Exemple #1
    def __init__(self,

        if width != None:
            width = width
        if height != None:
            height = height

        self.id = document._global_counter['group']
        self.args = {'group_id': self.id, "background": background}

        self.data = {
            'args': self.args,
            'id': self.id,
            'content': '',
            'render': render_group,
            'type': 'group'

        self.positionner = add_to_slide(self.data, x, y, width, height)
        document._contents[gcs()]['groups'] += [self.data]
        document._global_counter['group'] += 1

        if elements_to_group != None:
            eids = [e.id for e in elements_to_group]
            print("[Beampy][%s] render %i elements in group %i" %
                  (gcs(), len(eids), self.id))
            render_group_content(eids, self.data)
Exemple #2
def create_element_id( elem, use_args=True, use_render=True, use_content=True, add_slide=True, slide_position=True ):
        create a unique id for the element using element['content'] and element['args'].keys() and element['render'].__name__
    from beampy.functions import gcs
    from beampy.document import document
    ct_to_hash = ''

    if add_slide:
        ct_to_hash += gcs()

    if use_args and 'args' in elem:
        ct_to_hash += ''.join(['%s:%s'%(k,v) for k,v in elem['args'].items()])

    if use_render and 'render' in elem and elem['render'] != None:
        ct_to_hash += elem['render'].__name__

    if use_content and 'content' in elem:
        ct_to_hash += str(elem['content'])

    if slide_position:
        ct_to_hash += str(len(document._contents[gcs()]['element_keys']))

    outid = None
    if ct_to_hash != '':
        outid = hashlib.md5( ct_to_hash ).hexdigest()

        if outid in document._contents[gcs()]['element_keys']:
            print("Id for this element already exist!")
            outid = None
        #print outid

    return outid
Exemple #3
def endgroup():
        close the current group then computre the height and width of the group

    if len(document._contents[gcs()]['groups']) > 0:
        group = document._contents[gcs()]['groups'][-1]
        group['content_stop'] = len(document._contents[gcs()]['contents'])
        print('Error no begingroup() defined before')
Exemple #4
    def __enter__(self):
        #get the position of the first element
        content_start = len(document._contents[gcs()]['contents'])
        #Add it to the data dict
        self.data['content_start'] = content_start

        return self.positionner
Exemple #5
def endgroup():
        close the current group then computre the height and width of the group
    slide = document._contents[gcs()]
    if len(slide['groups']) > 0:
Exemple #6
    def register(self):
        #Function to register the module (run the function add to slide)

        #Save the id of the current slide for the module
        self.slide_id = gcs()

        #Ajout du nom du module
        self.name = self.get_name()

        #Create a unique id for this element
        self.id = create_element_id( self )

        document._slides[self.slide_id].add_module(self.id, self)

        self.positionner = positionner( self.x, self.y , self.width, self.height, self.id)

        #Add anchors for relative positionning
        self.top = self.positionner.top
        self.bottom = self.positionner.bottom
        self.left = self.positionner.left
        self.right = self.positionner.right
        self.center = self.positionner.center

        #Report width, height from positionner to self.width, self.height
        self.width = self.positionner.width
        self.height = self.positionner.height

        #Add the source of the script that run this module
        start, stop, source = get_command_line( self.name )
        self.call_cmd = source
        self.call_lines = (start, stop)
Exemple #7
    def __init__(self, title=None, doc=document, style=None):
        #Add a slide to the global counter
        if 'slide' in doc._global_counter:
            doc._global_counter['slide'] += 1
            doc._global_counter['slide'] = 0
        #Init group counter
        document._global_counter['group'] = 0

        out = {
            'title': title,
            'contents': {},
            'num': doc._global_counter['slide'] + 1,
            'groups': [],
            'style': style,
            'htmlout': '',  #store rendered htmlelements inside the slide
            'animout': [],  #store svg rendered part of animatesvg
            'scriptout': '',  #store javascript defined in element['script']
            'cpt_anim': 0,
            'element_keys': []  #list to store elements id in order

        self.id = gcs()
        document._contents[self.id] = out

        if title != None:
Exemple #8
    def __init__(self, title= None, doc = document, style=None):
        #Add a slide to the global counter
        if 'slide' in doc._global_counter:
            doc._global_counter['slide'] += 1
            doc._global_counter['slide'] = 0
        #Init group counter
        document._global_counter['group'] = 0

        out = {'title':title, 'contents': {},
               'groups': [],
               'style': style,
               'htmlout': '', #store rendered htmlelements inside the slide
               'animout': [], #store svg rendered part of animatesvg
               'scriptout': '', #store javascript defined in element['script']
               'cpt_anim': 0,
               'element_keys': [] #list to store elements id in order

        self.id = gcs()
        document._contents[self.id] = out

        if title!= None:
            bptitle( title )
Exemple #9
    def run_render(self):
            Run the function self.render if the module is not in cache

        #Get the current slide object
        slide = document._slides[gcs()]

        if self.cache and document._cache != None:
            ct_cache = document._cache.is_cached('slide_%i' % slide.num, self)
            if ct_cache:
                #Update the state of the module to rendered
                self.rendered = True
                    print("Elem [%s ...] from cache" %
                    print("Elem %s from cache" % self.name)
                #print("element %i not cached"%ct['positionner'].id)
                document._cache.add_to_cache('slide_%i' % slide.num, self)
                    print("Elem [%s ...] rendered" %
                    print("Elem %s rendered" % self.name)
                print("Elem [%s ...] rendered" % self.call_cmd.strip()[:20])
                print("Elem %s rendered" % self.name)
Exemple #10
    def __init__(self, title=None, **kwargs):

        # Add a slide to the global counter
        if 'slide' in document._global_counter:
            document._global_counter['slide'] += 1
            document._global_counter['slide'] = 0
        # Init group counter
        document._global_counter['group'] = 0

        # check args from THEME
        self.args = check_function_args(slide, kwargs)

        # The id for this slide
        self.id = gcs()
        self.slide_num = document._global_counter['slide']

        # Change from dict to class
        self.tmpout = ''
        self.contents = {}
        self.element_keys = []
        self.cpt_anim = 0
        self.num = document._global_counter['slide']+1
        self.title = title
        self.curwidth = document._width
        self.num_layers = 0 # Store the number of layers in this slide

        # Store all outputs
        self.svgout = []
        self.svgdefout = []  # Store module definition for slide
        self.htmlout = {}  # Html is a dict, each key dict is a layer htmlout[0] = [html, html, html] etc...
        self.scriptout = []
        self.animout = []
        self.svgheader = ''
        self.svgfooter = '\n</svg>\n'
        self.svglayers = {}  # Store slide final svg (without svg defs stored in self.svgdefout) for the given layer

