Exemple #1
def fit(model, ts, vs, es, **kwargs):

    do_early_stopping = bool(kwargs.get('do_early_stopping', True))
    epochs = int(kwargs.get('epochs', 20))
    model_file = get_model_file('tagger', 'pytorch', kwargs.get('basedir'))
    conll_output = kwargs.get('conll_output', None)
    txts = kwargs.get('txts', None)

    best_metric = 0
    if do_early_stopping:
        early_stopping_metric = kwargs.get('early_stopping_metric', 'acc')
        early_stopping_cmp, best_metric = get_metric_cmp(early_stopping_metric, kwargs.get('early_stopping_cmp'))
        patience = kwargs.get('patience', epochs)
        logger.info('Doing early stopping on [%s] with patience [%d]', early_stopping_metric, patience)

    reporting_fns = listify(kwargs.get('reporting', []))
    logger.info('reporting %s', reporting_fns)

    #validation_improvement_fn = kwargs.get('validation_improvement', None)

    after_train_fn = kwargs.get('after_train_fn', None)
    trainer = create_trainer(model, **kwargs)

    last_improved = 0
    for epoch in range(epochs):

        trainer.train(ts, reporting_fns)
        if after_train_fn is not None:
        test_metrics = trainer.test(vs, reporting_fns, phase='Valid')

        if do_early_stopping is False:

        elif early_stopping_cmp(test_metrics[early_stopping_metric], best_metric):
            #if validation_improvement_fn is not None:
            #    validation_improvement_fn(early_stopping_metric, test_metrics, epoch, max_metric, last_improved)
            last_improved = epoch
            best_metric = test_metrics[early_stopping_metric]
            logger.info('New best %.3f', best_metric)

        elif (epoch - last_improved) > patience:
            logger.info('Stopping due to persistent failures to improve')

    if do_early_stopping is True:
        logger.info('Best performance on %s: %.3f at epoch %d', early_stopping_metric, best_metric, last_improved)

    if es is not None:
        logger.info('Reloading best checkpoint')
        model = torch.load(model_file)
        trainer = create_trainer(model, **kwargs)
        test_metrics = trainer.test(es, reporting_fns, conll_output=conll_output, txts=txts, phase='Test')
    return test_metrics
Exemple #2
def fit(model, ts, vs, es, **kwargs):
    epochs = int(kwargs['epochs']) if 'epochs' in kwargs else 5
    patience = int(kwargs['patience']) if 'patience' in kwargs else epochs
    do_early_stopping = bool(kwargs.get('do_early_stopping', True))
    model_file = get_model_file('lm', 'pytorch', kwargs.get('basedir'))

    best_metric = 10000
    if do_early_stopping:
        early_stopping_metric = kwargs.get('early_stopping_metric', 'avg_loss')
        early_stopping_cmp, best_metric = get_metric_cmp(
            early_stopping_metric, kwargs.get('early_stopping_cmp'))
        patience = kwargs.get('patience', epochs)
        logger.info('Doing early stopping on [%s] with patience [%d]',
                    early_stopping_metric, patience)

    reporting_fns = listify(kwargs.get('reporting', []))
    logger.info('reporting %s', reporting_fns)

    after_train_fn = kwargs.get('after_train_fn', None)
    trainer = create_trainer(model, **kwargs)
    last_improved = 0
    for epoch in range(epochs):

        trainer.train(ts, reporting_fns)
        if after_train_fn is not None:
        test_metrics = trainer.test(vs, reporting_fns, phase='Valid')

        if do_early_stopping is False:

        elif early_stopping_cmp(test_metrics[early_stopping_metric],
            last_improved = epoch
            best_metric = test_metrics[early_stopping_metric]
            logger.info('New best %.3f', best_metric)

        elif (epoch - last_improved) > patience:
            logger.info('Stopping due to persistent failures to improve')

    if do_early_stopping is True:
        logger.info('Best performance on %s: %.3f at epoch %d',
                    early_stopping_metric, best_metric, last_improved)

    if es is not None:
        logger.info('Reloading best checkpoint')
        model = torch.load(model_file)
        trainer = create_trainer(model, **kwargs)
        trainer.test(es, reporting_fns, phase='Test')
Exemple #3
def fit(model, ts, vs, es=None, **kwargs):

    do_early_stopping = bool(kwargs.get('do_early_stopping', True))
    epochs = int(kwargs.get('epochs', 20))
    model_file = get_model_file('seq2seq', 'pytorch', kwargs.get('basedir'))

    best_metric = 0
    if do_early_stopping:
        early_stopping_metric = kwargs.get('early_stopping_metric', 'bleu')
        early_stopping_cmp, best_metric = get_metric_cmp(early_stopping_metric, kwargs.get('early_stopping_cmp'))
        patience = kwargs.get('patience', epochs)
        logger.info('Doing early stopping on [%s] with patience [%d]', early_stopping_metric, patience)

    reporting_fns = listify(kwargs.get('reporting', []))
    logger.info('reporting %s', reporting_fns)

    after_train_fn = kwargs.get('after_train_fn', None)
    trainer = create_trainer(model, **kwargs)

    last_improved = 0
    for epoch in range(epochs):
        trainer.train(ts, reporting_fns)

        if after_train_fn is not None:

        test_metrics = trainer.test(vs, reporting_fns, phase='Valid')

        if do_early_stopping is False:

        elif early_stopping_cmp(test_metrics[early_stopping_metric], best_metric):
            last_improved = epoch
            best_metric = test_metrics[early_stopping_metric]
            logger.info('New best %.3f', best_metric)

        elif (epoch - last_improved) > patience:
            logger.info('Stopping due to persistent failures to improve')

    if do_early_stopping is True:
        logger.info('Best performance on %s: %.3f at epoch %d', early_stopping_metric, best_metric, last_improved)

    if es is not None:
        trainer = Seq2SeqTrainerPyTorch(model, **kwargs)
        test_metrics = trainer.test(es, reporting_fns, phase='Test')
    return test_metrics
Exemple #4
def fit(model, ts, vs, es=None, epochs=5, do_early_stopping=True,
        early_stopping_metric='bleu', **kwargs):

    patience = int(kwargs.get('patience', epochs))
    after_train_fn = kwargs.get('after_train_fn', None)

    model_file = get_model_file('seq2seq', 'dy', kwargs.get('basedir'))

    trainer = create_trainer(model, **kwargs)

    best_metric = 0
    if do_early_stopping:
        early_stopping_cmp, best_metric = get_metric_cmp(early_stopping_metric, kwargs.get('early_stopping_cmp'))
        logger.info("Doing early stopping on [%s] with patience [%d]", early_stopping_metric, patience)

    reporting_fns = listify(kwargs.get('reporting', []))
    logger.info('reporting %s', reporting_fns)

    last_improved = 0

    for epoch in range(epochs):
        trainer.train(ts, reporting_fns)
        if after_train_fn is not None:

        test_metrics = trainer.test(vs, reporting_fns, phase='Valid')

        if do_early_stopping is False:

