import pygame from datetime import date, datetime import random import math from ball import Ball from constants import * pygame.init() # Set up the drawing window screen = pygame.display.set_mode([SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT]) clock = pygame.time.Clock() font = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 18) balls = [Ball(i, BALL_RADIUS) for i in range(NUMBER_OF_BALLS)] balls_pos = None # Run until the user asks to quit running = True while running: # Did the user click the window close button? for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False # Fill the background with white screen.fill(BLACK) # fps
HEIGHT = 960 # Basic address information ip = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) port = 5050 addr = ip, port # Creating local server local_server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) local_server.bind(addr) players = [ Player(10, HEIGHT / 2 - 70, 10, 140), Player(WIDTH - 20, HEIGHT / 2 - 70, 10, 140) ] ball = Ball(WIDTH / 2 - 15, HEIGHT / 2 - 15, 30, 30) score = [0, 0] # Ball movement loop def serve(): clock = pygame.time.Clock() while True: clock.tick(60) point = ball.move(WIDTH, HEIGHT, players[0], players[1]) if point > -1: score[point] += 1 ball.set_speed(0, 0) pygame.time.wait(3000) ball.set_speed(9, 9)
# Initializing the clock and setting the caption clock = pygame.time.Clock() pygame.display.set_caption('Breakout') # All sprites group sprites = pygame.sprite.Group() # Paddle Object paddle = Paddle(WHITE, int((WIDTH / 8)), int((HEIGHT / 50))) paddle.rect.x = int((WIDTH / 2) - 100) paddle.rect.y = int(HEIGHT * 0.8) sprites.add(paddle) # Ball Object ball = Ball(LIGHTGRAY, 10, 10) ball.rect.x = int(WIDTH / 2) ball.rect.y = int(HEIGHT * 0.7) sprites.add(ball) # Brick Objects bricks = pygame.sprite.Group() for i in range(15): brick = Brick(red, 80, 30) brick.rect.x = 60 + i * 100 brick.rect.y = 140 sprites.add(brick) bricks.add(brick) for i in range(15): brick = Brick(yellow, 80, 30) brick.rect.x = 60 + i * 100
def fire_ball(self): ball = Ball(self.x, self.y, self.dir * RUN_SPEED_PPS * 10) game_world.add_object(ball, 1)
screen = turtle.Screen() screen.tracer(0) screen.setup(width=SCREEN_WIDTH, height=SCREEN_HEIGHT) screen.bgcolor('grey') screen.title("Pong Game") # Border setup border = Border(s_width=SCREEN_WIDTH, s_height=SCREEN_HEIGHT) # paddle setup paddle = Paddle(border_half_height=border.border_half_height, border_half_width=border.border_half_width) paddle.goto((-1) * (SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 - 60), 0) # ball setup ball = Ball(border_half_height=border.border_half_height, border_half_width=border.border_half_width) # score setup score = Score(s_width=SCREEN_WIDTH, s_height=SCREEN_HEIGHT) # level setup level = Level(s_width=SCREEN_WIDTH, s_height=SCREEN_HEIGHT) screen.update() # paddle movement handle screen.listen() screen.onkeypress(key="Up", fun=paddle.move_up) screen.onkeypress(key="Down", fun=paddle.move_down) # play game
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.set_location(400, 100) self.player = Player() self.ball = Ball()
def test_coord(): global last_time holes: list = list() for coord in hole_cord: holes.append(Hole(coord)) ######################################## # CONST ######################################## dt = 0.001 # (DEFAULT: 0.001) If set to 'none', then the calculation will depend on the processor. SPEED_PLAYER: int = 5000 COORD: list = [{ 'x': 749.1037356209815, 'y': 400.0 }, { 'x': 737.4778075654237, 'y': 518.4374639103951 }, { 'x': 841.6458133769794, 'y': 296.7989203069272 }, { 'x': 834.1708522543635, 'y': 534.2549155340065 }, { 'x': 918.795265395989, 'y': 387.5792773227268 }, { 'x': 924.1263862601234, 'y': 444.9924739563589 }, { 'x': 906.6978983363924, 'y': 263.33987765061704 }, { 'x': 886.699359748491, 'y': 522.0441045696581 }, { 'x': 980.8492405433761, 'y': 435.93334702264514 }, { 'x': 971.2759021415388, 'y': 372.77205010294244 }, { 'x': 981.3676568055325, 'y': 