def write_hdf5(bemio_obj, out_file=None): """ Function that writes NEMOH, WAMIT, or NEMOH data to a standard human readable data format that uses the HDF5 format. This data can easily be input into various codes, such as MATLAB, Python, C++, etc. The data can easily be viewed using `HDFVIEW <>`_. Parameters: data_object : {,,} A data object created using the data readers out_file : str, optional The name of the output file. The file should have the .h5 file extension Examples: This example assumes there is a wamit output file called wamit.out that is read using the function >>> from import read >>> from import write_hdf5 >>> wamit_data = read(out_file=wamit.out) >>> write_hdf5(wamit_data) Writing HDF5 data to ./wamit.h5 """ if out_file is None: out_file = bemio_obj.files["hdf5"] print "Writing HDF5 data to " + out_file with h5py.File(out_file, "w") as f: for key, key in enumerate(bemio_obj.body.keys()): # Body properities cg = f.create_dataset("body" + str(key + 1) + "/properties/cg", data=bemio_obj.body[key].cg) cg.attrs["units"] = "m" cg.attrs["description"] = "Center of gravity" cb = f.create_dataset("body" + str(key + 1) + "/properties/cb", data=bemio_obj.body[key].cb) cb.attrs["units"] = "m" cb.attrs["description"] = "Center of buoyancy" vol = f.create_dataset("body" + str(key + 1) + "/properties/disp_vol", data=bemio_obj.body[key].disp_vol) vol.attrs["units"] = "m^3" vol.attrs["description"] = "Displaced volume" name = f.create_dataset("body" + str(key + 1) + "/properties/name", data=bemio_obj.body[key].name) name.attrs["description"] = "Name of rigid body" num = f.create_dataset("body" + str(key + 1) + "/properties/body_number", data=bemio_obj.body[key].body_num) num.attrs["description"] = "Number of rigid body from the BEM simulation" # Hydro coeffs # Radiation IRF try: irf_rad_k_correct_loc = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/radiation_damping/impulse_response_fun/K", data=bemio_obj.body[key].rd.irf.K, ) irf_rad_k_correct_loc.attrs["units"] = "" irf_rad_k_correct_loc.attrs["description"] = "Impulse response function" irf_rad_t_correct_loc = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/radiation_damping/impulse_response_fun/t", data=bemio_obj.body[key].rd.irf.t, ) irf_rad_t_correct_loc.attrs["units"] = "seconds" irf_rad_t_correct_loc.attrs["description"] = "Time vector for the impulse response function" irf_rad_w_correct_loc = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/radiation_damping/impulse_response_fun/w", data=bemio_obj.body[key].rd.irf.w, ) irf_rad_w_correct_loc.attrs["units"] = "seconds" irf_rad_w_correct_loc.attrs[ "description" ] = "Interpolated frequencies used to compute the impulse response function" irf_rad_l_correct_loc = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/radiation_damping/impulse_response_fun/L", data=bemio_obj.body[key].rd.irf.L, ) irf_rad_l_correct_loc.attrs["units"] = "" irf_rad_l_correct_loc.attrs["description"] = "Time derivative of the impulse response function" for m in xrange(bemio_obj.body[key].am.all.shape[0]): for n in xrange(bemio_obj.body[key].am.all.shape[1]): irf_rad_l_comp_correct_loc = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/radiation_damping/impulse_response_fun/components/L/" + str(m + 1) + "_" + str(n + 1), data=np.array( [bemio_obj.body[key].rd.irf.t, bemio_obj.body[key].rd.irf.L[m, n, :]] ).transpose(), ) irf_rad_l_comp_correct_loc.attrs["units"] = "" irf_rad_l_comp_correct_loc.attrs["description"] = "Components of the IRF" irf_rad_k_comp_correct_loc = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/radiation_damping/impulse_response_fun/components/K/" + str(m + 1) + "_" + str(n + 1), data=np.array( [bemio_obj.body[key].rd.irf.t, bemio_obj.body[key].rd.irf.K[m, n, :]] ).transpose(), ) irf_rad_k_comp_correct_loc.attrs["units"] = "" irf_rad_k_comp_correct_loc.attrs["description"] = "Components