        elif early_stopping_cmp(test_metrics[early_stopping_metric], best_metric):
            last_improved = epoch
            best_metric = test_metrics[early_stopping_metric]
            logger.info("New best %.3f", best_metric)

        elif (epoch - last_improved) > patience:
            logger.info("Stopping due to persistent failures to improve")

    if do_early_stopping is True:
        logger.info('Best performance on %s: %.3f at epoch %d', early_stopping_metric, best_metric, last_improved)

    if es is not None:
        logger.info('Reloading best checkpoint')
        model = model.load(model_file)
        test_metrics = trainer.test(es, reporting_fns, phase='Test')
    return test_metrics
Exemple #5
 def __init__(self,
              store: Store,
              metric: str,
              user_cmp: Optional[str] = None,
              **kwargs) -> None:
     :param store: The odin job db
     :param metric: The metric used to compare models
     :param user_cmp: A user supplied comparison operator
     :param kwargs: absorb kwargs from other exports
     self.store = store
     self.metric = metric
     cmp, self.default_value = get_metric_cmp(self.metric, user_cmp)
     self.reverse = cmp in {gt, ge}
     self.best_value = 0
Exemple #6
def fit(model, ts, vs, es=None, epochs=5, do_early_stopping=True, early_stopping_metric='avg_loss', **kwargs):

    patience = int(kwargs.get('patience', epochs))
    after_train_fn = kwargs.get('after_train_fn', None)

    model_file = get_model_file('lm', 'dy', kwargs.get('basedir'))

    trainer = create_trainer(model, **kwargs)

    best_metric = 10000
    if do_early_stopping:
        early_stopping_cmp, best_metric = get_metric_cmp(early_stopping_metric, kwargs.get('early_stopping_cmp'))
        print("Doing early stopping on [{}] with patience [{}]".format(early_stopping_metric, patience))

    reporting_fns = listify(kwargs.get('reporting', []))
    print('reporting', reporting_fns)

    last_improved = 0

    for epoch in range(epochs):
        trainer.train(ts, reporting_fns)
        if after_train_fn is not None:

        test_metrics = trainer.test(vs, reporting_fns, phase='Valid')

        if do_early_stopping is False:

        elif early_stopping_cmp(test_metrics[early_stopping_metric], best_metric):
            last_improved = epoch
            best_metric = test_metrics[early_stopping_metric]
            print("New best {:.3f}".format(best_metric))

        elif (epoch - last_improved) > patience:
            print("Stopping due to persistent failures to improve")

    if do_early_stopping is True:
        print('Best performance on {}: {:.3f} at epoch {}'.format(early_stopping_metric, best_metric, last_improved))

    if es is not None:
        print('Reloading best checkpoint')
        model = model.load(model_file)
        trainer.test(es, reporting_fns, phase='Test')
    def __init__(self, user_cmp: str = None) -> None:
        xpctl = MagicMock()
        dataset = 'test'

        def build_mock(dataset):
            def _build(_):
                m = MagicMock()
                m.summary = {dataset: dataset}
                return m

            return _build

        xpctl.task_summary.side_effect = build_mock(dataset)
        super().__init__(xpctl, "test", dataset, "f1")
        self.comparator: Callable[[float, float], bool] = None
        self.comparator, self.best_value = get_metric_cmp(
            self.metric, user_cmp)
Exemple #8
    def __init__(self,
                 api: XpctlApi,
                 task: str,
                 dataset: str,
                 metric: str,
                 user_cmp: str = None,
                 **kwargs) -> None:
        """Construct a best model in batch

        :param api: An XPCTL client api object
        :param task: A string name for the task
        :param dataset: A string key for the dataset
        :param metric: The metric to evaluate
        :param user_cmp: A comparator function
        :param kwargs:
        super().__init__(api, task, dataset=None, metric=metric)
        self.cmp: Callable[[float, float], bool] = None
        self.cmp, self.best_value = get_metric_cmp(self.metric, user_cmp)
Exemple #9
def fit(model, ts, vs, es, epochs=20, do_early_stopping=True, early_stopping_metric='acc', **kwargs):
    autobatchsz = kwargs.get('autobatchsz', 1)
    verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', {'print': kwargs.get('verbose_print', False), 'file': kwargs.get('verbose_file', None)})
    model_file = get_model_file('classify', 'dynet', kwargs.get('basedir'))

    best_metric = 0
    if do_early_stopping:
        patience = kwargs.get('patience', epochs)
        early_stopping_cmp, best_metric = get_metric_cmp(early_stopping_metric, kwargs.get('early_stopping_cmp'))
        logger.info('Doing early stopping on [%s] with patience [%d]', early_stopping_metric, patience)

    reporting_fns = listify(kwargs.get('reporting', []))
    logger.info('reporting %s', reporting_fns)

    trainer = create_trainer(model, **kwargs)

    last_improved = 0

    for epoch in range(epochs):
        trainer.train(ts, reporting_fns)
        test_metrics = trainer.test(vs, reporting_fns)

        if do_early_stopping is False:

        elif early_stopping_cmp(test_metrics[early_stopping_metric], best_metric):
            last_improved = epoch
            best_metric = test_metrics[early_stopping_metric]
            logger.info('New best %.3f', best_metric)

        elif (epoch - last_improved) > patience:
            logger.info('Stopping due to persistent failures to improve')

    if do_early_stopping is True:
        logger.info('Best performance on %s: %.3f at epoch %d', early_stopping_metric, best_metric, last_improved)
    if es is not None:
        logger.info('Reloading best checkpoint')
        model = model.load(model_file)
        test_metrics = trainer.test(es, reporting_fns, phase='Test', verbose=verbose)
    return test_metrics
Exemple #10
def fit(model, ts, vs, es, **kwargs):
    Train a classifier using PyTorch
    :param model: The model to train
    :param ts: A training data set
    :param vs: A validation data set
    :param es: A test data set, can be None
    :param kwargs: See below

    :Keyword Arguments:
        * *do_early_stopping* (``bool``) -- Stop after eval data is not improving. Default to True
        * *epochs* (``int``) -- how many epochs.  Default to 20
        * *outfile* -- Model output file, defaults to classifier-model.pyth
        * *patience* --
           How many epochs where evaluation is no longer improving before we give up
        * *reporting* --
           Callbacks which may be used on reporting updates
        * *optim* --
           Optimizer to use, defaults to `sgd`
        * *eta, lr* (``float``) --
           Learning rate, defaults to 0.01
        * *mom* (``float``) --
           Momentum (SGD only), defaults to 0.9 if optim is `sgd`
    do_early_stopping = bool(kwargs.get('do_early_stopping', True))
    verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', {'console': kwargs.get('verbose_console', False), 'file': kwargs.get('verbose_file', None)})
    epochs = int(kwargs.get('epochs', 20))
    model_file = get_model_file('classify', 'pytorch', kwargs.get('basedir'))

