def plotFoundMatches(fileList,
    song_str, st_seg, en_seg, spl_arr = readFullTransFile(
        fileList, fullTransExt='.fullTrans')
    centroids = readCentroids(centroids_file='centroids.npy')
    aligned = getAlignment(fileList)

    lines = open(fileList, 'r').readlines()

    for ii, line in enumerate(lines):
        pitch, time, Hop = BO.readPitchFile(line.strip() + pitchExt)
        tonic = np.loadtxt(line.strip() + tonicExt)
        pcents = BO.PitchHz2Cents(pitch, tonic)

    #recons = get_quantized_ts(st_seg/Hop, en_seg/Hop, song_str, centroids, pcents)

    for ii in range(len(aligned)):
        matches = aligned[ii]
        print "Query index:", ii + 1
        count = 0
        for s, e in matches:
            st = st_seg[s]
            en = en_seg[e]
            #print st, en
            contour = pcents[st / Hop:en / Hop]
            plt.plot(np.arange(len(contour)) * Hop, contour)
            plt.ylim((-300, 1100))

            count += 1
        print "# motifs found: ", count
def get_transients(fileList,
    map_data = pickle.load(open(map_file, 'r'))
    lines = open(fileList, 'r').readlines()
    ids_data = []

    cnt = 0
    for ii, line in enumerate(lines):
        print line.strip()
        seg_filename = line.strip() + segExt
        seg_file = np.loadtxt(seg_filename)

        pitch, time, Hop = BO.readPitchFile(line.strip() + pitchExt)
        tonic = np.loadtxt(line.strip() + tonicExt)
        pcents = BO.PitchHz2Cents(pitch, tonic)
        #print pitch

        for jj in range(seg_file.shape[0]):
            if seg_file[jj][2] == -20000:
                start_time = seg_file[jj][0]
                end_time = seg_file[jj][1]
                #trans_id = map_data[][ii][jj]

                start_ind = find_ind(time, start_time)
                end_ind = find_ind(time, end_time)

                segment = pitch[start_ind:end_ind]
                #print len(segment)

                if len(segment) >= 60:
                    segment_norm = polyfit_shapes_norm(segment)

                if cnt == 0:
                    aggregate = np.array([segment_norm])
                    aggregate = np.vstack((aggregate, segment_norm))
                cnt += 1

    print aggregate.shape

    # For training data

    # For unknown data
    #-----------------'transientIds_eval', np.array(ids_data))'transientShapes_eval', aggregate)
Exemple #3
 def generateLinearDataset(self, root_dir, output_dir, pitchExt, tonicExt, downsampleFactor, min_nyas_dur=-1):
     filenames = BP.GetFileNamesInDir(root_dir,pitchExt)
     for filename in filenames:
         fname, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
         #reading pitch and tonic data
         pitchData,timeStamps,pHop = BPO.readPitchFile(fname+pitchExt)
         tonic = np.loadtxt(open(fname+tonicExt,"r"))
         pCents = BPO.PitchHz2Cents(pitchData, tonic)
         #some preprocessing
         #removing flat regions
         if (min_nyas_dur>0):
             msObj = MS.nyasSegmentation()
             msObj.ComputeNyasCandidates(pitchData, tonic.tolist(), pHop)
             for swar in msObj.nyasInfo.keys():
                 for seg in msObj.nyasInfo[swar]:
         pCents, pHop, timeStamps = BPO.downsamplesPitchData(pCents,pHop,timeStamps, factor)
         #removing silence regions
         ind_silence = np.where(pCents<-4000)[0] ###Please correct this silence condition once log eps is used
         pCents = np.delete(pCents,ind_silence)
         timeStamps = np.delete(timeStamps,ind_silence)
         pitch = np.append(pitch, pCents)
         timeInfo = np.append(timeInfo, timeStamps)
         fileInfo[filename]= [timeInfo.size-timeStamps.size, timeInfo.size]
     np.savetxt(output_dir+'/'+'AggPitch.txt', pitch, fmt='%.2f')
     np.savetxt(output_dir+'/'+'AggTime.txt', timeInfo, fmt='%.2f')
     stream = file(output_dir+'/'+'fileInfo.yaml','w')
     yaml.dump(fileInfo, stream)
Exemple #4
 def generateSubsequenceDataset(self, pitchFile, tonicFile, outputCandidateFile):
     #reading pitch data
     tonic = np.loadtxt(open(tonicFile,"r"))
     pitchData,timeData,pHop = BPO.readPitchFile(pitchFile)
     pCents = BPO.PitchHz2Cents(pitchData, tonic)
     #preprocessing pitch data
     pCents, pHop, timeData = BPO.downsamplesPitchData(pCents,pHop,timeData, factor)
     if self.params.keys()[0]=='slidingWindow':
         segments = self.slidingWindowCandidates(pCents, pHop, self.params['slidingWindow']['windowLength'],pHop*3)
     dataset = [] 
     [dataset.append(pCents[segment[0]:segment[1]]) for segment in segments]
def batchProc(root_dir,

