Exemple #1
class SymExecResult(object):

    def __init__(self, arch, initial_state, path, final_state):
        self.__initial_state = initial_state
        self.__path = path
        self.__final_state = final_state

        self.__arch = arch

        self.__smt_solver = None
        self.__smt_translator = None

        self.__code_analyzer = None



    def query_register(self, register):
        # TODO: This method should return an iterator.

        smt_expr = self.__code_analyzer.get_register_expr(register, mode="pre")
        value = self.__code_analyzer.get_expr_value(smt_expr)

        return value

    def query_memory(self, address, size):
        # TODO: This method should return an iterator.

        smt_expr = self.__code_analyzer.get_memory_expr(address, size, mode="pre")
        value = self.__code_analyzer.get_expr_value(smt_expr)

        return value

    # Auxiliary methods
    # ======================================================================== #
    def __initialize_analyzer(self):
        self.__smt_solver = Z3Solver()

        self.__smt_translator = SmtTranslator(self.__smt_solver, self.__arch.address_size)

        self.__code_analyzer = CodeAnalyzer(self.__smt_solver, self.__smt_translator, self.__arch)

    def __setup_solver(self):

        assert self.__code_analyzer.check() == "sat"

    def __set_initial_state(self, initial_state):
        # Set registers
        for reg, val in initial_state.get_registers().items():
            smt_expr = self.__code_analyzer.get_register_expr(reg, mode="pre")
            self.__code_analyzer.add_constraint(smt_expr == val)

        # Set memory
        for addr, val in initial_state.get_memory().items():
            smt_expr = self.__code_analyzer.get_memory_expr(addr, 1, mode="pre")
            self.__code_analyzer.add_constraint(smt_expr == val)

        # Set constraints
        for constr in initial_state.get_constraints():

    def __set_final_state(self, final_state):
        # Set registers
        for reg, val in final_state.get_registers().items():
            smt_expr = self.__code_analyzer.get_register_expr(reg, mode="post")
            self.__code_analyzer.add_constraint(smt_expr == val)

        # Set memory
        for addr, val in final_state.get_memory().items():
            smt_expr = self.__code_analyzer.get_memory_expr(addr, 1, mode="post")
            self.__code_analyzer.add_constraint(smt_expr == val)

        # Set constraints
        for constr in final_state.get_constraints():

    def __add_trace_to_solver(self, trace):
        for reil_instr, branch_taken in trace:
            if reil_instr.mnemonic == ReilMnemonic.JCC and isinstance(reil_instr.operands[0], ReilRegisterOperand):
                oprnd = reil_instr.operands[0]
                oprnd_expr = self.__code_analyzer.get_operand_expr(oprnd)

                branch_expr = oprnd_expr != 0x0 if branch_taken else oprnd_expr == 0x0

                # logger.debug("    Branch: {:#010x}:{:02x}  {:s} ({}) - {:s}".format(reil_instr.address >> 8, reil_instr.address & 0xff, reil_instr, branch_taken, branch_expr))

Exemple #2
class ReilSymbolicEmulator(object):

    def __init__(self, arch):
        self.__arch = arch

        self.__memory = ReilMemoryEx(self.__arch.address_size)

        self.__tainter = ReilEmulatorTainter(self, arch=self.__arch)

        self.__emulator = ReilEmulator(self.__arch)

        self.__cpu = ReilCpu(self.__memory, arch=self.__arch)

        self.__smt_solver = None
        self.__smt_translator = None

        self.__code_analyzer = None


    def find_address(self, container, start=None, end=None, find=None, avoid=None, initial_state=None):
        """Execute instructions.
        # Set initial CPU state.

        # Convert input native addresses to reil addresses.
        start = to_reil_address(start) if start else None
        end = to_reil_address(end) if end else None
        find = to_reil_address(find) if find else None
        avoid = [to_reil_address(addr) for addr in avoid] if avoid else []

        # Load instruction pointer.
        ip = start if start else container[0].address

        execution_state = Queue()

        trace_current = []
        trace_final = []

        self.__fa_process_container(container, find, ip, end, avoid, initial_state, execution_state, trace_current,

        # Only returns when all paths have been visited.
        assert execution_state.empty()

        return trace_final

    def find_state(self, container, start=None, end=None, avoid=None, initial_state=None, final_state=None):
        """Execute instructions.

