def parse_all(): global cmd paths = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.pardir), "bash", "")"Reading from " + paths) with open(paths, "r") as f: cmds = f.readlines() for cmd in cmds: data_tools.bash_parser(cmd, verbose=True)
def test_ted(): while True: cmd1 = input(">cmd1: ") cmd2 = input(">cmd2: ") ast1 = data_tools.bash_parser(cmd1) ast2 = data_tools.bash_parser(cmd2) dist = zss.simple_distance(ast1, ast2, nast.Node.get_children, nast.Node.get_label, tree_dist.temp_local_dist) print("ted = {}".format(dist)) print()
def clean_rewrites(self): c = self.cursor non_grammatical = [] for s1, s2 in c.execute("SELECT s1, s2 FROM Rewrites"): ast = data_tools.bash_parser(s1) if not ast: non_grammatical.append(s1) ast2 = data_tools.bash_parser(s2) if not ast2: non_grammatical.append(s2) for s in non_grammatical: print("Removing %s from Rewrites" % s) c.execute("DELETE FROM Rewrites WHERE s1 = ?", (s, )) c.execute("DELETE FROM Rewrites WHERE s2 = ?", (s, ))
def get_flag_statistics(top_utilities, input_file): flag_counts = {} for u in top_utilities: flag_counts[u] = set() with open(input_file) as f: for cmd in f: ast = data_tools.bash_parser(cmd, verbose=False) if ast: # DFS stack = [] stack.extend(ast.children) while stack: node = stack.pop() if node.is_option(): u = node.utility.value if u in flag_counts: flag_counts[u].add(node.value) stack.extend(node.children) else: print(cmd) total_flag_count = 0 for i in range(len(top_utilities)-1, -1, -1): u = top_utilities[i] print('{{axis:"{}",num_flags:{},num_flags_in_data:{}}},' .format(u, data_tools.get_utility_statistics(u), len(flag_counts[u]))) total_flag_count += len(flag_counts[u]) print('Total # distinct flags = {}'.format(total_flag_count))
def rewrite(ast, temp): """Rewrite an AST into an equivalent one using the given template.""" arg_slots = lint.arg_slots(ast) def rewrite_fun(node): if node.kind == "argument" and not node.is_reserved(): for i in xrange(len(arg_slots)): if not arg_slots[i][1] and arg_slots[i][ 0].arg_type == node.arg_type: node.value = arg_slots[i][0].value arg_slots[i][1] = True break else: for child in node.children: rewrite_fun(child) # TODO: improve the heurstics. # Step 1 constructs an AST using the given template. # Step 2 fills the argument slots in the newly constructed AST using the # argument values from the original AST. ast2 = data_tools.bash_parser(temp) if not ast2 is None: rewrite_fun(ast2) return ast2
def compute_top_utilities(path, k): print('computing top most frequent utilities...') utilities = collections.defaultdict(int) with open(path) as f: while (True): command = f.readline().strip() if not command: break ast = data_tools.bash_parser(command, verbose=False) for u in data_tools.get_utilities(ast): utilities[u] += 1 top_utilities = [] freq_threshold = -1 for u, freq in sorted(utilities.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True): if freq_threshold > 0 and freq < freq_threshold: break # Xingyu Wei: To udpate for word assignment and control flow, # we remove the Grey List if u in bash.BLACK_LIST: continue top_utilities.append(u) print('{}: {} ({})'.format(len(top_utilities), u, freq)) if len(top_utilities) == k: freq_threshold = freq top_utilities = set(top_utilities) return top_utilities
def filter_by_most_frequent_utilities(data_dir, num_utilities): def select(ast, utility_set): for ut in data_tools.get_utilities(ast): if not ut in utility_set: print('Utility currently not handled: {} - {}'.format( ut, data_tools.ast2command(ast, loose_constraints=True))) return False return True cm_path = os.path.join(data_dir, '') top_utilities = compute_top_utilities(cm_path, num_utilities) for split in ['all']: nl_file_path = os.path.join(data_dir, split + '.nl') cm_file_path = os.path.join(data_dir, split + '.cm') with open(nl_file_path) as f: nls = [nl.strip() for nl in f.readlines()] with open(cm_file_path) as f: cms = [cm.strip() for cm in f.readlines()] nl_outfile_path = os.path.join(data_dir, split + '.nl.filtered') cm_outfile_path = os.path.join(data_dir, split + '.cm.filtered') with open(nl_outfile_path, 'w') as nl_outfile: with open(cm_outfile_path, 'w') as cm_outfile: for nl, cm in zip(nls, cms): if len(nl.split()) > 50: print('lenthy description skipped: {}'.format(nl)) continue ast = data_tools.bash_parser(cm, verbose=True) if ast and select(ast, top_utilities): nl_outfile.write('{}\n'.format(nl)) cm_outfile.write('{}\n'.format(cm))
def min_dist(asts, ast2, rewrite=False, ignore_arg_value=False): """ Compute the minimum tree edit distance of the prediction to the set of ground truth ASTs. :param asts: set of gold ASTs. :param ast2: predicted AST. :param rewrite: set to true if rewrite ground truths with templates. :param ignore_arg_value: set to true if ignore literal values in the ASTs. """ # tolerate ungrammatical predictions if not ast2: ast2 = data_tools.bash_parser("find") if rewrite: raise NotImplementedError else: ast_rewrites = asts min_dist = 1e8 for ast1 in ast_rewrites: if ignore_arg_value: dist = temp_dist(ast1, ast2) else: dist = str_dist(ast1, ast2) if dist < min_dist: min_dist = dist return min_dist
