def compute_small_worldness(cm, cc, cpl):

    #randmio_und_connected can be found in
    #second argument is number of iterations
    #construct a random network for comparison with our real network
    rand_network = bct.randmio_und_connected(cm,5)[0]

    #clustering_coef_wu is found in
    #make sure that C_rand is non-zero, so we avoid division with zero
    #could probably be made more correct by taking the average of
    #some number of random networks. 
    #we did not do this to keep run time at a minimum
    C_rand = np.mean(bct.clustering_coef_wu(rand_network))
    while C_rand == 0.0:
        rand_network = bct.randmio_und_connected(cm,5)[0]
        C_rand = np.mean(bct.clustering_coef_wu(rand_network))

    #invert can be found in
    rand_inv = bct.invert(rand_network)
    #distance_wei and charpath can be found in
    distance_rand = bct.distance_wei(rand_inv)
    charpath_rand = bct.charpath(distance_rand[0])
    #compute the small worldness index according to Rubinov
    C = cc
    L = cpl
    L_rand = charpath_rand[0]

    Ctemp = C/C_rand
    Ltemp = L/L_rand

    S_W = Ctemp / Ltemp

    return S_W
Exemple #2
def SmallWorldIndex(CIJ):
  Computes the small-world index of the graph with connection matrix CIJ.
  Self-connections are ignored, as they are cyclic paths.

  CIJ  --  Graph connectivity matrix. Must be binary (0 or 1) and undirected.

    N = len(CIJ)
    K = np.sum(np.sum(CIJ)) / len(CIJ)  # average degree

    # Clustering coefficient
    CC = np.mean(clustering_coef_bu(CIJ))

    # Distance matrix
    [RR, DD] = breadthdist(CIJ)

    # Note: the charpath implementation of bctpy is not very robust. Expect
    # some warnings. From the output of charpath use only the characteristic
    # path length
    PL = charpath(DD, include_diagonal=False)[0]

    # Calculate small-world index
    CCs = CC / (K / N)
    PLs = PL / (np.log(N) / np.log(K))
    SWI = CCs / PLs

    return (SWI)
def SmallWorldIndex(CIJ):
  Computes the small-world index of the graph with connection matrix CIJ.
  Self-connections are ignored, as they are cyclic paths.

  CIJ  --  Graph connectivity matrix. Must be binary (0 or 1) and undirected.

  N = len(CIJ)
  K = np.sum(np.sum(CIJ))/len(CIJ)  # average degree

  # Clustering coefficient
  CC = np.mean(clustering_coef_bu(CIJ))

  # Distance matrix
  [RR, DD] = breadthdist(CIJ)

  # Note: the charpath implementation of bctpy is not very robust. Expect
  # some warnings. From the output of charpath use only the characteristic
  # path length
  PL = charpath(DD, include_diagonal=False)[0]

  # Calculate small-world index
  CCs = CC/(K/N)
  PLs = PL/(np.log(N)/np.log(K))
  SWI = CCs/PLs

Exemple #4
def test_charpath():
    x = load_sample(thres=.02)
    d, e = bct.distance_wei(x)
    l, eff, ecc, radius, diameter = bct.charpath(d)

    assert np.any(np.isinf(d))
    assert not np.isnan(radius)
    assert not np.isnan(diameter)
def get_network_measures(fname_connectivity):

    C = pd.read_table(fname_connectivity, header=None, dtype=object)
    #cleaning up structural data
    C = C.drop([0, 1], axis=1)
    C = C.drop([0], axis=0)
    C = C.iloc[:, :-1]
    #C_electrode_names = np.array([e[-4:] for e in  np.array(C.iloc[0])])
    C = np.array(C.iloc[1:, :]).astype(
        'float64')  #finally turn into numpy array

    #binarize connectivity matrix
    C_binarize = bct.weight_conversion(C, "binarize")

    #Calculate Network Measures:

    # 1. Density
    density = bct.density_und(C_binarize)[0]

    # 2. Degree
    degree_mean = np.mean(bct.degrees_und(C_binarize))

    # 3. Clustering Coefficient
    clustering_coefficient = bct.clustering_coef_bu(C_binarize)
    clustering_coefficient_mean = np.mean(clustering_coefficient)

    # 4. characteristic path length (i.e. average shortest path length)
    #Get distance
    C_dist = bct.distance_bin(C_binarize)
    #If there are any disjointed nodes set them equal to the largest non-Inf length
    C_dist_max = np.nanmax(
        C_dist[C_dist != np.inf])  #find the max length (that's not infinity)
    C_dist[np.where(C_dist == np.inf
                    )] = C_dist_max  #find the inifnities, and replace with max
    characteristic_path_length = bct.charpath(C_dist)[0]

    # 5. Small Worldness
    Cr = degree_mean / len(C_binarize)
    Lr = np.log10(len(C_binarize)) / np.log10(degree_mean)

    gamma = clustering_coefficient_mean / Cr
    lamb = characteristic_path_length / Lr

    sigma = gamma / lamb
    small_worldness = sigma

    network_measures = np.zeros(shape=(1, 5))
    network_measures[0, :] = [
        density, degree_mean, clustering_coefficient_mean,
        characteristic_path_length, small_worldness
    colLabels = [
        "Density", "degree_mean", "clustering_coefficient_mean",
        "characteristic_path_length", "small_worldness"
    network_measures_df = pd.DataFrame(network_measures, columns=colLabels)
    return network_measures_df
Exemple #6
def small_world_wu(W):
    An implementation of small worldness. Returned is the coefficient cc/lambda,
    the ratio of the clustering coefficient to the characteristic path length.
    This ratio is >>1 for small world networks.

    inputs: W		weighted undirected connectivity matrix

    output: s		small world coefficient
    cc = clustering_coef_wu(W)
    _, dists = breadthdist(W)
    _lambda, _, _, _, _ = charpath(dists)
    return np.mean(cc) / _lambda
def small_world_wu(W):
    An implementation of small worldness. Returned is the coefficient cc/lambda,
    the ratio of the clustering coefficient to the characteristic path length.
    This ratio is >>1 for small world networks.

    inputs: W		weighted undirected connectivity matrix

    output: s		small world coefficient
    cc = clustering_coef_wu(W)
    _, dists = breadthdist(W)
    _lambda, _, _, _, _ = charpath(dists)
    return np.mean(cc) / _lambda
def get_network_measures(ifname_connectivity):

    C = np.array(pd.DataFrame(loadmat(ifname_connectivity)['connectivity']))
    #binarize connectivity matrix
    C_binarize = bct.weight_conversion(C, "binarize")

    #Calculate Network Measures:

    # 1. Density
    density = bct.density_und(C_binarize)[0]

    # 2. Degree
    degree_mean = np.mean(bct.degrees_und(C_binarize))

    # 3. Clustering Coefficient
    clustering_coefficient = bct.clustering_coef_bu(C_binarize)
    clustering_coefficient_mean = np.mean(clustering_coefficient)

    # 4. characteristic path length (i.e. average shortest path length)
    #Get distance
    C_dist = bct.distance_bin(C_binarize)
    #If there are any disjointed nodes set them equal to the largest non-Inf length
    C_dist_max = np.nanmax(
        C_dist[C_dist != np.inf])  #find the max length (that's not infinity)
    C_dist[np.where(C_dist == np.inf
                    )] = C_dist_max  #find the inifnities, and replace with max
    characteristic_path_length = bct.charpath(C_dist)[0]

    # 5. Small Worldness
    Cr = degree_mean / len(C_binarize)
    Lr = np.log10(len(C_binarize)) / np.log10(degree_mean)

    gamma = clustering_coefficient_mean / Cr
    lamb = characteristic_path_length / Lr

    sigma = gamma / lamb
    small_worldness = sigma

    network_measures = np.zeros(shape=(1, 5))
    network_measures[0, :] = [
        density, degree_mean, clustering_coefficient_mean,
        characteristic_path_length, small_worldness
    colLabels = [
        "Density", "degree_mean", "clustering_coefficient_mean",
        "characteristic_path_length", "small_worldness"
    network_measures_df = pd.DataFrame(network_measures, columns=colLabels)
    return network_measures_df
Exemple #9
def extract_epoch_graph_features(W):
    import bct

