def getMusic(where_clause='', where_values=None, tables=[], order_by=None, limit=None, metadata=False): # print(where_clause) c = MusicDatabase.getCursor() if 'songs' not in tables: tables.insert(0, 'songs') statement = ('SELECT id, root, path, mtime, title, artist, album, ' 'albumArtist, track, date, genre, discNumber, ' 'coverWidth, coverHeight, coverMD5 FROM %s %s' % (','.join(tables), where_clause)) if order_by: statement += ' ORDER BY %s' % order_by if limit: statement += ' LIMIT %d' % limit # print(statement, where_values) if where_values: result = c.execute(text(statement).bindparams(**where_values)) else: result = c.execute(text(statement)) r = [Song(x) for x in result.fetchall()] if metadata: MusicDatabase.updateSongsTags(r) return r
def album_info(): if request.method != 'GET': return None MBD = MusicBrainzDatabase albumID = request.args.get('id', type=int) album_info = MBD.get_album_info(albumID) releaseID = album_info['release_id'] rgID = album_info['release_group_id'] release_group_info = MBD.get_release_group_info(rgID) secondary_types = MBD.get_release_group_secondary_types(rgID) release_events = MBD.get_release_events(releaseID) result = dict(album_info) result['covers_count'] = MusicDatabase.getAlbumCoversCount(albumID) if result['language']: result['language'] =['language']) if result['release_status']: result['release_status'] = result['release_status']) result['release_group'] = dict(release_group_info) rg_type = result['release_group']['release_group_type'] if rg_type: rg_type = result['release_group']['release_group_type'] = rg_type result['release_group_secondary_types'] = secondary_types result['release_events'] = [dict(x) for x in release_events] ratings = MusicDatabase.get_albums_ratings([albumID], current_user.userID) result['rating'] = ratings[albumID] return jsonify(result)
def album_cover(): if request.method != 'GET': return None album_id = request.args.get('id', type=int) medium_number = request.args.get('medium_number', type=int, default=None) print(f'Delivering coverart of album {album_id} medium {medium_number}') path = MusicDatabase.getAlbumPath(album_id, medium_number) if not path: print('ERROR getting album image for album' f'{album_id}/{medium_number}') return '' coverfilename = coverAtPath(path) if not coverfilename and not medium_number: path = MusicDatabase.getAlbumPath(album_id, any_medium=True) if not path: print('ERROR getting album image for album' f'{album_id}/{medium_number}') return '' coverfilename = coverAtPath(path) if coverfilename: return send_file(coverfilename) else: print(f'Error cover not found at {path}') return ''
def append_song(self, song_id, mbid=None, *, connection=None): assert song_id, "song_id must be used" if not mbid: print(f'Obtaining MBID for song id {song_id}') mbid = MusicDatabase.getRecordingMBID(song_id) item = (song_id, mbid) self.songs.append(item) if and self.store_songs_in_db: pos = len(self.songs) - 1 c = connection or MusicDatabase.getCursor() entry = { 'playlist_id':, 'song_id': song_id, 'recording_mbid': mbid, 'pos': pos, } pls = table('playlist_songs') MusicDatabase.insert_or_update(pls, entry, and_(pls.c.playlist_id ==, pls.c.pos == pos), connection=c) if not connection: c.commit()
