def get_data_from_shotgun(cb010 = True, cb020 = True, cb030 = True, cb040 = True, cb050 = True, cb060 = True, optimizeEnv = True, rippleLyr = True, bgHillLyr = True, directory = 'I:/bubblebathbay/episodes', **kwargs): episode = kwargs['code'].split('_')[0] if kwargs['code'] else None shotName = kwargs['code'] if kwargs['code'] else None minTime = kwargs['sg_cut_in'] if kwargs['sg_cut_in'] else None maxTime = kwargs['sg_cut_out'] if kwargs['sg_cut_out'] else None timeOfDay = kwargs['sg_tod'] if kwargs['sg_tod'] else None oceanType = kwargs['sg_ocean_type'] if kwargs['sg_ocean_type'] else None if shotName: ## New File! cmds.file(new = True, force = True) ## Load plugins plugins_to_load = ['AbcImport', 'Mayatomr']; [cmds.loadPlugin(plug) for plug in plugins_to_load if not cmds.pluginInfo(plug, q = True, name = True, loaded = True)] ## Enable Mentalcore cmds.deleteUI('unifiedRenderGlobalsWindow') if cmds.window('unifiedRenderGlobalsWindow', exists = True, q = True) else None bbbLightTools._setRenderGlobals() if minTime and maxTime: ## Sync frame range from shotgun (min) cmds.playbackOptions(minTime = minTime, maxTime = maxTime, animationStartTime = minTime, animationEndTime = maxTime) sceneName = 'I:/bubblebathbay/episodes/%s/%s/Light/work/maya/' % (episode, shotName) ############################################################################################################ ## Fetch latest anim publish bbbLightTools._fetchAnimPublish(filteredPublish = 'Fetch Anim Publish', sceneName = sceneName)'ABC_ANIM_CACHES_hrc', children = True, fullPath = True), replace = True) if cmds.objExists('ABC_ANIM_CACHES_hrc') and cmds.listRelatives('ABC_ANIM_CACHES_hrc', children = True) else None bbbLightTools.fetchShadersForSelected() ########################################################################################################### ## Fetch latest crease xml publish bbbLightTools._fetchAnimPublish(filteredPublish = 'Fetch Crease XML Publish', sceneName = sceneName) ########################################################################################################### ## Fetch latest camera publish bbbLightTools._fetchAnimPublish(filteredPublish = 'Fetch Camera Publish', sceneName = sceneName) shotCam = [cmds.listRelatives(cam, fullPath = True)[0] for cam in cmds.listCameras(perspective = True) if cam != 'persp' if cmds.objExists('%s.type' % cam) if cmds.getAttr('%s.type' % cam) == 'shotCam'] shotCam = shotCam[0] if shotCam else None cmds.setAttr("%s.displayResolution" % shotCam, 1) cmds.setAttr("%s.overscan" % shotCam, 1.3) ########################################################################################################### ## Fetch latest fx ocean publish bbbLightTools._fetchAnimPublish(filteredPublish = 'Fetch FX Publish', sceneName = sceneName) ## Fetch Static ENVs bbbLightTools._doSTATIC_import(path = '//', namespace = 'ep000_sh010_ep000sh010_LIGHTENV') if cb010 else None bbbLightTools._doSTATIC_import(path = '//', namespace = 'ep000_sh020_ep000sh020_LIGHTENV') if cb020 else None bbbLightTools._doSTATIC_import(path = '//', namespace = 'ep000_sh030_ep000sh030_LIGHTENV') if cb030 else None bbbLightTools._doSTATIC_import(path = '//', namespace = 'ep000_sh040_ep000sh040_LIGHTENV') if cb040 else None bbbLightTools._doSTATIC_import(path = '//', namespace = 'ep000_sh050_ep000sh050_LIGHTENV') if cb050 else None bbbLightTools._doSTATIC_import(path = '//', namespace = 'ep000_sh050_ep000sh060_LIGHTENV') if cb060 else None # Do static env quick optimize if optimizeEnv: if camMovementDetector(): bbbLightTools.optimizeScene( still = False, step = 5, offset = 1.1, startFrame = int( camMovementDetector()[0] ), endFrame = int( camMovementDetector()[1] ) ) else: bbbLightTools.optimizeScene(still = True, step = 5, offset = 1.1) ## Setup Lighting if timeOfDay: bbbLightTools.setTOD_automatic(TODay = "dawn") if timeOfDay == 'Dawn' else None bbbLightTools.setTOD_automatic(TODay = "sunrise") if timeOfDay == 'Sunrise' else None bbbLightTools.setTOD_automatic(TODay = "morning") if timeOfDay == 'Morning' else None bbbLightTools.setTOD_automatic(TODay = "midday") if timeOfDay == 'Day' else None bbbLightTools.setTOD_automatic(TODay = "afternoon") if timeOfDay == 'Afternoon' else None bbbLightTools.setTOD_automatic(TODay = "afternoon") if timeOfDay == 'AfternoonLate' else None bbbLightTools.setTOD_automatic(TODay = "sunset") if timeOfDay == 'Sunset' else None bbbLightTools.setTOD_automatic(TODay = "dusk") if timeOfDay == 'Dusk' else None bbbLightTools.setTOD_automatic(TODay = "night") if timeOfDay == 'Night' else None tod_setter(timeOfDay = timeOfDay) ## Finally, render setup! bbbLightTools.RenderSetup() if rippleLyr: ## Go to defaultRenderLayer before setting up ripple or bg hills separated render layers cmds.editRenderLayerGlobals(currentRenderLayer = 'defaultRenderLayer') ## Import ripple layer bbbLightTools.importRippleLayer() ## Ripple_Lyr bbbLightTools.setRippleLYR() if bgHillLyr: ## Go to defaultRenderLayer before setting up ripple or bg hills separated render layers cmds.editRenderLayerGlobals(currentRenderLayer = 'defaultRenderLayer') ## BGHills_Lyr bbbLightTools.setBGHills() ## Save scene! shotPath = '' % shotName.replace('_', '') shotPath = '%s/%s/%s/Light/work/maya/%s' % (directory, episode, shotName, shotPath) if not os.path.exists( os.path.dirname(shotPath) ): os.makedirs( os.path.dirname(shotPath) ) cmds.file(rename = shotPath) cmds.file(save = True, type = "mayaAscii")
def optimizerButton(): still = cmds.checkBox("bbbOptimizerStillCB", q=True, value=True) step = cmds.intField("bbbOptimizerIntField", q=True, value=True) offset = cmds.floatField("bbbOptimizerFloatField", q=True, value=True) bbbLightTools.optimizeScene(still=still, step=step, offset=offset)