Exemple #1
    def setLayers(self, bitbakes, layers):
        """ a word of attention: by convention, the first layer for any build will be poky! """

        assert self.be.sourcedir is not None
        assert len(bitbakes) == 1
        # set layers in the layersource

        raise NotImplementedException("Not implemented: SSH setLayers")
        # 3. configure the build environment, so we have a conf/bblayers.conf
        assert self.pokydirname is not None

        # 4. update the bblayers.conf
        bblayerconf = os.path.join(self.be.builddir, "conf/bblayers.conf")
        if not self._pathexists(bblayerconf):
            raise BuildSetupException("BE is not consistent: bblayers.conf file missing at %s" % bblayerconf)

        import uuid
        local_bblayerconf = "/tmp/" + uuid.uuid4() + "-bblayer.conf"

        self.pullFile(bblayerconf, local_bblayerconf)

        BuildEnvironmentController._updateBBLayers(local_bblayerconf, layerlist)
        self.pushFile(local_bblayerconf, bblayerconf)


        self.islayerset = True
        return True
    def setLayers(self, bitbake, layers, targets):
        """ a word of attention: by convention, the first layer for any build will be poky! """

        assert self.be.sourcedir is not None
        # set layers in the layersource

        # 1. get a list of repos with branches, and map dirpaths for each layer
        gitrepos = {}

        gitrepos[(bitbake.giturl, bitbake.commit)] = []
        gitrepos[(bitbake.giturl, bitbake.commit)].append( ("bitbake", bitbake.dirpath) )

        for layer in layers:
            # we don't process local URLs
            if layer.giturl.startswith("file://"):
            if not (layer.giturl, layer.commit) in gitrepos:
                gitrepos[(layer.giturl, layer.commit)] = []
            gitrepos[(layer.giturl, layer.commit)].append( (layer.name, layer.dirpath) )

        logger.debug("localhostbecontroller, our git repos are %s" % pformat(gitrepos))

        # 2. Note for future use if the current source directory is a
        # checked-out git repos that could match a layer's vcs_url and therefore
        # be used to speed up cloning (rather than fetching it again).

        cached_layers = {}

            for remotes in self._shellcmd("git remote -v", self.be.sourcedir).split("\n"):
                    remote = remotes.split("\t")[1].split(" ")[0]
                    if remote not in cached_layers:
                        cached_layers[remote] = self.be.sourcedir
                except IndexError:
        except ShellCmdException:
            # ignore any errors in collecting git remotes this is an optional
            # step

        logger.info("Using pre-checked out source for layer %s", cached_layers)

        layerlist = []

        # 3. checkout the repositories
        for giturl, commit in gitrepos.keys():
            localdirname = os.path.join(self.be.sourcedir, self.getGitCloneDirectory(giturl, commit))
            logger.debug("localhostbecontroller: giturl %s:%s checking out in current directory %s" % (giturl, commit, localdirname))

            # make sure our directory is a git repository
            if os.path.exists(localdirname):
                localremotes = self._shellcmd("git remote -v", localdirname)
                if not giturl in localremotes:
                    raise BuildSetupException("Existing git repository at %s, but with different remotes ('%s', expected '%s'). Toaster will not continue out of fear of damaging something." % (localdirname, ", ".join(localremotes.split("\n")), giturl))
                if giturl in cached_layers:
                    logger.debug("localhostbecontroller git-copying %s to %s" % (cached_layers[giturl], localdirname))
                    self._shellcmd("git clone \"%s\" \"%s\"" % (cached_layers[giturl], localdirname))
                    self._shellcmd("git remote remove origin", localdirname)
                    self._shellcmd("git remote add origin \"%s\"" % giturl, localdirname)
                    logger.debug("localhostbecontroller: cloning %s in %s" % (giturl, localdirname))
                    self._shellcmd('git clone "%s" "%s"' % (giturl, localdirname))

            # branch magic name "HEAD" will inhibit checkout
            if commit != "HEAD":
                logger.debug("localhostbecontroller: checking out commit %s to %s " % (commit, localdirname))
                ref = commit if re.match('^[a-fA-F0-9]+$', commit) else 'origin/%s' % commit
                self._shellcmd('git fetch --all && git reset --hard "%s"' % ref, localdirname)

            # take the localdirname as poky dir if we can find the oe-init-build-env
            if self.pokydirname is None and os.path.exists(os.path.join(localdirname, "oe-init-build-env")):
                logger.debug("localhostbecontroller: selected poky dir name %s" % localdirname)
                self.pokydirname = localdirname

                # make sure we have a working bitbake
                if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.pokydirname, 'bitbake')):
                    logger.debug("localhostbecontroller: checking bitbake into the poky dirname %s " % self.pokydirname)
                    self._shellcmd("git clone -b \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" " % (bitbake.commit, bitbake.giturl, os.path.join(self.pokydirname, 'bitbake')))

