Exemple #1
 def create_booking(self, order, cart_data, uid, count, comment):
     brain = get_catalog_brain(self.context, uid)
     # brain could be None if uid for item in cookie which no longer exists.
     if not brain:
     buyable = brain.getObject()
     item_state = get_item_state(buyable, self.request)
     if not item_state.validate_count(count):
         msg = u'Item no longer available {0}'.format(buyable.id)
         raise CheckoutError(msg)
     item_stock = get_item_stock(buyable)
     # stock not applied, state new
     if item_stock is None:
         available = None
         state = ifaces.STATE_NEW
     # calculate state from stock
         if item_stock.available is not None:
             item_stock.available -= float(count)
         available = item_stock.available
         state = ifaces.STATE_NEW if available is None or available >= 0.0\
             else ifaces.STATE_RESERVED
     item_data = get_item_data_provider(buyable)
     vendor = acquire_vendor_or_shop_root(buyable)
     booking = OOBTNode()
     booking.attrs['email'] = order.attrs['personal_data.email']
     booking.attrs['uid'] = uuid.uuid4()
     booking.attrs['buyable_uid'] = uid
     booking.attrs['buyable_count'] = count
     booking.attrs['buyable_comment'] = comment
     booking.attrs['order_uid'] = order.attrs['uid']
     booking.attrs['vendor_uid'] = uuid.UUID(IUUID(vendor))
     booking.attrs['creator'] = order.attrs['creator']
     booking.attrs['created'] = order.attrs['created']
     booking.attrs['exported'] = False
     booking.attrs['title'] = brain and brain.Title or 'unknown'
     booking.attrs['net'] = item_data.net
     booking.attrs['vat'] = item_data.vat
     booking.attrs['discount_net'] = item_data.discount_net(count)
     booking.attrs['currency'] = cart_data.currency
     booking.attrs['quantity_unit'] = item_data.quantity_unit
     booking.attrs['remaining_stock_available'] = available
     booking.attrs['state'] = state
     booking.attrs['salaried'] = ifaces.SALARIED_NO
     booking.attrs['tid'] = 'none'
     shipping_info = queryAdapter(buyable, IShippingItem)
     if shipping_info:
         booking.attrs['shippable'] = shipping_info.shippable
         booking.attrs['shippable'] = False
     trading_info = queryAdapter(buyable, ifaces.ITrading)
     if trading_info:
         booking.attrs['item_number'] = trading_info.item_number
         booking.attrs['gtin'] = trading_info.gtin
         booking.attrs['item_number'] = None
         booking.attrs['gtin'] = None
     return booking
Exemple #2
 def create_booking(self, order, cart_data, uid, count, comment):
     brain = get_catalog_brain(self.context, uid)
     # brain could be None if uid for item in cookie which no longer exists.
     if not brain:
     buyable = brain.getObject()
     item_state = get_item_state(buyable, self.request)
     if not item_state.validate_count(count):
         msg = u'Item no longer available {0}'.format(buyable.id)
         raise CheckoutError(msg)
     item_stock = get_item_stock(buyable)
     # stock not applied, state new
     if item_stock is None:
         available = None
         state = ifaces.STATE_NEW
     # calculate state from stock
         if item_stock.available is not None:
             item_stock.available -= float(count)
         available = item_stock.available
         state = ifaces.STATE_NEW if available is None or available >= 0.0\
             else ifaces.STATE_RESERVED
     item_data = get_item_data_provider(buyable)
     vendor = acquire_vendor_or_shop_root(buyable)
     booking = OOBTNode()
     booking.attrs['email'] = order.attrs['personal_data.email']
     booking.attrs['uid'] = uuid.uuid4()
     booking.attrs['buyable_uid'] = uid
     booking.attrs['buyable_count'] = count
     booking.attrs['buyable_comment'] = comment
     booking.attrs['order_uid'] = order.attrs['uid']
     booking.attrs['vendor_uid'] = uuid.UUID(IUUID(vendor))
     booking.attrs['creator'] = order.attrs['creator']
     booking.attrs['created'] = order.attrs['created']
     booking.attrs['exported'] = False
     booking.attrs['title'] = brain and brain.Title or 'unknown'
     booking.attrs['net'] = item_data.net
     booking.attrs['vat'] = item_data.vat
     booking.attrs['discount_net'] = item_data.discount_net(count)
     booking.attrs['currency'] = cart_data.currency
     booking.attrs['quantity_unit'] = item_data.quantity_unit
     booking.attrs['remaining_stock_available'] = available
     booking.attrs['state'] = state
     booking.attrs['salaried'] = ifaces.SALARIED_NO
     booking.attrs['tid'] = 'none'
     shipping_info = queryAdapter(buyable, IShippingItem)
     if shipping_info:
         booking.attrs['shippable'] = shipping_info.shippable
         booking.attrs['shippable'] = False
     trading_info = queryAdapter(buyable, ifaces.ITrading)
     if trading_info:
         booking.attrs['item_number'] = trading_info.item_number
         booking.attrs['gtin'] = trading_info.gtin
         booking.attrs['item_number'] = None
         booking.attrs['gtin'] = None
     return booking
def buyable_available(context, booking):
    obj = get_object_by_uid(context, booking.attrs['buyable_uid'])
    if not obj:
        return None
    item_stock = get_item_stock(obj)
    if not item_stock:
        return None
    return item_stock.available
Exemple #4
def buyable_available(context, booking):
    obj = get_object_by_uid(context, booking.attrs['buyable_uid'])
    if not obj:
        return None
    item_stock = get_item_stock(obj)
    if not item_stock:
        return None
    return item_stock.available
Exemple #5
 def increase_stock(self, booking):
     obj = get_object_by_uid(self.context, booking.attrs['buyable_uid'])
     # object no longer exists
     if not obj:
     stock = get_item_stock(obj)
     # if stock.available is None, no stock information used
     if stock.available is not None:
         stock.available += float(booking.attrs['buyable_count'])
def update_stock(ob, event):