def create_in_db(self): if return c = MusicDatabase.getCursor() sql = text('INSERT INTO playlists (name, owner_id, playlist_type)' 'VALUES (:name, :owner_id, :playlist_type)') c.execute(sql.bindparams(, owner_id=self.owner_id, playlist_type=self.playlist_type)) try: sql = "SELECT currval(pg_get_serial_sequence('playlists','id'))" result = c.execute(sql) except exc.OperationalError: # Try the sqlite way sql = 'SELECT last_insert_rowid()' result = c.execute(sql) = result.fetchone()[0] pls = table('playlist_songs') for idx, item in enumerate(self.songs): entry = { 'playlist_id':, 'song_id': item[0], 'recording_mbid': item[1], 'pos': idx, } MusicDatabase.insert_or_update(pls, entry, and_(pls.c.playlist_id ==, pls.c.pos == idx), connection=c) c.commit()
def insert_song(self, position, song_id=None, mbid=None, *, connection=None): assert song_id, "song_id must be used" if position > len(self.songs): position = len(self.songs) if not mbid: mbid = MusicDatabase.getRecordingMBID(song_id) item = (song_id, mbid) self.songs.insert(position, item) if c = connection or MusicDatabase.getCursor() self._update_positions_in_db(len(self.songs) - 1, position, 1, c) entry = { 'playlist_id':, 'pos': position, 'song_id': song_id, 'recording_mbid': mbid, } pls = table('playlist_songs') MusicDatabase.insert_or_update(pls, entry, and_(pls.c.playlist_id ==, pls.c.pos == position), connection=c) if not connection: c.commit()
def insertMusicBrainzTags(song_id, mbIDs): MusicBrainzDatabase.insertMBArtistIDs(song_id, mbIDs.artistids) MusicBrainzDatabase.insertMBAlbumArtistIDs(song_id, mbIDs.albumartistids) MusicBrainzDatabase.insertMBWorkIDs(song_id, mbIDs.workids) songs_mb = table('songs_mb') mbTagRecord = == song_id) mbTagRecord = MusicDatabase.execute(mbTagRecord).fetchone() if mbTagRecord: if (mbTagRecord['releasegroupid'] != mbIDs.releasegroupid or mbTagRecord['releaseid'] != mbIDs.releaseid or mbTagRecord['releasetrackid'] != mbIDs.releasetrackid or mbTagRecord['recordingid'] != mbIDs.recordingid or mbTagRecord['confirmed'] != mbIDs.confirmed): print(f'update mb data for {song_id}') u = songs_mb.update() \ .where(songs_mb.c.song_id == song_id) \ .values(song_id=song_id, releasegroupid=mbIDs.releasegroupid, releaseid=mbIDs.releaseid, releasetrackid=mbIDs.releasetrackid, recordingid=mbIDs.recordingid, confirmed=mbIDs.confirmed) MusicDatabase.execute(u) else: print(f'insert mb data for {song_id}') i = songs_mb.insert().values(song_id=song_id, releasegroupid=mbIDs.releasegroupid, releaseid=mbIDs.releaseid, releasetrackid=mbIDs.releasetrackid, recordingid=mbIDs.recordingid, confirmed=mbIDs.confirmed) MusicDatabase.execute(i)
def cacheMusicBrainzDB(): artist = table('musicbrainz.artist') aa = table('musicbrainz.artist_alias') s = select([, artist.c.mbid,, artist.c.sort_name, artist.c.artist_type, artist.c.area_id, artist.c.gender, artist.c.disambiguation]) locales = ['es', 'en'] for a in MusicDatabase.execute(s).fetchall(): s2 = (select([, aa.c.sort_name, aa.c.locale, aa.c.artist_alias_type, aa.c.primary_for_locale]) .where(and_(aa.c.artist_id == a['id'], aa.c.locale.in_(locales)))) current = {} for x in MusicDatabase.execute(s2).fetchall(): if MusicBrainzDatabase.is_better_alias(x, current): current = {'locale_name': x['name'], 'locale_sort_name': x['sort_name'], 'locale': x['locale'], 'artist_alias_type': x['artist_alias_type']} if not current: current = {'locale_name': a['name'], 'locale_sort_name': a['sort_name'], 'locale': None, 'artist_alias_type': None} current['id'] = a['id'] MusicDatabase.insert_or_update('artists_mb', current)
def album_set_ratings(): if request.method != 'GET': return None album_id = request.args.get('id', type=int) rating = request.args.get('rating', type=int) MusicDatabase.set_album_rating(album_id, rating, current_user.userID) return ''
