Exemple #1
def _find_key_in_yaml_file(yaml_file_path, search_keys, full_key_name,
    """Find a key in a yaml file."""
    if not os.path.isfile(yaml_file_path):
        return None

    result = _load_yaml_file(yaml_file_path)

    if not search_keys:
        # Give the entire yaml file contents.
        # |value_is_relative_path| is not applicable here.
        return result

    for search_key in search_keys:
        if not isinstance(result, dict):
            raise errors.InvalidConfigKey(full_key_name)

        if search_key not in result:
            return None

        result = result[search_key]

    if value_is_relative_path:
        yaml_directory = os.path.dirname(yaml_file_path)
        if isinstance(result, list):
            result = [os.path.join(yaml_directory, str(i)) for i in result]
            result = os.path.join(yaml_directory, str(result))

    return result
Exemple #2
def _get_key_location(search_path, full_key_name):
    """Get the path of the the yaml file and the key components given a full key
    key_parts = full_key_name.split(SEPARATOR)
    dir_path = search_path

    # Find the directory components of the key path
    for i, search_key in enumerate(key_parts):
        search_path = os.path.join(dir_path, search_key)
        if os.path.isdir(search_path):
            # Don't allow both a/b/... and a/b.yaml
            if os.path.isfile(search_path + YAML_FILE_EXTENSION):
                raise errors.InvalidConfigKey(full_key_name)

            dir_path = search_path
            # The remainder of the key path is a yaml_filename.key1.key2...
            key_parts = key_parts[i:]
        # The entirety of the key reference a directory.
        key_parts = []

    if key_parts:
        return dir_path, key_parts[0] + YAML_FILE_EXTENSION, key_parts[1:]

    return dir_path, '', []
  def _get_helper(self, key_name='', default=None,
    """Helper for get and get_absolute_functions."""
    if self._root:
      key_name = self._root + SEPARATOR + key_name if key_name else self._root

    if not key_name:
      raise errors.InvalidConfigKey(key_name)

    cache_key_name = self._cache.get_key(self._get_helper,
                                         (key_name, value_is_relative_path), {})
    value = self._cache.get(cache_key_name)
    if value is not None:
      return value

    value = _search_key(self._config_dir, key_name, value_is_relative_path)
    if value is None:
      return default

    self._cache.put(cache_key_name, value)
    return value