def __init__(self, bdb, meta_logger=None, session_logger=None): bayesdb_schema_required(bdb, 7, 'sessions') self.bdb = bdb if meta_logger is None: meta_logger = BqlLogger() self._logger = meta_logger if session_logger is None: session_logger = CallHomeStatusLogger() self._session_logger = session_logger self._qid_to_entry_id = {} self._sql_tracer = _SessionTracer("sql", self) self._bql_tracer = _SessionTracer("bql", self) self.start_saving_sessions() self._suggested_send = False self._start_new_session()
def __init__(self, name, csv_path=None, bdb_path=None, df=None, logger=None, session_capture_name=None): """A set of shortcuts for common ways to use BayesDB. name : str REQUIRED. The name of dataset, should use letters and underscores only. This will also be used as a table name, and %t in queries will be replaced by this name. csv_path : str The path to a comma-separated values file. If specified, will be used to populate the bdb. It must exist and be both readable and non-empty. df : pandas.DataFrame If specified, these data will be used to populate the bdb, superseding any csv_path. It must not be empty. bdb_path : str If specified, store data and analysis at this location. If no other data source (csv or df) is specified, then it must already have been populated. If not specified, we will use a volatile in-memory bdb. logger : object Something on which we can call .info or .warn, by default a bayeslite.loggers.BqlLogger, but could be QuietLogger (only results), SilentLogger (nothing), IpyLogger, or LoggingLogger to use those modules, or anything else that implements the BqlLogger interface. session_capture_name : String None by default. If you want to send your session logs (perhaps including underlying data!) automatically to the Probabilistic Computing group for research purposes, possibly putting those logs and data into the public domain, then please set this value to a name that we might recognize you by. If the name is not self-evident, then please send that name in an email to [email protected] to help us connect your sessions to you. """ assert re.match(r'\w+', name) assert df is not None or csv_path or bdb_path = name self.generator_name = name + '_cc' self.csv_path = csv_path self.df = df self.bdb_path = bdb_path self.logger = BqlLogger() if logger is None else logger self.bdb = None self.status = None self.session_capture_name = session_capture_name self.initialize()
def __init__(self, name, csv_path=None, bdb_path=None, df=None, logger=None, session_capture_name=None): """A set of shortcuts for common ways to use BayesDB. name : str REQUIRED. The name of dataset, should use letters and underscores only. This will also be used as a table name, and %t in queries will be replaced by this name. csv_path : str The path to a comma-separated values file. If specified, will be used to populate the bdb. It must exist and be both readable and non-empty. df : pandas.DataFrame If specified, these data will be used to populate the bdb, superseding any csv_path. It must not be empty. bdb_path : str If specified, store data and analysis at this location. If no other data source (csv or df) is specified, then it must already have been populated. If not specified, we will use a volatile in-memory bdb. logger : object Something on which we can call .info or .warn By default a bayeslite.loggers.BqlLogger, but could be QuietLogger (only results), SilentLogger (nothing), IpyLogger, CaptureLogger, or LoggingLogger to use those modules, or anything else that implements the BqlLogger interface. session_capture_name : String Signing up with your name and email and sending your session details to the MIT Probabilistic Computing Group helps build a community of support and helps improve your user experience. You can save your choice in a file called 'bayesdb-session-capture-opt.txt' in the directory where you run the software, or any parent directory. This option overrides any setting in such a file. Any string is interpreted as opting in to sending session details. False is interpreted as opting out. You must choose. If you choose to use an organization name or email, then please send a note to [email protected] to help us connect your sessions to you. If you encounter a bug, or something surprising, please include your session capture name in your report. If you opt out, you still allow us to count how often users opt out. DO NOT USE THIS SOFTWARE FOR HIPAA-COVERED, PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE, OR SIMILARLY SENSITIVE DATA! Opting out does not guarantee security. """ assert re.match(r'\w+', name) assert df is not None or csv_path or bdb_path = name self.generator_name = name + '_cc' self.csv_path = csv_path self.df = df self.bdb_path = bdb_path if logger is None: if 'IPython' in sys.modules: from bdbcontrib.loggers import IPYTHON_LOGGER as ipy self.logger = ipy else: self.logger = BqlLogger() else: self.logger = logger self.bdb = None self.status = None self.session_capture_name = None self.generators = None self.initialize_session_capture(session_capture_name) self.initialize()
class BqlRecipes(object): def __init__(self, name, csv_path=None, bdb_path=None, df=None, logger=None, session_capture_name=None): """A set of shortcuts for common ways to use BayesDB. name : str REQUIRED. The name of dataset, should use letters and underscores only. This will also be used as a table name, and %t in queries will be replaced by this name. csv_path : str The path to a comma-separated values file. If specified, will be used to populate the bdb. It must exist and be both readable and non-empty. df : pandas.DataFrame If specified, these data will be used to populate the bdb, superseding any csv_path. It must not be empty. bdb_path : str If specified, store data and analysis at this location. If no other data source (csv or df) is specified, then it must already have been populated. If not specified, we will use a volatile in-memory bdb. logger : object Something on which we can call .info or .warn By default