        # Do we need to render the THEME layout on this slide
        self.render_layout = True

        # Add the slide to the document contents list
        document._slides[self.id] = self

        # Manage groups inside one slide the lower level of group is 0 and correspond
        # to the main slide
        self.groupsid = {}
        self.cur_group_level = -1
        g0 = group(x=0, y=0, width=document._width, height=document._height)
        self.groupsid[0] = [g0.id]  # store groups id objects in this list

        if title is not None:
            from beampy.modules.title import title as bptitle
            self.title_element = bptitle(title)
            self.ytop = float(convert_unit(self.title.reserved_y))
            self.ytop = 0
            self.title_element = None

        # Add ytop to the slide main group
        g0.yoffset = self.ytop
Exemple #11
    def register(self):
        #Function to register the module (run the function add to slide)

        #Save the id of the current slide for the module
        self.slide_id = gcs()

        #Ajout du nom du module
        self.name = self.get_name()

        #Create a unique id for this element
        self.id = create_element_id(self)

        document._slides[self.slide_id].add_module(self.id, self)

        self.positionner = positionner(self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height,

        #Add anchors for relative positionning
        self.top = self.positionner.top
        self.bottom = self.positionner.bottom
        self.left = self.positionner.left
        self.right = self.positionner.right
        self.center = self.positionner.center

        #Report width, height from positionner to self.width, self.height
        self.width = self.positionner.width
        self.height = self.positionner.height

        #Add the source of the script that run this module
        start, stop, source = get_command_line(self.name)
        self.call_cmd = source
        self.call_lines = (start, stop)
Exemple #12
    def __init__(self, titlein, **kwargs):
            Add a title to a slide

        #Set the type as text
        self.type = 'text'
        #Check function arguments from THEME

        self.content = titlein

        #Add text arguments because we use the text render
        #Re-compute the title when color or size is changed
        self.args_for_cache_id = ['color', 'size']

        if self.width == None:
            self.width = document._width
        self.height = None

        #Add the title to the slide
        document._slides[gcs()].title = self

        #Register this module
Exemple #13
    def __init__(self, textin=None, **kwargs):

        self.type = 'text'
        self.content = textin

        self.svgtext = ''  # To store the svg produced by latex

        # Height of text is None (it need to be computed)
        self.height = None
        # Check width
        if self.width is None:
            self.width = document._slides[gcs()].curwidth

        # Add special args for cache id
        # Text need to be re-rendered from latex if with, color or size are changed
        self.initial_width = self.width
        self.args_for_cache_id = [
            'initial_width', 'color', 'size', 'align', 'opacity'

        # Initialise the global store on document._content to store letter
        if 'svg_glyphs' not in document._contents:
            document._contents['svg_glyphs'] = {}

        if self.extra_packages != []:
            auto_render = True
            auto_render = False

        # Register the function to the current slide
Exemple #14
    def __init__(self, elements_to_group=None, x='center', y='auto', width = None, height = None, background=None):

        #Store the input of the module
        self.width = width
        self.height = height
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.background = background
        self.type = 'group'
        self.content = []
        #TODO: remode these to belows
        #self.args = {'group_id': self.group_id, "background": background}
        #self.data = {'args': self.args, 'id': self.group_id, 'content':'',
        #            'render':render_group,'type':'group'}

        #Add group id from the global group counter
        self.idg = document._global_counter['group']
        document._slides[gcs()].groups += [ self ]
        document._global_counter['group'] += 1

        #Add classic register to the slide

        if elements_to_group != None:
            eids = [e.id for e in elements_to_group]
            print("[Beampy][%s] render %i elements in group %i"%(self.slide_id, len(eids), self.idg))
            self.render_ingroup( eids )
Exemple #15
def endgroup():
        close the current group then computre the height and width of the group
    slide = document._contents[gcs()]
    if len(slide['groups']) > 0:
        slide['groups'][-1].__exit__(None, None, None)
Exemple #16
    def __init__(self,

        #Store the input of the module
        self.width = width
        self.height = height
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.background = background
        self.type = 'group'
        self.content = []
        #TODO: remode these to belows
        #self.args = {'group_id': self.group_id, "background": background}
        #self.data = {'args': self.args, 'id': self.group_id, 'content':'',
        #            'render':render_group,'type':'group'}

        #Add group id from the global group counter
        self.idg = document._global_counter['group']
        document._slides[gcs()].groups += [self]
        document._global_counter['group'] += 1

        #Add classic register to the slide

        if elements_to_group != None:
            eids = [e.id for e in elements_to_group]
            print("[Beampy][%s] render %i elements in group %i" %
                  (self.slide_id, len(eids), self.idg))
Exemple #17
    def run_render(self):
            Run the function self.render if the module is not in cache

        #Get the current slide object
        slide = document._slides[gcs()]

        if self.cache and document._cache != None:
            ct_cache = document._cache.is_cached('slide_%i'%slide.num, self)
            if ct_cache:
                #Update the state of the module to rendered
                self.rendered = True
                    print("Elem [%s ...] from cache"%self.call_cmd.strip()[:20])
                    print("Elem %s from cache"%self.name)
                #print("element %i not cached"%ct['positionner'].id)
                document._cache.add_to_cache('slide_%i'%slide.num, self)
                    print("Elem [%s ...] rendered"%self.call_cmd.strip()[:20])
                    print("Elem %s rendered"%self.name)
                print("Elem [%s ...] rendered"%self.call_cmd.strip()[:20])
                print("Elem %s rendered"%self.name)
Exemple #18
def code( codetext, x='center', y='auto', width=None, height=None, langage=None, size="14px" ):
        Color a given code using python pygment
        langage[None]: try to infer the lexer from codetext
        size['9px']: size of the text

    if width == None:
        width = str(document._width)
    if height == None:
        height = str(document._height)
    args = {"x":str(x), "y": str(y) , "width": str(width), "height": str(height),
            "langage": langage, 'font-size': size }
    codeout = {'type': 'code', 'content': codetext, 'args': args,
              "render": render_code}
    if is_pigment:
        document._contents[gcs()]['contents'] += [ codeout ]
        print("Python pygment is not installed, I can't translate code into svg...")
Exemple #19
    def __enter__(self):
        #get the position of the first element
        content_start = len(document._contents[gcs()]['contents'])
        #Add it to the data dict
        self.data['content_start'] = content_start

        return self.positionner
Exemple #20
    def __init__(self, title= None, **kwargs):

        #Add a slide to the global counter
        if 'slide' in document._global_counter:
            document._global_counter['slide'] += 1
            document._global_counter['slide'] = 0
        #Init group counter
        document._global_counter['group'] = 0

        #check args from THEME
        self.args = check_function_args(slide, kwargs)

        out = {'title':title,
               'contents': {},
               'groups': [],
               "args": self.args,
               'htmlout': '', #store rendered htmlelements inside the slide
               'animout': [], #store svg rendered part of animatesvg
               'scriptout': '', #store javascript defined in element['script']
               'cpt_anim': 0,
               'element_keys': [] #list to store elements id in order

