Exemple #1
from bento.common import logger, datautil

logging = logger.fancy_logger(__name__)

def load():
    filename = "sample_covid_data.csv"
    data = {
        "df": datautil.df_loader(filename, parse_dates=["date"]),
        "keys": ["county", "state", "fips"],
        "types": {
            "date": "date",
            "cases": int,
            "deaths": int,
    return data
Exemple #2
import math

from bento.common import logger, logutil  # noqa

logging = logger.fancy_logger(__name__, level=10)

# @logutil.loginfo(level='debug')
def apply_grid(page):
    gridsize = {"width": 12, "height": 8, "rowstart": 1}
    if page.get("sidebar"):
        gridsize["width"] = 9
        gridsize["rowstart"] = 4
    layout = page.get("layout")
    arr, bout = arrange(page["banks"], layout, gridsize)
    # TODO Handle more of the following outside the grid mechanics
    # The list of bank layout objects is the core piece (in "banks")
    return {
        "layout": arr,
        "banks": bout,
        "sidebar": page.get("sidebar"),
        "intro": page.get("intro"),
        "title": page.get("title", ""),
        "subtitle": page.get("subtitle", ""),

# TODO Figure out where and when we need this
def _rescale_ref(ref_sizes, grid_width=12, def_width=12):
    new_sizes = {}
    for name, val in ref_sizes.items():
Exemple #3
import black
import cerberus
import copy
import importlib
import pathlib
import re
from typing import Dict, List
from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader

from bento import util as butil
from bento import banks, grid, schema, style

from bento.common import logger, logutil, dictutil, codeutil  # noqa

logging = logger.fancy_logger(__name__, fmt="simple")

class Bento:
    """Acts as the gateway to all Bento functionality.

    Initialization Parameters
    descriptor : dict
        The descriptor contains all of the user-supplied information defining the
        desired dashboard. See the user guide for creating a descriptor.
    init_only : bool
        Supply True in order to halt the automatic processing of the descriptor. This
        can be useful for debugging or modifying the standard app-creation process.

Exemple #4
import importlib
import os

from bento import bento
from bento.common import logger

logging = logger.fancy_logger("entrypoint")

logging.info(f"Loading descriptor from ./descriptor.py")
desc_file = importlib.import_module(f"descriptor")

# This generates the app from the descriptor
app_def = bento.Bento(desc_file.descriptor)
if app_def.valid:

    # Gunicorn requires an object containing the server: app.server
    from bento_app import app  # noqa

    bento_flask = app.server

# When not deploying on the web, you can run the entrypoint without Gunicorn
if __name__ == "__main__" and app_def.valid:
    logging.info("Running development server with hot-reload")
    app.run_server(port=8050, debug=True)
Exemple #5
import flask
import functools
import inspect
import os
import traceback
from bento.common import logger

# logging = logger.fancy_logger(__name__)
# We want to use a simple format here because we care about the wrapped function
# Not the location and name of the wrapper
logging = logger.fancy_logger(__name__, fmt="bare")

def _parse_id(func):
    """Supplies the module name and functon name as a 2-tuple"""
    return (func.__module__.split(".")[-1], func.__name__)

def loginfo(level="debug", log_route=False):
    def inner(func):
        """Wraps class methods to provide automatic log output on args/return value"""
        module, name = _parse_id(func)

        # Retrieves list of ordered arg names from the decorated function
        arg_names = list(inspect.signature(func).parameters.keys())
        class_method = False
        # Removes class-related leading arg from consideration
        if arg_names and arg_names[0] in ("self", "cls"):
            class_method = True
            arg_names = arg_names[1:]
Exemple #6
import re

from bento.common import logutil  # noqa
from bento.common.logger import fancy_logger

logging = fancy_logger(__name__)

def pluck(input_dictionary):
    """Destructures a dictionary (vaguely like ES6 for JS)
       Results are SORTED by key alphabetically! You must sort your receiving vars
    items = sorted(input_dictionary.items())
    return [item[1] for item in items]

def _cid2c(cid):
    """Gets just the component portion of a cid string
    e.g. main_page/axis_controls|x_column.value => x_column
    return cid.split("|")[-1].split(".")[0]

def process_inputs(input_dictionary):
    """Alters the keys of a dictionary by a helper function"""
    return {_cid2c(key): val for key, val in input_dictionary.items()}

def strip_prefix(input_dictionary):
    """Alters the keys of a dictionary by a helper function"""
    return {key.split("|")[-1]: val for key, val in input_dictionary.items()}