def updateMusicBrainzIDs(songIDs=None): if not songIDs: return for song_id, tags in MusicBrainzDatabase.songTags(songIDs): mbIDs = getSongMusicBrainzIDs(song_id, tags) if any(mbIDs): MusicBrainzDatabase.insertMusicBrainzTags(song_id, mbIDs) MusicDatabase.commit()
def release_group_set_ratings(): if request.method != 'GET': return None rgID = request.args.get('id', type=int) rating = request.args.get('rating', type=int) album_ids = MusicBrainzDatabase.get_release_group_albums(rgID) for album_id in album_ids: MusicDatabase.set_album_rating(album_id, rating, current_user.userID) return ''
def get_country_names(): _ = MusicDatabase() c = MusicDatabase.getCursor() sql = text('SELECT name ' ' FROM musicbrainz.area ' ' WHERE area_type = 1 ' ' ORDER BY name') r = c.execute(sql) return [x[0] for x in r.fetchall()]
def create_in_db(self): super(GeneratedPlaylist, self).create_in_db() c = MusicDatabase.getCursor() t = table('playlist_generators') data = {'playlist_id':, 'generator': self.generator} MusicDatabase.insert_or_update(t, data, t.c.playlist_id ==, connection=c) c.commit()
def requestNewPassword(username): if not username: username = config['username'] userID = MusicDatabase.getUserID(username) prompt = f'Enter the new password for user \'{username}\': ' password = getpass.getpass(prompt) hashed = hashpw(password.encode('utf-8'), gensalt()) if MusicDatabase.setUserPassword(userID, hashed): print('password changed successfully') else: print('Error changing password')
def set_name(self, name): = name if c = MusicDatabase.getCursor() sql = text('UPDATE playlists SET name = :name WHERE id = :id') c.execute(sql.bindparams(, c.commit()
def __init__(self, username=None): """Create a User object that can be used with Flask-Login.""" self.username = username self.userID = MusicDatabase.getUserID(username) self.is_authenticated = True self.is_active = True self.is_anonymous = False
def get_release_label(releaseID): rl = table('musicbrainz.release_label') label = table('musicbrainz.label') s = (select(['label_name'), rl.c.catalog_number]) .where(and_(rl.c.label_id ==, rl.c.release_id == releaseID))) return MusicDatabase.execute(s).fetchall()
def load_from_db(where_clause='', where_values=None, tables=[], order_by=None, limit=None): c = MusicDatabase.getCursor() if 'playlists' not in tables: tables.insert(0, 'playlists') statement = ('SELECT id, name, owner_id, playlist_type FROM %s %s' % (','.join(tables), where_clause)) if order_by: statement += ' ORDER BY %s' % order_by if limit: statement += ' LIMIT %d' % limit if where_values: print(statement) print(where_values) result = c.execute(text(statement).bindparams(**where_values)) else: result = c.execute(text(statement)) r = [Playlist(x) for x in result.fetchall()] return r
def setSongRating(self, user_id, song_id, rating): try: self.ratings[user_id][song_id] = rating except KeyError: self.ratings[user_id] = {} self.ratings[user_id][song_id] = rating c = MusicDatabase.conn.cursor() sql = 'UPDATE ratings set rating = ? WHERE user_id = ? AND song_id = ?' c.execute(sql, (rating, user_id, song_id)) if c.rowcount == 0: c.execute( 'INSERT INTO ratings ' '(user_id, song_id, rating) ' 'VALUES (?,?,?)', (user_id, song_id, rating)) MusicDatabase.commit()