        #The id for this slide
        self.id = gcs()

        #Change from dict to class
        self.tmpout = out
        self.contents = out['contents']
        self.element_keys = out['element_keys']
        self.cpt_anim = 0
        self.num = out['num']
        self.title = title

        #Store all outputs
        self.svgout = []
        self.htmlout = []
        self.scriptout = []
        self.animout = []
        self.svgheader = ''
        self.svgfooter = '\n</svg>\n'

        self.cpt_anim = 0
        self.groups = []

        #Add the slide to the document contents list
        document._contents[self.id] = out
        document._slides[self.id] = self

        if title!= None:
            from beampy.modules.title import title as bptitle
            bptitle( title )
            self.ytop = float(convert_unit(self.title.reserved_y))
            self.ytop = 0
Exemple #21
    def __init__(self, x, y, width, height, elem_id):
            This class need position x and y of the element

            width and height is the size of the svg or html object (need to be
            updated after rendering)

            x, y: could be a dict, a float or a string

            Default position dict:

                {'align': 'left', 'reference': 'slide', 'shift': 0, 'unit': 'rel'}

                align: define the alignement for the coordinate
                       ('center' (page centering),'left','right','middle',
                reference: 'relative' element for placement or 'slide' relative to slide
                           'slide' for placement refenreced on slide
                shift: the value of the shift
                unit: 'width': relative to page (or group) width
                      'height': relative to page (or group) height
                      'cm', 'pt', 'px': shift value unit
                anchor: 'left', 'right', 'middle', 'top', 'bottom', define the anchor on the object bounding-box

        # Create and id (positition in the dict of this element)
        self.id = elem_id
        self.slideid = gcs()
            self.id_index = document._slides[self.slideid].element_keys.index(
        except IndexError:
            print('Element not found in document._content[gcs()].element_keys')
            self.id_index = -1

        self.update_size(width, height)

        # Make copy if x and y are dict input
        if type(x) == type(dict()):
            self.x = x.copy()
            self.x = x

        if type(y) == type(dict()):
            self.y = y.copy()
            self.y = y

        # print({"id":self.id,'y':self.y})
        # print(self.x)
        # Need to convert x, y to a standart dict

        # Compute elements anchors
Exemple #22
    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):

        #link the current slide
        slide = document._contents[gcs()]
        if len(slide['groups']) > self.id:
            #Get the last group
            group = slide['groups'][self.id]
            group['content_stop'] = len(slide['contents'])
            elementids = slide['element_keys'][group['content_start']:group['content_stop']]

            print("[Beampy][%s] render %i elements in group %i"%(gcs(), len(elementids), self.id))

            #render the content of a given group
            render_group_content(elementids, self.data)

            print('The begining of the group as not been defined')
Exemple #23
    def __init__(self, x, y, width, height, elem_id):
            This class need position x and y of the element

            width and height is the size of the svg or html object (need to be
            updated after rendering)

            x, y: could be a dict, a float or a string

            Default position dict:

                {'align': 'left', 'reference': 'slide', 'shift': 0, 'unit': 'rel'}

                align: define the alignement for the coordinate
                       ('center' (page centering),'left','right','middle',
                reference: relative element for placement or 'slide' relative to slide
                shift: the value of the shift
                unit: 'width': relative to page (or group) width
                      'height': relative to page (or group) height
                      'cm', 'pt', 'px': shift value unit

        #Create and id (positition in the dict of this element)
        self.id = elem_id
            self.id_index = document._contents[gcs()]['element_keys'].index(self.id)
            print('Element not found in document._content[gcs()]')
            self.id_index = -1 #Content not stored in slide contents (like group)

        self.width = width
        self.height = height

        #Make copy if x and y are dict input
        if type(x) == type(dict()):
            self.x = x.copy()
            self.x = x

        if type(y) == type(dict()):
            self.y = y.copy()
            self.y = y

        #Need to convert x, y to a standart dict

        #Compute elements anchors
Exemple #24
    def __init__(self, iframe_content, **kwargs):

        self.type = 'svg'

        # Update arguments for the module

        self.content = iframe_content

        # Check that a width/height is given or set the curent width/height
        if self.width is None:
            self.width = document._slides[gcs()].curwidth
            _log.info('Set the width to curwidth: %s' % self.width)

        if self.height is None:
            self.height = document._slides[gcs()].curheight
            _log.info('Set the height to curheight: %s' % self.height)

        # Register the module
Exemple #25
def begingroup(x='center',y='auto', width = None, height = None, background=None):
       start a group

    #check global counter
    if 'group' in document._global_counter:
        document._global_counter['group'] += 1
        document._global_counter['group'] = 0
    if width != None:
        width = str(width)
    if height != None:
        height = str(height)
    args = {'x': str(x), 'y': str(y), 'width': width, 'height': height, 'group_id': document._global_counter['group'], "background": background}
    tmp = {'args': args, 'content_start': len(document._contents[gcs()]['contents'])}

    document._contents[gcs()]['groups'] += [ tmp ]
Exemple #26
def create_element_id(elem,
        create a unique id for the element using element['content'] and element['args'].keys() and element['render'].__name__
    from beampy.functions import gcs
    from beampy.document import document

    ct_to_hash = ''

    if add_slide:
        ct_to_hash += gcs()

    if use_args and 'args' in elem:
        ct_to_hash += ''.join(
            ['%s:%s' % (k, v) for k, v in elem['args'].items()])

    if use_render and 'render' in elem and elem['render'] != None:
        ct_to_hash += elem['render'].__name__

    if use_content and 'content' in elem:
        ct_to_hash += str(elem['content'])

    if slide_position:
        ct_to_hash += str(len(document._contents[gcs()]['element_keys']))

    outid = None
    if ct_to_hash != '':
        outid = hashlib.md5(ct_to_hash).hexdigest()

        if outid in document._contents[gcs()]['element_keys']:
            print("Id for this element already exist!")
            outid = None
        #print outid

    return outid
Exemple #27
    def __init__(self, elements_to_group=None, x='center', y='auto', width = None, height = None, background=None):

        if width != None:
            width = width
        if height != None:
            height = height

        self.id = document._global_counter['group']
        self.args = {'group_id': self.id, "background": background}

        self.data = {'args': self.args, 'id': self.id, 'content':'',

        self.positionner = add_to_slide(self.data, x, y, width, height)
        document._contents[gcs()]['groups'] += [ self.data ]
        document._global_counter['group'] += 1

        if elements_to_group != None:
            eids = [e.id for e in elements_to_group]
            print("[Beampy][%s] render %i elements in group %i"%(gcs(), len(eids), self.id))
            render_group_content( eids, self.data )
Exemple #28
    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):

