Exemple #1
    def gcoef(W):
        s = np.sum(W, axis=1)   
        #neighbor community affiliation
        Gc = np.inner((W != 0), np.diag(ci))
        #community specific neighbors
        Sc2 = np.zeros((n,))
        #extra modular weighting
        ksm = np.zeros((n,))
        #intra modular wieghting
        centm = np.zeros((n,))

        if centrality_type == 'degree':
            cent = s.copy()
        elif centrality_type == 'betweenness':
            cent = betweenness_wei(invert(W))

        nr_modules = int(np.max(ci))
        for i in range(1, nr_modules+1):
            ks = np.sum(W * (Gc == i), axis=1)
            Sc2 += ks ** 2
            for j in range(1, nr_modules+1):
                #calculate extramodular weights
                ksm[ci == j] += ks[ci == j] / np.sum(ks[ci == j])

            #calculate intramodular weights
            centm[ci == i] = np.sum(cent[ci == i])


        centm = centm / max(centm)
        #calculate total weights
        gs = (1 - ksm * centm) ** 2

        Gw = 1 - Sc2 * gs / s ** 2
        Gw[np.where(np.isnan(Gw))] = 0
        Gw[np.where(np.logical_not(Gw))] = 0

        return Gw
Exemple #2
    def gcoef(W):
        s = np.sum(W, axis=1)
        #neighbor community affiliation
        Gc = np.inner((W != 0), np.diag(ci))
        #community specific neighbors
        Sc2 = np.zeros((n, ))
        #extra modular weighting
        ksm = np.zeros((n, ))
        #intra modular wieghting
        centm = np.zeros((n, ))

        if centrality_type == 'degree':
            cent = s.copy()
        elif centrality_type == 'betweenness':
            cent = betweenness_wei(invert(W))

        nr_modules = int(np.max(ci))
        for i in range(1, nr_modules + 1):
            ks = np.sum(W * (Gc == i), axis=1)
            Sc2 += ks**2
            for j in range(1, nr_modules + 1):
                #calculate extramodular weights
                ksm[ci == j] += ks[ci == j] / np.sum(ks[ci == j])

            #calculate intramodular weights
            centm[ci == i] = np.sum(cent[ci == i])


        centm = centm / max(centm)
        #calculate total weights
        gs = (1 - ksm * centm)**2

        Gw = 1 - Sc2 * gs / s**2
        Gw[np.where(np.isnan(Gw))] = 0
        Gw[np.where(np.logical_not(Gw))] = 0

        return Gw
Exemple #3
def efficiency_wei(Gw, local=False):
    The global efficiency is the average of inverse shortest path length,
    and is inversely related to the characteristic path length.

    The local efficiency is the global efficiency computed on the
    neighborhood of the node, and is related to the clustering coefficient.

    W : NxN np.ndarray
        undirected weighted connection matrix
        (all weights in W must be between 0 and 1)
    local : bool
        If True, computes local efficiency instead of global efficiency.
        Default value = False.

    Eglob : float
        global efficiency, only if local=False
    Eloc : Nx1 np.ndarray
        local efficiency, only if local=True

       The  efficiency is computed using an auxiliary connection-length
    matrix L, defined as L_ij = 1/W_ij for all nonzero L_ij; This has an
    intuitive interpretation, as higher connection weights intuitively
    correspond to shorter lengths.
       The weighted local efficiency broadly parallels the weighted
    clustering coefficient of Onnela et al. (2005) and distinguishes the
    influence of different paths based on connection weights of the
    corresponding neighbors to the node in question. In other words, a path
    between two neighbors with strong connections to the node in question
    contributes more to the local efficiency than a path between two weakly
    connected neighbors. Note that this weighted variant of the local
    efficiency is hence not a strict generalization of the binary variant.

    Algorithm:  Dijkstra's algorithm
    def distance_inv_wei(G):
        n = len(G)
        D = np.zeros((n, n))  # distance matrix
        D[np.logical_not(np.eye(n))] = np.inf

        for u in range(n):
            # distance permanence (true is temporary)
            S = np.ones((n,), dtype=bool)
            G1 = G.copy()
            V = [u]
            while True:
                S[V] = 0  # distance u->V is now permanent
                G1[:, V] = 0  # no in-edges as already shortest
                for v in V:
                    W, = np.where(G1[v, :])  # neighbors of smallest nodes
                    td = np.array(
                        [D[u, W].flatten(), (D[u, v] + G1[v, W]).flatten()])
                    D[u, W] = np.min(td, axis=0)

                if D[u, S].size == 0:  # all nodes reached
                minD = np.min(D[u, S])
                if np.isinf(minD):  # some nodes cannot be reached
                V, = np.where(D[u, :] == minD)

        np.fill_diagonal(D, 1)
        D = 1 / D
        np.fill_diagonal(D, 0)
        return D

    n = len(Gw)
    Gl = invert(Gw, copy=True)  # connection length matrix
    A = np.array((Gw != 0), dtype=int)
    if local:
        E = np.zeros((n,))  # local efficiency
        for u in range(n):
            # V,=np.where(Gw[u,:])		#neighbors
            # k=len(V)					#degree
            # if k>=2:					#degree must be at least 2
            #	e=(distance_inv_wei(Gl[V].T[V])*np.outer(Gw[V,u],Gw[u,V]))**1/3
            #	E[u]=np.sum(e)/(k*k-k)

