chk = DumbCheckpoint(inputdir + "/viscosity", mode=FILE_CREATE) with timed_stage('initialising viscosity'): h_viscosity = Function(V, name="viscosity") h_viscosity.interpolate(Max(1., 1000 * (1. - u / 2e4))), name="viscosity") File(outputdir + '/viscosity.pvd').write(h_viscosity) # Testing conditional statements def zbedf(bathy, distance): zbed = conditional(ge(bathy, 25 * (1. - distance / 10000.)), bathy, 25 * (1. - distance / 10000.)) return zbed bath = bathymetry.get_bathymetry(inputs.input_file_paths.bathymetry_file, mesh) bath.assign(bath + lat) bathymetry.smoothen_bathymetry(bath) bath.interpolate(Max(zbedf(bath, u), -50.)) # testing conditional statements print("Swansea Lagoon boundary bathymetries") L = 1e3 # 4 is the boundary id of the inlet # 3 is the inlet of the basin - I'm letting the distance function there start at 1e5 # Set up hydraulic structures bc2 = [ DirichletBC(V, 0.0, 6), DirichletBC(V, 0.0, 7), # Double check that DirichletBC(V, 0.0, 8),
def test_interpolator(): """ Test NCOM 3d interpolator. .. note:: The following NCOM output files must be present: ./forcings/ncom/ ./forcings/ncom/ ./forcings/ncom/ ./forcings/ncom/ ./forcings/ncom/ ./forcings/ncom/2006/s3d/ ./forcings/ncom/2006/s3d/ ./forcings/ncom/2006/t3d/ ./forcings/ncom/2006/t3d/ ./forcings/ncom/2006/u3d/ ./forcings/ncom/2006/u3d/ ./forcings/ncom/2006/v3d/ ./forcings/ncom/2006/v3d/ ./forcings/ncom/2006/ssh/ ./forcings/ncom/2006/ssh/ """ # load and extrude mesh from bathymetry import get_bathymetry, smooth_bathymetry, smooth_bathymetry_at_bnd nlayers, surf_elem_height, max_z_stretch = (9, 5.0, 4.0) mesh2d = Mesh('mesh_cre-plume_03_normal.msh') # interpolate bathymetry and smooth it bathymetry_2d = get_bathymetry('', mesh2d, project=False) bathymetry_2d = smooth_bathymetry( bathymetry_2d, delta_sigma=1.0, bg_diff=0, alpha=1e2, exponent=2.5, minimum_depth=3.5, niter=30) bathymetry_2d = smooth_bathymetry_at_bnd(bathymetry_2d, [2, 7]) # 3d mesh vertical stretch factor z_stretch_fact_2d = Function(bathymetry_2d.function_space(), name='z_stretch') # 1.0 (sigma mesh) in shallow areas, 4.0 in deep ocean z_stretch_fact_2d.project(-ln(surf_elem_height/bathymetry_2d)/ln(nlayers))[ < 1.0] = 1.0[ > max_z_stretch] = max_z_stretch extrude_options = { 'z_stretch_fact': z_stretch_fact_2d, } mesh = extrude_mesh_sigma(mesh2d, nlayers, bathymetry_2d, **extrude_options) p1_2d = get_functionspace(mesh2d, 'CG', 1) p1 = get_functionspace(mesh, 'CG', 1) # make functions salt = Function(p1, name='salinity') temp = Function(p1, name='temperature') uvel = Function(p1, name='u-velocity') vvel = Function(p1, name='v-velocity') elev = Function(p1_2d, name='elevation') sim_tz = timezone.FixedTimeZone(-8, 'PST') init_date = datetime.datetime(2006, 5, 1, tzinfo=sim_tz) interp = NCOMInterpolator( p1_2d, p1, [salt, temp, uvel, vvel, elev], ['Salinity', 'Temperature', 'U_Velocity', 'V_Velocity', 'Surface_Elevation'], ['s3d', 't3d', 'u3d', 'v3d', 'ssh'], to_latlon, 'forcings/ncom', '{year:04d}/{fieldstr:}/{fieldstr:}.glb8_2f_{year:04d}{month:02d}{day:02d}', init_date, COORDSYS, verbose=True ) interp.set_fields(0.0) salt_fn = 'tmp/salt.pvd' temp_fn = 'tmp/temp.pvd' uvel_fn = 'tmp/uvel.pvd' vvel_fn = 'tmp/vvel.pvd' elev_fn = 'tmp/elev.pvd' print('Saving output to {:} {:} {:} {:} {:}'.format(salt_fn, temp_fn, uvel_fn, vvel_fn, elev_fn)) out_salt = File(salt_fn) out_temp = File(temp_fn) out_uvel = File(uvel_fn) out_vvel = File(vvel_fn) out_elev = File(elev_fn) out_salt.write(salt) out_temp.write(temp) out_uvel.write(uvel) out_vvel.write(vvel) out_elev.write(elev) dt = 3*3600. for i in range(8): print('Time step {:}'.format(i)) interp.set_fields(i*dt) out_salt.write(salt) out_temp.write(temp) out_uvel.write(uvel) out_vvel.write(vvel) out_elev.write(elev)
