def render(self): if splash: t.layer(0) set_colour(colours.white, 100) t.put(0, 0, 0x5E) #show the game's title, and some credits! title = 'Death and Axes' center = (SCREEN_WIDTH - len(title)) // 2 t.layer(UI_LAYER) set_colour(colours.dark_azure, 150) t.puts(center - 1, SCREEN_HEIGHT//2 - 5, BLOCK_CHAR * (len(title) + 2) * 3, len(title) + 2, 3) t.layer(UI_TEXT_LAYER) set_colour(colours.light_yellow) t.puts(center, SCREEN_HEIGHT//2-4, title) title = 'By Cerepol' center = (SCREEN_WIDTH - len(title)) // 2 t.layer(UI_LAYER) set_colour(colours.dark_azure, 150) t.puts(center - 1, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 3, BLOCK_CHAR * (len(title) + 2) * 3, len(title) + 2, 3) t.layer(UI_TEXT_LAYER) set_colour(colours.light_yellow) t.puts(center, SCREEN_HEIGHT-2, title) t.refresh() t.delay(2000) t.layer(0) splash = False
def play(self, game_master): while game_master.game_state == 'playing': # Check game state for player in self.players: if not player.avatar.alive: game_master.game_state = 'dead' current_player = self.players[0] render(current_player, game_master) terminal.layer(2) for o in self.current_map.objects: o.clear( for obj in self.current_map.objects: if obj.update() for effect in self.current_map.effects: if effect.update() self.current_map.update() player.action = current_player.input(self) if player.action == 'quit': game_master.save_game() game_master.main_menu() terminal.delay(1000 // game_master.fps)
def game_loop(game): while True: if blt.has_input(): code = if code in codes_close: break ui.update(game, code) draw.update(game) blt.delay(1)
def game_loop(): field = read_map("map.txt") speed = 100 initialize_render() while True: if blt.has_input(): key = if key == blt.TK_A: speed = 1000 if key == blt.TK_S: speed = 500 if key == blt.TK_D: speed = 100 if key == blt.TK_F: speed = 10 if key == blt.TK_CLOSE or key == blt.TK_Q: break update(field) render() blt.delay(speed) terminate_render()
def main(): terminal.set('input.filter=[keyboard, close]') wl = Wall(FIELD_WIDTH, FIELD_HEIGHT, '+') wl.draw() snk = Snake(size=4) snk.draw() food = food_creator(snk) food.draw() terminal.refresh() while terminal.peek() != terminal.TK_CLOSE: if terminal.has_input(): snk.change_direction( if snk.collision(wl) or snk.collision(snk): break if snk.collision(food): food = food_creator(snk) food.draw() else: snk.move() terminal.refresh() terminal.delay(100) if not terminal.has_input(): game_over() terminal.close()
def test_extended_smooth_scroll(): random.seed() blt.set("window.title='Omni: extended output / smooth scroll'") blt.set("input.filter={keyboard+}") blt.composition(True) # Load resources blt.set("U+E000: ../Media/Tiles.png, size=32x32, alignment=top-left") screen_width = blt.state(blt.TK_WIDTH) * blt.state(blt.TK_CELL_WIDTH) screen_height = blt.state(blt.TK_HEIGHT) * blt.state(blt.TK_CELL_HEIGHT) hspeed = vspeed = 0 hoffset = voffset = 0 map_ = [[0] * map_size for _ in range(map_size)] for _ in range(map_size * map_size // 10): x = random.randrange(map_size) y = random.randrange(map_size) map_[y][x] = random.randrange(8) while True: hoffset -= hspeed voffset -= vspeed blt.clear() tx = hoffset % tile_size ty = voffset % tile_size ix = (hoffset - tx) // tile_size iy = (voffset - ty) // tile_size jx = (-ix) % map_size if ix < 0 else map_size - (ix % map_size) jy = (-iy) % map_size if iy < 0 else map_size - (iy % map_size) hc = (screen_width + 2 * tile_size - tx - 1) // tile_size vc = (screen_height + 2 * tile_size - ty - 1) // tile_size blt.puts(2, 1, "speed: %d, %d" % (hspeed, vspeed)) blt.puts(2, 2, "offset: %d/%d, %d/%d" % (ix, jx, iy, jy)) for y in range(vc + 1): my = (jy + y) % map_size for x in range(hc + 1): mx = (jx + x) % map_size c = map_[my][mx] blt.put_ext(0, 0, (x - 1) * tile_size + tx, (y - 1) * tile_size + ty, 0xE000 + c) blt.refresh() if blt.has_input(): key = if key in (blt.TK_CLOSE, blt.TK_ESCAPE): break if blt.state(blt.TK_LEFT): if hspeed > -speed_cap: hspeed -= 1 elif blt.state(blt.TK_RIGHT): if hspeed < speed_cap: hspeed += 1 else: hspeed -= sgn(hspeed) if blt.state(blt.TK_UP): if vspeed > -speed_cap: vspeed -= 1 elif blt.state(blt.TK_DOWN): if vspeed < speed_cap: vspeed += 1 else: vspeed -= sgn(vspeed) blt.delay(1000 // fps) blt.set("U+E000: none") blt.set("input.filter={keyboard}") blt.composition(False)
def input_listener(self): render_rate = 0 anim = True while True: start_time = time.time() key = None if terminal.has_input() or self.pause == True: key = ################### ## Mouse catcher ## need to catch all mouse input or pause doesn't work ################### if (key == terminal.TK_MOUSE_SCROLL): print('mouse') self.tile_size -= int(terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_WHEEL)) terminal.set(f"font: MegaFont.ttf, size={self.tile_size}") key = None continue if (key == terminal.TK_MOUSE_RIGHT): key = None continue if self.input_state == 'main': self.pause = True if (key == terminal.TK_MOUSE_LEFT): self.main_menu(0, terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_X), terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_Y), True, False) if (key == terminal.TK_MOUSE_MOVE): self.main_menu(0, terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_X), terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_Y), False, False) key = None if (key == terminal.TK_UP or key == terminal.TK_KP_8): self.main_menu(-1, 0, 0, False, False) if (key == terminal.TK_DOWN or key == terminal.TK_KP_2): self.main_menu(1, 0, 0, False, False) if (key == terminal.TK_ENTER): self.main_menu(0, 0, 0, False, True) if (key == terminal.TK_ESCAPE) and self.coords != []: self.input_state = 'sector' key = None if self.input_state == 'intro': Intro.play_intro(self, 1) if (key == terminal.TK_ENTER) or (key == terminal.TK_ESCAPE) or ( key == terminal.TK_MOUSE_LEFT): self.main_menu(0, 0, 0, False, False) if self.input_state == 'sector loaded': print('loaded') if (key == terminal.TK_ENTER) or (key == terminal.TK_ESCAPE) or ( key == terminal.TK_MOUSE_LEFT): self.input_state = 'sector' terminal.clear() key = None if self.input_state == 'sector': if (key == terminal.TK_LEFT or key == terminal.TK_KP_4 or key == terminal.TK_KP_7 or key == terminal.TK_KP_1): self.move_character(0, -1, 0) if (key == terminal.TK_RIGHT or key == terminal.TK_KP_6 or key == terminal.TK_KP_3 or key == terminal.TK_KP_9): self.move_character(0, 1, 0) if (key == terminal.TK_UP or key == terminal.TK_KP_8 or key == terminal.TK_KP_9 or key == terminal.TK_KP_7): self.move_character(0, 0, -1) if (key == terminal.TK_DOWN or key == terminal.TK_KP_2 or key == terminal.TK_KP_1 or key == terminal.TK_KP_3): self.move_character(0, 0, 1) if (key == terminal.TK_W or key == terminal.TK_KP_MINUS): self.move_character(-1, 0, 0) if (key == terminal.TK_S or key == terminal.TK_KP_PLUS): self.move_character(1, 