def api_v1_song_search(): plman = app.bard.playlist_manager sq = SearchQuery.from_request(request, current_user.userID, plman) if not sq: raise ValueError('No SearchQuery!') pl = plman.get_search_result_playlist(sq) if not pl: pl = SearchPlaylist(sq) plman.add_search_playlist(pl) songs = MusicBrainzDatabase.search_songs_for_webui(sq.query, sq.offset, sq.page_size) song_ids = [song['song_id'] for song in songs] for song_id in song_ids: pl.append_song(song_id) ratings = MusicDatabase.get_songs_ratings(song_ids, current_user.userID) songs = [{ 'rating': ratings[song['song_id']], **dict(song) } for song in songs] result = { 'search_playlist_id': pl.searchPlaylistID, 'search_query': sq.as_dict(), 'songs': songs } return jsonify(result)
def songsWithSameAudio(self, song, sftp): tgt_audio_sha256 = song.audioSha256sum() # self.remoteFileAudioSha256Sum(target) print(tgt_audio_sha256) song_ids = MusicDatabase.songsByAudioTrackSha256sum(tgt_audio_sha256) return [getSongsFromIDorPath(song_id)[0] for song_id in song_ids]
def songTags(songIDs=None): c = MusicDatabase.getCursor() if songIDs: sql = text('SELECT song_id, name, value FROM tags ' 'WHERE song_id IN :id_list ' 'ORDER BY song_id, pos') result = c.execute(sql, {'id_list': tuple(songIDs)}) else: sql = text('SELECT song_id, name, value FROM tags ' 'ORDER BY song_id, pos') result = c.execute(sql) tags = {} row = result.fetchone() current_song_id = None while row: if row.song_id != current_song_id: if current_song_id: yield current_song_id, tags tags = {} current_song_id = row.song_id if not in tags: tags[] = [row.value] else: tags[] += [row.value] row = result.fetchone() if current_song_id: yield current_song_id, tags
def songAnalysis(song_id): tab_col_keys = {} for k, (t, c) in conversion_dict.items(): tab_col_keys.setdefault(t, {})[c] = k c = MusicDatabase.getCursor() result = {} for t in tab_col_keys.keys(): sql = text(f'SELECT * FROM analysis.{t} ' 'WHERE song_id = :song_id ') values = c.execute(sql.bindparams(song_id=song_id)).fetchone() if not values: continue for col, key in tab_col_keys[t].items(): if t == 'highlevel': key = f'highlevel.{col}' parent = result parts = key.split('.') for part in parts[:-1]: parent = parent.setdefault(part, {}) # print(col) # print(values) # print(parts) parent[parts[-1]] = values[col] # result[key] = values[col] return result
def compareAudioFiles(self, source, target, sftp): print('Comparing songs...') # src_song = getSongsAtPath(source, exact=True)[0] src_song = Song(source) tgt_song = remoteSong(target, sftp) basename = os.path.basename(source) colors = (Color.First, Color.Second) printSongsInfo(src_song, tgt_song, useColors=colors) if src_song.audioSha256sum() == tgt_song.audioSha256sum(): print(f'{basename} has exactly the same audio in source and ' 'target files') else: print(f'Audio tracks are different in local and remote files') comparison = src_song.audioCmp(tgt_song) print(comparison) tgt_audio_sha256 = tgt_song.audioSha256sum() song_ids = MusicDatabase.songsByAudioTrackSha256sum( tgt_audio_sha256) same_audio_songs = [ getSongsFromIDorPath(songID)[0] for songID in song_ids ] if tgt_audio_sha256 and same_audio_songs: d = 'Files with exact same audio:\n' d += '\n'.join(' ' + Color.CantCompareSongs + song.path() + Color.ENDC for song in same_audio_songs) print(d) else: print(f'WARNING: The target file {target} will be overwritten ' 'but has a unique audio track') return False