a bayeslite.loggers.BqlLogger, but could be QuietLogger (only results), SilentLogger (nothing), IpyLogger, CaptureLogger, or LoggingLogger to use those modules, or anything else that implements the BqlLogger interface. session_capture_name : String Signing up with your name and email and sending your session details to the MIT Probabilistic Computing Group helps build a community of support and helps improve your user experience. You can save your choice in a file called 'bayesdb-session-capture-opt.txt' in the directory where you run the software, or any parent directory. This option overrides any setting in such a file. Any string is interpreted as opting in to sending session details. False is interpreted as opting out. You must choose. If you choose to use an organization name or email, then please send a note to [email protected] to help us connect your sessions to you. If you encounter a bug, or something surprising, please include your session capture name in your report. If you opt out, you still allow us to count how often users opt out. DO NOT USE THIS SOFTWARE FOR HIPAA-COVERED, PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE, OR SIMILARLY SENSITIVE DATA! Opting out does not guarantee security. """ assert re.match(r'\w+', name) assert df is not None or csv_path or bdb_path = name self.generator_name = name + '_cc' self.csv_path = csv_path self.df = df self.bdb_path = bdb_path if logger is None: if 'IPython' in sys.modules: from bdbcontrib.loggers import IPYTHON_LOGGER as ipy self.logger = ipy else: self.logger = BqlLogger() else: self.logger = logger self.bdb = None self.status = None self.session_capture_name = None self.generators = None self.initialize_session_capture(session_capture_name) self.initialize() def initialize_session_capture(self, name): if self.session_capture_name is not None: return if name is not None: if name == False: with logged_query('count-beacon', None, name='single-opt-out'): pass self.session_capture_name = name return # Search for a session-capture name or opt-out saved as a file: filename = "bayesdb-session-capture-opt.txt" searchdir = os.getcwd() while searchdir != os.path.dirname(searchdir): # While not at root. try: with open(os.path.join(searchdir, filename), 'r') as optinfile: self.session_capture_name = if self.session_capture_name == 'False': with logged_query('count-beacon', None, name='saved-opt-out'): self.session_capture_name = False break except IOError: pass searchdir = os.path.dirname(searchdir) # No init option specified, no choice file found. Force the choice. if self.session_capture_name is None: raise BLE(ValueError( "Please set session_capture_name option to quickstart\n" " to either opt-in or opt-out of sending details of your usage of\n" " this software to the MIT Probabilistic Computing Group.\n\n" "If you see this in one of our example notebooks,\n" " return to the starting page, the Index.ipynb, to\n" " make that choice.")) # TODO: Index.ipynb is a promise. def initialize(self): if self.bdb: return self.bdb = bayeslite.bayesdb_open(self.bdb_path) if not bayeslite.core.bayesdb_has_table(self.bdb, if self.df is not None: bayeslite.read_pandas.bayesdb_read_pandas_df( self.bdb,, self.df, create=True, ifnotexists=True) elif self.csv_path: bayeslite.bayesdb_read_csv_file( self.bdb,, self.csv_path, header=True, create=True, ifnotexists=True) else: raise BLE(ValueError("No data sources specified, and an empty bdb.")) self.generators = self.query('''SELECT * FROM bayesdb_generator''') if len(self.generators) == 0: size = self.query('''SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %t''').ix(0, 0) assert 0 < size self.query(''' CREATE GENERATOR %g IF NOT EXISTS FOR %t USING crosscat( GUESS(*) )''') def check_representation(self): assert self.bdb, "Did you initialize?" assert self.session_capture_name is not None def reset(self): self.check_representation() self.query('drop generator if exists %s' % self.generator_name) self.query('drop table if exists %s' % self.bdb = None self.initialize() @helpsub('bdbcontrib_describe', bdbcontrib.describe_generator_columns.__doc__) def quick_describe_columns(self): '''Wraps bdbcontrib.describe_generator_columns with bdb and generator name. bdbcontrib_describe''' self.check_representation() return bdbcontrib.describe_generator_columns(self.bdb, self.generator_name) help_for_query = ( """Query the database. Use %t for the data table and %g for the generator. %t and %g work only with word boundaries. E.g., 'LIKE "%table%"' is fine. Returns a pandas.DataFrame with the results, rather than the cursor that the underlying bdb would return, so LIMIT your queries if you need to. """) def interpret_query(self, query_string): '''Replace %t and %g as appropriate.''' return re.sub(r'(^|(?<=\s))%t\b', bayeslite.bql_quote_name(, re.sub(r'(^|(?<=\s))%g\b', bayeslite.bql_quote_name(self.generator_name), query_string)) @helpsub(r'help_for_query', help_for_query) def query(self, query_string, *bindings): '''Basic querying without session capture or reporting. help_for_query''' self.check_representation() query_string = self.interpret_query(query_string)"BQL [%s] [%r]", query_string, bindings) with self.bdb.savepoint(): try: res = self.bdb.execute(query_string, bindings) assert res is not None and res.description is not None self.logger.debug("BQL [%s] [%r] has returned a cursor." % (query_string, bindings)) df = bdbcontrib.cursor_to_df(res) self.logger.debug("BQL [%s] [%r] has created a dataframe." % (query_string, bindings)) return df except: self.logger.exception("") @helpsub(r'help_for_query', help_for_query) def q(self, query_string, *bindings): '''help_for_query''' with logged_query(query_string, bindings, name=self.session_capture_name): return self.query(query_string, *bindings) @helpsub('bdbcontrib_nullify_doc', bdbcontrib.nullify.