0, 0) if (key == terminal.TK_SPACE): self.pause = not self.pause if self.pause: self.dev_console("[color=yellow]PAUSED ", 0) else: self.dev_console("[color=dark red]realtime", 0) ######################## ## animation modifier ## ######################## render_rate += 1 if render_rate >= 15: render_rate = 0 anim = True render_starchart(self, anim) if (key == terminal.TK_ESCAPE): self.main_menu(0, 0, 0, False, False) # always active if (key == terminal.TK_CLOSE): break if (key == terminal.TK_RESIZED): print('hello') anim = False ########################## # mainloop frame counter # ########################## delta = int(time.time() * 1000 - start_time * 1000) target_framerate = 15 if delta < target_framerate: terminal.delay(target_framerate - delta) if self.input_state != 'intro' and self.input_state != 'main' and self.dev_mode == True: # main loop time in milliseconds self.dev_console("Loop: " + str(delta), 2) # current frames per second (not averaged) self.dev_console( "FPS: " + str(int(1.0 / (time.time() - start_time))), 3)
def main(): terminal.set("output.vsync=true") terminal.set( "window: title='Plasma Rain', resizeable=true, minimum-size=16x12") terminal.set("window: size={}x{}; font: ".format(INITIAL_SCREEN_WIDTH, INITIAL_SCREEN_LENGTH) + os.path.join(DIR_PATH, '../data/media/lucida.ttf') + ", size={}x{}".format(TILE_WIDTH, TILE_LENGTH)) terminal.set("input.filter= [keyboard+, mouse_move]" ) # Only key release and mouse move trigger state updates terminal.composition(terminal.TK_ON) terminal.bkcolor(terminal.color_from_name("gray")) # grey (or gray), red, flame, orange, amber, yellow, lime, # chartreuse, green, sea, turquoise, cyan, sky, azure, blue, # han, violet, purple, fuchsia, magenta, pink, crimson, transparent terminal.color(terminal.color_from_name("black")) x_speed, y_speed, text_offset = (0, ) * 3 # initialize blank tile_map tile_map: [[[Tile]]] = [[[EMPTY_TILE for _ in range(MAP_WIDTH)] for _ in range(MAP_LENGTH)] for _ in range(MAP_DEPTH)] unit_map: [[[Optional[Unit]]]] = [[[None for _ in range(MAP_WIDTH)] for _ in range(MAP_LENGTH)] for _ in range(MAP_DEPTH)] blueprints = build_blueprints( load_json(os.path.join(mods_dir, "vanilla/blueprints/"), pickle=False)) unit_map[0][0][0] = Unit(blueprint=blueprints['unit']['Human'], armor=blueprints['armor']['Suit'], current_stats=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0], overlay_stats=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) zone = load_zone(os.path.join(DIR_PATH, '../data/placeholder/map2.json'), blueprints) paste_zone(zone, tile_map, z=0, y=0) prev_frame_time = time.perf_counter() iterations = 0 # tile_map will only render to screen inside the display, generally set to not overlap with UI # tile_map will only be scrollable between the offset bounds # coordinates are down-right = positive, "opposite" for the offset # set offset_leniency to 1 and you will only be allowed to scroll 1 more tile than enough to see every tile # in general the coordinate system is z, y, x: depth, length, width. No height because it's ambiguous. screen_width, screen_length, display_min_y, display_max_y, display_min_x, display_max_x, \ min_y_offset, max_y_offset, min_x_offset, max_x_offset, x_scroll_leniency, y_scroll_leniency = (0,) * 12 """ Adjusts the bounds defined above, to be called when opening and resizing """ def reset_bounds(): # nonlocal