            # verify our repositories
            for name, dirpath in gitrepos[(giturl, commit)]:
                localdirpath = os.path.join(localdirname, dirpath)
                logger.debug("localhostbecontroller: localdirpath expected '%s'" % localdirpath)
                if not os.path.exists(localdirpath):
                    raise BuildSetupException("Cannot find layer git path '%s' in checked out repository '%s:%s'. Aborting." % (localdirpath, giturl, commit))

                if name != "bitbake":

        logger.debug("localhostbecontroller: current layer list %s " % pformat(layerlist))

        # 4. update the bblayers.conf
        bblayerconf = os.path.join(self.be.builddir, "conf/bblayers.conf")
        if not os.path.exists(bblayerconf):
            raise BuildSetupException("BE is not consistent: bblayers.conf file missing at %s" % bblayerconf)

        # 5. create custom layer and add custom recipes to it
        layerpath = os.path.join(self.be.sourcedir, "_meta-toaster-custom")
        if os.path.isdir(layerpath):
            shutil.rmtree(layerpath) # remove leftovers from previous builds
        for target in targets:
                customrecipe = CustomImageRecipe.objects.get(name=target.target,
            except CustomImageRecipe.DoesNotExist:
                continue # not a custom recipe, skip

            # create directory structure
            for name in ("conf", "recipes"):
                path = os.path.join(layerpath, name)
                if not os.path.isdir(path):

            # create layer.oonf
            config = os.path.join(layerpath, "conf", "layer.conf")
            if not os.path.isfile(config):
                with open(config, "w") as conf:
                    conf.write('BBPATH .= ":${LAYERDIR}"\nBBFILES += "${LAYERDIR}/recipes/*.bb"\n')

            # create recipe
            recipe = os.path.join(layerpath, "recipes", "%s.bb" % target.target)
            with open(recipe, "w") as recipef:
                recipef.write("require %s\n" % customrecipe.base_recipe.recipe.file_path)
                packages = [pkg.name for pkg in customrecipe.packages.all()]
                if packages:
                    recipef.write('IMAGE_INSTALL = "%s"\n' % ' '.join(packages))

            # create *Layer* objects needed for build machinery to work
            layer = Layer.objects.get_or_create(name="Toaster Custom layer",
                                                summary="Layer for custom recipes",
                                                vcs_url="file://%s" % layerpath)[0]
            breq = target.req
            lver = Layer_Version.objects.get_or_create(project=breq.project, layer=layer,
                                                       dirpath=layerpath, build=breq.build)[0]
            ProjectLayer.objects.get_or_create(project=breq.project, layercommit=lver,
            BRLayer.objects.get_or_create(req=breq, name=layer.name, dirpath=layerpath,
                                          giturl="file://%s" % layerpath)
        if os.path.isdir(layerpath):

        BuildEnvironmentController._updateBBLayers(bblayerconf, layerlist)

        self.islayerset = True
        return True
    def setLayers(self, bitbakes, layers):
        """ a word of attention: by convention, the first layer for any build will be poky! """

        assert self.be.sourcedir is not None
        assert len(bitbakes) == 1
        # set layers in the layersource

        # 1. get a list of repos with branches, and map dirpaths for each layer
        gitrepos = {}

        gitrepos[(bitbakes[0].giturl, bitbakes[0].commit)] = []
        gitrepos[(bitbakes[0].giturl, bitbakes[0].commit)].append( ("bitbake", bitbakes[0].dirpath) )

        for layer in layers:
            # we don't process local URLs
            if layer.giturl.startswith("file://"):
            if not (layer.giturl, layer.commit) in gitrepos:
                gitrepos[(layer.giturl, layer.commit)] = []
            gitrepos[(layer.giturl, layer.commit)].append( (layer.name, layer.dirpath) )

        logger.debug("localhostbecontroller, our git repos are %s" % pformat(gitrepos))

        # 2. find checked-out git repos in the sourcedir directory that may help faster cloning

        cached_layers = {}
        for ldir in os.listdir(self.be.sourcedir):
            fldir = os.path.join(self.be.sourcedir, ldir)
            if os.path.isdir(fldir):
                    for line in self._shellcmd("git remote -v", fldir).split("\n"):
                            remote = line.split("\t")[1].split(" ")[0]
                            if remote not in cached_layers:
                                cached_layers[remote] = fldir
                        except IndexError:
                except ShellCmdException:
                    # ignore any errors in collecting git remotes

        layerlist = []

        # 3. checkout the repositories
        for giturl, commit in gitrepos.keys():
            localdirname = os.path.join(self.be.sourcedir, self.getGitCloneDirectory(giturl, commit))
            logger.debug("localhostbecontroller: giturl %s:%s checking out in current directory %s" % (giturl, commit, localdirname))