    best_metric = 0
    if do_early_stopping:
        early_stopping_metric = kwargs.get('early_stopping_metric', 'acc')
        early_stopping_cmp, best_metric = get_metric_cmp(early_stopping_metric, kwargs.get('eatly_stopping_cmp'))
        patience = kwargs.get('patience', epochs)
        logger.info('Doing early stopping on [%s] with patience [%d]', early_stopping_metric, patience)

    reporting_fns = listify(kwargs.get('reporting', []))
    logger.info('reporting %s', reporting_fns)

    trainer = create_trainer(model, **kwargs)

    last_improved = 0

    for epoch in range(epochs):
        trainer.train(ts, reporting_fns)
        test_metrics = trainer.test(vs, reporting_fns)

        if do_early_stopping is False:

        elif early_stopping_cmp(test_metrics[early_stopping_metric], best_metric):
            last_improved = epoch
            best_metric = test_metrics[early_stopping_metric]
            logger.info('New best %.3f', best_metric)

        elif (epoch - last_improved) > patience:
            logger.info('Stopping due to persistent failures to improve')

    if do_early_stopping is True:
        logger.info('Best performance on %s: %.3f at epoch %d', early_stopping_metric, best_metric, last_improved)

    if es is not None:
        logger.info('Reloading best checkpoint')
        model = torch.load(model_file)
        trainer = create_trainer(model, **kwargs)
        test_metrics = trainer.test(es, reporting_fns, phase='Test', verbose=verbose)
    return test_metrics
Exemple #11
def fit(model, ts, vs, es=None, **kwargs):
    Train a classifier using TensorFlow

    :param model: The model to train
    :param ts: A training data set
    :param vs: A validation data set
    :param es: A test data set, can be None
    :param kwargs:
        See below

    :Keyword Arguments:
        * *do_early_stopping* (``bool``) --
          Stop after evaluation data is no longer improving.  Defaults to True

        * *epochs* (``int``) -- how many epochs.  Default to 20
        * *outfile* -- Model output file, defaults to classifier-model.pyth
        * *patience* --
           How many epochs where evaluation is no longer improving before we give up
        * *reporting* --
           Callbacks which may be used on reporting updates
        * Additional arguments are supported, see :func:`baseline.tf.optimize` for full list
    do_early_stopping = bool(kwargs.get('do_early_stopping', True))
    verbose = kwargs.get(
        'verbose', {
            'console': kwargs.get('verbose_console', False),
            'file': kwargs.get('verbose_file', None)
    epochs = int(kwargs.get('epochs', 20))
    model_file = get_model_file('classify', 'tf', kwargs.get('basedir'))
    ema = True if kwargs.get('ema_decay') is not None else False

    output = kwargs.get('output')
    txts = kwargs.get('txts')

    best_metric = 0
    if do_early_stopping:
        early_stopping_metric = kwargs.get('early_stopping_metric', 'acc')
        early_stopping_cmp, best_metric = get_metric_cmp(
            early_stopping_metric, kwargs.get('early_stopping_cmp'))
        patience = kwargs.get('patience', epochs)
        logger.info('Doing early stopping on [%s] with patience [%d]',
                    early_stopping_metric, patience)

    reporting_fns = listify(kwargs.get('reporting', []))
    logger.info('reporting %s', reporting_fns)

    trainer = create_trainer(model, **kwargs)
    tables = tf.tables_initializer()
    m = model.replicas[0] if hasattr(model, 'replicas') else model
    feed_dict = {
        k: v
        for e in m.embeddings.values() for k, v in e.get_feed_dict().items()
    model.sess.run(tf.global_variables_initializer(), feed_dict)
    checkpoint = kwargs.get('checkpoint')
    if checkpoint is not None:
        latest = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(checkpoint)
        print('Reloading ' + latest)
        model.saver.restore(model.sess, latest)

    last_improved = 0

    for epoch in range(epochs):

        trainer.train(ts, reporting_fns)
        test_metrics = trainer.test(vs, reporting_fns, phase='Valid')

        if do_early_stopping is False:

        elif early_stopping_cmp(test_metrics[early_stopping_metric],
            last_improved = epoch
            best_metric = test_metrics[early_stopping_metric]
            logger.info('New best %.3f', best_metric)

        elif (epoch - last_improved) > patience:
            logger.info('Stopping due to persistent failures to improve')

    if do_early_stopping is True:
        logger.info('Best performance on %s: %.3f at epoch %d',
                    early_stopping_metric, best_metric, last_improved)

    if es is not None:
        logger.info('Reloading best checkpoint')
        test_metrics = trainer.test(es,
    return test_metrics
Exemple #12
def fit(model, ts, vs, es, **kwargs):

    do_early_stopping = bool(kwargs.get('do_early_stopping', True))
    epochs = int(kwargs.get('epochs', 20))
    model_file = get_model_file('tagger', 'pytorch', kwargs.get('basedir'))
    conll_output = kwargs.get('conll_output', None)
    txts = kwargs.get('txts', None)

    best_metric = 0
    if do_early_stopping:
        early_stopping_metric = kwargs.get('early_stopping_metric', 'acc')
        early_stopping_cmp, best_metric = get_metric_cmp(
            early_stopping_metric, kwargs.get('early_stopping_cmp'))
        patience = kwargs.get('patience', epochs)
        logger.info('Doing early stopping on [%s] with patience [%d]',
                    early_stopping_metric, patience)

    reporting_fns = listify(kwargs.get('reporting', []))
    logger.info('reporting %s', reporting_fns)

    #validation_improvement_fn = kwargs.get('validation_improvement', None)

    after_train_fn = kwargs.get('after_train_fn', None)
    trainer = create_trainer(model, **kwargs)

    last_improved = 0
    for epoch in range(epochs):

        trainer.train(ts, reporting_fns)
        if after_train_fn is not None:
        test_metrics = trainer.test(vs, reporting_fns, phase='Valid')

        if do_early_stopping is False:

        elif early_stopping_cmp(test_metrics[early_stopping_metric],
            #if validation_improvement_fn is not None:
            #    validation_improvement_fn(early_stopping_metric, test_metrics, epoch, max_metric, last_improved)
            last_improved = epoch
            best_metric = test_metrics[early_stopping_metric]
            logger.info('New best %.3f', best_metric)

        elif (epoch - last_improved) > patience:
            logger.info('Stopping due to persistent failures to improve')

    if do_early_stopping is True:
        logger.info('Best performance on %s: %.3f at epoch %d',
                    early_stopping_metric, best_metric, last_improved)

    if es is not None:
        logger.info('Reloading best checkpoint')
        model = torch.load(model_file)
        trainer = create_trainer(model, **kwargs)
        test_metrics = trainer.test(es,
    return test_metrics
Exemple #13
def fit(model, ts, vs, es=None, **kwargs):
    Train a classifier using TensorFlow

    :param model: The model to train
    :param ts: A training data set
    :param vs: A validation data set
    :param es: A test data set, can be None
    :param kwargs:
        See below

    :Keyword Arguments:
        * *do_early_stopping* (``bool``) --
          Stop after evaluation data is no longer improving.  Defaults to True