        # Convert input native addresses to reil addresses.
        start = to_reil_address(start) if start else None
        end = to_reil_address(end) if end else None
        avoid = [to_reil_address(addr) for addr in avoid] if avoid else []

        # Load instruction pointer.
        ip = start if start else container[0].address

        execution_state = Queue()

        trace_current = []
        trace_final = []

        self.__fs_process_container(container, final_state, ip, end, avoid, initial_state, execution_state,
                                    trace_current, trace_final)

        # Only returns when all paths have been visited.
        assert execution_state.empty()

        return trace_final

    # Read/Write methods
    # ======================================================================== #
    def read_operand(self, operand):
        return self.__cpu.read_operand(operand)

    def write_operand(self, operand, value):
        self.__cpu.write_operand(operand, value)

    def read_memory(self, address, size):
        return self.__memory.read(address, size)

    def write_memory(self, address, size, value):
        self.__memory.write(address, size, value)

    # Auxiliary methods.
    # ======================================================================== #
    def __process_branch_direct(self, trace_current, target_addr, avoid, instr, execution_state, initial_state, taken):
        taken_str = "TAKEN" if taken else "NOT TAKEN"

        if target_addr in avoid:
            logger.debug("[+] Avoiding target address ({:s}) : {:#08x}:{:02x}".format(taken_str, target_addr >> 8, target_addr & 0xff))
            logger.debug("[+] Checking target satisfiability ({:s}) : {:#08x}:{:02x} -> {:#08x}:{:02x}".format(taken_str, instr.address >> 8, instr.address & 0xff, target_addr >> 8, target_addr & 0xff))

            trace_current += [(instr, taken)]


            is_sat = self.__code_analyzer.check()

            logger.debug("[+] Target satisfiable? : {}".format(is_sat == 'sat'))

            if is_sat == 'sat':
                logger.debug("[+] Enqueueing target address ({:s}) : {:#08x}:{:02x}".format(taken_str, target_addr >> 8, target_addr & 0xff))

                execution_state.put((target_addr, trace_current, copy.deepcopy(self.__cpu.registers), copy.deepcopy(self.__cpu.memory)))

    def __process_branch_cond(self, instr, avoid, initial_state, execution_state, trace_current, not_taken_addr):
        # Direct branch (for example: JCC cond, empty, 0x12345678:00)
        if isinstance(instr.operands[2], ReilImmediateOperand):
            # TAKEN
            # ======================================================== #
            trace_current_bck = list(trace_current)

            target_addr = instr.operands[2].immediate

            self.__process_branch_direct(trace_current, target_addr, avoid, instr, execution_state, initial_state,

            # NOT TAKEN
            # ======================================================== #
            trace_current = trace_current_bck

            target_addr = not_taken_addr

            self.__process_branch_direct(trace_current, target_addr, avoid, instr, execution_state, initial_state,
            # ======================================================== #

            next_ip = None

        # Indirect branch (for example: JCC cond, empty, target)
            raise Exception("Indirect jump not supported yet.")

        return next_ip

    def __process_branch_uncond(self, instr, trace_current, not_taken_addr):
        # TAKEN branch (for example: JCC 0x1, empty, oprnd2).
        if instr.operands[0].immediate != 0x0:
            # Direct branch (for example: JCC 0x1, empty, INTEGER)
            if isinstance(instr.operands[2], ReilImmediateOperand):
                trace_current += [(instr, None)]

                next_ip = self.__cpu.execute(instr)

            # Indirect branch (for example: JCC 0x1, empty, REGISTER)
                raise Exception("Indirect jump not supported yet.")

        # NOT TAKEN branch (for example: JCC 0x0, empty, oprnd2).
            next_ip = not_taken_addr

        return next_ip

    def __process_instr(self, instr, avoid, next_addr, initial_state, execution_state, trace_current):
        """Process a REIL instruction.

            instr (ReilInstruction): Instruction to process.
            avoid (list): List of addresses to avoid while executing the code.
            next_addr (int): Address of the following instruction.
            initial_state (State): Initial execution state.
            execution_state (Queue): Queue of execution states.
            trace_current (list): Current trace.

            int: Returns the next address to execute.
        # Process branch (JCC oprnd0, empty, oprnd2).
        if instr.mnemonic == ReilMnemonic.JCC:
            not_taken_addr = next_addr
            address, index = split_address(instr.address)

            logger.debug("[+] Processing branch: {:#08x}:{:02x} : {}".format(address, index, instr))

            # Process conditional branch (oprnd0 is a REGISTER).
            if isinstance(instr.operands[0], ReilRegisterOperand):
                next_ip = self.__process_branch_cond(instr, avoid, initial_state, execution_state, trace_current, not_taken_addr)

            # Process unconditional branch (oprnd0 is an INTEGER).
                next_ip = self.__process_branch_uncond(instr, trace_current, not_taken_addr)