313.51423648206907 }, { 'x': 742.44247267777, 'y': 241.66676006285635 }, { 'x': 1062.1638977248808, 'y': 343.8689652863846 }, { 'x': 1087.6745239649977, 'y': 412.3710284138871 }, { 'x': 1040.0, 'y': 455.0 }, { 'x': 961.9666736738287, 'y': 670.3627325102416 }] ######################################## # Generate balls ######################################## balls: list = list() with open('balls.json') as f: for ball_name, struct in json.load(f).items(): balls.append( Ball(struct['position'], struct['color'], struct['radius'], balls)) ######################################## # Move player ######################################## player: Ball = balls[0] player.speed_x = SPEED_PLAYER ######################################## # Check speed ######################################## speed: bool = True while speed: last_time, balls = update(last_time, balls, dt) count_ball: int = 0 for ball in balls: if not (round(ball.speed_x, 3) or round(ball.speed_y, 3)): count_ball += 1 if count_ball == len(balls): speed = False ######################################## # Check location ball ######################################## buf: float = 0.0 for i, ball in enumerate(balls): # relative error sigma_x = (abs(COORD[i]['x'] - ball.location['x']) / ball.location['x']) * 100 sigma_y = (abs(COORD[i]['y'] - ball.location['y']) / ball.location['y']) * 100 print(f'x: {round(sigma_x, 1)} %, y: {round(sigma_y, 1)} %') buf += sigma_x + sigma_y # Average A = round(buf / (len(balls) * 2), 1) print(f'{A} %') assert 0.0 == A
def main(): pygame.init() pygame.display.set_caption('Interference') pygame.key.set_repeat(10, 10) # keypresses to auto-repeat every 10msec rects = [] # create a list screen = pygame.display.set_mode((screenwidth, screenheight)) background = Background("assets/level1-stage.gif", [0, 0]) bgsurface = pygame.Surface(screen.get_size()) bgsurface = bgsurface.convert() # speeds up blitting bgsurface.fill([0, 0, 255]) # set background to blue # if we only use a portion of the background image, change the first two values here: bgsurface.blit( background.image.subsurface(0, 0, screenwidth, screenheight), (0, 0)) screen.blit(bgsurface, (0, 0)) # get the bgsurface onto the screen surface pygame.display.update() # update the entire display # instantiate the sprites ball_sprite = Ball() bat_sprite = Bat() # store all sprite rects we create into this list rects.append(ball_sprite.getrect()) rects.append(bat_sprite.getrect()) balls_group = pygame.sprite.Group(ball_sprite) characters_group = pygame.sprite.Group(bat_sprite) while True: # this is a forever loop ev = pygame.event.poll() if ev.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit(0) batmoved = 0 if ev.type == KEYDOWN: # button pressed? if (ev.key == btn_left): batloc = [-1, 0] bat_sprite.movepos(batloc) ball_sprite.accel(-1) # influence ball speed if needed batmoved = -1 elif (ev.key == btn_right): batloc = [1, 0] bat_sprite.movepos(batloc) ball_sprite.accel(1) # influence ball speed if needed batmoved = 1 # check for collisions collide = pygame.sprite.collide_rect(bat_sprite, ball_sprite) if collide: ball_sprite.collision(bat_sprite.getrect(), batmoved) # clear the sprite(s) and then update and redraw them characters_group.clear(screen, bgsurface) balls_group.clear(screen, bgsurface) characters_group.update() balls_group.update() characters_group.draw(screen) balls_group.draw(screen) pygame.display.update(rects)
import pygame from ball import Ball from pad import Pad from brick import Brick pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((600, 400)) pygame.display.set_caption("打磚塊遊戲") background = pygame.Surface(screen.get_size()).convert() background.fill((255, 255, 255)) allsprite = pygame.sprite.Group() #建立全部角色群組 bricks = pygame.sprite.Group() #建立磚塊角色群組 ball = Ball(10, 300, 200, 30, (255, 0, 0), edge=3) #建立紅色球物件 #ball1 = Ball(10, 300, 200, 30, (0,0,255),edge=3) allsprite.add(ball) #加入全部角色群組 #allsprite.add(ball1) #加入全部角色群組 pad = Pad() #建立滑板球物件 allsprite.add(pad) #加入全部角色群組 clock = pygame.time.Clock() for row in range(0, 4): #3列方塊 for column in range(0, 15): #每列15磚塊 if row == 0 or row == 1: #1,2列為綠色磚塊 brick = Brick((0, 255, 0), column * 40 + 1, row * 15 + 1) if row == 2 or row == 3: #3,4列為藍色磚塊 brick = Brick((0, 0, 255), column * 40 + 1, row * 15 + 1) bricks.add(brick) #加入磚塊角色群組 allsprite.add(brick) #加入全部角色群組 playing = False #開始時球不會移動 running = True while running: clock.tick(30)