	if getattr(ob, 'use_barcodes' , None):
		new_stock = get_number_of_barcodes(ob, ob.barcode_list, True)
		item_stock = get_item_stock(ob)
		item_stock.available = new_stock

	return True
 def increase_stock(self, booking):
     obj = get_object_by_uid(self.context, booking.attrs['buyable_uid'])
     # object no longer exists
     if not obj:
     stock = get_item_stock(obj)
     # if stock.available is None, no stock information used
     if stock.available is not None:
         stock.available += float(booking.attrs['buyable_count'])
 def decrease_stock(self, booking):
     obj = get_object_by_uid(self.context, booking.attrs['buyable_uid'])
     # object no longer exists
     if not obj:
     stock = get_item_stock(obj)
     # if stock.available is None, no stock information used
     if stock.available is not None:
         # TODO: ATTENTION: here might get removed more than available..?
         stock.available -= float(booking.attrs['buyable_count'])
Exemple #9
 def decrease_stock(self, bookings):
     for booking in bookings:
         obj = get_object_by_uid(self.context, booking.attrs['buyable_uid'])
         # object no longer exists
         if not obj:
         stock = get_item_stock(obj)
         # if stock.available is None, no stock information used
         if stock.available is not None:
             stock.available -= float(booking.attrs['buyable_count'])
Exemple #10
 def decrease_stock(self, bookings):
     for booking in bookings:
         obj = get_object_by_uid(self.context, booking.attrs['buyable_uid'])
         # object no longer exists
         if not obj:
         stock = get_item_stock(obj)
         # if stock.available is None, no stock information used
         if stock.available is not None:
             stock.available -= float(booking.attrs['buyable_count'])
Exemple #11
 def decrease_stock(self, booking):
     obj = get_object_by_uid(self.context, booking.attrs['buyable_uid'])
     # object no longer exists
     if not obj:
     stock = get_item_stock(obj)
     # if stock.available is None, no stock information used
     if stock.available is not None:
         # TODO: ATTENTION: here might get removed more than available..?
         stock.available -= float(booking.attrs['buyable_count'])
Exemple #12
    def alert(self, count):
        stock = get_item_stock(self.context)
        # stock not applied
        if stock is None:
            return ''
        available = stock.available
        # no limitation
        if available is None:
            return ''
        reserved = self.reserved
        exceed = self.exceed
        # no reservations and no exceed
        if not reserved and not exceed:
            # no message
            return ''
        item_data = get_item_data_provider(self.context)
        quantity_unit = item_data.quantity_unit
        quantity_unit_float = item_data.quantity_unit_float

