def draft(self): for count in range(0, 6): if count < self.numberLeftInRound: self.pokemonAvailable[str( self.pokemonCoordsSouth[count])] = battle.pokemon( r.choice(pokemonInDraft), r.randint(50, 60)) elif count >= self.numberLeftInRound: self.pokemonAvailable[str( self.pokemonCoordsSouth[count])] = None q = battle.serviceQueue() style = r.choice(self.platformMovementStyles) q.add([style, genFunc(self.movePlatforms, 'off', style)]) q.add([ self.pokemonCoordsSouth[self.numberLeftInRound - 1], self.processPokemonSendOut ]) ##so we do it after the last one to finish q.add([ False, genFunc( self.runText, 'You have ' + str(self.roundsLeft) + ' rounds left, and ' + str(self.numberLeftInRound) + ' Pokemon left to pick in this round.') ]) q.add(['activate-buttons', self.activateButtons]) self.executeTurn(q)
def firstRoundOfDraft(self): for count in range(0, 6): self.pokemonAvailable[str( self.pokemonCoordsSouth[count] )] = battle.pokemon( r.choice(pokemonInDraft), r.randint(50, 60) ) ##generate a random pack. the stats/moves are already generated randomly within the pokemon class q = battle.serviceQueue() q.add([ 'columnSeparation', genFunc(self.movePlatforms, 'on', 'columnSeparation', False) ]) q.add([ self.pokemonCoordsSouth[self.numberLeftInRound - 1], self.processPokemonSendOut ]) if self.roundsLeft > 1: ##this is to take out the s of rounds if we aren't taking about a plural q.add([ False, genFunc( self.runText, 'You have ' + str(self.roundsLeft) + ' rounds left, and ' + str(self.numberLeftInRound) + ' Pokemon left to pick in this round.') ]) else: q.add([ False, genFunc( self.runText, 'You have ' + str(self.roundsLeft) + ' round left, and ' + str(self.numberLeftInRound) + ' Pokemon left to pick in this round.') ]) q.add(['activate-buttons', self.activateButtons]) self.executeTurn(q)
def selectPokemon(self,coords): self.deactivateButtons() self.pokemonChosen.append(self.pokemonAvailable[str(coords)]) q = battle.serviceQueue() q.add([False,genFunc(self.runText,'You selected ' + self.pokemonAvailable[str(coords)].name+'!')]) k = genFunc(self.processPokemonRetrieval,coords) q.add([self.pokemonCoordsSouth[self.numberLeftInRound-1],k]) self.numberLeftInRound -= 1 if self.numberLeftInRound == 0: self.roundsLeft -= 1 if self.roundsLeft == 0: ##need to program started battle sequence return self.numberLeftInRound = 6 q.add([False,self.draft]) self.executeTurn(q)
def selectPokemon(self, coords): self.deactivateButtons() self.pokemonChosen.append(self.pokemonAvailable[str(coords)]) q = battle.serviceQueue() q.add([ False, genFunc( self.runText, 'You selected ' + self.pokemonAvailable[str(coords)].name + '!') ]) k = genFunc(self.switchEnemy, 0, 0, coords, True) q.add( [str(coords), k] ) ##we retrieve the one that was chosen so that the user can tell their choice has been registered. also looks pretty with the fade out on the next line. k = genFunc(self.fadeOutChoice, coords) q.add(['fade-out-choice', k]) ##this is a nice anim, idk. I might enjoy it too much. k = genFunc(self.processPokemonRetrieval, coords) if self.pokemonCoordsSouth[ self.numberLeftInRound - 1] == coords: ##the list form of [funcID,func] will finish immediately if we call it on the one we've already retrieved if self.numberLeftInRound == 1: ##calling self.pokemonCoordsSouth[1-2] will spit an error as we don't have a pokemon sent out for the -1th space (i.e. 6th space) pass else: q.add([self.pokemonCoordsSouth[self.numberLeftInRound - 2], k]) else: q.add([self.pokemonCoordsSouth[self.numberLeftInRound - 1], k]) ##or it's not the last one so we don't need to worry self.numberLeftInRound -= 1 ##so we need to tick down the numnber left in round and our num of rounds if applicable if self.numberLeftInRound == 0: self.roundsLeft -= 1 if self.roundsLeft == 0: ##need to program started battle sequence return ## and we've finished the draft if we've gotten here as we've got 0 rounds left and 1 pokemon left in the round. self.numberLeftInRound = 6 q.add([False, self.draft]) self.executeTurn(q)
def draft(self): for count in range(0, 6): if count < self.numberLeftInRound: self.pokemonAvailable[str( self.pokemonCoordsSouth[count] )] = battle.pokemon( r.choice(pokemonInDraft), r.randint(50, 60) ) ##generate a random pack. the stats/moves are already generated randomly within the pokemon class elif count >= self.numberLeftInRound: ##packs go from 6->5->4 etc. so we need to fill the empty spaces with None (to tell program later what's going on) self.pokemonAvailable[str( self.pokemonCoordsSouth[count])] = None q = battle.serviceQueue() style = r.choice(self.platformMovementStyles) q.add([style, genFunc(self.movePlatforms, 'off', style)]) q.add([ self.pokemonCoordsSouth[self.numberLeftInRound - 1], self.processPokemonSendOut ]) ##so we do it after the last one to finish if self.roundsLeft > 1: ##this is to take out the s of rounds if we aren't taking about a plural q.add([ False, genFunc( self.runText, 'You have ' + str(self.roundsLeft) + ' rounds left, and ' + str(self.numberLeftInRound) + ' Pokemon left to pick in this round.') ]) else: q.add([ False, genFunc( self.runText, 'You have ' + str(self.roundsLeft) + ' round left, and ' + str(self.numberLeftInRound) + ' Pokemon left to pick in this round.') ]) q.add(['activate-buttons', self.activateButtons]) self.executeTurn(q)