def main(server, eventHandler, params): params.updateFromServer(server) gobject.threads_init() # That indicates whether the Hob and the bitbake server are # running on different machines # recipe model and package model recipe_model = RecipeListModel() package_model = PackageListModel() llevel, debug_domains = bb.msg.constructLogOptions() server.runCommand(["setEventMask", server.getEventHandle(), llevel, debug_domains, _evt_list]) hobHandler = HobHandler(server, recipe_model, package_model) builder = Builder(hobHandler, recipe_model, package_model) if "HOB_POPULATE_CACHES_ONLY" in os.environ: hobHandler.connect("package-populated", handler_auto_exit) # This timeout function regularly probes the event queue to find out if we # have any messages waiting for us. gobject.timeout_add(10, event_handle_idle_func, eventHandler, hobHandler) try: gtk.main() except EnvironmentError as ioerror: # ignore interrupted io if ioerror.args[0] == 4: pass finally: hobHandler.cancel_build(force=True)
def main (server, eventHandler, params): params.updateFromServer(server) gobject.threads_init() # That indicates whether the Hob and the bitbake server are # running on different machines # recipe model and package model recipe_model = RecipeListModel() package_model = PackageListModel() hobHandler = HobHandler(server, recipe_model, package_model) builder = Builder(hobHandler, recipe_model, package_model) # This timeout function regularly probes the event queue to find out if we # have any messages waiting for us. gobject.timeout_add(10, event_handle_idle_func, eventHandler, hobHandler) try: gtk.main() except EnvironmentError as ioerror: # ignore interrupted io if ioerror.args[0] == 4: pass finally: hobHandler.cancel_build(force = True)
def main(server, eventHandler, params): params.updateFromServer(server) gobject.threads_init() # That indicates whether the Hob and the bitbake server are # running on different machines # recipe model and package model recipe_model = RecipeListModel() package_model = PackageListModel() llevel, debug_domains = bb.msg.constructLogOptions() server.runCommand([ "setEventMask", server.getEventHandle(), llevel, debug_domains, _evt_list ]) hobHandler = HobHandler(server, recipe_model, package_model) builder = Builder(hobHandler, recipe_model, package_model) # This timeout function regularly probes the event queue to find out if we # have any messages waiting for us. gobject.timeout_add(10, event_handle_idle_func, eventHandler, hobHandler) try: gtk.main() except EnvironmentError as ioerror: # ignore interrupted io if ioerror.args[0] == 4: pass finally: hobHandler.cancel_build(force=True)
def main (server = None, eventHandler = None): bitbake_server = None client_addr = None server_addr = None if not eventHandler: helper = uihelper.BBUIHelper() server, eventHandler, server_addr, client_addr = helper.findServerDetails() bitbake_server = server gobject.threads_init() # That indicates whether the Hob and the bitbake server are # running on different machines # recipe model and package model recipe_model = RecipeListModel() package_model = PackageListModel() hobHandler = HobHandler(bitbake_server, server_addr, client_addr, recipe_model, package_model) if hobHandler.kick() == False: return 1 builder = Builder(hobHandler, recipe_model, package_model) # This timeout function regularly probes the event queue to find out if we # have any messages waiting for us. gobject.timeout_add(10, event_handle_idle_func, eventHandler, hobHandler) try: gtk.main() except EnvironmentError as ioerror: # ignore interrupted io if ioerror.args[0] == 4: pass finally: hobHandler.cancel_build(force = True)
def main (server, eventHandler): gobject.threads_init() gtk.gdk.threads_init() taskmodel = TaskListModel() handler = HobHandler(taskmodel, server) mach = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "MACHINE"]) distro = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "DISTRO"]) window = MainWindow(taskmodel, handler, mach, distro) window.show_all () handler.connect("machines-updated", window.update_machines) handler.connect("distros-updated", window.update_distros) handler.connect("generating-data", window.busy) handler.connect("data-generated", window.data_generated) pbar = ProgressBar(window) pbar.connect("delete-event", gtk.main_quit) try: # kick the while thing off handler.current_command = "findConfigFilesDistro" server.runCommand(["findConfigFiles", "DISTRO"]) except xmlrpclib.Fault: print("XMLRPC Fault getting commandline:\n %s" % x) return 1 # This timeout function regularly probes the event queue to find out if we # have any messages waiting for us. gobject.timeout_add (100, handler.event_handle_idle_func, eventHandler,, pbar) try: gtk.main() except EnvironmentError as ioerror: # ignore interrupted io if ioerror.args[0] == 4: pass finally: server.runCommand(["stateStop"])
