Exemple #1
def results(request):
    search_query = request.GET.get('query', None)
    page = request.GET.get('page', 1)

    # Search
    if search_query:
        homepage = Site.objects.get(site_name="Public").root_page
        unit_index_page = UnitIndexPage.objects.first()
        search_results = Page.objects.live().descendant_of(homepage).not_descendant_of(unit_index_page, True).search(search_query)
        query = Query.get(search_query)

        # Record hit

        # Get search picks
        search_picks = query.editors_picks.all()
        search_results = Page.objects.none()
        search_picks = SearchPromotion.objects.none()

    # Pagination
    paginator = Paginator(search_results, 10)
        search_results = paginator.page(page)
    except PageNotAnInteger:
        search_results = paginator.page(1)
    except EmptyPage:
        search_results = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)

    # Page context variables for templates
    home_page = StandardPage.objects.live().get(id=PUBLIC_HOMEPAGE)
    location_and_hours = get_hours_and_location(home_page)
    location = str(location_and_hours['page_location'])
    unit = location_and_hours['page_unit']

    return render(request, 'results/results.html', {
        'breadcrumb_div_css': 'col-md-12 breadcrumbs hidden-xs hidden-sm',
        'content_div_css': 'container body-container col-xs-12 col-lg-11 col-lg-offset-1',
        'search_query': search_query,
        'search_results': search_results,
        'search_picks': search_picks,
        'page_unit': str(unit),
        'page_location': location,
        'address': location_and_hours['address'],
        'chat_url': get_unit_chat_link(unit, request),
        'chat_status': get_chat_status('uofc-ask'),
        'chat_status_css': get_chat_status_css('uofc-ask'),
        'hours_page_url': home_page.get_hours_page(request),
        'self': {
            'title': 'Search Results'
def results(request):
    search_query = request.GET.get('query', None)
    page = request.GET.get('page', 1)

    # Search
    if search_query:
        homepage = Site.objects.get(site_name="Public").root_page
        search_results = Page.objects.live().descendant_of(homepage).search(search_query)
        query = Query.get(search_query)

        # Record hit

        # Get search picks
        search_picks = query.editors_picks.all()
        search_results = Page.objects.none()
        search_picks = SearchPromotion.objects.none()

    # Pagination
    paginator = Paginator(search_results, 10)
        search_results = paginator.page(page)
    except PageNotAnInteger:
        search_results = paginator.page(1)
    except EmptyPage:
        search_results = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)

    # Page context variables for templates
    home_page = StandardPage.objects.live().get(id=PUBLIC_HOMEPAGE)
    location_and_hours = get_hours_and_location(home_page)
    location = str(location_and_hours['page_location'])
    unit = location_and_hours['page_unit']

    return render(request, 'results/results.html', {
        'breadcrumb_div_css': 'col-md-12 breadcrumbs hidden-xs hidden-sm',
        'content_div_css': 'container body-container col-xs-12 col-lg-11 col-lg-offset-1',
        'search_query': search_query,
        'search_results': search_results,
        'search_picks': search_picks,
        'page_unit': str(unit),
        'page_location': location,
        'address': location_and_hours['address'],
        'chat_url': get_unit_chat_link(unit, request),
        'chat_status': get_chat_status('uofc-ask'),
        'chat_status_css': get_chat_status_css('uofc-ask'),
        'hours_page_url': home_page.get_hours_page(request),
        'self': {
            'title': 'Search Results'
    def test_get_unit_chat_link(self):
        Test that pages in the site get the correct ask a librarian 
        link to their corresoinding AskPage and chat widget. Eckhart 
        and SCRC are treated differently since they're circumstances
        are slightly different.
        ask_widgets = set(['law', 'crerar', 'ssa', 'uofc-ask', 'dissertation-office'])

        # Dictionary of tuples where the keys map to the ask_widget_name field  
        # of AskPages. The firs item of the tuple is a mixed dictionary of 
        # location/hours/unit information and the second item of the tuple is 
        # a random url belonging to a page of a given section of the site.
        data = {
            'law': (get_hours_and_location(StandardPage.objects.get(id=DANGELO_HOMEPAGE)), '/law/services/carrelslockers/'),
            'crerar': (get_hours_and_location(StandardPage.objects.get(id=CRERAR_HOMEPAGE)), '/crerar/science-research-services/data-support-services/'),
            'ssa': (get_hours_and_location(StandardPage.objects.get(id=SSA_HOMEPAGE)), '/ssa/about/'),
            'uofc-ask': (get_hours_and_location(StandardPage.objects.get(id=PUBLIC_HOMEPAGE)), '/research/help/offcampus/'),
            'dissertation-office': (get_hours_and_location(StandardPage.objects.get(id=DISSERTATION_HOMEPAGE)), '/research/scholar/phd/students/'),
            'eck': (get_hours_and_location(StandardPage.objects.get(id=ECKHART_HOMEPAGE)), '/eck/mathematics-research-services/'),
            'scrc': (get_hours_and_location(StandardPage.objects.get(id=SCRC_HOMEPAGE)), '/scrc/visiting/'),

        # Normal chat links to regular AskPages
        for item in ask_widgets:
            request = HttpRequest()
            request.path = data[item][1]
            current_site = Site.find_for_request(request)

            a = get_unit_chat_link(data[item][0]['page_unit'], request)
            b = AskPage.objects.filter(ask_widget_name=item).first().relative_url(current_site)

            self.assertEqual(a, b)

        # Eckhart
        request_eck = HttpRequest()
        request_eck.path = data['eck'][1]
        current_site = Site.find_for_request(request_eck)
        eckurl = get_unit_chat_link(data['eck'][0]['page_unit'], request_eck)
        eckask = AskPage.objects.get(id=4646).relative_url(current_site)
        self.assertEqual(eckurl, eckask)

        # SCRC
        request_scrc = HttpRequest()
        request_scrc.path = data['scrc'][1]
        current_site = Site.find_for_request(request_scrc)
        scrcurl = get_unit_chat_link(data['scrc'][0]['page_unit'], request_scrc)
        scrcask = PublicRawHTMLPage.objects.get(id=4127).relative_url(current_site)
        self.assertEqual(scrcurl, scrcask)
    def get_branch_lib_css_class(self):
        Get the css classes for fancy pages and 
        subsections of the site based on location.

            String, css classname.
        # TODO: move this to base.settings and use page ID instead of page title
        css = { 'The John Crerar Library' : 'crerar',
                'The D\'Angelo Law Library': 'law',
                'Eckhart Library': 'eckhart',
                'The Joe and Rika Mansueto Library': 'mansueto',
                'The Joseph Regenstein Library': 'reg',
                'Social Service Administration Library': 'ssa'}
            key = str(get_hours_and_location(self)['page_location'])
            return css[key]
            return ''
def units(request):
    def get_unit_info_from_unit_page(unit_page):
        h = ''
        # phone number
        if unit_page.phone_number:
            if unit_page.phone_label:
                h = h + '<em>' + unit_page.phone_label + ':' + '</em> '
            h = h + "<a href='tel:" + unit_page.phone_number.replace('-', '') + "'>" + unit_page.phone_number + "</a>"
            h = h + '<br/>'

        # fax_number  
        if unit_page.fax_number:
            h = h + 'Fax: ' + unit_page.fax_number + '<br/>'

        # email_label, email
        if unit_page.email:
            if unit_page.email_label:
                h = h + "<a href='mailto:" + unit_page.email + "'>" + unit_page.email_label + "</a><br/>"
                h = h + "<a href='mailto:" + unit_page.email + "'>" + unit_page.email + "</a><br/>"

        # link_text, link_external
        if unit_page.link_external:
            if unit_page.link_text:
                h = h + "<a href='" + unit_page.link_external + "'>" + unit_page.link_text + "</a><br/>"
                h = h + "<a href='" + unit_page.link_external + "'>" + unit_page.link_external + "</a><br/>"

        return h

    def get_unit_info(t):
        h = ''

        # intercept this in the future to link to unit pages. 
        staff_link = ''
        if t.unit_page.directory_unit:
            staff_link = " <a href='/about/directory/?" + urllib.parse.urlencode({'view': 'staff', 'department': t.unit_page.directory_unit.fullName}) + "'>staff</a>"

        room_number = ''
        if t.unit_page.room_number:
            room_number = " (" + t.unit_page.room_number + ") "

        if t.name:
            directory_name = t.name
            if t.unit_page.public_web_page:
                directory_name = '<a href="' + t.unit_page.public_web_page.url + '">' + directory_name + '</a>'
            h = h + "<strong>" + directory_name + room_number + staff_link + "</strong><br/>"

        if t.unit_page:
            h = h + get_unit_info_from_unit_page(t.unit_page)

        if h:
            h = '<p>' + h + '</p>'
        return h
    # hierarchical html. e.g.,
    # <ul>
    #   <li>Administration</li>
    #   <li>Collection Services
    #      <ul>
    #         <li>Administration</li>
    # ...
    def get_html(tree):
        if not tree:
            return ''
            return "<ul>" + "".join(list(map(lambda t: "<li>" + get_unit_info(t) + get_html(t) + "</li>", tree.children))) + "</ul>"

