def main():
    if not args.class_map.exists() or not args.class_map.is_file():
        eprint("File %s is invalid!" % args.class_map)

    with open(args.class_map, 'r') as f:
        # Note that we're not using the CLoader since it may not exist on all
        # installations, and isn't really necessary for the small file sizes we
        # have here.
        class_map = yaml.load(, yaml.Loader)
        print("Loaded class mapping:", class_map)

    short_classes = set(class_map.keys())
    long_classes = set(class_map.values())

    if not args.folder.exists() or not args.folder.is_dir():
        eprint("Specified folder %s is invalid!" % args.folder)

    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(args.folder, followlinks=True):
        for name in files:
            if not name.endswith(".txt"): continue
            if name.endswith("rects.txt"): continue

            txt_name = name
            txt_full_path = os.path.join(root, txt_name)

            bboxes, classes = bbox_writer.read_bboxes(txt_full_path)
            for i, c in enumerate(classes):
                if c in short_classes:
                    classes[i] = class_map[c]

                if not classes[i] in long_classes:
                    print("Class name %s in file %s on line %d is invalid!" %
                          (classes[i], txt_full_path, i + 1))

            bbox_writer.write_bboxes(bboxes, classes, txt_full_path)
def get_scaled_bboxes(filename, sf):
    bbox_filename = bbox_writer.get_bbox_filename(filename)
    bbox_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename), bbox_filename)
    bboxes_, classes = bbox_writer.read_bboxes(bbox_path)
    bboxes = drawing_utils.scale_bboxes(bboxes_, sf)

    return bboxes, classes
Exemple #3
def load_bboxes(frame_number, run_path):
    # Figure out which file we're trying to load. First, get the path of the
    # image file that we'd be saving against.
    bbox_filename = os.path.join(run_path, "%05d.txt" % frame_number)
    if os.path.isfile(bbox_filename):
        bboxes, classes = bbox_writer.read_bboxes(bbox_filename)
        # Not saved yet, so just return an empty list
        bboxes = []
        classes = []

    return bboxes, classes