack to the local network

    def indication(self, apdu):
        if _debug: ApplicationLayerNode._debug("indication %r", apdu)

    def confirmation(self, apdu):
        if _debug: ApplicationLayerNode._debug("confirmation %r %r", apdu)
Exemple #10
class VLANApplication(Application, WhoIsIAmServices,
    def __init__(self, vlan_device, vlan_address, aseID=None):
        if _debug:
            VLANApplication._debug("__init__ %r %r aseID=%r", vlan_device,
                                   vlan_address, aseID)
        Application.__init__(self, vlan_device, aseID=aseID)

        # include a application decoder
        self.asap = ApplicationServiceAccessPoint()

        # pass the device object to the state machine access point so it
        # can know if it should support segmentation
        self.smap = StateMachineAccessPoint(vlan_device)

        # the segmentation state machines need access to the same device
        # information cache as the application
        self.smap.deviceInfoCache = self.deviceInfoCache

        # a network service access point will be needed
        self.nsap = NetworkServiceAccessPoint()

        # give the NSAP a generic network layer service element
        self.nse = NetworkServiceElement()
        bind(self.nse, self.nsap)

        # bind the top layers
        bind(self, self.asap, self.smap, self.nsap)

        # create a vlan node at the assigned address
        self.vlan_node = Node(vlan_address)

        # bind the stack to the node, no network number

    def request(self, apdu):
        if _debug:
            VLANApplication._debug("[%s]request %r", self.vlan_node.address,
        Application.request(self, apdu)

    def indication(self, apdu):
        if _debug:
            VLANApplication._debug("[%s]indication %r", self.vlan_node.address,
        Application.indication(self, apdu)

    def response(self, apdu):
        if _debug:
            VLANApplication._debug("[%s]response %r", self.vlan_node.address,
        Application.response(self, apdu)

    def confirmation(self, apdu):
        if _debug:
            VLANApplication._debug("[%s]confirmation %r",
                                   self.vlan_node.address, apdu)
        Application.confirmation(self, apdu)
Exemple #11
class ApplicationNode(Application, WhoIsIAmServices,

    _startup_disabled = True

    def __init__(self, address, vlan):
        if _debug: ApplicationNode._debug("__init__ %r %r", address, vlan)

        # build a name, save the address
        self.name = "app @ %s" % (address, )
        self.address = Address(address)

        # build a local device object
        local_device = TestDeviceObject(
            objectIdentifier=('device', int(address)),

        # build an address and save it
        self.address = Address(address)
        if _debug: ApplicationNode._debug("    - address: %r", self.address)

        # continue with initialization
        Application.__init__(self, local_device)

        # include a application decoder
        self.asap = ApplicationServiceAccessPoint()

        # pass the device object to the state machine access point so it
        # can know if it should support segmentation
        self.smap = StateMachineAccessPoint(local_device)

        # the segmentation state machines need access to the same device
        # information cache as the application
        self.smap.deviceInfoCache = self.deviceInfoCache

        # a network service access point will be needed
        self.nsap = NetworkServiceAccessPoint()

        # give the NSAP a generic network layer service element
        self.nse = _NetworkServiceElement()
        bind(self.nse, self.nsap)

        # bind the top layers
        bind(self, self.asap, self.smap, self.nsap)

        # create a node, added to the network
        self.node = Node(self.address, vlan)
        if _debug: ApplicationNode._debug("    - node: %r", self.node)

        # bind the stack to the local network
Exemple #12
class MSTPSimpleApplication(ApplicationIOController, WhoIsIAmServices, ReadWritePropertyServices):

    def __init__(self, localDevice, localAddress, deviceInfoCache=None, aseID=None):
        if _debug: MSTPSimpleApplication._debug("__init__ %r %r deviceInfoCache=%r aseID=%r", localDevice, localAddress, deviceInfoCache, aseID)
        ApplicationIOController.__init__(self, localDevice, deviceInfoCache, aseID=aseID)

        # local address might be useful for subclasses
        if isinstance(localAddress, Address):
            self.localAddress = localAddress
            self.localAddress = Address(localAddress)

        self.localDevice = localDevice

        # include a application decoder
        self.asap = ApplicationServiceAccessPoint()

        # pass the device object to the state machine access point so it
        # can know if it should support segmentation
        self.smap = StateMachineAccessPoint(localDevice)

        # the segmentation state machines need access to the same device
        # information cache as the application
        self.smap.deviceInfoCache = self.deviceInfoCache

        # a network service access point will be needed
        self.nsap = NetworkServiceAccessPoint()

        # give the NSAP a generic network layer service element
        self.nse = NetworkServiceElement()
        bind(self.nse, self.nsap)

        # bind the top layers
        bind(self, self.asap, self.smap, self.nsap)

        # create a generic MSTP stack, bound to the Annex J server
        # on the MSTP multiplexer
        self.mstp = MSTPSimple()
        self.mux = MSTPMultiplexer(self.localDevice, self.localAddress)

        # bind the bottom layers
        bind(self.mstp, self.mux.annexH)

        # bind the MSTP stack to the network, no network number

    def close_socket(self):
        if _debug: MSTPSimpleApplication._debug("close_socket")

        # pass to the multiplexer, then down to the sockets
class TestProxyApplication(Application, Logging):
    def __init__(self, localDevice, localAddress, aseID=None):
        if _debug:
            TestProxyApplication._debug("__init__ %r %r aseID=%r", localDevice,
                                        localAddress, aseID)
        Application.__init__(self, localDevice, localAddress, aseID)

