Exemple #1
def handle(path):
    file_conf = ConfigObj(os.path.join(path, 'features', 'config.ini'))
    behave_options = file_conf['behave']['options']

    conf = Configuration(behave_options)
    conf.paths = [os.path.join(path, 'features')]
    runner = Runner(conf)
Exemple #2
def handle(path):
    file_conf = ConfigObj(os.path.join(path, 'features', 'config.ini'))
    behave_options = file_conf['behave']['options']

    conf = Configuration(behave_options)
    conf.paths = [os.path.join(path, 'features')]
    runner = Runner(conf)
Exemple #3
def handle(path, args=None):
    file_conf = ConfigObj(os.path.join(path, "features", "config.ini"))
        behave_options = file_conf["behave"]["options"]
    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError("Behave config not found." " Are you running with the right path?")
    if args:
        behave_options += " " + " ".join(args)

    conf = Configuration(behave_options)
    conf.paths = [os.path.join(path, "features")]
    runner = Runner(conf)
Exemple #4
def handle(path, args=None):
    file_conf = ConfigObj(os.path.join(path, 'features', 'config.ini'))
        behave_options = file_conf['behave']['options']
    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError("Behave config not found."
                         " Are you running with the right path?")
    if args:
        behave_options += ' ' + ' '.join(args)

    conf = Configuration(behave_options)
    conf.paths = [os.path.join(path, 'features')]
    runner = Runner(conf)
Exemple #5
def handle(path, args=None):
    file_conf = ConfigObj(os.path.join(path, 'features', 'config.ini'))
        behave_options = file_conf['behave']['options']
    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError("Behave config not found."
            " Are you running with the right path?")
    if args:
        behave_options += ' ' + ' '.join(args)

    conf = Configuration(behave_options)
    conf.paths = [os.path.join(path, 'features')]
    runner = Runner(conf)
    return runner.run()
Exemple #6
 def launch_test(self, path, batch_id):
     c = Configuration("")
     if not c.format:
         c.format = [c.default_format]
     c.paths = [path]
     c.userdata['lang_code'] = self.lang_code
     c.userdata['target_id'] = self.target_id
     c.userdata['base_url'] = self.target_id.target_id.url
     c.userdata['batch_id'] = batch_id.id
     c.userdata['scenario_id'] = self.scenario_id.id
     c.userdata['scenario_line_id'] = self.scenario_line_id.id
     c.userdata['empty_batch'] = self.empty_batch
     c.userdata['browser_vm_url'] = self.env[
     self.config = c
     r = Runner(c)
     if self.scenario_line_id:
         return r.feature.status
         return c.userdata.get('run_id', None)
Exemple #7
 def get_config(work_dir):
     config = Configuration()
     config.paths = [work_dir]
     config.format = ['pretty']
     return config
Exemple #8
def execute_bdd(statechart: Statechart,
                feature_filepaths: List[str],
                step_filepaths: List[str] = None,
                property_statecharts: List[Statechart] = None,
                interpreter_klass: Callable[[Statechart], Interpreter] = Interpreter,
                debug_on_error: bool = False,
                behave_parameters: List[str] = None) -> int:
    Execute BDD tests for a statechart.

    :param statechart: statechart to test
    :param feature_filepaths: list of filepaths to feature files.
    :param step_filepaths: list of filepaths to step definitions.
    :param property_statecharts: list of property statecharts
    :param interpreter_klass: a callable that accepts a statechart and an optional clock
        and returns an Interpreter
    :param debug_on_error: set to True to drop to (i)pdb in case of error.
    :param behave_parameters: additional CLI parameters used by Behave
        (see http://behave.readthedocs.io/en/latest/behave.html#command-line-arguments)
    :return: exit code of behave CLI.
    # Default values
    step_filepaths = step_filepaths if step_filepaths else []
    property_statecharts = property_statecharts if property_statecharts else []
    behave_parameters = behave_parameters if behave_parameters else []

    # If debug_on_error, disable captured stdout, otherwise it hangs
    if debug_on_error and '--capture' not in behave_parameters:

    # Create temporary directory to put everything inside
    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
        # Create configuration for Behave
        config = Configuration(behave_parameters)

        # Paths to features
        config.paths = feature_filepaths

        # Copy environment
        with open(os.path.join(tempdir, 'environment.py'), 'w') as environment:
            environment.write('from sismic.bdd.environment import *')

        # Path to environment
        config.environment_file = os.path.join(tempdir, 'environment.py')

        # Add predefined steps
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(tempdir, 'steps'))
        with open(os.path.join(tempdir, 'steps', '__steps.py'), 'w') as step:
            step.write('from sismic.bdd.steps import *')

        # Copy provided steps, if any
        for step_filepath in step_filepaths:
            shutil.copy(step_filepath, os.path.join(
                tempdir, 'steps', os.path.split(step_filepath)[-1]))

        # Path to steps
        config.steps_dir = os.path.join(tempdir, 'steps')

        # Put statechart and properties in user data
            'statechart': statechart,
            'interpreter_klass': interpreter_klass,
            'property_statecharts': property_statecharts,
            'debug_on_error': debug_on_error,

        # Run behave
        return run_behave(config)