        #link the current slide
        slide = document._contents[gcs()]
        if len(slide['groups']) > self.id:
            #Get the last group
            group = slide['groups'][self.id]
            group['content_stop'] = len(slide['contents'])
            elementids = slide['element_keys'][

            print("[Beampy][%s] render %i elements in group %i" %
                  (gcs(), len(elementids), self.id))

            #render the content of a given group
            render_group_content(elementids, self.data)

            print('The begining of the group as not been defined')
Exemple #29
def maketitle(*args, **kwargs):

    Create title content for the presentation. The function could be
    overwritten by Beampy theme. Theme could add or change the arguments of
    :py:func:`maketitle` function. The default theme use the set of parameters
    described below. These arguments should not be modified by other themes.


    titlein : str
        The title of the presentation.

    author : str or list of str or None, optional
        The name of the author, or the list of author names (the default value
        is None).

    subtitle : str or None, optional
        The subtitle for the presentation (the default value is None).

    date : str or {'Today', 'today', 'now'} or None, optional
        The date for the presentation (the default value is None). If `date` is
        a str it will be displayed as the given str. If the `date` is either
        'Today' or 'today' or 'now' it will replaced automatically by the
        current date.

    title_width : int or float or str or None, optional
        The width of the `titlein` text (the default is value is None, which
        implies `tilte_width` = `document._width` * 0.75). If a `title_width`
        is given it is passed to the `beampy.text()` module to constrain the
        width of the `titlein` text.

    vert_space : int or float or str or None, optional
        The vertical spacing of maketitle elements (the default value is None,
        which implies `vert_space` = `document._height` * 0.75). `vert_space`
        could take any values allowed by the positioning system of beampy (see
        `x` or `y` allowed values for :py:mod:`beampy.base_module`).


    # get_command_line(maketitle)
    # Check function arguments from THEME

    # The maketitle disable the layout that could be defined in THEME['slide']
    slide = document._slides[gcs()]
    slide.render_layout = False

        document._theme['maketitle']['template'](*args, **kwargs)
        default_maketitle(*args, **kwargs)
Exemple #30
    def __init__(self, files_in, **kwargs):

        # Add type
        self.type = 'animatesvg'

        # Check input args for this module

        # Cache is useless because we call figure function which handle the cache for each figures
        self.cache = False

        slide = document._slides[gcs()]

        # Add +1 to counter
        self.anim_num = slide.cpt_anim
        slide.cpt_anim += 1

        input_width = self.width  # Save the input width for mpl figures
        if self.width is None:
            self.width = slide.curwidth

        # Read all files from a given wildcard
        if isinstance(files_in, str):
            svg_files = glob.glob(files_in)

            # Need to sort using the first digits finded in the name
            svg_files = sorted(
                svg_files, key=lambda x: int(''.join(re.findall(r'\d+', x))))

        # If the input is a list of names or mpl figures or other compatible with figure
        elif isinstance(files_in, list):
            svg_files = files_in

            if input_width is None:
                width_inch, height_inch = files_in[0].get_size_inches()
                self.width = convert_unit("%fin" % (width_inch))
            print('Unknown input type for files_folder')

        # check how many images we wants
        if self.end == 'end':
            self.end = len(svg_files)

        # Add content
        self.content = svg_files[self.start:self.end]

        # Register the module
Exemple #31
def maketitle(*args, **kwargs):
        Function to create the presentation title slide
    #Check function arguments from THEME

    #The maketitle disable the layout that could be defined in THEME['slide']
    slide = document._slides[gcs()]
    slide.render_layout = False

        document._theme['maketitle']['template'](*args, **kwargs)

        default_maketitle(*args, **kwargs)
Exemple #32
def animatesvg(files_folder, start=0, end='end', x='center',y='auto',
               width=None, height=None, fps=25, autoplay=False):
        Function to create svg animation from a folder containing svg files

        - files_folder: Folder containing svg like "./my_folder/"

        - x['center']: x coordinate of the image
                       'center': center image relative to document._width
                       '+1cm": place image relative to previous element

        - y['auto']: y coordinate of the image
                     'auto': distribute all slide element on document._height
                     'center': center image relative to document._height (ignore other slide elements)
                     '+3cm': place image relative to previous element


    if width == None:
        width = str(document._width)
    if height == None:
        height = str(document._height)

    args = {"x":str(x), "y": str(y) , "width": str(width), "height": str(height),
            "fps": fps, "autoplay": autoplay}

    #Read all svg files
    svg_files = glob.glob(files_folder+'*.svg')

    #Need to sort using the first digits finded in the name
    svg_files = sorted(svg_files, key=lambda x: int(''.join(re.findall(r'\d+', x))))

    #check how many images we wants
    if end == 'end':
        end = len(svg_files)

    svg_files = svg_files[start:end]

    svgcontent = []
    for svgf in svg_files:
        with open(svgf,'r') as f:
            svgcontent += [f.read()]

    animout = {'type': 'animatesvg', 'content': svgcontent, 'args': args,
               "render": render_animatesvg}

    document._contents[gcs()]['contents'] += [ animout ]
Exemple #33
    def register(self):
        # Function to register the module (run the function add to slide)

        # Save the id of the current slide for the module
        self.slide_id = gcs()

        # Store the list of groups id where the module is finally located (used for html element to
        # resolve final positionning)
        self.groups_id = []

        # Ajout du nom du module
        self.name = self.get_name()

        # Create a unique id for this element
        self.id = create_element_id( self )

        # Store the layers where this module should be printed
        self.layers = [0]
        # Store a boolean to know if this module has been exported to slide store
        self.exported = False

        # Add module to his slide
        document._slides[self.slide_id].add_module(self.id, self)

        self.positionner = positionner( self.x, self.y , self.width, self.height, self.id)

        # Add anchors for relative positionning
        self.top = self.positionner.top
        self.bottom = self.positionner.bottom
        self.left = self.positionner.left
        self.right = self.positionner.right
        self.center = self.positionner.center

        # Report width, height from positionner to self.width, self.height
        self.width = self.positionner.width
        self.height = self.positionner.height

        # Add the source of the script that run this module
            start, stop, source = get_command_line(self.name)
            start = 0
            stop = 0
            source = 'None'

        self.call_cmd = source
        self.call_lines = (start, stop)
Exemple #34
def text( textin, x='center', y='auto', width=None, color="", size="",
         align='', font="", usetex = True):

        Function to add a text to the current slide


        - x['center']: x coordinate of the image
                       'center': center image relative to document._width
                       '+1cm": place image relative to previous element

