def __init__(self, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, max_retries=MAX_RETRIES): self.__nse_urls = NseUrls() self.__headers = self.__nse_urls.header #create request self.__request = RequestUrl(timeout, max_retries)
class NseData: def __init__(self, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, max_retries=MAX_RETRIES): self.__nse_urls = NseUrls() self.__headers = self.__nse_urls.header #create request self.__request = RequestUrl(timeout, max_retries) def get_indices(self): """To get list of NSE indices """ try: index_page = self.__request.get(self.__nse_urls.INDEX_URL, headers=self.__headers) soup = BeautifulSoup(index_page.text, 'lxml') table = soup.find("select", {"id": "indexType"}) indices_data = table.find_all("option") indices = [ index.get("value") for index in indices_data if "NIFTY" in index.get("value") ] #lets append india vix as well indices.append("INDIA VIX") return indices except Exception as err: raise Exception("Error occurred while getting NSE indices :", str(err)) def get_oc_exp_dates(self, symbol): """get current available expiry dates :raises Exception: NSE connection related :return: expiry dates :rtype: list """ try: base_oc_url = self.__nse_urls.get_option_chain_url(symbol) page = self.__request.get(base_oc_url, headers=self.__headers) soup = BeautifulSoup(page.text, 'lxml') table = soup.find("select", {"id": "date"}) expiry_out = table.find_all("option") expiry_dates = [exp_date.get("value") for exp_date in expiry_out][1:] return expiry_dates except Exception as err: raise Exception("something went wrong while reading nse URL :", str(err)) def get_option_chain_df(self, symbol, expiry_date=None, dayfirst=False): """ This function fetches option chain data from NSE and returns in pandas.DataFrame :param symbol: stock/index symbol :type symbol: string :param expiry_date: expiry date (all date formats accepted), defaults to next near :type expiry_date: string :param dayfirst: True if date format is european style DD/MM/YYYY, defaults to False :type dayfirst: bool, optional :raises Exception: NSE connection related :raises Exception: In html parsing :return: option chain :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ try: if not expiry_date: expiry_date = self.get_oc_exp_dates(symbol)[0] oc_url = self.__nse_urls.get_option_chain_url( symbol, expiry_date, dayfirst) # If the response was successful, no Exception will be raised oc_page = self.__request.get(oc_url, headers=self.__headers) except Exception as err: raise Exception("Error occurred while connecting NSE :", str(err)) else: try: dfs = pd.read_html(oc_page.text) return dfs[1] except Exception as err: raise Exception("Error occurred while reading html :", str(err)) def __get_file_path(self, file_name, file_path=None, is_use_default_name=True): """[summary] :param file_name: file name :type file_name: string :param file_path: file directory or file path , defaults to None :type file_path: string, optional :param is_use_default_name: to get filename in current timestamp, defaults to True :type is_use_default_name: bool, optional :return: file path :rtype: string """ try: if not file_path: file_path = os.getcwd() if os.path.isfile(file_path): if (not is_use_default_name): return file_path # if need to use default file path, we get parent path else: file_path = os.path.dirname(file_path) # datetime object containing current date and time now = # dd/mm/YY H:M:S dt_string = now.strftime("%d_%B_%H_%M") file_name = file_name + "_" + dt_string + ".xlsx" excel_path = os.path.join(file_path, file_name) return excel_path except Exception as err: print("Error while naming file. Error: ", str(err)) def get_option_chain_excel(self, symbol, expiry_date=None, dayfirst=False, file_path=None, is_use_default_name=True): """Fetches NSE option chain data and returns in the form of excel (.xlsx) :param symbol: stock/index symbol :type symbol: string :param expiry_date: expiry date (all date formats accepted), defaults to next near :type expiry_date: string :param dayfirst: True if date format is european style DD/MM/YYYY, defaults to False :type dayfirst: bool, optional :param file_path: file/folder path, defaults to None :type file_path: string, optional :param is_use_default_name: to get filename as current timestamp, defaults to True :type is_use_default_name: bool, optional :raises Exception: NSE connection related """ try: if not expiry_date: expiry_date = self.get_oc_exp_dates(symbol)[0] df = self.get_option_chain_df(symbol, expiry_date, dayfirst) file_name = symbol + "_" + expiry_date excel_path = self.