def combine_annotations_multi_files(): """ Combine multiple annotations files and discard the annotations that has a conflict. """ input_dir = sys.argv[1] template_evals = {} command_evals = {} discarded_keys = set({}) for in_csv in os.listdir(input_dir): in_csv_path = os.path.join(input_dir, in_csv) with open(in_csv_path) as f: reader = csv.DictReader(f) current_description = '' for row in reader: template_eval = normalize_judgement(row['correct template']) command_eval = normalize_judgement(row['correct command']) description = get_example_nl_key(row['description']) if description.strip(): current_description = description else: description = current_description prediction = row['prediction'] example_key = '{}<NL_PREDICTION>{}'.format( description, prediction) if example_key in template_evals and template_evals[ example_key] != template_eval: discarded_keys.add(example_key) continue if example_key in command_evals and command_evals[ example_key] != command_eval: discarded_keys.add(example_key) continue template_evals[example_key] = template_eval command_evals[example_key] = command_eval print('{} read ({} manually annotated examples, {} discarded)'. format(in_csv_path, len(template_evals), len(discarded_keys))) # Write to new file assert (len(template_evals) == len(command_evals)) with open('manual_annotations.additional', 'w') as o_f: o_f.write( 'description,prediction,template,correct template,correct comand\n' ) for key in sorted(template_evals.keys()): if key in discarded_keys: continue description, prediction = key.split('<NL_PREDICTION>') template_eval = template_evals[example_key] command_eval = command_evals[example_key] pred_tree = data_tools.bash_parser(prediction) pred_temp = data_tools.ast2template(pred_tree, loose_constraints=True) o_f.write('"{}","{}","{}",{},{}\n'.format( description.replace('"', '""'), prediction.replace('"', '""'), pred_temp.replace('"', '""'), template_eval, command_eval))
def populate_command_template(): for cmd in Command.objects.all(): if len(cmd.str) > 600: cmd.delete() else: ast = data_tools.bash_parser(cmd.str) template = data_tools.ast2template(ast, loose_constraints=True) cmd.template = template
def run(): sqlite_filename = sys.argv[1] url_prefix = '' urls = {} commands = {} with sqlite3.connect(sqlite_filename, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES) as db: count = 0 for post_id, answer_body in db.cursor().execute(""" SELECT questions.Id, answers.Body FROM questions, answers WHERE questions.Id = answers.ParentId ORDER BY questions.Score DESC"""): print(post_id) for code_block in extract_code(answer_body): for cmd in extract_oneliner_from_code(code_block): print('command string: {}'.format(cmd)) ast = data_tools.bash_parser(cmd) if not ast: continue utilities = data_tools.get_utilities(ast) for utility in utilities: if utility in bash.top_100_utilities: print('extracted: {}, {}'.format(utility, cmd)) temp = data_tools.ast2template(ast, loose_constraints=True) if not utility in commands: commands[utility] = {} commands[utility][temp] = cmd urls[utility] = {'{}{}'.format(url_prefix, post_id)} else: if len(commands[utility]) >= NUM_COMMAND_THRESHOLD: continue if not temp in commands[utility]: commands[utility][temp] = cmd urls[utility].add('{}{}'.format(url_prefix, post_id)) count += 1 if count % 1000 == 0: completed = False for utility in bash.top_100_utilities: if not utility in commands or len(commands[utility]) < NUM_COMMAND_THRESHOLD: completed = False else: print('{} collection done.'.format(utility)) if completed: break with open('stackoverflow.urls', 'wb') as o_f: pickle.dump(urls, o_f) with open('stackoverflow.commands', 'wb') as o_f: pickle.dump(commands, o_f) for utility in commands: print('{} ({})'.format(utility, len(commands[utility]))) for cmd in commands[utility]: print(cmd)
def get_u_hist_from_file(input_file): u_hist = collections.defaultdict(int) with open(input_file) as f: for cmd in f: ast = data_tools.bash_parser(cmd, verbose=False) for u in data_tools.get_utilities(ast): if u in bash.BLACK_LIST or u in bash.GREY_LIST: continue u_hist[u] += 1 return u_hist
def Cust_Cmd_Tokenizer(String, parse="Template"): """As per our need Custom CMD Tokenizer""" if parse == "Norm": Command = cm_to_partial_tokens(String, tokenizer=data_tools.bash_tokenizer) elif parse == "Template": AST = data_tools.bash_parser(String) Template = data_tools.ast2template(AST, ignore_flag_order=False) Template_Tokens_List = Template.split(" ") return Template_Tokens_List
def populate_command_tags(): for cmd in Command.objects.all(): if len(cmd.str) > 600: cmd.delete() else: cmd.tags.clear() print(cmd.str) ast = data_tools.bash_parser(cmd.str) for utility in data_tools.get_utilities(ast): print(utility) cmd.tags.add(get_tag(utility))
def get_command(command_str): command_str = command_str.strip() if Command.objects.filter(str=command_str).exists(): cmd = Command.objects.get(str=command_str) else: cmd = Command.objects.create(str=command_str) ast = data_tools.bash_parser(command_str) for utility in data_tools.get_utilities(ast): cmd.tags.add(get_tag(utility)) template = data_tools.ast2template(ast, loose_constraints=True) cmd.template = template return cmd
