def test_version_changed(self):
        # this is a horrible hack. we want to test what happens if the contents
        # of the znode change between when write_file_to_zookeeper reads and
        # when it writes (so that the diff is trustworthy). this mock side
        # effect allows us to inject some behavior into the middle of the
        # function.
        mock_file = mock.Mock()

        def mock_read():
            self.zookeeper.set(TEST_NODE_PATH, b"I changed!")
            return b"contents of file" = mock_read

        with self.assertRaises(UnexpectedChangeError):
            write_file_to_zookeeper(self.zookeeper, mock_file, TEST_NODE_PATH)
    def test_current_data_matches_new_data(self):
        data = b"data"
        self.zookeeper.set(TEST_NODE_PATH, data)

        input = BytesIO(data)
        did_write = write_file_to_zookeeper(self.zookeeper, input,
    def test_successful_set(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.zookeeper.get(TEST_NODE_PATH)[0], b"")

        input = BytesIO(b"new_data")
        did_write = write_file_to_zookeeper(self.zookeeper, input,

        self.assertEqual(self.zookeeper.get(TEST_NODE_PATH)[0], b"new_data")
    def test_exits_when_node_does_not_exist(self):
        input = BytesIO()

        with self.assertRaises(NodeDoesNotExistError):
            write_file_to_zookeeper(self.zookeeper, input, "/does_not_exist")