allows modification of outer function's variables nonlocal screen_width, screen_length, display_min_y, display_max_y, display_min_x, display_max_x, \ min_y_offset, max_y_offset, min_x_offset, max_x_offset, y_scroll_leniency, x_scroll_leniency screen_length = terminal.state(terminal.TK_HEIGHT) * TILE_LENGTH screen_width = terminal.state(terminal.TK_WIDTH) * TILE_WIDTH y_scroll_leniency = int(screen_length * SCROLL_LENIENCY) x_scroll_leniency = int(screen_length * SCROLL_LENIENCY) display_min_y = 0 + MARGIN_TOP * TILE_LENGTH display_max_y = screen_length - MARGIN_BOTTOM * TILE_LENGTH display_min_x = 0 + MARGIN_LEFT * TILE_WIDTH display_max_x = screen_width - MARGIN_RIGHT * TILE_WIDTH # TODO convert offsets into actual tile offsets, exclude the complex GUI stuff min_y_offset = min(0, -y_scroll_leniency) max_y_offset = max( 0, -screen_length + MAP_WIDTH * TILE_LENGTH + y_scroll_leniency) min_x_offset = min(0, -x_scroll_leniency) max_x_offset = max( 0, -screen_width + MAP_WIDTH * TILE_WIDTH + x_scroll_leniency) def get_highest_object_if_exists(start_z: int, tile_y: int, tile_x: int, include_tiles: bool = True, include_units: bool = False) -> \ Union[None, Tile, Unit]: if tile_y not in range(0, MAP_WIDTH) or tile_x not in range( 0, MAP_LENGTH): return None for zi in range(start_z, -1, -1): if include_units and unit_map[zi][tile_y][tile_x] is not None: return unit_map[zi][tile_y][tile_x] elif include_tiles and tile_map[zi][tile_y][tile_x] != EMPTY_TILE: return tile_map[zi][tile_y][tile_x] return None reset_bounds() y_offset, x_offset = max(display_min_y, 0), max(0, display_min_x) camera_height = 0 proceed = True while proceed: # t = partial-tile offset in pixels # i = full-tile offset in tiles # c = number of tiles to render ty = y_offset % TILE_LENGTH tx = x_offset % TILE_WIDTH iy = y_offset // TILE_LENGTH ix = x_offset // TILE_WIDTH # vc = screen_length // TILE_SIZE + 1 # hc = screen_width // TILE_SIZE + 1 mouse_x = terminal.state( terminal.TK_MOUSE_X) - x_offset - display_min_x // TILE_WIDTH mouse_y = terminal.state( terminal.TK_MOUSE_Y) - y_offset - display_min_y // TILE_LENGTH x_offset = clamp(x_offset + x_speed, min_x_offset, max_x_offset) y_offset = clamp(y_offset + y_speed, min_y_offset, max_y_offset) terminal.clear() mouse_over_tile = get_highest_object_if_exists(camera_height, mouse_y, mouse_x) mouse_over_tile = if mouse_over_tile is not None else "Empty" mouse_over_unit = get_highest_object_if_exists(camera_height, mouse_y, mouse_x, include_units=True, include_tiles=False) mouse_over_unit = if mouse_over_unit else "Empty" terminal.print(2, 0, "speed: {}, {}".format(x_speed, y_speed)) terminal.print( 2, 1, "offset: {}, {}, height : {}".format(ix, iy, camera_height)) terminal.print( 2, 2, "tile at ({}, {}): {}".format(mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_over_tile)) terminal.print(2, 3, "unit: {}".format(mouse_over_unit)) higher_tile_already_rendered: [[bool] ] = [[False for _ in range(MAP_WIDTH)] for _ in range(MAP_LENGTH)] # print scrollable map for z in range(camera_height, -1, -1): # top has higher render priority for y in range(0, MAP_LENGTH): for x in range(0, MAP_WIDTH): # s = final coords in pixels sx = (x + ix) * TILE_WIDTH + tx + display_min_x sy = (y + iy) * TILE_LENGTH + ty + display_min_y # render only on-screen tiles if (display_min_y <= sy <= display_max_y and display_min_x <= sx <= display_max_x