def compute_metric(predicted_cmd, predicted_confidence, ground_truth_cmd, metric_params): if type(predicted_cmd) is not str: predicted_cmd = str(predicted_cmd) if type(ground_truth_cmd) is not str: ground_truth_cmd = str(ground_truth_cmd) if type(predicted_confidence) is not float: try: predicted_confidence = float(predicted_confidence) except Exception: predicted_confidence = 1.0 predicted_ast = bash_parser(predicted_cmd) ground_truth_ast = bash_parser(ground_truth_cmd) predicted_utilities = get_utility_nodes(predicted_ast) ground_truth_utilities = get_utility_nodes(ground_truth_ast) ground_truth_utilities, predicted_utilities = pad_arrays( ground_truth_utilities, predicted_utilities) score = [] u1 = metric_params['u1'] u2 = metric_params['u2'] for ground_truth_utility, predicted_utility in zip(ground_truth_utilities, predicted_utilities): utility_score = get_utility_score(ground_truth_utility, predicted_utility) flag_score = get_flag_score(ground_truth_utility, predicted_utility) flag_score_normed = (u1 + u2 * flag_score) / (u1 + u2) prediction_score = predicted_confidence * ( (utility_score * flag_score_normed) - (1 - utility_score)) score.append(prediction_score) score_mean = 0.0 if len(score) == 0 else np.mean(score) return score_mean
def update_graph(cmd, graph): parsed = data_tools.bash_parser(cmd) child = parsed.children[0] if not isinstance(child, bashlint.nast.PipelineNode): return prev_name = "" for c in child.children: if c.is_utility(): cur_name = c.value else: cur_name = "" if prev_name and cur_name: graph[prev_name].add(cur_name) prev_name = cur_name
def add_utilities(cmd, counter): def get_utilities_fun(node): utilities = [] if node.is_utility(): utilities.append(node.value) for child in node.children: utilities.extend(get_utilities_fun(child)) elif not node.is_argument(): for child in node.children: utilities.extend(get_utilities_fun(child)) return utilities parsed = data_tools.bash_parser(cmd) utils = get_utilities_fun(parsed) counter.update(utils)
def compute_flag_stats(): input_file = sys.argv[1] train_file = sys.argv[2] u_hist = collections.defaultdict(int) with open(input_file) as f: for cmd in f: ast = data_tools.bash_parser(cmd, verbose=False) for u in data_tools.get_utilities(ast): if u in bash.BLACK_LIST or u in bash.GREY_LIST: continue u_hist[u] += 1 sorted_u_by_freq = sorted(u_hist.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) most_frequent_10 = [u for u, _ in sorted_u_by_freq[:10]] least_frequent_10 = [u for u, _ in sorted_u_by_freq[-10:]] most_frequent_10_flags = collections.defaultdict(set) least_frequent_10_flags = collections.defaultdict(set) with open(train_file) as f: for cmd in f: tokens = data_tools.bash_tokenizer(cmd, loose_constraints=True, with_flag_head=True) for token in tokens: if '@@' in token: u, f = token.split('@@') if u in most_frequent_10: most_frequent_10_flags[u].add(f) if u in least_frequent_10: least_frequent_10_flags[u].add(f) for u in most_frequent_10: if u in most_frequent_10_flags: print(u, data_tools.get_utility_statistics(u), len(most_frequent_10_flags[u])) else: print(u, data_tools.get_utility_statistics(u), 0) print() for u in least_frequent_10: if u in least_frequent_10_flags: print(u, data_tools.get_utility_statistics(u), len(least_frequent_10_flags[u])) else: print(u, data_tools.get_utility_statistics(u), 0)
def gen_non_specific_description_check_csv(data_dir): with open(os.path.join(data_dir, '')) as f: nl_list = [nl.strip() for nl in f.readlines()] with open(os.path.join(data_dir, '')) as f: cm_list = [cm.strip() for cm in f.readlines()] assert (len(nl_list) == len(cm_list)) with open('annotation_check_sheet.non.specific.csv', 'w') as o_f: o_f.write('Utility,Command,Description\n') for nl, cm in zip(nl_list, cm_list): if ' specific ' in nl or ' a file ' in nl or ' a folder ' in nl \ or ' a directory ' in nl or ' some ' in nl \ or ' a pattern ' in nl or ' a string ' in nl: ast = data_tools.bash_parser(cm) if ast: o_f.write(',"{}","{}"\n'.format(cm.replace('"', '""'), nl.replace('"', '""'))) o_f.write(',,<Type a new description here>\n')
def u_hist_to_radar_chart(): input_file = sys.argv[1] u_hist = collections.defaultdict(int) with open(input_file) as f: for cmd in f: ast = data_tools.bash_parser(cmd, verbose=False) for u in data_tools.get_utilities(ast): if u in bash.BLACK_LIST or u in bash.GREY_LIST: continue u_hist[u] += 1 selected_utilities = [] for i, (u, freq) in enumerate( sorted(u_hist.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)): if i >= 50: print('{{axis:"{}",value:{:.2f}}},'.format(u, freq)) selected_utilities.append(u) print()
def load_commands_in_url(stackoverflow_dump_path): url_prefix = '' with sqlite3.connect(stackoverflow_dump_path, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES) as db: for url in URL.objects.all(): # url = URL.objects.get(str='') url.commands.clear() print(url.str) for answer_body, in db.cursor().execute(""" SELECT answers.Body FROM answers WHERE answers.ParentId = ?""", (url.str[len(url_prefix):],)): url.html_content = answer_body for code_block in extract_code(url.html_content): for cmd in extract_oneliners_from_code(code_block): ast = data_tools.bash_parser(cmd) if ast: command = get_command(cmd) print('extracted: {}'.format(cmd)) url.commands.add(command)