__doc__) def nullify(self, value): """Wraps bdbcontrib.nullify by passing bdb and name. bdbcontrib_nullify_doc""" bdbcontrib.nullify(self.bdb,, value) def analyze(self, models=100, minutes=0, iterations=0, checkpoint=0): '''Run analysis. models : integer The number of models bounds the accuracy of predictive probabilities. With ten models, then you get one decimal digit of interpretability, with a hundred models, you get two, and so on. minutes : integer How long you want to let it run. iterations : integer How many iterations to let it run. Returns: A report indicating how many models have seen how many iterations, and other info about model stability. ''' self.check_representation() with logged_query(query_string='recipes.analyze', name=self.session_capture_name): if models > 0: self.query('INITIALIZE %d MODELS IF NOT EXISTS FOR %s' % (models, self.generator_name)) assert minutes == 0 or iterations == 0 else: models = self.analysis_status().sum() if minutes > 0: if checkpoint == 0: checkpoint = max(1, int(minutes * models / 200)) analyzer = ('ANALYZE %s FOR %d MINUTES CHECKPOINT %d ITERATION WAIT' % (self.generator_name, minutes, checkpoint)) with logged_query(query_string=analyzer, name=self.session_capture_name, bindings=self.query('SELECT * FROM %t')): self.query(analyzer) elif iterations > 0: if checkpoint == 0: checkpoint = max(1, int(iterations / 20)) self.query( '''ANALYZE %s FOR %d ITERATIONS CHECKPOINT %d ITERATION WAIT''' % ( self.generator_name, iterations, checkpoint)) else: raise BLE(NotImplementedError('No default analysis strategy yet.' ' Please specify minutes or iterations.')) # itrs = self.per_model_analysis_status() # models_with_fewest_iterations = # itrs[itrs['iterations'] == itrs.min('index').head(0)[0]].index.tolist() # TODO(gremio): run each model with as many iterations as it needs to get # up to where it needs to get to, if that's larger? # Nope. Vikash said there's no reason to think that's a good idea. Perhaps # even better to have some young models mixed in with the old ones. # I still think we should make some recommendation that scales for what # "the right thing" is, where that's something that at least isn't known to # suck. return self.analysis_status() # TODO: remove import plot_utils from the file -- make it empty. # If you want to use it, you should import def per_model_analysis_status(self): """Return the number of iterations for each model.""" # XXX Move this to bdbcontrib/src/ ? self.check_representation() try: return self.query('''SELECT iterations FROM bayesdb_generator_model WHERE generator_id = ( SELECT id FROM bayesdb_generator WHERE name = ?)''', self.generator_name) except ValueError: # Because, e.g. there is no generator yet, for an empty db. return None def analysis_status(self): """Return the count of models for each number of iterations run.""" self.check_representation() itrs = self.per_model_analysis_status() if itrs is None or len(itrs) == 0: emt = pd.DataFrame(columns=['count of model instances']) = 'iterations' return emt vcs = pd.DataFrame(itrs['iterations'].value_counts()) = 'iterations' vcs.columns = ['count of model instances'] self.status = vcs return vcs @helpsub('bdbcontrib_pairplot', bdbcontrib.plot_utils.pairplot.__doc__) def pairplot_vars(self, vars, plotfile=None, colorby=None, **kwargs): """Wrap bdbcontrib.plot_utils.pairplot to show the given columns. Specifies bdb, query with the given columns, and generator_name: bdbcontrib_pairplot """ self.check_representation() with logged_query(query_string='pairplot_vars=?', bindings=(vars,), name=self.session_capture_name): if len(vars) < 1: raise BLE(ValueError('Pairplot at least one variable.')) qvars = vars if colorby is None else set(vars + [colorby]) query_columns = '''"%s"''' % '''", "'''.join(qvars) self.logger.plot(plotfile, bdbcontrib.pairplot(self.bdb, '''SELECT %s FROM %s''' % (query_columns,, generator_name=self.generator_name, colorby=colorby, **kwargs)) def heatmap(self, deps, selectors=None, plotfile=None, **kwargs): '''Show heatmaps for the given dependencies Parameters ---------- deps : pandas.DataFrame(columns=['generator_id', 'name0', 'name1', 'value']) The result of a .q('ESTIMATE ... PAIRWISE ...') E.g., DEPENDENCE PROBABILITY, MUTUAL INFORMATION, COVARIANCE, etc. selectors : {str: lambda name --> bool} Rather than plot the full NxN matrix all together, make separate plots for each combination of these selectors, plotting them in sequence. If selectors are specified, the actual selector functions are values of a dict, and the keys are their names, for purposes of plot legends and filenames. E.g., {'A-E': lambda x: bool('^[a-eA-E]', x[0])), 'F-O': lambda x: bool('^[f-oF-O]', x[0])), 'P-Z': lambda x: bool('^[p-zP-Z]', x[0]))} plotfile : str If a plotfile is specified, savefig to that file. If selectors are also specified, savefig to name1.name2.plotfile. **kwargs : dict Passed to zmatrix: vmin, vmax, row_ordering, col_ordering ''' self.check_representation() with logged_query(query_string='heatmap(deps, selectors)', bindings=(str(deps), repr(selectors)), name=self.session_capture_name): hmap = plt.figure() if selectors is None: cmap = bdbcontrib.plot_utils.heatmap(self.bdb, df=deps, **kwargs) self.logger.plot(plotfile, cmap) else: selfns = [selectors[k] for k in sorted(selectors.keys())] reverse = dict([(v, k) for (k, v) in selectors.items()]) for (cmap, sel1, sel2) in bdbcontrib.plot_utils.selected_heatmaps( self.bdb, df=deps, selectors=selfns, **kwargs): self.logger.plot("%s.%s.