Exemple #1
 def __init__(self, ean, writer=None):
     ean = ean[:self.digits]
     if not ean.isdigit():
         raise IllegalCharacterError('Code can only contain numbers.')
     self.ean = ean
     self.ean = '{0}{1}'.format(ean, self.calculate_checksum())
     self.writer = writer or Barcode.default_writer()
Exemple #2
 def __init__(self, code, writer=None, narrow=2, wide=5):
     if not code.isdigit():
         raise IllegalCharacterError('ITF code can only contain numbers.')
     #Length must be even, prepend 0 if necessary
     if len(code) % 2 != 0:
         code = '0' + code
     self.code = code
     self.writer = writer or Barcode.default_writer()
     self.narrow = narrow
     self.wide = wide
Exemple #3
 def __init__(self, ean, writer=None):
     ean = ean[:self.digits]
     if not ean.isdigit():
         raise IllegalCharacterError('EAN code can only contain numbers.')
     if len(ean) != self.digits:
         raise NumberOfDigitsError('EAN must have {0} digits, not '
                                   '{1}.'.format(self.digits, len(ean)))
     self.ean = ean
     self.ean = '{0}{1}'.format(ean, self.calculate_checksum())
     self.writer = writer or Barcode.default_writer()
Exemple #4
 def render(self, writer_options):
     options = dict(module_width=MIN_SIZE / self.narrow,
     options.update(writer_options or {})
     return Barcode.render(self, options)
Exemple #5
 def __init__(self, code, writer=None):
     self.code = code
     self.writer = writer or Barcode.default_writer()
     self._charset = 'B'
     self._buffer = ''
     check_code(self.code, self.name, code128.ALL)
Exemple #6
 def __init__(self, code, writer=None, add_checksum=True):
     self.code = code.upper()
     if add_checksum:
         self.code += self.calculate_checksum()
     self.writer = writer or Barcode.default_writer()
     check_code(self.code, self.name, REF)
Exemple #7
 def render(self, writer_options=None):
     options = dict(module_width=SIZES['SC2'])
     options.update(writer_options or {})
     return Barcode.render(self, options)
Exemple #8
def barcode(codetype, codestring, options=None, **kw):

