def run(self, path=""): """ Extracts SRUM artifacts of a disk """ vss = self.myflag('vss') SRUM_TEMPLATE = os.path.join(self.myconfig('rvthome'), "plugins/external/srum-dump/SRUM_TEMPLATE2.xlsx") srum = os.path.join(self.myconfig('rvthome'), "plugins/external/srum-dump/") check_file(SRUM_TEMPLATE, error_missing=True) Search = GetFiles(self.config, vss=self.myflag("vss")) SOFTWARE = list('windows/system32/config/SOFTWARE$')) SRUDB = list('/windows/system32/sru/SRUDB.dat$')) python3 = os.path.join(self.myconfig('rvthome'), ".venv/bin/python3") out_folder = self.myconfig('voutdir') if vss else self.myconfig('outdir') check_directory(out_folder, create=True) if not SRUDB: self.logger().info("SRUDB.dat not found in any partition of the disk") return [] for soft in SOFTWARE: partition = soft.split('/')[2] for srudb in SRUDB: if srudb.split('/')[2] == partition: self.logger().info("Parsing SRUDB from partition {}".format(partition)) out_file = os.path.join(out_folder, 'srum_{}.xlsx'.format(partition)) run_command([python3, srum, "-i", os.path.join(self.myconfig('casedir'), srudb), "-t", SRUM_TEMPLATE, "-r", os.path.join(self.myconfig('casedir'), soft), "-o", out_file], logger=self.logger()) self.convert_to_csv(out_folder, partition) os.remove(out_file) break else: self.logger().info("SRUDB.dat not found in partition: {}".format(partition)) return []
def get_blocks(self, kw, regex): """ Updates variable self.blocks, that stores set of blocks for kw and partition, creating new 'block' and 'hits' files """ self.blocks_file_path = os.path.join(self.search_path, "blocks_{}".format(kw)) hits_file = os.path.join(self.search_path, "hits_%s" % kw) # Create hits file if not found if not check_file(hits_file) or os.path.getsize(hits_file) == 0: self.logger().debug('Creating {} file'.format("hits_%s" % kw)) extra_args = {'write_header': True, 'file_exists': 'OVERWRITE'} save_csv(self.search_strings(kw, regex), config=self.config, outfile=hits_file, **extra_args) # Create or load blocks file if not found if not check_file(self.blocks_file_path) or os.path.getsize( self.blocks_file_path) == 0: self.blocks[kw] = defaultdict(list) cmd = "sed -n '1!p' {} | cut -d ';' -f1,3 | sort | uniq".format( hits_file) for line in yield_command(cmd, logger=self.logger()): part, blk = line.split(';') part = part.strip('"') self.blocks[kw][part].append(int(blk.strip('"').rstrip('\n'))) self.save_blocks_file(self.blocks[kw], kw) else: self.logger().info('Loading {} file'.format("blocks_%s" % kw)) try: with open(self.blocks_file_path, "r") as block_file: self.blocks[kw] = json.load(block_file) except Exception as exc: self.logger().error('Cannot load {}'.format( self.blocks_file_path)) raise exc
def getSourceImage(myconfig): # Try to scan 'imagefile' first if supplied imagefile = myconfig('imagefile') if imagefile: check_file(imagefile, error_missing=True) try: ext = os.path.basename(imagefile).split('.')[-1] return KNOWN_IMAGETYPES[ext]['imgclass']( imagefile=imagefile, imagetype=KNOWN_IMAGETYPES[ext]['type'], params=myconfig) except KeyError: raise base.job.RVTError( 'Image file {} has unrecognized image extension format: {}'. format(imagefile, ext)) source = myconfig('source') imagedir = myconfig('imagedir') for ext in KNOWN_IMAGETYPES.keys(): ifile = os.path.join(imagedir, "%s.%s" % (myconfig('source'), ext)) if check_file(ifile): return KNOWN_IMAGETYPES[ext]['imgclass']( imagefile=ifile, imagetype=KNOWN_IMAGETYPES[ext]['type'], params=myconfig) logging.warning('Image file not found for source=%s in imagedir=%s', source, imagedir) return DummyImage(imagefile=None, imagetype='dummy', params=myconfig)