def remove_analysis_for_song_id(self, song_id, *, connection=None): c = connection or MusicDatabase.getCursor() tables = list(set(x[0] for x in conversion_dict.values())) tables += [ key.replace('.', '__').lower() + '_stats' for key in keys_with_stats ] tables += [ key.replace('.', '__').lower() + '_stats' for key in keys_with_lists_stats ] tables += [key.replace('.', '__').lower() for key in keys_with_lists] tables += [key.replace('.', '__').lower() for key in fkeys_with_lists] tables += [ key[0].replace('.', '__').lower() for key in fkeys_with_lists_of_lists ] for tablename in tables: sql = text(f'DELETE FROM analysis.{tablename} ' 'WHERE song_id = :song_id') c.execute(sql.bindparams(song_id=song_id)) if not connection: c.commit()
def moveFrom(self, prevSong): """Move prevSong to the location and values of self.""" print(f'Moving song from {}, {prevSong.path()}\n' f" to {getattr(self, 'id', None)}, {self.path()}") if not self._path: return False r = MusicDatabase.moveSong(, self._path, self._root) if r: = prevSong._path = self._path prevSong._root = self._root albumID = MusicDatabase.getAlbumID(albumPath(self._path)) MusicDatabase.setSongInAlbum(, albumID) return r
def has_analysis_for_song_id(self, song_id, *, connection=None): if not connection: connection = MusicDatabase.getCursor() sql = text('select song_id from analysis.highlevel ' f' where song_id = {song_id}') result = connection.execute(sql) return bool(result.fetchone())
def setSongRating(self, user_id, song_id, rating): try: self.ratings[user_id][song_id] = rating except KeyError: self.ratings[user_id] = {} self.ratings[user_id][song_id] = rating c = MusicDatabase.conn.cursor() sql = 'UPDATE ratings set rating = ? WHERE user_id = ? AND song_id = ?' c.execute(sql, (rating, user_id, song_id)) if c.rowcount == 0: c.execute('INSERT INTO ratings ' '(user_id, song_id, rating) ' 'VALUES (?,?,?)', (user_id, song_id, rating)) MusicDatabase.commit()
def findPairs(songs1, songs2): pairs = {} songsRemainingFrom1 = songs1.copy() songsRemainingFrom2 = songs2.copy() print('Getting pairs from', songs1) print(' and ', songs2) for song1 in songs1: similarSongsIn2 = [] for song2 in songs2: similarity = MusicDatabase.songsSimilarity(, # print(,, similarity) if similarity >= 0.85: similarSongsIn2.append((song2, similarity)) with suppress(ValueError): songsRemainingFrom1.remove(song1) with suppress(ValueError): songsRemainingFrom2.remove(song2) if similarSongsIn2: pairs[song1] = similarSongsIn2 if len([x for x in similarSongsIn2 if x[1] == 1.0]) > 1: colors = (TerminalColors.Warning, TerminalColors.ENDC) print('%sWARNING: Repeated songs in the same directory!%s' % colors) for x in similarSongsIn2: print(x) return pairs, songsRemainingFrom1, songsRemainingFrom2
def lastSongIDWithAnalysis(): c = MusicDatabase.getCursor() sel = select([func.max(Highlevel.c.song_id)]) result = c.execute(sel) x = result.fetchone() if x: return x[0] return 0
def move_song(self, from_position, to_position, *, connection=None): c = connection or MusicDatabase.getCursor() item = self.remove_song(from_position, connection=c) if to_position > from_position: to_position -= 1 self.insert_song(to_position, item=item, connection=c) if not connection: c.commit()
def loadMetadataInfo(self): if getattr(self, 'metadata', None) is None: self.loadMetadata() elif getattr(self.metadata, 'info', None) is not None: return (self._format,, self._audioSha256sum, silences) = \ MusicDatabase.getSongProperties( self._silenceAtStart = silences[0] self._silenceAtEnd = silences[1]
def loadMetadata(self): if getattr(self, 'metadata', None) is not None: return if getattr(self, 'id', None) is not None: self.metadata = type('info', (dict,), {})() self.metadata.update(MusicDatabase.getSongTags( return self.loadFile(self._path) if self.metadata is None: raise Exception("Couldn't load metadata!")