%s" % ( reverse[sel1], reverse[sel2], plotfile), cmap) return hmap def quick_explore_vars(self, vars, nsimilar=20, plotfile='explore_vars'): """Show dependence probabilities and neighborhoods based on those. vars: list of strings At least two column names to look at dependence probabilities of, and to explore neighborhoods of. nsimilar: positive integer The size of the neighborhood to explore. plotfile: string pathname Where to save plots, if not displaying them on console. """ self.check_representation() with logged_query(query_string='quick_explore_vars', bindings=(vars,), name=self.session_capture_name): if len(vars) < 2: raise BLE(ValueError('Need to explore at least two variables.')) self.pairplot_vars(vars) query_columns = '''"%s"''' % '''", "'''.join(vars) deps = self.query('''ESTIMATE DEPENDENCE PROBABILITY FROM PAIRWISE COLUMNS OF %s FOR %s;''' % (self.generator_name, query_columns)) deps.columns = ['genid', 'name0', 'name1', 'value'] self.heatmap(deps, plotfile=plotfile) deps.columns = ['genid', 'name0', 'name1', 'value'] triangle = deps[deps['name0'] < deps['name1']] triangle = triangle.sort_values(ascending=False, by=['value']) self.logger.result("Pairwise dependence probability for: %s\n%s\n\n", query_columns, triangle) for col in vars: neighborhood = self.query( '''ESTIMATE *, DEPENDENCE PROBABILITY WITH "%s" AS "Probability of Dependence with %s" FROM COLUMNS OF %s ORDER BY "Probability of Dependence with %s" DESC LIMIT %d;''' % (col, col, self.generator_name, col, nsimilar)) neighbor_columns = ('''"%s"''' % '''", "'''.join(neighborhood["name"].tolist())) deps = self.query('''ESTIMATE DEPENDENCE PROBABILITY FROM PAIRWISE COLUMNS OF %s FOR %s;''' % (self.generator_name, neighbor_columns)) deps.columns = ['genid', 'name0', 'name1', 'value'] self.heatmap(deps, plotfile=(plotfile + "-" + col)) self.logger.result("Pairwise dependence probability of %s with its " + "strongest dependents:\n%s\n\n", col, neighborhood) def column_type(self, col): """The statistical type of the given column in the current model.""" self.check_representation() descriptions = self.quick_describe_columns() return descriptions[descriptions['name'] == col]['stattype'].iloc[0] def sql_tracing(self, turn_on=True): """Trace underlying SQL, for debugging.""" self.check_representation() # Always turn off: self.bdb.sql_untrace(self.bdb.sql_tracer) if turn_on: printer = lambda query, bindings: "query: [%s] bindings: [%s]\n\n", query, bindings) self.bdb.sql_trace(printer) def quick_similar_rows(self, identify_row_by, nsimilar=10): """Explore rows similar to the identified one. identify_row_by : dict Dictionary of column names to their values. These will be turned into a WHERE clause in BQL, and must identify one unique row. nsimilar : positive integer The number of similar rows to retrieve. """ self.check_representation() with logged_query(query_string='quick_similar_rows(id_by, n)', bindings=(identify_row_by, nsimilar), name=self.session_capture_name): import hashlib table_name = 'tmptbl_' + hashlib.md5('\x00'.join( [repr(identify_row_by), str(self.status)])).hexdigest() column_name = 'similarity_to_' + "__".join( re.sub(r'\W', '_', str(val)) for val in identify_row_by.values()) query_params = [] query_columns = [] for k, v in identify_row_by.iteritems(): query_columns.append('''%s = ? ''' % bayeslite.bql_quote_name(k)) query_params.append(v) query_attrs = ' and '.join(query_columns) with self.bdb.savepoint(): row_exists = self.query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s WHERE %s;' % (, query_attrs)) if row_exists.ix[0][0] != 1: raise BLE(NotImplementedError( 'identify_row_by found %d rows instead of exactly 1 in %s.' % (row_exists.ix[0][0], self.csv_path))) creation_query = ('''CREATE TEMP TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s AS ESTIMATE *, SIMILARITY TO (%s) AS %s FROM %%g LIMIT %d;''' % (table_name, query_attrs, column_name, nsimilar)) self.query(creation_query, query_params) result = self.query('''SELECT * FROM %s ORDER BY %s DESC;''' % (table_name, column_name)) return result
def __init__(self, name, csv_path=None, bdb_path=None, df=None, logger=None, session_capture_name=None): """Create a Population object, wrapping a bayeslite.BayesDB. name : str REQUIRED. A name for the population, should use letters and underscores only. This will also be used as a table name in the bdb, and %t in queries will expand to this name. %g in queries will expand to the current population metamodel, also based on this name. csv_path : str The path to a comma-separated values file. If specified, will be used to populate the bdb. It must exist and be both readable and non-empty. df : pandas.DataFrame If specified, these data will be used to populate the bdb, superseding any csv_path. It must not be empty. bdb_path : str If specified, store data and analysis results here. If no other data source (csv or df) is specified, then it must already have been populated. If not specified, we will use a volatile in-memory bdb. logger : object Something on which we can call .info or .warn to send messages to the user. By default a bayeslite.loggers.BqlLogger, but could be QuietLogger (only results), SilentLogger (nothing), IpyLogger, CaptureLogger, LoggingLogger, or anything else that implements the BqlLogger interface. session_capture_name : String Signing up with your name and email and sending your session details to the MIT Probabilistic Computing Group helps build a community of support and helps improve your user experience. You can save your choice in a file called 'bayesdb-session-capture-opt.txt' in the directory where you run the software, or any parent directory. This option overrides any setting in such a file. Any string is interpreted as opting in to sending session details. False is interpreted as opting out. You must choose. If you choose to use an organization name or email, then please send a note to [email protected] to help us connect your sessions to you. If you encounter a bug, or something surprising, please include your session capture name in your report. If you opt out, you still allow us to count how often users opt out. DO NOT USE THIS SOFTWARE FOR HIPAA-COVERED, PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE, OR SIMILARLY SENSITIVE DATA! Opting out does not guarantee security. """ Population.method_imports() assert re.match(r'\w+', name) assert df is not None or csv_path or bdb_path = name self.generator_name = name + '_cc' # Because we use the default metamodel. self.csv_path = csv_path self.df = df self.bdb_path = bdb_path if logger is None: if 'IPython' in sys.modules: from bdbcontrib.loggers import IPYTHON_LOGGER as ipy self.logger = ipy else: self.logger = BqlLogger() else: self.logger = logger self.bdb = None self.status = None self.session_capture_name = None self.generators = [] with logged_query('count-beacon', None, name='count-beacon'): self.initialize_session_capture(session_capture_name) self.initialize()