of the ddt(IRF): K" except: print "\tRadiation IRF functions for " + bemio_obj.body[key].name + " were not written." # Excitation IRF try: irf_ex_f = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/excitation/impulse_response_fun/f", data=bemio_obj.body[key].ex.irf.f, ) irf_ex_f.attrs["units"] = "" irf_ex_f.attrs["description"] = "Impulse response function" irf_ex_t = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/excitation/impulse_response_fun/w", data=bemio_obj.body[key].ex.irf.w, ) irf_ex_w = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/excitation/impulse_response_fun/t", data=bemio_obj.body[key].ex.irf.t, ) for m in xrange(bemio_obj.body[key].ex.mag.shape[0]): for n in xrange(bemio_obj.body[key].ex.mag.shape[1]): irf_ex_f_comp = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/excitation/impulse_response_fun/components/f/" + str(m + 1) + "_" + str(n + 1), data=np.array( [bemio_obj.body[key].ex.irf.t, bemio_obj.body[key].ex.irf.f[m, n, :]] ).transpose(), ) irf_ex_f_comp.attrs["units"] = "" irf_ex_f_comp.attrs["description"] = "Components of the ddt(IRF): f" except: print "\tExcitation IRF functions for " + bemio_obj.body[key].name + " were not written." try: ssRadfA = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/radiation_damping/state_space/A/all", data=bemio_obj.body[key], ) ssRadfA.attrs["units"] = "" ssRadfA.attrs["description"] = "State Space A Coefficient" ssRadfB = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/radiation_damping/state_space/B/all", data=bemio_obj.body[key], ) ssRadfB.attrs["units"] = "" ssRadfB.attrs["description"] = "State Space B Coefficient" ssRadfC = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/radiation_damping/state_space/C/all", data=bemio_obj.body[key], ) ssRadfC.attrs["units"] = "" ssRadfC.attrs["description"] = "State Space C Coefficient" ssRadfD = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/radiation_damping/state_space/D/all", data=bemio_obj.body[key], ) ssRadfD.attrs["units"] = "" ssRadfD.attrs["description"] = "State Space D Coefficient" r2t = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/radiation_damping/state_space/r2t", data=bemio_obj.body[key], ) r2t.attrs["units"] = "" r2t.attrs["description"] = "State space curve fitting R**2 value" it = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/radiation_damping/state_space/it", data=bemio_obj.body[key], ) it.attrs["units"] = "" it.attrs["description"] = "Order of state space realization" for m in xrange(bemio_obj.body[key].am.all.shape[0]): for n in xrange(bemio_obj.body[key].am.all.shape[1]): ss_A = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/radiation_damping/state_space/A/components/" + str(m + 1) + "_" + str(n + 1), data=bemio_obj.body[key][m, n, :, :], ) ss_A.attrs["units"] = "" ss_A.attrs["description"] = "Components of the State Space A Coefficient" ss_B = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/radiation_damping/state_space/B/components/" + str(m + 1) + "_" + str(n + 1), data=bemio_obj.body[key][m, n, :, :], ) ss_B.attrs["units"] = "" ss_B.attrs["description"] = "Components of the State Space B Coefficient" ss_C = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/radiation_damping/state_space/C/components/" + str(m + 1) + "_" + str(n + 1), data=bemio_obj.body[key][m, n, :, :], ) ss_C.attrs["units"] = "" ss_C.attrs["description"] = "Components of the State Space C Coefficient" ss_D = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/radiation_damping/state_space/D/components/" + str(m + 1) + "_" + str(n + 1), data=bemio_obj.body[key][m, n], ) ss_D.attrs["units"] = "" ss_D.attrs["description"] = "Components of the State Space C Coefficient" except: print "\tRadiation state space coefficients for " + bemio_obj.body[key].name + " were not written." k = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/linear_restoring_stiffness", data=bemio_obj.body[key].k ) k.attrs["units"] = "" k.attrs["description"] = "Hydrostatic stiffness matrix" exMag = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/excitation/mag", data=bemio_obj.body[key].ex.mag ) exMag.attrs["units"] = "" exMag.attrs["description"] = "Magnitude of excitation force" exPhase = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/excitation/phase", data=bemio_obj.body[key].ex.phase ) exPhase.attrs["units"] = "rad" exPhase.attrs["description"] = "Phase angle of excitation force" exRe = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/excitation/re", data=bemio_obj.body[key] ) exRe.attrs["units"] = "" exRe.attrs["description"] = "Real component of excitation force" exIm = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/excitation/im", data=bemio_obj.body[key] ) exIm.attrs["units"] = "" exIm.attrs["description"] = "Imaginary component of excitation force" for m in xrange(bemio_obj.body[key].ex.mag.shape[0]): for n in xrange(bemio_obj.body[key].ex.mag.shape[1]): irf_ex_f_comp = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/excitation//components/mag/" + str(m + 1) + "_" + str(n + 1), data=np.array([bemio_obj.body[key].T, bemio_obj.body[key].ex.mag[m, n, :]]).transpose(), ) irf_ex_f_comp = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/excitation//components/phase/" + str(m + 1) + "_" + str(n + 1), data=np.array([bemio_obj.body[key].T, bemio_obj.body[key].ex.phase[m, n, :]]).transpose(), ) irf_ex_f_comp = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/excitation//components/re/" + str(m + 1) + "_" + str(n + 1), data=np.array([bemio_obj.body[key].T, bemio_obj.body[key][m, n, :]]).transpose(), ) irf_ex_f_comp = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/excitation//components/im/" + str(m + 1) + "_" + str(n + 1), data=np.array([bemio_obj.body[key].T, bemio_obj.body[key][m, n, :]]).transpose(), ) # Scattering and FK forces try: ex_sc_Mag = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/excitation/scattering/mag", data=bemio_obj.body[key], ) ex_sc_Mag.attrs["units"] = "" ex_sc_Mag.attrs["description"] = "Magnitude of excitation force" ex_sc_Phase = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/excitation/scattering/phase", data=bemio_obj.body[key], ) ex_sc_Phase.attrs["units"] = "rad" ex_sc_Phase.attrs["description"] = "Phase angle of excitation force" ex_sc_Re = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/excitation/scattering/re", data=bemio_obj.body[key] ) ex_sc_Re.attrs["units"] = "" ex_sc_Re.attrs["description"] = "Real component of excitation force" ex_sc_Im = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/excitation/scattering/im", data=bemio_obj.body[key] ) ex_sc_Im.attrs["units"] = "" ex_sc_Im.attrs["description"] = "Imaginary component of excitation force" ex_fk_Mag = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/excitation/froud_krylof/mag", data=bemio_obj.body[key], ) ex_fk_Mag.attrs["units"] = "" ex_fk_Mag.attrs["description"] = "Magnitude of excitation force" ex_fk_Phase = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/excitation/froud_krylof/phase", data=bemio_obj.body[key], ) ex_fk_Phase.attrs["units"] = "rad" ex_fk_Phase.attrs["description"] = "Phase angle of excitation force" ex_fk_Re = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/excitation/froud_krylof/re", data=bemio_obj.body[key], ) ex_fk_Re.attrs["units"] = "" ex_fk_Re.attrs["description"] = "Real component of excitation force" ex_fk_Im = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/excitation/froud_krylof/im", data=bemio_obj.body[key], ) ex_fk_Im.attrs["units"] = "" ex_fk_Im.attrs["description"] = "Imaginary component of excitation force" except: pass # Write added mass information amInf = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/added_mass/inf_freq", data=bemio_obj.body[key].am.inf ) amInf.attrs["units for translational degrees of freedom"] = "kg" amInf.attrs["description"] = "Infinite frequency added mass" am = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/added_mass/all", data=bemio_obj.body[key].am.all ) am.attrs["units for translational degrees of freedom"] = "kg" am.attrs["units for rotational degrees of freedom"] = "kg-m^2" am.attrs["description"] = "Added mass. Frequency is the third dimension of the data structure." for m in xrange(bemio_obj.body[key].am.all.shape[0]): for n in xrange(bemio_obj.body[key].am.all.shape[1]): amComp = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/added_mass/components/" + str(m + 1) + "_" + str(n + 1), data=np.array([bemio_obj.body[key].T, bemio_obj.body[key].am.all[m, n, :]]).transpose(), ) amComp.attrs["units"] = "" amComp.attrs["description"] = "Added mass components as a function of frequency" radComp = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/radiation_damping/components/" + str(m + 1) + "_" + str(n + 1), data=np.array([bemio_obj.body[key].T, bemio_obj.body[key].rd.all[m, n, :]]).transpose(), ) radComp.attrs["units"] = "" radComp.attrs["description"] = "Radiation damping components as a function of frequency" rad = f.create_dataset( "body" + str(key + 1) + "/hydro_coeffs/radiation_damping/all", data=bemio_obj.body[key].rd.all ) rad.attrs["units"] = "" rad.attrs["description"] = "Radiation damping. Frequency is the thrid dimension of the data structure." # Simulation parameters g = f.create_dataset("simulation_parameters/g", data=bemio_obj.body[key].g) g.attrs["units"] = "m/s^2" g.attrs["description"] = "Gravitational acceleration" rho = f.create_dataset("simulation_parameters/rho", data=bemio_obj.body[key].rho) rho.attrs["units"] = "kg/m^3" rho.attrs["description"] = "Water density" T = f.create_dataset("simulation_parameters/T", data=bemio_obj.body[key].T) T.attrs["units"] = "s" T.attrs["description"] = "Wave periods" w = f.create_dataset("simulation_parameters/w", data=bemio_obj.body[key].w) w.attrs["units"] = "rad/s" w.attrs["description"] = "Wave frequencies" water_depth = f.create_dataset("simulation_parameters/water_depth", data=bemio_obj.body[key].water_depth) water_depth.attrs["units"] = "m" water_depth.attrs["description"] = "Water depth" wave_dir = f.create_dataset("simulation_parameters/wave_dir", data=bemio_obj.body[key].wave_dir) wave_dir.attrs["units"] = "rad" wave_dir.attrs["description"] = "Wave direction" scaled = f.create_dataset("simulation_parameters/scaled", data=bemio_obj.body[key].scaled) scaled.attrs["description"] = "True: The data is scaled by rho*g, False: The data is not scaled by rho*g" bemio_version = f.create_dataset("bemio_information/version", data=base()) rawOut = f.create_dataset("bem_data/output", data=bemio_obj.body[key].bem_raw_data) rawOut.attrs["description"] = "Raw output from BEM code" code = f.create_dataset("bem_data/code", data=bemio_obj.body[key].bem_code) code.attrs["description"] = "BEM code"
def write_hdf5(bemio_obj, out_file=None): ''' Function that writes NEMOH, WAMIT, or NEMOH data to a standard human readable data format that uses the HDF5 format. This data can easily be input into various codes, such as MATLAB, Python, C++, etc. The data can easily be viewed using `HDFVIEW <>`_. Parameters: data_object : {,,} A data object created using the data readers out_file : str, optional The name of the output file. The file should have the .h5 file extension Examples: This example assumes there is a wamit output file called wamit.out that is read using the function >>> from import read >>> from import write_hdf5 >>> wamit_data = read(out_file=wamit.out) >>> write_hdf5(wamit_data) Writing HDF5 data to ./wamit.h5 ''' if out_file is None: out_file = bemio_obj.files['hdf5'] print 'Writing HDF5 data to ' + out_file with h5py.File(out_file, "w") as f: for key, key in enumerate(bemio_obj.body.keys()): # Body properities cg = f.create_dataset('body' + str(key + 1) + '/properties/cg', data=bemio_obj.body[key].cg) cg.attrs['units'] = 'm' cg.attrs['description'] = 'Center of gravity' cb = f.create_dataset('body' + str(key + 1) + '/properties/cb', data=bemio_obj.body[key].cb) cb.attrs['units'] = 'm' cb.attrs['description'] = 'Center of buoyancy' vol = f.create_dataset('body' + str(key + 1) + '/properties/disp_vol', data=bemio_obj.body[key].disp_vol) vol.attrs['units'] = 'm^3' vol.attrs['description'] = 'Displaced volume' name = f.create_dataset('body' + str(key + 1) + '/properties/name', data=bemio_obj.body[key].name) name.attrs['description'] = 'Name of rigid body' num = f.create_dataset('body' + str(key + 1) + '/properties/body_number', data=bemio_obj.body[key].body_num) num.attrs[ 'description'] = 'Number of rigid body from the BEM simulation' # Hydro coeffs # Radiation IRF try: irf_rad_k_correct_loc = f.create_dataset( 'body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/radiation_damping/impulse_response_fun/K', data=bemio_obj.body[key].rd.irf.K) irf_rad_k_correct_loc.attrs['units'] = '' irf_rad_k_correct_loc.attrs[ 'description'] = 'Impulse response function' irf_rad_t_correct_loc = f.create_dataset( 'body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/radiation_damping/impulse_response_fun/t', data=bemio_obj.body[key].rd.irf.t) irf_rad_t_correct_loc.attrs['units'] = 'seconds' irf_rad_t_correct_loc.attrs[ 'description'] = 'Time vector for the impulse response function' irf_rad_w_correct_loc = f.create_dataset( 'body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/radiation_damping/impulse_response_fun/w', data=bemio_obj.body[key].rd.irf.w) irf_rad_w_correct_loc.attrs['units'] = 'seconds' irf_rad_w_correct_loc.attrs[ 'description'] = 'Interpolated frequencies used to compute the impulse response function' irf_rad_l_correct_loc = f.create_dataset( 'body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/radiation_damping/impulse_response_fun/L', data=bemio_obj.body[key].rd.irf.L) irf_rad_l_correct_loc.attrs['units'] = '' irf_rad_l_correct_loc.attrs[ 'description'] = 'Time derivative of the impulse response function' for m in xrange(bemio_obj.body[key].am.all.shape[0]): for n in xrange(bemio_obj.body[key].am.all.shape[1]): irf_rad_l_comp_correct_loc = f.create_dataset( 'body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/radiation_damping/impulse_response_fun/components/L/' + str(m + 1) + '_' + str(n + 1), data=np.array([ bemio_obj.body[key].rd.irf.t, bemio_obj.body[key].rd.irf.L[m, n, :] ]).transpose()) irf_rad_l_comp_correct_loc.attrs['units'] = '' irf_rad_l_comp_correct_loc.attrs[ 'description'] = 'Components of the IRF' irf_rad_k_comp_correct_loc = f.create_dataset( 'body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/radiation_damping/impulse_response_fun/components/K/' + str(m + 1) + '_' + str(n + 1), data=np.array([ bemio_obj.body[key].rd.irf.t, bemio_obj.body[key].rd.irf.K[m, n, :] ]).transpose()) irf_rad_k_comp_correct_loc.attrs['units'] = '' irf_rad_k_comp_correct_loc.attrs[ 'description'] = 'Components of the ddt(IRF): K' except: print '\tRadiation IRF functions for ' + bemio_obj.body[ key].name + ' were not written.' # Excitation IRF try: irf_ex_f = f.create_dataset( 'body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/excitation/impulse_response_fun/f', data=bemio_obj.body[key].ex.irf.f) irf_ex_f.attrs['units'] = '' irf_ex_f.attrs['description'] = 'Impulse response function' irf_ex_t = f.create_dataset( 'body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/excitation/impulse_response_fun/w', data=bemio_obj.body[key].ex.irf.w) irf_ex_w = f.create_dataset( 