def _upload(url): fname = url.split("/")[-1] fname = fname.split('?')[0] filename = "upload/" + fname try: if "http" in url: r = requests.get(url, stream=True) if r.status_code == 200: with open(filename, 'wb') as f: for chunk in r.iter_content(1024): f.write(chunk) upload = vk_api.VkUpload(Vk.session) photo = upload.photo_wall(filename, group_id=Vk.group_id) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as error: Log.log(error) return False except vk_api.exceptions.ApiError as error: Log.log(error) return False os.remove(filename) return 'photo{}_{}'.format(photo[0]['owner_id'], photo[0]['id'])
def getMessages(chat_id, rev=1, count=1, offset=0): # if rev == 1: # offset = offset + 1 try: messages = Vk.group_api.messages.getHistory(user_id=chat_id, group_id=Vk.group_id, offset=offset, rev=rev, count=count) if 'count' in messages and messages['count'] > 0: if messages['items'] == []: return False return messages['items'][0] else: return False except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as error: Log.log(error) return False except vk_api.exceptions.ApiError as error: Log.log("VK.getMessages: " + str(error)) return False
def __read(self): randomChat = (random.choice(self.users_id)) item = Vk.getMessages(randomChat, rev=1, count=1) if item is not False: if item['attachments'] == [] and item['fwd_messages'] == []: Vk.delMessage(item['id'], for_all=0) Log.log("Message #" + str(item['id']) + " in #" + str(randomChat) + " chat not forward - deleted") return {} if item['attachments'] != []: try: self.image = item['attachments'][0]['photo']['sizes'][-1][ 'url'] tag = u"" except KeyError as error: Log.log(item) return {} if item['fwd_messages'] != []: self.image = item['fwd_messages'][0]['attachments'][0][ 'photo']['sizes'][-1]['url'] username = Vk.getUser(item['fwd_messages'][0]['from_id'], "first_name_gen, last_name_gen")[0] tag = u"от @id%s (%s %s)" % (username['id'], username['first_name_gen'], username['last_name_gen']) Vk.delMessage(item['id'], for_all=0) return {'key': self.tag(tag)} return {}
def getUser(user_id, fields): try: return Vk.api.users.get(user_ids=user_id, fields=fields) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as error: Log.log(error) except vk_api.exceptions.ApiError as error: Log.log(error)
def delWall(post_id): try: Vk.api.wall.delete(owner_id=Vk.owner_id, post_id=post_id) return True except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as error: Log.log(error) except vk_api.exceptions.ApiError as error: Log.log(error)
def post(post_id): if False == os.path.exists('./jokes'): return False if random.randint(0, 10) == 1: Vk.postComment("", post_id, Joke.__read()) Log.log("Post joke comment") return True return False
def delMessage(msg_id, for_all=1): try: messages = Vk.group_api.messages.delete(group_id=Vk.group_id, message_ids=msg_id, delete_for_all=for_all) return True except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as error: Log.log(error) except vk_api.exceptions.ApiError as error: Log.log(error)
def postMessages(chat_id, msg): try: messages = Vk.group_api.messages.send(peer_id=chat_id, message=msg, random_id=random.randint( 1000000, 1000000000)) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as error: Log.log(error) return False except vk_api.exceptions.ApiError as error: Log.log("VK.postMessages: " + str(error)) return False
def banUser(user_id, ban_time, reason): end_time = datetime.timedelta(seconds=time.time() + ban_time).total_seconds() try: Vk.api.groups.banUser(group_id=Vk.group_id, user_id=user_id, end_date=end_time, reason=0, comment_visible=1, comment=reason) return True except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as error: Log.log(error) except vk_api.exceptions.ApiError as error: Log.log(error)
def __preCheck(self): if Log.getWeekday() == 5: return False for post in Vk.getWall(15, 'owner'): if "attachments" in post: if ( - datetime.timedelta(minutes=240) ) < datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(post["date"]): return False return True
def getWall(count, filters): try: return Vk.api.wall.get(owner_id=Vk.owner_id, count=count, filter=filters)['items'] except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as error: Log.log(error) except vk_api.exceptions.ApiError as error: Log.log(error) except vk_api.exceptions.ApiHttpError as error: Log.log(error) return {}
def check(): Log.log("Wall scanning......", "info") try: for post in Vk.getWall(10, 'others'): if str(post["from_id"]) not in Security.access_id: Log.log(Security.__delWall(post["id"])) Log.log(Security.__banUser(post["from_id"])) username = Vk.getUser(post['from_id'], "first_name_gen, last_name_gen")[0] Vk.postMessages( Security.chat_id, "Пользователь @id{} ({} {}) заблокирован. Пост #{} с текстом '{}' удалён" .format(username['id'], username['first_name'], username['last_name'], post["id"], post["text"])) except KeyError as error: Log.log(str(error)) return True return True
def postComment(msg, post_id, attachment=False): if False != attachment: attachment = Vk._upload(attachment) try: return Vk.api.wall.createComment(owner_id=Vk.owner_id, from_group=Vk.group_id, post_id=post_id, message=msg, attachments=attachment) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as error: Log.log(error) return False except vk_api.exceptions.ApiError as error: Log.log(error) return False except KeyError: Log.log("") return False
def post(msg, from_group, attachment=False): if ( - Vk.postTime) > datetime.timedelta(seconds=Vk.postPause): time.sleep(Vk.postPause) if False != attachment: attachment = Vk._upload(attachment) try: return, from_group=from_group, message=msg, attachments=attachment)['post_id'] except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as error: Log.log(error) return False except vk_api.exceptions.ApiError as error: Log.log(error) return False except KeyError: Log.log("") return False
from bash_vk.vk import Vk from bash_vk.log import Log from bash_vk.base import Base from bash_vk.config import Config from bash_vk.config import BashReadError from import Security from bash_vk.joke import Joke ### Load main classes ### Config.init("./bash.ini") Base.init("./bash.db") Vk.init() Security.init() ### DRATUTI ### Log.log(Config.getCfg("MAIN", "program") + " v." + Config.getCfg("MAIN", "version")) Log.log("=" * len(Config.getCfg("MAIN", "program") + " v." + Config.getCfg("MAIN", "version")) ) ### Dynamic load parsing classes from bash_vk\sites ### classes = [] files = listdir(".\\bash_vk\\sites") sites = filter(lambda x: x.endswith(".py"), files) sites = filter(lambda x: x != "", sites) sites = filter(lambda x: x != "", sites) sites = map(lambda x: x[:-3], sites) for charter in sites: module = import_module("bash_vk.sites." + charter) classes.append(getattr(module, charter)()) Log.log("Load module: " + charter)