    >>> barcode('nonexistent', '977147396801')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: No renderer for codetype nonexistent
    >>> barcode('qrcode', 'Hello Barcode Writer In Pure PostScript.', 
    ...         options=dict(version=9, eclevel='M'), margin=10, data_mode='8bits') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <PIL.EpsImagePlugin.EpsImageFile ...>
    >>> # _.show()
    >>> barcode('code128', '^104^102Count^0990123456789^101!', 
    ...         options=dict(includetext=True), scale=2, margin=1) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <PIL.EpsImagePlugin.EpsImageFile ...>
    >>> # _.show()
    >>> barcode('pdf417', '^453^178^121^239', 
    ...         options=dict(columns=2, rows=10), margin=1, scale=2) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <PIL.EpsImagePlugin.EpsImageFile ...>
    >>> # _.show()
    >>> barcode('upca', '78858101497', 
    ...         options=dict(includetext=True), scale=2, margin=1) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <PIL.EpsImagePlugin.EpsImageFile ...>
    >>> barcode('upce', '0123456', 
    ...         options=dict(includetext=True), scale=2, margin=1) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <PIL.EpsImagePlugin.EpsImageFile ...>
    >>> # _.show()
    >>> barcode('royalmail', 'LE28HS9Z', 
    ...         options=dict(includetext=False), scale=2, margin=1) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <PIL.EpsImagePlugin.EpsImageFile ...>
    >>> # _.show()
    >>> barcode('datamatrix', '^142^164^186', 
    ...         options=dict(columns=32, rows=32), margin=1, scale=2.0) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <PIL.EpsImagePlugin.EpsImageFile ...>
    >>> # _.show()
    >>> barcode('code11', '0123456789', 
    ...         options=dict(includetext=True), scale=2, margin=1) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <PIL.EpsImagePlugin.EpsImageFile ...>
    >>> # _.show()
    >>> barcode('code25', '0123456789', 
    ...         options=dict(includetext=False, includecheck=False), scale=2, margin=1) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <PIL.EpsImagePlugin.EpsImageFile ...>
    >>> # _.show()
    >>> barcode('code39', 'THIS IS CODE39',
    ...         options=dict(includetext=True), scale=2, margin=1) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <PIL.EpsImagePlugin.EpsImageFile ...>
    >>> # _.show()
    >>> barcode('code93', 'THIS IS CODE93',
    ...         options=dict(includetext=True), scale=2, margin=1) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <PIL.EpsImagePlugin.EpsImageFile ...>
    >>> # _.show()
    >>> barcode('japanpost', '1231FZ13XHS',
    ...         options=dict(includetext=False), scale=2, margin=1) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <PIL.EpsImagePlugin.EpsImageFile ...>
    >>> # _.show()
    >>> barcode('azteccode', '00100111001000000101001101111000010100111100101000000110',
    ...         margin=1) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <PIL.EpsImagePlugin.EpsImageFile ...>
    >>> # _.show()
    >>> barcode('auspost', '5956439111ABA 9',
    ...         options=dict(includetext=False), scale=2, margin=1) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <PIL.EpsImagePlugin.EpsImageFile ...>
    >>> # _.show()
    >>> barcode('ean13', '977147396801',
    ...         options=dict(includetext=True), scale=2, margin=1) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <PIL.EpsImagePlugin.EpsImageFile ...>
    >>> # _.show()
    >>> barcode('interleaved2of5', '24012345678905',
    ...         options=dict(includetext=True), scale=2, margin=1) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <PIL.EpsImagePlugin.EpsImageFile ...>
    >>> # _.show()
    >>> barcode('raw', '331132131313411122131311333213114131131221323',
    ...         options=dict(includetext=True), scale=2, margin=1) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <PIL.EpsImagePlugin.EpsImageFile ...>
    >>> # _.show()
    >>> barcode('kix', '1231FZ13XHS',
    ...         options=dict(includetext=False), scale=2, margin=1) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <PIL.EpsImagePlugin.EpsImageFile ...>
    >>> # _.show()
    >>> barcode('postnet', '012345',
    ...         options=dict(includetext=True), scale=2, margin=1) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <PIL.EpsImagePlugin.EpsImageFile ...>
    >>> # _.show()
    >>> barcode('pharmacode', '117480',
    ...         options=dict(includetext=True), scale=2, margin=1) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <PIL.EpsImagePlugin.EpsImageFile ...>
    >>> # _.show()
    >>> barcode('plessey', '012345ABCD',
    ...         options=dict(includetext=True), scale=2, margin=1) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <PIL.EpsImagePlugin.EpsImageFile ...>
    >>> # _.show()
    >>> barcode('symbol', 'fimd',
    ...         options=dict(includetext=True), scale=2, margin=1) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <PIL.EpsImagePlugin.EpsImageFile ...>
    >>> # _.show()
    >>> barcode('onecode', '0123456709498765432101234567891',
    ...         options=dict(includetext=True), scale=2, margin=1) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <PIL.EpsImagePlugin.EpsImageFile ...>
    >>> # _.show()
    >>> barcode('maxicode', '^059^042^041^059^040^03001^02996152382802^029840^029001^0291Z00004951^029UPSN^02906X610^029159^0291234567^0291^0471^029^029Y^029634 ALPHA DR^029PITTSBURGH^029PA^030^062^004^063',
    ...         options=dict(mode=2), margin=1, scale=4) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <PIL.EpsImagePlugin.EpsImageFile ...>
    >>> # _.show()
    >>> barcode('msi', '0123456789',
    ...         options=dict(includetext=True), scale=2, margin=1) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <PIL.EpsImagePlugin.EpsImageFile ...>
    >>> # _.show()
    >>> barcode('rss14', '24012345678905',
    ...         options=dict(linkage=True, includetext=True), scale=2, margin=1) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <PIL.EpsImagePlugin.EpsImageFile ...>
    >>> # _.show()
    >>> barcode('rationalizedCodabar', 'A0123456789B',
    ...         options=dict(includetext=True, includecheck=True), scale=2, margin=10) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <PIL.EpsImagePlugin.EpsImageFile ...>
    >>> # _.show()
    # search for codetype registry
    renderer = Barcode.resolve_codetype(codetype)
    if renderer:
        return renderer().render(codestring, options=options, **kw)
    raise ValueError(u'No renderer for codetype %s' %codetype)
Exemple #9
    'elaphe.japanpost', 'elaphe.msi', 'elaphe.plessey', 'elaphe.raw',
    'elaphe.symbol', 'elaphe.pdf417', 'elaphe.datamatrix', 'elaphe.qrcode',
    'elaphe.maxicode', 'elaphe.azteccode']

if __name__=="__main__":
    DEFAULT_PLUGINS = [s.replace('elaphe.', '') for s in DEFAULT_PLUGINS]

def load_plugins():
            __import__(PL, fromlist=[PL])
        except ImportError, e:
            import sys
            sys.stdout.write(u'Warning: %s\n' %e)

def barcode(codetype, codestring, options=None, **kw):

    >>> barcode('nonexistent', '977147396801')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: No renderer for codetype nonexistent
    >>> barcode('qrcode', 'Hello Barcode Writer In Pure PostScript.', 
    ...         options=dict(version=9, eclevel='M'), margin=10, data_mode='8bits') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <PIL.EpsImagePlugin.EpsImageFile ...>
    >>> # _.show()
    >>> barcode('code128', '^104^102Count^0990123456789^101!',