        def display_format(num):
            if quantity_unit_float:
                return num
            return int(num)

        # exceed
        if exceed:
            remaining_available = self.remaining_available
            # partly exceeded
            if remaining_available > 0:
                return self.partly_exceeded_alert(display_format(exceed),
            # completely exceeded
            return self.completely_exceeded_alert
        # reservations
        if reserved:
            aggregated_count = float(self.aggregated_count)
            count = float(count)
            # some reservations message
            if aggregated_count > count:
                return self.some_reservations_alert
            # number reservations message
                return self.number_reservations_alert(display_format(reserved),
        return ''
Exemple #13
    def alert(self, count):
        stock = get_item_stock(self.context)
        # stock not applied
        if stock is None:
            return ''
        available = stock.available
        # no limitation
        if available is None:
            return ''
        reserved = self.reserved
        exceed = self.exceed
        # no reservations and no exceed
        if not reserved and not exceed:
            # no message
            return ''
        item_data = get_item_data_provider(self.context)
        quantity_unit = item_data.quantity_unit
        quantity_unit_float = item_data.quantity_unit_float

        def display_format(num):
            if quantity_unit_float:
                return num
            return int(num)
        # exceed
        if exceed:
            remaining_available = self.remaining_available
            # partly exceeded
            if remaining_available > 0:
                return self.partly_exceeded_alert(
                    display_format(exceed), quantity_unit)
            # completely exceeded
            return self.completely_exceeded_alert
        # reservations
        if reserved:
            aggregated_count = float(self.aggregated_count)
            count = float(count)
            # some reservations message
            if aggregated_count > count:
                return self.some_reservations_alert
            # number reservations message
                return self.number_reservations_alert(
                    display_format(reserved), quantity_unit)
        return ''
 def alert(self, count):
     stock = get_item_stock(self.context)
     available = stock.available
     if available is None:
         return ''
     reserved = self.reserved
     exceed = self.exceed
     if not reserved and not exceed:
         return ''
     if exceed:
         remaining_available = self.remaining_available
         if remaining_available > 0:
             return self.partly_exceeded_alert(exceed)
         return self.completely_exceeded_alert
     if reserved:
         # XXX: cart item state needs love how to display item
         #      warnings
         return self.some_reservations_alert
         # return self.number_reservations_alert(reserved)
     return ''
Exemple #15
 def alert(self, count):
     stock = get_item_stock(self.context)
     available = stock.available
     if available is None:
         return ''
     reserved = self.reserved
     exceed = self.exceed
     if not reserved and not exceed:
         return ''
     if exceed:
         remaining_available = self.remaining_available
         if remaining_available > 0:
             return self.partly_exceeded_alert(exceed)
         return self.completely_exceeded_alert
     if reserved:
         # XXX: cart item state needs love how to display item
         #      warnings
         return self.some_reservations_alert
         # return self.number_reservations_alert(reserved)
     return ''
Exemple #16
 def create_booking(self, order, cart_data, uid, count, comment):
     brain = get_catalog_brain(self.context, uid)
     # brain could be None if uid for item in cookie which no longer exists.
     if not brain:
     buyable = brain.getObject()
     item_state = get_item_state(buyable, self.request)
     if not item_state.validate_count(item_state.aggregated_count):
         raise CheckoutError(u'Item no longer available')
     item_stock = get_item_stock(buyable)
     if item_stock.available is not None:
         item_stock.available -= float(count)
     available = item_stock.available
     state = (available is None or available >= 0) and ifaces.STATE_NEW\
         or ifaces.STATE_RESERVED
     item_data = get_item_data_provider(buyable)
     vendor = acquire_vendor_or_shop_root(buyable)
     booking = OOBTNode()
     booking.attrs['uid'] = uuid.uuid4()
     booking.attrs['buyable_uid'] = uid
     booking.attrs['buyable_count'] = count
     booking.attrs['buyable_comment'] = comment
     booking.attrs['order_uid'] = order.attrs['uid']
     booking.attrs['vendor_uid'] = uuid.UUID(IUUID(vendor))
     booking.attrs['creator'] = order.attrs['creator']
     booking.attrs['created'] = order.attrs['created']
     booking.attrs['exported'] = False
     booking.attrs['title'] = brain and brain.Title or 'unknown'