    L = bct.weight_conversion(W, "lengths")
    L[W == 0] = np.inf
    D, _ = bct.distance_wei(L)

    l, eff, ecc, radius, diameter = bct.charpath(D, include_infinite=False)

    return [
        bct.efficiency_wei(W, local=True),
        [l, eff, radius, diameter],
def calculate_path_and_efficiency_bin(G):
    Return the following network metrics for your graph. Uses brain connectivity tool-box.
        G (np.array): binarized matrix, symmetric
        Eglob: Global efficiency
        average_Elocal: mean Local Efficiency
        char_path: Average shortest path length
        clustering: Average Clustering coefficient
    if not np.allclose(G, G.T):
        raise bct.BCTParamError('Not undirected')

    average_shortest_path, Eglob, _, _, _ = bct.charpath(bct.distance_bin(G))
    average_clustering = np.mean(abs(bct.clustering_coef_bu(G)))
    average_Elocal = np.mean(bct.efficiency_bin(G, 1))

    return Eglob, average_Elocal, average_clustering, average_shortest_path
Exemple #11
                        ge_s = []
                        cp_s = []
                        md_s = []
                        for p in np.arange(kappa_upper, kappa_lower, 0.01):
                            ntwk = []
                            thresh = bct.threshold_proportional(corrmat,

                            #network measures of interest here
                            #global efficiency
                            ge = bct.efficiency_wei(thresh)

                            #characteristic path length
                            cp = bct.charpath(thresh)

                            md = bct.modularity_louvain_und(thresh)

              [(subject, session, task, conds[i], mask),
                              'efficiency'] = np.trapz(ge_s, dx=0.01)
              [(subject, session, task, conds[i], mask),
                              'charpath'] = np.trapz(cp_s, dx=0.01)
              [(subject, session, task, conds[i], mask),
                              'modularity'] = np.trapz(md_s, dx=0.01)

                        #df.to_csv(join(sink_dir, 'resting-state_graphtheory_shen+craddock.csv'), sep=',')
              [(subject, session, task, conds[i],
for subject in subjects:
    cls = np.load(source_folder +
                  "graph_data/%s_classic_pow_pln.npy" % subject).item()

    pln = np.load(source_folder +
                  "graph_data/%s_plan_pow_pln.npy" % subject).item()


for k, band in enumerate(bands.keys()):
    data_cls = []
    for j in range(len(cls_all)):
        tmp = cls_all[j][band]
            np.asarray([bct.charpath(g) for g in tmp]).mean(axis=0))
    data_pln = []
    for j in range(len(pln_all)):
        tmp = pln_all[j][band]
            np.asarray([bct.charpath(g) for g in tmp]).mean(axis=0))

    data_cls = np.asarray(data_cls)
    data_pln = np.asarray(data_pln)

    X = np.vstack([data_cls, data_pln])
    y = np.concatenate([np.zeros(len(data_cls)), np.ones(len(data_pln))])

    cv = StratifiedKFold(y, n_folds=6, shuffle=True)

    cv_params = {
for toi in tois:
    cls_all = []
    pln_all = []
    for subject in subjects:
        cls = np.load(source_folder +
                      "graph_data/%s_classic_corr_%s_orth.npy" %
                      (subject, toi))

        pln = np.load(source_folder + "graph_data/%s_plan_corr_%s_orth.npy" %
                      (subject, toi))


    data_cls = [bct.charpath(g) for g in cls_all]
    data_pln = [bct.charpath(g) for g in pln_all]

    # calc global efficiency
    cls_ge = np.asarray([g[1] for g in data_cls])
    pln_ge = np.asarray([g[1] for g in data_pln])