            # make sure our directory is a git repository
            if os.path.exists(localdirname):
                localremotes = self._shellcmd("git remote -v", localdirname)
                if not giturl in localremotes:
                    raise BuildSetupException("Existing git repository at %s, but with different remotes ('%s', expected '%s'). Toaster will not continue out of fear of damaging something." % (localdirname, ", ".join(localremotes.split("\n")), giturl))
                if giturl in cached_layers:
                    logger.debug("localhostbecontroller git-copying %s to %s" % (cached_layers[giturl], localdirname))
                    self._shellcmd("git clone \"%s\" \"%s\"" % (cached_layers[giturl], localdirname))
                    self._shellcmd("git remote remove origin", localdirname)
                    self._shellcmd("git remote add origin \"%s\"" % giturl, localdirname)
                    logger.debug("localhostbecontroller: cloning %s:%s in %s" % (giturl, commit, localdirname))
                    self._shellcmd("git clone \"%s\" --single-branch --branch \"%s\" \"%s\"" % (giturl, commit, localdirname))

            # branch magic name "HEAD" will inhibit checkout
            if commit != "HEAD":
                logger.debug("localhostbecontroller: checking out commit %s to %s " % (commit, localdirname))
                self._shellcmd("git fetch --all && git checkout \"%s\" && git rebase \"origin/%s\"" % (commit, commit) , localdirname)

            # take the localdirname as poky dir if we can find the oe-init-build-env
            if self.pokydirname is None and os.path.exists(os.path.join(localdirname, "oe-init-build-env")):
                logger.debug("localhostbecontroller: selected poky dir name %s" % localdirname)
                self.pokydirname = localdirname

                # make sure we have a working bitbake
                if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.pokydirname, 'bitbake')):
                    logger.debug("localhostbecontroller: checking bitbake into the poky dirname %s " % self.pokydirname)
                    self._shellcmd("git clone -b \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" " % (bitbakes[0].commit, bitbakes[0].giturl, os.path.join(self.pokydirname, 'bitbake')))

            # verify our repositories
            for name, dirpath in gitrepos[(giturl, commit)]:
                localdirpath = os.path.join(localdirname, dirpath)
                logger.debug("localhostbecontroller: localdirpath expected '%s'" % localdirpath)
                if not os.path.exists(localdirpath):
                    raise BuildSetupException("Cannot find layer git path '%s' in checked out repository '%s:%s'. Aborting." % (localdirpath, giturl, commit))

                if name != "bitbake":

        logger.debug("localhostbecontroller: current layer list %s " % pformat(layerlist))

        # 4. configure the build environment, so we have a conf/bblayers.conf
        assert self.pokydirname is not None

        # 5. update the bblayers.conf
        bblayerconf = os.path.join(self.be.builddir, "conf/bblayers.conf")
        if not os.path.exists(bblayerconf):
            raise BuildSetupException("BE is not consistent: bblayers.conf file missing at %s" % bblayerconf)

        BuildEnvironmentController._updateBBLayers(bblayerconf, layerlist)

        self.islayerset = True
        return True
Exemple #4
    def setLayers(self, bitbake, layers, targets):
        """ a word of attention: by convention, the first layer for any build will be poky! """

        assert self.be.sourcedir is not None
        # set layers in the layersource

        # 1. get a list of repos with branches, and map dirpaths for each layer
        gitrepos = {}

        gitrepos[(bitbake.giturl, bitbake.commit)] = []
        gitrepos[(bitbake.giturl, bitbake.commit)].append(
            ("bitbake", bitbake.dirpath))

        for layer in layers:
            # we don't process local URLs
            if layer.giturl.startswith("file://"):
            if not (layer.giturl, layer.commit) in gitrepos:
                gitrepos[(layer.giturl, layer.commit)] = []
            gitrepos[(layer.giturl, layer.commit)].append(
                (layer.name, layer.dirpath))

        logger.debug("localhostbecontroller, our git repos are %s" %

        # 2. Note for future use if the current source directory is a
        # checked-out git repos that could match a layer's vcs_url and therefore
        # be used to speed up cloning (rather than fetching it again).

        cached_layers = {}

            for remotes in self._shellcmd("git remote -v",
                    remote = remotes.split("\t")[1].split(" ")[0]
                    if remote not in cached_layers:
                        cached_layers[remote] = self.be.sourcedir
                except IndexError:
        except ShellCmdException:
            # ignore any errors in collecting git remotes this is an optional
            # step

        logger.info("Using pre-checked out source for layer %s", cached_layers)

        layerlist = []