        - y['auto']: y coordinate of the image
                     'auto': distribute all slide element on document._height
                     'center': center image relative to document._height (ignore other slide elements)
                     '+3cm': place image relative to previous element


        text('this is my text', '20', '20')

    if width == None:
        width = str(document._width)
        width = str(width)

    args = {"x":str(x), "y": str(y) ,"font": font, "width": width,
            "font-size": size, "fill": color, 'align':align, 'usetex': usetex }

    #Load theme properties
    if document._theme != None:
        if color == "":
            args['fill'] = document._theme.get('text','color')
        if size == "":
            args['font-size'] = int(document._theme.get('text','size'))
        if font == "":
            args['font'] = document._theme.get('text','font')

    textout = {'type': 'text', 'content': textin, 'args': args,
               "render": render_text}

    #Add text to the document
    document._contents[gcs()]['contents'] += [ textout ]
Exemple #35
    def __init__(self, elements_to_group=None, x='center', y='auto',
                 width=None, height=None, background=None, parendid=None):

        # Store the input of the module
        self.width = width
        self.height = height
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.background = background
        self.type = 'group'
        self.content = []
        self.xoffset = 0
        self.yoffset = 0
        self.parentid = parendid # Store the id of the parent group

        #To store elements id to group
        self.elementsid = []
        self.element_keys = []
        self.autoxid = []
        self.autoyid = []
        self.manualid = []
        self.htmlid = [] # Store html module id

        self.content_layer = {} # Store group rendered svg content by layers

        # To store layers inside groups
        # self.layers_elementsid = {}
        # self.svgout_layers = {} # To store svg output by layers

        #Add the parentid if level is more than 1
        slide = document._slides[gcs()]
        if slide.cur_group_level >= 0:
            self.parentid = slide.contents[slide.groupsid[slide.cur_group_level][-1]].id

        #Add group id from the slide groups counter (and add one because it's a new one
        slide.cur_group_level += 1
        self.grouplevel = slide.cur_group_level

        # Add classic register to the slide
        self.group_id = self.id

        if elements_to_group is not None:
            print('TODO: Need to remove these elements from previous group!')
            for e in elements_to_group:
                self.add_elements_to_group(e.id, e)
Exemple #36
def video(videofile, width=None, height=None, x='center',y='auto',
          fps=25, autoplay=False):
    Add video in webm format

    width and height must be specified !

    width = None -> document._width
    heigh = None -> document._height

    #if no width is given get the default width
    if width == None:
        width = str(document._width)
    if height != None:
        width = str(width)

    #check extension
    ext = None
    if '.webm' in videofile.lower():
        ext = 'webm'
    elif '.ogg' in videofile.lower():
        ext = 'ogg'
    elif '.mp4' in videofile.lower():
        ext = 'mp4'
        print('Video need to be in webm/ogg/mp4(h.264) format!')

    if ext != None:
        args = {"x":str(x), "y": str(y) ,
                "width": width, "height": height,
                "fps": fps, "autoplay": autoplay,
                "ext": ext, 'filename': videofile}

        with open(videofile, 'rb') as fin:
            datain = base64.b64encode( fin.read() )

        #Add video to the document type_nohtml used to remplace video by svg still image when not exported to HTML5
        videout = {'type': 'html', 'type_nohtml': 'svg', 'content': datain, 'args': args,
                   "render": render_video}
        document._contents[gcs()]['contents'] += [ videout ]
Exemple #37
def tikz(tikscommands, x='0', y='0', tikz_header=None, tex_packages=None,
        Function to render tikz commands to svg

        - tikz_header: allow to add extra tikslibraries and style, everything that
                       is included befor \begin{document}

                       tikz_header = " \usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric}
                                     % Vector Styles
                                     \tikzstyle{load}   = [ultra thick,-latex]
                                     \tikzstyle{stress} = [-latex]
                                     \tikzstyle{dim}    = [latex-latex]
                                     \tikzstyle{axis}   = [-latex,black!55]
        - tex_packages: Add extra \usepackages in tex document.
                        Need to be a list of string

                        tex_packages = ['xolors','tikz-3dplot']

        - figure_options: options for \begin{tikzfigure}[options]

    args = {"x":str(x), "y": str(y) }

    if tikz_header:
        args['tikzheader'] = tikz_header

    if tex_packages:
        args['tex_packages'] = tex_packages

    if figure_options:
        args['tikzfigureoptions'] = figure_options

    textout = {'type': 'tikz', 'content': tikscommands, 'args': args,
               "render": render_tikz}

    document._contents[gcs()]['contents'] += [ textout ]
Exemple #38
def slide(title= None, doc = document, style=None):
        Function to add a slide to the presentation

    #Add a slide to the global counter
    if 'slide' in doc._global_counter:
        doc._global_counter['slide'] += 1
        doc._global_counter['slide'] = 0

    out = {'title':title, 'contents':[],
           'groups': [],
           'style': style}

    document._contents[gcs()] = out
    if title!= None:
        bptitle( title )
Exemple #39
def title( title_text , **kwargs):
        Add a title to a slide

    #Check function arguments from THEME
    args = check_function_args(title, kwargs)
    #Add text arguments because we use the text render
    args = inherit_function_args('text', args)

    if args['width'] == None:
        args['width'] = document._width
    titleout = {'type': 'svg',
                "render": render_text }

    out = add_to_slide(titleout, args['x'], args['y'], width=args['width'], height=None)
Exemple #40
    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):

        #link the current slide
        slide = document._slides[self.slide_id]
        if len(slide.groups) > self.idg:
            #Get the last group
            self.content_stop = len(slide.contents)
            elementids = slide.element_keys[self.content_start:self.content_stop]

            if len(elementids) > 0:
                print("[Beampy][%s] render %i elements in group %i"%(gcs(),
                       len(elementids), self.idg))

                #render the content of a given group
                self.render_ingroup( elementids )

            print('The begining of the group as not been defined')
            print( slide.groups )
Exemple #41
def title( title, usetex=True):
        Add a title to a slide

    args = {"x":"0.5cm" , "y": "1.2cm", "reserved_y":"1.4cm",
    "font": "CMR", "font-size": 28, "fill": "#3333b3", 'usetex': usetex,
    'align':'', 'ha':'left', 'va':'baseline' }

    #Load theme properties
    if document._theme != None:
        args['fill'] = document._theme.get('title','color')
        args['size'] = document._theme.get('title','size')
        args['x'] = document._theme.get('title','x')
        args['y'] = document._theme.get('title','y')
        args['reserved_y'] = document._theme.get('title','yspace')
    titleout = {'type': 'svg', 'content':title, "args":args, "render": render_text }

Exemple #42
    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):

        #link the current slide
        slide = document._slides[self.slide_id]
        if len(slide.groups) > self.idg:
            #Get the last group
            self.content_stop = len(slide.contents)
            elementids = slide.element_keys[self.content_start:self.

            if len(elementids) > 0:
                print("[Beampy][%s] render %i elements in group %i" %
                      (gcs(), len(elementids), self.idg))

