Exemple #1
def ft(dset, complist=None, model=None, start=200, stop=900, script='ft', delete=False):
    Fourier transforming model (complist) and writing the resulting visibilities into the MODEL column
    dset : string
        Name of input measurement set (MS) file containing visibilities for all baselines
        and the corresponding metadata
    complist : string
        Name of the component list containing list of model sources
    model : string
        Name of model image(s)
    scripts : string
        Name of casapy script that will be create on-the-fly. Default is exportfits
    delete: boolean
        Deletes the casapy script that was created on-the-fly after execution
    casa_opt = casawrapper.create_casa_options(nologger='0', nogui='0', nologfile='0')
    if complist is None and model is None:
        task_opt = casawrapper.create_casa_options(vis="'{}'".format(dset), spw="'0:{}~{}'".format(start, stop), usescratch=True)
    elif not complist is None:
        task_opt = casawrapper.create_casa_options(vis="'{}'".format(dset), complist="'{}'".format(complist), spw="'0:{}~{}'".format(start, stop), usescratch=True)
    elif not model is None:
        task_opt = casawrapper.create_casa_options(vis="'{}'".format(dset), model="'{}'".format(model), spw="'0:{}~{}'".format(start, stop), usescratch=True)
        raise ValueError('Need to specify model input.')
    casawrapper.call_casa_task(task='ft', script=script, task_options=task_opt, casa_options=casa_opt, delete=delete)
Exemple #2
def imaging(dset, imagename, antenna='', cellsize='8arcmin', npix=512, niter=0, threshold='0Jy', weighting='uniform', start=200, stop=900, uvlength=0, uvsign='>', phasecenter='', gridmode='', wprojplanes=1024, script='clean', delete=True):
    Generates images using all antenna or specific antennas using visibilities from the measurement set (MS)

    dset: string or list
        Input measurement sets (MS) file containing visibilities for all baselines
        and the corresponding metadata
    imagename: string
        Output casa image
    antenna: string
        Antenna(s) or baseline(s) to used for imaging.
        e.g antenna='0' uses data from antenna 0 only
            antenna='0,4,5' uses data from antennas 0,4 and 5
            antenna='0&3' uses data from baseline 0-3
            antenna='0&3; 4&3' uses data from baselines 0-3 and 4-3
        Default is ''(all) which uses all the baselines
    cellsize: string
        Degrees to be contained in one pixel of the image.
        Default is 3 arcmins.
    npix: int
        Number of pixel the output image is along x(l) and y(m) axis.
        Default is 512.
    niter: integer
        Number of iterations to use for deconvolution. Default is 0.
        Hence, dirty images are generated by default.
    threshold: string
        Cleaning threshold in Jy or mJy. Default is 0 Jy.
    weighting: string
        Weighting to be using for gridding of uv points. Default is uniform.
    start: int
        Starting frequency channel. Default is 200.
    stop: int
        Stopping/endign frequency channel. Default is 900.
    uvlength: float
        UV length in metres equal to or smaller to exclude while generating the image. Default is 0.
    uvsign: string
        either '>' or '<' for cut in uvlength. For example if '>30' all baselines greater than 30 m will be used
        for imaging
    phasecenter: string
        Pointing center of the image
    gridmode: string
        Gridding kernel for FFT-based transforms
    wprojplanes : int
        Number of w-projection planes for convolution; -1 => automatic determination
    script: string
        Name of casapy script that will be create on-the-fly. Default is clean
    delete: boolean
        Deletes the casapy script that was created on-the-fly after execution
    vis = "{}".format(dset) if type(dset) is list else "'{}'".format(dset)
    antenna_out = 'all' if antenna == '' else antenna
    print ('Imaging using antenna(s) {}'.format(antenna_out))
    casa_opt = casawrapper.create_casa_options(nologger='0', nogui='0', nologfile='0')