and not higher_tile_already_rendered[y][x] and (tile_map[z][y][x] != EMPTY_TILE or unit_map[z][y][x] is not None)): if unit_map[z][y][x] is not None: terminal.put_ext(0, 0, sx, sy, unit_map[z][y][x].blueprint.icon) higher_tile_already_rendered[y][x] = True # TODO why is it printing two chars? else: if z < camera_height and tile_map[z][y][ x] != EMPTY_TILE: terminal.put_ext( 0, 0, sx, sy, 0x2588, (terminal.color_from_name('yellow'), terminal.color_from_name('red')) * 4) terminal.put_ext(0, 0, sx, sy, tile_map[z][y][x].blueprint.icon) higher_tile_already_rendered[y][x] = True terminal.refresh() while proceed and terminal.has_input(): key = if key == terminal.TK_CLOSE or key == terminal.TK_ESCAPE: proceed = False elif key == terminal.TK_RESIZED: reset_bounds() elif key == terminal.TK_KP_PLUS: camera_height = clamp(camera_height + 1, 0, MAP_DEPTH - 1) elif key == terminal.TK_KP_MINUS: camera_height = clamp(camera_height - 1, 0, MAP_DEPTH - 1) if terminal.state(terminal.TK_LEFT): if x_speed < SPEED_CAP: x_speed += SPEED_ACCELERATION else: x_speed = SPEED_CAP elif terminal.state(terminal.TK_RIGHT): if x_speed > -SPEED_CAP: x_speed -= SPEED_ACCELERATION else: x_speed = -SPEED_CAP else: x_speed -= sgn(x_speed) if terminal.state(terminal.TK_UP): if y_speed < SPEED_CAP: y_speed += SPEED_ACCELERATION else: y_speed = SPEED_CAP elif terminal.state(terminal.TK_DOWN): if y_speed > -SPEED_CAP: y_speed -= SPEED_ACCELERATION else: y_speed = -SPEED_CAP else: y_speed -= sgn(y_speed) current_time = time.perf_counter() # If twice as slow as desirable warn us, check once every 10 seconds if iterations % ( 10 * FPS ) == 0 and iterations > 0 and current_time - prev_frame_time > 2 / FPS: print( "Lag detected. Desired frame_time: {}; actual frame_time: {}". format(1 / FPS, current_time - prev_frame_time)) prev_frame_time = current_time iterations += 1 terminal.delay(1000 // FPS) terminal.close()
def test_extended_basics(): # Setup blt.set("window.title='Omni: extended output / basics'") blt.set("0xE000: ../Media/Tiles.png, size=32x32, align=top-left") blt.composition(True) cx, cy = 10, 5 n_symbols = 10 radius = 5 angle = 0.0 fps = 25 transparent, opaque = 0x00FFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF m00 = [0xFFFF0000, 0xFF00FF00, 0xFF0000FF, 0xFFFFFF00] m01 = [opaque, opaque, transparent, transparent] m11 = [transparent, transparent, opaque, transparent] m12 = [transparent, opaque, transparent, transparent] m21 = [transparent, transparent, transparent, opaque] m22 = [opaque, transparent, transparent, transparent] while True: blt.clear() blt.color("white") blt.puts( 2, 1, "[color=orange]1.[/color] put_ext(x, y, [color=orange]dx[/color], [color=orange]dy[/color], code)" ) for i in range(n_symbols): angle_delta = 2 * pi / n_symbols dx = cos(angle + i * angle_delta) * radius * blt.state( blt.TK_CELL_WIDTH) dy = sin(angle + i * angle_delta) * radius * blt.state( blt.TK_CELL_WIDTH) - 4 blt.color("white" if i > 0 else "orange") blt.put_ext(cx, cy, int(dx), int(dy), ord('a') + i) angle += 2 * pi / (2 * fps) blt.puts( 2, 9, "[color=orange]2.[/color] put_ext(x, y, dx, dy, code, [color=orange]corners[/color])" ) blt.put_ext(5, 11, 0, 0, 0xE000 + 19, m00) blt.put_ext(10, 11, 0, 0, 0xE000 + 19, m01) blt.puts(2, 14, "[color=orange]3.