        * *epochs* (``int``) -- how many epochs.  Default to 20
        * *outfile* -- Model output file, defaults to classifier-model.pyth
        * *patience* --
           How many epochs where evaluation is no longer improving before we give up
        * *reporting* --
           Callbacks which may be used on reporting updates
        * Additional arguments are supported, see :func:`baseline.tf.optimize` for full list
    do_early_stopping = bool(kwargs.get('do_early_stopping', True))
    verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', {'console': kwargs.get('verbose_console', False), 'file': kwargs.get('verbose_file', None)})
    epochs = int(kwargs.get('epochs', 20))
    model_file = get_model_file('classify', 'tf', kwargs.get('basedir'))
    ema = True if kwargs.get('ema_decay') is not None else False

    best_metric = 0
    if do_early_stopping:
        early_stopping_metric = kwargs.get('early_stopping_metric', 'acc')
        early_stopping_cmp, best_metric = get_metric_cmp(early_stopping_metric, kwargs.get('early_stopping_cmp'))
        patience = kwargs.get('patience', epochs)
        logger.info('Doing early stopping on [%s] with patience [%d]', early_stopping_metric, patience)

    reporting_fns = listify(kwargs.get('reporting', []))
    logger.info('reporting %s', reporting_fns)

    trainer = create_trainer(model, **kwargs)
    tables = tf.tables_initializer()
    feed_dict = {k: v for e in model.embeddings.values() for k, v in e.get_feed_dict().items()}
    model.sess.run(tf.global_variables_initializer(), feed_dict)
    checkpoint = kwargs.get('checkpoint')
    if checkpoint is not None:
        latest = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(checkpoint)
        print('Reloading ' + latest)
        model.saver.restore(model.sess, latest)

    last_improved = 0

    for epoch in range(epochs):

        trainer.train(ts, reporting_fns)
        test_metrics = trainer.test(vs, reporting_fns, phase='Valid')

        if do_early_stopping is False:

        elif early_stopping_cmp(test_metrics[early_stopping_metric], best_metric):
            last_improved = epoch
            best_metric = test_metrics[early_stopping_metric]
            logger.info('New best %.3f', best_metric)

        elif (epoch - last_improved) > patience:
            logger.info('Stopping due to persistent failures to improve')

    if do_early_stopping is True:
        logger.info('Best performance on %s: %.3f at epoch %d', early_stopping_metric, best_metric, last_improved)

    if es is not None:
        logger.info('Reloading best checkpoint')
        test_metrics = trainer.test(es, reporting_fns, phase='Test', verbose=verbose)
    return test_metrics
Exemple #14
def fit(model_params, ts, vs, es, **kwargs):
    Train a classifier using PyTorch
    :param model_params: The model to train
    :param ts: A training data set
    :param vs: A validation data set
    :param es: A test data set, can be None
    :param kwargs: See below

    :Keyword Arguments:
        * *do_early_stopping* (``bool``) -- Stop after eval data is not improving. Default to True
        * *epochs* (``int``) -- how many epochs.  Default to 20
        * *outfile* -- Model output file, defaults to classifier-model.pyth
        * *patience* --
           How many epochs where evaluation is no longer improving before we give up
        * *reporting* --
           Callbacks which may be used on reporting updates
        * *optim* --
           Optimizer to use, defaults to `sgd`
        * *eta, lr* (``float``) --
           Learning rate, defaults to 0.01
        * *mom* (``float``) --
           Momentum (SGD only), defaults to 0.9 if optim is `sgd`
    do_early_stopping = bool(kwargs.get('do_early_stopping', True))
    verbose = kwargs.get(
        'verbose', {
            'console': kwargs.get('verbose_console', False),
            'file': kwargs.get('verbose_file', None)
    epochs = int(kwargs.get('epochs', 20))
    model_file = get_model_file('classify', 'pytorch', kwargs.get('basedir'))
    output = kwargs.get('output')
    txts = kwargs.get('txts')

    num_loader_workers = int(kwargs.get('num_loader_workers', 0))
    pin_memory = bool(kwargs.get('pin_memory', True))

    if not isinstance(ts, DataLoader):
        ts = DataLoader(ts,
    if not isinstance(vs, DataLoader):
        vs = DataLoader(vs, batch_size=None, pin_memory=pin_memory)
    if es and not isinstance(es, DataLoader):
        es = DataLoader(es, batch_size=None, pin_memory=pin_memory)

    best_metric = 0
    if do_early_stopping:
        early_stopping_metric = kwargs.get('early_stopping_metric', 'acc')
        early_stopping_cmp, best_metric = get_metric_cmp(
            early_stopping_metric, kwargs.get('early_stopping_cmp'))
        patience = kwargs.get('patience', epochs)
        logger.info('Doing early stopping on [%s] with patience [%d]',
                    early_stopping_metric, patience)

    reporting_fns = listify(kwargs.get('reporting', []))
    logger.info('reporting %s', reporting_fns)
    trainer = create_trainer(model_params, **kwargs)

    last_improved = 0

    for epoch in range(epochs):
        trainer.train(ts, reporting_fns)
        test_metrics = trainer.test(vs, reporting_fns)

        if do_early_stopping is False:

        elif early_stopping_cmp(test_metrics[early_stopping_metric],
            last_improved = epoch
            best_metric = test_metrics[early_stopping_metric]
            logger.info('New best %.3f', best_metric)

        elif (epoch - last_improved) > patience:
            logger.info('Stopping due to persistent failures to improve')

    if do_early_stopping is True:
        logger.info('Best performance on %s: %.3f at epoch %d',
                    early_stopping_metric, best_metric, last_improved)

    if es is not None:
        logger.info('Reloading best checkpoint')
        model = torch.load(model_file)
        trainer = create_trainer(model, **kwargs)
        test_metrics = trainer.test(es,
    return test_metrics
Exemple #15
def fit(model_params, ts, vs, es, **kwargs):
    Train a classifier using TensorFlow with a `feed_dict`.  This
    is the previous default behavior for training.  To use this, you need to pass
    `fit_func: feed_dict` in your MEAD config

    :param model_params: The model to train
    :param ts: A training data set
    :param vs: A validation data set
    :param es: A test data set, can be None
    :param kwargs:
        See below

    :Keyword Arguments:
        * *do_early_stopping* (``bool``) --
          Stop after evaluation data is no longer improving.  Defaults to True
        * *verbose* (`dict`) A dictionary containing `console` boolean and `file` name if on
        * *epochs* (``int``) -- how many epochs.  Default to 20
        * *outfile* -- Model output file, defaults to classifier-model.pyth
        * *patience* --
           How many epochs where evaluation is no longer improving before we give up
        * *reporting* --
           Callbacks which may be used on reporting updates
        * *nsteps* (`int`) -- If we should report every n-steps, this should be passed
        * *ema_decay* (`float`) -- If we are doing an exponential moving average, what decay to us4e
        * *clip* (`int`) -- If we are doing gradient clipping, what value to use
        * *optim* (`str`) -- The name of the optimizer we are using
        * *lr* (`float`) -- The learning rate we are using
        * *mom* (`float`) -- If we are using SGD, what value to use for momentum
        * *beta1* (`float`) -- Adam-specific hyper-param, defaults to `0.9`
        * *beta2* (`float`) -- Adam-specific hyper-param, defaults to `0.999`
        * *epsilon* (`float`) -- Adam-specific hyper-param, defaults to `1e-8