    filenames = BP.GetFileNamesInDir(root_dir, '.mp3')
    segObj = seg.melodySegmentation()

    #fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,10), dpi=80)

    for filename in filenames[:]:
        print "Processing file %s" % filename

        ## This is done for all

        fname, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
        pitch, time, Hop = BO.readPitchFile(fname + pitchExt)
        tonic = np.loadtxt(fname + tonicExt)
        pcents = BO.PitchHz2Cents(pitch, tonic)
        pdata = (time, pcents, Hop)

        ## Extract Breath Phrases
        breathPhrases = findBreathPhrases(segObj, fname, pcents, Hop)

        ## Histogram processing to extract note locations
        svaraSemitone, ignoreNotes = findValidSvaras(pitch, tonic)
        #print svaraSemitone, ignoreNotes
        print "Notes being ignored are: %s" % ignoreNotes

        ## Read valid region for evolution
        #endTime = readValidVistarRegion(fname)

        ## Svara transcription
        transcription = transcribePitch(fname, pdata, ignoreNotes)
        #print transcription

        print "-------\nDone !!\n-------"
Exemple #6
def batchProc(fileList, centroids_file = 'centroids.npy', audioExt = '.mp3', pitchExt = '.pitchSilIntrpPP', tonicExt = '.tonicFine', fullTransExt = '.fullTrans', gtExt = '.gtruth'):
  centroids = readCentroids(centroids_file)
  lines = open(fileList,'r').readlines()
  for ii, line in enumerate(lines):
    filename = line.strip()
    print "Processing file: %s" %filename
    # Read pitch data
    pitch, time, Hop = BO.readPitchFile(filename + pitchExt)
    tonic = np.loadtxt(line.strip()  + tonicExt)
    pcents = BO.PitchHz2Cents(pitch, tonic)
    # Read transcription
    song_str, st_seg, en_seg = readFullTransFile(filename, fullTransExt = fullTransExt)
    # Read ground truth
    st_gt, en_gt, str_gt = visualizeGroundTruth(filename, pcents, time, Hop, song_str, st_seg, en_seg)
    # Get query strings
    note_sym = getQuertString(str_gt)
    # Get song string
    search_str = getSearchString(song_str)
    # Get aligned contour indices by SW
    aligned = getAlignment(song_str, note_sym)
    # Get contour segments
    plotFoundMatches(aligned, st_seg, en_seg, pcents, Hop)
    print "-------\nDone !!\n-------"
def readGroundTruth(fileList,
  Returns the start and end time of ground truth phrases in seconds
  along with the label representing the annotated name of the phrase
    lines = open(fileList, 'r').readlines()

    for ii, line in enumerate(lines):
        gt_filename = line.strip() + gtExt
        gt_file = np.loadtxt(gt_filename)

        pitch, time, Hop = BO.readPitchFile(line.strip() + pitchExt)
        tonic = np.loadtxt(line.strip() + tonicExt)
        pcents = BO.PitchHz2Cents(pitch, tonic)