    # MAIN

    hierarchical_html = ''
    department = request.GET.get('department', None)
    library = request.GET.get('library', None)
    page = request.GET.get('page', 1)
    query = request.GET.get('query', None)
    sort = request.GET.get('sort', 'hierarchical')
    subject = request.GET.get('subject', None)
    view = request.GET.get('view', 'department')

    if view == 'department' and query:
        sort = 'alphabetical'

    department_label = ''
    if department:
        department_label = department.split(' - ').pop()

    # staff pages
    staff_pages_all = []
    staff_pages = []

    if view == 'staff':
        # returns all staff pages if library is None.
        # otherwise, returns staff pages for the given library.
        staff_pages_all = get_staff_pages_for_library(library)

        # departments.
        if department:
            staff_pages_all = sorted(list(set(staff_pages_all.filter(vcards__in=get_vcards_for_department(department)))), key=lambda s: s.last_name if s.last_name else '')

        # search staff pages.
        if query:
            staff_pages_all = staff_pages_all.search(query)

        # subjects.
        if subject:
            if subject == 'All Subject Specialists':
                staff_pages_all = staff_pages_all.filter(id__in=StaffPageSubjectPlacement.objects.all().values_list('page', flat=True).distinct())
                # get a subject and all it's descendants. 
                subject_and_descendants = Subject.objects.get(name=subject).get_descendants()
                # from staff page subject placements, get all of the staff that match those subjects. 
                subject_staff_ids = StaffPageSubjectPlacement.objects.filter(subject__in=subject_and_descendants).values_list('page', flat=True)
                # filter staff_pages_all to only include those staff pages. 
                staff_pages_all = staff_pages_all.filter(id__in=subject_staff_ids).order_by('last_name')

        # add paging.
        paginator = Paginator(staff_pages_all, 100)
            staff_pages = paginator.page(page)
        except PageNotAnInteger:
            staff_pages = paginator.page(1)
        except EmptyPage:
            staff_pages = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)

    elif view == 'department':
        hierarchical_html = ''

        if query:
            units = UnitPage.objects.filter(display_in_directory=True).search(query)
            h = []
            for u in units:
                h.append(get_unit_info(Tree(u.title, u)))
            hierarchical_html = ''.join(h)
            hierarchical_html = get_html(UnitPage.hierarchical_units())
            # replace first ul. 
            if len(hierarchical_html) > 4:
                hierarchical_html = "<ul class='directory'>" + hierarchical_html[4:]
    default_image = Image.objects.get(title="Default Placeholder Photo")

    # Page context variables for templates
    home_page = StandardPage.objects.live().get(id=PUBLIC_HOMEPAGE)
    location_and_hours = get_hours_and_location(home_page)
    location = str(location_and_hours['page_location'])
    unit = location_and_hours['page_unit']

    return render(request, 'units/unit_index_page.html', {
        'breadcrumb_div_css': 'col-md-12 breadcrumbs hidden-xs hidden-sm',
        'content_div_css': 'container body-container col-xs-12 col-lg-11 col-lg-offset-1',
        'department': department,
        'department_label': department_label,
        'departments': get_departments(library),
        'default_image': default_image,
        'hierarchical_units': hierarchical_html,
        'libraries': [str(p) for p in LocationPage.objects.live().filter(is_building=True)],
        'library': library,
        'query': query,
        'sort': sort,
        'staff_pages': staff_pages,
        'subjects': get_subjects(None),
        'subject': subject,
        'view': view,
        'self': {
            'title': 'Library Directory'
        'page_unit': str(unit),
        'page_location': location,
        'address': location_and_hours['address'],
        'chat_url': get_unit_chat_link(unit, request),
        'chat_status': get_chat_status('uofc-ask'),
        'chat_status_css': get_chat_status_css('uofc-ask'),
        'hours_page_url': home_page.get_hours_page(request),
        'quick_nums': get_quick_nums_for_library_or_dept(request),
Exemple #6
def units(request):
    def get_unit_info_from_unit_page(unit_page):
        h = ''
        # phone number
        if unit_page.phone_number:
            if unit_page.phone_label:
                h = h + '<em>' + unit_page.phone_label + ':' + '</em> '
            h = h + "<a href='tel:" + unit_page.phone_number.replace('-', '') + "'>" + unit_page.phone_number + "</a>"
            h = h + '<br/>'

        # fax_number  
        if unit_page.fax_number:
            h = h + 'Fax: ' + unit_page.fax_number + '<br/>'

        # email_label, email
        if unit_page.email:
            if unit_page.email_label:
                h = h + "<a href='mailto:" + unit_page.email + "'>" + unit_page.email_label + "</a><br/>"
                h = h + "<a href='mailto:" + unit_page.email + "'>" + unit_page.email + "</a><br/>"

        # link_text, link_external
        if unit_page.link_external:
            if unit_page.link_text:
                h = h + "<a href='" + unit_page.link_external + "'>" + unit_page.link_text + "</a><br/>"
                h = h + "<a href='" + unit_page.link_external + "'>" + unit_page.link_external + "</a><br/>"

        return h

    def get_unit_info(t):
        h = ''

        # intercept this in the future to link to unit pages. 
        staff_link = ''
        if t.unit_page.directory_unit:
            staff_link = " <a href='/about/directory/?" + urllib.parse.urlencode({'view': 'staff', 'department': t.unit_page.directory_unit.fullName}) + "'>staff</a>"

        room_number = ''
        if t.unit_page.room_number:
            room_number = " (" + t.unit_page.room_number + ") "

        if t.name:
            directory_name = t.name
            if t.unit_page.public_web_page:
                directory_name = '<a href="' + t.unit_page.public_web_page.url + '">' + directory_name + '</a>'
            h = h + "<strong>" + directory_name + room_number + staff_link + "</strong><br/>"

        if t.unit_page:
            h = h + get_unit_info_from_unit_page(t.unit_page)

        if h:
            h = '<p>' + h + '</p>'
        return h
    # hierarchical html. e.g.,
    # <ul>
    #   <li>Administration</li>
    #   <li>Collection Services
    #      <ul>
    #         <li>Administration</li>
    # ...
    def get_html(tree):
        if not tree:
            return ''
            return "<ul>" + "".join(list(map(lambda t: "<li>" + get_unit_info(t) + get_html(t) + "</li>", tree.children))) + "</ul>"

    # MAIN

    hierarchical_html = ''
    department = request.GET.get('department', None)
    library = request.GET.get('library', None)
    page = request.GET.get('page', 1)
    query = request.GET.get('query', None)
    sort = request.GET.get('sort', 'hierarchical')
    subject = request.GET.get('subject', None)
    view = request.GET.get('view', 'department')

    if view == 'department' and query:
        sort = 'alphabetical'

    department_label = ''
    if department:
        department_label = department.split(' - ').pop()

    # staff pages
    staff_pages_all = []
    staff_pages = []

    if view == 'staff':
        # returns all staff pages if library is None.
        # otherwise, returns staff pages for the given library.
        staff_pages_all = get_staff_pages_for_library(library)

        # departments.
        if department:
            staff_pages_all = sorted(list(set(staff_pages_all.filter(vcards__in=get_vcards_for_department(department)))), key=lambda s: s.last_name if s.last_name else '')

        # search staff pages.
        if query:
            staff_pages_all = staff_pages_all.search(query)

        # subjects.
        if subject:
            if subject == 'All Subject Specialists':
                staff_pages_all = staff_pages_all.filter(id__in=StaffPageSubjectPlacement.objects.all().values_list('page', flat=True).distinct())
                # get a subject and all it's descendants. 
                subject_and_descendants = Subject.objects.get(name=subject).get_descendants()
                # from staff page subject placements, get all of the staff that match those subjects. 
                subject_staff_ids = StaffPageSubjectPlacement.objects.filter(subject__in=subject_and_descendants).values_list('page', flat=True)
                # filter staff_pages_all to only include those staff pages. 
                staff_pages_all = staff_pages_all.filter(id__in=subject_staff_ids).order_by('last_name')

        # add paging.
        paginator = Paginator(staff_pages_all, 100)
            staff_pages = paginator.page(page)
        except PageNotAnInteger:
            staff_pages = paginator.page(1)
        except EmptyPage:
            staff_pages = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)

    elif view == 'department':
        hierarchical_html = ''

        if query:
            units = UnitPage.objects.filter(display_in_directory=True).search(query)
            h = []
            for u in units:
                h.append(get_unit_info(Tree(u.title, u)))
            hierarchical_html = ''.join(h)
            hierarchical_html = get_html(UnitPage.hierarchical_units())
            # replace first ul. 
            if len(hierarchical_html) > 4:
                hierarchical_html = "<ul class='directory'>" + hierarchical_html[4:]
    default_image = Image.objects.get(title="Default Placeholder Photo")