    task_opt = casawrapper.create_casa_options(vis=vis, imagename="'{}'".format(imagename), antenna="'{}'".format(antenna), cell="'{}'".format(cellsize), imsize=[npix,npix], threshold="'{}'".format(threshold), niter="{}".format(niter), spw="'0:{}~{}'".format(start, stop), uvrange="'{}{}'".format(uvsign, uvlength), weighting="'{}'".format(weighting), phasecenter="'{}'".format(phasecenter) ,gridmode="'{}'".format(gridmode), wprojplanes="{}".format(wprojplanes), usescratch=True)
    casawrapper.call_casa_task(task='clean', script=script, task_options=task_opt, casa_options=casa_opt, delete=delete)    
Exemple #3
def create_complist(infile, outfile='component.cl', script='create_cl', delete=False):
    Creates component list of sources
    infile : Input text file containing the required parameters (see generate_complist_input function for the input format)
    outfile :  Output name of the component list
    CASA Component with all the components
    if os.path.exists(outfile):
        print ('WARNING: overwritting existed file')
        os.system('rm -rf {}'.format(outfile))
    stdout = open(script + '.py', 'wb')
    sources = numpy.loadtxt(infile, dtype='str', delimiter=':')
    if sources.ndim == 1: sources = sources.reshape((1, len(sources)))
    for src in sources:
        task_opt = "dir='{}', flux={}, fluxunit='Jy', shape='point', spectrumtype='spectral index', index={}, freq='{}MHz'".format(src[0], float(src[1]), float(src[2]), float(src[3])) 
        text = ('cl.addcomponent({})\n'.format(task_opt)).encode()
    text = ("cl.rename('{}')\ncl.close()".format(outfile)).encode()
    casa_opt = casawrapper.create_casa_options(nologger='0', nogui='0', nologfile='0')
    casawrapper.call_casa_script(script + '.py', casa_opts=casa_opt, delete=delete)
Exemple #4
def subtract_model_ant(dset, ant, script='subtract_mod_ant', operation='subtract', delete=False):
    casa_opt = casawrapper.create_casa_options(nologger='0', nogui='0', nologfile='0')
    task_opt = "import numpy as np; import copy\n"
    task_opt += "operation='{}'\n".format(operation)
    task_opt += "ms = casac.table()\n"
    task_opt += "ms.open('{}', nomodify=False)\n".format(dset)
    task_opt += "datacol = 'CORRECTED_DATA' if 'CORRECTED_DATA' in ms.colnames() else 'DATA'\n"
    task_opt += "data = ms.getcol(datacol)\n"
    task_opt += "model = ms.getcol('MODEL_DATA')\n"
    task_opt += "A1 = ms.getcol('ANTENNA1')\n"
    task_opt += "inds = np.where(A1=={})\n".format(ant)
    task_opt += "data_bl = data[:, :, inds[0]]\n"
    task_opt += "mod_bl = model[:, :, inds[0]]\n"
    task_opt += "new_data = copy.deepcopy(data)\n"
    task_opt += "if operation == 'add':\n"
    task_opt += "   new_data[:, :, inds[0]] = data_bl + mod_bl\n"
    task_opt += "   ms.putcol(datacol, new_data)\n"
    task_opt += "else:\n"
    task_opt += "   new_data[:, :, inds[0]] = data_bl - mod_bl\n"
    task_opt += "   ms.putcol(datacol, new_data)\n"
    task_opt += "ms.close()"
    stdout = open(script + ".py", "w")
    casawrapper.call_casa_script(script + ".py", casa_opt, delete=delete)
Exemple #5
def flag_antenna(dset, antenna, script='flag_a', delete=True):
    Flags all the visibilities corresponding to one/more antennas
    dset: string
        Name of input measurement set (MS) file containing visibilities for all baselines
        and the corresponding metadata
    antenna: string
        Antenna number to be flagged, e.g '0' or list of antennas e.g '0, 1, 5, 6'
    script: string
        Name of casapy script that will be create on-the-fly. Default is flag_a
    delete: boolean
        Deletes the casapy script that was created on-the-fly after execution
    print ('Flagging antenna(s) {}'.format(antenna))
    casa_opt = casawrapper.create_casa_options(nologger='0', nogui='0', nologfile='0')
    task_opt = casawrapper.create_casa_options(vis="'{}'".format(dset), antenna="'{}'".format(antenna))
    casawrapper.call_casa_task(task='flagdata', script=script, task_options=task_opt, casa_options=casa_opt, delete=delete)
def test_call_casa_task():
    casa_opts = cw.create_casa_options(nologger='0', nogui='0', nologfile='0')
    cw.call_casa_task(task="importuvfits", script="execute", task_options={'vis':"'test.ms'"}, casa_options=casa_opts, delete=False, verbose=True)
    fl = open(scriptname)
    lines = []
    for line in fl.readlines():
    answer = ['default(importuvfits)\n', "vis='test.ms'\n", 'go()']