def main(server=None, eventHandler=None): gobject.threads_init() # That indicates whether the Hob and the bitbake server are # running on different machines # recipe model and package model recipe_model = RecipeListModel() package_model = PackageListModel() hobHandler = HobHandler(server, recipe_model, package_model) builder = Builder(hobHandler, recipe_model, package_model) # This timeout function regularly probes the event queue to find out if we # have any messages waiting for us. gobject.timeout_add(10, event_handle_idle_func, eventHandler, hobHandler) try: gtk.main() except EnvironmentError as ioerror: # ignore interrupted io if ioerror.args[0] == 4: pass finally: hobHandler.cancel_build(force=True)
def main (server, eventHandler): import multiprocessing cpu_cnt = multiprocessing.cpu_count() gobject.threads_init() taskmodel = TaskListModel() configurator = Configurator() handler = HobHandler(taskmodel, server) mach = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "MACHINE"]) sdk_mach = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "SDKMACHINE"]) # If SDKMACHINE not set the default SDK_ARCH is used so we # should represent that in the GUI if not sdk_mach: sdk_mach = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "SDK_ARCH"]) distro = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "DISTRO"]) bbthread = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "BB_NUMBER_THREADS"]) if not bbthread: bbthread = cpu_cnt handler.set_bbthreads(cpu_cnt) else: bbthread = int(bbthread) pmake = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "PARALLEL_MAKE"]) if not pmake: pmake = cpu_cnt handler.set_pmake(cpu_cnt) else: # The PARALLEL_MAKE variable will be of the format: "-j 3" and we only # want a number for the spinner, so strip everything from the variable # up to and including the space pmake = int(pmake[pmake.find(" ")+1:]) image_types = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "IMAGE_TYPES"]) pclasses = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "PACKAGE_CLASSES"]).split(" ") # NOTE: we're only supporting one value for PACKAGE_CLASSES being set # this seems OK because we're using the first package format set in # PACKAGE_CLASSES and that's the package manager used for the rootfs pkg, sep, pclass = pclasses[0].rpartition("_") prefs = HobPrefs(configurator, handler, sdk_mach, distro, pclass, cpu_cnt, pmake, bbthread, image_types) layers = LayerEditor(configurator, None) window = MainWindow(taskmodel, handler, configurator, prefs, layers, mach) prefs.set_parent_window(window) layers.set_parent_window(window) window.show_all () handler.connect("machines-updated", window.update_machines) handler.connect("sdk-machines-updated", prefs.update_sdk_machines) handler.connect("distros-updated", prefs.update_distros) handler.connect("package-formats-found", prefs.update_package_formats) handler.connect("generating-data", window.busy) handler.connect("data-generated", window.data_generated) handler.connect("reload-triggered", window.reload_triggered_cb) configurator.connect("layers-loaded", layers.load_current_layers) configurator.connect("layers-changed", handler.reload_data) handler.connect("config-found", configurator.configFound) try: # kick the while thing off handler.current_command = "findConfigFilePathLocal" server.runCommand(["findConfigFilePath", "local.conf"]) except xmlrpclib.Fault: print("XMLRPC Fault getting commandline:\n %s" % x) return 1 # This timeout function regularly probes the event queue to find out if we # have any messages waiting for us. gobject.timeout_add (100, handler.event_handle_idle_func, eventHandler,, window.progress) try: gtk.main() except EnvironmentError as ioerror: # ignore interrupted io if ioerror.args[0] == 4: pass finally: server.runCommand(["stateStop"])