                #render the content of a given group

            print('The begining of the group as not been defined')
Exemple #43
    def __init__(self, titlein, **kwargs):
            Add a title to a slide

        # Set the type as text
        self.type = "text"
        # Check function arguments from THEME

        self.content = titlein

        # Add text arguments because we use the text render

        if self.width == None:
            self.width = document._width
        self.height = None

        # Add the title to the slide
        document._slides[gcs()].title = self

        # Register this module
Exemple #44
 def delete(self):
     #Remove from document
     del self
Exemple #45
    def render(self):
            Latex -> dvi -> svg for tikz image

        tikzcommands = self.content
        #args = ct['args']

        tex_pt_to_px = 96 / 72.27

        #replace '\slidewidth'

        tiktikzcommands = tikzcommands.replace(
            r'\slidewidth', '%ipt' % (0.75 * document._slides[gcs()].curwidth))

        #Include extrac packages for tex
        if getattr(self, 'tex_packages', False):
            extra_tex_packages = '\n'.join(
                ['\\usepackages{%s}' % pkg for pkg in self.tex_packages])
            extra_tex_packages = ''

        #Include extra tikz headers
        if getattr(self, 'tikz_header', False):
            extra_tex_packages += '\n%s' % (self.tikz_header)

        #Tikzfigure options in []
        if getattr(self, 'figure_options', False):
            tikz_fig_opts = '[' + self.figure_options + ']'
            tikz_fig_opts = ''

        # Render to a dvi file
        pretex = """


        """ % (extra_tex_packages, tikz_fig_opts, tikzcommands)

        svgout = latex2svg(pretex)

        if svgout != '':

            #Parse the svg
            soup = BeautifulSoup(svgout, 'xml')

            #Find the width and height
            svgsoup = soup.find('svg')
            g = soup.find('g')

            xinit, yinit, tikz_width, tikz_height = svgsoup.get(
            tikz_width = float(tikz_width) * tex_pt_to_px
            tikz_height = float(tikz_height) * tex_pt_to_px

            print(tikz_width, tikz_height)

            # Default is args['figure_anchor'] == top_left
            dx = -float(xinit)
            dy = -float(yinit)

            print(self.positionner.x, self.positionner.y)

            if 'bottom' in self.figure_anchor:
                self.positionner.y['anchor'] = 'bottom'

            if 'right' in self.figure_anchor:
                self.positionner.x['anchor'] = 'right'

            newmatrix = 'scale(%0.3f) translate(%0.1f,%0.1f)' % (tex_pt_to_px,
                                                                 dx, dy)
            g['transform'] = newmatrix

            output = svgsoup.renderContents()

            output = ''
            tikz_height = 0
            tikz_width = 0

        self.update_size(tikz_width, tikz_height)
        self.svgout = output
        self.rendered = True
Exemple #46
def create_element_id( bp_mod, use_args=True, use_render=True,
                       use_content=True, add_slide=True, slide_position=True,
                       use_size = False ):
        create a unique id for the element using element['content'] and element['args'].keys() and element['render'].__name__
    from beampy.functions import gcs
    from beampy.document import document

    ct_to_hash = ''

    if add_slide:
        ct_to_hash += gcs()

    if use_args and hasattr(bp_mod, 'args'):
        ct_to_hash += ''.join(['%s:%s'%(k,v) for k,v in bp_mod.args.items()])

    if use_render and bp_mod.name != None:
        ct_to_hash += bp_mod.name

    if use_content and bp_mod.content != None:
        ct_to_hash += str(bp_mod.content)

    if use_size:
        if 'height' in bp_mod.args:
            h = bp_mod.args['height']
            h = 'None'

        if 'width' in bp_mod.args:
            w = bp_mod.args['width']
            w = 'None'

        ct_to_hash += '(%s,%s)'%(str(w), str(h))

    if slide_position:
        ct_to_hash += str(len(document._slides[gcs()].element_keys))

    if bp_mod.args_for_cache_id != None:
        for key in bp_mod.args_for_cache_id:
                tmp = getattr(bp_mod, key)
                ct_to_hash += str(tmp)
                print('No parameters %s for cache id for %s'%(key, bp_mod.name))

    outid = None
    if ct_to_hash != '':
        #print ct_to_hash
        outid = hashlib.md5( ct_to_hash ).hexdigest()

        if outid in document._slides[gcs()].element_keys:
            print("Id for this element already exist!")
            outid = None
        #print outid

    return outid
Exemple #47
def create_element_id(bp_mod,
        create a unique id for the element using 
        element['content'] and element['args'].keys() and element['render'].__name__
    from beampy.functions import gcs
    from beampy.document import document

    ct_to_hash = ''

    if add_slide:
        ct_to_hash += gcs()

    if use_args and hasattr(bp_mod, 'args'):
        ct_to_hash += ''.join(
            ['%s:%s' % (k, v) for k, v in bp_mod.args.items()])

    if use_render and bp_mod.name != None:
        ct_to_hash += bp_mod.name

    if use_content and bp_mod.content != None:
        ct_to_hash += str(bp_mod.content)

    if use_size:
        if 'height' in bp_mod.args:
            h = bp_mod.args['height']
            h = 'None'

        if 'width' in bp_mod.args:
            w = bp_mod.args['width']
            w = 'None'

        ct_to_hash += '(%s,%s)' % (str(w), str(h))

    if slide_position:
        ct_to_hash += str(len(document._slides[gcs()].element_keys))

    if bp_mod.args_for_cache_id != None:
        for key in bp_mod.args_for_cache_id:
                tmp = getattr(bp_mod, key)
                ct_to_hash += str(tmp)
                print('No parameters %s for cache id for %s' %
                      (key, bp_mod.name))

    outid = None
    if ct_to_hash != '':
        #print ct_to_hash
        outid = hashlib.md5(ct_to_hash).hexdigest()

        if outid in document._slides[gcs()].element_keys:
            print("Id for this element already exist!")
            outid = None
        #print outid

    return outid
Exemple #48
def figure(filename,x='center',y='auto', width=None, height=None, ext=None):
        Add figure to current slide
        Accepted format: [svg, png, jpeg, bokeh figure]

        - x['center']: x coordinate of the image
                       'center': center image relative to document._width
                       '+1cm": place image relative to previous element

        - y['auto']: y coordinate of the image
                     'auto': distribute all slide element on document._height
                     'center': center image relative to document._height (ignore other slide elements)
                     '+3cm': place image relative to previous element

        - width[None]: Image width, if None: width = document._width

        - height[None]: Image heigt

        - ext[None]: Image format, if None, format is guessed from filename.