def stable_slot_filling(template_tokens, sc_fillers, tg_slots, pointer_targets, encoder_outputs, decoder_outputs, slot_filling_classifier, verbose=False): """ Fills the argument slots using learnt local alignment scores and a greedy global alignment algorithm (stable marriage). :param template_tokens: list of tokens in the command template :param sc_fillers: the slot fillers extracted from the source sequence, indexed by token id :param tg_slots: the argument slots in the command template, indexed by token id :param pointer_targets: [encoder_length, decoder_length], local alignment scores between source and target tokens :param encoder_outputs: [encoder_length, dim] sequence of encoder hidden states :param decoder_outputs: [decoder_length, dim] sequence of decoder hidden states :param slot_filling_classifier: the classifier that produces the local alignment scores :param verbose: print all local alignment scores if set to true """ # Step a): prepare (binary) type alignment matrix based on type info M = np.zeros([len(encoder_outputs), len(decoder_outputs)], dtype=np.int32) for f in sc_fillers: assert (f <= len(encoder_outputs)) surface, filler_type = sc_fillers[f] matched = False for s in tg_slots: assert (s <= len(decoder_outputs)) slot_value, slot_type = tg_slots[s] if slot_filler_type_match(slot_type, filler_type): M[f, s] = 1 matched = True if not matched: # If no target slot can hold a source filler, skip the alignment # step and return None return None, None, None # Step b): compute local alignment scores if they are not provided already if pointer_targets is None: assert (encoder_outputs is not None) assert (decoder_outputs is not None) assert (slot_filling_classifier is not None) pointer_targets = np.zeros( [len(encoder_outputs), len(decoder_outputs)]) for f in xrange(M.shape[0]): if np.sum(M[f]) > 1: X = [] # use reversed index for the encoder embeddings matrix ff = len(encoder_outputs) - f - 1 cm_slots_keys = list(tg_slots.keys()) for s in cm_slots_keys: X.append( np.concatenate([ encoder_outputs[ff:ff + 1], decoder_outputs[s:s + 1] ], axis=1)) X = np.concatenate(X, axis=0) X = X / norm(X, axis=1)[:, None] raw_scores = slot_filling_classifier.predict(X) for ii in xrange(len(raw_scores)): s = cm_slots_keys[ii] pointer_targets[f, s] = raw_scores[ii] if verbose: print('• alignment ({}, {}): {}\t{}\t{}'.format( f, s, sc_fillers[f], tg_slots[s], raw_scores[ii])) M = M + M * pointer_targets # convert M into a dictinary representation of a sparse matrix M_dict = collections.defaultdict(dict) for i in xrange(M.shape[0]): if np.sum(M[i]) > 0: for j in xrange(M.shape[1]): if M[i, j] > 0: M_dict[i][j] = M[i, j] mappings, remained_fillers = stable_marriage_alignment(M_dict) if not remained_fillers: for f, s in mappings: template_tokens[s] = get_fill_in_value(tg_slots[s], sc_fillers[f]) cmd = ' '.join(template_tokens) tree = data_tools.bash_parser(cmd) if not tree is None: data_tools.fill_default_value(tree) temp = data_tools.ast2command(tree, loose_constraints=True, ignore_flag_order=False) else: tree, temp = None, None return tree, temp, mappings
def clean_cmd(cmd): cmd = _clean_cmd(bash_parser(cmd)).replace('::;', '').replace('::+', '') cmd = cmd.strip() cmd = re.sub('\s+', ' ', cmd) return cmd
def get_manual_evaluation_metrics(grouped_dataset, prediction_list, FLAGS, num_examples=-1, interactive=True, verbose=True): if len(grouped_dataset) != len(prediction_list): raise ValueError("ground truth and predictions length must be equal: " "{} vs. {}".format(len(grouped_dataset), len(prediction_list))) # Get dev set samples (fixed) random.seed(100) example_ids = list(range(len(grouped_dataset))) random.shuffle(example_ids) if num_examples > 0: sample_ids = example_ids[:num_examples] else: sample_ids = example_ids # Load cached evaluation results structure_eval_cache, command_eval_cache = \ load_cached_evaluations( os.path.join(FLAGS.data_dir, 'manual_judgements'), verbose=True) eval_bash = FLAGS.dataset.startswith("bash") cmd_parser = data_tools.bash_parser if eval_bash \ else data_tools.paren_parser # Interactive manual evaluation num_t_top_1_correct = 0.0 num_f_top_1_correct = 0.0 num_t_top_3_correct = 0.0 num_f_top_3_correct = 0.0 for exam_id, example_id in enumerate(sample_ids): data_group = grouped_dataset[example_id][1] sc_txt = data_group[0].sc_txt.strip() sc_key = get_example_nl_key(sc_txt) command_gts = [dp.tg_txt for dp in data_group] command_gt_asts = [data_tools.bash_parser(gt) for gt in command_gts] predictions = prediction_list[example_id] top_3_s_correct_marked = False top_3_f_correct_marked = False for i in xrange(min(3, len(predictions))): pred_cmd = predictions[i] pred_ast = cmd_parser(pred_cmd) pred_temp = data_tools.ast2template(pred_ast, loose_constraints=True) temp_match = tree_dist.one_match(command_gt_asts, pred_ast, ignore_arg_value=True) str_match = tree_dist.one_match(command_gt_asts, pred_ast, ignore_arg_value=False) # Match ground truths & exisitng judgements command_example_key = '{}<NL_PREDICTION>{}'.format( sc_key, pred_cmd) structure_example_key = '{}<NL_PREDICTION>{}'.format( sc_key, pred_temp) command_eval, structure_eval = '', '' if str_match: command_eval = 'y' structure_eval = 'y' elif temp_match: structure_eval = 'y' if command_eval_cache and command_example_key in command_eval_cache: command_eval = command_eval_cache[command_example_key] if structure_eval_cache and structure_example_key in structure_eval_cache: structure_eval = structure_eval_cache[structure_example_key] # Prompt for new judgements if command_eval != 'y': if structure_eval == 'y': if not command_eval and interactive: print('#{}. {}'.format(exam_id, sc_txt)) for j, gt in enumerate(command_gts): print('- GT{}: {}'.format(j, gt)) print('> {}'.format(pred_cmd)) command_eval = input('CORRECT COMMAND? [y/reason] ') add_judgement(FLAGS.data_dir, sc_txt, pred_cmd, structure_eval, command_eval) print() else: if not structure_eval and interactive: print('#{}. {}'.format(exam_id, sc_txt)) for j, gt in enumerate(command_gts): print('- GT{}: {}'.format(j, gt)) print('> {}'.format(pred_cmd)) structure_eval = input( 'CORRECT STRUCTURE? [y/reason] ') if structure_eval == 'y': command_eval = input( 'CORRECT COMMAND? [y/reason] ') add_judgement(FLAGS.data_dir, sc_txt, pred_cmd, structure_eval, command_eval) print() structure_eval_cache[structure_example_key] = structure_eval command_eval_cache[command_example_key] = command_eval if structure_eval == 'y': if i == 0: num_t_top_1_correct += 1 if not top_3_s_correct_marked: num_t_top_3_correct += 1 top_3_s_correct_marked = True if command_eval == 'y': if i == 0: num_f_top_1_correct += 1 if not top_3_f_correct_marked: num_f_top_3_correct += 1 top_3_f_correct_marked = True metrics = {} acc_f_1 = num_f_top_1_correct / len(sample_ids) acc_f_3 = num_f_top_3_correct / len(sample_ids) acc_t_1 = num_t_top_1_correct / len(sample_ids) acc_t_3 = num_t_top_3_correct / len(sample_ids) metrics['acc_f'] = [acc_f_1, acc_f_3] metrics['acc_t'] = [acc_t_1, acc_t_3] if verbose: print('{} examples evaluated'.format(len(sample_ids))) print('Top 1 Command Acc = {:.3f}'.format(acc_f_1)) print('Top 3 Command Acc = {:.3f}'.format(acc_f_3)) print('Top 1 Template Acc = {:.3f}'.format(acc_t_1)) print('Top 3 Template Acc = {:.3f}'.format(acc_t_3)) return metrics
def translate(request, ip_address): template = loader.get_template('translator/translate.html') if request.method == 'POST': request_str = request.POST.get('request_str') else: request_str = request.GET.get('request_str') if not request_str or not request_str.strip(): return redirect('/') while request_str.endswith('/'): request_str = request_str[:-1] # check if the natural language request is in the database nl = get_nl(request_str) trans_list = [] annotated_trans_list = [] if CACHE_TRANSLATIONS and \ Translation.objects.filter(nl=nl).exists(): # model translations exist cached_trans = Translation.objects.filter(nl=nl).order_by('score') count = 0 for trans in cached_trans: pred_tree = data_tools.bash_parser(trans.pred_cmd.str) if pred_tree is not None: trans_list.append(trans) annotated_trans_list.append(tokens2html(pred_tree)) count += 1 if count >= NUM_TRANSLATIONS: break # check if the user is in the database try: user = User.objects.get(ip_address=ip_address) except ObjectDoesNotExist: if ip_address == '123.456.789.012': organization = '' city = '--' region = '--' country = '--' else: r = requests.get('{}/json'.format(ip_address)) organization = '' if r.json()['org'] is None else r.json()['org'] city = '--' if r.json()['city'] is None else r.json()['city'] region = '--' if r.json()['region'] is None else r.json()['region'] country = '--' if r.json()['country'] is None else r.json( )['country'] user = User.objects.create(ip_address=ip_address, organization=organization, city=city, region=region, country=country) # save the natural language request issued by this IP Address nl_request = NLRequest.objects.create(nl=nl, user=user) if not trans_list: if not WEBSITE_DEVELOP: # call learning model and store the translations batch_outputs, output_logits = translate_fun(request_str) if batch_outputs: top_k_predictions = batch_outputs[0] top_k_scores = output_logits[0] for i in range(len(top_k_predictions)): pred_tree, pred_cmd = top_k_predictions[i] score = top_k_scores[i] cmd = get_command(pred_cmd) trans_set = Translation.objects.filter(nl=nl, pred_cmd=cmd) if not trans_set.exists(): trans = Translation.objects.create(nl=nl, pred_cmd=cmd, score=score) else: for trans in trans_set: break trans.score = score trans_list.append(trans) start_time = time.time() annotated_trans_list.append(tokens2html(pred_tree)) print(time.time() - start_time) start_time = time.time() translation_list = [] for trans, annotated_cmd in zip(trans_list, annotated_trans_list): upvoted, downvoted, starred = "", "", "" if Vote.objects.filter(translation=trans, ip_address=ip_address).exists(): v = Vote.objects.get(translation=trans, ip_address=ip_address) upvoted = 1 if v.upvoted else "" downvoted = 1 if v.downvoted else "" starred = 1 if v.starred else "" translation_list.append( (trans, upvoted, downvoted, starred, trans.pred_cmd.str.replace('\\', '\\\\'), annotated_cmd)) # sort translation_list based on voting results translation_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[0].num_votes + x[0].score, reverse=True) context = {'nl_request': nl_request, 'trans_list': translation_list} return HttpResponse(template.render(context, request))
def cmd2html(cmd_str): """ A wrapper for the function ast2html (see below) that takes in a cmd string and translate into a html string with highlinghting. """ return " ".join(ast2html(data_tools.bash_parser(cmd_str)))