[/color] put_ext + composition") x1 = 5 y1 = 16 blt.put(x1 + 0, y1 + 0, 0xE000 + 19) blt.put(x1 + 0, y1 + 2, 0xE000 + 8) blt.put(x1 + 5, y1 + 0, 0xE000 + 19) blt.put(x1 + 9, y1 + 0, 0xE000 + 19) blt.put(x1 + 5, y1 + 2, 0xE000 + 19) blt.put(x1 + 9, y1 + 2, 0xE000 + 19) blt.put_ext(x1 + 5, y1 + 0, 0, 0, 0xE000 + 8, m11) blt.put_ext(x1 + 9, y1 + 0, 0, 0, 0xE000 + 8, m12) blt.put_ext(x1 + 5, y1 + 2, 0, 0, 0xE000 + 8, m21) blt.put_ext(x1 + 9, y1 + 2, 0, 0, 0xE000 + 8, m22) blt.refresh() if blt.has_input(): key = if key in (blt.TK_CLOSE, blt.TK_ESCAPE): break blt.delay(1000 // fps) # Clean up blt.composition(False) blt.set("0xE000: none")
def main_menu(): """Main main for this game""" t.layer(0) set_colour(colours.white, 100) t.put(0, 0, 0x5E) #show the game's title, and some credits! title = 'Death and Axes' center = (SCREEN_WIDTH - len(title)) // 2 t.layer(UI_LAYER) set_colour(colours.dark_azure, 150) t.puts(center - 1, SCREEN_HEIGHT // 2 - 5, BLOCK_CHAR * (len(title) + 2) * 3, len(title) + 2, 3) t.layer(UI_TEXT_LAYER) set_colour(colours.light_yellow) t.puts(center, SCREEN_HEIGHT // 2 - 4, title) title = 'By Cerepol' center = (SCREEN_WIDTH - len(title)) // 2 t.layer(UI_LAYER) set_colour(colours.dark_azure, 150) t.puts(center - 1, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 3, BLOCK_CHAR * (len(title) + 2) * 3, len(title) + 2, 3) t.layer(UI_TEXT_LAYER) set_colour(colours.light_yellow) t.puts(center, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 2, title) t.refresh() t.delay(2000) t.layer(0) while True: t.clear() set_colour(colours.white, 100) t.put(0, 0, 0x5E) t.refresh() choice = menu( '', ['Start a new Adventure', 'Continue Previous game', 'Quit'], 22) if choice == 0: new_game() play_game() elif choice == 1: try: load_game() except: msgbox('\n No saved game to load.\n', 24) continue play_game() elif choice == 2: break t.close()
def cast_fireball(): """Player targeted aoe spell""" (x, y) = target_tile(6) if x is None: message("Cancelled") return 'cancelled' message('The fireball explodes!', t.layer(EFFECT_LAYER) effected_points = [ (x + dx, y + dy) for (dx, dy) in ((-1, -1), (-1, 1), (-1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 0), (0, +1), (+1, 0), (+1, -1), (+1, +1)) ] set_colour( for (x, y) in effected_points[4:-4]: t.put(x, y, chr(177)) t.refresh() t.delay(50) set_colour( for (x, y) in effected_points[2:-2]: t.put(x, y, chr(177)) t.refresh() t.delay(50) set_colour( for (x, y) in effected_points: t.put(x, y, chr(177)) t.refresh() t.delay(50) set_colour( for (x, y) in effected_points: t.put(x, y, chr(177)) t.refresh() t.delay(50) set_colour( for (x, y) in effected_points: t.put(x, y, chr(177)) t.refresh() t.delay(100) t.clear_area(effected_points[0][0], effected_points[0][1], effected_points[-1][0], effected_points[-1][1]) set_colour( for (x, y) in effected_points[2:-2]: t.put(x, y, chr(177)) t.refresh() t.delay(100) t.clear_area(effected_points[0][0], effected_points[0][1], effected_points[-1][0], effected_points[-1][1]) set_colour(colours.dark_red) for (x, y) in effected_points[4:-4]: t.put(x, y, chr(177)) t.refresh() t.delay(150) t.clear_area(effected_points[0][0], effected_points[0][1], effected_points[-1][0], effected_points[-1][1]) t.refresh() for obj in objects: if (obj.x, obj.y) in effected_points and obj.fighter: message('The ' + + ' takes 15 damage.', obj.fighter.take_damage(15)
