Exemple #1
def imageGrab(urlstring, filename):
	#returns the image url grabbed or False if none

	#get file handle to web page
	response = urllib.urlopen(urlstring)
	#get web page contents as string
	html = response.read()

	#close file handle

	images = imageURLFilter(html.split(), ".jpg")

	#bcolor.printBlue("image urls retrieved")
	#for i in images:
	#	bcolor.printBlue(i)

	#no images found
	if not images:
		bcolor.printRed("No image to download.\n")
		return ""

	#404 for mangahere.com
	#if images[0][5:-1] == "http://m.mhcdn.net/media/images/404_img.jpg?v=297":
		#bcolor.printRed("Reached the end of the chapter.\n")
		#return ""

	#remove src=" and the trailing " part of the string
	#use as url and save to file named base.jpg
	im = urlFormat(images[0])

	#bcolor.printBlue("Trying to grab image from: " + im)
	urllib.urlretrieve(im, filename + ".jpg")

	return im
Exemple #2
import mangaDownloader
import bcolor

#test url1 404
testurl1 = "http://www.mangapanda.com/shingeki-no-kyojin/53/48"

image = mangaDownloader.imageGrab(testurl1, "test1")

if not image:
	bcolor.printGreen("Test 1 (404 handling) success!\n")
	bcolor.printRed("Test 1 (404 handling) failed!\n")

#test url2 mangapanda
testurl2 = "http://www.mangapanda.com/shingeki-no-kyojin/53/"

image = mangaDownloader.imageGrab(testurl2, "test2")

if image == "http://i13.mangapanda.com/shingeki-no-kyojin/53/shingeki-no-kyojin-4699239.jpg":
	bcolor.printGreen("Test 2 (mangapanda single image download) success!\n")
	bcolor.printRed("Test 2 (mangapanda single image download) failed!\n")