def test_check_prerequisites(self): with requests_mock.Mocker() as m: m.add_matcher(custom_matcher) self.assertTrue(URLHeadBear.check_prerequisites()) m.head(URLHeadBear.check_connection_url, exc=requests.exceptions.RequestException) self.assertTrue(URLHeadBear.check_prerequisites() == 'You are not connected to the internet.')
def assertSeverity(self, file, severity, settings={}): """ Test the warnings in each line of the file to match the given severity. :param file: The ``file`` to be checked. :param severity: The severity level of the warnings in each line of the file. """ severity_tag = RESULT_SEVERITY.reverse[severity] with requests_mock.Mocker() as m: m.add_matcher(custom_matcher) dep_bear = URLHeadBear(self.section, Queue()) deps_results = dict( URLHeadBear=list('testfile', file, **settings))) outputs = list('testfile', file, deps_results, **settings)) for out in outputs: out_dict = out.to_string_dict() self.assertEqual(severity_tag, out_dict['severity'])
def assertSeverity(self, file, severity, settings={}): """ Test the warnings in each line of the file to match the given severity. :param file: The ``file`` to be checked. :param severity: The severity level of the warnings in each line of the file. """ severity_tag = RESULT_SEVERITY.reverse[severity] with requests_mock.Mocker() as m: m.add_matcher(custom_matcher) dep_bear = URLHeadBear(self.section, Queue()) deps_results = dict(URLHeadBear=list('testfile', file, **settings))) outputs = list('testfile', file, deps_results, **settings)) for out in outputs: out_dict = out.to_string_dict() self.assertEqual(severity_tag, out_dict['severity'])
def setUp(self): self.ib_check_prerequisites = URLHeadBear.check_prerequisites self.section = Section('') URLHeadBear.check_prerequisites = lambda *args: True self.uut = URLHeadBear(self.section, Queue())
def run(self, filename, file, dependency_results=dict(), network_timeout: typed_dict(str, int, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) = dict()): """ Find http links in any text file and check if the https version of link is valid. If so, an option is provided for replacing them with https. An https link is considered valid if the server responds with a 2xx code. Warning: This bear will make HEAD requests to all URLs mentioned in your codebase, which can potentially be destructive. As an example, this bear would naively just visit the URL from a line that goes like `do_not_ever_open = ''` wiping out all your data. :param network_timeout: A dict mapping URLs and timeout to be used for that URL. All the URLs that have the same host as that of URLs provided will be passed that timeout. It can also contain a wildcard timeout entry with key '*'. The timeout of all the websites not in the dict will be the value of the key '*'. """ for result in dependency_results.get(, []): line_number, link, code, context = result.contents if link.startswith(self.HTTPS_PREFIX): continue https_link = self.HTTPS_PREFIX + link[len(self.HTTP_PREFIX):] host = urlparse(https_link).netloc network_timeout = { urlparse(url).netloc if not url == '*' else '*': timeout for url, timeout in network_timeout.items()} https_response = URLHeadBear.get_head_response( https_link, network_timeout.get(host) if host in network_timeout else network_timeout.get('*') if '*' in network_timeout else HTTPSBear.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) try: https_code = https_response.status_code except AttributeError: continue if not https_code or not 200 <= https_code < 300: continue diff = Diff(file) current_line = file[line_number - 1] start = current_line.find(link) end = start + len(link) replacement = (current_line[:start] + 'https' + link[len(self.HTTP_PREFIX):] + current_line[end:]) diff.change_line(line_number, current_line, replacement) yield Result.from_values( origin=self, message='https can be used instead of http', diffs={filename: diff}, file=filename, line=line_number, severity=RESULT_SEVERITY.NORMAL)
def test_check_prerequisites(self): with requests_mock.Mocker() as m: m.add_matcher(custom_matcher) self.assertTrue(URLHeadBear.check_prerequisites())
def run(self, filename, file, dependency_results=dict(), network_timeout: typed_dict(str, int, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) = dict()): """ Find http links in any text file and check if the https version of link is valid. If so, an option is provided for replacing them with https. An https link is considered valid if the server responds with a 2xx code. Warning: This bear will make HEAD requests to all URLs mentioned in your codebase, which can potentially be destructive. As an example, this bear would naively just visit the URL from a line that goes like `do_not_ever_open = ''` wiping out all your data. :param network_timeout: A dict mapping URLs and timeout to be used for that URL. All the URLs that have the same host as that of URLs provided will be passed that timeout. It can also contain a wildcard timeout entry with key '*'. The timeout of all the websites not in the dict will be the value of the key '*'. """ for result in dependency_results.get(, []): line_number, link, code, context = result.contents if link.startswith(self.HTTPS_PREFIX): continue https_link = self.HTTPS_PREFIX + link[len(self.HTTP_PREFIX):] host = urlparse(https_link).netloc network_timeout = { urlparse(url).netloc if not url == '*' else '*': timeout for url, timeout in network_timeout.items() } https_response = URLHeadBear.get_head_response( https_link, network_timeout.get(host) if host in network_timeout else network_timeout.get('*') if '*' in network_timeout else HTTPSBear.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) try: https_code = https_response.status_code except AttributeError: continue if not https_code or not 200 <= https_code < 300: continue diff = Diff(file) current_line = file[line_number - 1] start = current_line.find(link) end = start + len(link) replacement = (current_line[:start] + 'https' + link[len(self.HTTP_PREFIX):] + current_line[end:]) diff.change_line(line_number, current_line, replacement) yield Result.from_values( origin=self, message='https can be used instead of http', diffs={filename: diff}, file=filename, line=line_number, severity=RESULT_SEVERITY.NORMAL)