def loadCoverImageData(self, path): self._coverWidth, self._coverHeight = 0, 0 self._coverMD5 = '' random_number = random.randint(0, 100000) coverfilename = os.path.join(config['tmpdir'], '/cover-%d.jpg' % random_number) MusicDatabase.addCover(path, coverfilename) # c = self.conn.cursor() # values = [ ( path, coverfilename), ] # c.executemany('''INSERT INTO covers(path, cover) VALUES (?,?)''', # values) command = ['ffmpeg', '-i', path, '-map', '0:m:comment:Cover (front)', '-c', 'copy', coverfilename] process =, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) if process.returncode != 0: # try with any image in the file process =['ffmpeg', '-i', path, '-c', 'copy', coverfilename], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) if process.returncode != 0: return try: image = self._coverWidth, self._coverHeight = image.size self._coverMD5 = md5(coverfilename) except IOError: print('Error reading cover file from %s' % path) return os.unlink(coverfilename)
def audioCmp(self, other, forceSimilar=False, interactive=True, useColors=None, printSongsInfoCallback=None, forceInteractive=False): """Compare the audio of this object with the audio of other. Returns -1 if self has better audio than other, 1 if other has better audio than self and 0 if they have audio of the same characteristics. Also, it can raise a SongsNotComparableException exception if audio has different length or it's not similar according to chromaprint fingerprints """ self.loadMetadataInfo() other.loadMetadataInfo() if self._audioSha256sum == other._audioSha256sum: return 0 if (not forceSimilar and getattr(self, 'id', None) and getattr(other, 'id', None) and not MusicDatabase.areSongsSimilar(, raise DifferentSongsException( 'Trying to compare different songs (%d and %d)' % (, len_diff = abs(self.durationWithoutSilences() - other.durationWithoutSilences()) if len_diff > 30: raise DifferentLengthException( 'Songs duration is too different (%f and %f seconds / %f and %f seconds)' % (self.durationWithoutSilences(), other.durationWithoutSilences(),, if len_diff > 5: print(self.duration(), self.durationWithoutSilences(), self.silenceAtStart(), self.silenceAtEnd()) raise SlightlyDifferentLengthException( 'Songs duration is slightly different (%f and %f seconds / %f and %f seconds)' % (self.durationWithoutSilences(), other.durationWithoutSilences(),, if not forceInteractive: if self.isLossless() and not other.isLossless(): return -1 if other.isLossless() and not self.isLossless(): return 1 si = oi = # Be sure the structure contains all information sbps = self.bits_per_sample() self.bitrate() obps = other.bits_per_sample() other.bitrate() if not forceInteractive: if si.bitrate > oi.bitrate * 1.12 \ and ((sbps and obps and sbps >= obps) or (not sbps and not obps)) \ and si.channels >= oi.channels \ and si.sample_rate >= oi.sample_rate: return -1 if oi.bitrate > si.bitrate * 1.12 \ and ((sbps and obps and obps >= sbps) or (not sbps and not obps)) \ and oi.channels >= si.channels \ and oi.sample_rate >= si.sample_rate: return 1 # if self.completeness > other.completeness: # return -1 # # if other.completeness > self.completeness: # return 1 if oi.bitrate//1000 == si.bitrate//1000 \ and ((sbps and obps and obps == sbps) or (not sbps and not obps)) \ and oi.channels == si.channels: if oi.sample_rate > si.sample_rate: return 1 elif si.sample_rate > oi.sample_rate: return -1 else: return 0 if interactive or forceInteractive: if printSongsInfoCallback: printSongsInfoCallback(self, other) filename1 = '/tmp/1' filename2 = '/tmp/2' shutil.copyfile(self.path(), filename1) shutil.copyfile(other.path(), filename2) result = manualAudioCmp(filename1, filename2, useColors=useColors) os.unlink(filename1) os.unlink(filename2) if result or result == 0: return result raise CantCompareSongsException('Not sure how to compare songs')