def data_from_image(im, classes, mask, limits=[0., 1.]): """ This function extracts the data from a image, based on the classes and a mask. Once the data is masked, a look-up-table is used to set values to the classes. """ import time N = int(basic.nonan(classes).max() + 1) # zero is a class... classes[mask] = np.nan classLimits = np.linspace(np.min(limits), np.max(limits), N) cmax = 2**np.round(np.log2(im.max())) imSingle = im[:, :, 0] * (cmax**0) + im[:, :, 1] * ( cmax**1) + im[:, :, 2] * (cmax**2.) data = np.zeros(imSingle.shape) t0 = 0 for k in xrange(N - 1): #for each class do a linear interpolation if np.any(classes == k): data[classes == k] = basic.rescale(imSingle[classes == k], classLimits[k:k + 2], quiet=True) if basic.progresstime(t0): basic.progress(k, N) t0 = time.time() data[mask] = np.nan return data
def onclick(event): P.figure(fh.number) P.clf() #ax = P.gca() #inv = ax.transData.inverted() #A=inv.transform((event.x, event.y)) #A[1][1])*array2d.shape[1])) #A[0][0])*array2d.shape[0])) try: y = np.round(event.xdata) except: return x = np.round(event.ydata) #ARRAY MAPPING IS first axis y(rows) and second axis is cols (x) if all(np.isnan(array3d[x, y, :])): #if there are no points to plot (all nan) then return return #Plot second scatter data. if array3d2 is not None: if isinstance(array3d2, list): if yerror3d is None: w = np.ones(array3d[x, y, :].shape) else: w = basic.rescale(1. / yerror3d[x, y, :], [1, 2]) markers = ['*', '+', 's', 'd', 'x', 'v', '<', '>', '^'] m = 0 for arr in array3d2: print("%d, %d, %d" % (x, y, m)) P.scatter(xScat, arr[x, y, :], marker=markers[m]) idx = ~(np.isnan(arr[x, y, :]) | np.isnan(array3d[x, y, :])) #c=insar.crosscorrelate(basic.nonan(w[idx]*arr[x, y,idx]),basic.nonan(w[idx]*array3d[x, y,idx])) slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = scipy.stats.linregress( basic.nonan(w[idx] * arr[x, y, idx]), basic.nonan(w[idx] * array3d[x, y, idx])) P.annotate(str("r2[%s]: %0.2f" % (markers[m], r_value)), (0, 0.9 - m * 0.05), xycoords='axes fraction') m = m + 1 else: if xerror3d2 is None: xerr = None else: xerr = xerror3d2[x, y, :] if yerror3d2 is None: yerr = None else: yerr = yerror3d2[x, y, :] P.errorbar(xScat, array3d2[x, y, :], xerr=xerr, yerr=yerr, marker='*', fmt='o') #Plot function result as scatter data. p = None if fn is not None: if fn == 'linear_amplitude_annual': dataMask = ~np.isnan(array3d[x, y, :]) p0 = np.array([1, 0, 0, basic.nonan(array3d[x, y, :]).mean()]) fitfun = lambda p: (p[0] + p[1] * xScat[dataMask] / 365. ) * np.cos(2 * np.pi * xScat[dataMask] / 365. + p[2]) + p[3] xScat2 = np.linspace(xScat.min(), xScat.max()) fitfun2 = lambda p: (p[0] + p[1] * xScat2 / 365.) * np.cos( 2 * np.pi * xScat2 / 365. + p[2]) + p[3] #errfun=lambda p: sum(abs(basic.nonan(array3d[x, y,:])-fitfun(p))); if yerror3d is None: w = np.ones(array3d[x, y, :].shape) else: w = basic.rescale(1. / yerror3d[x, y, :], [1, 2]) errfun = lambda p: basic.nonan(w * array3d[x, y, :]) - w[ dataMask] * fitfun(p) #p=scipy.optimize.fmin_powell(errfun, p0) p = scipy.optimize.leastsq(errfun, p0) p = p[0] P.scatter(xScat[dataMask], fitfun(p), marker='^') sortedxy = np.squeeze(np.dstack([xScat2, fitfun2(p)])) sortedxy = sortedxy[sortedxy[:, 0].argsort(), :] P.plot(sortedxy[:, 0], sortedxy[:, 1]) slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = scipy.stats.linregress( basic.nonan(w * array3d[x, y, :]), w[dataMask] * fitfun(p)) P.annotate( str("a0:%0.2f\na1:%0.2f\npha:%0.2f\nbias:%0.2f\nr2:%0.2f" % (p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], r_value**2.)), (0.8, 0.8), xycoords='axes fraction') elif fn == 'quadratic_amplitude_annual': dataMask = ~np.isnan(array3d[x, y, :]) p0 = np.array( [1, 0, 0, 0, basic.nonan(array3d[x, y, :]).mean()]) fitfun = lambda p: (p[0] + p[1] * xScat[dataMask] / 365. + p[ 2] * (xScat[dataMask] / 365.)**2.) * np.cos( 2 * np.pi * xScat[dataMask] / 365. + p[3]) + p[4] xScat2 = np.linspace(xScat.min(), xScat.max()) fitfun2 = lambda p: (p[0] + p[1] * xScat2 / 365. + p[2] * ( xScat2 / 365.)**2.) * np.cos(2 * np.pi * xScat2 / 365. + p[ 3]) + p[4] #errfun=lambda p: sum(abs(basic.nonan(array3d[x, y,:])-fitfun(p))); if yerror3d is None: w = np.ones(array3d[x, y, :].shape) else: w = basic.rescale(1. / yerror3d[x, y, :], [1, 2]) errfun = lambda p: basic.nonan(w * array3d[x, y, :]) - w[ dataMask] * fitfun(p) #p=scipy.optimize.fmin_powell(errfun, p0) p = scipy.optimize.leastsq(errfun, p0) p = p[0] P.scatter(xScat[dataMask], fitfun(p), marker='^') sortedxy = np.squeeze(np.dstack([xScat2, fitfun2(p)])) sortedxy = sortedxy[sortedxy[:, 0].argsort(), :] P.plot(sortedxy[:, 0], sortedxy[:, 1]) slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = scipy.stats.linregress( basic.nonan(w * array3d[x, y, :]), w[dataMask] * fitfun(p)) P.annotate(str( "a0:%0.2f\na1:%0.2f\na2:%0.2f\npha:%0.2f\nbias:%0.2f\nr2:%0.2f" % (p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], r_value**2.)), (0.8, 0.8), xycoords='axes fraction') elif fn == 'annual': dataMask = ~np.isnan(array3d[x, y, :]) p0 = np.array([1, 1, basic.nonan(array3d[x, y, :]).mean()]) fitfun = lambda p: p[0] * np.cos(2 * np.pi * xScat[dataMask] / 365. + p[1]) + p[2] xScat2 = np.linspace(xScat.min(), xScat.max()) fitfun2 = lambda p: p[0] * np.cos(2 * np.pi * xScat2 / 365. + p[1]) + p[2] #errfun=lambda p: sum(abs(basic.nonan(array3d[x, y,:])-fitfun(p))); if yerror3d is None: w = np.ones(array3d[x, y, :].shape) else: w = basic.rescale(1. / yerror3d[x, y, :], [1, 2]) errfun = lambda p: basic.nonan(w * array3d[x, y, :]) - w[ dataMask] * fitfun(p) #p=scipy.optimize.fmin_powell(errfun, p0) p = scipy.optimize.leastsq(errfun, p0) p = p[0] P.scatter(xScat[dataMask], fitfun(p), marker='^') sortedxy = np.squeeze(np.dstack([xScat2, fitfun2(p)])) sortedxy = sortedxy[sortedxy[:, 0].argsort(), :] P.plot(sortedxy[:, 0], sortedxy[:, 1]) slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = scipy.stats.linregress( basic.nonan(w * array3d[x, y, :]), w[dataMask] * fitfun(p)) P.annotate(str("amp:%0.2f\npha:%0.2f\nbias:%0.2f\nr2:%0.2f" % (p[0], p[1], p[2], r_value**2.)), (0.8, 0.8), xycoords='axes fraction') else: p = None P.scatter(xScat, fn(xScat), marker='^') #convert axis to date... if dateaxis: try: P.figure(fh.number).axes[0].xaxis_date(tz=None) P.figure(fh.number).autofmt_xdate() except: pass #change x y to xMap, yMap if yMap is not None: xM = ya * x + yb else: xM = x if xMap is not None: yM = xa * (y) + xb else: yM = y #x and y are flipped in the try/except block above. So Flip again. #if p is not None: # P.title("x,y,[]: " + str(yM) + ", " + str(xM) + ', ' + str(p) ) #else: P.title("x,y,z,z.std: " + str(yM) + ", " + str(xM) + ', ' + str(array2d[x, y]) + ', ' + str(np.std(basic.nonan(array3d[x, y, :])))) # rotate and align the tick labels so they look better #P.figure(fh.number).autofmt_xdate() # use a more precise date string for the x axis locations in the # toolbar #P.gca().fmt_xdata = mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d') if xerror3d is None: xerr = None else: xerr = xerror3d[x, y, :] if yerror3d is None: yerr = None else: yerr = yerror3d[x, y, :] if modelError: yerr = yerror3d[x, y, :] yerr[dataMask] = errfun(p) P.errorbar(xScat, array3d[x, y, :], xerr=xerr, yerr=yerr, fmt='ro') if ylimScat is not None: P.ylim(ylimScat)
def onclick(event): P.figure(fh.number); P.clf(); #ax = P.gca() #inv = ax.transData.inverted() #A=inv.transform((event.x, event.y)) #A[1][1])*array2d.shape[1])) #A[0][0])*array2d.shape[0])) try: y=np.round(event.xdata); except: return x=np.round(event.ydata); #ARRAY MAPPING IS first axis y(rows) and second axis is cols (x) if all(np.isnan(array3d[x, y,:])): #if there are no points to plot (all nan) then return return #Plot second scatter data. if array3d2 is not None: if isinstance(array3d2, list): if yerror3d is None: w=np.ones(array3d[x, y,:].shape); else: w=basic.rescale(1./yerror3d[x,y,:], [1,2]) markers=['*','+','s','d','x','v','<','>','^'] m=0; for arr in array3d2: print ("%d, %d, %d" % (x,y,m)) P.scatter(xScat, arr[x, y,:], marker=markers[m]); idx=~( np.isnan(arr[x, y,:]) | np.isnan(array3d[x, y,:])) #c=insar.crosscorrelate(basic.nonan(w[idx]*arr[x, y,idx]),basic.nonan(w[idx]*array3d[x, y,idx])) slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = scipy.stats.linregress(basic.nonan(w[idx]*arr[x, y,idx]), basic.nonan(w[idx]*array3d[x, y,idx])) P.annotate(str("r2[%s]: %0.2f" % (markers[m],r_value)), (0,0.9-m*0.05), xycoords='axes fraction') m=m+1; else: if xerror3d2 is None: xerr=None; else: xerr=xerror3d2[x,y,:] if yerror3d2 is None: yerr=None; else: yerr=yerror3d2[x, y,:] P.errorbar(xScat,array3d2[x, y,:], xerr=xerr, yerr=yerr, marker='*', fmt='o'); #Plot function result as scatter data. p=None if fn is not None: if fn=='linear_amplitude_annual': dataMask=~np.isnan(array3d[x, y,:]) p0=np.array([1,0,0,basic.nonan(array3d[x, y,:]).mean() ]) fitfun=lambda p: (p[0]+p[1]*xScat[dataMask]/365. )* np.cos(2*np.pi*xScat[dataMask]/365.+p[2]) + p[3] xScat2=np.linspace(xScat.min(),xScat.max()) fitfun2=lambda p: (p[0]+p[1]*xScat2/365.) * np.cos(2*np.pi*xScat2/365.