        # include a application decoder
        self.asap = ApplicationServiceAccessPoint()

        # pass the device object to the state machine access point so it
        # can know if it should support segmentation
        self.smap = StateMachineAccessPoint(localDevice)

        # a network service access point will be needed
        self.nsap = NetworkServiceAccessPoint()

        # give the NSAP a generic network layer service element
        self.nse = NetworkServiceElement()
        bind(self.nse, self.nsap)

        # bind the top layers
        bind(self, self.asap, self.smap, self.nsap)

        # create a generic BIP stack, bound to the Annex J server
        # on the UDP multiplexer
        self.bip = BIPSimple()
        self.annexj = AnnexJCodec()
        self.mux = UDPMultiplexer(self.localAddress)

        # bind the bottom layers
        bind(self.bip, self.annexj, self.mux.annexJ)

        # bind the BIP stack to network 5, the 'local' network
        self.nsap.bind(self.bip, 5, self.localAddress)

        # create a multiplexer for the service
        self.mux = TCPServerMultiplexer(self.localAddress)

        # proxy connections are bound to the nsap
        self.proxyServer = TestProxyServer(self.mux, self.nsap)

    def request(self, apdu):
        if _debug: TestProxyApplication._debug("request %r", apdu)
        Application.request(self, apdu)

    def confirmation(self, apdu):
        if _debug: TestProxyApplication._debug("confirmation %r", apdu)
class VLANApplication(Application, WhoIsIAmServices, ReadWritePropertyServices):

    def __init__(self, vlan_device, vlan_address, aseID=None):
        if _debug: VLANApplication._debug("__init__ %r %r aseID=%r", vlan_device, vlan_address, aseID)
        Application.__init__(self, vlan_device, vlan_address, aseID)

        # include a application decoder
        self.asap = ApplicationServiceAccessPoint()

        # pass the device object to the state machine access point so it
        # can know if it should support segmentation
        self.smap = StateMachineAccessPoint(vlan_device)

        # the segmentation state machines need access to the same device
        # information cache as the application
        self.smap.deviceInfoCache = self.deviceInfoCache

        # a network service access point will be needed
        self.nsap = NetworkServiceAccessPoint()

        # give the NSAP a generic network layer service element
        self.nse = NetworkServiceElement()
        bind(self.nse, self.nsap)

        # bind the top layers
        bind(self, self.asap, self.smap, self.nsap)

        # create a vlan node at the assigned address
        self.vlan_node = Node(vlan_address)

        # bind the stack to the node, no network number

    def request(self, apdu):
        if _debug: VLANApplication._debug("[%s]request %r", self.vlan_node.address, apdu)
        Application.request(self, apdu)

    def indication(self, apdu):
        if _debug: VLANApplication._debug("[%s]indication %r", self.vlan_node.address, apdu)
        Application.indication(self, apdu)

    def response(self, apdu):
        if _debug: VLANApplication._debug("[%s]response %r", self.vlan_node.address, apdu)
        Application.response(self, apdu)

    def confirmation(self, apdu):
        if _debug: VLANApplication._debug("[%s]confirmation %r", self.vlan_node.address, apdu)
        Application.confirmation(self, apdu)
Exemple #15
class NATRouter:
    def __init__(self, addr1, port1, net1, addr2, port2, net2):
        if _debug:
            NATRouter._debug("__init__ %r %r %r %r %r %r", addr1, port1, net1,
                             addr2, port2, net2)

        # a network service access point will be needed
        self.nsap = NetworkServiceAccessPoint()

        # give the NSAP a generic network layer service element
        self.nse = NetworkServiceElement()
        bind(self.nse, self.nsap)

        #== First stack

        # local address
        local_addr = Address("{}:{}".format(addr1, port1))

        # create a BBMD stack
        self.s1_bip = BIPBBMD(local_addr)
        self.s1_annexj = AnnexJCodec()
        self.s1_mux = UDPMultiplexer(local_addr)

        # bind the bottom layers
        bind(self.s1_bip, self.s1_annexj, self.s1_mux.annexJ)

        # bind the BIP stack to the local network
        self.nsap.bind(self.s1_bip, net1, local_addr)

        #== Second stack

        # global address
        global_addr = Address(addr2)
        nat_addr = Address("{}:{}".format(addr1, port2))

        # create a NAT stack
        self.s2_bip = BIPNAT(global_addr)
        self.s2_annexj = AnnexJCodec()
        self.s2_mux = UDPMultiplexer(nat_addr)

        # bind the bottom layers
        bind(self.s2_bip, self.s2_annexj, self.s2_mux.annexJ)

        # bind the BIP stack to the global network
        self.nsap.bind(self.s2_bip, net2, global_addr)
Exemple #16
class VLANConsoleApplication(
    def __init__(self, vlan_device, vlan_address, aseID=None):
        if _debug:
            VLANConsoleApplication._debug("__init__ %r %r aseID=%r",
                                          vlan_device, vlan_address, aseID)
        global args

        # normal initialization
        ApplicationIOController.__init__(self, vlan_device, aseID=aseID)

        # optional read property multiple
        if args.rpm:

        # include a application decoder
        self.asap = ApplicationServiceAccessPoint()

        # pass the device object to the state machine access point so it
        # can know if it should support segmentation
        self.smap = StateMachineAccessPoint(vlan_device)

        # the segmentation state machines need access to the same device
        # information cache as the application
        self.smap.deviceInfoCache = self.deviceInfoCache

        # a network service access point will be needed
        self.nsap = NetworkServiceAccessPoint()

        # give the NSAP a generic network layer service element
        self.nse = NetworkServiceElement()
        bind(self.nse, self.nsap)

