Exemple #1
def real_run(args, opt_file_lookup, run_uuid, timeout=None):  # pragma: io
    """Run sequence of independent experiments to fully run the benchmark.

    This uses `subprocess` to launch a separate process (in serial) for each experiment.

    args : dict(CmdArgs, [int, str])
        Arguments of options to pass to the experiments being launched. The keys corresponds to the same arguments
        passed to this program.
    opt_file_lookup : dict(str, str)
        Mapping from method name to filename containing wrapper class for the method.
    run_uuid : uuid.UUID
        UUID for this launcher run. Needed to generate different experiments UUIDs on each call. This function is
        deterministic provided the same `run_uuid`.
    timeout : int
        Max seconds per experiment
    args[CmdArgs.db] = XRSerializer.init_db(args[CmdArgs.db_root], db=args[CmdArgs.db], keys=EXP_VARS, exist_ok=True)
    logger.info("Supply --db %s to append to this experiment or reproduce jobs file." % args[CmdArgs.db])

    # Get and run the commands in a sub-process
    counter = 0
    G = gen_commands(args, opt_file_lookup, run_uuid)
    for _, full_cmd in G:
            status = call(full_cmd, shell=False, cwd=args[CmdArgs.optimizer_root], timeout=timeout)
            if status != 0:
                raise ChildProcessError("status code %d returned from:\n%s" % (status, " ".join(full_cmd)))
        except TimeoutExpired:
            logger.info(f"Experiment timeout after {timeout} seconds.")
            print(json.dumps({"experiment_timeout_exception": " ".join(full_cmd)}))

        counter += 1
    logger.info(f"Benchmark script ran {counter} studies successfully.")
def main():
    """See README for instructions on calling db_init.
    description = "Initialize the directories for running the experiments"
    args = cmd.parse_args(cmd.general_parser(description))

    assert not args[
        CmdArgs.dry_run], "Dry run doesn't make any sense when building dirs"

    logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)  # Note this is the module-wide logger
    if args[CmdArgs.verbose]:


Exemple #3
def real_run(args, opt_file_lookup, run_uuid):  # pragma: io
    """Run sequence of independent experiments to fully run the benchmark.

    This uses `subprocess` to launch a separate process (in serial) for each experiment.

    args : dict(CmdArgs, [int, str])
        Arguments of options to pass to the experiments being launched. The keys corresponds to the same arguments
        passed to this program.
    opt_file_lookup : dict(str, str)
        Mapping from method name to filename containing wrapper class for the method.
    run_uuid : uuid.UUID
        UUID for this launcher run. Needed to generate different experiments UUIDs on each call. This function is
        deterministic provided the same `run_uuid`.
    args[CmdArgs.db] = XRSerializer.init_db(args[CmdArgs.db_root],
        "Supply --db %s to append to this experiment or reproduce jobs file." %

    # Get and run the commands in a sub-process
    ran, failed = 0, 0
    G = gen_commands(args, opt_file_lookup, run_uuid)
    for _, full_cmd in G:
        status = call(full_cmd, shell=False, cwd=args[CmdArgs.optimizer_root])
        ran += 1
        if status != 0:
            failed += 1
                "status code %d returned from:\n%s" %
                (status, " ".join(full_cmd)), RuntimeWarning)
    logger.info("%d failures of benchmark script after %d studies." %
                (failed, ran))