+p[2]) + p[3] #errfun=lambda p: sum(abs(basic.nonan(array3d[x, y,:])-fitfun(p))); if yerror3d is None: w=np.ones(array3d[x, y,:].shape); else: w=basic.rescale(1./yerror3d[x,y,:], [1,2]) errfun=lambda p: basic.nonan(w*array3d[x, y,:])-w[dataMask]*fitfun(p); #p=scipy.optimize.fmin_powell(errfun, p0) p=scipy.optimize.leastsq(errfun, p0); p=p[0]; P.scatter(xScat[dataMask], fitfun(p), marker='^'); sortedxy= np.squeeze(np.dstack([xScat2, fitfun2(p)])); sortedxy=sortedxy[sortedxy[:,0].argsort(),:] P.plot(sortedxy[:,0], sortedxy[:,1]); slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = scipy.stats.linregress(basic.nonan(w*array3d[x, y,:]),w[dataMask]*fitfun(p)) P.annotate(str("a0:%0.2f\na1:%0.2f\npha:%0.2f\nbias:%0.2f\nr2:%0.2f" % (p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], r_value**2.)), (0.8,0.8), xycoords='axes fraction') elif fn=='quadratic_amplitude_annual': dataMask=~np.isnan(array3d[x, y,:]) p0=np.array([1,0,0,0,basic.nonan(array3d[x, y,:]).mean() ]) fitfun=lambda p: (p[0]+p[1]*xScat[dataMask]/365.+p[2]*(xScat[dataMask]/365.)**2. )* np.cos(2*np.pi*xScat[dataMask]/365.+p[3]) + p[4] xScat2=np.linspace(xScat.min(),xScat.max()) fitfun2=lambda p: (p[0]+p[1]*xScat2/365.+p[2]*(xScat2/365.)**2.) * np.cos(2*np.pi*xScat2/365.+p[3]) + p[4] #errfun=lambda p: sum(abs(basic.nonan(array3d[x, y,:])-fitfun(p))); if yerror3d is None: w=np.ones(array3d[x, y,:].shape); else: w=basic.rescale(1./yerror3d[x,y,:], [1,2]) errfun=lambda p: basic.nonan(w*array3d[x, y,:])-w[dataMask]*fitfun(p); #p=scipy.optimize.fmin_powell(errfun, p0) p=scipy.optimize.leastsq(errfun, p0); p=p[0]; P.scatter(xScat[dataMask], fitfun(p), marker='^'); sortedxy= np.squeeze(np.dstack([xScat2, fitfun2(p)])); sortedxy=sortedxy[sortedxy[:,0].argsort(),:] P.plot(sortedxy[:,0], sortedxy[:,1]); slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = scipy.stats.linregress(basic.nonan(w*array3d[x, y,:]),w[dataMask]*fitfun(p)) P.annotate(str("a0:%0.2f\na1:%0.2f\na2:%0.2f\npha:%0.2f\nbias:%0.2f\nr2:%0.2f" % (p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], r_value**2.)), (0.8,0.8), xycoords='axes fraction') elif fn=='annual': dataMask=~np.isnan(array3d[x, y,:]) p0=np.array([1,1,basic.nonan(array3d[x, y,:]).mean() ]) fitfun=lambda p: p[0]* np.cos(2*np.pi*xScat[dataMask]/365.+p[1]) + p[2] xScat2=np.linspace(xScat.min(),xScat.max()) fitfun2=lambda p: p[0]* np.cos(2*np.pi*xScat2/365.+p[1]) + p[2] #errfun=lambda p: sum(abs(basic.nonan(array3d[x, y,:])-fitfun(p))); if yerror3d is None: w=np.ones(array3d[x, y,:].shape); else: w=basic.rescale(1./yerror3d[x,y,:], [1,2]) errfun=lambda p: basic.nonan(w*array3d[x, y,:])-w[dataMask]*fitfun(p); #p=scipy.optimize.fmin_powell(errfun, p0) p=scipy.optimize.leastsq(errfun, p0); p=p[0]; P.scatter(xScat[dataMask], fitfun(p), marker='^'); sortedxy= np.squeeze(np.dstack([xScat2, fitfun2(p)])); sortedxy=sortedxy[sortedxy[:,0].argsort(),:] P.plot(sortedxy[:,0], sortedxy[:,1]); slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = scipy.stats.linregress(basic.nonan(w*array3d[x, y,:]),w[dataMask]*fitfun(p)) P.annotate(str("amp:%0.2f\npha:%0.2f\nbias:%0.2f\nr2:%0.2f" % (p[0], p[1], p[2], r_value**2.)), (0.8,0.8), xycoords='axes fraction') else: p=None P.scatter(xScat, fn(xScat), marker='^'); #convert axis to date... if dateaxis: try: P.figure(fh.number).axes[0].xaxis_date(tz=None) P.figure(fh.number).autofmt_xdate() except: pass #change x y to xMap, yMap if yMap is not None: xM=ya*x+yb; else: xM=x; if xMap is not None: yM=xa*(y)+xb; else: yM=y; #x and y are flipped in the try/except block above. So Flip again. #if p is not None: # P.title("x,y,[]: " + str(yM) + ", " + str(xM) + ', ' + str(p) ) #else: P.title("x,y,z,z.std: " + str(yM) + ", " + str(xM) + ', ' + str(array2d[x,y]) +', ' + str(np.std(basic.nonan(array3d[x, y,:]))) ) # rotate and align the tick labels so they look better #P.figure(fh.number).autofmt_xdate() # use a more precise date string for the x axis locations in the # toolbar #P.gca().fmt_xdata = mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d') if xerror3d is None: xerr=None; else: xerr=xerror3d[x,y,:] if yerror3d is None: yerr=None; else: yerr=yerror3d[x, y,:] if modelError: yerr=yerror3d[x, y,:] yerr[dataMask]=errfun(p) P.errorbar(xScat,array3d[x, y,:], xerr=xerr, yerr=yerr, fmt='ro'); if ylimScat is not None: P.ylim(ylimScat);
import cv2 import carve, basic, merg if __name__ == '__main__': img = cv2.imread('testdata/p1.jpg') overlay = carve.circular(img) overlay = basic.rescale(overlay, 0.1) frame = basic.rescale(cv2.imread('testdata/p1.jpg'), .3) output =, frame, 570, 100) basic.imshow(output)
def writeCSV(ary, filename='kgiAlos.tif', rescale=None, dataformat="%f", lon=None, lat=None, nodata=None, grid=False, srs_proj4='+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs'): '''writeAny(ary, geoTransform, format="GTiff", filename='kgiAlos.tif', rescale=None, format=gdal.GDT_Float64 ,lon=None, lat=None): ary: 2D array. geoTransform: [top left x, w-e pixel resolution, rotation, top left y, rotation, n-s pixel resolution] format: "GTiff" rescale: [min max]: If given rescale ary values between min and max. If lon lat is specified set coord to None ''' if coord is None: import scipy import scipy.linalg s = [sk / 10 for sk in ary.shape] ary10 = ary[::s[0], ::s[1]] lon10 = lon[::s[0], ::s[1]] lat10 = lat[::s[0], ::s[1]] #P.figure() #P.scatter(lon10.ravel(), lat10.ravel(), 5, ary10.ravel(), edgecolors='none') A = N.ones([N.multiply(*ary10.shape), 3]) line, pixel = N.meshgrid(N.r_[0:ary.shape[0]:s[0]], N.r_[0:ary.shape[1]:s[1]]) A[:, 1] = pixel.ravel() A[:, 2] = line.ravel() xlon =, lon10.ravel()) xlat =, lat10.ravel()) ##check flip flop #if xlon[1]<0: #flip lr # ary=N.fliplr(ary) # #if xlat[2]>0: #flip ud # ary=N.flipud(ary) coord = [xlon[0], xlon[2], xlon[1], xlat[0], xlat[2], xlat[1]] print coord #x=lon[0,0] #y=lat[0,0] #dx=lon[0,1]-lon[0,0] #dy=lat[1,0]-lat[0,0] #xrot=0. #yrot=0. #coord=[x,dx, xrot, y,yrot, dy] if grid: import scipy.interpolate LON, LAT = N.meshgrid(N.r_[lon.min():lon.max():abs(coord[1])], N.r_[lat.max():lat.min():-abs(coord[5])]) #ary=P.griddata(lon.ravel(),lat.ravel(),ary.ravel(),LON,LAT); ary = scipy.interpolate.griddata(N.array( [lon.ravel(), lat.ravel()]).T, ary.ravel(), (LON, LAT), method='cubic') coord = [ LON[0, 0], abs(coord[1]), 0, LAT[0, 0], 0, -abs(coord[5]) ] print coord if rescale: import basic ary = basic.rescale(ary, rescale) # data exists in 'ary' with values range 0 - 255 # Uncomment next line if ary[0][0] is upper-left corner #ary = numpy.flipup(ary) Ny, Nx = ary.shape item_length = Ny * Nx import csv lol = [lon.ravel(), lat.ravel(), ary.ravel()] with open(filename, 'wb') as test_file: file_writer = csv.writer(test_file) for i in range(item_length): file_writer.writerow([x[i] for x in lol]) print "File written to: " + filename