def run(self, path=""): keyfile = path if not keyfile: keyfile = self.myconfig('keyfile') check_file(keyfile, error_missing=True) keywords = getSearchItems(keyfile) for kname, regex in keywords.items(): self.report_search_kw(kname, regex) return []
def parse_RecycleBin(self, partition=None): """ Search all Recycle.Bin files found on the timeline. Both allocated and deleted. """ # Find the $I files first so a list of codes associated to RecycleBin files can be created # Then uses that list to assign names and data to $R files found later. self.i_files = {} self.r_files = [] if self.vss: self.timeline_file = os.path.join(self.myconfig('vtimelinesdir'), '{}_BODY.csv'.format(partition)) try: check_file(self.timeline_file, error_missing=True) except base.job.RVTError as e: self.logger().warning('{}. Skipping vss {}'.format( e, partition)) return self.logger().debug('Timeline file: {}'.format(self.timeline_file)) search_command = 'grep -P "{regex}" "{path}"' # Parse $I files in RecycleBin: self.logger().info('Searching RecycleBin $I files') # Realloc files have metadata pointing to new allocated data that does not match the filename. # They cannot be recovered, but the reference to an older name can give some usefull information, so they are included regex = [r'\$Recycle\.Bin.*\$I', r'\$RECYCLE\.BIN.*\$I'] module = base.job.load_module(self.config, 'base.commands.RegexFilter', extra_config=dict(cmd=search_command, keyword_list=regex)) if not os.path.exists(self.timeline_file) or os.path.getsize( self.timeline_file) == 0: self.logger().error( 'Timeline BODY file not found or empty for partition {}. Run fs_timeline job before executing winRecycle' .format(partition)) raise base.job.RVTError( 'Timeline BODY file not found or empty for partition {}. Run fs_timeline job before executing winRecycle' .format(partition)) for line in self._process_I_file(line['match'], partition) # Parse $R files in RecycleBin: self.logger().info('Searching RecycleBin $R files') regex = [r'\$Recycle\.Bin.*\$R', r'\$RECYCLE\.BIN.*\$R'] module = base.job.load_module(self.config, 'base.commands.RegexFilter', extra_config=dict(cmd=search_command, keyword_list=regex)) for line in self._process_R_file(line['match'], partition)
def run(self, path=""): """ Main function to extract $Recycle.bin files. """ if self.vss: output_path = self.myconfig('voutdir') else: output_path = self.myconfig('outdir') try: check_file(self.timeline_file, error_missing=True) except base.job.RVTError: return [] check_directory(output_path, create=True) self.filesystem = FileSystem(self.config) # Get the users associated with each SID for every partition self.sid_user = {} if self.vss: for p in self.vss_partitions: self.sid_user[p] = self.generate_SID_user(p) else: for p in self.partitions: self.sid_user[p] = self.generate_SID_user(p) self.logger().info('Starting to parse RecycleBin') # RB_codes relates a a six digit recyclebin code with a path for a file. Are updated for each partition or vss? self.RB_codes = {} if self.vss: for partition in self.vss_partitions: self.logger().info( 'Processing Recycle Bin in partition {}'.format(partition)) try: self.parse_RecycleBin(partition) except Exception as exc: if self.myflag('stop_on_error'): raise exc continue output_file = os.path.join( output_path, "{}_recycle_bin.csv".format(partition)) self.save_recycle_files(output_file, partition, sorting=True) else: try: self.parse_RecycleBin() except Exception as exc: if self.myflag('stop_on_error'): raise exc return [] output_file = os.path.join(output_path, "recycle_bin.csv") self.save_recycle_files(output_file, sorting=True) self.logger().info("Done parsing Recycle Bin!") return []
