pre_user = None
pre_users = []
# input: cur_user
while True:
    cur_step =  cur_step + 1 # increase step
    print '=========== Current Step:',cur_step
    pre_user = None if len(pre_users)==0 else pre_users[-1]
    print "STEP, USERS = ", cur_step, ", ", len(users)
        # get the user basic information
        if users.has_key(cur_user["id"]) == True:
            print "VISITED USER: "******"username"], cur_user["id"]
            user_profile = users[cur_user["id"]]
            print "NEW USER: "******"username"], cur_user["id"]
            user_profile = behance.get_user(cur_user["id"])
            # save the user info if not saved before (check with users)
            users[cur_user["id"]] = user_profile
            # cache
            # dbcache.insert({'type':'user', 'key':str(cur_user['id']),
            #     'value':json.loads(json.dumps(user_profile.copy()),\
            #     object_hook=remove_dot_key)})

        # create a link
        if pre_user!=None and side==FOLLOWED:
            key = str(pre_user['id']) + str(cur_user['id'])
            if visited_links.has_key(key)==False:
                print 'CREATE FOLLOWED LINK (', pre_user['id'], cur_user['id'],')'
                dblinks.insert({ 'follower_id': pre_user['id'], 'followee_id': cur_user['id']})