        # bind the top layers
        bind(self, self.asap, self.smap, self.nsap)

        # create a vlan node at the assigned address
        self.vlan_node = Node(vlan_address)

        # bind the stack to the node, no network number, no addresss
Exemple #17
class MQTT2IPRouter:
    def __init__(self, lan, addr1, net1, addr2, net2):
        if _debug:
            MQTT2IPRouter._debug("__init__ %r %r %r %r %r", lan, addr1, net1,
                                 addr2, net2)
        global args

        # a network service access point will be needed
        self.nsap = NetworkServiceAccessPoint()

        # give the NSAP a generic network layer service element
        self.nse = NetworkServiceElement()
        bind(self.nse, self.nsap)

        #== First stack

        # create an MQTT client
        self.s1_msap = bacpypes_mqtt.MQTTClient(lan,

        # create a service element for the client
        self.s1_mse = bacpypes_mqtt.MQTTServiceElement()
        bind(self.s1_mse, self.s1_msap)

        # bind to the MQTT network
        self.nsap.bind(self.s1_msap, net1)

        #== Second stack

        # create a generic BIP stack, bound to the Annex J server
        # on the UDP multiplexer
        self.s2_bip = BIPSimple()
        self.s2_annexj = AnnexJCodec()
        self.s2_mux = UDPMultiplexer(addr2)

        # bind the bottom layers
        bind(self.s2_bip, self.s2_annexj, self.s2_mux.annexJ)

        # bind the BIP stack to the local network
        self.nsap.bind(self.s2_bip, net2)
class TestBBMD(BIPBBMD):
    def __init__(self, addr):
        if _debug: TestBBMD._debug("TestBBMD %r", addr)
        BIPBBMD.__init__(self, addr)

        # save the address
        self.address = addr

        # make the lower layers
        self.annexj = AnnexJCodec()
        self.mux = UDPMultiplexer(self.address)

        # bind the bottom layers
        bind(self, self.annexj, self.mux.annexJ)

        # give this a generic network layer service access point and element
        self.nsap = NetworkServiceAccessPoint()
        self.nse = NetworkServiceElement()
        bind(self.nse, self.nsap)
Exemple #19
class IP2IPRouter:
    def __init__(self, addr1, net1, addr2, net2):
        if _debug:
            IP2IPRouter._debug("__init__ %r %r %r %r", addr1, net1, addr2,

        # a network service access point will be needed
        self.nsap = NetworkServiceAccessPoint()

        # give the NSAP a generic network layer service element
        self.nse = NetworkServiceElement()
        bind(self.nse, self.nsap)

        #== First stack

        # create a generic BIP stack, bound to the Annex J server
        # on the UDP multiplexer
        self.s1_bip = BIPSimple()
        self.s1_annexj = AnnexJCodec()
        self.s1_mux = UDPMultiplexer(addr1)

        # bind the bottom layers
        bind(self.s1_bip, self.s1_annexj, self.s1_mux.annexJ)

        # bind the BIP stack to the local network
        self.nsap.bind(self.s1_bip, net1, addr1)

        #== Second stack

        # create a generic BIP stack, bound to the Annex J server
        # on the UDP multiplexer
        self.s2_bip = BIPSimple()
        self.s2_annexj = AnnexJCodec()
        self.s2_mux = UDPMultiplexer(addr2)

        # bind the bottom layers
        bind(self.s2_bip, self.s2_annexj, self.s2_mux.annexJ)

        # bind the BIP stack to the local network
        self.nsap.bind(self.s2_bip, net2, addr2)
Exemple #20
class IP2IPRouter:
    def __init__(self, addr1, net1, addr2, net2):
        if _debug:
            IP2IPRouter._debug("__init__ %r %r %r %r", addr1, net1, addr2, net2)

        # a network service access point will be needed
        self.nsap = NetworkServiceAccessPoint()

        # give the NSAP a generic network layer service element
        self.nse = NetworkServiceElement()
        bind(self.nse, self.nsap)

        # == First stack

        # create a generic BIP stack, bound to the Annex J server
        # on the UDP multiplexer
        self.s1_bip = BIPSimple()
        self.s1_annexj = AnnexJCodec()
        self.s1_mux = UDPMultiplexer(addr1)

        # bind the bottom layers
        bind(self.s1_bip, self.s1_annexj, self.s1_mux.annexJ)

        # bind the BIP stack to the local network
        self.nsap.bind(self.s1_bip, net1, addr1)

        # == Second stack

        # create a generic BIP stack, bound to the Annex J server
        # on the UDP multiplexer
        self.s2_bip = BIPSimple()
        self.s2_annexj = AnnexJCodec()
        self.s2_mux = UDPMultiplexer(addr2)

        # bind the bottom layers
        bind(self.s2_bip, self.s2_annexj, self.s2_mux.annexJ)

        # bind the BIP stack to the local network
        self.nsap.bind(self.s2_bip, net2)
Exemple #21
class VLANRouter:
    def __init__(self, local_address, local_network, foreign_address, bbmd_ttl=30, rebootQueue=None):
        if _debug: VLANRouter._debug("__init__ %r %r", local_address, local_network)

        if isinstance(local_address, Address):
            self.local_address = local_address
            self.local_address = Address(local_address)

        if isinstance(foreign_address, Address):
            self.foreign_address = foreign_address
            self.foreign_address = Address(foreign_address)
        # a network service access point will be needed
        self.nsap = NetworkServiceAccessPoint()

        # give the NSAP a generic network layer service element
        self.nse = NetworkServiceElement()
        bind(self.nse, self.nsap)