class Population(object): """Generative Population Model, wraps a BayesDB, and tracks one population. See for a short menu of available methods. See help(Population) as usual for more complete information. """ shortdocs = [] @classmethod def method_imports(cls): """Runs decorators that add methods to Population.""" # Set up a place for methods to deposit their short documentations for help: cls.shortdocs = [] # These are here rather than in, say so doing import bdbcontrib # just to get its __version__ for example doesn't need to run all that code. # does import population (this file) for Population's __doc__ # (same as this class's __init__.__doc__) so these can't just be at top. # But once you're using Populations, you have to pay this price once. import bql_utils import plot_utils import recipes import diagnostic_utils import crosscat_utils # Convenience alias: cls.q = cls.query cls.vartype = cls.get_column_stattype cls.quick_describe_columns = cls.variable_stattypes def __init__(self, name, csv_path=None, bdb_path=None, df=None, logger=None, session_capture_name=None): """Create a Population object, wrapping a bayeslite.BayesDB. name : str REQUIRED. A name for the population, should use letters and underscores only. This will also be used as a table name in the bdb, and %t in queries will expand to this name. %g in queries will expand to the current population metamodel, also based on this name. csv_path : str The path to a comma-separated values file. If specified, will be used to populate the bdb. It must exist and be both readable and non-empty. df : pandas.DataFrame If specified, these data will be used to populate the bdb, superseding any csv_path. It must not be empty. bdb_path : str If specified, store data and analysis results here. If no other data source (csv or df) is specified, then it must already have been populated. If not specified, we will use a volatile in-memory bdb. logger : object Something on which we can call .info or .warn to send messages to the user. By default a bayeslite.loggers.BqlLogger, but could be QuietLogger (only results), SilentLogger (nothing), IpyLogger, CaptureLogger, LoggingLogger, or anything else that implements the BqlLogger interface. session_capture_name : String Signing up with your name and email and sending your session details to the MIT Probabilistic Computing Group helps build a community of support and helps improve your user experience. You can save your choice in a file called 'bayesdb-session-capture-opt.txt' in the directory where you run the software, or any parent directory. This option overrides any setting in such a file. Any string is interpreted as opting in to sending session details. False is interpreted as opting out. You must choose. If you choose to use an organization name or email, then please send a note to [email protected] to help us connect your sessions to you. If you encounter a bug, or something surprising, please include your session capture name in your report. If you opt out, you still allow us to count how often users opt out. DO NOT USE THIS SOFTWARE FOR HIPAA-COVERED, PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE, OR SIMILARLY SENSITIVE DATA! Opting out does not guarantee security. """ Population.method_imports() assert re.match(r'\w+', name) assert df is not None or csv_path or bdb_path = name self.generator_name = name + '_cc' # Because we use the default metamodel. self.csv_path = csv_path self.df = df self.bdb_path = bdb_path if logger is None: if 'IPython' in sys.modules: from bdbcontrib.loggers import IPYTHON_LOGGER as ipy self.logger = ipy else: self.logger = BqlLogger() else: self.logger = logger self.bdb = None self.status = None self.session_capture_name = None self.generators = [] with logged_query('count-beacon', None, name='count-beacon'): self.initialize_session_capture(session_capture_name) self.initialize() def initialize_session_capture(self, name): if self.session_capture_name is not None: return if name is not None: self.session_capture_name = name return # Search for a session-capture name or opt-out saved as a file: searchdir = os.getcwd() while searchdir != os.path.dirname(searchdir): # While not at root. try: with open(os.path.join(searchdir, OPTFILE), 'r') as optinfile: self.session_capture_name = if self.session_capture_name == 'False': self.session_capture_name = False break except IOError: pass searchdir = os.path.dirname(searchdir) # No init option specified, no choice file found. Force the choice. if self.session_capture_name is None: raise BLE( "Please set session_capture_name option to Population.__init__\n" " to either opt-in or opt-out of sending details of your usage of\n" " this software to the MIT Probabilistic Computing Group.\n\n" "If you see this in one of our example notebooks,\n" " return to the starting page, the Index.ipynb, to\n" " make that choice.") def initialize(self): if self.bdb: self.check_representation() return self.bdb = bayeslite.bayesdb_open(self.bdb_path) if not bayeslite.core.bayesdb_has_table(self.bdb, if self.df is not None: bayeslite.read_pandas.bayesdb_read_pandas_df(self.bdb,, self.df, create=True, ifnotexists=True) elif self.csv_path: bayeslite.bayesdb_read_csv_file(self.bdb,, self.csv_path, header=True, create=True, ifnotexists=True) else: tables = self.list_tables() metamodels = self.list_metamodels() if len(tables) + len(metamodels) == 0: raise BLE( ValueError( "No data sources specified, and an empty bdb.")) else: raise BLE( ValueError( "The name of the population must be the same" " as a table in the bdb, one of: " + ", ".join(tables) + "\nNote also that the bdb has the following" " metamodels defined: " + ", ".join(metamodels))) self.generators = self.query('''SELECT * FROM bayesdb_generator''') if len(self.generators) == 0: size = self.query('''SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %t''').ix[0, 0] assert 0 < size self.query(''' CREATE GENERATOR %g IF NOT EXISTS FOR %t USING crosscat( GUESS(*) )''') self.check_representation() def check_representation(self): assert self.bdb, "Did you initialize?" assert self.session_capture_name is not None def interpret_bql(self, query_string): '''Replace %t and %g as appropriate.''' return re.sub( r'(^|(?