def main (server, eventHandler): gobject.threads_init() # NOTE: For now we require that the user run with pre and post files to # read and store configuration set in the GUI. # We hope to adjust this long term as tracked in Yocto Bugzilla #1441 # reqfiles = 0 dep_files = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "__depends"]) or set() dep_files.union(server.runCommand(["getVariable", "__base_depends"]) or set()) for f in dep_files: if f[0].endswith("hob-pre.conf"): reqfiles = reqfiles + 1 elif f[0].endswith("hob-post.conf"): reqfiles = reqfiles + 1 if reqfiles == 2: break if reqfiles < 2: print("""The hob UI requires a pre file named hob-pre.conf and a post file named hob-post.conf to store and read its configuration from. Please run hob with these files, i.e.\n \bitbake -u hob -r conf/hob-pre.conf -R conf/hob-post.conf""") return taskmodel = TaskListModel() configurator = Configurator() handler = HobHandler(taskmodel, server) mach = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "MACHINE"]) sdk_mach = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "SDKMACHINE"]) # If SDKMACHINE not set the default SDK_ARCH is used so we # should represent that in the GUI if not sdk_mach: sdk_mach = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "SDK_ARCH"]) distro = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "DISTRO"]) if not distro: distro = "defaultsetup" bbthread = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "BB_NUMBER_THREADS"]) if not bbthread: bbthread = 1 else: bbthread = int(bbthread) pmake = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "PARALLEL_MAKE"]) if not pmake: pmake = 1 else: # The PARALLEL_MAKE variable will be of the format: "-j 3" and we only # want a number for the spinner, so strip everything from the variable # up to and including the space pmake = int(pmake.lstrip("-j ")) selected_image_types = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "IMAGE_FSTYPES"]) all_image_types = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "IMAGE_TYPES"]) pclasses = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "PACKAGE_CLASSES"]).split(" ") # NOTE: we're only supporting one value for PACKAGE_CLASSES being set # this seems OK because we're using the first package format set in # PACKAGE_CLASSES and that's the package manager used for the rootfs pkg, sep, pclass = pclasses[0].rpartition("_") incompatible = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "INCOMPATIBLE_LICENSE"]) gplv3disabled = False if incompatible and incompatible.lower().find("gplv3") != -1: gplv3disabled = True build_toolchain = bool(server.runCommand(["getVariable", "HOB_BUILD_TOOLCHAIN"])) handler.toggle_toolchain(build_toolchain) build_headers = bool(server.runCommand(["getVariable", "HOB_BUILD_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS"])) handler.toggle_toolchain_headers(build_headers) prefs = HobPrefs(configurator, handler, sdk_mach, distro, pclass, pmake, bbthread, selected_image_types, all_image_types, gplv3disabled, build_toolchain, build_headers) layers = LayerEditor(configurator, None) window = MainWindow(taskmodel, handler, configurator, prefs, layers, mach) prefs.set_parent_window(window) layers.set_parent_window(window) window.show_all () handler.connect("machines-updated", window.update_machines) handler.connect("sdk-machines-updated", prefs.update_sdk_machines) handler.connect("distros-updated", prefs.update_distros) handler.connect("package-formats-found", prefs.update_package_formats) handler.connect("generating-data", window.busy) handler.connect("data-generated", window.data_generated) handler.connect("reload-triggered", window.reload_triggered_cb) configurator.connect("layers-loaded", layers.load_current_layers) configurator.connect("layers-changed", handler.reload_data) handler.connect("config-found", configurator.configFound) handler.connect("fatal-error", window.fatal_error_cb) try: # kick the while thing off handler.current_command = handler.CFG_PATH_LOCAL server.runCommand(["findConfigFilePath", "local.conf"]) except xmlrpclib.Fault: print("XMLRPC Fault getting commandline:\n %s" % x) return 1 # This timeout function regularly probes the event queue to find out if we # have any messages waiting for us. gobject.timeout_add (100, handler.event_handle_idle_func, eventHandler,, window.progress) try: gtk.main() except EnvironmentError as ioerror: # ignore interrupted io if ioerror.args[0] == 4: pass finally: server.runCommand(["stateStop"])