    # Page context variables for templates
    home_page = StandardPage.objects.live().get(id=PUBLIC_HOMEPAGE)
    location_and_hours = get_hours_and_location(home_page)
    location = str(location_and_hours['page_location'])
    unit = location_and_hours['page_unit']

    return render(request, 'units/unit_index_page.html', {
        'breadcrumb_div_css': 'col-md-12 breadcrumbs hidden-xs hidden-sm',
        'content_div_css': 'container body-container col-xs-12 col-lg-11 col-lg-offset-1',
        'department': department,
        'department_label': department_label,
        'departments': get_departments(library),
        'default_image': default_image,
        'hierarchical_units': hierarchical_html,
        'libraries': [str(p) for p in LocationPage.objects.live().filter(is_building=True)],
        'library': library,
        'query': query,
        'sort': sort,
        'staff_pages': staff_pages,
        'subjects': get_subjects(None),
        'subject': subject,
        'view': view,
        'self': {
            'title': 'Library Directory'
        'page_unit': str(unit),
        'page_location': location,
        'address': location_and_hours['address'],
        'chat_url': get_unit_chat_link(unit, request),
        'chat_status': get_chat_status('uofc-ask'),
        'chat_status_css': get_chat_status_css('uofc-ask'),
        'hours_page_url': home_page.get_hours_page(request),
        'quick_nums': get_quick_nums_for_library_or_dept(request),
Exemple #7
def events(request):
    start_str = request.GET.get('start', None)
    if start_str:
        start = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_str, '%Y-%m-%d').date()
        start = datetime.date.today()
        start_str = start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

    # if the date was in the past, set it to today.
    if start < datetime.datetime.now().date():
        start = datetime.datetime.now().date()
        start_str = start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

    # get start and stop dates, along with previous start and next start dates.
    number_of_days_this_month = calendar.monthrange(start.year, start.month)[1]
    stop = start + datetime.timedelta(days=number_of_days_this_month - 1)
    stop_str = stop.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

    if start.month == 1:
        number_of_days_last_month = calendar.monthrange(start.year - 1, 12)[1]
        number_of_days_last_month = calendar.monthrange(
            start.year, start.month - 1)[1]
    previous_start = start - datetime.timedelta(days=number_of_days_last_month)
    next_start = stop + datetime.timedelta(days=1)

    university_url = 'http://events.uchicago.edu/widgets/rss.php?key=47866f880d62a4f4517a44381f4a990d&id=48'
    ttrss_url = 'http://www3.lib.uchicago.edu/tt-rss/public.php?op=rss&id=-3&key=8idjnk57e2a0063541d'

    entries = get_events(university_url, ttrss_url, start, stop)

    # remove multiday events.
    d = len(entries) - 1
    while d >= 0:
        date_label = entries[d][0]
        e = len(entries[d][1]) - 1
        while e >= 0:
            if entries[d][1][e]['start_date'] != entries[d][1][e]['end_date']:
                del (entries[d][1][e])
                if not entries[d][1]:
                    del (entries[d])
            e = e - 1
        d = d - 1

    # separate multiday events out into their own section.
    # multiday_events aren't arranged into something with start dates.
    tmp = get_events(university_url, ttrss_url, None, None)
    multiday_entries = []
    for event_list in [e[1] for e in tmp]:
        for e in event_list:
            if e['start_date'] != e['end_date']:
                if e['sortable_date'] <= stop_str and e[
                        'sortable_end_date'] >= start_str:

    # Page context variables for templates
    home_page = StandardPage.objects.live().get(id=PUBLIC_HOMEPAGE)
    location_and_hours = get_hours_and_location(home_page)
    location = str(location_and_hours['page_location'])
    unit = location_and_hours['page_unit']

    next_link = next_start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    previous_link = previous_start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

    # don't allow browsing into the past.
    if start == datetime.datetime.now().date():
        previous_link = ''

    return render(
        request, 'events/events_index_page.html', {
            'breadcrumb_div_css': 'col-md-12 breadcrumbs hidden-xs hidden-sm',
            'container body-container col-xs-12 col-lg-11 col-lg-offset-1',
            'entries': entries,
            'multiday_entries': multiday_entries,
            'next_link': next_link,
            'previous_link': previous_link,
            'start': start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
            'start_label': start.strftime('%B %d, %Y').replace(' 0', ' '),
            'stop': stop.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
            'stop_label': stop.strftime('%B %d, %Y').replace(' 0', ' '),
            'page_unit': str(unit),
            'page_location': location,
            'address': location_and_hours['address'],
            'chat_url': get_unit_chat_link(unit, request),
            'chat_status': get_chat_status('uofc-ask'),
            'chat_status_css': get_chat_status_css('uofc-ask'),
            'hours_page_url': home_page.get_hours_page(request),
            'self': {
                'title': 'Library Events'
Exemple #8
def external_include(request):
    CSS, headers and footers for external sites like guides.lib or sfx.lib.
    Make hrefs absolute.
    callback = request.GET.get('callback', None)
    include = request.GET.get('include', None)

    # Variables to use in context
    home_page = StandardPage.objects.live().get(id=PUBLIC_HOMEPAGE)
    location_and_hours = get_hours_and_location(home_page)
    llid = home_page.get_granular_libcal_lid(home_page.unit)
    location = str(location_and_hours['page_location'])
    unit = location_and_hours['page_unit']

    if include in ('css', 'js', 'header', 'footer'):
        response = render(
                'prefix': '{}://{}'.format(request.scheme, request.get_host),
                'address': location_and_hours['address'],
                'chat_url': get_unit_chat_link(unit, request),
                'chat_status': get_chat_status('uofc-ask'),
                'chat_status_css': get_chat_status_css('uofc-ask'),
                'hours_page_url': home_page.get_hours_page(request),
                'libcalid': llid,
                'page_unit': str(location_and_hours['page_unit']),
                'page_location': location,
                'site_url': request.scheme + '://' + request.get_host(),

        def absolute_url(href):
            Helper function to make links absolute.
            protocol = '{}://'.format(request.scheme)
            if href.startswith('http://') or href.startswith('https://'):
                protocol = ''
            domain = request.get_host()
            if not href.startswith('/'):
                domain = ''
            return '{}{}{}'.format(protocol, domain, href)

        soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser')
        for a in soup.find_all('a'):
            a['href'] = absolute_url(a['href'])
        for img in soup.find_all('img'):
            img['src'] = absolute_url(img['src'])
        for link in soup.find_all('link'):
            link['href'] = absolute_url(link['href'])
        for sc in soup.find_all('script'):
            sc['src'] = absolute_url(sc['src'])
        response.content = str(soup)
        if callback:
            return HttpResponse(
            return response
        raise ValueError
Exemple #9
def spaces(request):
    building = request.GET.get('building', None)
    feature = request.GET.get('feature', None)
    floor = request.GET.get('floor', None)
    space_type = request.GET.get('space_type', 'is_study_space')

    possible_features = get_features()

    # validate form input.
    if not building in LocationPage.objects.filter(
            is_building=True).values_list('title', flat=True):
        building = None
    if not has_feature(feature):
        feature = None
    if not space_type in [
            'is_study_space', 'is_teaching_space', 'is_event_space'
        space_type = None

    # get the feature label.
    feature_label = ''
    if feature:
        for f in possible_features:
            if f[0] == feature:
                feature_label = f[1]

    # get spaces.
    spaces = LocationPage.objects.live()
    if building:
        spaces = spaces.filter(parent_building=LocationPage.objects.get(
    if feature:
        spaces = spaces.filter(**{feature: True})
    if floor:
        location_ids = LocationPageFloorPlacement.objects.filter(
            floor__title=floor).values_list('parent', flat=True)
        spaces = spaces.filter(id__in=location_ids)
    if space_type:
        spaces = spaces.filter(**{space_type: True})

    # Narrow down list of buildings from all buildings by using feature
    # and space_type, create list of libraries for display in dropdown
    # from parent_building of filtered all_spaces. Use set to remove
    # duplicates and sort_buildings to organize resulting list of libraries
    all_spaces = LocationPage.objects.live()
    if feature:
        all_spaces = all_spaces.filter(**{feature: True})
    if space_type:
        all_spaces = all_spaces.filter(**{space_type: True})
    buildings = sort_buildings(all_spaces)

    # make sure all features have at least one LocationPage for the current space_type.
    features = list(
        filter(lambda f: spaces.filter(**{f[0]: True}), possible_features))

    # if a library building has been set, get floors that are appropriate for
    # the parameters that have been set.
    floors = []
    if building:
        # Changed spaces to all_spaces in id_list to bypass filtering in spaces.
        # get all locations that are descendants of this building.
        id_list = all_spaces.filter(
            parent_building__title=building).values_list('pk', flat=True)
        # get a unique, sorted list of the available floors here.
        floors = sorted(
                            'floor__title', flat=True))))

    default_image = Image.objects.get(title="Default Placeholder Photo")
    #If building is selected pass respective page id to page context variables,
    #else pass PUBLIC_HOMEPAGE, llid passed to render correct hours in js script,
    unfriendly_a = False
    if building:
        if building == 'Social Service Administration Library':
            PAGE_ID = SSA_HOMEPAGE
        elif building == 'The Joe and Rika Mansueto Library':
        elif building == 'The John Crerar Library':
        elif building == 'Eckhart Library':
        elif building == 'The D\'Angelo Law Library':
        elif building == 'Special Collections Research Center':