<=\s))%t\b', bayeslite.bql_quote_name(, re.sub(r'(^|(?<=\s))%g\b', bayeslite.bql_quote_name(self.generator_name), query_string)) def sql_tracing(self, turn_on=True): """Trace underlying SQL, for debugging.""" self.check_representation() # Always turn off: self.bdb.sql_untrace(self.bdb.sql_tracer) if turn_on: printer = lambda query, bindings: "query: [%s] bindings: [%s]\n\n", query, bindings) self.bdb.sql_trace(printer) def reset(self): self.check_representation() self.query('drop generator if exists %s' % self.generator_name) self.query('drop table if exists %s' % self.bdb = None self.initialize() def specifier_to_df(self, spec): if isinstance(spec, pd.DataFrame): return spec else: return self.query(spec) def help(self, filter=None): """Show a short menu of available methods. filter : string or re Show only methods whose descriptions match the given pattern. """ response = self.shortdocs if filter is not None: if hasattr(filter, '__call__'): response = response.filter(filter) else: response = [r for r in response if, r)] print '\n'.join(response)
class Population(object): """Generative Population Model, wraps a BayesDB, and tracks one population.""" @classmethod def method_imports(cls): """Runs decorators that add methods to Population.""" # These are here rather than in, say so doing import bdbcontrib # just to get its __version__ for example doesn't need to run all that code. # does import population (this file) for quickstart's __doc__ # (same as this class's __init__.__doc__) so these can't just be at top. # But once you're using Populations, you have to pay this price once. import bql_utils import plot_utils import recipes import diagnostic_utils import crosscat_utils # Convenience alias: cls.q = cls.query def __init__(self, name, csv_path=None, bdb_path=None, df=None, logger=None, session_capture_name=None): """Create a Population object, wrapping a bayeslite.BayesDB. name : str REQUIRED. A name for the population, should use letters and underscores only. This will also be used as a table name in the bdb, and %t in queries will expand to this name. %g in queries will expand to the current population metamodel, also based on this name. csv_path : str The path to a comma-separated values file. If specified, will be used to populate the bdb. It must exist and be both readable and non-empty. df : pandas.DataFrame If specified, these data will be used to populate the bdb, superseding any csv_path. It must not be empty. bdb_path : str If specified, store data and analysis results here. If no other data source (csv or df) is specified, then it must already have been populated. If not specified, we will use a volatile in-memory bdb. logger : object Something on which we can call .info or .warn to send messages to the user. By default a bayeslite.loggers.BqlLogger, but could be QuietLogger (only results), SilentLogger (nothing), IpyLogger, CaptureLogger, LoggingLogger, or anything else that implements the BqlLogger interface. session_capture_name : String Signing up with your name and email and sending your session details to the MIT Probabilistic Computing Group helps build a community of support and helps improve your user experience. You can save your choice in a file called 'bayesdb-session-capture-opt.txt' in the directory where you run the software, or any parent directory. This option overrides any setting in such a file. Any string is interpreted as opting in to sending session details. False is interpreted as opting out. You must choose. If you choose to use an organization name or email, then please send a note to [email protected] to help us connect your sessions to you. If you encounter a bug, or something surprising, please include your session capture name in your report. If you opt out, you still allow us to count how often users opt out. DO NOT USE THIS SOFTWARE FOR HIPAA-COVERED, PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE, OR SIMILARLY SENSITIVE DATA! Opting out does not guarantee security. """ Population.method_imports() assert re.match(r'\w+', name) assert df is not None or csv_path or bdb_path = name self.generator_name = name + '_cc' # Because we use the default metamodel. self.csv_path = csv_path self.df = df self.bdb_path = bdb_path if logger is None: if 'IPython' in sys.modules: from bdbcontrib.loggers import IPYTHON_LOGGER as ipy self.logger = ipy else: self.logger = BqlLogger() else: self.logger = logger self.bdb = None self.status = None self.session_capture_name = None self.generators = [] with logged_query('count-beacon', None, name='count-beacon'): self.initialize_session_capture(session_capture_name) self.initialize() def initialize_session_capture(self, name): if self.session_capture_name is not None: return if name is not None: self.session_capture_name = name return # Search for a session-capture name or opt-out saved as a file: filename = "bayesdb-session-capture-opt.txt" searchdir = os.getcwd() while searchdir != os.path.dirname(searchdir): # While not at root. try: with open(os.path.join(searchdir, filename), 'r') as optinfile: self.session_capture_name = if self.session_capture_name == 'False': self.session_capture_name = False break except IOError: pass searchdir = os.path.dirname(searchdir) # No init option specified, no choice file found. Force the choice. if self.session_capture_name is None: raise BLE( "Please set session_capture_name option to quickstart\n" " to either opt-in or opt-out of sending details of your usage of\n" " this software to the MIT Probabilistic Computing Group.