def simulatedAnnealing(originalBoard, prob, iters = 1000, numMoves = 40):
  # hill climbing, but picks worse move with given probability
  bestScore = 0
  bestPath = None
  for i in xrange(iters):
    board = deepcopy(originalBoard)
    row, col, color = randomStart(board)
    path = [(row, col)]
    for x in xrange(numMoves):
      random_num = random.random()
      noDecreasingMove = False
      if random_num < prob: # pick random move that decreases score
        moves = decreasingMoves(board, row, col, color)
        if len(moves) == 0:
          noDecreasingMove = True
        move = random.choice(moves)[0]
      if random_num >= prob or noDecreasingMove is True: # pick best move
        move, score = bestMove(board, row, col, color)
        if move is None:
      newRow, newCol = move
      board[row][col] = board[newRow][newCol]
      board[newRow][newCol] = color
      row = newRow
      col = newCol
    score = scoreBoard(board)
    if score > bestScore:
      bestScore = score
      bestPath = path
  return (bestPath, bestScore)
Exemple #2
def simulatedAnnealing(originalBoard, prob, iters=1000, numMoves=40):
    # hill climbing, but picks worse move with given probability
    bestScore = 0
    bestPath = None
    for i in xrange(iters):
        board = deepcopy(originalBoard)
        row, col, color = randomStart(board)
        path = [(row, col)]
        for x in xrange(numMoves):
            random_num = random.random()
            noDecreasingMove = False
            if random_num < prob:  # pick random move that decreases score
                moves = decreasingMoves(board, row, col, color)
                if len(moves) == 0:
                    noDecreasingMove = True
                move = random.choice(moves)[0]
            if random_num >= prob or noDecreasingMove is True:  # pick best move
                move, score = bestMove(board, row, col, color)
                if move is None:
                    print 'THIS IS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN'
            newRow, newCol = move
            board[row][col] = board[newRow][newCol]
            board[newRow][newCol] = color
            row = newRow
            col = newCol
        score = scoreBoard(board)
        if score > bestScore:
            bestScore = score
            bestPath = path
    return (bestPath, bestScore)
def randomHillClimbing(originalBoard, numMoves = 40):
  # picks random nondecreasing move at each state - less greedy
  board = deepcopy(originalBoard)
  row, col, color = randomStart(board)
  path = [(row, col)]
  for x in xrange(numMoves):
    moves = nondecreasingMoves(board, row, col, color)
    if len(moves) == 0: # score can only decrease - stop
    move, score = random.choice(moves)
    newRow, newCol = move
    board[row][col] = board[newRow][newCol]
    board[newRow][newCol] = color
    row = newRow
    col = newCol
  return path, scoreBoard(board)
Exemple #4
def randomHillClimbing(originalBoard, numMoves=40):
    # picks random nondecreasing move at each state - less greedy
    board = deepcopy(originalBoard)
    row, col, color = randomStart(board)
    path = [(row, col)]
    for x in xrange(numMoves):
        moves = nondecreasingMoves(board, row, col, color)
        if len(moves) == 0:  # score can only decrease - stop
        move, score = random.choice(moves)
        newRow, newCol = move
        board[row][col] = board[newRow][newCol]
        board[newRow][newCol] = color
        row = newRow
        col = newCol
    return path, scoreBoard(board)
def steepestAscentHillClimbing(originalBoard, numMoves = 40):
  # pick best nondecreasing move at each state - greedy
  board = deepcopy(originalBoard)
  row, col, color = randomStart(board)
  path = [(row, col)]
  for x in xrange(numMoves):
    move, score = bestNondecreasingMove(board, row, col, color)
    if move is None: # score can only decrease - stop
    if len(path) > 1 and move == path[len(path) - 2]:
      # looping -> stop
    newRow, newCol = move
    board[row][col] = board[newRow][newCol]
    board[newRow][newCol] = color
    row = newRow
    col = newCol
  return path, scoreBoard(board)
Exemple #6
def steepestAscentHillClimbing(originalBoard, numMoves=40):
    # pick best nondecreasing move at each state - greedy
    board = deepcopy(originalBoard)
    row, col, color = randomStart(board)
    path = [(row, col)]
    for x in xrange(numMoves):
        move, score = bestNondecreasingMove(board, row, col, color)
        if move is None:  # score can only decrease - stop
        if len(path) > 1 and move == path[len(path) - 2]:
            # looping -> stop
        newRow, newCol = move
        board[row][col] = board[newRow][newCol]
        board[newRow][newCol] = color
        row = newRow
        col = newCol
    return path, scoreBoard(board)