    # Page context variables for templates
    home_page = StandardPage.objects.live().get(id=PAGE_ID)
    friendly_name = home_page.friendly_name
    llid = home_page.get_granular_libcal_lid(home_page.unit)
    location_and_hours = get_hours_and_location(home_page)
    location = str(location_and_hours['page_location'])
    unit = location_and_hours['page_unit']

    # Find banner for given home_page and add to context
    current_site = Site.find_for_request(request)
    section_info = home_page.get_banner(current_site)
    branch_name = section_info[4]
    return render(
        request, 'public/spaces_index_page.html', {
            'col-md-12 breadcrumbs hidden-xs hidden-sm',
            'container body-container col-xs-12 col-lg-11 col-lg-offset-1',
            'self': {
                'title': 'Library Spaces',
                'friendly_name': friendly_name
            get_unit_chat_link(unit, request),
            True if friendly_name.strip() in UNFRIENDLY_ARTICLES else False,
    def get_context(self, request):
        context = super(PublicBasePage, self).get_context(request)
        self.location_and_hours = get_hours_and_location(self)
        unit = self.location_and_hours['page_unit']     
        current_site = Site.find_for_request(request)
        url_filter = '~()*!.\''

            location = str(self.location_and_hours['page_location'])
            context['page_unit'] = str(unit) 
            context['page_location'] = location
            context['page_location_id'] = self.location_and_hours['page_location'].id
            #context['current_building_hours'] = self.location_and_hours['hours']
            context['address'] = self.location_and_hours['address']
            #context['all_building_hours'] = get_all_building_hours()
            context['chat_url'] = get_unit_chat_link(unit, request)
            context['directory_link'] = self.get_directory_link_by_location(location, True)
            logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
            logger.error('Context variables not set in PublicBasePage.')

        context['libcalid'] = self.location_and_hours['libcalid']
        context['granular_libcalid'] = self.get_granular_libcal_lid(self.unit)
        context['libcaliid'] = LIBCAL_IID
        context['has_granular_hours'] = self.has_granular_hours()
        context['all_spaces_link'], \
        context['quiet_spaces_link'], \
        context['collaborative_spaces_link'] = self.get_spaces_links(self.location_and_hours)

        sidebar = self.has_left_sidebar(context)
        section_info = self.get_banner(current_site)
        branch_name = section_info[4] 
        has_alert = False if not get_alert(current_site) else True
        context['has_left_sidebar'] = sidebar
        context['content_div_css'] = self.get_conditional_css_classes('content', sidebar)
        context['breadcrumb_div_css'] = self.get_conditional_css_classes('breadcrumbs', sidebar)
        context['sidebartitle'] = self.get_sidebar_title()[0]
        context['sidebartitleurl'] = self.get_sidebar_title()[1]
        context['branch_lib_css'] = self.get_branch_lib_css_class()
        context['hours_page_url'] = self.get_hours_page(request)
        context['is_hours_page'] = self.id == HOURS_PAGE
        context['has_banner'] = section_info[0]
        context['banner'] = section_info[1]
        context['banner_feature'] = section_info[2]
        context['banner_title'] = section_info[3]
        context['banner_subtitle'] = section_info[4]
        context['banner_url'] = section_info[5]
        context['branch_title'] = branch_name if branch_name is not self.title else ''
        context['page_type'] = str(self.specific.__class__.__name__)
        context['events_feed'] = urllib.parse.quote(self.events_feed_url, safe=url_filter)
        context['news_feed'] = urllib.parse.quote(self.news_feed_url, safe=url_filter)
        context['unfriendly_a'] = True if self.friendly_name.strip() in UNFRIENDLY_ARTICLES else False
        context['has_alert'] = has_alert
        if has_alert:
            context['alert_message'], \
            context['alert_level'], \
            context['alert_more_info'], \
            context['alert_link'] = get_alert(current_site)

            context['news_page'] = self.external_news_page if self.external_news_page else self.internal_news_page.relative_url(current_site)
            context['news_page'] = ''
            carousel = self.carousel_items.all()
            carousel = []
        context['carousel_items'] = carousel
        context['carousel_multi'] = len(carousel) > 1

        # Data structure for generating a 
        # sitemap display of child pages
        index_pages = [{
            'title': self.title,
            'url': self.relative_url(current_site),
            'children': [],

        # Build sitemap listing of child pages 
        # in html format.
        if self.enable_index and self.display_hierarchical_listing:
            index_pages[0]['children'] = list(map(lambda p: recursively_add_children(p, current_site), self.get_children().live()))
        elif self.enable_index:
            index_pages[0]['children'] = list(map(lambda p: {'title': p.title, 'url': p.relative_url(current_site), 'children': []}, self.get_children().live()))
        index_pages_html = get_index_html(index_pages[0]['children'])
        context['index_pages_html'] = index_pages_html

        return context
def spaces(request):
    building = request.GET.get('building', None)
    feature = request.GET.get('feature', None)
    floor = request.GET.get('floor', None)
    space_type = request.GET.get('space_type', 'is_study_space')

    possible_features = get_features() 

    # validate form input.
    if not building in LocationPage.objects.filter(is_building=True).values_list('title', flat=True):
        building = None
    if not has_feature(feature):
        feature = None
    if not space_type in ['is_study_space', 'is_teaching_space', 'is_event_space']:
        space_type = None

    # get the feature label. 
    feature_label = ''
    if feature:
        for f in possible_features:
            if f[0] == feature:
                feature_label = f[1]

    # get spaces.
    spaces = LocationPage.objects.live()
    if building:
        spaces = spaces.filter(parent_building = LocationPage.objects.get(title=building))
    if feature:
        spaces = spaces.filter(**{feature: True})
    if floor:
        location_ids = LocationPageFloorPlacement.objects.filter(floor__title=floor).values_list('parent', flat=True)
        spaces = spaces.filter(id__in=location_ids)
    if space_type:
        spaces = spaces.filter(**{space_type: True})

    # Narrow down list of buildings from all buildings by using feature
    # and space_type, create list of libraries for display in dropdown
    # from parent_building of filtered all_spaces. Use set to remove
    # duplicates and sort_buildings to organize resulting list of libraries
    all_spaces = LocationPage.objects.live()
    if feature:
        all_spaces = all_spaces.filter(**{feature: True})
    if space_type:
        all_spaces = all_spaces.filter(**{space_type: True})
    buildings = sort_buildings(all_spaces)

    # make sure all features have at least one LocationPage for the current space_type. 
    features = list(filter(lambda f: spaces.filter(**{f[0]: True}), possible_features))

    # if a library building has been set, get floors that are appropriate for
    # the parameters that have been set. 
    floors = []
    if building:
        # Changed spaces to all_spaces in id_list to bypass filtering in spaces.
        # get all locations that are descendants of this building. 
        id_list = all_spaces.filter(parent_building__title=building).values_list('pk', flat=True)
        # get a unique, sorted list of the available floors here. 
        floors = sorted(list(set(LocationPageFloorPlacement.objects.filter(parent__in=id_list).exclude(floor=None).values_list('floor__title', flat=True))))

    default_image = Image.objects.get(title="Default Placeholder Photo")
    #If building is selected pass respective page id to page context variables,
    #else pass PUBLIC_HOMEPAGE, llid passed to render correct hours in js script,
    unfriendly_a = False
    if building:
        if building == 'Social Service Administration Library':
            PAGE_ID = SSA_HOMEPAGE
        elif building == 'The Joe and Rika Mansueto Library':
        elif building == 'The John Crerar Library':
        elif building == 'Eckhart Library':
        elif building == 'The D\'Angelo Law Library':
        elif building == 'Special Collections Research Center':

    # Page context variables for templates
    home_page = StandardPage.objects.live().get(id=PAGE_ID)
    friendly_name = home_page.friendly_name
    llid = home_page.get_granular_libcal_lid(home_page.unit)
    location_and_hours = get_hours_and_location(home_page)
    location = str(location_and_hours['page_location'])
    unit = location_and_hours['page_unit']