\n\n" "If you see this in one of our example notebooks,\n" " return to the starting page, the Index.ipynb, to\n" " make that choice.") def initialize(self): if self.bdb: self.check_representation() return self.bdb = bayeslite.bayesdb_open(self.bdb_path) if not bayeslite.core.bayesdb_has_table(self.bdb, if self.df is not None: bayeslite.read_pandas.bayesdb_read_pandas_df( self.bdb,, self.df, create=True, ifnotexists=True) elif self.csv_path: bayeslite.bayesdb_read_csv_file( self.bdb,, self.csv_path, header=True, create=True, ifnotexists=True) else: raise BLE(ValueError("No data sources specified, and an empty bdb.")) self.generators = self.query('''SELECT * FROM bayesdb_generator''') if len(self.generators) == 0: size = self.query('''SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %t''').ix(0, 0) assert 0 < size self.query(''' CREATE GENERATOR %g IF NOT EXISTS FOR %t USING crosscat( GUESS(*) )''') self.check_representation() def check_representation(self): assert self.bdb, "Did you initialize?" assert self.session_capture_name is not None def interpret_bql(self, query_string): '''Replace %t and %g as appropriate.''' return re.sub(r'(^|(?<=\s))%t\b', bayeslite.bql_quote_name(, re.sub(r'(^|(?<=\s))%g\b', bayeslite.bql_quote_name(self.generator_name), query_string)) def analyze(self, models=100, minutes=0, iterations=0, checkpoint=0): '''Run analysis. models : integer The number of models bounds the accuracy of predictive probabilities. With ten models, then you get one decimal digit of interpretability, with a hundred models, you get two, and so on. minutes : integer How long you want to let it run. iterations : integer How many iterations to let it run. Returns: A report indicating how many models have seen how many iterations, and other info about model stability. ''' self.check_representation() with logged_query(query_string='recipes.analyze', name=self.session_capture_name): if models > 0: self.query('INITIALIZE %d MODELS IF NOT EXISTS FOR %s' % (models, self.generator_name)) assert minutes == 0 or iterations == 0 else: models = self.analysis_status().sum() if minutes > 0: if checkpoint == 0: checkpoint = max(1, int(minutes * models / 200)) analyzer = ('ANALYZE %s FOR %d MINUTES CHECKPOINT %d ITERATION WAIT' % (self.generator_name, minutes, checkpoint)) with logged_query(query_string=analyzer, name=self.session_capture_name, bindings=self.query('SELECT * FROM %t')): self.query(analyzer) elif iterations > 0: if checkpoint == 0: checkpoint = max(1, int(iterations / 20)) self.query( '''ANALYZE %s FOR %d ITERATIONS CHECKPOINT %d ITERATION WAIT''' % ( self.generator_name, iterations, checkpoint)) else: raise NotImplementedError('No default analysis strategy yet. ' 'Please specify minutes or iterations.') # itrs = self.per_model_analysis_status() # models_with_fewest_iterations = # itrs[itrs['iterations'] == itrs.min('index').head(0)[0]].index.tolist() # TODO(gremio): run each model with as many iterations as it needs to get # up to where it needs to get to, if that's larger? # Nope. Vikash said there's no reason to think that's a good idea. Perhaps # even better to have some young models mixed in with the old ones. # I still think we should make some recommendation that scales for what # "the right thing" is, where that's something that at least isn't known to # suck. return self.analysis_status() def per_model_analysis_status(self): """Return the number of iterations for each model.""" # XXX Move this to bdbcontrib/src/ ? self.check_representation() try: return self.query('''SELECT iterations FROM bayesdb_generator_model WHERE generator_id = ( SELECT id FROM bayesdb_generator WHERE name = ?)''', (self.generator_name,)) except ValueError: # Because, e.g. there is no generator yet, for an empty db. return None def analysis_status(self): """Return the count of models for each number of iterations run.""" self.check_representation() itrs = self.per_model_analysis_status() if itrs is None or len(itrs) == 0: emt = pd.DataFrame(columns=['count of model instances']) = 'iterations' return emt vcs = pd.DataFrame(itrs['iterations'].value_counts()) = 'iterations' vcs.columns = ['count of model instances'] self.status = vcs return vcs def sql_tracing(self, turn_on=True): """Trace underlying SQL, for debugging.""" self.check_representation() # Always turn off: self.bdb.sql_untrace(self.bdb.sql_tracer) if turn_on: printer = lambda query, bindings: "query: [%s] bindings: [%s]\n\n", query, bindings) self.bdb.sql_trace(printer) def reset(self): self.check_representation() self.query('drop generator if exists %s' % self.generator_name) self.query('drop table if exists %s' % self.bdb = None self.initialize() def specifier_to_df(self, spec): if isinstance(spec, pd.DataFrame): return spec else: return self.query(spec)
class Population(object): """Generative Population Model, wraps a BayesDB, and tracks one population. See for a short menu of available methods. See help(Population) as usual for more complete information. """ shortdocs = [] @classmethod def method_imports(cls): """Runs decorators that add methods to Population.""" # Set up a place for methods to deposit their short documentations for help: cls.shortdocs = [] # These are here rather than in, say so doing import bdbcontrib # just to get its __version__ for example doesn't need to run all that code. # does import population (this file) for Population's __doc__ # (same as this class's __init__.