output += obj.toString() + "," return output if __name__ == "__main__": # inicjacja modułu pygame pygame.init() WIDTH = 800 HEIGHT = 400 main_window = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT), 0, 32) pygame.display.set_caption('Prosty Pong') pad1 = Pad(pygame, Color.BLUE, 350, 360) pad2 = Pad(pygame, Color.RED, 350, 20) ball = Ball(pygame) state = GameState([pad1, pad2, ball]) FPS = 30 fpsClock = pygame.time.Clock() AI_SPEED = 5 PLAYER_SCORE = '0' AI_SCORE = '0' fontObj = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 64) pygame.key.set_repeat(50, 25) x = threading.Thread(target=start_zmq_server, args=(state, ), daemon=True) x.start()
def create_ball(balls, screen, ai_settings): # create a ball and put that in the group balls ball = Ball(screen, ai_settings) balls.add(ball)
nearest_wall.start[1] - ball.pos[1] ]) var_t = np.linalg.solve(variables, absolute)[0] intersection = np.array([ ball.pos[0] + var_t * perpendicular_vector[0], ball.pos[1] + var_t * perpendicular_vector[1] ]) # mirrored point is equal to current ball pos + 2 * the distance between the ball_pos and the intersection_point mirror_point = np.array([ ball.pos[0] + 2 * (intersection[0] - ball.pos[0]), ball.pos[1] + 2 * (intersection[1] - ball.pos[1]) ]) return mirror_point window.bind("<Button-3>", rightPressed) window.bind("<B3-Motion>", rightMoved) window.bind("<ButtonRelease-3>", rightReleased) window.bind("<Button-1>", leftPressed) c = Canvas(window, width=WIDTH, height=HEIGHT) c.configure(background="#0a6c03") ball = Ball(c) ball.draw() c.pack() window.mainloop()
turtle.penup() #turtle.tracer(0) turtle.hideturtle() RUNNING = True SLEEP = 0.0077 SCREEN_WIDTH = turtle.getcanvas().winfo_width()/2 SCREEN_HEIGHT = turtle.getcanvas().winfo_height()/2 #ball_a = Ball(3,5,2,3,6,"blue") #ball_b = Ball(4,6,7,4,8, "red") #ball_a.goto(100,100) #ball_b.goto(100,100) MY_BALL = Ball(0,0,10,10,13,"green") NUMBER_OF_BALLS = 5 MINIMUM_BALL_RADIUS = 10 MAXIMUM_BALL_RADIUS = 100 MINIMUM_BALL_DX = -5 MAXIMUM_BALL_DX = 5 MINIMUM_BALL_DY = -5 MAXIMUM_BALL_DY = 5 BALLS = [] #PART 0 for i in range(NUMBER_OF_BALLS): X = random.randint(round(-SCREEN_WIDTH + MAXIMUM_BALL_RADIUS),round(SCREEN_WIDTH - MAXIMUM_BALL_RADIUS)) Y = random.randint(round(- SCREEN_HEIGHT + MAXIMUM_BALL_RADIUS),round(SCREEN_HEIGHT - MAXIMUM_BALL_RADIUS))
from ball import Ball from container import Container ball = Ball(50, 50, 5, 10, 30) box = Container(0, 0, 100, 100) for step in range(0, 100): ball.move() box.collides_with(ball) print(ball)
from turtle import * import turtle import time import random import math from ball import Ball turtle.colormode(1) turtle.tracer(0) turtle.hideturtle() running = True screen_width = turtle.getcanvas().winfo_width() / 2 screen_height = turtle.getcanvas().winfo_height() / 2 my_ball = Ball(100, 50, 3, 3, 50, "red") number_of_balls = 5 minimum_ball_radius = 10 maximum_ball_radius = 100 minimum_ball_dx = -5 maximum_ball_dx = 5 minimum_ball_dy = -5 maximum_ball_dy = 5 Balls = [] for i in range(number_of_balls): x = random.randint(-screen_width + maximum_ball_radius, screen_width - maximum_ball_radius) y = random.randint(-screen_height + maximum_ball_radius, screen_height - maximum_ball_radius) dx = random.randint(minimum_ball_dx, maximum_ball_dx)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255) # Open a new window size = (1280, 720) screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size) pygame.display.set_caption("Pong") paddleA = Paddle(WHITE, 10, 100) paddleA.rect.x = 20 paddleA.rect.y = 360 paddleB = Paddle(WHITE, 10, 100) paddleB.rect.x = 1250 paddleB.rect.y = 360 ball = Ball(WHITE, 10, 10) ball.rect.x = 345 ball.rect.y = 195 #This will be a list that will contain all the sprites we intend to use in our game. all_sprites_list = pygame.sprite.Group() # Add the car to the list of objects all_sprites_list.add(paddleA) all_sprites_list.add(paddleB) all_sprites_list.add(ball) # The loop will carry on until the user exit the game (e.g. clicks the close button). carryOn = True # The clock will be used to control how fast the screen updates
