Exemple #1
def align_ethoscan_data(exp_start, eth_start, eth_obs, times):
    '''Find the indices in the `times` vector at which the `eth_obs` occured.
    exp_start : datetime.datetime
        Start of the experiment; i.e. what datetime corresponds to the 0th
        index of `times`.
    eth_start : datetime.datetime
        Start of the Ethoscan report. Ethoscan reports appear to start
        behavioral classification 1 second after the report starts. Thus, this
        datetime is 1 second before the first classified behavior.
    eth_obs : np.array
        A single observation (row) of parsed Ethoscan data.
    times : np.array
        Times since `exp_start` for raw observations.

    eth_obs_start = add_seconds(eth_start, eth_obs[0])
    eth_obs_end = add_seconds(eth_obs_start, eth_obs[2])
    start = (eth_obs_start - exp_start).total_seconds()
    end = (eth_obs_end - exp_start).total_seconds()
    return np.searchsorted(times, [start, end], side='left')
Exemple #2
def align_ethoscan_data(exp_start, eth_start, eth_obs, times):
    '''Find the indices in the `times` vector at which the `eth_obs` occured.
    exp_start : datetime.datetime
        Start of the experiment; i.e. what datetime corresponds to the 0th
        index of `times`.
    eth_start : datetime.datetime
        Start of the Ethoscan report. Ethoscan reports appear to start
        behavioral classification 1 second after the report starts. Thus, this
        datetime is 1 second before the first classified behavior.
    eth_obs : np.array
        A single observation (row) of parsed Ethoscan data.
    times : np.array
        Times since `exp_start` for raw observations.

    eth_obs_start = add_seconds(eth_start, eth_obs[0])
    eth_obs_end = add_seconds(eth_obs_start, eth_obs[2])
    start = (eth_obs_start - exp_start).total_seconds()
    end = (eth_obs_end - exp_start).total_seconds()
    return np.searchsorted(times, [start, end], side='left')
Exemple #3
    def test_add_seconds(self):
        dt = datetime.datetime(2016, 10, 6, 3, 45, 12)
        seconds = 150
        exp = datetime.datetime(2016, 10, 6, 3, 47, 42)
        obs = add_seconds(dt, seconds)
        self.assertEqual(obs, exp)

        seconds = 1350232
        exp = datetime.datetime(2016, 10, 21, 18, 49, 4)
        obs = add_seconds(dt, seconds)
        self.assertEqual(obs, exp)

        dt = datetime.datetime(2016, 2, 24, 7, 45, 00)
        seconds = 638859
        exp = datetime.datetime(2016, 3, 2, 17, 12, 39)
        obs = add_seconds(dt, seconds)
        self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
Exemple #4
    def test_add_seconds(self):
        dt = datetime.datetime(2016, 10, 6, 3, 45, 12)
        seconds = 150
        exp = datetime.datetime(2016, 10, 6, 3, 47, 42)
        obs = add_seconds(dt, seconds)
        self.assertEqual(obs, exp)

        seconds = 1350232
        exp = datetime.datetime(2016, 10, 21, 18, 49, 4)
        obs = add_seconds(dt, seconds)
        self.assertEqual(obs, exp)

        dt = datetime.datetime(2016, 2, 24, 7, 45, 00)
        seconds = 638859
        exp = datetime.datetime(2016, 3, 2, 17, 12, 39)
        obs = add_seconds(dt, seconds)
        self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
Exemple #5
# each obs is a row of data = a behavior quantified by ethoscan
for obs in eth_data:
    obs_start = obs[0]
    obs_duration = obs[2]

    # Data parsed from the raw promethion files by our scripts
    x1_data = x1[int(estart_idx + obs_start):int(estart_idx + obs_start +
    y1_data = y1[int(estart_idx + obs_start):int(estart_idx + obs_start +

    # Create the datetime at which the observation would be found in the raw
    # file to reparse the data from the Promethion output. Basically a check of
    # our parsing.
    raw_data = []
    dt_start = add_seconds(eth_start, int(obs_start))
    dt_start_str = '%s/%s/%s %s' % (dt_start.month, dt_start.day,
                                    dt_start.year, dt_start.strftime('%T'))
    dt_end = add_seconds(eth_start, int(obs_start + obs_duration))
    dt_end_str = '%s/%s/%s %s' % (dt_end.month, dt_end.day, dt_end.year,

    start_line = subprocess.check_output("grep -m 1 -n '%s' %s" %
                                         (dt_start_str, raw_data_fp),
    end_line = subprocess.check_output("grep -m 1 -n '%s' %s" %
                                       (dt_end_str, raw_data_fp),

    start_line = int(start_line.strip().split(':')[0])
    end_line = int(end_line.strip().split(':')[0])
# each obs is a row of data = a behavior quantified by ethoscan
for obs in eth_data: 
    obs_start = obs[0]
    obs_duration = obs[2]
    # Data parsed from the raw promethion files by our scripts
    x1_data = x1[int(estart_idx + obs_start):
                 int(estart_idx + obs_start + obs_duration)]
    y1_data = y1[int(estart_idx + obs_start):
                 int(estart_idx + obs_start + obs_duration)]

    # Create the datetime at which the observation would be found in the raw
    # file to reparse the data from the Promethion output. Basically a check of
    # our parsing. 
    raw_data = []
    dt_start = add_seconds(eth_start, int(obs_start))
    dt_start_str = '%s/%s/%s %s' % (dt_start.month, dt_start.day,
                                    dt_start.year, dt_start.strftime('%T'))
    dt_end = add_seconds(eth_start, int(obs_start+obs_duration))
    dt_end_str = '%s/%s/%s %s' % (dt_end.month, dt_end.day, dt_end.year,

    start_line = subprocess.check_output("grep -m 1 -n '%s' %s" % (dt_start_str,
    end_line =  subprocess.check_output("grep -m 1 -n '%s' %s" % (dt_end_str,

    start_line = int(start_line.strip().split(':')[0])
    end_line = int(end_line.strip().split(':')[0])