        # Verify HEAD layers

        layerlist = self.getHeadLayers(gitrepos, layers)

        # If the layerlist doesn't have already cloned layers then checkout repositories
        if len(layerlist) == 0:

            # 3. checkout the repositories
            for giturl, commit in gitrepos.keys():
                localdirname = os.path.join(
                    self.getGitCloneDirectory(giturl, commit))
                    "localhostbecontroller: giturl %s:%s checking out in current directory %s"
                    % (giturl, commit, localdirname))

                # make sure our directory is a git repository
                if os.path.exists(localdirname):
                    localremotes = self._shellcmd("git remote -v",
                    if not giturl in localremotes:
                        raise BuildSetupException(
                            "Existing git repository at %s, but with different remotes ('%s', expected '%s'). Toaster will not continue out of fear of damaging something."
                            % (localdirname, ", ".join(
                                localremotes.split("\n")), giturl))
                    if giturl in cached_layers:
                            "localhostbecontroller git-copying %s to %s" %
                            (cached_layers[giturl], localdirname))
                        self._shellcmd("git clone \"%s\" \"%s\"" %
                                       (cached_layers[giturl], localdirname))
                        self._shellcmd("git remote remove origin",
                        self._shellcmd("git remote add origin \"%s\"" % giturl,
                            "localhostbecontroller: cloning %s in %s" %
                            (giturl, localdirname))
                        self._shellcmd('git clone "%s" "%s"' %
                                       (giturl, localdirname))

                # branch magic name "HEAD" will inhibit checkout
                if commit != "HEAD":
                        "localhostbecontroller: checking out commit %s to %s "
                        % (commit, localdirname))
                    ref = commit if re.match('^[a-fA-F0-9]+$',
                                             commit) else 'origin/%s' % commit
                        'git fetch --all && git reset --hard "%s"' % ref,

                # take the localdirname as poky dir if we can find the oe-init-build-env
                if self.pokydirname is None and os.path.exists(
                        os.path.join(localdirname, "oe-init-build-env")):
                        "localhostbecontroller: selected poky dir name %s" %
                    self.pokydirname = localdirname

                    # make sure we have a working bitbake
                    if not os.path.exists(
                            os.path.join(self.pokydirname, 'bitbake')):
                            "localhostbecontroller: checking bitbake into the poky dirname %s "
                            % self.pokydirname)
                            "git clone -b \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" " %
                            (bitbake.commit, bitbake.giturl,
                             os.path.join(self.pokydirname, 'bitbake')))

                # verify our repositories
                for name, dirpath in gitrepos[(giturl, commit)]:
                    localdirpath = os.path.join(localdirname, dirpath)
                        "localhostbecontroller: localdirpath expected '%s'" %
                    if not os.path.exists(localdirpath):
                        raise BuildSetupException(
                            "Cannot find layer git path '%s' in checked out repository '%s:%s'. Aborting."
                            % (localdirpath, giturl, commit))

                    if name != "bitbake":

        logger.debug("localhostbecontroller: current layer list %s " %

        # 4. update the bblayers.conf
        bblayerconf = os.path.join(self.be.builddir, "conf/bblayers.conf")
        if not os.path.exists(bblayerconf):
            raise BuildSetupException(
                "BE is not consistent: bblayers.conf file missing at %s" %

        # 5. create custom layer and add custom recipes to it
        layerpath = os.path.join(self.be.sourcedir, "_meta-toaster-custom")
        if os.path.isdir(layerpath):
            shutil.rmtree(layerpath)  # remove leftovers from previous builds
        for target in targets:
                customrecipe = CustomImageRecipe.objects.get(
                    name=target.target, project=bitbake.req.project)
            except CustomImageRecipe.DoesNotExist:
                continue  # not a custom recipe, skip

            # create directory structure
            for name in ("conf", "recipes"):
                path = os.path.join(layerpath, name)
                if not os.path.isdir(path):

            # create layer.oonf
            config = os.path.join(layerpath, "conf", "layer.conf")
            if not os.path.isfile(config):
                with open(config, "w") as conf:
                        'BBPATH .= ":${LAYERDIR}"\nBBFILES += "${LAYERDIR}/recipes/*.bb"\n'

            # Update the Layer_Version dirpath that has our base_recipe in
            # to be able to read the base recipe to then  generate the
            # custom recipe.
            br_layer_base_recipe = layers.get(

            br_layer_base_dirpath = \

            customrecipe.base_recipe.layer_version.dirpath = \


            # create recipe
            recipe_path = \
                    os.path.join(layerpath, "recipes", "%s.bb" % target.target)
            with open(recipe_path, "w") as recipef:

            # Update the layer and recipe objects
            customrecipe.layer_version.dirpath = layerpath

            customrecipe.file_path = recipe_path

            # create *Layer* objects needed for build machinery to work
                                          giturl="file://%s" % layerpath)
        if os.path.isdir(layerpath):

