Exemple #1
def process_housenumber(row, id, name, insee, group_id, fantoir):
    number = row.get('numero')
    if number == '99999':
        # Means it's a group address point, according to AITF weird specs.
        number = None
    ordinal = row.get('suffixe') or None
    lat = row.get('lat')
    lon = row.get('long')
    kind = row.get('position')
    cia = None
    instance = None
    data = dict(number=number, ordinal=ordinal)
    if id:
        instance = HouseNumber.where(HouseNumber.id == id).first()
        if not instance:
            return reporter.error('HouseNumber id not found', id)
        parent = instance.parent
    elif fantoir:
        parent = 'fantoir:{}'.format(fantoir)
        cia = compute_cia(insee, fantoir[5:], number, ordinal)
    elif group_id:
        parent = Group.where(Group.id == group_id).first()
        if not parent:
            return reporter.error('Group id not found', group_id)
        if parent.fantoir:
            cia = compute_cia(parent.fantoir[:5], parent.fantoir[5:], number,
        return reporter.error('Missing group id and fantoir', id)
    if cia:
        instance = HouseNumber.where(HouseNumber.cia == cia).first()
    if instance:
        # Well… the BAL can't give us a BAN reference version, be kind for now.
        # See https://github.com/etalab/ban/issues/91#issuecomment-198432574
        # and https://github.com/etalab/ban/issues/94
        data['version'] = instance.version + 1
        data['instance'] = instance
    data['parent'] = parent

    validator = HouseNumber.validator(**data)
    if validator.errors:
        reporter.error('HouseNumber errors', (validator.errors, parent))
            housenumber = validator.save()
        except peewee.IntegrityError:
            return reporter.error('Duplicate housenumber',
                                  (number, ordinal, parent))
        if lon and lat:
            process_position(housenumber, (lon, lat), kind)
        msg = 'HouseNumber Updated' if instance else 'HouseNumber created'
        reporter.notice(msg, (number, ordinal, parent))
Exemple #2
def process_housenumber(row, id, name, insee, group_id, fantoir):
    number = row.get('numero')
    if number == '99999':
        # Means it's a group address point, according to AITF weird specs.
        number = None
    ordinal = row.get('suffixe') or None
    lat = row.get('lat')
    lon = row.get('long')
    kind = row.get('position')
    cia = None
    instance = None
    data = dict(number=number, ordinal=ordinal)
    if id:
        instance = HouseNumber.where(HouseNumber.id == id).first()
        if not instance:
            return reporter.error('HouseNumber id not found', id)
        parent = instance.parent
    elif fantoir:
        parent = 'fantoir:{}'.format(fantoir)
        cia = compute_cia(insee, fantoir[5:], number, ordinal)
    elif group_id:
        parent = Group.where(Group.id == group_id).first()
        if not parent:
            return reporter.error('Group id not found', group_id)
        if parent.fantoir:
            cia = compute_cia(parent.fantoir[:5], parent.fantoir[5:], number,
        return reporter.error('Missing group id and fantoir', id)
    if cia:
        instance = HouseNumber.where(HouseNumber.cia == cia).first()
    if instance:
        # Well… the BAL can't give us a BAN reference version, be kind for now.
        # See https://github.com/etalab/ban/issues/91#issuecomment-198432574
        # and https://github.com/etalab/ban/issues/94
        data['version'] = instance.version + 1
        data['instance'] = instance
    data['parent'] = parent

    validator = HouseNumber.validator(**data)
    if validator.errors:
        reporter.error('HouseNumber errors', (validator.errors, parent))
            housenumber = validator.save()
        except peewee.IntegrityError:
            return reporter.error('Duplicate housenumber',
                                  (number, ordinal, parent))
        if lon and lat:
            process_position(housenumber, (lon, lat), kind)
        msg = 'HouseNumber Updated' if instance else 'HouseNumber created'
        reporter.notice(msg, (number, ordinal, parent))
Exemple #3
 def compute_cia(self):
     return compute_cia(str(self.parent.municipality.insee),
                        self.parent.get_fantoir(), self.number,
Exemple #4
def process_housenumber(row):
    data = dict(version=1)
    keys = [('numero', 'number'), 'ordinal', 'ign', 'laposte', 'cia']
    populate(keys, row, data)
    fantoir = row.get('group:fantoir')
    cia = row.get('cia')
    insee = row.get('municipality:insee')
    computed_cia = None
    if fantoir:
        if not insee:
            insee = fantoir[:5]
        number = data.get('number')
        ordinal = data.get('ordinal')
        computed_cia = compute_cia(insee, fantoir[5:], number, ordinal)
        if data.get('cia'):
            data['cia'] = computed_cia
    source = row.get('source')
    data['attributes'] = {'source': source}
    # Only override if key is present (even if value is null).
    if 'postcode:code' in row:
        code = row.get('postcode:code')
        postcode = PostCode.select().join(Municipality).where(
            PostCode.code == code,
            Municipality.insee == insee).first()
        if not postcode:
            reporter.error('HouseNumber postcode not found', (cia, code))
            data['postcode'] = postcode