     booking.attrs['net'] = item_data.net
     booking.attrs['vat'] = item_data.vat
     booking.attrs['discount_net'] = item_data.discount_net(count)
     booking.attrs['currency'] = cart_data.currency
     booking.attrs['quantity_unit'] = item_data.quantity_unit
     booking.attrs['remaining_stock_available'] = available
     booking.attrs['state'] = state
     booking.attrs['salaried'] = ifaces.SALARIED_NO
     booking.attrs['tid'] = 'none'
     return booking
 def save(self, providers, widget, data):
     super(OrderCheckoutAdapter, self).save(providers, widget, data)
     order = self.order
     # order UUID
     uid = order.attrs['uid'] = uuid.uuid4()
     # order creator
     creator = None
     member = plone.api.user.get_current()
     if member:
         creator = member.getId()
     order.attrs['creator'] = creator
     # order creation date
     created = datetime.datetime.now()
     order.attrs['created'] = created
     cart_data = get_data_provider(self.context, self.request)
     # payment related information
     if cart_data.total > Decimal(0):
         payment_param = 'checkout.payment_selection.payment'
         pid = data.fetch(payment_param).extracted
         payment = Payments(self.context).get(pid)
         order.attrs['payment_method'] = pid
         if payment:
             order.attrs['payment_label'] = payment.label
             order.attrs['payment_label'] = _('unknown', default=u'Unknown')
     # no payment
         order.attrs['payment_method'] = 'no_payment'
         order.attrs['payment_label'] = _('no_payment',
                                          default=u'No Payment')
     # shipping related information
     if cart_data.include_shipping_costs:
         shipping_param = 'checkout.shipping_selection.shipping'
         sid = data.fetch(shipping_param).extracted
         shipping = Shippings(self.context).get(sid)
         order.attrs['shipping_method'] = sid
         order.attrs['shipping_label'] = shipping.label
         order.attrs['shipping_description'] = shipping.description
             shipping_net = shipping.net(self.items)
             shipping_vat = shipping.vat(self.items)
             order.attrs['shipping_net'] = shipping_net
             order.attrs['shipping_vat'] = shipping_vat
             order.attrs['shipping'] = shipping_net + shipping_vat
         # B/C for bda.plone.shipping < 0.4
         except NotImplementedError:
             shipping_net = shipping.calculate(self.items)
             order.attrs['shipping_net'] = shipping_net
             order.attrs['shipping_vat'] = Decimal(0)
             order.attrs['shipping'] = shipping_net
     # no shipping
         order.attrs['shipping_method'] = 'no_shipping'
         order.attrs['shipping_label'] = _('no_shipping',
                                           default=u'No Shipping')
         order.attrs['shipping_description'] = ''
         order.attrs['shipping_net'] = Decimal(0)
         order.attrs['shipping_vat'] = Decimal(0)
         order.attrs['shipping'] = Decimal(0)
     # create order bookings
     bookings = self.create_bookings(order)
     # set order state, needed for sorting in orders table
     order.attrs['state'] = calculate_order_state(bookings)
     # set order salaried, needed for sorting in orders table
     order.attrs['salaried'] = ifaces.SALARIED_NO
     # lookup booking uids, buyable uids and vendor uids
     booking_uids = list()
     buyable_uids = list()
     vendor_uids = set()
     for booking in bookings:
     order.attrs['booking_uids'] = booking_uids
     order.attrs['buyable_uids'] = buyable_uids
     order.attrs['vendor_uids'] = list(vendor_uids)
     # cart discount related information
     # XXX: in order to be able to reliably modify orders, cart discount
     #      rules for this order must be stored instead of the actual
     #      calculated discount.
     cart_discount = cart_data.discount(self.items)
     order.attrs['cart_discount_net'] = cart_discount['net']
     order.attrs['cart_discount_vat'] = cart_discount['vat']
     # create ordernumber
     orders_soup = get_orders_soup(self.context)
     ordernumber = create_ordernumber()
     while self.ordernumber_exists(orders_soup, ordernumber):
         ordernumber = create_ordernumber()
     order.attrs['ordernumber'] = ordernumber
     # add order
     # add bookings
     bookings_soup = get_bookings_soup(self.context)
     # list containing items where stock threshold has been reached
     stock_threshold_reached_items = list()
     for booking in bookings:
         buyable = get_object_by_uid(
         item_stock = get_item_stock(buyable)
         # no stock applied
         if item_stock is None:
             stock_warning_threshold = None
             stock_warning_threshold = item_stock.stock_warning_threshold
         if stock_warning_threshold:
             remaining = booking.attrs['remaining_stock_available']
             # stock threshold has been reached
             if remaining <= stock_warning_threshold:
     if stock_threshold_reached_items:
         event = events.StockThresholdReached(
     # return uid of added order