    :return: None
    epochs = int(kwargs.get('epochs', 5))
    patience = int(kwargs.get('patience', epochs))
    conll_output = kwargs.get('conll_output', None)
    span_type = kwargs.get('span_type', 'iob')
    txts = kwargs.get('txts', None)
    model_file = get_model_file('tagger', 'tf', kwargs.get('basedir'))

    trainer = create_trainer(model_params, **kwargs)

    do_early_stopping = bool(kwargs.get('do_early_stopping', True))
    verbose = bool(kwargs.get('verbose', False))

    best_metric = 0
    if do_early_stopping:
        early_stopping_metric = kwargs.get('early_stopping_metric', 'acc')
        early_stopping_cmp, best_metric = get_metric_cmp(
            early_stopping_metric, kwargs.get('early_stopping_cmp'))
        patience = kwargs.get('patience', epochs)
        print('Doing early stopping on [%s] with patience [%d]' %
              (early_stopping_metric, patience))

    reporting_fns = listify(kwargs.get('reporting', []))
    print('reporting', reporting_fns)

    last_improved = 0
    for epoch in range(epochs):

        trainer.train(ts, reporting_fns)
        test_metrics = trainer.test(vs, reporting_fns, phase='Valid')

        if do_early_stopping is False:

        elif early_stopping_cmp(test_metrics[early_stopping_metric],
            last_improved = epoch
            best_metric = test_metrics[early_stopping_metric]
            print('New best %.3f' % best_metric)

        elif (epoch - last_improved) > patience:
            print('Stopping due to persistent failures to improve')

    if do_early_stopping is True:
        print('Best performance on %s: %.3f at epoch %d' %
              (early_stopping_metric, best_metric, last_improved))
    if es is not None:

        # What to do about overloading this??
        evaluator = TaggerEvaluatorTf(trainer.model, span_type, verbose)
        timer = Timer()
        test_metrics = evaluator.test(es, conll_output=conll_output, txts=txts)
        duration = timer.elapsed()
        for reporting in reporting_fns:
            reporting(test_metrics, 0, 'Test')
        trainer.log.debug({'phase': 'Test', 'time': duration})
Exemple #16
def fit_eager_distributed(model_params, ts, vs, es=None, **kwargs):
    Train an language model using TensorFlow with `tf.dataset`.  This
    is the default behavior for training.

    :param model_params: The model (or parameters to create the model) to train
    :param ts: A training data set
    :param vs: A validation data set
    :param es: A test data set, can be None
    :param kwargs:
        See below

    :Keyword Arguments:
        * *do_early_stopping* (``bool``) --
          Stop after evaluation data is no longer improving.  Defaults to True
        * *verbose* (`dict`) A dictionary containing `console` boolean and `file` name if on
        * *epochs* (``int``) -- how many epochs.  Default to 20
        * *outfile* -- Model output file, defaults to classifier-model.pyth
        * *patience* --
           How many epochs where evaluation is no longer improving before we give up
        * *reporting* --
           Callbacks which may be used on reporting updates
        * *nsteps* (`int`) -- If we should report every n-steps, this should be passed
        * *ema_decay* (`float`) -- If we are doing an exponential moving average, what decay to us4e
        * *clip* (`int`) -- If we are doing gradient clipping, what value to use
        * *optim* (`str`) -- The name of the optimizer we are using
        * *lr* (`float`) -- The learning rate we are using
        * *mom* (`float`) -- If we are using SGD, what value to use for momentum
        * *beta1* (`float`) -- Adam-specific hyper-param, defaults to `0.9`
        * *beta2* (`float`) -- Adam-specific hyper-param, defaults to `0.999`
        * *epsilon* (`float`) -- Adam-specific hyper-param, defaults to `1e-8

    :return: None

    epochs = int(kwargs.get('epochs', 5))
    patience = int(kwargs.get('patience', epochs))

    model_file = get_model_file('lm', 'tf', kwargs.get('basedir'))

    do_early_stopping = bool(kwargs.get('do_early_stopping', True))

    best_metric = 0
    if do_early_stopping:
        early_stopping_metric = kwargs.get('early_stopping_metric', 'avg_loss')
        early_stopping_cmp, best_metric = get_metric_cmp(
            early_stopping_metric, kwargs.get('early_stopping_cmp'))
        patience = kwargs.get('patience', epochs)
        print('Doing early stopping on [%s] with patience [%d]' %
              (early_stopping_metric, patience))

    reporting_fns = listify(kwargs.get('reporting', []))
    print('reporting', reporting_fns)

    batchsz = kwargs['batchsz']
    test_batchsz = kwargs.get('test_batchsz', batchsz)
    tgt_key = model_params.get('tgt_key')

    train_dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(to_tensors(ts))
    train_dataset = train_dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=SHUF_BUF_SZ)
    train_dataset = train_dataset.batch(batchsz, drop_remainder=True)
    train_dataset = train_dataset.prefetch(NUM_PREFETCH)

    valid_dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(to_tensors(vs))
    valid_dataset = valid_dataset.batch(batchsz, drop_remainder=True)
    valid_dataset = valid_dataset.prefetch(NUM_PREFETCH)

    trainer = LanguageModelTrainerDistributedTf(model_params, **kwargs)
    train_dataset = trainer.distribute(train_dataset)
    valid_dataset = trainer.distribute(valid_dataset)

    last_improved = 0

    for epoch in range(epochs):

        trainer.train(train_dataset, reporting_fns, steps=len(ts))
        test_metrics = trainer.test(valid_dataset,

        if do_early_stopping is False:

        elif early_stopping_cmp(test_metrics[early_stopping_metric],
            last_improved = epoch
            best_metric = test_metrics[early_stopping_metric]
            print('New best %.3f' % best_metric)

        elif (epoch - last_improved) > patience:
            print('Stopping due to persistent failures to improve')

    if do_early_stopping is True:
        print('Best performance on %s: %.3f at epoch %d' %
              (early_stopping_metric, best_metric, last_improved))

    if es is not None:
        print('Reloading best checkpoint')
        trainer.strategy = tf.distribute.OneDeviceStrategy('/device:GPU:0')
        test_dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(to_tensors(es))
        test_dataset = test_dataset.batch(test_batchsz, drop_remainder=False)
        test_dataset = test_dataset.prefetch(NUM_PREFETCH)
        test_dataset = trainer.distribute(test_dataset)
        trainer.test(test_dataset, reporting_fns, phase='Test', steps=len(es))
Exemple #17
def fit_datasets(model_params, ts, vs, es=None, **kwargs):
    Train a tagger using TensorFlow with `tf.dataset`.  This
    is the default behavior for training.

