Exemple #1
    def test_no_pkg_config_no_include(self):
        c = CMake('foo', 'bar', [])

        out = StringIO()
        generate([c], out)

        assert ('include(FindPkgConfig)' not in out.getvalue())
Exemple #2
    def test_no_pkg_config_no_include(self):
        c = CMake('foo', 'bar')

        files = {}
        generate([c], get_filestore_writer(files))

        assert ('CMakeLists.txt' in files)
        cmake = files['CMakeLists.txt'].getvalue()

        assert ('include(FindPkgConfig)' not in cmake)
Exemple #3
    def test_cmake_target(self):
        path = pjoin('foo', 'bar')
        c = CMake('bar', path)

        files = {}
        generate([c], get_filestore_writer(files), {})

        assert ('CMakeLists.txt' in files)
        cmake = files['CMakeLists.txt'].getvalue()
        assert (f'add_subdirectory({path} {c})' in cmake)
Exemple #4
    def test_cmake_target(self):
        path = pjoin('foo', 'bar')
        c = CMake('bar', path, [])

        out = StringIO()
        generate([c], out)

        # Note: CMake supports '/' for path separators on Windows (in addition
        # to Unix), so for simplicity we use '/' universally
        upath = path.replace('\\', '/')
        assert (f'add_subdirectory({upath} {c.name})' in out.getvalue())
Exemple #5
    def resolve(self, name: str, seen: Dict[str, Target]) -> Target:
        deps = lookup_dependencies(name, self.dependencies, seen)

        identification = self.identify(name)

        result: Target
        if identification.type == 'group':
            assert isinstance(identification.path, Path)
            path = identification.path / 'group' / (name + '.mem')
            packages = resolve(PackageResolver(identification.path),
            result = Group(str(identification.path), deps, packages)
            TargetResolver._add_override(identification, name, result)

        if identification.type == 'package':
            assert isinstance(identification.path, Path)
            components = build_components(identification.path)
            result = Package(str(identification.path), deps, components)
            TargetResolver._add_override(identification, name, result)

        if identification.type == 'application':
            assert isinstance(identification.path, Path)
            components = build_components(identification.path)
            main_file = str(identification.path / f'{name}.m.cpp')
            if main_file not in {c['source'] for c in components}:
                    'header': None,
                    'source': main_file,
                    'driver': None,
            result = Application(str(identification.path), deps, components)
            TargetResolver._add_override(identification, name, result)

        if identification.type == 'cmake':
            result = CMake(name, str(identification.path), deps)

        if identification.type == 'pkg_config':
            assert isinstance(identification.package, str)
            result = Pkg(name, identification.package, deps)

        if identification.type == 'virtual':
            result = Target(name, deps)

        if name in self._providers:
            result.has_output = False

        if any(d.name in self._runtime_libraries for d in deps):
            result.lazily_bound = True

        if name in self._plugin_tests:
            result.plugin_tests = True

        return result
Exemple #6
    def test_cmake_target(self):
        path = pjoin('foo', 'bar')
        c = CMake('bar', path)

        files = {}
        generate([c], get_filestore_writer(files))

        assert ('CMakeLists.txt' in files)
        cmake = files['CMakeLists.txt'].getvalue()

        # Note: CMake supports '/' for path separators on Windows (in addition
        # to Unix), so for simplicity we use '/' universally
        upath = path.replace('\\', '/')
        assert (f'add_subdirectory({upath} {c.name})' in cmake)
Exemple #7
 def test_dependencies(self):
     c1 = CMake('c1', pj('path', 'c1'), [])
     c2 = CMake('c2', pj('path', 'c2'), [c1])
     assert(c1 in c2.dependencies())
Exemple #8
 def test_different_path(self):
     c = CMake('d', pj('path', 'c'), [])
     assert(pj('path', 'c') == c.path())
Exemple #9
 def test_path(self):
     c = CMake('c', pj('path', 'c'), [])
     assert(pj('path', 'c') == c.path())
Exemple #10
 def test_name(self):
     c = CMake('c', pj('path', 'c'), [])
     assert('c' == c.name)
Exemple #11
 def test_different_path(self):
     c = CMake('d', pj('path', 'c'))
     assert('d' == c)
     assert(pj('path', 'c') == c.path())
Exemple #12
 def test_path(self):
     c = CMake('c', pj('path', 'c'))
     assert('c' == c)
     assert(pj('path', 'c') == c.path())
Exemple #13
 def test_str_ness(self):
     c = CMake('c', pj('path', 'c'))
     assert ('c' == c)