        # create a BBMD, bound to the Annex J server
        # on the UDP multiplexer
        # from WhoIsIAmForeign ForeignApplication
        # create a generic BIP stack, bound to the Annex J server
        # on the UDP multiplexer
        self.bip = BIPForeign(self.foreign_address, bbmd_ttl)
        # self.bip = BIPForeign(Address(''), 30)
        # self.bip = BIPForeign(Address(''), 30)
        # self.bip = BIPForeign(Address(''), 30)
        self.annexj = AnnexJCodec()
        # noBroadcast=True stops bcast to local ntwrk
        self.mux = UDPMultiplexer(self.local_address, noBroadcast=True, rebootQueue=rebootQueue)

        # bind the bottom layers
        bind(self.bip, self.annexj, self.mux.annexJ)

        # bind the BIP stack to the local network
        self.nsap.bind(self.bip, local_network, self.local_address)
Exemple #22
class VLANRouter:
    def __init__(self, lan, addr1, net1):
        if _debug:
            VLANRouter._debug("__init__ %r %r %r", lan, addr1, net1)

        # a network service access point will be needed
        self.nsap = NetworkServiceAccessPoint()

        # give the NSAP a generic network layer service element
        self.nse = NetworkServiceElement()
        bind(self.nse, self.nsap)

        # create an MQTT client
        self.msap = bacpypes_mqtt.MQTTClient(
            lan, addr1, args.host, port=args.port, keepalive=args.keepalive

        # create a service element for the client
        self.mse = bacpypes_mqtt.MQTTServiceElement()
        bind(self.mse, self.msap)

        # bind to the MQTT network
        self.nsap.bind(self.msap, net1)
class VLANRouter:

    def __init__(self, local_address, local_network):
        if _debug: VLANRouter._debug("__init__ %r %r", local_address, local_network)

        # a network service access point will be needed
        self.nsap = NetworkServiceAccessPoint()

        # give the NSAP a generic network layer service element
        self.nse = NetworkServiceElement()
        bind(self.nse, self.nsap)

        # create a BBMD, bound to the Annex J server 
        # on the UDP multiplexer
        self.bip = BIPBBMD(local_address)
        self.annexj = AnnexJCodec()
        self.mux = UDPMultiplexer(local_address)

        # bind the bottom layers
        bind(self.bip, self.annexj, self.mux.annexJ)

        # bind the BIP stack to the local network
        self.nsap.bind(self.bip, local_network, local_address)
Exemple #24
class RouterNode:
    def __init__(self):
        if _debug: RouterNode._debug("__init__")

        # a network service access point will be needed
        self.nsap = NetworkServiceAccessPoint()

        # give the NSAP a generic network layer service element
        self.nse = NetworkServiceElement()
        bind(self.nse, self.nsap)

    def add_network(self, address, vlan, net):
        if _debug:
            RouterNode._debug("add_network %r %r %r", address, vlan, net)

        # convert the address to an Address
        address = Address(address)

        # create a node, added to the network
        node = Node(address, vlan)
        if _debug: RouterNode._debug("    - node: %r", node)

        # bind the BIP stack to the local network
        self.nsap.bind(node, net)
Exemple #25
class VLANApplication(Application, WhoIsIAmServices, ReadWritePropertyServices,
    def __init__(self,
        if _debug:
            VLANApplication._debug("__init__ %r %r aseID=%r", vlan_device,
                                   vlan_address, aseID)
        Application.__init__(self, vlan_device, vlan_address, aseID)

        # include a application decoder
        self.asap = ApplicationServiceAccessPoint()

        # pass the device object to the state machine access point so it
        # can know if it should support segmentation
        self.smap = StateMachineAccessPoint(vlan_device)

        # the segmentation state machines need access to the same device
        # information cache as the application
        self.smap.deviceInfoCache = self.deviceInfoCache

        # a network service access point will be needed
        self.nsap = NetworkServiceAccessPoint()

        # give the NSAP a generic network layer service element
        self.nse = NetworkServiceElement()
        bind(self.nse, self.nsap)

        # bind the top layers
        bind(self, self.asap, self.smap, self.nsap)

        # create a vlan node at the assigned address
        self.vlan_node = Node(vlan_address)

        # bind the stack to the node, no network number

        # set register reader class that will look into block of registers for all associated slaves
        self.register_reader = register_reader

    def request(self, apdu):
        if _debug:
            VLANApplication._debug("[%s]request %r", self.vlan_node.address,
        Application.request(self, apdu)

    def indication(self, apdu):
        if _debug:
            VLANApplication._debug("[%s]indication %r", self.vlan_node.address,
        Application.indication(self, apdu)

    def response(self, apdu):
        if _debug:
            VLANApplication._debug("[%s]response %r", self.vlan_node.address,
        Application.response(self, apdu)

    def confirmation(self, apdu):
        if _debug:
            VLANApplication._debug("[%s]confirmation %r",
                                   self.vlan_node.address, apdu)
        Application.confirmation(self, apdu)

    def do_WhoIsRequest(self, apdu):
        print('whoisrequest from', apdu.pduSource)
        if apdu.pduSource == Address('0:'):
            apdu.pduSource = GlobalBroadcast()

        # apdu.pduSource = GlobalBroadcast() # global or local broadcast?
        WhoIsIAmServices.do_WhoIsRequest(self, apdu)

    def add_object(self, obj):
        Application.add_object(self, obj)
        if obj.__class__.__name__ == 'ModbusAnalogInputObject':
Exemple #26
class VLANApplication(

    def __init__(self, vlan_device, vlan_address, aseID=None):
        if _debug: VLANApplication._debug("__init__ %r %r aseID=%r", vlan_device, vlan_address, aseID)
        ApplicationIOController.__init__(self, vlan_device, vlan_address, aseID=aseID)