def play_game(game_map, player, game_state, camera, message_log, map_type): log_frame = FrameWithScrollbar(message_log, 'dark orange') previous_game_state = game_state render_all(game_map, player, camera, game_state, log_frame) print('1') fps = 25 blt.refresh() while True: blt.clear() key = action = handle_keys(game_state, key) move = action.get('move') fullscreen = action.get('fullscreen') pickup = action.get('pickup') show_inventory = action.get('show_inventory') drop_inventory = action.get('drop_inventory') inventory_index = action.get('inventory_index') left_click = action.get('left_click') right_click = action.get('right_click') exit = action.get('exit') start_loop = time() player_turn_results = list() if move and game_state == GameStates.PLAYERS_TURN: player_turn_result = movement(move, game_map, player) player_turn_results.extend(player_turn_result) player.fov.calc_fov(game_map) game_state = GameStates.ENEMY_TURN if map_type == 'chunks': add_new_chunks(game_map, player) if pickup and game_state == GameStates.PLAYERS_TURN: if (player.x, player.y) in game_map.items: item = game_map.items[(player.x, player.y)] pickup_results = player.inventory.add_item(item) player_turn_results.extend(pickup_results) else: message_log.append('There is nothing here to pick up') if show_inventory: previous_game_state = game_state game_state = GameStates.SHOW_INVENTORY if drop_inventory: previous_game_state = game_state game_state = GameStates.DROP_INVENTORY if (inventory_index is not None and previous_game_state != GameStates.PLAYER_DEAD and inventory_index < len(player.inventory.items)): item = player.inventory.items[inventory_index] if game_state == GameStates.SHOW_INVENTORY: player_turn_results.extend( player.inventory.use( item, entities=game_map.entities, )) # fov=player.fov.fov_cells)) elif game_state == GameStates.DROP_INVENTORY: player_turn_results.extend(player.inventory.drop_item(item)) if game_state == GameStates.TARGETING: if left_click: target_x, target_y = camera.to_map_coordinates( left_click[0], left_click[1]) item_use_results = player.inventory.use( player.inventory.targeting_item, entities=game_map.entities, target_x=target_x, target_y=target_y) player_turn_results.extend(item_use_results) elif right_click: player_turn_results.append({'targeting_cancelled': True}) if player_turn_results: state = show_result(player_turn_results, game_state, game_map, message_log, player) if state: game_state = state if fullscreen: blt.set("window: fullscreen=true;") if exit: if game_state in (GameStates.SHOW_INVENTORY, GameStates.DROP_INVENTORY): game_state = previous_game_state elif game_state == GameStates.TARGETING: player_turn_results.append({'targeting_cancelled': True}) else: save_game(player, game_map, message_log, game_state, camera, map_type) return False if game_state == GameStates.ENEMY_TURN: completed_entities = [] entities = [ game_map.entities.get((x, y)) for (x, y) in set(player.fov.fov_cells) & set(game_map.entities) ] for entity in entities: if entity is not None and if entity not in completed_entities: enemy_turn_results = player, game_map) completed_entities.append(entity) state = show_result(enemy_turn_results, game_state, game_map, message_log, entity) if state: game_state = state if game_state == GameStates.PLAYER_DEAD: break if game_state == GameStates.PLAYER_DEAD: break else: game_state = GameStates.PLAYERS_TURN print('2') render_all(game_map, player, camera, game_state, log_frame, action, debug=True) end_loop = time() blt.delay(1000 // fps) print(end_loop - start_loop)