        # Process the rest of the instructions.
            trace_current += [(instr, None)]


            next_ip = next_addr

        return next_ip

    # find_state's auxiliary methods
    # ======================================================================== #
    def __fs_process_container(self, container, final_state, start, end, avoid, initial_state, execution_state,
                               trace_current, trace_final):
        ip = start

        while ip:
            # Fetch next instruction.
                instr = container.fetch(ip)
            except ReilContainerInvalidAddressError:
                logger.debug("Exception @ {:#08x}".format(ip))

                raise ReilContainerInvalidAddressError

            # Compute the address of the following instruction to the fetched one.
                next_addr = container.get_next_address(ip)
            except Exception:
                logger.debug("Exception @ {:#08x}".format(ip))

                # TODO Should this be considered an error?

                raise ReilContainerInvalidAddressError

            # Process instruction
            next_ip = self.__process_instr(instr, avoid, next_addr, initial_state, execution_state, trace_current)

            # Check is final state holds.
            if instr.mnemonic == ReilMnemonic.JCC and isinstance(instr.operands[0], ReilRegisterOperand):
                # TODO Check only when it is necessary.

                is_sat = self.__code_analyzer.check()

                if is_sat == "sat":
                    logger.debug("[+] Final state found!")


                    next_ip = None

            # Check termination conditions.
            if end and next_ip and next_ip == end:
                logger.debug("[+] End address found!")

                next_ip = None

            # Update instruction pointer.
            ip = next_ip if next_ip else None

            while not ip:
                if not execution_state.empty():
                    # Pop next execution state.
                    ip, trace_current, registers, memory = execution_state.get()

                    if split_address(ip)[1] == 0x0:
                        logger.debug("[+] Popping execution state @ {:#x} (INTER)".format(ip))
                        logger.debug("[+] Popping execution state @ {:#x} (INTRA)".format(ip))

                    # Setup cpu and memory.
                    self.__cpu.registers = registers
                    self.__cpu.memory = memory

                    logger.debug("[+] Next address: {:#08x}:{:02x}".format(ip >> 8, ip & 0xff))
                    logger.debug("[+] No more paths to explore! Exiting...")

                # Check termination conditions (AGAIN...).
                if end and ip == end:
                    logger.debug("[+] End address found!")

                    ip = None

    # find_address's auxiliary methods
    # ======================================================================== #
    def __fa_process_sequence(self, sequence, avoid, initial_state, execution_state, trace_current, next_addr):
        """Process a REIL sequence.

            sequence (ReilSequence): A REIL sequence to process.
            avoid (list): List of address to avoid.
            initial_state: Initial state.
            execution_state: Execution state queue.
            trace_current (list): Current trace.
            next_addr: Address of the next instruction following the current one.

            Returns the next instruction to execute in case there is one, otherwise returns None.
        # TODO: Process execution intra states.

        ip = sequence.address
        next_ip = None

        while ip:
            # Fetch next instruction in the sequence.
                instr = sequence.fetch(ip)
            except ReilSequenceInvalidAddressError:
                # At this point, ip should be a native instruction address, therefore
                # the index should be zero.
                assert split_address(ip)[1] == 0x0
                next_ip = ip

                target_addr = sequence.get_next_address(ip)
            except ReilSequenceInvalidAddressError:
                # We reached the end of the sequence. Execution continues on the next native instruction
                # (it's a REIL address).
                target_addr = next_addr

            next_ip = self.__process_instr(instr, avoid, target_addr, initial_state, execution_state, trace_current)

            # Update instruction pointer.
                ip = next_ip if next_ip else sequence.get_next_address(ip)
            except ReilSequenceInvalidAddressError:

        return next_ip

    def __fa_process_container(self, container, find, start, end, avoid, initial_state, execution_state, trace_current,
        """Process a REIL container.

            avoid (list): List of addresses to avoid while executing the code.
            container (ReilContainer): REIL container to execute.
            end (int): End address.
            execution_state (Queue): Queue of execution states.
            find (int): Address to find.
            initial_state (State): Initial state.
            start (int): Start address.
        ip = start

        while ip:
            # NOTE *ip* and *next_addr* variables can be, independently, either intra
            # or inter addresses.