def make_ntuser_timeline(self): """ Get user creation date from the birth time of NTUSER.dat """ timeline_file = os.path.join( self.config.get('plugins.common', 'timelinesdir'), '{}_TL.csv'.format(self.myconfig('source'))) if not check_file(timeline_file): self.logger().warning( 'Timeline file not found: {}'.format(timeline_file)) self.ntusers = {} return ntusers = defaultdict(list) with open(timeline_file, "r", encoding="iso8859-15") as tl_f: for line in tl_f: mo = r"mnt/(p\d+)/(?:Documents and settings|Users)/([^/]*)/(?:NTUSER|UsrClass)\.dat\"", line, re.IGNORECASE) if mo is not None: part, user =, line = line.split(',') if line[2][3] != 'b': continue if line[0].endswith("Z"): date = datetime.datetime.strptime( line[0], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') else: date = datetime.datetime.strptime( line[0], '%Y %m %d %a %H:%M:%S') if user not in ntusers[part]: ntusers[part].append((user, date)) self.ntusers = ntusers
def save_recycle_files(self, output_file, partition=None, sorting=True): """ Sort recycle bin files by date and save to 'output_file' csv. """ if not (len(self.i_files) or len(self.r_files)): self.logger().info('No RecycleBin files found{}.'.format( ' in partition {}'.format(partition if partition else ''))) return if sorting: self.RB_files = list(self.i_files.values()) + self.r_files self.RB_files = sorted(self.RB_files, key=lambda it: it['Date']) else: self.RB_files = chain(self.i_files.values(), self.r_files) check_file(output_file, delete_exists=True) save_csv(self.RB_files, outfile=output_file, quoting=0, file_exists='OVERWRITE')
def run(self, keyfile=""): """ Searche contents of regex in output dir except in strings, searches and parser folders """ self.logger().info("Searching at output folder") if not keyfile: keyfile = self.myconfig('keyfile') check_file(keyfile, error_missing=True) grep = self.config.get('plugins.common', 'grep', '/bin/grep') skip_folders = ("strings", "parser", "searches") self.logger().info("Getting key list from {}".format(keyfile)) keywords = getSearchItems(keyfile) temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp('outsearch') outdir = self.myconfig('outdir') check_directory(outdir, create=True) for kw, srch in keywords.items(): output_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, "outsearch_{}.txt".format(kw)) with open(output_file, "w") as f: f.write( "\nKeyword: {}\n-----------------------------\n\n".format( srch)) f.flush() for item in os.listdir(self.myconfig('outputdir')): folder = os.path.join(self.myconfig('outputdir'), item) if os.path.isdir(folder) and item not in skip_folders: run_command([grep, "-ilR", srch, item], stdout=f, from_dir=self.myconfig('outputdir'), logger=self.logger()) try: for file in os.listdir(temp_dir): shutil.copy(os.path.join(temp_dir, file), os.path.join(outdir, file)) finally: shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) self.logger().info("OutSearch done") return []
def run(self, path=""): self.disk = getSourceImage(self.myconfig) keyfile = path self.logger().debug('Testing existance of {}'.format(keyfile)) if not keyfile: keyfile = self.myconfig('keyfile') check_file(keyfile, error_missing=True) # Get string files or generate them if not found self.string_path = self.myconfig('strings_dir') if not (check_directory(self.string_path) and os.listdir(self.string_path)): self.logger().debug("No string files found. Generating them") StringGenerate(config=self.config, disk=self.disk).generate_strings() self.search_path = self.myconfig('outdir') check_directory(self.search_path, create=True) self.keywords = getSearchItems( keyfile) # Get kw:regex dictionary reading keyfile self.blocks = { } # Store set of blocks for kw and partition. Ex: {'my_kw': {'p02': set(1234, 1235, ...)}} self.block_status = defaultdict( dict ) # Store status for blocks with search hits in a partition. Ex:{'03':{4547:'Allocated', 1354536:'Not Allocated'}} self.fs_object = FileSystem(self.config, disk=self.disk) # Generate or load 'hits_' and 'blocks_' files for kname in tqdm(self.keywords, total=len(self.keywords), desc='Searching keywords in strings'): kw = kname.strip() self.get_blocks(kw, self.keywords[kname]) # Generate 'all_' files self.get_cluster() self.logger().info("StringSearch done") return []