def decode(encoder_full_inputs, model_outputs, FLAGS, vocabs, sc_fillers=None, slot_filling_classifier=None): """ Transform the neural network output into readable strings and apply output filtering (if any). :param encoder_inputs: :param model_outputs: :param FLAGS: :param vocabs: :param sc_fillers: :param slot_filling_classifier: :return batch_outputs: nested list of (target_ast, target) tuples - target_ast is a python tree object for target languages that we know how to parse and a dummy string for those we don't - target is the output string """ rev_sc_vocab = vocabs.rev_sc_vocab rev_tg_vocab = vocabs.rev_tg_vocab rev_sc_char_vocab = vocabs.rev_sc_char_vocab rev_tg_char_vocab = vocabs.rev_tg_char_vocab encoder_outputs = model_outputs.encoder_hidden_states decoder_outputs = model_outputs.decoder_hidden_states # print("encoder_outputs.shape = {}".format(encoder_outputs.shape)) # print("decoder_outputs.shape = {}".format(decoder_outputs.shape)) if FLAGS.fill_argument_slots: assert (sc_fillers is not None) assert (slot_filling_classifier is not None) assert (encoder_outputs is not None) assert (decoder_outputs is not None) output_symbols = model_outputs.output_symbols batch_size = len(output_symbols) batch_outputs = [] num_output_examples = 0 # Prepare copied indices if the model is trained with explicit copy # alignments. if FLAGS.use_copy and FLAGS.copy_fun == 'supervised': pointers = model_outputs.pointers sc_length = pointers.shape[1] tg_length = pointers.shape[2] if FLAGS.token_decoding_algorithm == 'greedy': batch_pointers = np.reshape(pointers, [batch_size, 1, sc_length, tg_length]) else: batch_pointers = np.reshape( pointers, [batch_size, FLAGS.beam_size, sc_length, tg_length]) for batch_id in xrange(batch_size): def as_str(output, r_sc_vocab, r_tg_vocab): if output < FLAGS.tg_vocab_size: token = r_tg_vocab[output] else: if FLAGS.use_copy and FLAGS.copy_fun == 'copynet': token = r_sc_vocab[encoder_full_inputs[ len(encoder_full_inputs) - 1 - (output - FLAGS.tg_vocab_size)][batch_id]] else: return data_utils._UNK return token top_k_predictions = output_symbols[batch_id] if FLAGS.token_decoding_algorithm == 'beam_search': assert (len(top_k_predictions) == FLAGS.beam_size) beam_outputs = [] else: # pack greedy decoding results into size-1 beam top_k_predictions = [top_k_predictions] for beam_id in xrange(len(top_k_predictions)): # Step 1: transform the neural network output into readable strings prediction = top_k_predictions[beam_id] outputs = [int(pred) for pred in prediction] # If there is an EOS symbol in outputs, cut them at that point. if data_utils.EOS_ID in outputs: outputs = outputs[:outputs.index(data_utils.EOS_ID)] if FLAGS.char: target = ''.join([ as_str(output, rev_sc_char_vocab, rev_tg_char_vocab) for output in outputs ]).replace(constants._SPACE, ' ') else: output_tokens = [] tg_slots = {} for token_id in xrange(len(outputs)): output = outputs[token_id] pred_token = as_str(output, rev_sc_vocab, rev_tg_vocab) if pred_token.startswith('__ARG__'): pred_token = pred_token[len('__ARG__'):] if '@@' in pred_token: pred_token = pred_token.split('@@')[-1] # process argument slots if pred_token in constants._ENTITIES: if token_id > 0 and slot_filling.is_min_flag( rev_tg_vocab[outputs[token_id - 1]]): pred_token_type = 'Timespan' else: pred_token_type = pred_token tg_slots[token_id] = (pred_token, pred_token_type) output_tokens.append(pred_token) if FLAGS.partial_token: # process partial-token outputs merged_output_tokens = [] buffer = '' load_buffer = False for token in output_tokens: if load_buffer: if token == data_utils._ARG_END: merged_output_tokens.append(buffer) load_buffer = False buffer = '' else: buffer += token else: if token == data_utils._ARG_START: load_buffer = True else: merged_output_tokens.append(token) output_tokens = merged_output_tokens target = ' '.join(output_tokens) # Step 2: check if the predicted command template is grammatical if FLAGS.grammatical_only and not FLAGS.explain: if FLAGS.dataset.startswith('bash'): target = re.sub('( ;\s+)|( ;$)', ' \\; ', target) target_ast = data_tools.bash_parser(target) elif FLAGS.dataset.startswith('regex'): # TODO: check if a predicted regular expression is legal target_ast = '__DUMMY_TREE__' else: target_ast = data_tools.paren_parser(target) # filter out non-grammatical output if target_ast is None: continue else: target_ast = '__DUMMY_TREE__' # Step 3: check if the predicted command templates have enough # slots to hold the fillers (to rule out templates that are # trivially unqualified) output_example = False if FLAGS.explain or not FLAGS.dataset.startswith('bash') \ or not FLAGS.normalized: output_example = True else: # Step 3: match the fillers to the argument slots batch_sc_fillers = sc_fillers[batch_id] if len(tg_slots) >= len(batch_sc_fillers): if FLAGS.use_copy and FLAGS.copy_fun == 'supervised': target_ast, target, _ = slot_filling.stable_slot_filling( output_tokens, batch_sc_fillers, tg_slots, batch_pointers[batch_id, beam_id, :, :], None, None, None, verbose=False) elif FLAGS.fill_argument_slots: target_ast, target, _ = slot_filling.stable_slot_filling( output_tokens, batch_sc_fillers, tg_slots, None, encoder_outputs[batch_id], decoder_outputs[batch_id * FLAGS.beam_size + beam_id], slot_filling_classifier, verbose=False) else: output_example = True if not output_example and (target_ast is not None): output_example = True if output_example: if FLAGS.token_decoding_algorithm == 'greedy': batch_outputs.append((target_ast, target)) else: beam_outputs.append((target_ast, target)) num_output_examples += 1 # The threshold is used to increase decoding speed if num_output_examples == 20: break if FLAGS.token_decoding_algorithm == 'beam_search': if beam_outputs: batch_outputs.append(beam_outputs) # Step 4: apply character decoding if FLAGS.tg_char: char_output_symbols = model_outputs.char_output_symbols sentence_length = char_output_symbols.shape[0] batch_char_outputs = [] batch_char_predictions = \ [np.transpose(np.reshape(x, [sentence_length, FLAGS.beam_size, FLAGS.max_tg_token_size + 1]),x (1, 0, 2)) for x in np.split(char_output_symbols, batch_size, 1)] for batch_id in xrange(len(batch_char_predictions)): beam_char_outputs = [] top_k_char_predictions = batch_char_predictions[batch_id] for k in xrange(len(top_k_char_predictions)): top_k_char_prediction = top_k_char_predictions[k] sent = [] for i in xrange(sentence_length): word = '' for j in xrange(FLAGS.max_tg_token_size): char_prediction = top_k_char_prediction[i, j] if char_prediction == data_utils.CEOS_ID or \ char_prediction == data_utils.CPAD_ID: break elif char_prediction in rev_tg_char_vocab: word += rev_tg_char_vocab[char_prediction] else: word += data_utils._CUNK sent.append(word) if data_utils._CATOM in sent: sent = sent[:sent[:].index(data_utils._CATOM)] beam_char_outputs.append(' '.join(sent)) batch_char_outputs.append(beam_char_outputs) return batch_outputs, batch_char_outputs else: return batch_outputs
def decode(model_outputs, FLAGS, vocabs, sc_fillers=None, slot_filling_classifier=None, copy_tokens=None): """ Transform the neural network output into readable strings and apply output filtering (if any). :param encoder_inputs: :param model_outputs: :param FLAGS: :param vocabs: :param sc_fillers: :param slot_filling_classifier: :return batch_outputs: nested list of (target_ast, target) tuples - target_ast is a python tree object for target languages that we know how to parse and a dummy string for those we don't - target is the output string """ rev_tg_vocab = vocabs.rev_tg_vocab encoder_outputs = model_outputs.encoder_hidden_states decoder_outputs = model_outputs.decoder_hidden_states if FLAGS.fill_argument_slots: assert(sc_fillers is not None) assert(slot_filling_classifier is not None) assert(encoder_outputs is not None) assert(decoder_outputs is not None) output_symbols = model_outputs.output_symbols batch_size = len(output_symbols) batch_outputs = [] num_output_examples = 0 for batch_id in xrange(batch_size): def as_str(output, r_tg_vocab): if output < FLAGS.tg_vocab_size: token = r_tg_vocab[output] else: if FLAGS.use_copy and FLAGS.copy_fun == 'copynet': source_id = output - FLAGS.tg_vocab_size if source_id >= 0 and source_id < len(copy_tokens[batch_id]): token = copy_tokens[batch_id][source_id] else: return data_utils._UNK else: return data_utils._UNK return token top_k_predictions = output_symbols[batch_id] if FLAGS.token_decoding_algorithm == 'beam_search': assert(len(top_k_predictions) == FLAGS.beam_size) beam_outputs = [] else: # pack greedy decoding results into size-1 beam top_k_predictions = [top_k_predictions] for beam_id in xrange(len(top_k_predictions)): # Step 1: transform the neural network output into readable strings prediction = top_k_predictions[beam_id] outputs = [int(pred) for pred in prediction] # If there is an EOS symbol in outputs, cut them at that point. if data_utils.EOS_ID in outputs: outputs = outputs[:outputs.index(data_utils.EOS_ID)] if data_utils.PAD_ID in outputs: outputs = outputs[:outputs.index(data_utils.PAD_ID)] output_tokens = [] tg_slots = {} for token_id in xrange(len(outputs)): output = outputs[token_id] pred_token = as_str(output, rev_tg_vocab) if data_tools.flag_suffix in pred_token: pred_token = pred_token.split(data_tools.flag_suffix)[0] # process argument slots if pred_token in bash.argument_types: if token_id > 0 and format_args.is_min_flag( rev_tg_vocab[outputs[token_id-1]]): pred_token_type = 'Timespan' else: pred_token_type = pred_token tg_slots[token_id] = (pred_token, pred_token_type) output_tokens.append(pred_token) if == 'partial.token': # process partial-token outputs merged_output_tokens = [] buffer = '' load_buffer = False for token in output_tokens: if load_buffer: if token == data_utils._ARG_END: merged_output_tokens.append(buffer) load_buffer = False buffer = '' else: buffer += token else: if token == data_utils._ARG_START: load_buffer = True else: merged_output_tokens.append(token) if buffer: merged_output_tokens.append(buffer) output_tokens = merged_output_tokens if == 'char': target = '' for char in output_tokens: if char == data_utils.constants._SPACE: target += ' ' else: target += char else: target = ' '.join(output_tokens) # Step 2: checvik if the predicted command template is grammatical if FLAGS.grammatical_only and not FLAGS.explain: if FLAGS.dataset.startswith('bash'): target = re.sub('( ;\s+)|( ;$)', ' \\; ', target) target_ast = data_tools.bash_parser(target, verbose=False) elif FLAGS.dataset.startswith('regex'): # TODO: check if a predicted regular expression is legal target_ast = '__DUMMY_TREE__' else: target_ast = data_tools.paren_parser(target) # filter out non-grammatical output if target_ast is None: continue else: target_ast = '__DUMMY_TREE__' # Step 3: check if the predicted command templates have enough # slots to hold the fillers (to rule