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)#setting the size of window pygame.display.set_caption("Air Hockey 2D")#updating the heading gameIcon=pygame.image.load('apaddle.jpg')#icon image pygame.display.set_icon(gameIcon)#setting the icon background=pygame.image.load("background.jpg").convert() paddleA = Paddle(BLUE, 10, 100) paddleA.rect.x = 20 paddleA.rect.y = 200 paddleB = Paddle(GREEN, 10, 100) paddleB.rect.x = 670 paddleB.rect.y = 200 ball=Ball(RED,10,10) ball.rect.x=345 ball.rect.y=195 #This will be a list that will contain all the sprites we intend to use in our game. all_sprites_list = pygame.sprite.Group() # Add the paddles to the list of sprites all_sprites_list.add(paddleA) all_sprites_list.add(paddleB) all_sprites_list.add(ball) def text_objects(text, font,color): textSurface = font.render(text,True,color) return textSurface, textSurface.get_rect()
def run_game(): # initialize pygame, clock, settings, and screen objects pygame.init() clock = pygame.time.Clock() p_settings = Settings() screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (p_settings.screen_width, p_settings.screen_height)) screen_rect = screen.get_rect() pygame.display.set_caption("Pong") # create the game over message play_button = Button(screen, "Play") # Create an instance to store game statistics, and a scoreboard. stats = GameStats(p_settings) sb = Scoreboard(p_settings, screen, stats) # set the background color bg_color = (230, 230, 230) # make a paddle paddle_right = Paddle(p_settings, screen, 'right', 'vert') paddle_left = Paddle(p_settings, screen, 'left', 'vert') paddle_tr = Paddle(p_settings, screen, 'tr', 'hor') paddle_tl = Paddle(p_settings, screen, 'tl', 'hor') paddle_br = Paddle(p_settings, screen, 'br', 'hor') paddle_bl = Paddle(p_settings, screen, 'bl', 'hor') # make a ball ball = Ball(p_settings, screen) balls = Group(ball) # make a group of paddles paddles = Group(paddle_right, paddle_left, paddle_tr, paddle_tl, paddle_br, paddle_bl) # start screen gi.Game_Intro(p_settings, screen, stats, sb, play_button, paddles, ball, paddle_right, paddle_tr, paddle_br, clock) # start the main loop for the game while True: gf.check_events(p_settings, screen, stats, sb, play_button, paddles, ball, paddle_right, paddle_tr, paddle_br) if stats.game_active: gf.track_ball(ball, paddle_left, paddle_tl, paddle_bl) paddle_right.update() paddle_tr.update() paddle_br.update() paddle_left.update() paddle_tl.update() paddle_bl.update() paddles.update() ball.update() # print ("game active") gf.check_ball_paddle_collisions(p_settings, screen, ball, paddle_right, paddle_left, paddle_tr, paddle_tl, paddle_br, paddle_bl) # print("player score " + str(stats.p_score)) # print("ai score " + str(stats.ai_score)) gf.update_screen(p_settings, screen, paddles, ball, sb, stats, play_button, paddle_right, paddle_left, paddle_tr, paddle_tl, paddle_br, paddle_bl) gf.check_ball_out(p_settings, screen, screen_rect, stats, sb, paddles, ball, paddle_right, paddle_left, paddle_tr, paddle_tl, paddle_br, paddle_bl) # checks if score limit has been reached if stats.ai_score == 5 or stats.p_score == 5: # game over screen go.Game_Over(p_settings, screen, stats, sb, play_button, paddles, ball, paddle_right, paddle_tr, paddle_br, clock) stats.reset_stats() sb.prep_p_score() sb.prep_ai_score() # set the game fps clock.tick(60)
def initialize_balls(self): for i in range(self.sequence_size - 1, -2, -1): color = random.randint(0, len(Colors.get_all_colors()) - 1) self.sequence.enqueue( Ball(self.start.x, self.start.y, Colors.get_all_colors()[color]))