def load_partition(self): """ Load partition variables from JSON file. Avoids running mmls every time """ infile = os.path.join(self.myconfig('auxdir'), 'p{}_info.json'.format(self.partition)) if check_file(infile) and os.path.getsize(infile) != 0: with open(infile) as inputfile: try: return json.load(inputfile) except Exception: self.logger.warning( 'JSON file {} malformed'.format(infile)) return False return False
def generate(self, evtx_path): """ Auxiliary function """ check_directory(evtx_path, create=True) evtx = self.config.get('plugins.common', 'evtxdump', '/usr/local/bin/') alloc_files = GetFiles(self.config, vss=self.myflag("vss")) if self.vss: evtx_files ="{}.*\.evtx$".format( evtx_path.split('/')[-1])) else: evtx_files ="\.evtx$") errorlog = self.myconfig( 'errorlog', os.path.join(self.myconfig('sourcedir'), "{}_aux.log".format(self.myconfig('source')))) for i in evtx_files: evtx_file = os.path.join(self.myconfig('casedir'), i) if not check_file(evtx_file): self.logger().warning('File %s does not exist', evtx_file) continue self.logger().info("Parsing {}".format(i)) name = os.path.join(evtx_path, os.path.basename(i))[:-4] + "txt" # if the output already exists, continue if check_file(name): self.logger().debug( 'The output file %s ready exists. Skipping', name) continue with open(name, "wb") as f: with open(errorlog, 'a') as logfile: run_command([evtx, evtx_file], stdout=f, stderr=logfile, logger=self.logger())
def get_cluster(self): """ Generates report files containing information about the block where a hit is found, along with the contents of the block itself. """ self.inode_from_block = {} self.inode_status = {} self.path_from_inode = {} self.path_from_inode_del = {} # Creating relation between every inode and its blocks takes a long time. # Searching only the required blocks, although slower one by one, colud be faster if the list is short blocks_thereshold = 20000 # it takes about an hour sum_blocks = 0 for kw, parts in self.blocks.items(): for p in parts: sum_blocks += len(parts[p]) if sum_blocks > blocks_thereshold: for p in self.disk.partitions: if not p.isMountable or p.filesystem == "NoName": continue self.inode_from_block['p{}'.format( p.partition)] = self.fs_object.load_inode_from_block( partition='p{}'.format(p.partition)) # Get the necessary files relating inodes with paths and status for p in self.disk.partitions: if not p.isMountable or p.filesystem == "NoName": continue part_name = 'p{}'.format(p.partition) self.inode_status[part_name] = self.fs_object.load_inode_status( partition=part_name) self.path_from_inode[ part_name] = self.fs_object.load_path_from_inode( partition=part_name) self.path_from_inode_del[ part_name] = self.fs_object.load_path_from_inode( partition=part_name, deleted=True) self.used_blocks = defaultdict(set) self.block_inodes = defaultdict(dict) for kw in self.blocks: all_file = os.path.join(self.search_path, "all_{}".format(kw)) if check_file(all_file) and os.path.getsize(all_file) != 0: self.logger().info( 'File {} already generated'.format(all_file)) continue with open(all_file, "wb") as all_stream: for entry in self.all_info(self.blocks[kw], kw): all_stream.write(entry)