            # find pairs of neighbors
            V, = np.where(np.logical_or(Gw[u, :], Gw[:, u].T))
            # symmetrized vector of weights
            sw = cuberoot(Gw[u, V]) + cuberoot(Gw[V, u].T)
            # inverse distance matrix
            e = distance_inv_wei(Gl[np.ix_(V, V)])
            # symmetrized inverse distance matrix
            se = cuberoot(e) + cuberoot(e.T)

            numer = np.sum(np.outer(sw.T, sw) * se) / 2
            if numer != 0:
                # symmetrized adjacency vector
                sa = A[u, V] + A[V, u].T
                denom = np.sum(sa)**2 - np.sum(sa * sa)
                # print numer,denom
                E[u] = numer / denom  # local efficiency

        e = distance_inv_wei(Gl)
        E = np.sum(e) / (n * n - n)
    return E
Exemple #4
def efficiency_wei(Gw, local=False):
    The global efficiency is the average of inverse shortest path length,
    and is inversely related to the characteristic path length.

    The local efficiency is the global efficiency computed on the
    neighborhood of the node, and is related to the clustering coefficient.

    W : NxN np.ndarray
        undirected weighted connection matrix
        (all weights in W must be between 0 and 1)
    local : bool
        If True, computes local efficiency instead of global efficiency.
        Default value = False.

    Eglob : float
        global efficiency, only if local=False
    Eloc : Nx1 np.ndarray
        local efficiency, only if local=True

       The  efficiency is computed using an auxiliary connection-length
    matrix L, defined as L_ij = 1/W_ij for all nonzero L_ij; This has an
    intuitive interpretation, as higher connection weights intuitively
    correspond to shorter lengths.
       The weighted local efficiency broadly parallels the weighted
    clustering coefficient of Onnela et al. (2005) and distinguishes the
    influence of different paths based on connection weights of the
    corresponding neighbors to the node in question. In other words, a path
    between two neighbors with strong connections to the node in question
    contributes more to the local efficiency than a path between two weakly
    connected neighbors. Note that this weighted variant of the local
    efficiency is hence not a strict generalization of the binary variant.

    Algorithm:  Dijkstra's algorithm
    def distance_inv_wei(G):
        n = len(G)
        D = np.zeros((n, n))  # distance matrix
        D[np.logical_not(np.eye(n))] = np.inf

        for u in xrange(n):
            # distance permanence (true is temporary)
            S = np.ones((n,), dtype=bool)
            G1 = G.copy()
            V = [u]
            while True:
                S[V] = 0  # distance u->V is now permanent
                G1[:, V] = 0  # no in-edges as already shortest
                for v in V:
                    W, = np.where(G1[v, :])  # neighbors of smallest nodes
                    td = np.array(
                        [D[u, W].flatten(), (D[u, v] + G1[v, W]).flatten()])
                    D[u, W] = np.min(td, axis=0)

                if D[u, S].size == 0:  # all nodes reached
                minD = np.min(D[u, S])
                if np.isinf(minD):  # some nodes cannot be reached
                V, = np.where(D[u, :] == minD)

        np.fill_diagonal(D, 1)
        D = 1 / D
        np.fill_diagonal(D, 0)
        return D

    n = len(Gw)
    Gl = invert(Gw, copy=True)  # connection length matrix
    A = np.array((Gw != 0), dtype=int)
    if local:
        E = np.zeros((n,))  # local efficiency
        for u in xrange(n):
            # V,=np.where(Gw[u,:])		#neighbors
            # k=len(V)					#degree
            # if k>=2:					#degree must be at least 2
            #	e=(distance_inv_wei(Gl[V].T[V])*np.outer(Gw[V,u],Gw[u,V]))**1/3
            #	E[u]=np.sum(e)/(k*k-k)

            # find pairs of neighbors
            V, = np.where(np.logical_or(Gw[u, :], Gw[:, u].T))
            # symmetrized vector of weights
            sw = cuberoot(Gw[u, V]) + cuberoot(Gw[V, u].T)
            # inverse distance matrix
            e = distance_inv_wei(Gl[np.ix_(V, V)])
            # symmetrized inverse distance matrix
            se = cuberoot(e) + cuberoot(e.T)

            numer = np.sum(np.outer(sw.T, sw) * se) / 2
            if numer != 0:
                # symmetrized adjacency vector
                sa = A[u, V] + A[V, u].T
                denom = np.sum(sa)**2 - np.sum(sa * sa)
                # print numer,denom
                E[u] = numer / denom  # local efficiency

        e = distance_inv_wei(Gl)
        E = np.sum(e) / (n * n - n)
    return E