def update(self, time_delta): """ Updates game condition time_delta is time passed from last call """ self.update_debuffs(time_delta) if len(self.come_back) == 0: if 'slow' in self.debuffs: self.move_balls_head_by_time(len(self.balls), time_delta / 2) else: self.move_balls_head_by_time(len(self.balls), time_delta) else: amount = self.come_back[0] self.move_balls_head_by_time(amount, time_delta * 3, True) d = self.get_ball_distance(self.balls[amount - 1], self.balls[amount]) if d < self.r * 2: self.move_balls_head_by_distance(amount, self.r * 2 - d) self.come_back.clear() s1 = self.check_sequence(amount - 1) s2 = self.check_sequence(amount) if s1 == s2 and s1[1] - s1[0] >= 2: self.delete_ball_sequence(s1[0], s1[1]) if self.amount > 0 and (len(self.balls) == 0 or get_distance( self.cp[0], self.balls[len(self.balls) - 1].pos) >= self.r * 2 ): if luck_check(8) and len(self.bonuses) > 0: b = Ball(random.randint(-len(self.bonuses), -1), self.r, self.cp[0]) else: b = Ball(random.randint(0, self.ball_amount - 1), self.r, self.cp[0]) self.balls.append(b) self.amount -= 1 if len(self.come_back) == 0: counter = 0 for bul_pair in self.p.bullets: dx = self.p.b_speed * time_delta bul_pair[0].move(dx * math.cos(bul_pair[1]), -dx * math.sin(bul_pair[1])) if not is_in_border(bul_pair[0].pos, (-self.r, -self.r), (self.w + self.r, self.h + self.r)): bul_pair[0].status = 3 for i in range(len(self.balls)): if get_distance(bul_pair[0].pos, self.balls[i].pos) <= \ self.r * 2: if len(self.balls) == 1: a1 = get_angle2(bul_pair[0].pos, self.balls[0].pos, self.cp[self.balls[0].goal]) a2 = get_angle2(bul_pair[0].pos, self.balls[0].pos, self.cp[self.balls[0].goal - 1]) if a1 < a2: self.insert_ball(0, bul_pair[0], 1) else: self.insert_ball(1, bul_pair[0], 0) elif i == 0: if get_angle2(bul_pair[0].pos, self.balls[i].pos, self.balls[i + 1].pos) < math.pi / 2: self.insert_ball(1, bul_pair[0], 0) else: self.insert_ball(0, bul_pair[0], 1) elif i == len(self.balls) - 1: if get_angle2(bul_pair[0].pos, self.balls[i].pos, self.balls[i - 1].pos) < math.pi / 2: self.insert_ball(i, bul_pair[0], i + 1) else: self.insert_ball(i + 1, bul_pair[0], i) else: d1 = get_distance(bul_pair[0].pos, self.balls[i - 1].pos) d2 = get_distance(bul_pair[0].pos, self.balls[i + 1].pos) if d1 < d2: self.insert_ball(i, bul_pair[0], i + 1) else: self.insert_ball(i + 1, bul_pair[0], i) counter -= 1 self.p.bullets.remove(bul_pair) break counter += 1 if len(self.balls) == 0 and self.amount == 0: self.won = True self.finished = True self.update_highscores()
def fire(self): global wav_explosion self.ball = Ball(self.player.pos, (5, 5)), self.ball)
def fire_ball(self): ball = Ball(self.x, self.y, self.dir * 3) game_world.add_object(ball, 1) pass
from turtle import Screen from paddle import Paddle from ball import Ball from scoreboard import Scoreboard import time screen = Screen() screen.setup(height=600, width=800) screen.title("Pong") screen.bgcolor("black") screen.tracer(0) r_paddle = Paddle((350, 0)) l_paddle = Paddle((-350, 0)) ball = Ball() score = Scoreboard() screen.listen() screen.onkeypress(l_paddle.go_up, "w") screen.onkeypress(l_paddle.go_down, "s") screen.onkeypress(r_paddle.go_up, "Up") screen.onkeypress(r_paddle.go_down, "Down") game_is_on = True while game_is_on: time.sleep(ball.move_speed) screen.update() ball.move() # Detect collision with wall if ball.ycor() > 280 or ball.ycor() < -280:
def game(): ball_vel = 8 player_vel = 15 is_running = True player = Paddle((WIDTH//2)-(SIZE*4), HEIGHT-SIZE*3) ball = Ball(player.get_rect().centerx, player.get_rect().top - SIZE) scoreboard = ScoreBoard() clock = pygame.time.Clock() bricks = [] hearts = [] def make_bricks(): for i in range(5): for j in range(WIDTH//(BRICK_WIDTH+SIZE//2)-2): brick_x = (j+1)*(BRICK_WIDTH+SIZE//2) + SIZE brick_y = (i+4)*BRICK_HEIGHT*3//2 + SCOREBOARD_HEIGHT bricks.append(Brick(brick_x, brick_y, scoreboard.level)) make_bricks() def redraw_window(): window.fill('black') player.draw(window) for brick in bricks: brick.draw(window) ball.draw(window) for bullet in player.bullets: if bullet.check_out_of_window(): player.bullets.remove(bullet) elif bullet.check_brick_collision(bricks, hearts): if len(bricks) == 0: scoreboard.level += 1 ball.reset() player.reset() ball.cooldown(1500) make_bricks() scoreboard.score += 10 player.bullets.remove(bullet) else: bullet.draw(window, dt*ball_vel) for heart in hearts: heart.move(dt*ball_vel/2) if heart.check_collision(player): += 1 hearts.remove(heart) elif heart.check_out_of_window(): hearts.remove(heart) heart.draw(window, heart_img) scoreboard.draw(window) pygame.display.flip() while is_running: dt = clock.tick(FPS) / 16 player.shoot_cooldown -= dt*16 if ball.player_collision(player): if ball.brick_collision(bricks, hearts): scoreboard.score += 10 if len(bricks) == 0: scoreboard.level += 1 ball.reset() player.reset() ball.cooldown(1500) make_bricks() ball.move(dt*ball_vel, dt, blip_sound) if ball.check_dead(): ball.reset() player.reset() -= 1 if == 0: is_running = False ball.cooldown(1500) redraw_window() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() quit() elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: pass key_pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed() if key_pressed[K_RIGHT]: player.right(dt*player_vel) if key_pressed[K_LEFT]: player.left(dt*player_vel) if key_pressed[K_SPACE]: player.shoot(shot_sound)
#global variables WIN_HEIGHT = 1024 WIN_WIDTH = 768 SPEED = 5 PX = 956 PY = 320 MOVEMENT = 5 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WIN_HEIGHT, WIN_WIDTH)) pygame.display.set_caption("Pong") START_BUTTON = Button((325, 225), (0, 0, 0), (215, 55), "Bonjour % ", 60) EXIT_BUTTON = Button((890, 25), (0, 0, 0), (180, 55), "Quitter", 45) PLAYER = Player(PX, PY, MOVEMENT, screen) BALL = Ball(550, 60, screen, .5, .4, PX, PY) def redraw_screen(): START_BUTTON.draw_button(screen) EXIT_BUTTON.draw_button(screen) pygame.display.flip() pygame.display.update() running = True while running: redraw_screen()
turtle.tracer(0) turtle.hideturtle() turtle_gameover = turtle.clone() runinng = True screen_width = turtle.getcanvas().winfo_width()/2 screen_hight = turtle.getcanvas().winfo_height()/2 turtle.colormode(255) def random_color(): r = random.randint(0,255) g = random.randint(0,255) b = random.randint(0,255) return (r,g,b) my_ball = Ball(100,35,21,23,50,random_color()) number_of_balls = 5 minimum_ball_radius = 10 maximum_ball_radius = 100 minimum_ball_dx = -5 maximum_ball_dx = 5 minimum_ball_dy = -5 maximum_ball_dy = 5 Balls=[] for i in range (number_of_balls): x = random.randint(-screen_width + maximum_ball_radius,screen_width - maximum_ball_radius) y = random.randint(-screen_hight + maximum_ball_radius,screen_hight - maximum_ball_radius) dx = random.randint(minimum_ball_dx,maximum_ball_dx) dy = random.randint(minimum_ball_dy,maximum_ball_dy)
def game_mode1(): #variables turtle.tracer(0,0) turtle.hideturtle() RUNNING = True SLEEP = 0.0077 SCREEN_WIDTH = turtle.getcanvas() . winfo_width()/2 SCREEN_HEIGHT = turtle.getcanvas() . winfo_height()/2 player = Ball(0, 0, 25, 25, 15, "blue") NUMBER_OF_BALLS = 25 MINIMUM_BALL_RADIUS = 5 MAXIMUM_BALL_RADIUS = 25 MINIMUM_BALL_DX = -3 MAXIMUM_BALL_DX = 3 MINIMUM_BALL_DY = -3 MAXIMUM_BALL_DY = 3 BALLS = [] points = 3 timer = turtle.Turtle() timer.hideturtle() timer.penup() timer.goto(0,300) global score score = 0 #creating the circles for i in range(NUMBER_OF_BALLS): x = random.randint(-SCREEN_WIDTH + MAXIMUM_BALL_RADIUS, SCREEN_WIDTH - MAXIMUM_BALL_RADIUS) y = random.randint(-SCREEN_HEIGHT + MAXIMUM_BALL_RADIUS, SCREEN_HEIGHT - MAXIMUM_BALL_RADIUS) dx = random.randint(MINIMUM_BALL_DX, MAXIMUM_BALL_DX) dy = random.randint(MINIMUM_BALL_DY, MAXIMUM_BALL_DY) r = random.randint(MINIMUM_BALL_RADIUS, MAXIMUM_BALL_RADIUS) color = (random.random(),random.random(),random.random()) while dx == 0: dx = random.randint(MINIMUM_BALL_DX, MAXIMUM_BALL_DX) while