    # Find banner for given home_page and add to context
    current_site = Site.find_for_request(request)
    section_info = home_page.get_banner(current_site)
    branch_name = section_info[4]
    return render(request, 'public/spaces_index_page.html', {
        'building': building,
        'buildings': buildings,
        'breadcrumb_div_css': 'col-md-12 breadcrumbs hidden-xs hidden-sm',
        'content_div_css': 'container body-container col-xs-12 col-lg-11 col-lg-offset-1',
        'default_image': default_image,
        'feature': feature,
        'feature_label': feature_label,
        'features': features,
        'floor': floor,
        'floors': floors,
        'self': {
            'title': 'Library Spaces',
            'friendly_name': friendly_name
        'spaces': spaces,
        'space_type': space_type,
        'page_unit': str(unit),
        'page_location': location,
        'address': location_and_hours['address'],
        'chat_url': get_unit_chat_link(unit, request),
        'chat_status': get_chat_status('uofc-ask'),
        'chat_status_css': get_chat_status_css('uofc-ask'),
        'hours_page_url': home_page.get_hours_page(request),
        'unfriendly_a': True if friendly_name.strip() in UNFRIENDLY_ARTICLES else False,
        'libcalid': llid,
        'has_banner': section_info[0],
        'banner': section_info[1],
        'banner_feature': section_info[2],
        'banner_title': section_info[3],
        'banner_subtitle': section_info[4],
        'banner_url': section_info[5],
        'branch_lib_css': home_page.get_branch_lib_css_class(),
Exemple #12
    def test_get_unit_chat_link(self):
        Test that pages in the site get the correct ask a librarian
        link to their corresoinding AskPage and chat widget. Eckhart
        and SCRC are treated differently since they're circumstances
        are slightly different.
        ask_widgets = set(
            ['law', 'crerar', 'ssa', 'uofc-ask', 'dissertation-office'])

        # Dictionary of tuples where the keys map to the ask_widget_name field
        # of AskPages. The firs item of the tuple is a mixed dictionary of
        # location/hours/unit information and the second item of the tuple is
        # a random url belonging to a page of a given section of the site.
        data = {
            'law': (get_hours_and_location(
            'uofc-ask': (get_hours_and_location(
            'dissertation-office': (get_hours_and_location(
            'eck': (get_hours_and_location(
            'scrc': (get_hours_and_location(

        # Normal chat links to regular AskPages
        for item in ask_widgets:
            request = HttpRequest()
            request.path = data[item][1]
            current_site = Site.find_for_request(request)

            a = get_unit_chat_link(data[item][0]['page_unit'], request)
            b = AskPage.objects.filter(

            self.assertEqual(a, b)

        # Eckhart
        request_eck = HttpRequest()
        request_eck.path = data['eck'][1]
        current_site = Site.find_for_request(request_eck)
        eckurl = get_unit_chat_link(data['eck'][0]['page_unit'], request_eck)
        eckask = AskPage.objects.get(id=4646).relative_url(current_site)
        self.assertEqual(eckurl, eckask)

        # SCRC
        request_scrc = HttpRequest()
        request_scrc.path = data['scrc'][1]
        current_site = Site.find_for_request(request_scrc)
        scrcurl = get_unit_chat_link(data['scrc'][0]['page_unit'],
        scrcask = PublicRawHTMLPage.objects.get(
        self.assertEqual(scrcurl, scrcask)
def events(request):
    start_str = request.GET.get('start', None)
    if start_str:
        start = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_str, '%Y-%m-%d').date()
        start = datetime.date.today()
        start_str = start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

    # if the date was in the past, set it to today.
    if start < datetime.datetime.now().date():
        start = datetime.datetime.now().date()
        start_str = start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

    # get start and stop dates, along with previous start and next start dates. 
    number_of_days_this_month = calendar.monthrange(start.year, start.month)[1]
    stop = start + datetime.timedelta(days=number_of_days_this_month - 1)
    stop_str = stop.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

    if start.month == 1:
        number_of_days_last_month = calendar.monthrange(start.year - 1, 12)[1]
        number_of_days_last_month = calendar.monthrange(start.year, start.month - 1)[1]
    previous_start = start - datetime.timedelta(days=number_of_days_last_month)
    next_start = stop + datetime.timedelta(days=1)

    university_url = 'http://events.uchicago.edu/widgets/rss.php?key=47866f880d62a4f4517a44381f4a990d&id=48'
    ttrss_url = 'http://www3.lib.uchicago.edu/tt-rss/public.php?op=rss&id=-3&key=8idjnk57e2a0063541d'

    entries = get_events(university_url, ttrss_url, start, stop)
    # remove multiday events. 
    d = len(entries) - 1
    while d >= 0:
        date_label = entries[d][0]
        e = len(entries[d][1]) - 1
        while e >= 0:
            if entries[d][1][e]['start_date'] != entries[d][1][e]['end_date']:
                if not entries[d][1]:
            e = e - 1
        d = d - 1

    # separate multiday events out into their own section.
    # multiday_events aren't arranged into something with start dates. 
    tmp = get_events(university_url, ttrss_url, None, None)
    multiday_entries = []
    for event_list in [e[1] for e in tmp]:
        for e in event_list:
            if e['start_date'] != e['end_date']:
                if e['sortable_date'] <= stop_str and e['sortable_end_date'] >= start_str:
    # Page context variables for templates
    home_page = StandardPage.objects.live().get(id=PUBLIC_HOMEPAGE)
    location_and_hours = get_hours_and_location(home_page)
    location = str(location_and_hours['page_location'])
    unit = location_and_hours['page_unit']

    next_link = next_start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    previous_link = previous_start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    # don't allow browsing into the past.
    if start == datetime.datetime.now().date():
        previous_link = ''
    return render(request, 'events/events_index_page.html', {
        'breadcrumb_div_css': 'col-md-12 breadcrumbs hidden-xs hidden-sm',
        'content_div_css': 'container body-container col-xs-12 col-lg-11 col-lg-offset-1',
        'entries': entries,
        'multiday_entries': multiday_entries,
        'next_link': next_link,
        'previous_link': previous_link,
        'start': start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
        'start_label': start.strftime('%B %d, %Y').replace(' 0', ' '),
        'stop': stop.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
        'stop_label': stop.strftime('%B %d, %Y').replace(' 0', ' '),
        'page_unit': str(unit),
        'page_location': location,
        'address': location_and_hours['address'],
        'chat_url': get_unit_chat_link(unit, request),
        'chat_status': get_chat_status('uofc-ask'),
        'chat_status_css': get_chat_status_css('uofc-ask'),
        'hours_page_url': home_page.get_hours_page(request),
        'self': {
            'title': 'Library Events'
Exemple #14
def collections(request):
    digital = request.GET.get('digital', None)
    if not digital == 'on':
        digital = None
    format = request.GET.get('format', None)
    if not format in Format.objects.all().values_list('text', flat=True):
        format = None
    location = request.GET.get('location', None)
    if not location in LocationPage.objects.live().values_list('title',
        location = None
    search = request.GET.get('search', None)
    subject = request.GET.get('subject', None)
    if not subject in Subject.objects.all().values_list('name', flat=True):
        subject = None
    unit = request.GET.get('unit', None)
    view = request.GET.get('view', 'collections')
    if not view in ['collections', 'exhibits', 'subjects']:
        view = 'collections'

    # filter collections.
    collections = []
    if view == 'collections':
        filter_arguments = {}

        # format
        if format:
            filter_arguments['collection_placements__format__text'] = format

        # subject
        if subject:
                'collection_subject_placements__subject__in'] = Subject.objects.get(

        # search
        if search:
            filter_arguments['id__in'] = list(
                map(lambda s: s.id,

        # unit
        if unit:
            filter_arguments['unit'] = UnitPage.objects.get(title=unit)

        collections = CollectionPage.objects.live().filter(

        # digital
        if digital:
            collections = collections.filter(

        # sort browses by title, omitting leading articles.
        if not search:
            collections = sorted(
                key=lambda c: re.sub(r'^(A|An|The) ', '', c.title))

    # fiter exhibits.
    exhibits = []
    exhibits_current = []
    if view == 'exhibits':
        filter_arguments = {}

        if location:
            filter_arguments['exhibit_location__title'] = location

        if subject:
                'exhibit_subject_placements__subject__in'] = Subject.objects.get(

        if unit:
            filter_arguments['unit'] = UnitPage.objects.get(title=unit)

        exhibits = ExhibitPage.objects.live().filter(
        exhibits_current = exhibits.filter(

        if digital:
            exhibits = exhibits.filter(web_exhibit=True)
            exhibits_current = exhibits_current.filter(web_exhibit=True)

        if search:
            exhibits = exhibits.search(search).results()
            exhibits_current = exhibits_current.search(search).results()

        if not search:
            exhibits = sorted(
                exhibits, key=lambda e: re.sub(r'^(A|An|The) ', '', e.title))
            exhibits_current = sorted(
                key=lambda e: re.sub('r^(A|An|The) ', '', e.title))

    # formats.
    formats = Format.objects.all().values_list('text', flat=True)

    # the formats pulldown should skip 'Digital'. That shows up as a checkbox.
    formats_pulldown = ['Archives & Manuscripts', 'Audio', 'Books & Journals', \
'Images', 'Maps', 'Microform', 'Music Scores', 'Photographs', 'Reference Works', \
'Statistics & Datasets', 'Video']

    # locations
    locations = sorted(
                    'exhibit_location__title', flat=True))))

    subjects = []
    # for the code below, list all subjects that are children of the subjects in the list
    # above, plus anything with a libguide id. right now that is equal to
    # business, medicine and law. See DB's "collections subjects" lucid chart for more
    # info.