    :param model_params: The model (or parameters to create the model) to train
    :param ts: A training data set
    :param vs: A validation data set
    :param es: A test data set, can be None
    :param kwargs:
        See below

    :Keyword Arguments:
        * *do_early_stopping* (``bool``) --
          Stop after evaluation data is no longer improving.  Defaults to True
        * *verbose* (`dict`) A dictionary containing `console` boolean and `file` name if on
        * *epochs* (``int``) -- how many epochs.  Default to 20
        * *outfile* -- Model output file, defaults to classifier-model.pyth
        * *patience* --
           How many epochs where evaluation is no longer improving before we give up
        * *reporting* --
           Callbacks which may be used on reporting updates
        * *nsteps* (`int`) -- If we should report every n-steps, this should be passed
        * *ema_decay* (`float`) -- If we are doing an exponential moving average, what decay to us4e
        * *clip* (`int`) -- If we are doing gradient clipping, what value to use
        * *optim* (`str`) -- The name of the optimizer we are using
        * *lr* (`float`) -- The learning rate we are using
        * *mom* (`float`) -- If we are using SGD, what value to use for momentum
        * *beta1* (`float`) -- Adam-specific hyper-param, defaults to `0.9`
        * *beta2* (`float`) -- Adam-specific hyper-param, defaults to `0.999`
        * *epsilon* (`float`) -- Adam-specific hyper-param, defaults to `1e-8

    :return: None
    conll_output = kwargs.get('conll_output', None)
    span_type = kwargs.get('span_type', 'iob')
    txts = kwargs.get('txts', None)
    model_file = get_model_file('tagger', 'tf', kwargs.get('basedir'))

    do_early_stopping = bool(kwargs.get('do_early_stopping', True))
    verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', {'console': kwargs.get('verbose_console', False), 'file': kwargs.get('verbose_file', None)})
    epochs = int(kwargs.get('epochs', 20))

    batchsz = kwargs['batchsz']
    ## First, make tf.datasets for ts, vs and es
    # https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/master/tensorflow/contrib/distribute/README.md
    # effective_batch_sz = args.batchsz*args.gpus
    test_batchsz = kwargs.get('test_batchsz', batchsz)
    # This is a little awkward:
    lengths_key = model_params.get('lengths_key')

    train_dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(to_tensors(ts, lengths_key))
    train_dataset = train_dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=SHUF_BUF_SZ)
    train_dataset = train_dataset.batch(batchsz, drop_remainder=False)
    train_dataset = train_dataset.repeat(epochs + 1)
    train_dataset = train_dataset.prefetch(NUM_PREFETCH)

    valid_dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(to_tensors(vs, lengths_key))
    valid_dataset = valid_dataset.batch(batchsz, drop_remainder=False)
    valid_dataset = valid_dataset.repeat(epochs + 1)
    valid_dataset = valid_dataset.prefetch(NUM_PREFETCH)

    iter = tf.compat.v1.data.Iterator.from_structure(tf.compat.v1.data.get_output_types(train_dataset),

    features, y = iter.get_next()
    # Add features to the model params
    model_params['y'] = y
    # create the initialisation operations
    train_init_op = iter.make_initializer(train_dataset)
    valid_init_op = iter.make_initializer(valid_dataset)

    best_metric = 0
    if do_early_stopping:
        early_stopping_metric = kwargs.get('early_stopping_metric', 'acc')
        early_stopping_cmp, best_metric = get_metric_cmp(early_stopping_metric, kwargs.get('early_stopping_cmp'))
        patience = kwargs.get('patience', epochs)
        print('Doing early stopping on [%s] with patience [%d]' % (early_stopping_metric, patience))

    reporting_fns = listify(kwargs.get('reporting', []))
    print('reporting', reporting_fns)

    trainer = create_trainer(model_params, **kwargs)

    last_improved = 0

    for epoch in range(epochs):
        trainer.train(ts, reporting_fns)
        test_metrics = trainer.test(vs, reporting_fns, phase='Valid')

        if do_early_stopping is False:

        elif early_stopping_cmp(test_metrics[early_stopping_metric], best_metric):
            last_improved = epoch
            best_metric = test_metrics[early_stopping_metric]
            print('New best %.3f' % best_metric)

        elif (epoch - last_improved) > patience:
            print('Stopping due to persistent failures to improve')

    if do_early_stopping is True:
        print('Best performance on %s: %.3f at epoch %d' % (early_stopping_metric, best_metric, last_improved))

    if es is not None:
        print('Reloading best checkpoint')

        test_dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(to_tensors(es, lengths_key))
        test_dataset = test_dataset.batch(test_batchsz, drop_remainder=False)
        test_dataset = test_dataset.repeat(epochs + 1)
        test_dataset = test_dataset.prefetch(NUM_PREFETCH)
        test_init_op = iter.make_initializer(test_dataset)
        # What to do about overloading this??
        evaluator = TaggerEvaluatorTf(trainer.model, span_type, verbose)
        start = time.time()
        test_metrics = evaluator.test(es, conll_output=conll_output, txts=txts)
        duration = time.time() - start
        for reporting in reporting_fns:
            reporting(test_metrics, 0, 'Test')
        trainer.log.debug({'phase': 'Test', 'time': duration})
Exemple #18
def fit(model_params, ts, vs, es=None, **kwargs):
    Train an language model using TensorFlow with a `feed_dict`.

    :param model_params: The model (or parameters to create the model) to train
    :param ts: A training data set
    :param vs: A validation data set
    :param es: A test data set, can be None
    :param kwargs:
        See below

    :Keyword Arguments:
        * *do_early_stopping* (``bool``) --
          Stop after evaluation data is no longer improving.  Defaults to True
        * *verbose* (`dict`) A dictionary containing `console` boolean and `file` name if on
        * *epochs* (``int``) -- how many epochs.  Default to 5
        * *outfile* -- Model output file
        * *patience* --
           How many epochs where evaluation is no longer improving before we give up
        * *reporting* --
           Callbacks which may be used on reporting updates
        * *nsteps* (`int`) -- If we should report every n-steps, this should be passed
        * *ema_decay* (`float`) -- If we are doing an exponential moving average, what decay to us4e
        * *clip* (`int`) -- If we are doing gradient clipping, what value to use
        * *optim* (`str`) -- The name of the optimizer we are using
        * *lr* (`float`) -- The learning rate we are using
        * *mom* (`float`) -- If we are using SGD, what value to use for momentum
        * *beta1* (`float`) -- Adam-specific hyper-param, defaults to `0.9`
        * *beta2* (`float`) -- Adam-specific hyper-param, defaults to `0.999`
        * *epsilon* (`float`) -- Adam-specific hyper-param, defaults to `1e-8
        * *after_train_fn* (`func`) -- A callback to fire after ever epoch of training