        segment = []
        time_stamps = []
        count = 4
        st, en = [0.0] * count, [0.0] * count
        for ii in range(count):
            s, e = gt_file[ii][0], gt_file[ii][1]
            st[ii], en[ii] = s, e

            start_ind = find_ind(time, s)
            end_ind = find_ind(time, e)
            #print start_ind, end_ind

            time_stamp = np.arange(start_ind, end_ind)
            pitch_vals = pcents[start_ind:end_ind]


    return segment, time_stamps, st, en, Hop, pcents
Exemple #8
    def ComputePitchHistogram(self,
        """This function computes pitch histogram 
        Input parameters:
        pitch = pitch sequence 
        tonic = tonic value of the lead artist
        tRange = time range within which pitch has to be considered for constructing pitch histogram
        timeStamps = time stamps needed if tRange is specified for histogram construction
        Oct_fold = (0 or 1); 0 for no octave folding, 1 for octave folding of the pitch histogram

        ### reading values and throwing errors if any
        if type(pitch) != int:
        elif type(self.pitch) == int:
            print "Please provide a pitch file name, it was not provided during initialization"
            return -1

        if tonic != -1:
        elif self.tonic == -1:
            print "Please provide tonic information, it was not provided during initialization"
            return -1

        if type(timeStamps) != int:

        if (tRange != -1) and (type(self.timeStamps) == int):
            print "For this option of using tRange for histogram computation, timeStamps information should also be provided"
            return -1

        ### before starting anything (and after updating all important parameters), lets convert pitch to cents
        self.pCents = BOP.PitchHz2Cents(self.pitch, self.tonic)

        ### Copying in local buffer to process pitch in this function and octave folding if specified

        sil_loc_inds = np.where(
            self.pCents >= -1200
        )[0]  ###TODO Uncomment this, if commented it is to reproduce the same error in original version
        pCents_local = copy.deepcopy(self.pCents[sil_loc_inds])

        #pCents_local = copy.deepcopy(self.pCents)   ###TODO after uncommenting above two lines comment this line

        if (Oct_fold == 1):
            pCents_local = np.mod(pCents_local, 1200)

        ### histogram computation
        if tRange == -1:

            histogram = np.histogram(pCents_local,

            str_ind = find_nearest_element_ind(self.timeStamps, tRange[0])
            end_ind = find_nearest_element_ind(self.timeStamps, tRange[1])

            histogram = np.histogram(pCents_local[str_ind:end_ind],

        ### assigning the obtained values to the class global variables
        hist_Yval = copy.deepcopy(histogram[0])
        hist_Yval = hist_Yval.astype(float)

        hist_Xval = copy.deepcopy(histogram[1][1:])
        hist_Xval = hist_Xval.astype(float)

        ### Normalization of the histogram
        hist_Yval = hist_Yval / max(hist_Yval)

        ### if Octave folding is performed, to avoid splitting of tonic note into two parts (think, why will it happen!!) we just copy paste small end part of histogram to negative values (very intuitive)
        if Oct_fold == 1:  # we need to cut the negative size of Sa (tonic) i.e. from <--1200 at the nearest valley to 1200. If we dont do it at valley then there can be a shart popping hump because of low pass filtering which will be detected as a valid swar. And if you apply a lot of mind you will find that this valley has to be detected from a smoothened version of histogram otherwise jittering can cause everything go wrong
            temp_smooth = self.SmoothPitchHistogram(Histogram=hist_Yval,
            peak_ind, valley_ind = DF.PeakValleyPicking(temp_smooth)
            if len(valley_ind) > 0:
                # if we do not get any valley, we dont need to probably do this thing
                valley_location = hist_Xval[max(valley_ind)]
                ind2 = np.where((hist_Xval > valley_location)
                                & (hist_Xval <= 1200))
                ind1 = np.where((hist_Xval > -(1200 - valley_location))
                                & (hist_Xval <= 0))
                hist_Yval[ind1] = hist_Yval[ind2]
                hist_Yval[ind2] = 0

        #updating class variables
        self.hist_Yval = hist_Yval
        self.hist_Xval = hist_Xval