    # calc lambda
    cls_lambda = np.asarray([g[0] for g in data_cls])
    pln_lambda = np.asarray([g[0] for g in data_pln])

    # calc the diameter of the graph
    cls_dia = np.asarray([g[4] for g in data_cls])
    pln_dia = np.asarray([g[4] for g in data_pln])

    ge_data = pd.DataFrame()
Exemple #14
            cp_c = []
            md_s = []
            md_c = []
            for p in np.arange(0.1, 1, 0.1):
                ntwk = []
                shen_thresh = bct.threshold_proportional(shen_corrmat, p, copy=True)
                craddock_thresh = bct.threshold_proportional(craddock_corrmat, p, copy=True)
                #network measures of interest here
                #global efficiency
                ge = bct.efficiency_wei(shen_thresh)
                ge = bct.efficiency_wei(craddock_thresh)

                #characteristic path length
                cp = bct.charpath(shen_thresh)
                cp = bct.charpath(craddock_thresh)

                md = bct.modularity_louvain_und(shen_thresh)
                md = bct.modularity_louvain_und(craddock_thresh)
  [(int(subject), session), 'shen-efficiency'] = np.trapz(ge_s, dx=0.1)
            df.loc[(int(subject), session), 'shen-charpath'] = np.trapz(cp_s, dx=0.1)
            df.loc[(int(subject), session), 'shen-modularity'] = np.trapz(md_s, dx=0.1)
            df.loc[(int(subject), session), 'craddock-efficiency'] = np.trapz(ge_c, dx=0.1)
            df.loc[(int(subject), session), 'craddock-charpath'] = np.trapz(cp_c, dx=0.1)
            df.loc[(int(subject), session), 'craddock-modularity'] = np.trapz(ge_c, dx=0.1)
    def compute(self):
        distance_matrix = bct.breadthdist(self.binarized)[1]
        metrics = bct.charpath(distance_matrix)

        print("Average Path Length: " + str(metrics[0]))
        print("Network Diameter: " + str(metrics[4]))
conditions = ['classic', "plan"]

tois = ["pln", "pre-press", "post-press"]

for subject in subjects:
    print("Working on subject: %s" % subject)
    for toi in tois:
        for condition in conditions:
            data_all = []
            pln_all = []
            # noinspection PyAssignmentToLoopOrWithParameter
            data = np.load(source_folder +
                           "graph_data/%s_%s_corr_%s_orth.npy" %
                           (subject, condition, toi))

            graph_data = [bct.charpath(g) for g in data]

            # calc global efficiency
            data_ge = np.asarray([g[1] for g in graph_data])

            # calc lambda
            data_lambda = np.asarray([g[0] for g in graph_data])

            # calc the diameter of the graph
            data_dia = np.asarray([g[4] for g in graph_data])

            ge_data = pd.DataFrame()
            lambda_data = pd.DataFrame()
            dia_data = pd.DataFrame()

            ge_data["ge"] = data_ge
for subject in subjects:
    cls = np.load(source_folder + "graph_data/%s_classic_pow_pln.npy" %

    pln = np.load(source_folder + "graph_data/%s_plan_pow_pln.npy" %


for k, band in enumerate(bands.keys()):
    data_cls = []
    for j in range(len(cls_all)):
        tmp = cls_all[j][band]
                                    for g in tmp]).mean(axis=0))
    data_pln = []
    for j in range(len(pln_all)):
        tmp = pln_all[j][band]
                                    for g in tmp]).mean(axis=0))

    data_cls = np.asarray(data_cls)
    data_pln = np.asarray(data_pln)

    X = np.vstack([data_cls, data_pln])
    y = np.concatenate([np.zeros(len(data_cls)), np.ones(len(data_pln))])

    cv = StratifiedKFold(y, n_folds=6, shuffle=True)
conditions = ['classic', "plan"]

tois = ["pln", "pre-press", "post-press"]

for subject in subjects:
    print("Working on subject: %s" % subject)
    for toi in tois:
        for condition in conditions:
            data_all = []
            pln_all = []
            # noinspection PyAssignmentToLoopOrWithParameter
            data = np.load(source_folder +
                           "graph_data/%s_%s_corr_%s_orth.npy" %
                           (subject, condition, toi))

            graph_data = [bct.charpath(g) for g in data]