def test_interpolator(): """ Test ROMS 3d interpolator. .. note:: The following ROMS output files must be present: ./forcings/liveocean/f2015.05.16/ ./forcings/liveocean/f2015.05.16/ ./forcings/liveocean/f2015.05.16/ """ # load and extrude mesh from bathymetry import get_bathymetry, smooth_bathymetry, smooth_bathymetry_at_bnd nlayers, surf_elem_height, max_z_stretch = (9, 5.0, 4.0) mesh2d = Mesh('mesh_cre-plume_03_normal.msh') # interpolate bathymetry and smooth it bathymetry_2d = get_bathymetry('', mesh2d, project=False) bathymetry_2d = smooth_bathymetry( bathymetry_2d, delta_sigma=1.0, bg_diff=0, alpha=1e2, exponent=2.5, minimum_depth=3.5, niter=30) bathymetry_2d = smooth_bathymetry_at_bnd(bathymetry_2d, [2, 7]) # 3d mesh vertical stretch factor z_stretch_fact_2d = Function(bathymetry_2d.function_space(), name='z_stretch') # 1.0 (sigma mesh) in shallow areas, 4.0 in deep ocean z_stretch_fact_2d.project(-ln(surf_elem_height/bathymetry_2d)/ln(nlayers))[ < 1.0] = 1.0[ > max_z_stretch] = max_z_stretch extrude_options = { 'z_stretch_fact': z_stretch_fact_2d, } mesh = extrude_mesh_sigma(mesh2d, nlayers, bathymetry_2d, **extrude_options) p1 = get_functionspace(mesh, 'CG', 1) # make functions salt = Function(p1, name='salinity') temp = Function(p1, name='temperature') sim_tz = timezone.FixedTimeZone(-8, 'PST') init_date = datetime.datetime(2015, 5, 16, tzinfo=sim_tz) interp = LiveOceanInterpolator(p1, [salt, temp], ['salt', 'temp'], 'forcings/liveocean/f2015.*/ocean_his_*.nc', init_date, to_latlon) interp.set_fields(0.0) salt_fn = 'tmp/salt_roms.pvd' temp_fn = 'tmp/temp_roms.pvd' print('Saving output to {:} {:}'.format(salt_fn, temp_fn)) out_salt = File(salt_fn) out_temp = File(temp_fn) out_salt.write(salt) out_temp.write(temp) dt = 900. for i in range(8): print('Time step {:}'.format(i)) interp.set_fields(i*dt) out_salt.write(salt) out_temp.write(temp)
outputdir = 'outputs_{:}'.format(reso_str) mesh2d = Mesh(meshfile[reso_str]) print_output('Loaded mesh ' + nnodes = comm.allreduce(mesh2d.topology.num_vertices(), MPI.SUM) ntriangles = comm.allreduce(mesh2d.topology.num_cells(), MPI.SUM) nprisms = ntriangles * nlayers sim_tz = timezone.FixedTimeZone(-8, 'PST') init_date = datetime.datetime(2015, 5, 16, tzinfo=sim_tz) t_end = 10 * 24 * 3600. t_export = 900. # interpolate bathymetry and smooth it bathymetry_2d = get_bathymetry('bathymetry_300m.npz', mesh2d, project=False) bathymetry_2d = smooth_bathymetry(bathymetry_2d, delta_sigma=1.0, bg_diff=0, alpha=5e6, exponent=1, minimum_depth=3.5, niter=20) bathymetry_2d = smooth_bathymetry_at_bnd(bathymetry_2d, [1, 3]) # 3d mesh vertical stretch factor z_stretch_fact_2d = Function(bathymetry_2d.function_space(), name='z_stretch') # 1.0 (sigma mesh) in shallow areas, 4.0 in deep ocean z_stretch_fact_2d.project(-ln(surf_elem_height / bathymetry_2d) / ln(nlayers))[ < 1.0] = 1.0[
# set physical constants physical_constants['rho0'].assign(1000.0) physical_constants['z0_friction'].assign(0.005) nlayers = 15 mesh2d = Mesh('mesh_cre-plume_03_normal.msh') print_output('Loaded mesh ' + dt = 7.0 t_end = 10 * 24 * 3600. t_export = 900. # bathymetry bathymetry_2d = get_bathymetry('', mesh2d, project=False) print('bath min: {:} max: {:}'.format(, new_bathymetry_2d = smooth_bathymetry(bathymetry_2d, delta_sigma=1.0, bg_diff=0, alpha=1e2, exponent=2.5, minimum_depth=3.5, niter=30) out = File('bath.pvd') out.write(bathymetry_2d) out.write(new_bathymetry_2d)