'body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/excitation/impulse_response_fun/t', data=bemio_obj.body[key].ex.irf.t) for m in xrange(bemio_obj.body[key].ex.mag.shape[0]): for n in xrange(bemio_obj.body[key].ex.mag.shape[1]): irf_ex_f_comp = f.create_dataset( 'body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/excitation/impulse_response_fun/components/f/' + str(m + 1) + '_' + str(n + 1), data=np.array([ bemio_obj.body[key].ex.irf.t, bemio_obj.body[key].ex.irf.f[m, n, :] ]).transpose()) irf_ex_f_comp.attrs['units'] = '' irf_ex_f_comp.attrs[ 'description'] = 'Components of the ddt(IRF): f' except: print '\tExcitation IRF functions for ' + bemio_obj.body[ key].name + ' were not written.' try: ssRadfA = f.create_dataset( 'body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/radiation_damping/state_space/A/all', data=bemio_obj.body[key] ssRadfA.attrs['units'] = '' ssRadfA.attrs['description'] = 'State Space A Coefficient' ssRadfB = f.create_dataset( 'body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/radiation_damping/state_space/B/all', data=bemio_obj.body[key] ssRadfB.attrs['units'] = '' ssRadfB.attrs['description'] = 'State Space B Coefficient' ssRadfC = f.create_dataset( 'body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/radiation_damping/state_space/C/all', data=bemio_obj.body[key] ssRadfC.attrs['units'] = '' ssRadfC.attrs['description'] = 'State Space C Coefficient' ssRadfD = f.create_dataset( 'body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/radiation_damping/state_space/D/all', data=bemio_obj.body[key] ssRadfD.attrs['units'] = '' ssRadfD.attrs['description'] = 'State Space D Coefficient' r2t = f.create_dataset( 'body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/radiation_damping/state_space/r2t', data=bemio_obj.body[key] r2t.attrs['units'] = '' r2t.attrs[ 'description'] = 'State space curve fitting R**2 value' it = f.create_dataset( 'body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/radiation_damping/state_space/it', data=bemio_obj.body[key] it.attrs['units'] = '' it.attrs['description'] = 'Order of state space realization' for m in xrange(bemio_obj.body[key].am.all.shape[0]): for n in xrange(bemio_obj.body[key].am.all.shape[1]): ss_A = f.create_dataset( 'body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/radiation_damping/state_space/A/components/' + str(m + 1) + '_' + str(n + 1), data=bemio_obj.body[key][m, n, :, :]) ss_A.attrs['units'] = '' ss_A.attrs[ 'description'] = 'Components of the State Space A Coefficient' ss_B = f.create_dataset( 'body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/radiation_damping/state_space/B/components/' + str(m + 1) + '_' + str(n + 1), data=bemio_obj.body[key][m, n, :, :]) ss_B.attrs['units'] = '' ss_B.attrs[ 'description'] = 'Components of the State Space B Coefficient' ss_C = f.create_dataset( 'body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/radiation_damping/state_space/C/components/' + str(m + 1) + '_' + str(n + 1), data=bemio_obj.body[key][m, n, :, :]) ss_C.attrs['units'] = '' ss_C.attrs[ 'description'] = 'Components of the State Space C Coefficient' ss_D = f.create_dataset( 'body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/radiation_damping/state_space/D/components/' + str(m + 1) + '_' + str(n + 1), data=bemio_obj.body[key][m, n]) ss_D.attrs['units'] = '' ss_D.attrs[ 'description'] = 'Components of the State Space C Coefficient' except: print '\tRadiation state space coefficients for ' + bemio_obj.body[ key].name + ' were not written.' k = f.create_dataset('body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/linear_restoring_stiffness', data=bemio_obj.body[key].k) k.attrs['units'] = '' k.attrs['description'] = 'Hydrostatic stiffness matrix' exMag = f.create_dataset('body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/excitation/mag', data=bemio_obj.body[key].ex.mag) exMag.attrs['units'] = '' exMag.attrs['description'] = 