__doc__) so these can't just be at top. # But once you're using Populations, you have to pay this price once. import bql_utils import plot_utils import recipes import diagnostic_utils import crosscat_utils # Convenience alias: cls.q = cls.query cls.vartype = cls.get_column_stattype cls.quick_describe_columns = cls.variable_stattypes def __init__(self, name, csv_path=None, bdb_path=None, df=None, logger=None, session_capture_name=None): """Create a Population object, wrapping a bayeslite.BayesDB. name : str REQUIRED. A name for the population, should use letters and underscores only. This will also be used as a table name in the bdb, and %t in queries will expand to this name. %g in queries will expand to the current population metamodel, also based on this name. csv_path : str The path to a comma-separated values file. If specified, will be used to populate the bdb. It must exist and be both readable and non-empty. df : pandas.DataFrame If specified, these data will be used to populate the bdb, superseding any csv_path. It must not be empty. bdb_path : str If specified, store data and analysis results here. If no other data source (csv or df) is specified, then it must already have been populated. If not specified, we will use a volatile in-memory bdb. logger : object Something on which we can call .info or .warn to send messages to the user. By default a bayeslite.loggers.BqlLogger, but could be QuietLogger (only results), SilentLogger (nothing), IpyLogger, CaptureLogger, LoggingLogger, or anything else that implements the BqlLogger interface. session_capture_name : String Signing up with your name and email and sending your session details to the MIT Probabilistic Computing Group helps build a community of support and helps improve your user experience. You can save your choice in a file called 'bayesdb-session-capture-opt.txt' in the directory where you run the software, or any parent directory. This option overrides any setting in such a file. Any string is interpreted as opting in to sending session details. False is interpreted as opting out. You must choose. If you choose to use an organization name or email, then please send a note to [email protected] to help us connect your sessions to you. If you encounter a bug, or something surprising, please include your session capture name in your report. If you opt out, you still allow us to count how often users opt out. DO NOT USE THIS SOFTWARE FOR HIPAA-COVERED, PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE, OR SIMILARLY SENSITIVE DATA! Opting out does not guarantee security. """ Population.method_imports() assert re.match(r'\w+', name) assert df is not None or csv_path or bdb_path = name self.generator_name = name + '_cc' # Because we use the default metamodel. self.csv_path = csv_path self.df = df self.bdb_path = bdb_path if logger is None: if 'IPython' in sys.modules: from bdbcontrib.loggers import IPYTHON_LOGGER as ipy self.logger = ipy else: self.logger = BqlLogger() else: self.logger = logger self.bdb = None self.status = None self.session_capture_name = None self.generators = [] with logged_query('count-beacon', None, name='count-beacon'): self.initialize_session_capture(session_capture_name) self.initialize() def initialize_session_capture(self, name): if self.session_capture_name is not None: return if name is not None: self.session_capture_name = name return # Search for a session-capture name or opt-out saved as a file: searchdir = os.getcwd() while searchdir != os.path.dirname(searchdir): # While not at root. try: with open(os.path.join(searchdir, OPTFILE), 'r') as optinfile: self.session_capture_name = if self.session_capture_name == 'False': self.session_capture_name = False break except IOError: pass searchdir = os.path.dirname(searchdir) # No init option specified, no choice file found. Force the choice. if self.session_capture_name is None: raise BLE( "Please set session_capture_name option to Population.__init__\n" " to either opt-in or opt-out of sending details of your usage of\n" " this software to the MIT Probabilistic Computing Group.\n\n" "If you see this in one of our example notebooks,\n" " return to the starting page, the Index.ipynb, to\n" " make that choice.") def initialize(self): if self.bdb: self.check_representation() return self.bdb = bayeslite.bayesdb_open(self.bdb_path) if not bayeslite.core.bayesdb_has_table(self.bdb, if self.df is not None: bayeslite.read_pandas.bayesdb_read_pandas_df( self.bdb,, self.df, create=True, ifnotexists=True) elif self.csv_path: bayeslite.bayesdb_read_csv_file( self.bdb,, self.csv_path, header=True, create=True, ifnotexists=True) else: tables = self.list_tables() metamodels = self.list_metamodels() if len(tables) + len(metamodels) == 0: raise BLE(ValueError("No data sources specified, and an empty bdb.")) else: raise BLE(ValueError("The name of the population must be the same" " as a table in the bdb, one of: " + ", ".join(tables) + "\nNote also that the bdb has the following" " metamodels defined: " + ", ".join(metamodels))) self.generators = self.query('''SELECT * FROM bayesdb_generator''') if len(self.generators) == 0: size = self.query('''SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %t''').ix[0, 0] assert 0 < size self.query(''' CREATE GENERATOR %g IF NOT EXISTS FOR %t USING crosscat( GUESS(*) )''') self.check_representation() def check_representation(self): assert self.bdb, "Did you initialize?" assert self.session_capture_name is not None def interpret_bql(self, query_string): '''Replace %t and %g as appropriate.''' return re.sub(r'(^|(?<=\s))%t\b', bayeslite.bql_quote_name(, re.sub(r'(^|(?<=\s))%g\b', bayeslite.bql_quote_name(self.generator_name), query_string)) def sql_tracing(self, turn_on=True): """Trace underlying SQL, for debugging.""" self.check_representation() # Always turn off: self.bdb.sql_untrace(self.bdb.sql_tracer) if turn_on: printer = lambda query, bindings: "query: [%s] bindings: [%s]\n\n", query, bindings) self.bdb.sql_trace(printer) def reset(self): self.check_representation() self.query('drop generator if exists %s' % self.generator_name) self.query('drop table if exists %s' % self.bdb = None self.initialize() def specifier_to_df(self, spec): if isinstance(spec, pd.DataFrame): return spec else: return self.query(spec) def help(self, filter=None): """Show a short menu of available methods. filter : string or re Show only methods whose descriptions match the given pattern. """ response = self.shortdocs if filter is not None: if hasattr(filter, '__call__'): response = response.filter(filter) else: response = [r for r in response if, r)] print '\n'.join(response)