    nt.assert_equal(lines, answer)
Exemple #7
def writeto(dset, data_array, column_to, script='writeto', delete=False):
    casa_opt = casawrapper.create_casa_options(nologger='0', nogui='0', nologfile='0')
    task_opt = "ms = casac.table()\n"
    task_opt += "ms.open('{}', nomodify=False)\n".format(dset)
    task_opt += "if '{}' in ms.colnames():\n".format(column_to)
    task_opt += "   ms.putcol('{}', {})\n".format(column_to, data_array)
    task_opt += "ms.close()"
    stdout = open(script + ".py", "w")
    casawrapper.call_casa_script(script + ".py", casa_opt, delete=delete)
Exemple #8
def change_pc(dset, script='pc', delete=False):
    casa_opt = casawrapper.create_casa_options(nologger='0', nogui='0', nologfile='0')
    task_opt = "import numpy as np\n"
    task_opt += "ms = casac.table()\n"
    task_opt += "ms.open('{}/FIELD', nomodify=False)\n".format(dset)
    task_opt += "pc =np.array([[[ 0.87707669]],[[-0.53722607]]])\n"
    task_opt += "ms.putcol('PHASE_DIR', pc)\n"
    task_opt += "ms.close()"
    stdout = open(script + ".py", "w")
    casawrapper.call_casa_script(script + ".py", casa_opt, delete=delete)
Exemple #9
def get_freq(dset, outname, script='get_freqs', delete=False):
    casa_opt = casawrapper.create_casa_options(nologger='0', nogui='0', nologfile='0')
    task_opt = "import numpy as np\n"
    task_opt += "ms = casac.table()\n"
    task_opt += "ms.open('{}/SPECTRAL_WINDOW', nomodify=False)\n".format(dset)
    task_opt += "freqs = ms.getcol('CHAN_FREQ')\n"
    task_opt += "ms.close()\n"
    task_opt += "np.save('{}', freqs)".format(outname)
    stdout = open(script + ".py", "w")
    casawrapper.call_casa_script(script + ".py", casa_opt, delete=delete)
Exemple #10
def set_to_unflag(dset, script='unflag', delete=False):
    casa_opt = casawrapper.create_casa_options(nologger='0', nogui='0', nologfile='0')
    task_opt = "import numpy as np\n"
    task_opt += "ms = casac.table()\n"
    task_opt += "ms.open('{}', nomodify=False)\n".format(dset)
    task_opt += "flags = ms.getcol('FLAG')\n"
    task_opt += "new_flags = np.zeros(flags.shape, dtype=np.bool)\n"
    task_opt += "ms.putcol('FLAG', new_flags)\n"
    task_opt += "ms.close()"
    stdout = open(script + ".py", "w")
    casawrapper.call_casa_script(script + ".py", casa_opt, delete=delete)
Exemple #11
def uvfits2ms(uvfits, outfile=None, script='uvfits2ms', overwrite=False, delete=True):
    Converts measurement sets to uvfits files
    dset: string
        Measurement sets (MS) containing visibilities and the corresponding metadata.
    outfile: string
        Name of the output uvfits file. Default is <dset>.uvfits.
    script: string
        Name of casapy script that will be create on-the-fly. Default is ms2uvfits.
    overwrite : boolean
        Overwrites any existing file. Default is False.
    delete: boolean
        Deletes the casapy script that was created on-the-fly after execution.
    if outfile is None:
        outfile = uvfits.replace('.uvfits', '.ms')
    print ('Converting {} to {}'.format(uvfits, outfile))
    casa_opt = casawrapper.create_casa_options(nologger='0', nogui='0', nologfile='0')
    task_opt = casawrapper.create_casa_options(fitsfile="'{}'".format(uvfits), vis="'{}'".format(outfile))
    casawrapper.call_casa_task(task='importuvfits', script=script, task_options=task_opt, casa_options=casa_opt, delete=delete)
Exemple #12
def read_col(dset, column, outfile='data', script='read_col', delete=False):
    casa_opt = casawrapper.create_casa_options(nologger='0', nogui='0', nologfile='0')
    task_opt = "ms = casac.table()\n"
    task_opt += "ms.open('{}', nomodify=False)\n".format(dset)
    task_opt += "if '{}' in ms.colnames():\n".format(column)
    task_opt += "   data = ms.getcol('{}')\n".format(column)
    task_opt += "ms.close()\n"
    task_opt += "import numpy as np\n"
    task_opt += "np.save('{}', data)".format(outfile)
    stdout = open(script + ".py", "w")
    casawrapper.call_casa_script(script + ".py", casa_opt, delete=delete)
Exemple #13
def importfits(fitsname, imagename=None, overwrite=False, script='importfits', delete=True):
    Converts fitsfile to CASA image format
    fitsname: string
        Name of input fits file. 