            # calc global efficiency
            data_ge = np.asarray([g[1] for g in graph_data])

            # calc lambda
            data_lambda = np.asarray([g[0] for g in graph_data])

            # calc the diameter of the graph
            data_dia = np.asarray([g[4] for g in graph_data])

            ge_data = pd.DataFrame()
            lambda_data = pd.DataFrame()
            dia_data = pd.DataFrame()

            ge_data["ge"] = data_ge
def graph_estimates(cm, th):

    #dictionary for storing our results
    d = OrderedDict()

    #thresholding moved here for other matrices than MatLab matrices
    #removes negative weights
    cm = bct.threshold_absolute(cm, 0.0)

    cm = threshold_connected(cm, th)

    #for binarizing the connectivity matrices, 
    #we work with weighted so this is turned off
    #bin_cm = bct.binarize(cm)
    #invert the connectivity for computing shortest paths
    cm_inv = bct.invert(cm)

    #modularity_und is found in
    modularity_und = bct.modularity_und(cm)

    #the community_affiliation vector that gets input to some of the functions
    community_affiliation = modularity_und[0]
    #distance_wei and charpath is found in
    distance_wei = bct.distance_wei(cm_inv)
    charpath = bct.charpath(distance_wei[0], False, False)

    #clustering_coef_wu is found in
    clustering_coef_wu = bct.clustering_coef_wu(cm)
    avg_clustering_coef_wu = np.mean(clustering_coef_wu)

    #assortativity_wei is found in
    d['assortativity_wei-r'] = bct.assortativity_wei(cm, flag=0)

    #just taking the average of clustering_coef_wu
    d['avg_clustering_coef_wu:C'] = avg_clustering_coef_wu

    d['charpath-lambda'] = charpath[0]
    #d['charpath-efficiency'] = charpath[1]   
    #d['charpath-ecc'] = charpath[2]           
    #d['charpath-radius'] = charpath[3]
    #d['charpath-diameter'] = charpath[4]

    d['clustering_coef_wu-C'] = clustering_coef_wu

    d['efficiency_wei-Eglob'] = bct.efficiency_wei(cm)
    #d['efficiency_wei-Eloc'] = bct.efficiency_wei(cm, True)

    #d['modularity_und-ci'] = modularity_und[0]
    d['modularity_und-Q'] = modularity_und[1]

    d['small_worldness:S'] = compute_small_worldness(cm,

   #transitivity_wu can be found in
    d['transitivity_wu-T'] = bct.transitivity_wu(cm)

    #EXAMPLES for local measures and binary measures. Comment in to use. 

    #d['betweenness_wei-BC'] = bct.betweenness_wei(cm_inv)
    # d['module_degree_zscore-Z'] = bct.module_degree_zscore(cm, community_affiliation)
    #d['degrees_und-deg'] = bct.degrees_und(cm)
    #d['charpath-ecc'] = charpath[2]

    # d['clustering_coef_bu-C'] = bct.clustering_coef_bu(bin_cm)
    # d['efficiency_bin-Eglob'] = bct.efficiency_bin(bin_cm)
    # d['efficiency_bin-Eloc'] = bct.efficiency_bin(bin_cm, True)
    #  d['modularity_und_bin-ci'] = modularity_und_bin[0]
    #  d['modularity_und_bin-Q'] = modularity_und_bin[1]
    # d['transitivity_bu-T'] = bct.transitivity_bu(bin_cm)
    #  d['betweenness_bin-BC'] = bct.betweenness_bin(bin_cm)
    #  modularity_und_bin = bct.modularity_und(bin_cm)
    #d['participation_coef'] = bct.participation_coef(cm, community_affiliation)

    ######## charpath giving problems with ecc, radius and diameter
    # np.seterr(invalid='ignore')

    return d