     return uid
Exemple #18
def buyable_overbook(context, booking):
    obj = get_object_by_uid(context, booking.attrs['buyable_uid'])
    if obj:
        item_stock = get_item_stock(obj)
        return item_stock.overbook
    return None
Exemple #19
 def save(self, providers, widget, data):
     super(OrderCheckoutAdapter, self).save(providers, widget, data)
     order = self.order
     # order UUID
     uid = order.attrs['uid'] = uuid.uuid4()
     # order creator
     creator = None
     member = plone.api.user.get_current()
     if member:
         creator = member.getId()
     order.attrs['creator'] = creator
     # order creation date
     created = datetime.datetime.now()
     order.attrs['created'] = created
     cart_data = get_data_provider(self.context, self.request)
     # payment related information
     if cart_data.total > Decimal(0):
         payment_param = 'checkout.payment_selection.payment'
         pid = data.fetch(payment_param).extracted
         payment = Payments(self.context).get(pid)
         order.attrs['payment_method'] = pid
         if payment:
             order.attrs['payment_label'] = payment.label
             order.attrs['payment_label'] = _('unknown', default=u'Unknown')
     # no payment
         order.attrs['payment_method'] = 'no_payment'
         order.attrs['payment_label'] = _('no_payment',
                                          default=u'No Payment')
     # shipping related information
     if cart_data.include_shipping_costs:
         shipping_param = 'checkout.shipping_selection.shipping'
         sid = data.fetch(shipping_param).extracted
         shipping = Shippings(self.context).get(sid)
         order.attrs['shipping_method'] = sid
         order.attrs['shipping_label'] = shipping.label
         order.attrs['shipping_description'] = shipping.description
             shipping_net = shipping.net(self.items)
             shipping_vat = shipping.vat(self.items)
             order.attrs['shipping_net'] = shipping_net
             order.attrs['shipping_vat'] = shipping_vat
             order.attrs['shipping'] = shipping_net + shipping_vat
         # B/C for bda.plone.shipping < 0.4
         except NotImplementedError:
             shipping_net = shipping.calculate(self.items)
             order.attrs['shipping_net'] = shipping_net
             order.attrs['shipping_vat'] = Decimal(0)
             order.attrs['shipping'] = shipping_net
     # no shipping
         order.attrs['shipping_method'] = 'no_shipping'
         order.attrs['shipping_label'] = _('no_shipping',
                                           default=u'No Shipping')
         order.attrs['shipping_description'] = ''
         order.attrs['shipping_net'] = Decimal(0)
         order.attrs['shipping_vat'] = Decimal(0)
         order.attrs['shipping'] = Decimal(0)
     # create order bookings
     bookings = self.create_bookings(order)
     # set order state, needed for sorting in orders table
     order.attrs['state'] = calculate_order_state(bookings)
     # set order salaried, needed for sorting in orders table
     order.attrs['salaried'] = ifaces.SALARIED_NO
     # lookup booking uids, buyable uids and vendor uids
     booking_uids = list()
     buyable_uids = list()
     vendor_uids = set()
     for booking in bookings:
     order.attrs['booking_uids'] = booking_uids
     order.attrs['buyable_uids'] = buyable_uids
     order.attrs['vendor_uids'] = list(vendor_uids)
     # cart discount related information
     cart_discount = cart_data.discount(self.items)
     order.attrs['cart_discount_net'] = cart_discount['net']
     order.attrs['cart_discount_vat'] = cart_discount['vat']
     # create ordernumber
     orders_soup = get_orders_soup(self.context)
     ordernumber = create_ordernumber()
     while self.ordernumber_exists(orders_soup, ordernumber):
         ordernumber = create_ordernumber()
     order.attrs['ordernumber'] = ordernumber
     # add order
     # add bookings
     bookings_soup = get_bookings_soup(self.context)
     # list containing items where stock threshold has been reached
     stock_threshold_reached_items = list()
     for booking in bookings:
         buyable = get_object_by_uid(self.context,
         item_stock = get_item_stock(buyable)
         # no stock applied
         if item_stock is None:
             stock_warning_threshold = None
             stock_warning_threshold = item_stock.stock_warning_threshold
         if stock_warning_threshold:
             remaining = booking.attrs['remaining_stock_available']
             # stock threshold has been reached
             if remaining <= stock_warning_threshold:
     if stock_threshold_reached_items:
         event = events.StockThresholdReached(
     # return uid of added order
     return uid
    def _get_occs(self):
        date = guess_date_from(self.date)
        if date:
            start, end = start_end_from_mode('day', date, self.context)
            query = {}
            query['review_state'] = self.data.state
            search_base_path = self.search_base_path
            if search_base_path:
                query['path'] = {'query': search_base_path}