    subjects_queryset = Subject.objects.all()

    if search:
        s = get_search_backend()
        subjects_queryset = s.search(search, Subject)

    if subject:
        subject_ids = Subject.objects.get(name=subject).get_descendants()
        subjects_queryset = subjects_queryset.filter(id__in=subject_ids)

    subjects_with_collections = set(
    subjects_with_exhibits = set(
        ExhibitPageSubjectPlacement.objects.values_list('subject', flat=True))
    subjects_with_specialists = set(
        StaffPageSubjectPlacement.objects.values_list('subject', flat=True))

    for s in subjects_queryset:
        subject_descendants = set(s.get_descendants().values_list('id',
        parents = SubjectParentRelations.objects.filter(
        has_collections = bool(
        has_exhibits = bool(
        has_subject_specialists = s.id in subjects_with_specialists
            'has_collections': has_collections,
            'has_exhibits': has_exhibits,
            'has_subject_specialists': has_subject_specialists,
            'libguide_url': s.libguide_url,
            'name': s.name,
            'parents': parents,
            'see_also': None
        for see_also in s.see_also.all():
                'has_collections': False,
                'has_exhibits': False,
                'has_subject_specialists': False,
                'libguide_url': None,
                'name': see_also.alias,
                'parents': [],
                'see_also': see_also.snippet.name
    subjects = sorted(subjects, key=lambda s: s['name'])

    # for the subject pulldown, find subjects that are first generation children- their parents should have no parent.
    # still need these:
    # Area and Cultural Studies
    # Social Sciences
    # Biological Sciences
    # Physical Sciences

    subjects_pulldown = ['Area & Cultural Studies', 'Arts', \
'Biological Sciences', 'Business', 'Humanities', 'Law', 'Literature', \
'Medicine', 'Physical Sciences', 'Social Sciences', 'Social Services', \
'Special Collections']

    default_image = None
        default_image = Image.objects.get(title="Default Placeholder Photo")

    # Set context variables for templates
    home_page = StandardPage.objects.live().get(id=PUBLIC_HOMEPAGE)
    location_and_hours = get_hours_and_location(home_page)
    page_location = str(location_and_hours['page_location'])
    page_unit = location_and_hours['page_unit']

    return render(
        request, 'lib_collections/collections_index_page.html', {
            'collections': collections,
            'breadcrumb_div_css': 'col-md-12 breadcrumbs hidden-xs hidden-sm',
            'container body-container col-xs-12 col-lg-11 col-lg-offset-1',
            'default_image': default_image,
            'digital': digital,
            'exhibits': exhibits,
            'exhibits_current': exhibits_current,
            'format': format,
            'formats': formats,
            'formats_pulldown': formats_pulldown,
            'location': location,
            'locations': locations,
            'search': search,
            'self': {
                'title': 'Collections & Exhibits'
            'subject': subject,
            'subjects': subjects,
            'subjects_pulldown': subjects_pulldown,
            'view': view,
            'page_unit': str(page_unit),
            'page_location': page_location,
            'address': location_and_hours['address'],
            'chat_url': get_unit_chat_link(page_unit, request),
            'chat_status': get_chat_status('uofc-ask'),
            'chat_status_css': get_chat_status_css('uofc-ask'),
            'hours_page_url': home_page.get_hours_page(request),
def results(request):
    search_query = request.GET.get('query', None)
    page = request.GET.get('page', 1)

    # Search
    if search_query:
        homepage = Site.objects.get(site_name="Public").root_page
        unit_index_page = UnitIndexPage.objects.first()
        restricted = StandardPage.objects.live().get(id=RESTRICTED)
        search_results1 = Page.objects.live().descendant_of(
                True).not_descendant_of(restricted, True).search(
                    search_query, operator="and").annotate_score('score')
        search_backend = get_search_backend()

        search_results2 = search_backend.search(
        r = 0
        while r < len(search_results2):
            search_results2[r].score = search_results2[r].score * 1.5
            r += 1

        r = 0
        while r < len(search_results2):
            search_results2[r].searchable_content = 'guides'
            r += 1

        search_results3 = search_backend.search(
        r = 0
        while r < len(search_results3):
            search_results3[r].searchable_content = 'assets'
            r += 1

        search_results = list(
            chain(search_results1, search_results2, search_results3))
            search_results.sort(key=lambda r: r.score, reverse=True)
        except (TypeError):

        query = Query.get(search_query)

        # Record hit

        # Get search picks
        search_picks = query.editors_picks.all()
        search_results = Page.objects.none()
        search_picks = SearchPromotion.objects.none()

    # Pagination
    paginator = Paginator(search_results, 10)
        search_results = paginator.page(page)
    except PageNotAnInteger:
        search_results = paginator.page(1)
    except EmptyPage:
        search_results = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)

    # Page context variables for templates
    home_page = StandardPage.objects.live().get(id=PUBLIC_HOMEPAGE)
    location_and_hours = get_hours_and_location(home_page)
    location = str(location_and_hours['page_location'])
    unit = location_and_hours['page_unit']

    return render(
        request, 'results/results.html', {
            'breadcrumb_div_css': 'col-md-12 breadcrumbs hidden-xs hidden-sm',
            'container body-container col-xs-12 col-lg-11 col-lg-offset-1',
            'search_query': search_query,
            'search_results': search_results,
            'search_picks': search_picks,
            'page_unit': str(unit),
            'page_location': location,
            'address': location_and_hours['address'],
            'chat_url': get_unit_chat_link(unit, request),
            'chat_status': get_chat_status('uofc-ask'),
            'chat_status_css': get_chat_status_css('uofc-ask'),
            'hours_page_url': home_page.get_hours_page(request),
            'self': {
                'title': 'Search Results'
def collections(request):
    default_cache = caches['default']

    digital = request.GET.get('digital', None)
    if not digital == 'on':
        digital = None
    format = request.GET.get('format', None)
    if not Format.objects.filter(text=format).exists():
        format = None
    location = request.GET.get('location', None)
    if not LocationPage.objects.live().filter(title=location).exists():
        location = None
    search = request.GET.get('search', None)
    subject = request.GET.get('subject', None)
    if not Subject.objects.all().filter(name=subject).exists():
        subject = None

    # broken... what does this even do???
    unit = request.GET.get('unit', None)

    view = request.GET.get('view', 'collections')
    if view not in ['collections', 'exhibits', 'subjects', 'subjecttree']:
        view = 'collections'

    # filter collections.
    collections = []
    if view == 'collections':
        filter_arguments = {}

        # format
        if format:
            filter_arguments['collection_placements__format__text'] = format

        # digital
        if digital:
            filter_arguments['collection_placements__format__text'] = 'Digital'

        # subject
        if subject:
                'collection_subject_placements__subject__in'] = Subject.objects.get(

        # search
        if search:
            filter_arguments['id__in'] = list(
                map(lambda s: s.id,

        # unit
        if unit:
            filter_arguments['unit'] = UnitPage.objects.get(title=unit)

        collections = CollectionPage.objects.live().filter(

        # sort browses by title, omitting leading articles.
        if not search:
            collections = sorted(
                key=lambda c: re.sub(r'^(A|An|The) ', '', c.title))

    # fiter exhibits.
    exhibits = []
    exhibits_current = []
    if view == 'exhibits':
        filter_arguments = {}

        if location:
            filter_arguments['exhibit_location__title'] = location

        if subject:
                'exhibit_subject_placements__subject__in'] = Subject.objects.get(

        if unit:
            filter_arguments['unit'] = UnitPage.objects.get(title=unit)

        if digital:
            filter_arguments['web_exhibit'] = True

        exhibits = ExhibitPage.objects.live().filter(
                'thumbnail', 'exhibit_location').prefetch_related(
        exhibits_current = exhibits.filter(

        if search:
            exhibits = exhibits.search(search).results()
            exhibits_current = exhibits_current.search(search).results()

        if not search:
            exhibits = sorted(
                exhibits, key=lambda e: re.sub(r'^(A|An|The) ', '', e.title))
            exhibits_current = sorted(
                key=lambda e: re.sub('r^(A|An|The) ', '', e.title))