            # Fetch next instruction.
                instr = container.fetch(ip)
            except ReilContainerInvalidAddressError:
                logger.debug("Exception @ {:#08x}".format(ip))

                raise ReilContainerInvalidAddressError

            # Compute the address of the following instruction to the fetched one.
                next_addr = container.get_next_address(ip)
            except Exception:
                logger.debug("Exception @ {:#08x}".format(ip))

                # TODO Should this be considered an error?

                raise ReilContainerInvalidAddressError

            # Process the instruction.
            next_ip = self.__process_instr(instr, avoid, next_addr, initial_state, execution_state, trace_current)

            # # ====================================================================================================== #
            # # NOTE This is an attempt to separate intra and inter instruction
            # # addresses processing. Here, *ip* and *next_addr* are always inter
            # # instruction addresses.
            # assert split_address(ip)[1] == 0x0
            # # Compute the address of the following instruction to the fetched one.
            # try:
            #     seq = container.fetch_sequence(ip)
            # except ReilContainerInvalidAddressError:
            #     logger.debug("Exception @ {:#08x}".format(ip))
            #     raise ReilContainerInvalidAddressError
            # # Fetch next instruction address.
            # try:
            #     next_addr = container.get_next_address(ip + len(seq))
            # except Exception:
            #     logger.debug("Exception @ {:#08x}".format(ip))
            #     # TODO Should this be considered an error?
            #     raise ReilContainerInvalidAddressError
            # next_ip = self.__process_sequence(seq, avoid, initial_state, execution_state, trace_current, next_addr)
            # if next_ip:
            #     assert split_address(next_ip)[1] == 0x0
            # # ====================================================================================================== #

            # Check termination conditions.
            if find and next_ip and next_ip == find:
                logger.debug("[+] Find address found!")


                next_ip = None

            if end and next_ip and next_ip == end:
                logger.debug("[+] End address found!")

                next_ip = None

            # Update instruction pointer.
            ip = next_ip if next_ip else None

            while not ip:
                if not execution_state.empty():
                    # Pop next execution state.
                    ip, trace_current, registers, memory = execution_state.get()

                    if split_address(ip)[1] == 0x0:
                        logger.debug("[+] Popping execution state @ {:#x} (INTER)".format(ip))
                        logger.debug("[+] Popping execution state @ {:#x} (INTRA)".format(ip))

                    # Setup cpu and memory.
                    self.__cpu.registers = registers
                    self.__cpu.memory = memory

                    logger.debug("[+] Next address: {:#08x}:{:02x}".format(ip >> 8, ip & 0xff))
                    logger.debug("[+] No more paths to explore! Exiting...")


                # Check termination conditions (AGAIN...).
                if find and ip == find:
                    logger.debug("[+] Find address found!")


                    ip = None

                if end and ip == end:
                    logger.debug("[+] End address found!")

                    ip = None

    # Auxiliary methods
    # ======================================================================== #
    def __initialize_analyzer(self):
        self.__smt_solver = Z3Solver()

        self.__smt_translator = SmtTranslator(self.__smt_solver, self.__arch.address_size)

        self.__code_analyzer = CodeAnalyzer(self.__smt_solver, self.__smt_translator, self.__arch)

    def __reset_solver(self):

    def __set_cpu_state(self, state):
        # Set registers
        for reg, val in state.get_registers().items():
            self.__cpu.registers[reg] = val

        # Set memory
        for addr, val in state.get_memory().items():
            self.__cpu.write_memory(addr, 1, val)

    def __set_initial_state(self, initial_state):
        # Set registers
        for reg, val in initial_state.get_registers().items():
            smt_expr = self.__code_analyzer.get_register_expr(reg, mode="pre")
            self.__code_analyzer.add_constraint(smt_expr == val)

        # Set memory
        for addr, val in initial_state.get_memory().items():
            smt_expr = self.__code_analyzer.get_memory_expr(addr, 1, mode="pre")
            self.__code_analyzer.add_constraint(smt_expr == val)

        # Set constraints
        for constr in initial_state.get_constraints():

    def __set_final_state(self, final_state):
        # Set registers
        for reg, val in final_state.get_registers().items():
            smt_expr = self.__code_analyzer.get_register_expr(reg, mode="post")
            self.__code_analyzer.add_constraint(smt_expr == val)

        # Set memory
        for addr, val in final_state.get_memory().items():
            smt_expr = self.__code_analyzer.get_memory_expr(addr, 1, mode="post")
            self.__code_analyzer.add_constraint(smt_expr == val)

        # Set constraints
        for constr in final_state.get_constraints():

    def __add_trace_to_solver(self, trace):
        for reil_instr, branch_taken in trace:
            if reil_instr.mnemonic == ReilMnemonic.JCC and isinstance(reil_instr.operands[0], ReilRegisterOperand):
                oprnd = reil_instr.operands[0]
                oprnd_expr = self.__code_analyzer.get_operand_expr(oprnd)

                branch_expr = oprnd_expr != 0x0 if branch_taken else oprnd_expr == 0x0

                # logger.debug("    Branch: {:#010x}:{:02x}  {:s} ({}) - {:s}".format(reil_instr.address >> 8, reil_instr.address & 0xff, reil_instr, branch_taken, branch_expr))