    group_ign = row.get('group:ign')
    group_laposte = row.get('group:laposte')
    parent = None
    if fantoir:
        parent = 'fantoir:{}'.format(fantoir)
    elif group_ign:
        parent = 'ign:{}'.format(group_ign)
    elif group_laposte:
        parent = 'laposte:{}'.format(group_laposte)
    if parent:
            parent = Group.coerce(parent)
        except Group.DoesNotExist:
            reporter.error('Parent given but not found', parent)
            parent = None
            data['parent'] = parent

    update = False
    instance = None
    ign = data.get('ign')
    laposte = data.get('laposte')
    if cia:
        instance = HouseNumber.first(HouseNumber.cia == cia)
        if instance and compute_cia:
            if cia != computed_cia:
                # Means new values are changing one of the four values of the
                # cia (insee, fantoir, number, ordinal). Make sure we are not
                # creating a duplicate.
                duplicate = HouseNumber.first(HouseNumber.cia == computed_cia)
                if duplicate:
                    msg = 'Duplicate CIA'
                    reporter.error(msg, (cia, computed_cia))
    elif ign:
        instance = HouseNumber.first(HouseNumber.ign == ign)
    elif laposte:
        instance = HouseNumber.first(HouseNumber.laposte == laposte)
    if parent and not instance:
        # Data is not coerced yet, we want None for empty strings.
        ordinal = data.get('ordinal') or None
        instance = HouseNumber.first(HouseNumber.parent == parent,
                                     HouseNumber.number == data['number'],
                                     HouseNumber.ordinal == ordinal)
    if instance:
        attributes = getattr(instance, 'attributes') or {}
        if attributes.get('source') == source:
            # Reimporting same data?
            reporter.warning('HouseNumber already exists', instance.cia)
        data['version'] = instance.version + 1
        update = True

    if not instance and not parent:
        reporter.error('No matching instance and missing parent reference',

    validator = HouseNumber.validator(instance=instance, update=update, **data)
    if validator.errors:
        reporter.error('HouseNumber errors', (validator.errors, data))
    with HouseNumber._meta.database.atomic():
        except peewee.IntegrityError as e:
            reporter.warning('HouseNumber DB error', (data, str(e)))
            msg = 'HouseNumber Updated' if instance else 'HouseNumber created'
            reporter.notice(msg, data)
Exemple #5
 def compute_cia(self):
     return compute_cia(self.parent.fantoir[:5], self.parent.fantoir[5:],
                        self.ordinal) if self.parent.fantoir else None
Exemple #6
def process_housenumber(row):
    number = row.get('numero')
    ordinal = row.get('ordinal') or None
    fantoir = row.get('group:fantoir')
    cia = row.get('cia')
    if not fantoir and cia:
        # 12xxx.json is missing group:fantoir.
        fantoir = '{}{}'.format(cia[:5], cia[6:10])
    insee = fantoir[:5]
    computed_cia = compute_cia(insee, fantoir[5:], number, ordinal)
    if not cia:
        cia = computed_cia
    parent = 'fantoir:{}'.format(fantoir)
    source = row.get('source')
    attributes = {'source': source}
    data = dict(number=number, ordinal=ordinal, version=1, parent=parent,
    # Only override if key is present (even if value is null).
    if 'ref:ign' in row:
        data['ign'] = row['ref:ign']
    if 'poste:cea' in row:
        data['laposte'] = row['poste:cea']
    if 'postcode' in row:
        code = row.get('postcode')
        postcode = PostCode.select().join(Municipality).where(
            PostCode.code == code,
            Municipality.insee == insee).first()
        if not postcode:
            reporter.error('HouseNumber postcode not found', (cia, code))
            data['postcode'] = postcode
    instance = HouseNumber.first(HouseNumber.cia == cia)
    update = False
    if instance:
        if cia != computed_cia:
            # Means new values are changing one of the four values of the cia
            # (insee, fantoir, number, ordinal). Make sure we are not creating
            # a duplicate.
            duplicate = HouseNumber.first(HouseNumber.cia == computed_cia)
            if duplicate:
                msg = 'Duplicate CIA'
                reporter.error(msg, (cia, computed_cia))
        attributes = getattr(instance, 'attributes') or {}
        if attributes.get('source') == source:
            # Reimporting same data?
            reporter.warning('HouseNumber already exists', instance.cia)
        data['version'] = instance.version + 1
        update = True