    #Check if the given filename is a string
    if type(filename) == type(''):
        #Check extension
        if ext == None:
            if '.svg' in filename.lower():
                ext = 'svg'

            if '.png' in filename.lower():
                ext = 'png'

            if ( '.jpeg' in filename.lower() ) or ( '.jpg' in filename.lower() ):
                ext = 'jpeg'
            if '.pdf' in filename.lower():
                ext = 'pdf'
        if "bokeh" in str(type(filename)):
            ext = 'bokeh'


    if ext == None:
        print("figure format can't be guessed from file name")

    #Bokeh image
    elif ext == 'bokeh':
        #print('I got a bokeh figure')
        figscript, figdiv = components(filename, wrap_script=False)

        #Todo get width and height from a bokeh figure
        if width == None:
            width = '%ipx'%filename.plot_width
        if height == None:
            height = '%ipx'%filename.plot_height

        #Transform figscript to givea function name load_bokehjs
        tmp = figscript.splitlines()
        goodscript = '\n'.join( ['["load_bokeh"] = function() {'] + tmp[1:-1] + ['};\n'] )
        args = {"x":str(x), "y": str(y) , "width": str(width), "height": str(height),
                "ext": ext,  'script':goodscript}

        figout = {'type': 'html', 'content': figdiv, 'args': args,
                  'render': render_figure}

        document._contents[gcs()]['contents'] += [ figout ]

    #Other filetype images

        if width == None:
            width = str(document._width)
            width = str(width)
        if height != None:
            height = str(height)

        args = {"x":str(x), "y": str(y) , "width": width, "height": height,
                "ext": ext, 'filename':filename }
        if ext == 'pdf' :
            figdata = convert_pdf_to_svg( filename )

        else :
            with open(filename,"r") as f:
                figdata = f.read()
			#If it's png/jpeg figure we need to encode them to base64
            if ext in ( 'png', 'jpeg' ):
                figdata = base64.encodestring(figdata)
        figout = {'type': 'figure', 'content': figdata, 'args': args,
                  "render": render_figure}

        document._contents[gcs()]['contents'] += [ figout ]
Exemple #49
 def delete(self):
     #Remove from document
     del self
Exemple #50
    def __init__(self, title=None, **kwargs):

        #Add a slide to the global counter
        if 'slide' in document._global_counter:
            document._global_counter['slide'] += 1
            document._global_counter['slide'] = 0
        #Init group counter
        document._global_counter['group'] = 0

        #check args from THEME
        self.args = check_function_args(slide, kwargs)

        out = {
            'title': title,
            'contents': {},
            'num': document._global_counter['slide'] + 1,
            'groups': [],
            "args": self.args,
            'htmlout': '',  #store rendered htmlelements inside the slide
            'animout': [],  #store svg rendered part of animatesvg
            'scriptout': '',  #store javascript defined in element['script']
            'cpt_anim': 0,
            'element_keys': []  #list to store elements id in order

        #The id for this slide
        self.id = gcs()
        self.slide_num = document._global_counter['slide']

        #Change from dict to class
        self.tmpout = out
        self.contents = out['contents']
        self.element_keys = out['element_keys']
        self.cpt_anim = 0
        self.num = out['num']
        self.title = title

        #Store all outputs
        self.svgout = []
        self.htmlout = []
        self.scriptout = []
        self.animout = []
        self.svgheader = ''
        self.svgfooter = '\n</svg>\n'

        #Do we need to render the THEME layout on this slide
        self.render_layout = True

        #If we want to add background slide decodaration like header-bar or footer informations
        self.cpt_anim = 0
        self.groups = []

        #Add the slide to the document contents list
        document._contents[self.id] = out
        document._slides[self.id] = self

        if title != None:
            from beampy.modules.title import title as bptitle
            self.ytop = float(convert_unit(self.title.reserved_y))
            self.ytop = 0
Exemple #51
def render_group_content(content_ids, group):
        Function to render each elements inside one group defined by their id in content_ids

    #link the current slide
    slide = document._contents[gcs()]
    #Add the group id to all the elements in this group
    cptcache = 0
    groupsid = content_ids


    #First loop render elements in group
    allwidth = []
    allheight = []
    for k in groupsid:
        elem = slide['contents'][k]
        #Add group id to the element
        elem['group_id'] = group['positionner'].id
        #Render the element or read rendered svg from cache
        cptcache = render_content(elem, cptcache)

        #Get element size
        allwidth += [elem['positionner'].width]
        allheight += [
            elem['positionner'].height + elem['positionner'].y['shift']

    #Compute group size if needed
    if group['positionner'].width == None:
        group['positionner'].width = max(allwidth)

    if group['positionner'].height == None:
        group['positionner'].height = sum(allheight)

    #Re loop over element to place them
    all_height = {}  #To store height of element for automatic placement
    for i, key in enumerate(groupsid):
        elem = slide['contents'][key]
        if elem['positionner'].y['align'] == 'auto':
            all_height[i] = {"height": elem['positionner'].height, "id": key}
                (group['positionner'].width, group['positionner'].height))

        #Check if we have javascript to output
        if 'script' in elem['args']:
            slide['scriptout'] += ct['args']['script']

    #Manage autoplacement
    if all_height != {}:
            (group['positionner'].width, group['positionner'].height),

    for key in groupsid:
        elem = slide['contents'][key]
        if 'rendered' in elem and elem['type'] not in ['html']:

            #Add rendered content to groupcontent
            group['content'], slide['animout'], slide['htmlout'], slide[
                'cpt_anim'] = write_content(elem, group['content'],
                                            slide['animout'], slide['htmlout'],

            #remove the rendered part from slide content and set render to None
                'render'] = None  #not processed in the next loop
Exemple #52
def render_group_content(content_ids, group):
        Function to render each elements inside one group defined by their id in content_ids

    #link the current slide
    slide = document._contents[gcs()]
    #Add the group id to all the elements in this group
    cptcache = 0
    groupsid = content_ids


    #First loop render elements in group
    allwidth = []
    allheight = []
    for k in groupsid:
        elem = slide['contents'][k]
        #Add group id to the element
        elem['group_id'] = group['positionner'].id
        #Render the element or read rendered svg from cache
        cptcache = render_content(elem, cptcache)

        #Get element size
        allwidth += [elem['positionner'].width]
        allheight += [elem['positionner'].height+elem['positionner'].y['shift']]

    #Compute group size if needed
    if group['positionner'].width == None:
        group['positionner'].width = max( allwidth )

    if group['positionner'].height == None:
        group['positionner'].height = sum( allheight )

    #Re loop over element to place them
    all_height = {} #To store height of element for automatic placement
    for i, key in enumerate(groupsid):
        elem = slide['contents'][key]
        if elem['positionner'].y['align'] == 'auto':
            all_height[i] = {"height":elem['positionner'].height, "id":key}
            elem['positionner'].place( (group['positionner'].width, group['positionner'].height) )