def run(self, path=""): self.disk = getSourceImage(self.myconfig) if not self.disk.exists(): self.logger().error(self.disk) return self.source = self.myconfig('source') self.outFolder = self.myconfig('deleteddir') check_directory(self.outFolder, create=True) # Set maximal dates for later update self.firstDate = + datetime.timedelta(days=365) self.lastDate =, 1, 1) # Process Timeline deleted files self.timelineBodyFile = os.path.join(self.myconfig('timelinesdir'), '{}_BODY.csv'.format(self.source)) check_file(self.timelineBodyFile, error_missing=True) # cmd = r"grep '(deleted' {} | grep -v FILE_NAME | cut -d'|' -f2 | sed 's_^[0-9-][0-9-]*/mnt/\(.*\) (deleted.*$_\1_' | sort -u".format(self.timelineBodyFile) cmd = r"grep '(deleted' {} | grep -v '\$FILE_NAME' | cut -d'|' -f2,3,7".format(self.timelineBodyFile) deletedTimelineFiles = shell_command(cmd) df_timeline = self.get_dataframe(deletedTimelineFiles, 'timeline') # Process Recycle self.recycleFile = os.path.join(self.myconfig('recycledir'), 'recycle_bin.csv') check_file(self.recycleFile, error_missing=True) df_recycle = self.get_dataframe(self.recycleFile, 'recycle') # Process UsnJrnl and INDX df_usnjrnl = pd.DataFrame() df_indx = pd.DataFrame() for p in self.disk.partitions: self.partName = ''.join(['p', p.partition]) if p.isMountable: self.usnJrnlFile = os.path.join(self.myconfig('journaldir'), 'UsnJrnl_{}.csv'.format(p.partition)) check_file(self.usnJrnlFile, error_missing=True) df_u = self.get_dataframe(shell_command(r"grep 'DELETE CLOSE' {} | cut -d',' -f 1,2,4".format(self.usnJrnlFile)), 'usnjrnl') self.indxFile = os.path.join(self.myconfig('timelinesdir'), '{}_INDX_timeline.csv'.format(p.partition)) if not check_file(self.indxFile): df_i = pd.DataFrame() # cmd = "grep -v 'SHORT FILENAME FORMAT' {} | grep -v 'NOT OBTAINED' | grep -v 'invalid MFTReference' | cut -d ';' -f 3,4,5,7".format(self.indxFile) # real # cmd = r"tail -n +2 {} | grep -va 'SHORT FILENAME FORMAT' | grep -va 'NOT OBTAINED' | grep -va 'invalid MFTReference' | cut -d ';' -f 2,5,9,14 ".format(self.indxFile) # unsorted # cmd = r"tail -n +2 {} | grep -va 'SHORT FILENAME FORMAT' | grep -va 'NOT OBTAINED' | cut -d ';' -f 2,5,9,14 ".format(self.indxFile) # unsorted cmd = r"tail -n +2 {} | grep -va 'SHORT FILENAME FORMAT' | grep -va 'NOT OBTAINED' | cut -d ';' -f 3,4,6,7,9 ".format(self.indxFile) # real df_i = self.get_dataframe(shell_command(cmd), 'indx') df_usnjrnl = self.join_dataframes(df_usnjrnl, df_u) df_indx = self.join_dataframes(df_indx, df_i) # TODO: timeline_all does not need columns source or reliable # Compare Timeline against INDX to extract unique (assuming deleted) files in INDX cmd = r"cut -d'|' -f2 {} | grep -v '\$FILE_NAME'".format(self.timelineBodyFile) df_all_timeline = self.get_dataframe(shell_command(cmd), 'timeline_all') self.logger().debug('Obtaining unique files in INDX') df_indx = self.get_deleted_in_INDX(df_all_timeline, df_indx) # Create a global dataframe with all artifacts self.logger().info('Combining artifacts to create a full list of deleted files') df_global = self.combine_artifacts([df_usnjrnl, df_recycle, df_timeline, df_indx]) print(df_global.shape, df_global.columns) duplicated_bin = df_global.duplicated('Filename', keep='first') # First sources have precedence self.logger().info('Found {} duplicated files merging sources'.format(duplicated_bin.sum())) print('before dropping', df_global.shape) df_global = df_global[~duplicated_bin] # df_global.drop_duplicates('Filename', keep='first', inplace=True) print('after dropping', df_global.shape) print(df_global.columns) print(df_global.head()) # Save global DataFrame # outfile = os.path.join(self.outFolder, '{}_deleted.csv'.format(self.source)) outfile = '/home/pgarcia/global_deleted.csv' with open(outfile, 'w') as f: f.write(df_global.to_csv(index=False)) # exit() # Create number of files summary based on day, hour and partition self.get_stats(self.join_dataframes(df_usnjrnl, df_recycle), 'all')