dy == 0: dy = random.randint(MINIMUM_BALL_DY, MAXIMUM_BALL_DY) new_ball = Ball(x,y,dx,dy,r,color) BALLS.append(new_ball) #checking collisions between 2 balls def collide(ball_a, ball_b): if ball_a == ball_b: return False current_x1 = ball_a.xcor() current_y1 = ball_a.ycor() current_x2 = ball_b.xcor() current_y2 = ball_b.ycor() D = math.sqrt(math.pow((current_x2-current_x1),2) + math.pow((current_y2 - current_y1),2)) if D >= ball_a.r + ball_b.r: return False if D < ball_a.r + ball_b.r: return True def check_all_balls(): for ball_a in BALLS: for ball_b in BALLS: collide(ball_a, ball_b) if collide(ball_a,ball_b) == True: r1 = ball_a.r r2 = ball_b.r x = random.randint(-SCREEN_WIDTH + MAXIMUM_BALL_RADIUS, SCREEN_WIDTH - MAXIMUM_BALL_RADIUS) y = random.randint(-SCREEN_HEIGHT + MAXIMUM_BALL_RADIUS, SCREEN_HEIGHT - MAXIMUM_BALL_RADIUS) dx = random.randint(MINIMUM_BALL_DX, MAXIMUM_BALL_DX) dy = random.randint(MINIMUM_BALL_DY, MAXIMUM_BALL_DY) r = random.randint(MINIMUM_BALL_RADIUS, MAXIMUM_BALL_RADIUS) color = (random.random(),random.random(),random.random()) while dx == 0: dx = random.randint(MINIMUM_BALL_DX, MAXIMUM_BALL_DX) while dy == 0: dy = random.randint(MINIMUM_BALL_DY, MAXIMUM_BALL_DY) if r1 > r2: if r1 < 250: ball_a.r = ball_a.r + 4 ball_b.goto(x,y) ball_b.color(color) ball_b.r = r ball_a.shapesize(ball_a.r/10) ball_b.shapesize(ball_b.r/10) points2 = turtle.Turtle() points2.hideturtle() points2.penup() def myball_collision(): global score for ball_a in BALLS: collide(ball_a, player) if collide(ball_a, player) == True: if ball_a.r > player.r: quit() if ball_a.r < player.r: if player.r < 250: x = random.randint(-SCREEN_WIDTH + MAXIMUM_BALL_RADIUS, SCREEN_WIDTH - MAXIMUM_BALL_RADIUS) y = random.randint(-SCREEN_HEIGHT + MAXIMUM_BALL_RADIUS, SCREEN_HEIGHT - MAXIMUM_BALL_RADIUS) dx = random.randint(MINIMUM_BALL_DX, MAXIMUM_BALL_DX) dy = random.randint(MINIMUM_BALL_DY, MAXIMUM_BALL_DY) r = random.randint(MINIMUM_BALL_RADIUS, MAXIMUM_BALL_RADIUS) color = (random.random(),random.random(),random.random()) while dx == 0: dx = random.randint(MINIMUM_BALL_DX, MAXIMUM_BALL_DX) while dy == 0: dy = random.randint(MINIMUM_BALL_DY, MAXIMUM_BALL_DY) ball_a.goto(x,y) player.r = player.r + 2 ball_a.color(color) ball_a.r = r player.shapesize(player.r/10) ball_a.shapesize(ball_a.r/10) points2.goto(0,300) score += 1 points2.clear() points2.write(str("Your score is : " + str(score)), move = True, align = "center", font = ("Arial", 20, "normal")) return True #making the game move def move_all_balls(): for i in BALLS: i.move(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT) def movearound(event): player.goto(event.x - SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT - event.y) turtle.getcanvas() .bind("<Motion>", movearound) while RUNNING: move_all_balls() myball_collision() check_all_balls() turtle.update() time.sleep(SLEEP) while points >= 0: timer.write(str("GAME STARTS IN : " + str(points) + " SECONDS"), move = True, align = "center", font = ("Arial", 20, "normal")) points -= 1 time.sleep(1) timer.clear() timer.goto(0, 300) #creating the circles for i in range(NUMBER_OF_BALLS): x = random.randint(-SCREEN_WIDTH + MAXIMUM_BALL_RADIUS, SCREEN_WIDTH - MAXIMUM_BALL_RADIUS) y = random.randint(-SCREEN_HEIGHT + MAXIMUM_BALL_RADIUS, SCREEN_HEIGHT - MAXIMUM_BALL_RADIUS) dx = random.randint(MINIMUM_BALL_DX, MAXIMUM_BALL_DX) dy = random.randint(MINIMUM_BALL_DY, MAXIMUM_BALL_DY) r = random.randint(MINIMUM_BALL_RADIUS, MAXIMUM_BALL_RADIUS) color = (random.random(),random.random(),random.random()) while dx == 0: dx = random.randint(MINIMUM_BALL_DX, MAXIMUM_BALL_DX) while dy == 0: dy = random.randint(MINIMUM_BALL_DY, MAXIMUM_BALL_DY) new_ball = Ball(x,y,dx,dy,r,color) BALLS.append(new_ball) def collide(ball_a, ball_b): if ball_a == ball_b: return False current_x1 = ball_a.xcor() current_y1 = ball_a.ycor() current_x2 = ball_b.xcor() current_y2 = ball_b.ycor() D = math.sqrt(math.pow((current_x2-current_x1),2) + math.pow((current_y2 - current_y1),2)) if D >= ball_a.r + ball_b.r: return False if D < ball_a.r + ball_b.r: return True def myball_collision(): for ball_a in BALLS: collide(ball_a, player) if collide(ball_a, player) == True: if ball_a.r > player.r or ball_a.r < player.r: quit() #making the game move def move_all_balls(): for i in BALLS: i.move(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT) def movearound(event): player.goto(event.x - SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT - event.y) turtle.getcanvas() .bind("<Motion>", movearound) while RUNNING: move_all_balls() myball_collision() turtle.update() time.sleep(SLEEP) while points >= 0: timer.write(str("GAME STARTS IN : " + str(points) + " SECONDS"), move = True, align = "center", font = ("Arial", 20, "normal")) points -= 1 time.sleep(1) timer.clear() timer.goto(0, 300)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 ''' @author Michele Tomaiuolo - @license This software is free - ''' import pygame from arena import Character, Arena from ball import Ball, Ghost arena = Arena(16, 12) Ball(arena, 4, 8) Ball(arena, 8, 4) Ghost(arena, 12, 8) TILE_SIDE = 20 SCREEN_SIZE = (arena.width * TILE_SIDE, arena.height * TILE_SIDE) BACKGROUND = (255, 255, 255) pygame.init() clock = pygame.time.Clock() screen = pygame.display.set_mode(SCREEN_SIZE) images = { Ball.SYMBOL: pygame.image.load('ball.bmp'), Ghost.SYMBOL: pygame.image.load('ghost.bmp') } # if img size ≠ 20x20: pygame.transform.scale playing = True while playing: for e in pygame.event.get():
## chek_colision(ball3 , ball2) def moove_all_balls(): for i in BALLS: i.move(SCREEN_WIDTH , SCREEN_HEIGHT) def chek_my_ball_colision(): for i in BALLS: if chek_colision(BALLS[i] , MY_BALL): ball2=Ball(x, y, dx, dy,radius , "blue"); ball2.goto(100,100) BALLS.append(ball2) ball3=Ball(x, y, dx, dy,radius , "green") ball3.goto(200,200) BALLS.append(ball2) ##ball4=Ball(x, y, dx, dy,radius , "oreng") ##BALLS.append(ball4) ##ball4.move(SCREEN_WIDTH , SCREEN_HEIGHT ) ball1=Ball(x, y, dx, dy,radius , "red")
def game_loop(): paddleA = Paddle(constants.BLACK, 10, 100) paddleA.rect.x = 20 paddleA.rect.y = 200 paddleB = Paddle(constants.BLACK, 10, 100) paddleB.rect.x = 670 paddleB.rect.y = 200 ball = Ball(constants.BLACK,10,10) ball.rect.x = 345 ball.rect.y = 195 all_sprites_list = pygame.sprite.Group() all_sprites_list.add(paddleA) all_sprites_list.add(paddleB) all_sprites_list.add(ball) carryOn = True scoreA = 0 scoreB = 0 while carryOn: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: carryOn = False if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_x: carryOn=False if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: while True: event = pygame.event.wait() if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: break keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys[pygame.K_w]: paddleA.moveUp(constants.MOVE_SPEED) if keys[pygame.K_s]: paddleA.moveDown(constants.MOVE_SPEED) if keys[pygame.K_UP]: paddleB.moveUp(constants.MOVE_SPEED) if keys[pygame.K_DOWN]: paddleB.moveDown(constants.MOVE_SPEED) all_sprites_list.update() if ball.rect.x>=690: scoreA+=1 HelperFunction.playSFX(constants.BOOP) ball.rect.x = 345 ball.rect.y = 195 ball.velocity[0] = -ball.velocity[0] if ball.rect.x<=0: HelperFunction.playSFX(constants.BOOP) scoreB+=1 ball.rect.x = 345 ball.rect.y = 195 ball.velocity[0] = -ball.velocity[0] if ball.rect.y>490: ball.velocity[1] = -ball.velocity[1] if ball.rect.y<0: ball.velocity[1] = -ball.velocity[1] if pygame.sprite.collide_mask(ball, paddleA) or pygame.sprite.collide_mask(ball, paddleB): ball.bounce() constants.screen.blit(game_background, (0,0)) pygame.draw.line(constants.screen, constants.BLACK, [349, 0], [349,500], 5) all_sprites_list.draw(constants.screen) font = pygame.font.Font(None, 74) text = font.render(str(scoreA), 1, constants.BLACK) constants.screen.blit(text, (250,10)) text = font.render(str(scoreB), 1, constants.BLACK) constants.screen.blit(text,(420,10)) pygame.display.flip() clock.tick(30)