    validator = HouseNumber.validator(instance=instance, update=update, **data)
    if validator.errors:
        reporter.error('HouseNumber errors', (validator.errors, parent))
    with HouseNumber._meta.database.atomic():
        except peewee.IntegrityError:
            reporter.warning('HouseNumber DB error', cia)
            msg = 'HouseNumber Updated' if instance else 'HouseNumber created'
            reporter.notice(msg, (number, ordinal, parent))
Exemple #7
 def compute_cia(self):
     return compute_cia(str(self.parent.municipality.insee),
                        self.number, self.ordinal)
Exemple #8
def process_housenumber(row):
    data = dict(version=1)
    keys = [('numero', 'number'), 'ordinal', 'ign', 'laposte', 'cia']
    populate(keys, row, data)
    fantoir = row.get('group:fantoir')
    cia = row.get('cia')
    insee = row.get('municipality:insee')
    computed_cia = None
    if fantoir:
        if not insee:
            insee = fantoir[:5]
        number = data.get('number')
        ordinal = data.get('ordinal')
        computed_cia = compute_cia(insee, fantoir[5:], number, ordinal)
        if data.get('cia'):
            data['cia'] = computed_cia
    source = row.get('source')
    data['attributes'] = {'source': source}
    # Only override if key is present (even if value is null).
    if 'postcode:code' in row:
        code = row.get('postcode:code')
        postcode = PostCode.select().join(Municipality).where(
            PostCode.code == code, Municipality.insee == insee).first()
        if not postcode:
            reporter.error('HouseNumber postcode not found', (cia, code))
            data['postcode'] = postcode

    group_ign = row.get('group:ign')
    group_laposte = row.get('group:laposte')
    parent = None
    if fantoir:
        parent = 'fantoir:{}'.format(fantoir)
    elif group_ign:
        parent = 'ign:{}'.format(group_ign)
    elif group_laposte:
        parent = 'laposte:{}'.format(group_laposte)
    if parent:
            parent = Group.coerce(parent)
        except Group.DoesNotExist:
            reporter.error('Parent given but not found', parent)
            parent = None
            data['parent'] = parent

    update = False
    instance = None
    ign = data.get('ign')
    laposte = data.get('laposte')
    if cia:
        instance = HouseNumber.first(HouseNumber.cia == cia)
        if instance and compute_cia:
            if cia != computed_cia:
                # Means new values are changing one of the four values of the
                # cia (insee, fantoir, number, ordinal). Make sure we are not
                # creating a duplicate.
                duplicate = HouseNumber.first(HouseNumber.cia == computed_cia)
                if duplicate:
                    msg = 'Duplicate CIA'
                    reporter.error(msg, (cia, computed_cia))
    elif ign:
        instance = HouseNumber.first(HouseNumber.ign == ign)
    elif laposte:
        instance = HouseNumber.first(HouseNumber.laposte == laposte)
    if parent and not instance:
        # Data is not coerced yet, we want None for empty strings.
        ordinal = data.get('ordinal') or None
        instance = HouseNumber.first(HouseNumber.parent == parent,
                                     HouseNumber.number == data['number'],
                                     HouseNumber.ordinal == ordinal)
    if instance:
        attributes = getattr(instance, 'attributes') or {}
        if attributes.get('source') == source:
            # Reimporting same data?
            reporter.warning('HouseNumber already exists', instance.cia)
        data['version'] = instance.version + 1
        update = True

    if not instance and not parent:
        reporter.error('No matching instance and missing parent reference',

    validator = HouseNumber.validator(instance=instance, update=update, **data)
    if validator.errors:
        reporter.error('HouseNumber errors', (validator.errors, data))
    with HouseNumber._meta.database.atomic():
        except peewee.IntegrityError as e:
            reporter.warning('HouseNumber DB error', (data, str(e)))
            msg = 'HouseNumber Updated' if instance else 'HouseNumber created'
            reporter.notice(msg, data)
Exemple #9
 def compute_cia(self):
     get_fantoir = getattr(self.parent, 'get_fantoir', None)
     if not get_fantoir:
         return None
     return compute_cia(str(self.parent.municipality.insee),
                        get_fantoir(), self.number, self.ordinal)