def main(server, eventHandler): gobject.threads_init() # NOTE: For now we require that the user run with pre and post files to # read and store configuration set in the GUI. # We hope to adjust this long term as tracked in Yocto Bugzilla #1441 # reqfiles = 0 dep_files = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "__depends"]) or set() dep_files.union( server.runCommand(["getVariable", "__base_depends"]) or set()) for f in dep_files: if f[0].endswith("hob-pre.conf"): reqfiles = reqfiles + 1 elif f[0].endswith("hob-post.conf"): reqfiles = reqfiles + 1 if reqfiles == 2: break if reqfiles < 2: print("""The hob UI requires a pre file named hob-pre.conf and a post file named hob-post.conf to store and read its configuration from. Please run hob with these files, i.e.\n \bitbake -u hob -r conf/hob-pre.conf -R conf/hob-post.conf""") return taskmodel = TaskListModel() configurator = Configurator() handler = HobHandler(taskmodel, server) mach = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "MACHINE"]) sdk_mach = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "SDKMACHINE"]) # If SDKMACHINE not set the default SDK_ARCH is used so we # should represent that in the GUI if not sdk_mach: sdk_mach = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "SDK_ARCH"]) distro = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "DISTRO"]) if not distro: distro = "defaultsetup" bbthread = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "BB_NUMBER_THREADS"]) if not bbthread: bbthread = 1 else: bbthread = int(bbthread) pmake = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "PARALLEL_MAKE"]) if not pmake: pmake = 1 else: # The PARALLEL_MAKE variable will be of the format: "-j 3" and we only # want a number for the spinner, so strip everything from the variable # up to and including the space pmake = int(pmake.lstrip("-j ")) selected_image_types = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "IMAGE_FSTYPES"]) all_image_types = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "IMAGE_TYPES"]) pclasses = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "PACKAGE_CLASSES"]).split(" ") # NOTE: we're only supporting one value for PACKAGE_CLASSES being set # this seems OK because we're using the first package format set in # PACKAGE_CLASSES and that's the package manager used for the rootfs pkg, sep, pclass = pclasses[0].rpartition("_") incompatible = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "INCOMPATIBLE_LICENSE"]) gplv3disabled = False if incompatible and incompatible.lower().find("gplv3") != -1: gplv3disabled = True build_toolchain = bool( server.runCommand(["getVariable", "HOB_BUILD_TOOLCHAIN"])) handler.toggle_toolchain(build_toolchain) build_headers = bool( server.runCommand(["getVariable", "HOB_BUILD_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS"])) handler.toggle_toolchain_headers(build_headers) prefs = HobPrefs(configurator, handler, sdk_mach, distro, pclass, pmake, bbthread, selected_image_types, all_image_types, gplv3disabled, build_toolchain, build_headers) layers = LayerEditor(configurator, None) window = MainWindow(taskmodel, handler, configurator, prefs, layers, mach) prefs.set_parent_window(window) layers.set_parent_window(window) window.show_all() handler.connect("machines-updated", window.update_machines) handler.connect("sdk-machines-updated", prefs.update_sdk_machines) handler.connect("distros-updated", prefs.update_distros) handler.connect("package-formats-found", prefs.update_package_formats) handler.connect("generating-data", window.busy) handler.connect("data-generated", window.data_generated) handler.connect("reload-triggered", window.reload_triggered_cb) configurator.connect("layers-loaded", layers.load_current_layers) configurator.connect("layers-changed", handler.reload_data) handler.connect("config-found", configurator.configFound) handler.connect("fatal-error", window.fatal_error_cb) try: # kick the while thing off handler.current_command = handler.CFG_PATH_LOCAL server.runCommand(["findConfigFilePath", "local.conf"]) except xmlrpclib.Fault: print("XMLRPC Fault getting commandline:\n %s" % x) return 1 # This timeout function regularly probes the event queue to find out if we # have any messages waiting for us. gobject.timeout_add(100, handler.event_handle_idle_func, eventHandler,, window.progress) try: gtk.main() except EnvironmentError as ioerror: # ignore interrupted io if ioerror.args[0] == 4: pass finally: server.runCommand(["stateStop"])