        # include a application decoder
        self.asap = ApplicationServiceAccessPoint()

        # pass the device object to the state machine access point so it
        # can know if it should support segmentation
        self.smap = StateMachineAccessPoint(vlan_device)

        # the segmentation state machines need access to the same device
        # information cache as the application
        self.smap.deviceInfoCache = self.deviceInfoCache

        # a network service access point will be needed
        self.nsap = NetworkServiceAccessPoint()

        # give the NSAP a generic network layer service element
        self.nse = NetworkServiceElement()
        bind(self.nse, self.nsap)

        # bind the top layers
        bind(self, self.asap, self.smap, self.nsap)

        # create a vlan node at the assigned address
        self.vlan_node = Node(vlan_address)

        # bind the stack to the node, no network number
        self.nsap.bind(self.vlan_node, address=vlan_address)

        # keep track of requests to line up responses
        self._request = None

        if _debug: VLANApplication._debug("    - nsap.local_address: %r", self.nsap.local_address)

    def request(self, apdu):
        if _debug: VLANApplication._debug("request %r", apdu)
        if _debug: VLANApplication._debug("    - nsap.local_address: %r", self.nsap.local_address)

        # save a copy of the request
        self._request = apdu

        # forward it along
        super(VLANApplication, self).request(apdu)

    def indication(self, apdu):
        if _debug: VLANApplication._debug("indication %r", apdu)

        if (isinstance(self._request, WhoIsRequest)) and (isinstance(apdu, IAmRequest)):
            device_type, device_instance = apdu.iAmDeviceIdentifier
            if device_type != 'device':
                raise DecodingError("invalid object type")

            if (self._request.deviceInstanceRangeLowLimit is not None) and \
                    (device_instance < self._request.deviceInstanceRangeLowLimit):
            elif (self._request.deviceInstanceRangeHighLimit is not None) and \
                    (device_instance > self._request.deviceInstanceRangeHighLimit):
                # print out the contents
                sys.stdout.write('pduSource = ' + repr(apdu.pduSource) + '\n')
                sys.stdout.write('iAmDeviceIdentifier = ' + str(apdu.iAmDeviceIdentifier) + '\n')
                sys.stdout.write('maxAPDULengthAccepted = ' + str(apdu.maxAPDULengthAccepted) + '\n')
                sys.stdout.write('segmentationSupported = ' + str(apdu.segmentationSupported) + '\n')
                sys.stdout.write('vendorID = ' + str(apdu.vendorID) + '\n')

        # forward it along
        super(VLANApplication, self).indication(apdu)

    def response(self, apdu):
        if _debug: VLANApplication._debug("[%s]response %r", self.vlan_node.address, apdu)
        super(VLANApplication, self).response(apdu)

    def confirmation(self, apdu):
        if _debug: VLANApplication._debug("[%s]confirmation %r", self.vlan_node.address, apdu)
        super(VLANApplication, self).confirmation(apdu)
class BAC0BBMDDeviceApplication(
    Defines a basic BACnet/IP application to process BACnet requests.

    :param *args: local object device, local IP address
        See BAC0.scripts.BasicScript for more details.


    bdt = []

    def __init__(

        self.bdtable = bdtable

        null_client = NullClient()

            self, localDevice, deviceInfoCache, aseID=aseID

        self.iam_req = iam_req
        # local address might be useful for subclasses
        if isinstance(localAddress, Address):
            self.localAddress = localAddress
            self.localAddress = Address(localAddress)

        # include a application decoder
        self.asap = ApplicationServiceAccessPoint()

        # pass the device object to the state machine access point so it
        # can know if it should support segmentation
        self.smap = StateMachineAccessPoint(localDevice)

        # the segmentation state machines need access to the same device
        # information cache as the application
        self.smap.deviceInfoCache = self.deviceInfoCache

        # a network service access point will be needed
        self.nsap = NetworkServiceAccessPoint()

        # give the NSAP a generic network layer service element
        self.nse = NetworkServiceElementWithRequests()
        bind(self.nse, self.nsap)

        # bind the top layers
        bind(self, self.asap, self.smap, self.nsap)

        # create a generic BIP stack, bound to the Annex J server
        # on the UDP multiplexer
        self.bip = BIPBBMD(self.localAddress)
        self.annexj = AnnexJCodec()
        self.mux = UDPMultiplexer(self.localAddress, noBroadcast=True)

        # bind the bottom layers
        # bind(self.bip, self.annexj, self.mux.annexJ)
        bind(null_client, self.bip, self.annexj, self.mux.annexJ)

        if self.bdtable:
            for bdtentry in self.bdtable:

        # bind the NSAP to the stack, no network number

        self.i_am_counter = defaultdict(int)
        self.i_have_counter = defaultdict(int)
        self.who_is_counter = defaultdict(int)
        # keep track of requests to line up responses
        self._request = None
        self._last_i_am_received = []
        self._last_i_have_received = []

        # to support CoV
        self.subscription_contexts = subscription_contexts

    def add_peer(self, address):
            bdt_address = Address(address)
        except Exception:

    def remove_peer(self, address):
            bdt_address = Address(address)
        except Exception:

    def close_socket(self):
        # pass to the multiplexer, then down to the sockets
Exemple #28
class VLANApplication(Application, WhoIsIAmServices,
    def __init__(self, objectName, deviceInstance, address, aseID=None):
        if _debug:
            VLANApplication._debug("__init__ %r %r %r aseID=%r", objectName,
                                   deviceInstance, address, aseID)