__get_file_path(file_name, file_path, is_use_default_name) df.to_excel(excel_path, file_name) except Exception as err: raise Exception("Error occurred while getting excel :", str(err)) def __join_part_oi_dfs(self, df_join, df_joiner): """will append joiner to join for oi_dfs :param df_join: Dictionary of participants :type df_join: dict :param df_joiner: Dictionary of participants :type df_joiner: dict """ for client in df_join: df_join[client] = self.__join_dfs(df_join[client], df_joiner[client]).sort_index() def __join_dfs(self, join, joiner): """will append joiner to join for oi_dfs :param join: df which will be appended :type join: pandas.DataFrame :param joiner: df which we want to append :type joiner: pandas.DataFrame :return: merged data frame :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ return join.append(joiner) def get_part_oi_df(self, start=None, end=None, periods=None, dayfirst=False, workers=None): """Return dictionary of participants containing data frames :param start: start date , defaults to None :type start: string, optional :param end: end date, defaults to None :type end: string, optional :param periods: number of days, defaults to None :type periods: interger, optional :param dayfirst: True if date format is european style DD/MM/YYYY, defaults to False :type dayfirst: bool, optional :param workers: Number of threads for requesting nse, defaults to None :type workers: interger, optional :raises Exception: NSE Connection/Request overload :return: participant wise open interest :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ try: #format date just in case if start: start = get_formated_date(start, dayfirst=dayfirst) if end: end = get_formated_date(end, dayfirst=dayfirst) #if both none, we set end to today if not start and not end: end = get_formated_date() if not periods: periods = PART_OI_DAYS #get urls for these days dates = pd.date_range(start=start, end=end, periods=periods, freq='B') url_date = [(self.__nse_urls.get_participant_oi_url(date), date) for date in dates] # oi_clm = self.__nse_urls.PART_OI_CLM #lets preinitialize, better readability oi_dfs = { "Client": pd.DataFrame(columns=oi_clm, index=dates), "DII": pd.DataFrame(columns=oi_clm, index=dates), "FII": pd.DataFrame(columns=oi_clm, index=dates), "Pro": pd.DataFrame(columns=oi_clm, index=dates), "TOTAL": pd.DataFrame(columns=oi_clm, index=dates) } if not workers: workers = os.cpu_count() * 2 with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=workers) as executor: responses = { executor.submit(self.__request.get, url, self.__headers): date for url, date in url_date } for res in concurrent.futures.as_completed(responses): date = responses[res] try: csv = res.result() except Exception as exc: #might be holiday pass else: df = pd.read_csv( io.StringIO(csv.content.decode('utf-8'))) #drop the first header df_header = df.iloc[0] #is there any implace way? df = df[1:] df.columns = df_header df.set_index('Client Type', inplace=True) #lets us create data frome for all client type oi_dfs['Client'].loc[date] = df.loc['Client'] oi_dfs['FII'].loc[date] = df.loc['FII'] oi_dfs['DII'].loc[date] = df.loc['DII'] oi_dfs['Pro'].loc[date] = df.loc['Pro'] oi_dfs['TOTAL'].loc[date] = df.loc['TOTAL'] if not oi_dfs['Client'].empty: #remove nan row for client in oi_dfs: oi_dfs[client].dropna(inplace=True) #if holiday occurred in business day, lets retrive more data equivalent to holdidays. if oi_dfs['Client'].shape[0] < periods: new_periods = periods - oi_dfs['Client'].shape[0] try: #if only start, find till today if start and (not end): s_from = oi_dfs['Client'].index[-1] + timedelta(1) e_till = None #if not start, can go to past elif (end and (not start)): s_from = None e_till = oi_dfs['Client'].index[0] - timedelta(1) #if start and end, no need to change else: return oi_dfs except IndexError as err: raise Exception( "NSE Access error.size down/clean cookies to resolve the issue." ) except Exception as exc: raise Exception("participant OI error: ", str(exc)) oi_dfs_new = self.get_part_oi_df(start=s_from, end=e_till, periods=new_periods) self.