Exemple #1
    def get_ground_truth_predictors(self, ground_truth, label_map, im=None):
        i = 0    #indexes the anchor boxes
        j = 0    
        total_boxes_per_gt = sum(self.anchor_nums)
        num_ground_truth_in_im = ground_truth.shape[0]
        inds = np.zeros((num_ground_truth_in_im, total_boxes_per_gt), dtype = np.int)
        #n index the the detection maps
        for n, anchor in enumerate(self.anchor_nums):
            offset =  sum(self.num_pred_boxes[:n])
                center_cells = (ground_truth[:,[0,1]]) // self.strides[n]
                assert False
            a = offset + self.anchor_nums[n]*(self.inp_dim//self.strides[n]*center_cells[:,1] + center_cells[:,0])
            inds[:,sum(self.anchor_nums[:n])] = a
            for x in range(1, self.anchor_nums[n]):
                inds[:,sum(self.anchor_nums[:n]) + x] = a + x 
            i += anchor
            j += self.num_pred_boxes[n]
        candidate_boxes = label_map[inds][:,:,:4]
        candidate_boxes = center_to_corner(candidate_boxes)
        ground_truth_boxes = center_to_corner(ground_truth.copy()[np.newaxis]).squeeze(0)[:,:4]
        candidate_boxes = candidate_boxes.transpose(0,2,1)
        ground_truth_boxes = ground_truth_boxes[:,:,np.newaxis]
        candidate_ious = bbox_iou(candidate_boxes, ground_truth_boxes, lib="numpy")
        prediction_boxes = np.zeros((num_ground_truth_in_im,1), dtype=np.int)

        for i in range(num_ground_truth_in_im):
            #get the the row and the column of the highest IoU
            max_iou_ind = np.argmax(candidate_ious)
            max_iou_row = max_iou_ind // total_boxes_per_gt
            max_iou_col = max_iou_ind % total_boxes_per_gt
            #get the index (in label map) of the box with maximum IoU
            max_iou_box = inds[max_iou_row, max_iou_col]
            #assign the bounding box to the appropriate gt
            prediction_boxes[max_iou_row] = max_iou_box
            #zero out all the IoUs for this box so it can't be reassigned to any other gt
            box_mask = (inds != max_iou_ind).reshape(-1,len(self.anchors))
            candidate_ious *= box_mask
            #zero out all the values of the row representing gt that just got assigned so that it 
            #doesn't participate in the process again
            candidate_ious[max_iou_row] *= 0
        return (prediction_boxes)
Exemple #2
 def get_no_obj_candidates(self, ground_truth, label_map, ground_truth_predictors):
     total_boxes_per_gt = sum(self.anchor_nums)
     num_ground_truth_in_im = ground_truth.shape[0]
     inds = np.zeros((num_ground_truth_in_im, total_boxes_per_gt), dtype = np.int)
     inds = np.arange(sum(self.num_pred_boxes)).astype(int)
     inds = inds[np.newaxis].repeat(num_ground_truth_in_im, axis = 0) 
     candidate_boxes = label_map[inds][:,:,:4]
     candidate_boxes = center_to_corner(candidate_boxes)
     ground_truth_boxes = center_to_corner(ground_truth.copy()[np.newaxis]).squeeze(0)[:,:4]
     candidate_boxes = candidate_boxes.transpose(0,2,1)
     ground_truth_boxes = ground_truth_boxes[:,:,np.newaxis]
     candidate_ious = bbox_iou(candidate_boxes, ground_truth_boxes, lib = "numpy")
     candidate_ious[:, ground_truth_predictors] = 1
     max_ious_per_box = np.max(candidate_ious, 0)
     no_obj_cands = (np.nonzero(max_ious_per_box < 0.5)[0].astype(int))
     return no_obj_cands
Exemple #3
                pd.read_csv(ground_truths_file, header=None, sep=' '))
        except pd.errors.EmptyDataError:
        ground_truths[:, 1:] = center_to_corner_2d(ground_truths[:, 1:] *
        # ground_truths[:, 1:] = ground_truths[:, 1:] * orig_im_dim[0]

        class_labels = ground_truths[:, 0]
        # x1y1x2y2
        ground_truths = ground_truths[:, 1:]
        num_gts += ground_truths.shape[0]

        img = img_tmp.to(device)
        output = model(img)
        print('output ', output)
        output = center_to_corner(output)

        output = output.unsqueeze(0).view(-1, bbox_attrs)
        # keep = np.unique(np.asarray(nms(output, scores=output[:, 5], overlap=0.3)[0]))
        # print('keep ', keep)
        # output = output[keep, :]
        # print('output ', output)
        score_box = output[:, 5]
        print('score_box ', score_box)

        # inp_dim is model input size, im_dim is actual image size

        output = np.asarray(output.squeeze(0))

        if output.shape[0] > 0:
            # Get x1y1x2y2, mask conf, class conf