'Magnitude of excitation force' exPhase = f.create_dataset('body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/excitation/phase', data=bemio_obj.body[key].ex.phase) exPhase.attrs['units'] = 'rad' exPhase.attrs['description'] = 'Phase angle of excitation force' exRe = f.create_dataset('body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/excitation/re', data=bemio_obj.body[key] exRe.attrs['units'] = '' exRe.attrs['description'] = 'Real component of excitation force' exIm = f.create_dataset('body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/excitation/im', data=bemio_obj.body[key] exIm.attrs['units'] = '' exIm.attrs[ 'description'] = 'Imaginary component of excitation force' for m in xrange(bemio_obj.body[key].ex.mag.shape[0]): for n in xrange(bemio_obj.body[key].ex.mag.shape[1]): irf_ex_f_comp = f.create_dataset( 'body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/excitation//components/mag/' + str(m + 1) + '_' + str(n + 1), data=np.array([ bemio_obj.body[key].T, bemio_obj.body[key].ex.mag[m, n, :] ]).transpose()) irf_ex_f_comp = f.create_dataset( 'body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/excitation//components/phase/' + str(m + 1) + '_' + str(n + 1), data=np.array([ bemio_obj.body[key].T, bemio_obj.body[key].ex.phase[m, n, :] ]).transpose()) irf_ex_f_comp = f.create_dataset( 'body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/excitation//components/re/' + str(m + 1) + '_' + str(n + 1), data=np.array([ bemio_obj.body[key].T, bemio_obj.body[key][m, n, :] ]).transpose()) irf_ex_f_comp = f.create_dataset( 'body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/excitation//components/im/' + str(m + 1) + '_' + str(n + 1), data=np.array([ bemio_obj.body[key].T, bemio_obj.body[key][m, n, :] ]).transpose()) # Scattering and FK forces try: ex_sc_Mag = f.create_dataset( 'body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/excitation/scattering/mag', data=bemio_obj.body[key] ex_sc_Mag.attrs['units'] = '' ex_sc_Mag.attrs[ 'description'] = 'Magnitude of excitation force' ex_sc_Phase = f.create_dataset( 'body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/excitation/scattering/phase', data=bemio_obj.body[key] ex_sc_Phase.attrs['units'] = 'rad' ex_sc_Phase.attrs[ 'description'] = 'Phase angle of excitation force' ex_sc_Re = f.create_dataset( 'body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/excitation/scattering/re', data=bemio_obj.body[key] ex_sc_Re.attrs['units'] = '' ex_sc_Re.attrs[ 'description'] = 'Real component of excitation force' ex_sc_Im = f.create_dataset( 'body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/excitation/scattering/im', data=bemio_obj.body[key] ex_sc_Im.attrs['units'] = '' ex_sc_Im.attrs[ 'description'] = 'Imaginary component of excitation force' ex_fk_Mag = f.create_dataset( 'body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/excitation/froud_krylof/mag', data=bemio_obj.body[key] ex_fk_Mag.attrs['units'] = '' ex_fk_Mag.attrs[ 'description'] = 'Magnitude of excitation force' ex_fk_Phase = f.create_dataset( 'body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/excitation/froud_krylof/phase', data=bemio_obj.body[key] ex_fk_Phase.attrs['units'] = 'rad' ex_fk_Phase.attrs[ 'description'] = 'Phase angle of excitation force' ex_fk_Re = f.create_dataset( 'body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/excitation/froud_krylof/re', data=bemio_obj.body[key] ex_fk_Re.attrs['units'] = '' ex_fk_Re.attrs[ 'description'] = 'Real component of excitation force' ex_fk_Im = f.create_dataset( 'body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/excitation/froud_krylof/im', data=bemio_obj.body[key] ex_fk_Im.attrs['units'] = '' ex_fk_Im.attrs[ 'description'] = 'Imaginary component of excitation