        #Check if we have javascript to output
        if 'script' in elem['args']:
            slide['scriptout'] += ct['args']['script']

    #Manage autoplacement
    if all_height != {}:
        auto_place_elements(all_height, (group['positionner'].width, group['positionner'].height),
                            'y', slide['contents'], ytop=0)

    for key in groupsid:
        elem = slide['contents'][key]
        if 'rendered' in elem and elem['type'] not in ['html']:

            #Add rendered content to groupcontent
            group['content'], slide['animout'], slide['htmlout'], slide['cpt_anim'] = write_content(elem,

            #remove the rendered part from slide content and set render to None
            slide['contents'][key]['render'] = None #not processed in the next loop
Exemple #53
    def __init__(self, content, ext=None, **kwargs):
        # The type of the module
        self.type = 'svg'

        # Add the extra args to the module
        self.ext = ext

        # Register the content
        self.content = content

        # Special args for cache id
        self.args_for_cache_id = ['width', 'ext']

        # Check if the given filename is a string
        if isinstance(self.content, str):
            # Check extension
            self.ext = guess_file_type(self.content, self.ext)

            # Check kind of objects that are passed to filename
            # Bokeh plot
            if "bokeh" in str(type(self.content)):
                self.ext = 'bokeh'

            # Mathplotlib figure
            if "matplotlib" in str(type(self.content)):
                self.ext = "matplotlib"


        # Check if the input filename can be treated

        if self.ext is None:
            print("figure format can't be guessed.")

        # Bokeh image
        if self.ext == 'bokeh':
            self.type = 'html'

            # Todo get width and height from a bokeh figure
            if self.width is None:
                self.width = int(self.content.plot_width)
            if self.height is None:
                self.height = int(self.content.plot_height)

            # Do not cache this element if it's bokeh plot
            self.cache = False

        # Mpl figure
        if self.ext == 'matplotlib':

            # import close to force the closing of the input figure
            from matplotlib.pyplot import close
            close(self.content)  #close the figure

            # Set figure default width when it was not given as arguement
            if self.width is None:
                width_inch, height_inch = self.content.get_size_inches()
                self.width = convert_unit("%fin" % (width_inch))

            # Create a special args to create a unique id for caching

            # Generate the figure (in binary format as jpg) from the canvas
            with BytesIO() as tmpb:
                md5t = hashlib.md5(tmpb.read()).hexdigest()

            # Add this new arg
            self.args['mpl_fig_hash'] = md5t
            self.mpl_fig_hash = md5t
            self.args_for_cache_id += ['mpl_fig_hash']

        # Other filetype images
        if self.ext not in ('matplotlib', 'bokeh'):

            # Add file timestamp to an arguments for caching
            fdate = str(os.path.getmtime(self.content))
            self.args['filedate'] = fdate
            self.filedate = fdate
            self.args_for_cache_id += ['filedate']

            if self.width is None and self.height is None:
                self.width = document._slides[gcs()].curwidth

        # Add this module to the current slide + add positionner
Exemple #54
    def convert_position(self):

        #Function to convert position of an element
        tmpx = DEFAULT_X.copy()
        tmpy = DEFAULT_Y.copy()
        slidects = document._contents[gcs()]['contents']

        #Get the previous content if it exist (to us "+xx" or "-yy" in x, y coords)
        if self.id_index > 0:
            prev_ct = slidects[document._contents[gcs()]['element_keys'][self.id_index - 1]]
            prev_ct = None

        #Check if x or y are only floats
        if type(self.x) == type(float()) or type(self.x) == type(int()):
            tmpx['shift'] = self.x

        elif type(self.x) == type(dict()):
            tmpx = dict_deep_update(tmpx, self.x)

        elif type(self.x) == type(str()):

            converted = False

            if '+' in self.x:
                self.x = convert_unit( self.x.replace('+','') )
                #Make relative placement
                if prev_ct != None:
                    dict_old = prev_ct['positionner'].right + float( self.x )
                    tmpx = dict_deep_update(tmpx, dict_old)
                    tmpx['shift'] = float( self.x )

                tmpx['unit'] = 'px'
                converted = True

            if '-' in self.x:
                self.x = convert_unit( self.x.replace('-','') )
                #Make relative placement
                if prev_ct != None:
                    dict_old = prev_ct['positionner'].left - float( self.x )
                    tmpx = dict_deep_update(tmpx, dict_old)
                    tmpx['shift'] = float( self.x )
                tmpx['unit'] = 'px'
                converted = True

            if self.x in ['auto', 'center']:
                tmpx['shift'] = 0
                tmpx['align'] = self.x
                converted = True

            if not converted:
                    tmpx['shift'] = float( convert_unit(self.x) )
                    tmpx['unit'] = 'px'
                    print('[Error] x position is incorect string format')

            print("[Error] x position need to be a float or a dict")

        if type(self.y) == type(float()) or type(self.y) == type(int()):
            tmpy['shift'] = self.y

        elif type(self.y) == type(dict()):
            tmpy = dict_deep_update(tmpy, self.y)

        elif type(self.y) == type(str()):

            converted = False
            if '+' in self.y:
                self.y = convert_unit( self.y.replace('+','') )
                #Make relative placement
                if prev_ct != None:
                    dict_old = prev_ct['positionner'].bottom + float(self.y)
                    tmpy = dict_deep_update(tmpy, dict_old)
                    tmpy['shift'] = float( self.y )

                tmpy['unit'] = 'px'
                converted = True

            if '-' in self.y:
                self.y = convert_unit( self.y.replace('-','') )
                #Make relative placement
                if prev_ct != None :
                    dict_old = prev_ct['positionner'].top - float(self.y)
                    tmpy = dict_deep_update(tmpy, dict_old)
                    tmpy['shift'] = float( self.y )
                tmpy['unit'] = 'px'
                converted = True

            if self.y in ['auto', 'center']:
                tmpy['shift'] = 0
                tmpy['align'] = self.y
                converted = True

            if not converted:
                    tmpy['shift'] = float( convert_unit(self.y) )
                    tmpy['unit'] = 'px'
                    print('[Error] y position is incorect string format')
                    print self.y
            print("[Error] y position need to be a float or an int or a dict")

        #Store the dict for positions
        self.x = tmpx
        self.y = tmpy

        #Convert position unit to pt
        if self.x['unit'] in ['cm', 'pt', 'mm']:
            self.x['shift'] = float( convert_unit( '%f%s'%(self.x['shift'], self.x['unit']) ) )

        if self.y['unit'] in ['cm', 'pt', 'mm']:
            self.y['shift'] = float( convert_unit( '%f%s'%(self.y['shift'], self.y['unit']) ) )

        if type(self.width) == type(str()):
            self.width = float( convert_unit(self.width) )

        if type(self.height) == type(str()):
            self.height = float( convert_unit(self.height) )