    :return: None
    epochs = int(kwargs['epochs']) if 'epochs' in kwargs else 5
    patience = int(kwargs['patience']) if 'patience' in kwargs else epochs

    model_file = get_model_file('lm', 'tf', kwargs.get('basedir'))
    after_train_fn = kwargs['after_train_fn'] if 'after_train_fn' in kwargs else None
    trainer = create_trainer(model_params, **kwargs)

    do_early_stopping = bool(kwargs.get('do_early_stopping', True))

    best_metric = 1000
    if do_early_stopping:
        early_stopping_metric = kwargs.get('early_stopping_metric', 'avg_loss')
        early_stopping_cmp, best_metric = get_metric_cmp(early_stopping_metric, kwargs.get('early_stopping_cmp'))
        patience = kwargs.get('patience', epochs)
        print('Doing early stopping on [%s] with patience [%d]' % (early_stopping_metric, patience))

    reporting_fns = listify(kwargs.get('reporting', []))
    print('reporting', reporting_fns)

    last_improved = 0

    for epoch in range(epochs):

        trainer.train(ts, reporting_fns)
        if after_train_fn is not None:

        test_metrics = trainer.test(vs, reporting_fns, phase='Valid')

        if do_early_stopping is False:

        elif early_stopping_cmp(test_metrics[early_stopping_metric], best_metric):
            last_improved = epoch
            best_metric = test_metrics[early_stopping_metric]
            print('New best %.3f' % best_metric)

        elif (epoch - last_improved) > patience:
            print('Stopping due to persistent failures to improve')

    if do_early_stopping is True:
        print('Best performance on %s: %.3f at epoch %d' % (early_stopping_metric, best_metric, last_improved))
    if es is not None:
        trainer.test(es, reporting_fns, phase='Test')
Exemple #19
def fit(model_params, ts, vs, es, **kwargs):

    do_early_stopping = bool(kwargs.get('do_early_stopping', True))
    epochs = int(kwargs.get('epochs', 20))
    model_file = get_model_file('tagger', 'pytorch', kwargs.get('basedir'))
    conll_output = kwargs.get('conll_output', None)
    txts = kwargs.get('txts', None)

    num_loader_workers = int(kwargs.get('num_loader_workers', 0))
    pin_memory = bool(kwargs.get('pin_memory', True))

    if not isinstance(ts, DataLoader):
        ts = DataLoader(ts,
    if not isinstance(vs, DataLoader):
        vs = DataLoader(vs, batch_size=None, pin_memory=pin_memory)
    if es and not isinstance(es, DataLoader):
        es = DataLoader(es, batch_size=None, pin_memory=pin_memory)

    best_metric = 0
    if do_early_stopping:
        early_stopping_metric = kwargs.get('early_stopping_metric', 'acc')
        early_stopping_cmp, best_metric = get_metric_cmp(
            early_stopping_metric, kwargs.get('early_stopping_cmp'))
        patience = kwargs.get('patience', epochs)
        logger.info('Doing early stopping on [%s] with patience [%d]',
                    early_stopping_metric, patience)

    reporting_fns = listify(kwargs.get('reporting', []))
    logger.info('reporting %s', reporting_fns)

    after_train_fn = kwargs.get('after_train_fn', None)
    trainer = create_trainer(model_params, **kwargs)

    last_improved = 0
    for epoch in range(epochs):

        trainer.train(ts, reporting_fns)
        if after_train_fn is not None:
        test_metrics = trainer.test(vs, reporting_fns, phase='Valid')

        if do_early_stopping is False:

        elif early_stopping_cmp(test_metrics[early_stopping_metric],
            last_improved = epoch
            best_metric = test_metrics[early_stopping_metric]
            logger.info('New best %.3f', best_metric)

        elif (epoch - last_improved) > patience:
            logger.info('Stopping due to persistent failures to improve')

    if do_early_stopping is True:
        logger.info('Best performance on %s: %.3f at epoch %d',
                    early_stopping_metric, best_metric, last_improved)

    if es is not None:
        logger.info('Reloading best checkpoint')
        model = torch.load(model_file)
        trainer = create_trainer(model, **kwargs)
        test_metrics = trainer.test(es,
    return test_metrics
Exemple #20
def fit(model, ts, vs, es=None, **kwargs):
    epochs = int(kwargs['epochs']) if 'epochs' in kwargs else 5
    patience = int(kwargs['patience']) if 'patience' in kwargs else epochs

    model_file = get_model_file('lm', 'tf', kwargs.get('basedir'))
    after_train_fn = kwargs['after_train_fn'] if 'after_train_fn' in kwargs else None
    trainer = create_trainer(model, **kwargs)
    init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
    feed_dict = {k: v for e in model.embeddings.values() for k, v in e.get_feed_dict().items()}
    model.sess.run(init, feed_dict)
    saver = tf.train.Saver()
    checkpoint = kwargs.get('checkpoint')
    if checkpoint is not None:
        latest = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(checkpoint)
        print('Reloading ' + latest)
        model.saver.restore(model.sess, latest)

    do_early_stopping = bool(kwargs.get('do_early_stopping', True))

    best_metric = 1000
    if do_early_stopping:
        early_stopping_metric = kwargs.get('early_stopping_metric', 'avg_loss')
        early_stopping_cmp, best_metric = get_metric_cmp(early_stopping_metric, kwargs.get('early_stopping_cmp'))
        patience = kwargs.get('patience', epochs)
        logger.info('Doing early stopping on [%s] with patience [%d]', early_stopping_metric, patience)

    reporting_fns = listify(kwargs.get('reporting', []))
    logger.info('reporting %s', reporting_fns)

    last_improved = 0

    for epoch in range(epochs):

        trainer.train(ts, reporting_fns)
        if after_train_fn is not None:

        test_metrics = trainer.test(vs, reporting_fns, phase='Valid')

        if do_early_stopping is False:

        elif early_stopping_cmp(test_metrics[early_stopping_metric], best_metric):
            last_improved = epoch
            best_metric = test_metrics[early_stopping_metric]
            logger.info('New best %.3f', best_metric)

        elif (epoch - last_improved) > patience:
            logger.info('Stopping due to persistent failures to improve')

    if do_early_stopping is True:
        logger.info('Best performance on %s: %.3f at epoch %d', early_stopping_metric, best_metric, last_improved)
    if es is not None:
        test_metrics = trainer.test(es, reporting_fns, phase='Test')
    return test_metrics
Exemple #21
def fit(model, ts, vs, es, **kwargs):
    epochs = int(kwargs['epochs']) if 'epochs' in kwargs else 5
    patience = int(kwargs['patience']) if 'patience' in kwargs else epochs
    conll_output = kwargs.get('conll_output', None)
    span_type = kwargs.get('span_type', 'iob')
    txts = kwargs.get('txts', None)
    model_file = get_model_file('tagger', 'tf', kwargs.get('basedir'))
    after_train_fn = kwargs['after_train_fn'] if 'after_train_fn' in kwargs else None
    trainer = create_trainer(model, **kwargs)
    tables = tf.tables_initializer()
    feed_dict = {k: v for e in model.embeddings.values() for k, v in e.get_feed_dict().items()}
    init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
    model.sess.run(init, feed_dict)
    saver = tf.train.Saver()
    checkpoint = kwargs.get('checkpoint')
    if checkpoint is not None:
        latest = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(checkpoint)
        print('Reloading ' + latest)
        model.saver.restore(model.sess, latest)