        # make an address
        vlan_address = Address(address)
        _log.debug("    - vlan_address: %r", vlan_address)

        # make a device object
        vlan_device = LocalDeviceObject(
            objectIdentifier=("device", deviceInstance),
        _log.debug("    - vlan_device: %r", vlan_device)

        # continue with the initialization
        Application.__init__(self, vlan_device, vlan_address, aseID)

        # include a application decoder
        self.asap = ApplicationServiceAccessPoint()

        # pass the device object to the state machine access point so it
        # can know if it should support segmentation
        self.smap = StateMachineAccessPoint(vlan_device)

        # the segmentation state machines need access to the same device
        # information cache as the application
        self.smap.deviceInfoCache = self.deviceInfoCache

        # a network service access point will be needed
        self.nsap = NetworkServiceAccessPoint()

        # give the NSAP a generic network layer service element
        self.nse = NetworkServiceElement()
        bind(self.nse, self.nsap)

        # bind the top layers
        bind(self, self.asap, self.smap, self.nsap)

        # create a vlan node at the assigned address
        self.vlan_node = Node(vlan_address)
        if _debug:
            VLANApplication._debug("    - vlan_node: %r", self.vlan_node)

        # bind the stack to the node, no network number
        if _debug:
            VLANApplication._debug("    - node bound")

    def request(self, apdu):
        if _debug:
            VLANApplication._debug("[%s]request %r",
                                   self.localDevice.objectName, apdu)
        Application.request(self, apdu)

    def indication(self, apdu):
        if _debug:
            VLANApplication._debug("[%s]indication %r",
                                   self.localDevice.objectName, apdu)
        Application.indication(self, apdu)

    def response(self, apdu):
        if _debug:
            VLANApplication._debug("[%s]response %r",
                                   self.localDevice.objectName, apdu)
        Application.response(self, apdu)

    def confirmation(self, apdu):
        if _debug:
            VLANApplication._debug("[%s]confirmation %r",
                                   self.localDevice.objectName, apdu)
class ReadPointListApplication(Application, WhoIsIAmServices,
                               ReadWritePropertyServices, RecurringTask):
    def __init__(self,
        if _debug:
                "__init__ %r %r deviceInfoCache=%r aseID=%r", localDevice,
                localAddress, deviceInfoCache, aseID)
        global args

        Application.__init__(self, localDevice, deviceInfoCache, aseID=aseID)
        RecurringTask.__init__(self, args.interval * 1000)

        # local address might be useful for subclasses
        if isinstance(localAddress, Address):
            self.localAddress = localAddress
            self.localAddress = Address(localAddress)

        # include a application decoder
        self.asap = ApplicationServiceAccessPoint()

        # pass the device object to the state machine access point so it
        # can know if it should support segmentation
        self.smap = StateMachineAccessPoint(localDevice)

        # the segmentation state machines need access to the same device
        # information cache as the application
        self.smap.deviceInfoCache = self.deviceInfoCache

        # a network service access point will be needed
        self.nsap = NetworkServiceAccessPoint()

        # give the NSAP a generic network layer service element
        self.nse = NetworkServiceElement()
        bind(self.nse, self.nsap)

        # bind the top layers
        bind(self, self.asap, self.smap, self.nsap)

        # create a generic BIP stack, bound to the Annex J server
        # on the UDP multiplexer
        self.bip = BIPSimple()
        self.annexj = AnnexJCodec()
        self.mux = UDPMultiplexer(self.localAddress)

        # bind the bottom layers
        bind(self.bip, self.annexj, self.mux.annexJ)

        # bind the BIP stack to the network, no network number

        # install the task

        # timer
        self.start_time = None

        # pending requests
        self.pending_requests = {}

    def process_task(self):
        if _debug: ReadPointListApplication._debug("process_task")
        global point_list

        # we might not have finished from the last round
        if self.pending_requests:
            if _debug:
                ReadPointListApplication._debug("    - %d pending",

        # start the clock
        self.start_time = _time()

        # make a copy of the point list and shuffle it
        point_list_copy = _copy(point_list)

        # loop through the points
        for addr, obj_type, obj_inst, prop_id in point_list_copy:
            # build a request
            request = ReadPropertyRequest(
                objectIdentifier=(obj_type, obj_inst),
            request.pduDestination = Address(addr)
            if _debug:
                ReadPointListApplication._debug("    - request: %r", request)

            # send the request

            # get the destination address from the pdu
            request_key = request.pduDestination, request.apduInvokeID
            if _debug:
                ReadPointListApplication._debug("    - request_key: %r",

            # make sure it's unused
            if request_key in self.pending_requests:
                raise RuntimeError("request key already used: %r" %
                                   (request_key, ))

            # add this to pending requests
            self.pending_requests[request_key] = request

    def confirmation(self, apdu):
        if _debug: ReadPointListApplication._debug("confirmation %r", apdu)

        # get the source address from the pdu
        request_key = apdu.pduSource, apdu.apduInvokeID
        if _debug:
            ReadPointListApplication._debug("    - request_key: %r",

        # make sure it's unused
        if request_key not in self.pending_requests:
            raise RuntimeError("request missing: %r" % (request_key, ))

        # this is no longer pending
        del self.pending_requests[request_key]

        # we could be done with this interval
        if not self.pending_requests:
            elapsed_time = _time() - self.start_time
            if _debug:
                    "    - completed interval, %r seconds", elapsed_time)
Exemple #30
class BAC0Application(
    Defines a basic BACnet/IP application to process BACnet requests.