    # locations
    locations = sorted(
                    'exhibit_location__title', flat=True))))

    # formats.
    formats = Format.objects.all().values_list('text', flat=True)

    # the formats pulldown should skip 'Digital'. That shows up as a checkbox.
    formats_pulldown = [
        'Archives & Manuscripts', 'Audio', 'Books & Journals', 'Images',
        'Maps', 'Microform', 'Music Scores', 'Photographs', 'Reference Works',
        'Statistics & Datasets', 'Video'

    subjects = []
    if view == 'subjects':
        # for the code below, list all subjects that are children of the
        # subjects in the list above, plus anything with a libguide
        # id. right now that is equal to business, medicine and law. See
        # DB's "collections subjects" lucid chart for more info.
        subjects_queryset = Subject.objects.all().prefetch_related('see_also')

        if search:
            s = get_search_backend()
            subjects_queryset = s.search(search, Subject)

        if subject:
            subject_ids = Subject.objects.get(name=subject).get_descendants()
            subjects_queryset = subjects_queryset.filter(id__in=subject_ids)

        subjects_with_collections = set(
        subjects_with_exhibits = set(
        subjects_with_specialists = set(

        qs = SubjectParentRelations.objects.all().prefetch_related('panels')

        for s in subjects_queryset:
            if ('subject_id_%s' % s.id) in default_cache:
                subjects_list_entry = default_cache.get('subject_id_%s' % s.id)
                subject_descendants = default_cache.get('descendants_%s' %

                if not subject_descendants:
                    subject_descendants = set(s.get_descendants().values_list(
                        'id', flat=True))
                    default_cache.set('descendants_%s' % s.id,
                                      subject_descendants, 60 * 5)

                parents = qs.filter(
                        'parent__name', flat=True).prefetch_related('subject')
                has_collections = bool(
                has_exhibits = bool(
                collecting_area_url = s.get_collecting_area_page_url(request)
                has_collecting_area = bool(collecting_area_url)
                has_subject_specialists = s.id in subjects_with_specialists

                subjects_list_entry = {
                    'has_collections': has_collections,
                    'has_exhibits': has_exhibits,
                    'has_collecting_area': has_collecting_area,
                    'collecting_area_url': collecting_area_url,
                    'has_subject_specialists': has_subject_specialists,
                    'libguide_url': s.libguide_url,
                    'name': s.name,
                    'parents': parents,
                    'see_also': None
                default_cache.set('subject_id_%s' % s.id, subjects_list_entry)


            see_also_qs = s.see_also.all()
            if see_also_qs:
                for see_also in see_also_qs:
                        'has_collections': False,
                        'has_exhibits': False,
                        'has_subject_specialists': False,
                        'libguide_url': None,
                        'name': see_also.alias,
                        'parents': [],
                        'see_also': see_also.snippet.name
        subjects = sorted(subjects, key=lambda s: s['name'])

    subjecttree = ''
    if view == 'subjecttree':
        subjecttree = call_command('report_subjects')
        subjecttree = subjecttree.replace('<html>', '')
        subjecttree = subjecttree.replace('</html>', '')
        subjecttree = subjecttree.replace('<body>', '')
        subjecttree = subjecttree.replace('</body>', '')

    # for the subject pulldown, find subjects that are first generation
    # children- their parents should have no parent.  still need these:
    # Area Studies Social Sciences Biological Sciences Physical Sciences

    subjects_pulldown = [
        'Area Studies', 'Arts', 'Biological Sciences', 'Business',
        'Humanities', 'Law', 'Literature', 'Medicine', 'Physical Sciences',
        'Social Sciences', 'Social Services', 'Special Collections'

    default_image = None
        default_image = Image.objects.get(title="Default Placeholder Photo")
    except Image.DoesNotExist:

    # Set context variables for templates
    home_page = StandardPage.objects.live().get(id=PUBLIC_HOMEPAGE)
    location_and_hours = get_hours_and_location(home_page)
    page_location = str(location_and_hours['page_location'])
    page_unit = location_and_hours['page_unit']
    current_site = Site.find_for_request(request)
    alert_data = get_browse_alerts(current_site)

    return render(
        request, 'lib_collections/collections_index_page.html', {
            'collections': collections,
            'breadcrumb_div_css': 'col-md-12 breadcrumbs hidden-xs hidden-sm',
            'container body-container col-xs-12 col-lg-11 col-lg-offset-1',
            'default_image': default_image,
            'digital': digital,
            'exhibits': exhibits,
            'exhibits_current': exhibits_current,
            'format': format,
            'formats': formats,
            'formats_pulldown': formats_pulldown,
            'location': location,
            'locations': locations,
            'search': search,
            'self': {
                'title': 'Collections & Exhibits'
            'subject': subject,
            'subjects': subjects,
            'subjects_pulldown': subjects_pulldown,
            'subjecttree': subjecttree,
            'view': view,
            'page_unit': str(page_unit),
            'page_location': page_location,
            'address': location_and_hours['address'],
            'chat_url': get_unit_chat_link(page_unit, request),
            'chat_status': get_chat_status('uofc-ask'),
            'chat_status_css': get_chat_status_css('uofc-ask'),
            'hours_page_url': home_page.get_hours_page(request),
            'has_alert': alert_data[0],
            'alert_message': alert_data[1][0],
            'alert_level': alert_data[1][1],
            'alert_more_info': alert_data[1][2],
            'alert_link': alert_data[1][3],
def units(request):
    divisions = []

    department = request.GET.get('department', None)
    library = request.GET.get('library', None)
    page = request.GET.get('page', 1)
    query = request.GET.get('query', None)
    subject = request.GET.get('subject', None)
    view = request.GET.get('view', 'staff')

    if library == 'The University of Chicago Library':
        library = None

    if query:
        view = None

    staff_pages = []
    departments = []

    if query:
        staff_pages = StaffPage.objects.live().search(query)
        departments = UnitPage.objects.filter(
            display_in_library_directory=True, live=True).search(query)

    elif view == 'staff':
        if library == None:
            staff_pages = StaffPage.objects.live()
            staff_pages = StaffPage.get_staff_by_building(library)

        # departments.
        if department:
            staff_pages = get_staff_pages_for_unit(department, True, True)

        # subjects.
        if subject:
            if subject == 'All Subject Specialists':
                staff_pages = staff_pages.filter(
                        'page', flat=True).distinct())
                # get a subject and all it's descendants.
                subject_and_descendants = Subject.objects.get(
                # from staff page subject placements, get all of the staff that match those subjects.
                subject_staff_ids = StaffPageSubjectPlacement.objects.filter(
                # filter staff_pages to only include those staff pages.
                staff_pages = staff_pages.filter(

    elif view == 'department':
        divisions = []
        for division in UnitIndexPage.objects.first().get_children().specific(

    default_image = Image.objects.get(title="Default Placeholder Photo")

        org_chart_image = Image.objects.get(title="Org Chart")
        org_chart_image = None

    # Page context variables for templates
    home_page = StandardPage.objects.live().get(id=PUBLIC_HOMEPAGE)
    location_and_hours = get_hours_and_location(home_page)
    location = str(location_and_hours['page_location'])
    unit = location_and_hours['page_unit']
    current_site = Site.find_for_request(request)
    alert_data = get_browse_alerts(current_site)

    title = ''
    if query:
        title = 'Search Results'
    elif view == 'staff':
        title = 'Library Directory: Staff'
    elif view == 'department':
        title = 'Library Directory: Departments'
    elif view == 'org':
        title = 'Library Directory: Org Chart'

    quick_nums = get_quick_nums_for_library_or_dept(request).replace(
        '<td>', '<li>').replace('</td>', '</li>')

    subjects = Subject.objects.filter(display_in_dropdown=True).values_list(
        'name', flat=True),

    return render(
        request, 'units/unit_index_page.html', {
            'breadcrumb_div_css': 'col-md-12 breadcrumbs hidden-xs hidden-sm',
            'container body-container directory col-xs-12 col-lg-11 col-lg-offset-1',
            'department': department,
            'departments': departments,
            'default_image': default_image,
            'divisions': divisions,
            'libraries': get_libraries(),
            'library': library,
            'org_chart_image': org_chart_image,
            'query': query,
            'staff_pages': staff_pages,
            'subjects': subjects[0],
            'subject': subject,
            'view': view,
            'self': {
                'title': title
            'page_unit': str(unit),
            'page_location': location,
            'address': location_and_hours['address'],
            'chat_url': get_unit_chat_link(unit, request),
            'chat_status': get_chat_status('uofc-ask'),
            'chat_status_css': get_chat_status_css('uofc-ask'),
            'hours_page_url': home_page.get_hours_page(request),
            'quick_nums': quick_nums,
            'has_alert': alert_data[0],
            'alert_message': alert_data[1][0],
            'alert_level': alert_data[1][1],
            'alert_more_info': alert_data[1][2],
            'alert_link': alert_data[1][3],
Exemple #18
def collections(request):
    digital = request.GET.get('digital', None)
    if not digital == 'on':
        digital = None
    format = request.GET.get('format', None)
    if not format in Format.objects.all().values_list('text', flat=True):
        format = None
    location = request.GET.get('location', None)
    if not location in LocationPage.objects.live().values_list('title', flat=True):
        location = None
    search = request.GET.get('search', None)
    subject = request.GET.get('subject', None)
    if not subject in Subject.objects.all().values_list('name', flat=True):
        subject = None
    unit = request.GET.get('unit', None)
    view = request.GET.get('view', 'collections')
    if not view in ['collections', 'exhibits', 'subjects']:
        view = 'collections'

    # filter collections.
    collections = []
    if view == 'collections':
        filter_arguments = {}

        # format
        if format:
            filter_arguments['collection_placements__format__text'] = format

        # subject 
        if subject:
            filter_arguments['collection_subject_placements__subject__in'] = Subject.objects.get(name=subject).get_descendants()

        # search
        if search:
            filter_arguments['id__in'] = list(map(lambda s: s.id, CollectionPage.objects.live().search(search)))

        # unit
        if unit:
            filter_arguments['unit'] = UnitPage.objects.get(title=unit)

        collections = CollectionPage.objects.live().filter(**filter_arguments).distinct()

        # digital
        if digital:
            collections = collections.filter(collection_placements__format__text='Digital')