def writeTiff(ary, coord, filename='kgiAlos.tif', rescale=None, dataformat=gdal.GDT_Float64, lon=None, lat=None, nodata=None, grid=None, srs_proj4='+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs'): '''writeTiff(ary, geoTransform, filename='kgiAlos.tif', rescale=None, format=gdal.GDT_Float64 ,lon=None, lat=None): ary: 2D array. geoTransform: [top left x, w-e pixel resolution, rotation, top left y, rotation, n-s pixel resolution] rescale: [min max]: If given rescale ary values between min and max. grid: Gridding (interpolation) method None, 'nearest', 'linear', or 'cubic'. Default None. If lon lat is specified set coord to None ''' if coord is None: import scipy import scipy.linalg s = [sk / 10 for sk in ary.shape] ary10 = ary[::s[0], ::s[1]] lon10 = lon[::s[0], ::s[1]] lat10 = lat[::s[0], ::s[1]] #P.figure() #P.scatter(lon10.ravel(), lat10.ravel(), 5, ary10.ravel(), edgecolors='none') A = N.ones([N.multiply(*ary10.shape), 3]) line, pixel = N.meshgrid(N.r_[0:ary.shape[0]:s[0]], N.r_[0:ary.shape[1]:s[1]]) A[:, 1] = pixel.ravel() A[:, 2] = line.ravel() xlon =, lon10.ravel()) xlat =, lat10.ravel()) ##check flip flop #if xlon[1]<0: #flip lr # ary=N.fliplr(ary) # #if xlat[2]>0: #flip ud # ary=N.flipud(ary) coord = [xlon[0], xlon[2], xlon[1], xlat[0], xlat[2], xlat[1]] print coord #x=lon[0,0] #y=lat[0,0] #dx=lon[0,1]-lon[0,0] #dy=lat[1,0]-lat[0,0] #xrot=0. #yrot=0. #coord=[x,dx, xrot, y,yrot, dy] if grid is not None: import scipy.interpolate LON, LAT = N.meshgrid(N.r_[lon.min():lon.max():abs(coord[1])], N.r_[lat.max():lat.min():-abs(coord[5])]) #ary=P.griddata(lon.ravel(),lat.ravel(),ary.ravel(),LON,LAT); ary = scipy.interpolate.griddata(N.array( [lon.ravel(), lat.ravel()]).T, ary.ravel(), (LON, LAT), method=grid, fill_value=nodata) coord = [ LON[0, 0], abs(coord[1]), 0, LAT[0, 0], 0, -abs(coord[5]) ] print coord if rescale: import basic ary = basic.rescale(ary, rescale) # data exists in 'ary' with values range 0 - 255 # Uncomment next line if ary[0][0] is upper-left corner #ary = numpy.flipup(ary) Ny, Nx = ary.shape driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff") ds = driver.Create(filename, Nx, Ny, 1, gdal.GDT_Float64) #ds.SetGeoTransform( ... ) # define GeoTransform tuple # top left x, w-e pixel resolution, rotation, top left y, rotation, n-s pixel resolution ds.SetGeoTransform(coord) srs = osr.SpatialReference() if os.path.isfile(srs_proj4): srs.ImportFromWkt(open(srs_proj4).read()) else: srs.ImportFromProj4(srs_proj4) ds.SetProjection(srs.ExportToWkt()) if nodata is not None: ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetNoDataValue(nodata) ds.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(ary) ds = None print "File written to: " + filename