    imagename: string
        Name of the output casa image.Default is <fitsname>.fits.
    overwrite : boolean
        If True, overwrites the existing image with the new one.
        Default is False.
    script: string
        Name of casapy script that will be create on-the-fly. Default is exportfits
    delete: boolean
        Deletes the casapy script that was created on-the-fly after execution
    if imagename is None:
        imagename = fitsname.replace('.fits', '.image')
    casa_opt = casawrapper.create_casa_options(nologger='0', nogui='0', nologfile='0')
    task_opt = casawrapper.create_casa_options(fitsimage="'{}'".format(fitsname), imagename="'{}'".format(imagename), overwrite=overwrite)
    casawrapper.call_casa_task(task='importfits', script=script, task_options=task_opt, casa_options=casa_opt, delete=delete)
Exemple #14
def subtract_model(dset, script='subtract_mod', operation='subtract', delete=False):
    casa_opt = casawrapper.create_casa_options(nologger='0', nogui='0', nologfile='0')
    task_opt = "operation='{}'\n".format(operation)
    task_opt += "ms = casac.table()\n"
    task_opt += "ms.open('{}', nomodify=False)\n".format(dset)
    task_opt += "datacol = 'CORRECTED_DATA' if 'CORRECTED_DATA' in ms.colnames() else 'DATA'\n"
    task_opt += "data = ms.getcol(datacol)\n"
    task_opt += "if 'MODEL_DATA' in ms.colnames():\n"
    #task_opt += "data = ms.getcol('CORRECTED_DATA') if 'CORRECTED_DATA' in ms.colnames() else ms.getcol('DATA')\n"
    task_opt += "   if operation == 'add':\n"
    task_opt += "       ms.putcol(datacol, data + ms.getcol('MODEL_DATA'))\n"
    task_opt += "   else:\n"
    task_opt += "       ms.putcol(datacol, data - ms.getcol('MODEL_DATA'))\n"
    task_opt += "ms.close()"
    stdout = open(script + ".py", "w")
    casawrapper.call_casa_script(script + ".py", casa_opt, delete=delete)
Exemple #15
def concat(dsets, outfile, script='concat', delete=False):
    casa_opt = casawrapper.create_casa_options(nologger='0', nogui='0', nologfile='0')
    task_opt = casawrapper.create_casa_options(vis="{}".format(dsets), concatvis="'{}'".format(outfile))
    casawrapper.call_casa_task(task='concat', script=script, task_options=task_opt, casa_options=casa_opt, delete=delete)
Exemple #16
def gaincal(dset, caltable, solint='30s', gaintype='G', usescratch=True, script='gaincal', delete=False):
    casa_opt = casawrapper.create_casa_options(nologger='0', nogui='0', nologfile='0')
    task_opt = casawrapper.create_casa_options(vis="'{}'".format(dset), gaintype="'{}'".format(gaintype), solint="'{}'".format(solint), caltable="'{}'".format(caltable), usescratch="'{}'".format(usescratch)) 
    casawrapper.call_casa_task(task='gaincal', script=script, task_options=task_opt, casa_options=casa_opt, delete=delete)
def test_create_casa_options():
    kwargs = cw.create_casa_options(nologger='0', nogui='0', nologfile='0')
    nt.assert_equal(kwargs, {'nologger': '0', 'nogui': '0', 'nologfile': '0'})
Exemple #18
def applycal(dset, gaintable, script='applycal', delete=False):
    casa_opt = casawrapper.create_casa_options(nologger='0', nogui='0', nologfile='0')
    task_opt = casawrapper.create_casa_options(vis="'{}'".format(dset), gaintable="'{}'".format(gaintable))
    casawrapper.call_casa_task(task='applycal', script=script, task_options=task_opt, casa_options=casa_opt, delete=delete)