        BuildEnvironmentController._updateBBLayers(bblayerconf, layerlist)

        self.islayerset = True
        return True
Exemple #5
    def setLayers(self, bitbakes, layers):
        """ a word of attention: by convention, the first layer for any build will be poky! """

        assert self.be.sourcedir is not None
        assert len(bitbakes) == 1
        # set layers in the layersource

        # 1. get a list of repos, and map dirpaths for each layer
        gitrepos = {}
        gitrepos[bitbakes[0].giturl] = []
        gitrepos[bitbakes[0].giturl].append( ("bitbake", bitbakes[0].dirpath, bitbakes[0].commit) )

        for layer in layers:
            # we don't process local URLs
            if layer.giturl.startswith("file://"):
            if not layer.giturl in gitrepos:
                gitrepos[layer.giturl] = []
            gitrepos[layer.giturl].append( (layer.name, layer.dirpath, layer.commit))
        for giturl in gitrepos.keys():
            commitid = gitrepos[giturl][0][2]
            for e in gitrepos[giturl]:
                if commitid != e[2]:
                    import pprint
                    raise BuildSetupException("More than one commit per git url, unsupported configuration: \n%s" % pprint.pformat(gitrepos))

        logger.debug("localhostbecontroller, our git repos are %s" % gitrepos)
        layerlist = []

        # 2. checkout the repositories
        for giturl in gitrepos.keys():
            localdirname = os.path.join(self.be.sourcedir, _getgitcheckoutdirectoryname(giturl))
            logger.debug("localhostbecontroller: giturl %s checking out in current directory %s" % (giturl, localdirname))

            # make sure our directory is a git repository
            if os.path.exists(localdirname):
                if not giturl in self._shellcmd("git remote -v", localdirname):
                    raise BuildSetupException("Existing git repository at %s, but with different remotes (not '%s'). Aborting." % (localdirname, giturl))
                self._shellcmd("git clone \"%s\" \"%s\"" % (giturl, localdirname))
            # checkout the needed commit
            commit = gitrepos[giturl][0][2]

            # branch magic name "HEAD" will inhibit checkout
            if commit != "HEAD":
                logger.debug("localhostbecontroller: checking out commit %s to %s " % (commit, localdirname))
                self._shellcmd("git fetch --all && git checkout \"%s\"" % commit , localdirname)

            # take the localdirname as poky dir if we can find the oe-init-build-env
            if self.pokydirname is None and os.path.exists(os.path.join(localdirname, "oe-init-build-env")):
                logger.debug("localhostbecontroller: selected poky dir name %s" % localdirname)
                self.pokydirname = localdirname

                # make sure we have a working bitbake
                if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.pokydirname, 'bitbake')):
                    logger.debug("localhostbecontroller: checking bitbake into the poky dirname %s " % self.pokydirname)
                    self._shellcmd("git clone -b \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" " % (bitbakes[0].commit, bitbakes[0].giturl, os.path.join(self.pokydirname, 'bitbake')))

            # verify our repositories
            for name, dirpath, commit in gitrepos[giturl]:
                localdirpath = os.path.join(localdirname, dirpath)
                if not os.path.exists(localdirpath):
                    raise BuildSetupException("Cannot find layer git path '%s' in checked out repository '%s:%s'. Aborting." % (localdirpath, giturl, commit))

                if name != "bitbake":

        logger.debug("localhostbecontroller: current layer list %s " % layerlist)

        # 3. configure the build environment, so we have a conf/bblayers.conf
        assert self.pokydirname is not None

        # 4. update the bblayers.conf
        bblayerconf = os.path.join(self.be.builddir, "conf/bblayers.conf")
        if not os.path.exists(bblayerconf):
            raise BuildSetupException("BE is not consistent: bblayers.conf file missing at %s" % bblayerconf)

        BuildEnvironmentController._updateBBLayers(bblayerconf, layerlist)

        self.islayerset = True
        return True
    def setLayers(self, bitbakes, layers):
        """ a word of attention: by convention, the first layer for any build will be poky! """

        assert self.be.sourcedir is not None
        assert len(bitbakes) == 1
        # set layers in the layersource

        # 1. get a list of repos, and map dirpaths for each layer
        gitrepos = {}
        gitrepos[bitbakes[0].giturl] = []
        gitrepos[bitbakes[0].giturl].append( ("bitbake", bitbakes[0].dirpath, bitbakes[0].commit) )

        for layer in layers:
            # we don't process local URLs
            if layer.giturl.startswith("file://"):
            if not layer.giturl in gitrepos:
                gitrepos[layer.giturl] = []
            gitrepos[layer.giturl].append( (layer.name, layer.dirpath, layer.commit))
        for giturl in gitrepos.keys():
            commitid = gitrepos[giturl][0][2]
            for e in gitrepos[giturl]:
                if commitid != e[2]:
                    import pprint
                    raise BuildSetupException("More than one commit per git url, unsupported configuration: \n%s" % pprint.pformat(gitrepos))

        layerlist = []

