Exemple #1
def test_performance():
    """ Tests calculate_tf for huge texts.
    import random
    palavras = ["zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six",
                "seven", "eight", "nine", "R$1000.00"]
    contents = ""
    language = 'english'
    for _ in range(10000):  # increase number and measure time when necessary
        contents += palavras[random.randint(0, len(palavras) - 1)] + " "
    text.calculate_tf(language, contents)
Exemple #2
def test_calculate_tf_en():
    """ Tests calculate_tf for English contents.
    language = "english"
    contents = "Cooks who don't love cooking don't cook well."
    results = text.calculate_tf(language, contents)
    nose.tools.eq_(results['cook'], 3, "Wrong TF")
    nose.tools.eq_(results['love'], 1, "Wrong TF")
    nose.tools.eq_(results['well'], 1, "Wrong TF")
Exemple #3
def test_calculate_tf_pt():
    """ Tests calculate_tf for Portuguese contents.
    language = "portuguese"
    contents = "Eu não gostava do gosto gasto do gesto de agosto."
    results = text.calculate_tf(language, contents)
    nose.tools.eq_(results['gost'], 2, "Wrong TF")
    nose.tools.eq_(results['gast'], 1, "Wrong TF")
    nose.tools.eq_(results['gest'], 1, "Wrong TF")
    nose.tools.eq_(results['agost'], 1, "Wrong TF")
Exemple #4
def main(argv):
    if len(argv) < 2:
        msg = "You must specify the language and the text"
        return {"success": False, "message": msg}

    vocabulary_language = argv[0]
    text_for_tf = argv[1]

    tf_by_term = text.calculate_tf(vocabulary_language, text_for_tf)

    if tf_by_term is not None:
        return {"success": True, "results": tf_by_term}