            list_events = []
            events = get_events(self.context, start=start, end=end, sort='start', sort_reverse=False, ret_mode=RET_MODE_OBJECTS, expand=True, **query)

            today = datetime.datetime.today().date()

            for occ in events:
                if IOccurrence.providedBy(occ):
                    occurrence_id = occ.id
                    event = aq_parent(occ)
                    occ_data = ITicketOccurrenceData(event)
                    occs = occ_data.ticket_occurrences(occurrence_id)
                    if occs:
                        occurrence_ticket = occs[0]
                        item_stock = get_item_stock(occurrence_ticket)
                        if item_stock:
                            stock = item_stock.available
                            stock = 0

                        is_today = occ.start.date() == today

                        new_event = {
                            "start": occ.start,
                            "uid": occurrence_ticket.UID(),
                            "stock": stock,
                            "is_today": is_today
                elif IBuyableEvent.providedBy(occ):
                    occ_data = ITicketOccurrenceData(occ)
                    occs = occ_data.tickets
                    if occs:
                        occurrence_ticket = occs[0]
                        item_stock = get_item_stock(occurrence_ticket)
                        if item_stock:
                            stock = item_stock.available
                            stock = 0
                        is_today = occ.start.date() == today
                        new_event = {
                            "start": occ.start,
                            "uid": occurrence_ticket.UID(),
                            "stock": stock,
                            "is_today": is_today
                    print 'NOT AVAILABLE'

            return list_events
            return []
Exemple #21
def buyable_overbook(context, booking):
    obj = get_object_by_uid(context, booking.attrs['buyable_uid'])
    if obj:
        item_stock = get_item_stock(obj)
        return item_stock.overbook
    return None