def search_strings(self, kw, regex): """ Generates a string search and yields hits. Also stores blocks where there's a match for the keyword 'kw'. Parameters: kw (str): keyword name regex (str): regular expression associated to keyword Yields: Dictionaries containing partition, block, offset and string match """ self.logger().info('Searching keyword {} with regex {}'.format( kw, regex)) partitions = { p.partition: [p.loop if p.loop != "" else "", p.clustersize] for p in self.disk.partitions } blocks = {} for p in self.disk.partitions: blocks.update({''.join(['p', p.partition]): set()}) # In string files to search, all characters are lowercase, so the '-i' option is no needed grep = self.myconfig('grep', '/bin/grep') args = "-H" if kw == regex else "-HP" regex_search = [regex] if regex else [kw] search_command = '{} {} '.format(grep, args) + '"{regex}" "{path}"' module = base.job.load_module(self.config, 'base.commands.RegexFilter', extra_config=dict( cmd=search_command, keyword_list=regex_search, from_dir=self.string_path)) srch = re.compile(r"(p\d{1,2})_strings_?[\w.]+:\s*(\d+)\s+(.*)") for f in os.listdir(self.string_path): for match in, f)): line = match['match'] aux = srch.match(line) if not aux: continue pname, offset, string =,, 3) pt = pname[1:] bsize = int(partitions[pt][1]) try: blk = int(offset) // bsize if blk not in self.block_status[pt]: self.block_status[pt][ blk] = self.fs_object.cluster_allocation_status( pname, str(blk)) status = self.block_status[pt].get(blk) except Exception as exc: self.logger().error('Error searching {} in line {}'.format( srch, line)) raise exc if blk not in blocks[pname]: # new block blocks[pname].add(blk) yield OrderedDict([('Partition', pname), ('Offset', int(offset)), ('Block', blk), ('Status', status), ('String', string)]) # Save blocks where a kw has been found if not check_file(self.blocks_file_path): self.save_blocks_file(blocks, kw)
def characterize_Windows(self): """ Characterize Windows partitions from registry files and timeline. """ hives_dir = self.myconfig('hivesdir') # Check registry is parsed. Generate the minimum files needed otherwise ripplugins_file = self.myconfig('ripplugins') if not check_directory(hives_dir): module = base.job.load_module( self.config, '', extra_config=dict(ripplugins=ripplugins_file)) list( # Get the autorip outputfile associated with each necessary plugin with open(ripplugins_file) as rf: ripplugins = json.load(rf) used_plugins = [ 'winnt_cv', 'shutdown', 'timezone', 'lastloggedon', 'processor_architecture', 'compname', 'samparse', 'profilelist' ] os_plugins = [ 'winnt_cv', 'shutdown', 'timezone', 'lastloggedon', 'processor_architecture', 'compname' ] plugin_files = { plug: p['file'] for plug in used_plugins for p in ripplugins if plug in p['plugins'] } plugin_fields = { 'winnt_cv': [ ' ProductName', ' CurrentVersion', ' InstallationType', ' EditionID', ' CurrentBuild', ' ProductId', ' RegisteredOwner', ' RegisteredOrganization', ' InstallDate' ], 'shutdown': [' ShutdownTime'], 'processor_architecture': ['PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE'], 'compname': ['ComputerName'] } field_names = { ' ProductName': 'ProductName', ' CurrentVersion': 'CurrentVersion', ' InstallationType': 'InstallationType', ' EditionID': 'EditionID', ' CurrentBuild': 'CurrentBuild', ' ProductId': 'ProductId', ' RegisteredOwner': 'RegisteredOwner', ' RegisteredOrganization': 'RegisteredOrganization', ' InstallDate': 'InstallDate', ' ShutdownTime': 'ShutdownTime', ' TimeZoneKeyName': 'TimeZone', 'PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE': 'ProcessorArchitecture', 'ComputerName': 'ComputerName' } partitions = [ folder for folder in sorted(os.listdir(self.myconfig('mountdir'))) if folder.startswith('p') ] # Define self.ntusers, that gets the creation date of NTUSER.DAT for every user and partition self.make_ntuser_timeline() # Main loop to populate os_info os_info = defaultdict(dict) for part in partitions: for plug in os_plugins: hivefile = os.path.join( hives_dir, '{}_{}.txt'.format(plugin_files[plug], part)) if not check_file(hivefile): continue with open(hivefile) as f_in: if plug == 'lastloggedon': for line in f_in: if line.startswith('LastLoggedOn'): f_in.readline() last_write = f_in.readline()[11:].rstrip('\n') f_in.readline() last_user = f_in.readline()[22:].rstrip('\n') os_info[part][ 'LastLoggedOn'] = '{} ({})'.format( last_write, last_user) break continue elif plug == 'timezone': for line in f_in: if line.startswith('TimeZoneInformation'): bias, tz_name = '', '' while not line.startswith( '....................') and line != "": line = f_in.readline() if line.startswith(' Bias'): bias = line[line.find('('):].rstrip( '\n') if line.startswith(' TimeZoneKeyName'): line = line[len(' TimeZoneKeyName') + 3:].rstrip('\n') tz_name = line[:line.find('Time') + 4] os_info[part]['TimeZone'] = '{} {}'.format( tz_name, bias) break continue for field in plugin_fields[plug]: for line in f_in: if line.startswith(field): os_info[part][ field_names[field]] = line[len(field) + 3:].rstrip('\n') break # Skip displaying partition info if it does not contain an OS if not os_info.get(part, None): self.logger().debug( 'No OS information for partition {}'.format(part)) continue # Users Info hivefile = os.path.join( hives_dir, '{}_{}.txt'.format(plugin_files['samparse'], part)) line = ' ' users = [] user_profiles = [] if check_file(hivefile): with open(hivefile) as f_in: # Parse samparse while not line.startswith('profilelist') and line != "": line = f_in.readline() aux ="Username\s*:\s*(.*)\n", line) if aux: user = [, "", ""] while line != "\n": line = f_in.readline() aux = r"Account Created\s*:\s*(.*)\n", line) if aux: aux1 =" ", " ") date = datetime.datetime.strptime( aux1, '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y Z') user[1] = date.strftime( '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S UTC') continue aux = r"Last Login Date\s*:\s*(.*)\n", line) # TODO: check this field is reliable if aux: if"Never") == -1: aux1 =" ", " ") date = datetime.datetime.strptime( aux1, '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y Z') user[2] = date.strftime( '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S UTC') else: user[2] = "Never" users.append(user) break # Parse profilelist line = ' ' while not line.startswith( '....................') and line != "": line = f_in.readline() aux = re.match(r"Path\s*:\s*.:.Users.(.*)", line.strip()) if aux: # import pudb; pudb.set_trace() user = [, "", ""] while line != "\n": line = f_in.readline() aux ="LastWrite\s*:\s*(.*)", line.strip()) if aux: aux1 =" ", " ") date = datetime.datetime.strptime( aux1, '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y (UTC)') user[2] = date.strftime( "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S UTC") user_profiles.append(user) # Get creation date from NTUSER.DAT if not found in profilelist for i in user_profiles: for j in self.ntusers[part]: if i[0] == j[0] and i[1] == "": i[1] = j[1].strftime('%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S UTC') os_info[part]["users"] = users os_info[part]["user_profiles"] = user_profiles return os_info
def exists(self): """ Returns True if the disk was found in the morgue. """ return check_file(self.imagefile)