force' except: pass # Write added mass information amInf = f.create_dataset('body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/added_mass/inf_freq', data=bemio_obj.body[key].am.inf) amInf.attrs['units for translational degrees of freedom'] = 'kg' amInf.attrs['description'] = 'Infinite frequency added mass' am = f.create_dataset('body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/added_mass/all', data=bemio_obj.body[key].am.all) am.attrs['units for translational degrees of freedom'] = 'kg' am.attrs['units for rotational degrees of freedom'] = 'kg-m^2' am.attrs[ 'description'] = 'Added mass. Frequency is the third dimension of the data structure.' for m in xrange(bemio_obj.body[key].am.all.shape[0]): for n in xrange(bemio_obj.body[key].am.all.shape[1]): amComp = f.create_dataset( 'body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/added_mass/components/' + str(m + 1) + '_' + str(n + 1), data=np.array([ bemio_obj.body[key].T, bemio_obj.body[key].am.all[m, n, :] ]).transpose()) amComp.attrs['units'] = '' amComp.attrs[ 'description'] = 'Added mass components as a function of frequency' radComp = f.create_dataset( 'body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/radiation_damping/components/' + str(m + 1) + '_' + str(n + 1), data=np.array([ bemio_obj.body[key].T, bemio_obj.body[key].rd.all[m, n, :] ]).transpose()) radComp.attrs['units'] = '' radComp.attrs[ 'description'] = 'Radiation damping components as a function of frequency' rad = f.create_dataset('body' + str(key + 1) + '/hydro_coeffs/radiation_damping/all', data=bemio_obj.body[key].rd.all) rad.attrs['units'] = '' rad.attrs[ 'description'] = 'Radiation damping. Frequency is the thrid dimension of the data structure.' # Simulation parameters g = f.create_dataset('simulation_parameters/g', data=bemio_obj.body[key].g) g.attrs['units'] = 'm/s^2' g.attrs['description'] = 'Gravitational acceleration' rho = f.create_dataset('simulation_parameters/rho', data=bemio_obj.body[key].rho) rho.attrs['units'] = 'kg/m^3' rho.attrs['description'] = 'Water density' T = f.create_dataset('simulation_parameters/T', data=bemio_obj.body[key].T) T.attrs['units'] = 's' T.attrs['description'] = 'Wave periods' w = f.create_dataset('simulation_parameters/w', data=bemio_obj.body[key].w) w.attrs['units'] = 'rad/s' w.attrs['description'] = 'Wave frequencies' water_depth = f.create_dataset('simulation_parameters/water_depth', data=bemio_obj.body[key].water_depth) water_depth.attrs['units'] = 'm' water_depth.attrs['description'] = 'Water depth' wave_dir = f.create_dataset('simulation_parameters/wave_dir', data=bemio_obj.body[key].wave_dir) wave_dir.attrs['units'] = 'rad' wave_dir.attrs['description'] = 'Wave direction' scaled = f.create_dataset('simulation_parameters/scaled', data=bemio_obj.body[key].scaled) scaled.attrs[ 'description'] = 'True: The data is scaled by rho*g, False: The data is not scaled by rho*g' bemio_version = f.create_dataset('bemio_information/version', data=base()) rawOut = f.create_dataset('bem_data/output', data=bemio_obj.body[key].bem_raw_data) rawOut.attrs['description'] = 'Raw output from BEM code' code = f.create_dataset('bem_data/code', data=bemio_obj.body[key].bem_code) code.attrs['description'] = 'BEM code'
"""A setuptools based setup module for bemio """ # Always prefer setuptools over distutils from setuptools import setup, find_packages from bemio.__version__ import base setup( name='bemio', version=base(), description='bemio', long_description='Boundary Element Method Input/Output', url='', author='Michael Lawson, Yi-Hsiang Yu, Carlos Michelen', author_email='*****@*****.**', license='Apache 2.0', classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: Release', 'Intended Audience :: Ocean research community', 'License ::Apache 2.0', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7'