def test_add_dry_run_option_with_argparse(self): """add_dry_run_option enables '--dry-run' with ArgumentParser """ p = ArgumentParser() add_dry_run_option(p) args = p.parse_args(['--dry-run']) self.assertTrue(args.dry_run)
def add_archive_command(cmdparser): """Create a parser for the 'archive' command """ p = cmdparser.add_command('archive',help="Copy analyses to 'archive' area", usage="%prog archive [OPTIONS] [ANALYSIS_DIR]", version="%prog "+__version__, description="Copy sequencing analysis data directory " "ANALYSIS_DIR to 'archive' destination.") p.add_option('--archive_dir',action='store', dest='archive_dir',default=None, help="specify top-level archive directory to copy data under. " "ARCHIVE_DIR can be a local directory, or a remote location in the " "form '[[user@]host:]directory'. Overrides the default settings.") p.add_option('--platform',action='store', dest='platform',default=None, help="specify the platform e.g. 'hiseq', 'miseq' etc (overrides " "automatically determined platform, if any). Use 'other' for cases " "where the platform is unknown.") p.add_option('--year',action='store', dest='year',default=None, help="specify the year e.g. '2014' (default is the current year)") default_group = p.add_option('--group',action='store',dest='group',default=default_group, help="specify the name of group for the archived files NB only works " "when the archive is a local directory (default: %s)" % default_group) default_chmod = __settings.archive.chmod p.add_option('--chmod',action='store',dest='chmod',default=default_chmod, help="specify chmod operations for the archived files (default: " "%s)" % default_chmod) p.add_option('--force',action='store_true',dest='force',default=False, help="perform archiving operation even if key metadata items are " "not set") add_dry_run_option(p) add_debug_option(p)
def test_add_dry_run_option(self): """add_dry_run_option enables '--dry-run' """ # Skip the test if optparse not available if not OPTPARSE_AVAILABLE: raise unittest.SkipTest("'optparse' not available") p = OptionParser() add_dry_run_option(p) options, args = p.parse_args(['--dry-run']) self.assertTrue(options.dry_run)
def add_merge_fastq_dirs_command(cmdparser): """Create a parser for the 'merge_fastq_dirs' command """ p = cmdparser.add_command('merge_fastq_dirs',help="Combine bcl-to-fastq runs", usage="%prog merge_fastq_dirs [OPTIONS] [ANALYSIS_DIR]", description="Automatically merge fastq directories from " "multiple bcl-to-fastq runs within ANALYSIS_DIR. Use this " "command if 'make_fastqs' step was run multiple times to " "process subsets of lanes.") p.add_option('--primary-unaligned-dir',action='store', dest='unaligned_dir',default='bcl2fastq', help="merge fastqs from additional bcl-to-fastq directories into " "UNALIGNED_DIR. Original data will be moved out of the way first. " "Defaults to 'bcl2fastq'.") add_dry_run_option(p) add_debug_option(p)
# Add info command p.add_command('info',help="Get information about ANALYSIS_DIR", usage="%prog info [OPTIONS] ANALYSIS_DIR", description="Report information on processed Illumina " "sequence data in ANALYSIS_DIR.") add_debug_option(p.parser_for('info')) # Add copy command p.add_command('copy',help="Copy fastqs from ANALYSIS_DIR", usage="%prog copy [OPTIONS] ANALYSIS_DIR DEST_DIR", description="Copy fastqs from ANALYSIS_DIR to DEST_DIR.") p.parser_for('copy').add_option('--projects',action='store',dest='projects',default=None, help="Restrict copying to projects matching the " "supplied pattern") p.parser_for('copy').add_option('--fastq-dir',action='store',dest='fastq_dir',default=None, help="Only copy fastqs from the specified FASTQ_DIR") add_dry_run_option(p.parser_for('copy')) add_debug_option(p.parser_for('copy')) # Process the command line cmd,options,args = p.parse_args() if len(args) < 1: p.error("Need to supply a directory to examine") if options.debug: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Acquire data for putative analysis directory dirn = os.path.abspath(args[0]) print "Examining %s" % dirn analysis_dir = utils.AnalysisDir(dirn) if not (analysis_dir.n_projects and analysis_dir.n_sequencing_data): logging.warning("Not an analysis directory") sys.exit() # Deal with commands