        # 2. checkout the repositories
        for giturl in gitrepos.keys():
            localdirname = os.path.join(self.be.sourcedir, _getgitcheckoutdirectoryname(giturl))
            print "DEBUG: giturl ", giturl ,"checking out in current directory", localdirname

            # make sure our directory is a git repository
            if os.path.exists(localdirname):
                if not giturl in self._shellcmd("git remote -v", localdirname):
                    raise BuildSetupException("Existing git repository at %s, but with different remotes (not '%s'). Aborting." % (localdirname, giturl))
                self._shellcmd("git clone \"%s\" \"%s\"" % (giturl, localdirname))
            # checkout the needed commit
            commit = gitrepos[giturl][0][2]

            # branch magic name "HEAD" will inhibit checkout
            if commit != "HEAD":
                print "DEBUG: checking out commit ", commit, "to", localdirname
                self._shellcmd("git fetch --all && git checkout \"%s\"" % commit , localdirname)

            # take the localdirname as poky dir if we can find the oe-init-build-env
            if self.pokydirname is None and os.path.exists(os.path.join(localdirname, "oe-init-build-env")):
                print "DEBUG: selected poky dir name", localdirname
                self.pokydirname = localdirname

                # make sure we have a working bitbake
                if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.pokydirname, 'bitbake')):
                    print "DEBUG: checking bitbake into the poky dirname %s " % self.pokydirname
                    self._shellcmd("git clone -b \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" " % (bitbakes[0].commit, bitbakes[0].giturl, os.path.join(self.pokydirname, 'bitbake')))

            # verify our repositories
            for name, dirpath, commit in gitrepos[giturl]:
                localdirpath = os.path.join(localdirname, dirpath)
                if not os.path.exists(localdirpath):
                    raise BuildSetupException("Cannot find layer git path '%s' in checked out repository '%s:%s'. Aborting." % (localdirpath, giturl, commit))

                if name != "bitbake":

        print "DEBUG: current layer list ", layerlist

        # 3. configure the build environment, so we have a conf/bblayers.conf
        assert self.pokydirname is not None

        # 4. update the bblayers.conf
        bblayerconf = os.path.join(self.be.builddir, "conf/bblayers.conf")
        if not os.path.exists(bblayerconf):
            raise BuildSetupException("BE is not consistent: bblayers.conf file missing at %s" % bblayerconf)

        BuildEnvironmentController._updateBBLayers(bblayerconf, layerlist)

        self.islayerset = True
        return True
Exemple #7
    def setLayers(self, bitbakes, layers):
        """ a word of attention: by convention, the first layer for any build will be poky! """

        assert self.be.sourcedir is not None
        assert len(bitbakes) == 1
        # set layers in the layersource

        # 1. get a list of repos with branches, and map dirpaths for each layer
        gitrepos = {}

        gitrepos[(bitbakes[0].giturl, bitbakes[0].commit)] = []
        gitrepos[(bitbakes[0].giturl, bitbakes[0].commit)].append(
            ("bitbake", bitbakes[0].dirpath))

        for layer in layers:
            # we don't process local URLs
            if layer.giturl.startswith("file://"):
            if not (layer.giturl, layer.commit) in gitrepos:
                gitrepos[(layer.giturl, layer.commit)] = []
            gitrepos[(layer.giturl, layer.commit)].append(
                (layer.name, layer.dirpath))

        logger.debug("localhostbecontroller, our git repos are %s" %

        # 2. find checked-out git repos in the sourcedir directory that may help faster cloning

        cached_layers = {}
        for ldir in os.listdir(self.be.sourcedir):
            fldir = os.path.join(self.be.sourcedir, ldir)
            if os.path.isdir(fldir):
                    for line in self._shellcmd("git remote -v",
                            remote = line.split("\t")[1].split(" ")[0]
                            if remote not in cached_layers:
                                cached_layers[remote] = fldir
                        except IndexError:
                except ShellCmdException:
                    # ignore any errors in collecting git remotes

        layerlist = []

        # 3. checkout the repositories
        for giturl, commit in gitrepos.keys():
            localdirname = os.path.join(
                self.be.sourcedir, self.getGitCloneDirectory(giturl, commit))
                "localhostbecontroller: giturl %s:%s checking out in current directory %s"
                % (giturl, commit, localdirname))