    do_early_stopping = bool(kwargs.get('do_early_stopping', True))
    verbose = bool(kwargs.get('verbose', False))

    best_metric = 0
    if do_early_stopping:
        early_stopping_metric = kwargs.get('early_stopping_metric', 'acc')
        early_stopping_cmp, best_metric = get_metric_cmp(early_stopping_metric, kwargs.get('early_stopping_cmp'))
        patience = kwargs.get('patience', epochs)
        logger.info('Doing early stopping on [%s] with patience [%d]', early_stopping_metric, patience)

    reporting_fns = listify(kwargs.get('reporting', []))
    logger.info('reporting %s', reporting_fns)

    last_improved = 0
    for epoch in range(epochs):

        trainer.train(ts, reporting_fns)
        if after_train_fn is not None:

        test_metrics = trainer.test(vs, reporting_fns, phase='Valid')

        if do_early_stopping is False:

        elif early_stopping_cmp(test_metrics[early_stopping_metric], best_metric):
            last_improved = epoch
            best_metric = test_metrics[early_stopping_metric]
            logger.info('New best %.3f', best_metric)

        elif (epoch - last_improved) > patience:
            logger.info('Stopping due to persistent failures to improve')

    if do_early_stopping is True:
        logger.info('Best performance on %s: %.3f at epoch %d', early_stopping_metric, best_metric, last_improved)
    if es is not None:

        # What to do about overloading this??
        evaluator = TaggerEvaluatorTf(model, span_type, verbose)
        start = time.time()
        test_metrics = evaluator.test(es, conll_output=conll_output, txts=txts)
        duration = time.time() - start
        for reporting in reporting_fns:
            reporting(test_metrics, 0, 'Test')
        trainer.log.debug({'phase': 'Test', 'time': duration})
    return test_metrics
Exemple #22
def fit(model, ts, vs, es, **kwargs):
    epochs = int(kwargs['epochs']) if 'epochs' in kwargs else 5
    patience = int(kwargs['patience']) if 'patience' in kwargs else epochs
    conll_output = kwargs.get('conll_output', None)
    span_type = kwargs.get('span_type', 'iob')
    txts = kwargs.get('txts', None)
    model_file = get_model_file('tagger', 'tf', kwargs.get('basedir'))
    after_train_fn = kwargs[
        'after_train_fn'] if 'after_train_fn' in kwargs else None
    trainer = create_trainer(model, **kwargs)
    tables = tf.tables_initializer()
    init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
    saver = tf.train.Saver()
    checkpoint = kwargs.get('checkpoint')
    if checkpoint is not None:
        latest = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(checkpoint)
        print('Reloading ' + latest)
        model.saver.restore(model.sess, latest)

    do_early_stopping = bool(kwargs.get('do_early_stopping', True))
    verbose = bool(kwargs.get('verbose', False))

    best_metric = 0
    if do_early_stopping:
        early_stopping_metric = kwargs.get('early_stopping_metric', 'acc')
        early_stopping_cmp, best_metric = get_metric_cmp(
            early_stopping_metric, kwargs.get('early_stopping_cmp'))
        patience = kwargs.get('patience', epochs)
        logger.info('Doing early stopping on [%s] with patience [%d]',
                    early_stopping_metric, patience)

    reporting_fns = listify(kwargs.get('reporting', []))
    logger.info('reporting %s', reporting_fns)

    last_improved = 0
    for epoch in range(epochs):

        trainer.train(ts, reporting_fns)
        if after_train_fn is not None:

        test_metrics = trainer.test(vs, reporting_fns, phase='Valid')

        if do_early_stopping is False:

        elif early_stopping_cmp(test_metrics[early_stopping_metric],
            last_improved = epoch
            best_metric = test_metrics[early_stopping_metric]
            logger.info('New best %.3f', best_metric)

        elif (epoch - last_improved) > patience:
            logger.info('Stopping due to persistent failures to improve')

    if do_early_stopping is True:
        logger.info('Best performance on %s: %.3f at epoch %d',
                    early_stopping_metric, best_metric, last_improved)
    if es is not None:

        # What to do about overloading this??
        evaluator = TaggerEvaluatorTf(model, span_type, verbose)
        start = time.time()
        test_metrics = evaluator.test(es, conll_output=conll_output, txts=txts)
        duration = time.time() - start
        for reporting in reporting_fns:
            reporting(test_metrics, 0, 'Test')
        trainer.log.debug({'phase': 'Test', 'time': duration})
Exemple #23
def fit(model, ts, vs, es=None, **kwargs):
    epochs = int(kwargs['epochs']) if 'epochs' in kwargs else 5
    patience = int(kwargs['patience']) if 'patience' in kwargs else epochs

    model_file = get_model_file('seq2seq', 'tf', kwargs.get('basedir'))
    after_train_fn = kwargs[
        'after_train_fn'] if 'after_train_fn' in kwargs else None
    trainer = create_trainer(model, **kwargs)
    feed_dict = {
        k: v
        for e in model.src_embeddings.values()
        for k, v in e.get_feed_dict().items()
    init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
    model.sess.run(init, feed_dict)
    saver = tf.train.Saver()

    checkpoint = kwargs.get('checkpoint')
    if checkpoint is not None:
        latest = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(checkpoint)
        print('Reloading ' + latest)
        model.saver.restore(model.sess, latest)

    do_early_stopping = bool(kwargs.get('do_early_stopping', True))

    best_metric = 0
    if do_early_stopping:
        early_stopping_metric = kwargs.get('early_stopping_metric', 'bleu')
        early_stopping_cmp, best_metric = get_metric_cmp(
            early_stopping_metric, kwargs.get('early_stopping_cmp'))
        patience = kwargs.get('patience', epochs)
        logger.info('Doing early stopping on [%s] with patience [%d]',
                    early_stopping_metric, patience)

    reporting_fns = listify(kwargs.get('reporting', []))
    logger.info('reporting %s', reporting_fns)

    last_improved = 0

    for epoch in range(epochs):
        trainer.train(ts, reporting_fns)
        if after_train_fn is not None:
        test_metrics = trainer.test(vs, reporting_fns, phase='Valid')

        if do_early_stopping is False:

        elif early_stopping_cmp(test_metrics[early_stopping_metric],
            last_improved = epoch
            best_metric = test_metrics[early_stopping_metric]
            logger.info('New best %.3f', best_metric)

        elif (epoch - last_improved) > patience:
            logger.info('Stopping due to persistent failures to improve')

    if do_early_stopping is True:
        logger.info('Best performance on %s: %.3f at epoch %d',
                    early_stopping_metric, best_metric, last_improved)
    if es is not None:
        test_metrics = trainer.test(es, reporting_fns, phase='Test')
    return test_metrics