    :param *args: local object device, local IP address
        See BAC0.scripts.BasicScript for more details.

    def __init__(


        self.iam_req = iam_req
        # local address might be useful for subclasses
        if isinstance(localAddress, Address):
            self.localAddress = localAddress
            self.localAddress = Address(localAddress)

        # include a application decoder
        self.asap = ApplicationServiceAccessPoint()

        # pass the device object to the state machine access point so it
        # can know if it should support segmentation
        self.smap = StateMachineAccessPoint(localDevice)

        # the segmentation state machines need access to the same device
        # information cache as the application
        self.smap.deviceInfoCache = self.deviceInfoCache

        # a network service access point will be needed
        self.nsap = NetworkServiceAccessPoint()

        # give the NSAP a generic network layer service element
        self.nse = NetworkServiceElementWithRequests()
        bind(self.nse, self.nsap)

        # bind the top layers
        bind(self, self.asap, self.smap, self.nsap)

        # create a generic BIP stack, bound to the Annex J server
        # on the UDP multiplexer
        self.bip = BIPSimple()
        self.annexj = AnnexJCodec()
        self.mux = UDPMultiplexer(self.localAddress)

        # bind the bottom layers
        bind(self.bip, self.annexj, self.mux.annexJ)

        # bind the BIP stack to the network, no network number
        self.nsap.bind(self.bip, address=self.localAddress)

        self.i_am_counter = defaultdict(int)
        self.who_is_counter = defaultdict(int)

        # keep track of requests to line up responses
        self._request = None
        self._last_i_am_received = []

    def do_IAmRequest(self, apdu):
        """Given an I-Am request, cache it."""
        self._log.debug("do_IAmRequest {!r}".format(apdu))

        # build a key from the source, just use the instance number
        key = (str(apdu.pduSource), apdu.iAmDeviceIdentifier[1])
        self.i_am_counter[key] += 1

    def do_WhoIsRequest(self, apdu):
        """Respond to a Who-Is request."""

        # build a key from the source and parameters
        key = (
        self._log.debug("do_WhoIsRequest from {} | {} to {}".format(
            key[0], key[1], key[2]))

        # count the times this has been received
        self.who_is_counter[key] += 1
        low_limit = key[1]
        high_limit = key[2]

        # count the times this has been received
        self.who_is_counter[key] += 1

        if low_limit is not None:
            if self.localDevice.objectIdentifier[1] < low_limit:
        if high_limit is not None:
            if self.localDevice.objectIdentifier[1] > high_limit:
        # generate an I-Am
        self._log.debug("Responding to Who is by a Iam")
        self.iam_req.pduDestination = apdu.pduSource
        iocb = IOCB(self.iam_req)  # make an IOCB
        deferred(self.request_io, iocb)

    def close_socket(self):
        # pass to the multiplexer, then down to the sockets

    def request(self, apdu):
        # save a copy of the request
        self._request = apdu

        # forward it along
        super(BAC0Application, self).request(apdu)
class MQTTApplication(ApplicationIOController, WhoIsIAmServices,
    def __init__(self,
        if _debug:
                "__init__ %r %r %r deviceInfoCache=%r aseID=%r", localDevice,
                lan, localAddress, deviceInfoCache, aseID)
        global args

        # local address might be useful for subclasses
        if isinstance(localAddress, str):
            localAddress = Address(localAddress)
        if len(localAddress.addrAddr) != bacpypes_mqtt.ADDRESS_LENGTH:
            raise ValueError("local address must be %d octets" %
                             (bacpypes_mqtt.ADDRESS_LENGTH, ))

        self.localAddress = localAddress

        # include a application decoder
        self.asap = ApplicationServiceAccessPoint()

        # pass the device object to the state machine access point so it
        # can know if it should support segmentation
        self.smap = StateMachineAccessPoint(localDevice)

        # the segmentation state machines need access to the same device
        # information cache as the application
        self.smap.deviceInfoCache = self.deviceInfoCache

        # a network service access point will be needed
        self.nsap = NetworkServiceAccessPoint()

        # give the NSAP a generic network layer service element
        self.nse = NetworkServiceElement()
        bind(self.nse, self.nsap)

        # bind the top layers
        bind(self, self.asap, self.smap, self.nsap)

        # create an MQTT client
        self.msap = bacpypes_mqtt.MQTTClient(lan,

        # create a service element for the client
        self.mse = bacpypes_mqtt.MQTTServiceElement()
        bind(self.mse, self.msap)

        # bind the stack to the virtual network, no network number

        # keep track of requests to line up responses
        self._request = None

    def request(self, apdu):
        if _debug: MQTTApplication._debug("request %r", apdu)

        # save a copy of the request
        self._request = apdu

        # forward it along
        super(MQTTApplication, self).request(apdu)

    def indication(self, apdu):
        if _debug: MQTTApplication._debug("indication %r", apdu)

        if (isinstance(self._request, WhoIsRequest)) and (isinstance(
                apdu, IAmRequest)):
            device_type, device_instance = apdu.iAmDeviceIdentifier
            if (self._request.deviceInstanceRangeLowLimit is not None) and \
                    (device_instance < self._request.deviceInstanceRangeLowLimit):
            elif (self._request.deviceInstanceRangeHighLimit is not None) and \
                    (device_instance > self._request.deviceInstanceRangeHighLimit):
                # print out the contents
                sys.stdout.write('pduSource = ' + repr(apdu.pduSource) + '\n')
                sys.stdout.write('iAmDeviceIdentifier = ' +
                                 str(apdu.iAmDeviceIdentifier) + '\n')
                sys.stdout.write('maxAPDULengthAccepted = ' +
                                 str(apdu.maxAPDULengthAccepted) + '\n')
                sys.stdout.write('segmentationSupported = ' +
                                 str(apdu.segmentationSupported) + '\n')
                sys.stdout.write('vendorID = ' + str(apdu.vendorID) + '\n')