__join_part_oi_dfs(oi_dfs, oi_dfs_new) return oi_dfs except Exception as err: raise Exception("Error occurred while getting part_oi :", str(err)) def __parse_indexdata(self, res_txt, symbol): dfs = pd.read_html(res_txt)[0] if dfs.shape[0] < 2: raise Exception("No record found") if "NIFTY" in symbol: fined_dfs = dfs.iloc[0:] fined_dfs.columns = self.__nse_urls.INDEX_DATA_CLM elif symbol == "INDIA VIX": fined_dfs = dfs.iloc[1:] fined_dfs.drop(fined_dfs.index[0], inplace=True) fined_dfs.columns = self.__nse_urls.VIX_DATA_CLM fined_dfs.drop(fined_dfs.index[-1], inplace=True) fined_dfs.set_index("Date", inplace=True) return fined_dfs def __get_datarange_intv(self, start, end, intv): diff = math.ceil((end - start).days / intv) date_ranges = [] curr_start = prev_start = start for i in range(diff): curr_start = (start + timedelta(intv * i)) if i != 0: start_ = prev_start end_ = curr_start - timedelta(1) date_ranges.append((start_, end_)) prev_start = curr_start date_ranges.append((curr_start, end)) return date_ranges def __get_data_adjusted(self, dfs, symbol, series="EQ", start=None, end=None, periods=None): if periods and (dfs.shape[0] < periods): new_periods = periods - dfs.shape[0] try: s_from = e_till = None #if only start, find till today if start and (not end): s_from = dfs.index[0] + timedelta(1) e_till = None #if not start, can go to past elif ((end and (not start)) or periods): s_from = None e_till = dfs.index[-1] - timedelta(1) except IndexError as err: raise Exception("NSE Access error.") except Exception as exc: raise Exception("Stock data error: ", str(exc)) try: dfs_new = self.get_data(symbol, series, start=s_from, end=e_till, periods=new_periods) dfs = self.__join_dfs(dfs, dfs_new).sort_index(ascending=False) except Exception as exc: #data may not be available pass return dfs def get_data(self, symbol, series="EQ", start=None, end=None, periods=None, dayfirst=False): """To get NSE stock data :param symbol: stock/index symbol :type symbol: string :param series: segment, defaults to "EQ" :type series: string, optional :param start: start date, defaults to None :type start: string, optional :param end: end date, defaults to None :type end: string, optional :param periods: number of days, defaults to None :type periods: interger, optional :param dayfirst: True if date format is european style DD/MM/YYYY, defaults to False :type dayfirst: bool, optional :raises Exception: NSE Connection Related :return: stock data :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ try: #Step1: get the date range s_from, e_till = get_date_range(start=start, end=end, periods=periods, dayfirst=dayfirst) if s_from > e_till: raise ValueError("End should grater than start.") data_limit = None if self.__nse_urls.is_index(symbol): data_limit = INDEX_DATA_LIMIT else: data_limit = STOCK_DATA_LIMIT data_days = e_till - s_from if (data_days.days) > data_limit: date_ranges = self.__get_datarange_intv( s_from, e_till, data_limit) workers = len(date_ranges) with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=workers) as executor: responses = [executor.submit(self.get_data, symbol=symbol,start=start_,end=end_,dayfirst=dayfirst)\ for start_,end_ in date_ranges] dfs = [] for res in concurrent.futures.as_completed(responses): try: df = res.result() dfs.append(df) except Exception as exc: #might be holiday/no record pass all_dfs = pd.concat(dfs).sort_index(ascending=False) adjusted_dfs = self.__get_data_adjusted(all_dfs, symbol, start=start, end=end, periods=periods) return adjusted_dfs data_url = self.__nse_urls.get_stock_data_url\ ( symbol,series=series,start=s_from, end=e_till ) csv = self.__request.get(data_url, headers=self.__headers) #if it is index, wee need to read table # Why the heck, We are doing so much handling? Is there any other way? # Suggestions are welcome. ping me on github if self.__nse_urls.is_index(symbol): dfs = self.__parse_indexdata(csv.text, symbol) else: dfs = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(csv.content.decode('utf-8'))) dfs.set_index('Date ', inplace=True) # Converting the index as date dfs.index = pd.to_datetime(dfs.index) dfs = self.__get_data_adjusted(dfs, symbol, start=start, end=end, periods=periods) return dfs except Exception as err: raise Exception("Error occurred while fetching stock data :", str(err))