        # sort browses by title, omitting leading articles. 
        if not search:
            collections = sorted(collections, key=lambda c: re.sub(r'^(A|An|The) ', '', c.title))

    # fiter exhibits.
    exhibits = []
    exhibits_current = []
    if view == 'exhibits':
        filter_arguments = {}

        if location:
            filter_arguments['exhibit_location__title'] = location

        if subject:
            filter_arguments['exhibit_subject_placements__subject__in'] = Subject.objects.get(name=subject).get_descendants()

        if unit:
            filter_arguments['unit'] = UnitPage.objects.get(title=unit)

        exhibits = ExhibitPage.objects.live().filter(**filter_arguments).distinct()
        exhibits_current = exhibits.filter(exhibit_open_date__lt=datetime.datetime.now().date(), exhibit_close_date__gt=datetime.datetime.now().date()).distinct()

        if digital:
            exhibits = exhibits.exclude(web_exhibit_url = '')
            exhibits_current = exhibits_current.exclude(web_exhibit_url = '')

        if search:
            exhibits = exhibits.search(search).results()
            exhibits_current = exhibits_current.search(search).results()

        if not search:
            exhibits = sorted(exhibits, key=lambda e: re.sub(r'^(A|An|The) ', '', e.title))
            exhibits_current = sorted(exhibits_current, key=lambda e: re.sub('r^(A|An|The) ', '', e.title))

    # formats.
    formats = Format.objects.all().values_list('text', flat=True)

    # the formats pulldown should skip 'Digital'. That shows up as a checkbox. 
    formats_pulldown = ['Archives & Manuscripts', 'Audio', 'Books & Journals', \
'Images', 'Maps', 'Microform', 'Music Scores', 'Photographs', 'Reference Works', \
'Statistics & Datasets', 'Video']

    # locations
    locations = sorted(list(set(ExhibitPage.objects.exclude(exhibit_location=None).values_list('exhibit_location__title', flat=True))))

    subjects = []
    # for the code below, list all subjects that are children of the subjects in the list
    # above, plus anything with a libguide id. right now that is equal to
    # business, medicine and law. See DB's "collections subjects" lucid chart for more 
    # info. 

    subjects_queryset = Subject.objects.all()

    if search:
        s = get_search_backend()
        subjects_queryset = s.search(search, Subject)

    if subject:
        subject_ids = Subject.objects.get(name=subject).get_descendants()
        subjects_queryset = subjects_queryset.filter(id__in=subject_ids)

    subjects_with_collections = set(CollectionPageSubjectPlacement.objects.values_list('subject', flat=True))
    subjects_with_exhibits = set(ExhibitPageSubjectPlacement.objects.values_list('subject', flat=True))
    subjects_with_specialists = set(StaffPageSubjectPlacement.objects.values_list('subject', flat=True))

    for s in subjects_queryset:
        subject_descendants = set(s.get_descendants().values_list('id', flat=True))
        parents = SubjectParentRelations.objects.filter(child=s).order_by('parent__name').values_list('parent__name', flat=True)
        has_collections = bool(subjects_with_collections.intersection(subject_descendants))
        has_exhibits = bool(subjects_with_exhibits.intersection(subject_descendants))
        has_subject_specialists = s.id in subjects_with_specialists
            'has_collections': has_collections,
            'has_exhibits': has_exhibits,
            'has_subject_specialists': has_subject_specialists,
            'libguide_url': s.libguide_url,
            'name': s.name,
            'parents': parents,
            'see_also': None
        for see_also in s.see_also.all():
                'has_collections': False,
                'has_exhibits': False,
                'has_subject_specialists': False,
                'libguide_url': None,
                'name': see_also.alias,
                'parents': [],
                'see_also': see_also.snippet.name
    subjects = sorted(subjects, key=lambda s: s['name'])

    # for the subject pulldown, find subjects that are first generation children- their parents should have no parent. 
    # still need these:
    # Area and Cultural Studies
    # Social Sciences
    # Biological Sciences
    # Physical Sciences

    subjects_pulldown = ['Area & Cultural Studies', 'Arts', \
'Biological Sciences', 'Business', 'Humanities', 'Law', 'Literature', \
'Medicine', 'Physical Sciences', 'Social Sciences', 'Social Services', \
'Special Collections']

    default_image = None
        default_image = Image.objects.get(title="Default Placeholder Photo")

    # Set context variables for templates
    home_page = StandardPage.objects.live().get(id=PUBLIC_HOMEPAGE)
    location_and_hours = get_hours_and_location(home_page)
    page_location = str(location_and_hours['page_location'])
    page_unit = location_and_hours['page_unit']

    return render(request, 'lib_collections/collections_index_page.html', {
        'collections': collections,
        'breadcrumb_div_css': 'col-md-12 breadcrumbs hidden-xs hidden-sm',
        'content_div_css': 'container body-container col-xs-12 col-lg-11 col-lg-offset-1',
        'default_image': default_image,
        'digital': digital,
        'exhibits': exhibits,
        'exhibits_current': exhibits_current,
        'format': format,
        'formats': formats,
        'formats_pulldown': formats_pulldown,
        'location': location,
        'locations': locations,
        'search': search,
        'self': {
            'title': 'Collections & Exhibits'
        'subject': subject,
        'subjects': subjects,
        'subjects_pulldown': subjects_pulldown,
        'view': view,
        'page_unit': str(page_unit),
        'page_location': page_location,
        'address': location_and_hours['address'],
        'chat_url': get_unit_chat_link(page_unit, request),
        'chat_status': get_chat_status('uofc-ask'),
        'chat_status_css': get_chat_status_css('uofc-ask'),
        'hours_page_url': home_page.get_hours_page(request),
def events(request):
    start_str = request.GET.get('start', None)
    if start_str:
        start = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_str, '%Y-%m-%d').date()
        start = datetime.date.today()
        start_str = start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

    # if the date was in the past, set it to today.
    if start < datetime.datetime.now().date():
        start = datetime.datetime.now().date()
        start_str = start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

    # get start and stop dates, along with previous start and next start dates.
    number_of_days_this_month = calendar.monthrange(start.year, start.month)[1]
    stop = start + datetime.timedelta(days=number_of_days_this_month - 1)
    stop_str = stop.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

    if start.month == 1:
        number_of_days_last_month = calendar.monthrange(start.year - 1, 12)[1]
        number_of_days_last_month = calendar.monthrange(
            start.year, start.month - 1)[1]
    previous_start = start - datetime.timedelta(days=number_of_days_last_month)
    next_start = stop + datetime.timedelta(days=1)

    entries = get_events(UC_EVENTS_FEED, TTRSS_FEED, start, stop)

    # remove multiday events.
    d = len(entries) - 1
    while d >= 0:
        e = len(entries[d][1]) - 1
        while e >= 0:
            end_date = entries[d][1][e]['end_date']
            if entries[d][1][e]['start_date'] != end_date and end_date != '':
                del (entries[d][1][e])
                if not entries[d][1]:
                    del (entries[d])
            e = e - 1
        d = d - 1

    # separate multiday events out into their own section.
    # multiday_events aren't arranged into something with start dates.
    tmp = get_events(UC_EVENTS_FEED, TTRSS_FEED, None, None)
    multiday_entries = []
    for event_list in [ev[1] for ev in tmp]:
        for e in event_list:
            if e['start_date'] != e['end_date']:
                if e['sortable_date'] <= stop_str and e[
                        'sortable_end_date'] >= start_str:

    # Page context variables for templates
    home_page = StandardPage.objects.live().get(id=PUBLIC_HOMEPAGE)
    location_and_hours = get_hours_and_location(home_page)
    location = str(location_and_hours['page_location'])
    unit = location_and_hours['page_unit']
    current_site = Site.find_for_request(request)
    alert_data = get_browse_alerts(current_site)

    next_link = next_start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    previous_link = previous_start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

    # don't allow browsing into the past.
    if start == datetime.datetime.now().date():
        previous_link = ''

    return render(
        request, 'events/events_index_page.html', {
            'breadcrumb_div_css': 'col-md-12 breadcrumbs hidden-xs hidden-sm',
            'container body-container col-xs-12 col-lg-11 col-lg-offset-1',
            'entries': entries,
            'multiday_entries': multiday_entries,
            'next_link': next_link,
            'previous_link': previous_link,
            'start': start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
            'start_label': start.strftime('%B %d, %Y').replace(' 0', ' '),
            'stop': stop.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
            'stop_label': stop.strftime('%B %d, %Y').replace(' 0', ' '),
            'page_unit': str(unit),
            'page_location': location,
            'address': location_and_hours['address'],
            'chat_url': get_unit_chat_link(unit, request),
            'chat_status': get_chat_status('uofc-ask'),
            'chat_status_css': get_chat_status_css('uofc-ask'),
            'hours_page_url': home_page.get_hours_page(request),
            'self': {
                'title': 'Library Events'
            'has_alert': alert_data[0],
            'alert_message': alert_data[1][0],
            'alert_level': alert_data[1][1],
            'alert_more_info': alert_data[1][2],
            'alert_link': alert_data[1][3],