        # forward it along
        super(MQTTApplication, self).indication(apdu)

    def response(self, apdu):
        if _debug: MQTTApplication._debug("response %r", apdu)

        # forward it along
        super(MQTTApplication, self).response(apdu)

    def confirmation(self, apdu):
        if _debug: MQTTApplication._debug("confirmation %r", apdu)

        # forward it along
        super(MQTTApplication, self).confirmation(apdu)
Exemple #32
class DiscoverApplication(ApplicationIOController, WhoIsIAmServices,
    def __init__(self,
        if _debug:
                "__init__ %r %r deviceInfoCache=%r aseID=%r", localDevice,
                localAddress, deviceInfoCache, aseID)

        # local address might be useful for subclasses
        if isinstance(localAddress, Address):
            self.localAddress = localAddress
            self.localAddress = Address(localAddress)

        # include a application decoder
        self.asap = ApplicationServiceAccessPoint()

        # pass the device object to the state machine access point so it
        # can know if it should support segmentation
        self.smap = StateMachineAccessPoint(localDevice)

        # the segmentation state machines need access to the same device
        # information cache as the application
        self.smap.deviceInfoCache = self.deviceInfoCache

        # a network service access point will be needed
        self.nsap = NetworkServiceAccessPoint()

        # give the NSAP a generic network layer service element
        self.nse = DiscoverNetworkServiceElement()
        bind(self.nse, self.nsap)

        # bind the top layers
        bind(self, self.asap, self.smap, self.nsap)

        # create a generic BIP stack, bound to the Annex J server
        # on the UDP multiplexer
        self.bip = BIPSimple()
        self.annexj = AnnexJCodec()
        self.mux = UDPMultiplexer(self.localAddress)

        # bind the bottom layers
        bind(self.bip, self.annexj, self.mux.annexJ)

        # bind the BIP stack to the network, no network number
        self.nsap.bind(self.bip, address=self.localAddress)

        # keep track of requests to line up responses
        self._request = None

    def close_socket(self):
        if _debug: DiscoverApplication._debug("close_socket")

        # pass to the multiplexer, then down to the sockets

    def request(self, apdu):
        if _debug: DiscoverApplication._debug("request %r", apdu)

        # save a copy of the request
        self._request = apdu

        # forward it along
        super(DiscoverApplication, self).request(apdu)

    def indication(self, apdu):
        if _debug: DiscoverApplication._debug("indication %r", apdu)

        # forward it along
        super(DiscoverApplication, self).indication(apdu)

    def response(self, apdu):
        if _debug: DiscoverApplication._debug("response %r", apdu)

        # forward it along
        super(DiscoverApplication, self).response(apdu)

    def confirmation(self, apdu):
        if _debug: DiscoverApplication._debug("confirmation %r", apdu)

        # forward it along
        super(DiscoverApplication, self).confirmation(apdu)

    def do_IAmRequest(self, apdu):
        if _debug: DiscoverApplication._debug("do_IAmRequest %r", apdu)

        if not isinstance(self._request, WhoIsRequest):
            if _debug: DiscoverApplication._debug("    - no pending who-is")

        device_instance = apdu.iAmDeviceIdentifier[1]
        if (self._request.deviceInstanceRangeLowLimit is not None) and \
                (device_instance < self._request.deviceInstanceRangeLowLimit):
        if (self._request.deviceInstanceRangeHighLimit is not None) and \
                (device_instance > self._request.deviceInstanceRangeHighLimit):

        # print out something
        if interactive:
            print("{} @ {}".format(device_instance, apdu.pduSource))

        # update the snapshot database
Exemple #33
class BIPSimpleApplicationLayerStateMachine(ApplicationServiceElement, ClientStateMachine):

    def __init__(self, address, vlan):
        if _debug: BIPSimpleApplicationLayerStateMachine._debug("__init__ %r %r", address, vlan)

        # build a name, save the address
        self.name = "app @ %s" % (address,)
        self.address = Address(address)

        # build a local device object
        local_device = TestDeviceObject(
            objectIdentifier=('device', 998),

        # build an address and save it
        self.address = Address(address)
        if _debug: BIPSimpleApplicationLayerStateMachine._debug("    - address: %r", self.address)

        # continue with initialization
        ClientStateMachine.__init__(self, name=local_device.objectName)

        # include a application decoder
        self.asap = ApplicationServiceAccessPoint()

        # pass the device object to the state machine access point so it
        # can know if it should support segmentation
        self.smap = StateMachineAccessPoint(local_device)

        # the segmentation state machines need access to some device
        # information cache, usually shared with the application
        self.smap.deviceInfoCache = DeviceInfoCache()

        # a network service access point will be needed
        self.nsap = NetworkServiceAccessPoint()

        # give the NSAP a generic network layer service element
        self.nse = NetworkServiceElement()
        bind(self.nse, self.nsap)

        # bind the top layers
        bind(self, self.asap, self.smap, self.nsap)

        # BACnet/IP interpreter
        self.bip = BIPSimple()
        self.annexj = AnnexJCodec()

        # fake multiplexer has a VLAN node in it
        self.mux = FauxMultiplexer(self.address, vlan)

        # bind the stack together
        bind(self.bip, self.annexj, self.mux)

        # bind the stack to the local network

    def indication(self, apdu):
        if _debug: BIPSimpleApplicationLayerStateMachine._debug("indication %r", apdu)

    def confirmation(self, apdu):
        if _debug: BIPSimpleApplicationLayerStateMachine._debug("confirmation %r %r", apdu)