            # make sure our directory is a git repository
            if os.path.exists(localdirname):
                localremotes = self._shellcmd("git remote -v", localdirname)
                if not giturl in localremotes:
                    raise BuildSetupException(
                        "Existing git repository at %s, but with different remotes ('%s', expected '%s'). Toaster will not continue out of fear of damaging something."
                        % (localdirname, ", ".join(
                            localremotes.split("\n")), giturl))
                if giturl in cached_layers:
                    logger.debug("localhostbecontroller git-copying %s to %s" %
                                 (cached_layers[giturl], localdirname))
                    self._shellcmd("git clone \"%s\" \"%s\"" %
                                   (cached_layers[giturl], localdirname))
                    self._shellcmd("git remote remove origin", localdirname)
                    self._shellcmd("git remote add origin \"%s\"" % giturl,
                    logger.debug("localhostbecontroller: cloning %s:%s in %s" %
                                 (giturl, commit, localdirname))
                        "git clone \"%s\" --single-branch --branch \"%s\" \"%s\""
                        % (giturl, commit, localdirname))

            # branch magic name "HEAD" will inhibit checkout
            if commit != "HEAD":
                    "localhostbecontroller: checking out commit %s to %s " %
                    (commit, localdirname))
                    "git fetch --all && git checkout \"%s\" && git rebase \"origin/%s\""
                    % (commit, commit), localdirname)

            # take the localdirname as poky dir if we can find the oe-init-build-env
            if self.pokydirname is None and os.path.exists(
                    os.path.join(localdirname, "oe-init-build-env")):
                    "localhostbecontroller: selected poky dir name %s" %
                self.pokydirname = localdirname

                # make sure we have a working bitbake
                if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.pokydirname,
                        "localhostbecontroller: checking bitbake into the poky dirname %s "
                        % self.pokydirname)
                    self._shellcmd("git clone -b \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" " %
                                   (bitbakes[0].commit, bitbakes[0].giturl,
                                    os.path.join(self.pokydirname, 'bitbake')))

            # verify our repositories
            for name, dirpath in gitrepos[(giturl, commit)]:
                localdirpath = os.path.join(localdirname, dirpath)
                    "localhostbecontroller: localdirpath expected '%s'" %
                if not os.path.exists(localdirpath):
                    raise BuildSetupException(
                        "Cannot find layer git path '%s' in checked out repository '%s:%s'. Aborting."
                        % (localdirpath, giturl, commit))

                if name != "bitbake":

        logger.debug("localhostbecontroller: current layer list %s " %

        # 4. configure the build environment, so we have a conf/bblayers.conf
        assert self.pokydirname is not None

        # 5. update the bblayers.conf
        bblayerconf = os.path.join(self.be.builddir, "conf/bblayers.conf")
        if not os.path.exists(bblayerconf):
            raise BuildSetupException(
                "BE is not consistent: bblayers.conf file missing at %s" %

        BuildEnvironmentController._updateBBLayers(bblayerconf, layerlist)

        self.islayerset = True
        return True
    def setLayers(self, bitbakes, layers, targets):
        """ a word of attention: by convention, the first layer for any build will be poky! """

        assert self.be.sourcedir is not None
        assert len(bitbakes) == 1
        # set layers in the layersource

        # 1. get a list of repos with branches, and map dirpaths for each layer
        gitrepos = {}

        gitrepos[(bitbakes[0].giturl, bitbakes[0].commit)] = []
        gitrepos[(bitbakes[0].giturl, bitbakes[0].commit)].append(
            ("bitbake", bitbakes[0].dirpath))

        for layer in layers:
            # we don't process local URLs
            if layer.giturl.startswith("file://"):
            if not (layer.giturl, layer.commit) in gitrepos:
                gitrepos[(layer.giturl, layer.commit)] = []
            gitrepos[(layer.giturl, layer.commit)].append(
                (layer.name, layer.dirpath))

        logger.debug("localhostbecontroller, our git repos are %s" %

        # 2. find checked-out git repos in the sourcedir directory that may help faster cloning

        cached_layers = {}
        for ldir in os.listdir(self.be.sourcedir):
            fldir = os.path.join(self.be.sourcedir, ldir)
            if os.path.isdir(fldir):
                    for line in self._shellcmd("git remote -v",
                            remote = line.split("\t")[1].split(" ")[0]
                            if remote not in cached_layers:
                                cached_layers[remote] = fldir
                        except IndexError:
                except ShellCmdException:
                    # ignore any errors in collecting git remotes

        layerlist = []

        # 3. checkout the repositories
        for giturl, commit in gitrepos.keys():
            localdirname = os.path.join(
                self.be.sourcedir, self.getGitCloneDirectory(giturl, commit))
                "localhostbecontroller: giturl %s:%s checking out in current directory %s"
                % (giturl, commit, localdirname))

