Exemple #1
    def get_schedule_duration(self, schedule: str) -> Tuple[int, int]:
        Given a schedule type, returns the timestamp for the start and end
        of the current schedule of this type.
        if schedule not in ['daily', 'weekly']:
            raise Exception(
                'Logic error, specify either \'daily\' or \'weekly\' for schedule type!'

        if schedule == 'daily':
            return (Time.beginning_of_today(), Time.end_of_today())

        if schedule == 'weekly':
            return (Time.beginning_of_this_week(), Time.end_of_this_week())

        # Should never happen
        return (0, 0)
Exemple #2
    def _add_shop_score(self, root: Node) -> None:
        shop_score = Node.void('shop_score')
        today = Node.void('today')
        yesterday = Node.void('yesterday')

        all_profiles = self.data.local.user.get_all_profiles(self.game, self.version)
        all_attempts = self.data.local.music.get_all_attempts(self.game, self.version, timelimit=(Time.beginning_of_today() - Time.SECONDS_IN_DAY))
        machine = self.data.local.machine.get_machine(self.config['machine']['pcbid'])
        if machine.arcade is not None:
            lids = [
                machine.id for machine in self.data.local.machine.get_all_machines(machine.arcade)
            lids = [machine.id]

        relevant_profiles = [
            profile for profile in all_profiles
            if profile[1].get_int('lid', -1) in lids

        for (rootnode, timeoffset) in [
            (today, 0),
            (yesterday, Time.SECONDS_IN_DAY),
            # Grab all attempts made in the relevant day
            relevant_attempts = [
                attempt for attempt in all_attempts
                if (
                    attempt[1].timestamp >= (Time.beginning_of_today() - timeoffset) and
                    attempt[1].timestamp <= (Time.end_of_today() - timeoffset)

            # Calculate scores based on attempt
            scores_by_user: Dict[UserID, Dict[int, Dict[int, Attempt]]] = {}
            for (userid, attempt) in relevant_attempts:
                if userid not in scores_by_user:
                    scores_by_user[userid] = {}
                if attempt.id not in scores_by_user[userid]:
                    scores_by_user[userid][attempt.id] = {}
                if attempt.chart not in scores_by_user[userid][attempt.id]:
                    # No high score for this yet, just use this attempt
                    scores_by_user[userid][attempt.id][attempt.chart] = attempt
                    # If this attempt is better than the stored one, replace it
                    if scores_by_user[userid][attempt.id][attempt.chart].points < attempt.points:
                        scores_by_user[userid][attempt.id][attempt.chart] = attempt

            # Calculate points earned by user in the day
            points_by_user: Dict[UserID, int] = {}
            for userid in scores_by_user:
                points_by_user[userid] = 0
                for mid in scores_by_user[userid]:
                    for chart in scores_by_user[userid][mid]:
                        points_by_user[userid] = points_by_user[userid] + scores_by_user[userid][mid][chart].points

            # Output that day's earned points
            for (userid, profile) in relevant_profiles:
                data = Node.void('data')
                data.add_child(Node.s16('day_id', int((Time.now() - timeoffset) / Time.SECONDS_IN_DAY)))
                data.add_child(Node.s32('user_id', profile.get_int('extid')))
                data.add_child(Node.s16('icon_id', profile.get_dict('config').get_int('icon_id')))
                data.add_child(Node.s16('point', min(points_by_user.get(userid, 0), 32767)))
                data.add_child(Node.s32('update_time', Time.now()))
                data.add_child(Node.string('name', profile.get_str('name')))

            rootnode.add_child(Node.s32('time', Time.beginning_of_today() - timeoffset))