out templates that are # trivially unqualified) output_example = False if FLAGS.explain or not FLAGS.dataset.startswith('bash') \ or not FLAGS.normalized: output_example = True else: # Step 3: match the fillers to the argument slots batch_sc_fillers = sc_fillers[batch_id] if len(tg_slots) >= len(batch_sc_fillers): if FLAGS.fill_argument_slots: target_ast, target, _ = slot_filling.stable_slot_filling( output_tokens, batch_sc_fillers, tg_slots, None, encoder_outputs[batch_id], decoder_outputs[batch_id*FLAGS.beam_size+beam_id], slot_filling_classifier, verbose=False) else: output_example = True if not output_example and (target_ast is not None): output_example = True if output_example: if FLAGS.token_decoding_algorithm == 'greedy': batch_outputs.append((target_ast, target)) else: beam_outputs.append((target_ast, target)) num_output_examples += 1 # The threshold is used to increase decoding speed if num_output_examples == 20: break if FLAGS.token_decoding_algorithm == 'beam_search': if beam_outputs: batch_outputs.append(beam_outputs) return batch_outputs
def decode_set(sess, model, dataset, top_k, FLAGS, verbose=False): """ Compute top-k predictions on the dev/test dataset and write the predictions to disk. :param sess: A TensorFlow session. :param model: Prediction model object. :param top_k: Number of top predictions to compute. :param FLAGS: Training/testing hyperparameter settings. :param verbose: If set, also print decoding results to screen. """ nl2bash = FLAGS.dataset.startswith('bash') and not FLAGS.explain tokenizer_selector = 'cm' if FLAGS.explain else 'nl' grouped_dataset = data_utils.group_parallel_data( dataset, okenizer_selector=tokenizer_selector) vocabs = data_utils.load_vocabulary(FLAGS) rev_sc_vocab = vocabs.rev_sc_vocab ts = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S') pred_file_path = os.path.join(model.model_dir, 'predictions.{}.{}'.format( model.decode_sig, ts)) pred_file = open(pred_file_path, 'w') eval_file_path = os.path.join(model.model_dir, 'predictions.{}.{}.csv'.format( model.decode_sig, ts)) eval_file = open(eval_file_path, 'w') eval_file.write('example_id, description, ground_truth, prediction, ' + 'correct template, correct command\n') for example_id in xrange(len(grouped_dataset)): key, data_group = grouped_dataset[example_id] sc_txt = data_group[0].sc_txt.strip() sc_tokens = [rev_sc_vocab[i] for i in data_group[0].sc_ids] if == 'char': sc_temp = ''.join(sc_tokens) sc_temp = sc_temp.replace(constants._SPACE, ' ') else: sc_temp = ' '.join(sc_tokens) tg_txts = [dp.tg_txt for dp in data_group] tg_asts = [data_tools.bash_parser(tg_txt) for tg_txt in tg_txts] if verbose: print('\nExample {}:'.format(example_id)) print('Original Source: {}'.format(sc_txt.encode('utf-8'))) print('Source: {}'.format(sc_temp.encode('utf-8'))) for j in xrange(len(data_group)): print('GT Target {}: {}'.format(j+1, data_group[j].tg_txt.encode('utf-8'))) if FLAGS.fill_argument_slots: slot_filling_classifier = get_slot_filling_classifer(FLAGS) batch_outputs, sequence_logits = translate_fun(data_group, sess, model, vocabs, FLAGS, slot_filling_classifier=slot_filling_classifier) else: batch_outputs, sequence_logits = translate_fun(data_group, sess, model, vocabs, FLAGS) if FLAGS.tg_char: batch_outputs, batch_char_outputs = batch_outputs eval_row = '{},"{}",'.format(example_id, sc_txt.replace('"', '""')) if batch_outputs: if FLAGS.token_decoding_algorithm == 'greedy': tree, pred_cmd = batch_outputs[0] if nl2bash: pred_cmd = data_tools.ast2command( tree, loose_constraints=True) score = sequence_logits[0] if verbose: print('Prediction: {} ({})'.format(pred_cmd, score)) pred_file.write('{}\n'.format(pred_cmd)) elif FLAGS.token_decoding_algorithm == 'beam_search': top_k_predictions = batch_outputs[0] if FLAGS.tg_char: top_k_char_predictions = batch_char_outputs[0] top_k_scores = sequence_logits[0] num_preds = min(FLAGS.beam_size, top_k, len(top_k_predictions)) for j in xrange(num_preds): if j > 0: eval_row = ',,' if j < len(tg_txts): eval_row += '"{}",'.format(tg_txts[j].strip().replace('"', '""')) else: eval_row += ',' top_k_pred_tree, top_k_pred_cmd = top_k_predictions[j] if nl2bash: pred_cmd = data_tools.ast2command( top_k_pred_tree, loose_constraints=True) else: pred_cmd = top_k_pred_cmd pred_file.write('{}|||'.format(pred_cmd.encode('utf-8'))) eval_row += '"{}",'.format(pred_cmd.replace('"', '""')) temp_match = tree_dist.one_match( tg_asts, top_k_pred_tree, ignore_arg_value=True) str_match = tree_dist.one_match( tg_asts, top_k_pred_tree, ignore_arg_value=False) if temp_match: eval_row += 'y,' if str_match: eval_row += 'y' eval_file.write('{}\n'.format(eval_row.encode('utf-8'))) if verbose: print('Prediction {}: {} ({})'.format( j+1, pred_cmd.encode('utf-8'), top_k_scores[j])) if FLAGS.tg_char: print('Character-based prediction {}: {}'.format( j+1, top_k_char_predictions[j].encode('utf-8'))) pred_file.write('\n') else: print(APOLOGY_MSG) pred_file.write('\n') eval_file.write('{}\n'.format(eval_row)) eval_file.write('\n') eval_file.write('\n') pred_file.close() eval_file.close() shutil.copyfile(pred_file_path, os.path.join(FLAGS.model_dir, 'predictions.{}.latest'.format(model.decode_sig))) shutil.copyfile(eval_file_path, os.path.join(FLAGS.model_dir, 'predictions.{}.latest.csv'.format(model.decode_sig)))