            # make sure our directory is a git repository
            if os.path.exists(localdirname):
                localremotes = self._shellcmd("git remote -v", localdirname)
                if not giturl in localremotes:
                    raise BuildSetupException(
                        "Existing git repository at %s, but with different remotes ('%s', expected '%s'). Toaster will not continue out of fear of damaging something."
                        % (localdirname, ", ".join(
                            localremotes.split("\n")), giturl))
                if giturl in cached_layers:
                    logger.debug("localhostbecontroller git-copying %s to %s" %
                                 (cached_layers[giturl], localdirname))
                    self._shellcmd("git clone \"%s\" \"%s\"" %
                                   (cached_layers[giturl], localdirname))
                    self._shellcmd("git remote remove origin", localdirname)
                    self._shellcmd("git remote add origin \"%s\"" % giturl,
                    logger.debug("localhostbecontroller: cloning %s in %s" %
                                 (giturl, localdirname))
                    self._shellcmd('git clone "%s" "%s"' %
                                   (giturl, localdirname))

            # branch magic name "HEAD" will inhibit checkout
            if commit != "HEAD":
                    "localhostbecontroller: checking out commit %s to %s " %
                    (commit, localdirname))
                ref = commit if re.match('^[a-fA-F0-9]+$',
                                         commit) else 'origin/%s' % commit
                    'git fetch --all && git reset --hard "%s"' % ref,

            # take the localdirname as poky dir if we can find the oe-init-build-env
            if self.pokydirname is None and os.path.exists(
                    os.path.join(localdirname, "oe-init-build-env")):
                    "localhostbecontroller: selected poky dir name %s" %
                self.pokydirname = localdirname

                # make sure we have a working bitbake
                if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.pokydirname,
                        "localhostbecontroller: checking bitbake into the poky dirname %s "
                        % self.pokydirname)
                    self._shellcmd("git clone -b \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" " %
                                   (bitbakes[0].commit, bitbakes[0].giturl,
                                    os.path.join(self.pokydirname, 'bitbake')))

            # verify our repositories
            for name, dirpath in gitrepos[(giturl, commit)]:
                localdirpath = os.path.join(localdirname, dirpath)
                    "localhostbecontroller: localdirpath expected '%s'" %
                if not os.path.exists(localdirpath):
                    raise BuildSetupException(
                        "Cannot find layer git path '%s' in checked out repository '%s:%s'. Aborting."
                        % (localdirpath, giturl, commit))

                if name != "bitbake":

        logger.debug("localhostbecontroller: current layer list %s " %

        # 4. configure the build environment, so we have a conf/bblayers.conf
        assert self.pokydirname is not None

        # 5. update the bblayers.conf
        bblayerconf = os.path.join(self.be.builddir, "conf/bblayers.conf")
        if not os.path.exists(bblayerconf):
            raise BuildSetupException(
                "BE is not consistent: bblayers.conf file missing at %s" %

        # 6. create custom layer and add custom recipes to it
        layerpath = os.path.join(self.be.sourcedir, "_meta-toaster-custom")
        if os.path.isdir(layerpath):
            shutil.rmtree(layerpath)  # remove leftovers from previous builds
        for target in targets:
                customrecipe = CustomImageRecipe.objects.get(
                    name=target.target, project=bitbakes[0].req.project)
            except CustomImageRecipe.DoesNotExist:
                continue  # not a custom recipe, skip

            # create directory structure
            for name in ("conf", "recipes"):
                path = os.path.join(layerpath, name)
                if not os.path.isdir(path):

            # create layer.oonf
            config = os.path.join(layerpath, "conf", "layer.conf")
            if not os.path.isfile(config):
                with open(config, "w") as conf:
                        'BBPATH .= ":${LAYERDIR}"\nBBFILES += "${LAYERDIR}/recipes/*.bb"\n'

            # create recipe
            recipe = os.path.join(layerpath, "recipes",
                                  "%s.bb" % target.target)
            with open(recipe, "w") as recipef:
                recipef.write("require %s\n" %
                packages = [pkg.name for pkg in customrecipe.packages.all()]
                if packages:
                    recipef.write('IMAGE_INSTALL = "%s"\n' %
                                  ' '.join(packages))

            # create *Layer* objects needed for build machinery to work
            layer = Layer.objects.get_or_create(
                name="Toaster Custom layer",
                summary="Layer for custom recipes",
                vcs_url="file://%s" % layerpath)[0]
            breq = target.req
            lver = Layer_Version.objects.get_or_create(project=breq.project,
                                          giturl="file://%s" % layerpath)
        if os.path.isdir(layerpath):

        BuildEnvironmentController._updateBBLayers(bblayerconf, layerlist)

        self.islayerset = True
        return True